Sunday, 2008-08-17

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hdworakwhat's up? :)17:24
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ankitgthe usual stuff ...17:30
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paulproteusHowdy all.17:45
paulproteusankitg, What's up?17:49
ankitgpaulproteus: Morning ...17:51
hdworakhi, paulproteus17:51
ankitgI've got GeoIP up and running ... I was just working up a diff file ...17:51
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paulproteusankitg, You mean, for the commit?18:07
paulproteusI really really wish we would have been at this point a month or two ago so I could really teach you how to use version control.18:07
paulproteusOh, well.18:07
ankitgwell I figured you'd want a complete code progress inclusive of all versions and a diff file so I am making one ...18:08
ankitgpaulproteus: it's never too late ... end of GSoC != end of ... well, anything else ...18:08
paulproteusankitg, The way you're supposed to generate that "all versions" thing is by just writing "git commit -a" very often.18:09
paulproteusre: end of GSoC: That's true I suppose.18:10
ankitgagreed, but I didn't use Git from the start so now I'll move everything over ...18:10
paulproteusOkay. (-:18:13
ankitgpaulproteus: Just one last thing ... I am not 100% I have the deeds logs understood ... I can pull out the ip and do all sorts of lookups .. but how do I figure out which deed was accessed?18:15
paulproteusWhich deed was accessed is easy - it's in the GET URL fragment.18:16
ankitgI expected that but I found ... example :: "GET;O=D HTTP/1.1"18:17
hdworakthough, bear in mind, that the order of GET arguments can be random18:17
paulproteushdworak, That's CGI parameters.18:20
paulproteusBut yeah, that's true.18:20
paulproteusankitg, That's why you should be using the Python CGI module for extracting those out rather than relying on the order of their appearance.18:20
paulproteusankitg, There's a *lot* of a5 accesses.18:20
paulproteusLook for ones that contain "/license/" in them.18:20
ankitgpaulproteus: noted. I'll complete this for now and then look into a substitution of the re with CGI ...18:22
ankitgre: a *lot* of a5 accesses ... yes someone has been busy!18:23
paulproteusThe urgent thing is you finding the deed data.18:23
paulproteusI'm going to head out for dinner in 2h, and then 2h from then I'll be offline for the next 16 hours or so.18:24
hdworakthe flight?18:24
ankitgI'll either commit and sleep [got school tomorrow] or see you again in 2h ...18:25
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ankitgperfect ... we have a license\zero emerging from the labs whereas everything else is \licenses\* ... hmmm, CGI ... thank you Sisynala for pointing me to re ...18:28
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