Wednesday, 2008-08-20

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paulproteusnkinkade, Hi00:35
paulproteusDid you ask me something?00:35
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nkinkadepaulproteus: Yeah, I have a question.00:41
nkinkadeI'm was trying to get the new xt_connlimit module working, but am getting a iptables error "Invalid argument"00:42
nkinkadeSome research seems to indicate that it's likely related to running a version of iptables that wasn't compiled against the running kernel.00:42
nkinkadeI tried using apt-src to rebuild it, but granted I'm somewhat stabbing the dark.00:43
paulproteusOh, that /usr/sbin/iptables is older than the kernel modules?  That's the idea?00:43
nkinkadepaulproteus: That's what I gathered from some thread I read.00:43
paulproteusAnd what commands are you running, exactly?00:43
nkinkadeAnd especially here:
nkinkadeAnd sure enough this shows up in the kernel message buffer:00:44
nkinkadeip_tables: connlimit match: invalid size 32 != 2400:44
paulproteusWhat commands are you running, exactly?00:45
nkinkadeWhich seems to be related to the "structure size" they migth be talking about.00:45
paulproteusSounds like you should upgrade iptables.00:45
paulproteusLike this guy:
nkinkadeHere, something like this:00:45
paulproteusIf 3.20 at is to be believed, you should install linux-headers-$(uname -r) and rebuild iptables.00:46
nkinkadeiptables -A INPUT -p tcp --syn -dport 80 -m connlimit -connlimit-above 20 -j REJECT00:46
nkinkadeSomething of that nature.00:46
nkinkadepaulproteus: I *think* I did that with apt-src.00:47
paulproteusDid you install linux-headers-$(uname -r) first?00:47
nkinkadeI installed the kernel headers, etc, and then used apt-src to rebuild.00:47
nkinkadelinux-headers-2.6.24-1-amd64, linux-headers-2.6.24-1-common, linux-kbuild-2.6.2400:48
* paulproteus nods00:48
paulproteusI would try getting iptables from sid (apt-src -bi installing it).00:48
nkinkadeAnd they are all in /usr/src like I expected, then I uninstalled iptables, set apt to use etch for source build, and then did "apt-src -b install iptables"00:48
paulproteusIf that solves the issue, great, and if not, just downgrade.00:48
nkinkadeSo, I just wanted to see if my logic was way off base, or if that path was mostly sensible.00:49
paulproteusI think that logic is very sensible based on this FAQ.00:49
paulproteusIn fact:00:49
paulproteus"It is not supposed to happen between vanilla kernels. If it does, please inform the netfilter-devel mailinglist."00:50
nkinkadeI'll look into trying with sid tomorrow morning.00:50
nkinkadeThe sid version iptables, that is, but I suspect there will be some dep problems.00:50
nkinkadeWe'll see.00:50
nkinkadeCool.  Thanks.00:50
* paulproteus nods00:51
paulproteusSure thing.00:51
paulproteusAnd re-bring your Neo charger tomorrow if possible?  I seem to have neglected to come to the office today. (-;00:51
nkinkadeYeah, I brought it today.  I'll bring it tomorrow too.00:52
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paulproteusHowdy greg-g.05:19
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hdworakwho is the copyright holder and person responsible for the layout (logos, layout, CSS, HTML template)? how can I contact this person? I'd like to clone this layout for the validator10:09
hdworakis the HTML template available somewhere? if so, what template system is used in practice? is there a Genshi template for that Web site?10:14
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hdworakwhat is the license under which the template/CSS/etc. is available? is this the cc-by 3.0 from the footer?10:18
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hdworakpaulproteus: do you mind if I put your full name and affilliation in my CV (which is available on-line) as the GSoC 2008 programme mentor?10:52
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hdworakdo you know about ? they seem to endorse Creative Commons11:24
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paulproteusHowdy davidstrauss.14:04
davidstrausspaulproteus: Hi14:08
* davidstrauss is in London14:08
davidstrausspaulproteus: what's up?14:08
paulproteusWhy London?14:09
davidstrausspaulproteus: Economist.com14:13
paulproteusThe organization, or the contents of the website?14:20
paulproteusEither way, can you say more?14:20
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Ekusheyhi jgay!15:40
jgayEkushey: hello. You'll have to forgive me if I do not remember you.15:40
Ekusheyyou don't know me :)  i get your emails on the fsf mailing list so just wanted to say hello :)15:41
Ekusheynice seeing you here :)15:41
jgayEkushey: oh, nice, so your the guy that gets those emails!15:43
Ekusheylol ;)15:43
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ContadorFinanceii need credit card number17:42
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paulproteusI hope he emailed the contact list in the topic.18:02
paulproteusLittle did Jen know she made the classic Debian pun, debian/rules!18:03
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paulproteus1. <paulproteus> Little did Jen know she made the classic Debian pun, debian/rules!18:10
paulproteus2. ash == dash (see{ash,dash} )18:10
nkinkade:-)  I didn't even know that pun.18:10
seriuzhello there is somebody speaks Spanish?18:11
nkinkadeAh, I had heard of and used ash before, but dash was a new one to me, other than hearing it in passing.18:11
* nkinkade goes to symlink /bin/sh to /bin/dash this very moment.18:11
nkinkadeHola seriuz.18:11
seriuzhola nkinkade18:12
seriuzde donde eres?18:12
nkinkadeLos EEUU.18:12
nkinkadeY tú?18:12
paulproteusDe los estados unidos ?18:12
seriuzde mexico18:12
nkinkadeMuy bien paulproteus. :-)18:12
paulproteusYay !18:13
paulproteusja ja gracias nkinkade18:13
seriuzno saben donde hay un canl de bankig18:13
nkinkadeseriuz: bankig?18:13
paulproteusseriuz, canal18:13
nkinkadeAcaso estás buscando algo que tiene que ver con tajetas de crédito?18:14
paulproteusPerfeto !18:14
Bovinitycredito cardo?18:14
paulproteusBovinity, "El grillo"18:14
Bovinitypollo grillo18:14
paulproteusja ja ja18:14
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nkinkadebassel: Hi.18:20
nkinkadepaulproteus: dash - POSIX-compliant shell18:21
basselcan I ask a licensing related question here?18:21
nkinkadebassel: Sure.18:21
basselthanks nkinkade18:21
nkinkadeThere may or may not be any lawyers in here, but people can always try to give you an opinion.18:22
nkinkadeBut I'm glad that you have a question about licenses instead of credit cards. :-)18:22
basselwe made a website called discover Syria, and we have a photographers directory in it which contains photography in it18:22
hdworakpaulproteus: ^^^^^^^^ (logs)18:22
paulproteushdworak, Hi... huh?18:23
basselhere is a direct link to the directory, it's still underconstraction so just have three photographers
paulproteusOh, I see.18:23
basselit's in Arabic also18:23
basselwill be English soon18:23
paulproteushdworak, They're (C) Creative Commons, and the WP template is in our Subversion repository somewhere.18:23
paulproteusThere is on Genshi template for it.18:23
paulproteusIt's CC by 3.0 as per the footer.18:23
basselhere is an example page of a photographer art work :
hdworakon = also?18:23
paulproteusThere is *no* Genshi template, pardon the typo!18:23
nkinkadebassel: Okay.18:24
hdworakbassel: the pix look nice18:24
hdworakpro photography18:24
basselis there a way to automatically licenses all the photographers photos under CC that to tell that people can't use those photos without writing the photographer name18:25
hdworakon the Web site or in the .jpg themselves?18:25
basselthe .jpg themselves..18:25
hdworakpaulproteus: who is the person responsible for the layout (logos, layout, CSS, HTML template)? how can I contact this person? I'd like to clone this layout for the validator18:26
basselphotographers authorize as to do that18:26
paulproteushdworak, Bovinity18:26
hdworakpaulproteus: do you mind if I put your full name and affilliation in my CV (which is available on-line) as the GSoC 2008 programme mentor?18:26
paulproteushdworak, And the layout is in svn as a WordPress theme, as I said.18:26
nkinkadepaulproteus: Like I was worried, iptables from lenny and sid won't install because of debhelper dep failure.18:26
hdworakBovinity: hi :)18:26
paulproteushdworak, That's fine re: name and affiliation (and email if you like).18:26
hdworakBovinity: can I clone the layout for the validator? I won't claim any authorship18:26
hdworakpaulproteus: thank you!18:27
Bovinityhdworak: that's fine18:27
nkinkadebassel: All of the CC licenses require attribution, so it seems that that would satisfy that requirement.18:27
paulproteushdworak, Dude, it's CC by 3.0.18:27
Bovinityit's going to anyway, right18:27
hdworakpaulproteus: I think it's nice asking18:27
paulproteusBovinity, Yeah, that's the plan.  Already it's pretty useful.18:27
paulproteusre validator-dot-cc18:27
hdworakthe guys from (authors of Kadu) release their work as free but strongly urge ppl not to port it to Microsoft Windows18:27
Bovinityit's only a questionable issue if it's going to validate.awesome.com18:27
Bovinitybut thanks for asking all the same ;)18:27
hdworakBovinity: why "questionable"? :)18:28
Bovinityit's a cc project using cc resources, so naturally the theme is part of the project18:28
hdworakso is validator18:29
hdworakstarting Sep 3rd, it's NOT my project any more18:29
Bovinity"it's a" == "validator"18:29
hdworakeveryone's welcomed to participate18:29
hdworakI'm not a BDFL18:29
basselnkinkade: cool,18:29
* Bovinity finally cleans up the wp theme to be slightly more xhtml valid. er. speaking of which.18:30
hdworakoh yeah18:30
nkinkadebassel: Have you seen this URL:
hdworakbut the deeds must be valid xhtml!!!18:30
hdworakit's most representative18:30
paulproteusThe deeds will be unchanged, fear not.18:30
Bovinitysteren already fixed the deeds18:30
Bovinitybut they aren't rolled out yet, right?18:31
basselnkinkade: I saw it, but I need a way to convince photographers that their work is copyrighted18:31
hdworakbovinity: probably18:31
paulproteusnathany is working on that roll-out this week.18:31
hdworakpaulproteus: just curious: why "unchanged"? it's not legal text18:32
paulproteushdworak, I mean, Bovinity's work on the WP theme does not affect the deeds.18:32
paulproteusThat's all I meant.18:32
hdworakah :)18:32
hdworakI see18:32
basselnkinkade: is there a place on cc that tells or prove that some one have a cc license ?18:32
nkinkadebassel: CC licenses are not a replacement or alternative to copyright, they build upon it.18:32
nkinkadebassel: Sounds like you are talking about a registry, and that's not something that CC is doing.  We don't maintain any user-submitted data like that.18:33
paulproteusnkinkade, Did you mean ?18:33
basselnkinkade: thanks for the validator18:34
nkinkadepaulproteus: It seems like maybe that was the page I was talking about, but I thought there was another.18:35
paulproteusI'm tempted to get myself a sandwich and a uSD card.18:35
nkinkadebassel: Thank hdworak for the validator-beta! :-)18:35
basselsorry :)18:36
hdworaklol :)18:36
basselsure thanks hdworak18:36
hdworaknothing really, glad you like it18:36
basselnkinkade: the reason I thought that you do some kind of that, is, they claim they are related to CC and they list all the work under their licenses18:37
nkinkadeYou had the right page ... there was just a part of that page about the SDHC issue.18:37
basselthey have a database18:37
basselhere is a page on flicker
paulproteusnkinkade, Got it.  You want a uSD?18:37
Bovinityfrom 38 errors to 9 errors18:38
bassel have a link to it18:38
nkinkadebassel: Hmmm.  I can't read the page, so I can't tell. :-)18:38
nkinkadebassel: My guess is that they are just linking to some content of theirs that is under a CC license, or something similar.18:39
basselnkinkade: actually they make people believe them a cc partner or something18:40
nkinkadebassel: It's possible that they are in some way.18:41
nkinkadeI seem to recognize the name arabcommons.org18:41
nkinkadeBut, I not sure about that.18:42
basselnkinkade: is it ok that they have a form for submitting work to CC
nkinkadebassel: Here's one person I know is legitimate:
nkinkadebassel: Nobody can submit work to CC.  If they have some sort of submission form, then it's just going to their own site.18:43
basselnkinkade: thanks for the website they have Arabic also18:44
nkinkadebassel: That person, Anas Tawileh, is working to promote CC in that area.  I know that some of the people in our Berlin office have communicated with him.18:45
paulproteusnkinkade, Let's buy ourselves some nice 8 gig cards from newegg, then, and I'll go get a $10 2GB one at Central Computer.18:46
nkinkadeI'm not saying that he's an official CC representative, only that what you see at his site is likely to be credible, but I can't say that with 100% certainty.18:46
* paulproteus waffles some more18:46
* paulproteus gets food18:46
nkinkadepaulproteus: Sounds like a plan.18:46
basselnkinkade: cool, checking his site now, I want to promote CC in Syria, specially for photography18:47
nkinkadebassel: Where is Anas, Saudi Arabia?18:48
nkinkadebassel: You could try to contact him and see what is doing or has already done.18:49
basselnkinkade: Anas is in Syria also, will try to reach him18:49
nkinkadebassel: If you can't find a contact on his site just let me know and I can probably get an email address for you.18:51
basselnkinkade: Thanks, I've got his email anas@tawileh.net18:52
nkinkadebassel: Great.  Feel free to drop in here if you have any other questions, or you can email me at
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basselnkinkade: thanks a lot man, I have another question, can I licenses .exe?18:56
basselit's a 3D virtual gallery18:56
basselan art gallery18:57
nkinkadebassel: We don't recommend that software be licensed with a CC license:
nkinkadeHowever, there's nothing stopping you from doing, as far as I know.18:57
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Bovinityfixing theme issues is liek working on html mockups, right? :/18:57
nkinkadeBut I suppose there may be laws that relate to software and copyright where you are, for example.18:58
basselnkinkade: it's not a software:
nkinkadebassel: Oh, I though you said .exe (Windows executable).18:58
nkinkadebassel: As long as you are the copyright holder of a work, then you are free to license it under a CC license.18:58
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basselnkinkade: it's an .exe file that runs a 3D virtual gallery, it's a windows executable that runs a 3D real time render demo scene18:59
basselsorry for the duplication18:59
nkinkadebassel: I'm not sure, but like I say, if it is a copyrighted work then you should be able to apply a CC license to it, assuming you are the copyright holder. :-)19:00
basselnkinkade: Thanks a lot again man, I'll apply a CC license on i19:01
Bovinitynkinkade: do you know if/when steren's fix to the jurisdictions.js is going live?19:02
nkinkadebassel: My pleasure.  I hope you and Anas will be able to work together.19:03
basselnkinkade: hopefully we will do19:04
nkinkadeBovinity: I think Nathan might be working on that right now, but I have no idea about an ETA.19:04
Bovinityah, ok19:04
Bovinityas it stands, that's now the only thing blocking from validating as xhtml :)19:04
nkinkadeBovinity: That's good news.  I've raised my voice about validation a couple times before, but nobody seemed to care.19:11
nkinkadeUntil now ...19:11
nkinkadeBovinity: Wait.  You haven't committed the changes yet, right?19:12
Bovinityright? as in i should not right now?19:14
paulproteusThe one from Hardy is likely to do you well...19:47
paulproteus(and has debhelper build-dependencies you can deal with)19:47
nkinkadepaulproteus: Thanks.  I'll take a look.19:48
* hdworak the following is an advertisement: IPv6... IPv6... IPv6... IPv6...19:59
paulproteusnkinkade, Remind me, what's the right magic to do routing for the FreeRunner?20:02
nkinkadeiptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -j MASQUERADE -s
nkinkade# echo "1" /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward20:04
nkinkadeoops.  put a > in there20:04
nkinkadepaulproteus: ^^^20:04
paulproteusnkinkade, Thanks!20:04
nkinkadepaulproteus: Hmm.  I pulles zhone to the front and it registered me with the T-Mobile network20:05
paulproteusThat's good (?).20:05
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hdworakbye! :)22:27
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BovinityCOULD IT BE THAT EASY?! :/22:31
paulproteusBovinity, So long as you *skip* the intermediaries.22:32
nkinkadepaulproteus: iptables v1.4.1.1: Unknown arg `--syn'22:35
nkinkadeThere's something not right about it, clearly.22:35
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