Monday, 2008-08-18

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hdworakpaulproteus: please check your mail09:57
paulproteushdworak, Hi10:31
hdworakafter the updates and rehash, if one pastes <rdf:RDF document (serving as the root element), it will also get parsed - like the default example on the old validator by nathany10:34
paulproteusNo news from Ankit as far as I can see.10:37
hdworakno big changes, bugfixes though10:37
hdworakas for ankitg, do not worry, as I am positive that everything is going to be just all right10:38
hdworakI remember he had to go to school10:39
hdworakharsh times10:39
hdworakoh, I got your mail10:40
hdworakseems you rehashed10:40
* paulproteus nods10:41
hdworakyes, if you put, you can see "Warning! The Web page uses deprecated means of expressing RDF. If you are its author, we strongly encourage you to try RDFa instead." :)10:41
hdworakeventhough that particular <rdf:RDF is not used for licensing10:41
* paulproteus tries this10:42
paulproteusre: lessig.org10:42
hdworakif you would save this Web page on a hard disk, and upload or paste it (instead of using the URI), you will get the same output, except for one detail: there won't be the "" object but the "None" object10:44
paulproteushdworak, FWIW, also uses RDFa.10:47
paulproteus            <a rel="license" href="">10:47
paulproteusAs far as I can tell, RDF-in-a-comment is only used for TrackBack.10:48
hdworakpaulproteus: that's true and this is shown in the results10:49
hdworak This object is licensed under the following license: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States10:50
hdworakTrackBacks should switch to RDFa :)10:50
hdworakat one point, the validator will serialise the RDF/XML to the equivalent RDFa10:51
hdworakto save ppl some work10:51
* paulproteus nods10:51
paulproteusThe standard case is pretty trivial.10:52
hdworak"the standard case" = ?10:52
paulproteus"This document available under $LICENSE"10:52
hdworakoh yes10:52
hdworakwell, nathany's example of RDF/XML in a comment was a challenge10:53
hdworakI've added this equivalent RDFa code there10:53
hdworakit's not obvious how to translate the cc:Agent element, for example10:53
hdworakI should have added <span style="display: none;">.</span> separators between the "a" elements (accessibility issue) in that example10:54
hdworakor maybe just commas10:55
* hdworak doing it now10:55
hdworakbe back in a bit10:58
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``Cubeguys, I'm a tango artist and someone requested a tangofied apple logo. would there be a problem licensing it cc?11:59
``Cubebringatowel: ?12:09
bringatowel``Cube, ?12:10
``Cubebringatowel: I'm a tango artist and someone requested a tangofied apple logo. would there be a problem licensing it cc?12:10
bringatowellol why are you asking me12:11
bringatowelif i were to guess, it seems like unless you have permission from apple, you cannot use their logo in any way12:11
``Cubebringatowel: thanks, and would it make sense to ask them?12:36
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bringatowel``Cube, it would not hurt, but they might be unlikely to grant permission :)12:59
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hdworakre :)16:34
hdworakI see that ankitg has managed to push a big update16:34
hdworakso we have a happy ending of the Google Summer of Code16:34
Mihai`today it is right?16:38
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hdworakMihai`: hi! yes, the mentors are obliged to evaluate the code that has been submitted until 38 min ago16:43
hdworakno, wait, 12:00 PDT is the deadline16:44
hdworakso it's like 2h 15min left16:45
hdworaksorry for the mistake16:45
hdworakMihai: I've read your labs' post. It shows that you've developed a very useful plug-in, indeed.16:46
hdworakMihai: as I am an user myself, I'm very happy about that16:46
hdworakthank you16:46
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Mihai`i see hdworak17:02
Mihai`so this period from now until 1st of September is kind of dead period ?17:03
Mihai`as for the plugin i hope its usefull and easy to use17:03
Mihai`to me it looks like a long period for the evaluation...17:04
hdworakMihai`: not really, it won't add to your evaluation by your mentor, but starting from September 3rd students should provide code samples for Google Inc.17:05
hdworakMihai`: and these code samples do not have to be from Aug 18th, but from Sep 3rd, too17:05
hdworakbut code samples are just for the certificate and the T-shirt17:06
Mihai`so sending code samples is a must :)17:07
hdworakme and my girlfriend got a T-shirt on our visit to Google office (she was just a guest)17:08
hdworaka T-shirt = a T-shirt each17:08
hdworakyes, of Google :)17:08
Mihai`i think the closest Google office is the one in Poland :)17:08
Mihai`for me17:09
Mihai`you have 2 offices :D17:10
Mihai`in Poland17:10
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hdworakit seems Iasi is in half-way between the Istanbul office and the Kraków one17:11
hdworakwell, as for Poland, the office in Wrocław (the Western one) is just for the marketing staff17:11
Mihai`maybe they will make one in Iasi(its hlf way :) )17:11
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paulproteusnkinkade, Network at the office up?18:27
paulproteusIf not I can just chill at SFO.18:27
paulproteusI'm kind of trying to avoid the AirTrain ride to BART and the walk from BART to home anyway.18:28
paulproteus(Although I do have presumably working wifi at home.)18:28
hdworakAirTrain? = suspended monorail?18:28
Bovinityairport train18:30
hdworakah, ok :)18:30
Bovinitypaulproteus: also, office interwho is up. also, i brought brownies18:30
Bovinitythat i made18:30
Bovinitythat are tasty18:31
* paulproteus 's eyes widen18:31
hdworakflickr cookies with beacon -> lol18:31
paulproteusbeacon =approx= bacon?18:31
Bovinitybacon cookies look awesome18:31
paulproteusFacebook Bacon18:31
hdworakyes, bacon18:32
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nkinkadeDoes anyone know of any countries that are *not* signatories of the Berne Convention and other major copyright treaty?19:47
nkinkadeMaybe cc-community would be the place to ask this.19:47
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nkinkadehdworak: paulproteus: The validator-beta is using a ProxyPass rule.  I'd somewhat like to move that way from Apache altogether and let Varnish send those requests directly to the app.  Does that sound reasonable?19:52
hdworaknkinkade: I guess this won't affect validator-beta in any way, so I'm ok with that19:52
nkinkadeHow about if I give it a shot right now? :-)19:53
nkinkadeBasically it would just remove one more level of indirection.  If Varnish can do it, then why pass it to Apache, especially since it has to hit Varnish first anyway.19:53
hdworaknkinkade: -
hdworaknkinkade: no problem, this is what -beta is for, do not worry even if it goes down for a few hours19:55
nkinkadehdworak: It's now being redirected by Varnish and never touches Apache in the least.19:58
nkinkadeSeems to work fine.19:59
nkinkadeBy the way, nice service.  I just ran it on
hdworakthanks, but bear in mind that it's just a minimum implementation, more to come20:00
hdworakbye! :)20:21
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paulproteusnkinkade, Okay.20:22
paulproteusre: validator move to varnish proxying20:22
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BjornWOT: does work for you?21:07
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paulproteuscurrybot, Hello there.21:51
currybotpaulproteus: mmm... curry...21:51
paulproteusHi sarterus!21:51
paulproteusHi greg-g!21:51
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papyromancerhaving an ethical delimma... details?22:00
paulproteuspapyromancer, What's up?22:01
papyromancerI'm doing freelance work for this company that's put out a set top videoblog aggregator.  In general, are cc'd videoblogs going to have a problem if I show their press materials (namely, their icons) in promotional materials for the set top box (like the background image that loops while the box is inactive), or do I need to contact the producers individually to acquire a release?22:04
papyromancersorry to get all parenthetical and such22:04
paulproteusIf you believe it's fair use, then it's fair use.22:04
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paulproteusOr let me put it this way: CC video blogs are in no special position compared to non-CC video blogs if you think you can do it without asking permission of the non-CC ones.22:05
papyromancerso, as long as the company is prepared to comply with a DMCA takedown notice, we're in the clear? (relatively)22:05
paulproteusThat's always the case. (-:22:06
paulproteusAlso, you could theoretically choose to show only the non-NC ones in the promotional materials, and you could even give attribution maybe.22:06
papyromancerpaulproteus: as always, You rock.22:06
paulproteusThe "easy way" is to just show the non-NC ones and give attribution.22:07
paulproteusnkinkade, For certainty: the plan is for me to move stats from a5 to a6?22:15
nkinkadepaulproteus: Yeah, that would be great.22:16
* paulproteus does so now.22:16
nkinkadea6 is mostly quiescent at the moment, so it's not likely to affect anything there.22:16
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paulproteusnkinkade, I'm going to migrate my public_html there too then.22:18
nkinkadepaulproteus: That's fine.  a6 is semi the ccLearn server, whatever that might mean.22:18
* paulproteus nods22:19
papyromancerI'm mentally weighing the workload of complying with removing the DMCA infringement vs. scripting the selection of totally cleared materials, and I really think that most producers would *not* be angry if their casts were displayed in a set top box's background--it's a kind of advertising that's mutually beneficial for the videobloggers and the hardware manufacturers.  I suppose I'm just here to reinforce my feeling that this use of these creators mater22:23
paulproteusYou're truncated at "this use of these creators mater"22:24
papyromanceruse of these creators materials is not in violation of their rights... but at the same time stating to the community that I'm interested in building the community while working on this venture and not letting anyone feel like they're being exploited... so If any of y'all hear fire and brimstone against a Podboxx, please direct the missiles at me, and I'll do whatever the interested parties want as compensation.22:24
papyromancerDoes that make sense?22:25
paulproteuspapyromancer, (a) I would sign up for the Technorati feed alert for Podboxx then, and (b) that sounds pretty reasonable to me.22:25
paulproteusI think people will like to hear that you're advertising using them.22:26
paulproteusSo try telling the people you're using, if you can.22:26
papyromancerpaulproteus: right on, that makes good sense.22:30
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paulproteusnkinkade, iotop is quite nice.22:57
nkinkadepaulproteus: Yeah, I thought so too.22:58
nkinkadeToo bad the kernels on a5-7 don't support it.22:58
nkinkadeIt might have saved up a heap of trouble.22:58
paulproteusIf you upgrade to "etch and a half" you could use it, I think.22:58
nkinkadeI was actually going to ask you about something related to that.22:59
paulproteusFire at will.22:59
nkinkadeThere's a kernel module I want ... something like xt_connlimit, or maybe ipt_connlimit, but it's not available with the present kernel.  So what are those packages like: linux-latest-modules-2.6.25-2-amd64?23:00
paulproteuslinux-latest-modules !?23:00
nkinkadeBut it won't require a kernel upgrade, will it?23:00
paulproteusURL for linux-latest-modules?23:00
paulproteusEtch and a half does require a kernel upgrade, yes.  That's most of the point of it - new kernel, same userland as etch.23:01
* paulproteus is sad we don't just have gigabit fiber between a*23:02
nkinkadeSo paulproteus, is EtchAndAHalf thought to be absolutely safe in terms of nothing breaking?23:04
* nkinkade goes to read about it now23:04
paulproteusThat's the idea.23:04
paulproteusI'm not convinced this wiki page is up to date.23:05
paulproteusOh, I guess etch and a half may not be officially released yet.23:05
paulproteus is the most useful documetn.23:05
paulproteusWait, etch and a half came out in June?23:06
paulproteusIt looks like you should be able to just apt-get install a 2.6.24 kernel from the stable repository and let that be that.23:07
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* paulproteus fills out hdworak's GSoC final evaluation23:10
paulproteusrehi sarterus!23:10
paulproteusnkinkade, I love our PageRank.  I just googled [rewrite validator] and got as the first hit.23:10
nkinkadeThis is worrisome: "Upgrading from the 2.6.18 etch kernel to the 2.6.24 etch kernel will work in many cases, but is not guaranteed to succeed."23:11
paulproteus"or your money back"23:11
nkinkadeIf only we had paid them some money.23:11
nkinkadeProving that you get what you pay for.23:12
nkinkadeWhich in this case is quite a lot, even though we paid $0.  It defies the standard logic.23:12
paulproteusI suggest you try on a6 first, if you want.23:12
paulproteusIt will work on our servers.23:12
paulproteusIt may not on super-fruity hardware.23:12
paulproteus(You won't interrupt  my move; right now I'm just rsyncing files, which will pick up gracefully.)23:13
nkinkadeWell, I don't really care about upgrading the kernel so much as I care about getting hold of a certain module.23:13
paulproteusWell, iotop.23:13
paulproteusDoesn't that require a kernel as new as this?23:13
nkinkadeAhha.  True dat.23:13
nkinkade"It requires Python ≥ 2.5 and a Linux kernel ≥ 2.6.20."23:14
paulproteusEtch already has Python2.5.23:14
nkinkadeThere is even this one available: linux-image-2.6.25-2-amd6423:15
paulproteusUh, probably only in lenny/sid.23:15
nkinkadeHmmm.  "aptitude search 2.6.25" on a6.23:16
paulproteusI see that.23:17
paulproteusBackports maybe?23:18
paulproteus indicates yes, backports.23:18
paulproteusWere I  you, I would prefer EtchAndAHalf to backports.  Etch and a half is going to be supported by the security team etc.23:18
paulproteusBackports isn't very supported.23:19
paulproteusYes, I pasted that earlier.  Why do you mention it?23:20
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paulproteusOut of curiosity, going to reboot a6 anytime soon then?23:24
nkinkadepaulproteus: I'm hovering over the Enter key as we speak.23:27
paulproteusnkinkade, meets today at 6; I was planning on going.23:52
paulproteusI would love you to show me up by bringing your awesomely working Neo. (-:23:52
nkinkadepaulproteus: Sounds like fun.  Is it like normal, in Chinatown?23:53
paulproteusBALUG is in Chinatown.  This is out on 19th Ave & Geary.23:53
paulproteusI usually take the Geary bus.23:53

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