Tuesday, 2008-08-19

paulproteusThe thing starts at 6, and it takes 20 minutes easy on the bus to get out there.00:10
paulproteusApparently Hugo's code is pretty sane.00:10
nkinkadepaulproteus: Does that mean you'd like to be heading out of here in about 20 minutes?00:11
Bovinityugh, taking the 38 bus anywhere always feels an eternity longer than it is00:12
Bovinity20 minutes? ha.00:12
paulproteus"20 minutes easy"00:12
paulproteusSure, that's what I was thinking.00:12
Bovinity20 minutes easy to walk up to market, wait, and get on00:12
paulproteusBeing totally on time isn't actually a necessity.  Before half past six would be nice though.00:13
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paulproteusI really like this "etchnhalf".00:15
nkinkadeYou like the name or the concept? :)00:27
paulproteusThe name as part of a package version number.00:27
paulproteusThe concept's cool too.00:27
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parkerhigginsskyfaller, i know it's late, but ping?05:58
parkerhigginswhoops.  i meant that for #freeculture, of course.05:59
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paulproteusHowdy ftobia, hdworak, ankitg.18:17
ftobiahey paulproteus18:18
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paulproteusHowdy nathany too.18:18
nathanyhey paulproteus18:19
hdworakall's well that ends well18:19
hdworaknathany: I hereby grant you an irrevocable permission to share my midterm and final survey of GSOC 2008 with paulproteus, should he be interested in my answers18:20
nathanygreat :) can i do that from the web interface?18:21
nathanyi'm not even sure i can see them... but if i can and he's interested, i will18:21
hdworakI dunno how your admin iface looks like18:21
hdworakok, then I can do screenshots18:21
hdworakI've got a tool that captures the entire page (Page Saver)18:21
nathany(or he can ask you for them once i look)18:21
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ftobiapaulproteus: is there some special way to git-push tags? i don't think they get pushed automatically.18:45
paulproteusftobia, git push --tags18:46
ftobiai'm glad it's so simple.18:47
paulproteusftobia, phrasebook? (-:18:47
ftobiai'm on it.18:47
paulproteusnathany, hdworak, Yes I am interested.18:48
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paulproteusankitg, When do you want to talk about running your code on an EC2 machine?19:13
paulproteusAnd how much help do you think you'll need for that?19:13
paulproteusnkinkade, http://herder.creativecommons.org/ probably uses ProxyPass and could use Varnish instead, btw.19:14
nkinkadepaulproteus: That would be great.  I like eliminating needless middlemen.19:18
* paulproteus nods19:20
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ankitgpaulproteus: I recall I'd need a certificate from Amazon etc to access to EC2 ... I'll go over it again and let you know exactly what getting EC2 will entail ... until then, I'll continue to work on the code, CGI, documentation etc ... when would be a good time for you?19:20
paulproteusankitg, Okay, just keep in mind that I'm evaluating you based on the push Monday morning Pacific time.19:20
paulproteusGSoC keeps going until September 3 or something, so you should by all means keep working on it!19:21
paulproteusre: good time for me: Any time in the next six hours is okay for me.19:21
* ankitg nods19:21
paulproteusIf no EC2 today, then we can retry in the same time range time tomorrow maybe.19:23
* hdworak has shared his surveys with paulproteus on priv19:24
hdworaknathany: ^^19:24
ankitgI've got school tomorrow ... and it's 3:30 already ... tomorrow in the same time-range / a bit earlier would be great.19:24
hdworak3:30? :)19:25
ankitghdworak: 0330 hrs, yes ...19:25
hdworakyou don't get much sleep, do you?19:26
ankitghow'd you figure?19:26
nathanyhdworak: thanks19:26
hdworakI used to do the same19:26
hdworakhard work with dedication, staying over night19:26
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hdworakpeople who do that deserve utmost respect19:28
hdworakand I'm sure it's going to pay off for you one day19:29
ankitghdworak: I think I am just gotten myself into too many things ... respect to you then, since you used to do that =)19:29
hdworakwell, thanks, but contrary to the popular belief "we should get smarter and older, instead of just older" I have also taken many commitments for the recent times19:30
hdworakthe only difference being I go to bed fairly early these days, otherwise it's the same :)19:31
paulproteusankitg, re: EC2: Great, just ping me on IRC.19:31
paulproteusIf you'd rather, ankitg, we can meet any other time; just try pinging me on IRC to see if I'm here.19:31
nkinkadepaulproteus: herder is now Apache-less.19:33
ankitgpaulproteus: thanks. If I recall correctly it requires just 4-5 steps on the Amazon account to setup an EC2 account, it should even be possible over email. Let me get the info again and get back to you.19:34
nkinkadeankitg: Since you've done more of it that anyone, do the Varnish and Apache logs that you have downloaded from S3 all seem in good shape?19:34
paulproteusnkinkade, "Yay"19:34
paulproteusankitg, email is great.19:34
nkinkadepaulproteus: I guess this means that we could even totally blast the vhost config and the log dir and all19:35
paulproteusnkinkade, ... huh.19:35
nkinkadeSame goes for validator-beta.19:35
paulproteusnkinkade, The git clone(s) have to live somewhere.19:35
paulproteusBut they're not in www.19:35
paulproteusThey're in directories off to the side of www (from what I recall).19:35
paulproteusThe Apache log dirs can go for sure.19:35
ankitgnkinkade: They all seem to maintain the access pattern as defined in the apache combined log format, if that's what you're asking ...19:36
nkinkadepaulproteus: Oh, we'll we could leave the apache dir, just for the sake of clarity, but it's not necessary by any means.19:36
nkinkadeankitg: More what I'm getting at is that every day I get lots of messages from the scripts that upload the files, and they *say* everything is okay, but I haven't actually verified any of the files and upload in a quite a while.19:37
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nkinkadeI guess I should make it habit to download a file or two every now and then to make sure that it's not actually sending lots of zero-length files to S3 :-)19:38
nkinkadeBut now you verify that this isn't the case, so I feel much better ... even though I've been remiss.19:38
ankitgnkinkade: ah, I only took a small sample to test the scripts .. but hardly any zero-lenght files ... none that I can recall ...19:39
nkinkadeThanks, God.19:40
nkinkadeOoops.  I meant "Thank, God" :-)19:40
nkinkadeOr rather "Thank God" with no comma.19:41
nkinkadeGrammar is such a sticky thing.  One extra S and comma and the whole meaning is *drastically* altered.19:41
ankitgnkinkade: actually, that would a good thing to put into my scripts ... to test / check if it's a zero-length file. Since my script is supposed to run (daily / nightly?) after the logs are in place, I could put in a little check for this if you're worried ...19:41
nkinkadeankitg: I have felt pretty confident about it, but you never know.  A zero-length file is just one possibility ... they could be files filled with junk.  I just would like to be assured that the files actually are getting there, and that the data they contain is valid, for the most part.19:43
paulproteusankitg, nkinkade, I'd say let's wait until we have this EC2 setup ready - then we can just do some massive evaluations. (-:19:43
paulproteusankitg, One note about your code: Can you please add some vertical space, skipping lines where it might make things easier?19:44
nkinkadepaulproteus: Good call.  At this point there is so much data up there that we scarcely have a hope of every downloading it for evaluation, except via an EC2 instance.19:44
nkinkadeI suspect that Amazon was hoping for this very scenario.19:45
ankitgnkinkade: if the data is junk, my script would raise a Value Error. If it's empty, I don't know what will happen ...19:45
paulproteusnkinkade, Hah (-:19:45
paulproteusThere are many other things I want to talk with you about your code.  I should dedicate a day this week to a serious code review for you.19:45
paulproteusIt's okay, it's all part of the learning process!19:46
paulproteusLet me assure you I'm one of the friendliest people who'll give you this sort of review. (-:19:46
paulproteusHopefully you already believe that!19:46
ankitgWhole-heartedly ...19:47
paulproteusftobia, I never gave you any help on http://teamspace.creativecommons.org/Tell_Frank_how_to_handle_image_icons rigt?19:47
ftobiapaulproteus: i think i handled that one. you can take a look in license-rdf (svn) and see if it looks good.  also that needs to be ported to git.19:50
nkinkadepaulproteus: What's the status on stats->a6?19:50
nkinkadeJust a reminder not to forget to comment out your cron jobs on a5 once it's moved. :-)19:50
paulproteusnkinkade, It's doing today's run on a5, since I forgot to disable the cron job last night.19:51
paulproteusI'll comment out the cron job right now so this doesn't happen tomorrow.19:51
paulproteusI have a Terminator window doing "watch ps 11240" (which is the cron job).19:51
paulproteusWhen it quits, I'll do the move.19:51
paulproteusThe rsync is all done, so it should be quick now that the data are in both places.19:52
paulproteus(Except the MySQL table, which I'll have to dump and re-import.)19:52
paulproteus(crontab adjusted)19:53
ankitgpaulproteus: I'll be going off soon, I just fwd-ed you an email re: EC2 that I had sent out earlier, that's should get us started on EC2 ...19:55
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nkinkadepaulproteus: Are you amenable to a reboot of a7?  I see you've got a couple python2.5 things runnings.21:45
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paulproteusnkinkade, Lemme see.21:46
paulproteusnkinkade, Sure.21:46
nkinkadepaulproteus: You've got the same things running on a8.21:47
nkinkadeWhat's up?21:47
paulproteusThey're Python pasters for web apps.21:47
paulproteusOne is herder, one is hdworak's.21:47
paulproteusYou can kill both.21:47
nkinkadeHow about if I just let the reboot kill them? :-)21:47
paulproteusPaster is the httpd for these Python web apps.21:47
nkinkadeAh, good to know.21:47
nkinkadeJust upgrading the kernel on both those machine, now that a5 and a6 seem to like it.21:48
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paulproteusExcept that a6 had the freaky hang yesterday.21:48
paulproteusBut yeah.21:48
paulproteusMaybe I should run these Debian stable kernels on my desktop.21:48
paulproteusI wonder why it hangs all the time.21:48
nkinkadeIt seems to me that yesterday's problem may have been related to mkdeeds ... but maybe not.21:49
paulproteusDoes the machine have swap enabled?21:49
paulproteusIt *must*, right?21:49
paulproteusAnyway, that's probably a lot of VM pressure.21:49
nkinkadepaulproteus: Yeah, swap is enabled.  But hilariously, a few weeks back I realized I had forgot to swapon on a5.21:50
nkinkadeIt was a regular riot.21:50
paulproteusI can only imagine!21:50
nkinkadeInterestingly the machine was seemed fine and it was just by chance that I noticed it in the output of top one day.21:51
paulproteusMost things are fine until they're not. (-;21:51
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nkinkadeAnd most things are what they are.21:52
nkinkadeI like that saying, "Well, it is what it is?"  I find myself saying it a lot in the last year or two.21:52
paulproteusI like that uptalk?21:53
nkinkadeIt rather nicely sums up life.21:53
nkinkadeAnd the beauty is that it doesn't presume to judge it good or bad, simply that it is.21:53
paulproteusFor what I said, I meant more like, "You usually don't notice failures until they're catastrophic."21:53
nkinkadeSteven Hawking can hang up his coat.21:53
nkinkadeRight, unless you are using Python.21:54
paulproteushttp://herder.creativecommons.org/ - add a Nagios check and make it bug me?21:55
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paulproteusOh my.22:00
* paulproteus grins22:00
paulproteusI think it was the validator that was using a lenny chroot.22:00
* paulproteus goes off and finds it22:01
nkinkadepaulproteus: Did you say that you'd like to get SMS messages, or just emails for Herder failures?22:03
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paulproteusnkinkade, Same for validator-beta.creativecommons, please.22:11
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nkinkadepaulproteus: Okay, but do either require serious alerts like SMS message to Nathan?22:14
nkinkadeOr is email sufficient.22:14
paulproteusTo me.22:14
nkinkadepaulproteus: Only to you?22:15
paulproteusEr, yes.22:15
nkinkadeI'll leave emails on for Nathan and I for those services.  Emails don't cost very much.22:16
nkinkadeBut SMS messages at 3AM do.22:16
paulproteusSince they're not production services right now.22:16
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nkinkadepaulproteus: ?23:53

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