Saturday, 2008-08-16

nkinkadeI'm fairly astounded that there is no clear path to limit concurrent TCP connections per IP address for Debian Etch.00:18
nkinkadeEverything seems to require recompiling the kernel or using Apache 1.3.x.00:18
nkinkadeIf anyone knows of a nice solution, then by all means let me know.00:19
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hdworakpaulproteus: I've sent you the email with gitweb descriptions of the repositories I handle07:05
hdworakftobia: are you here?07:06
hdworakftobia: why does cc.license require Pylons and Genshi?07:06
hdworakftobia: could you please make cc.license parse licenses like (with deed.xx at the end) - because Flickr uses them e.g.
hdworakftobia: thanks for releasing 0.2 at PyPI07:08
ftobiahdworak: hey07:08
hdworakftobia: have you seen the validator in action?07:08
ftobiai haven't had much of anything to validate. do you have examples?07:08
ftobiafor your first question, Genshi is the templating engine that cc.license.formatters uses. we're planning on maybe refactoring it later so it's optional or so it's in its own package.07:09,,,, Flickr photos with copyleft07:10
ftobiaPylons is to keep a warning from happening, and i'm not sure what the warning meant, but i'll be revisiting it in the future.07:10
ftobiano problem for releasing 0.0207:10
hdworakyou can try the aforementioned URIs to test the validator07:10
ftobiaand uh, for the time being, take that class of URLs, split off the end, and use the deed.xx to determine locale. that's my suggestion.07:10
hdworakas for a domain w/o license information, you can try www.chessbase.com07:10
hdworakftobia: yes, that's what I thought of, but I thought it would be better if cc.license did all to the URIs07:11
ftobianice. are you using cc.license for that information?07:11
ftobiasweet. i'm glad it's useful.07:11
ftobiahmmz. let me think.07:11
hdworaklines 118 onwards07:12
hdworak(I know you've added prohibits)07:12
ftobiavery nice.07:13
hdworakcc.license has saved me a lot of work07:13
hdworaknow that I'll use liblicense for multimedia files, it's gonna be money for nothing and the chicks for free07:14
ftobiai'm excited to hear that. aside from cc.api this is the first internal project that's been using it.07:14
hdworakthis is the TODO:;a=blob_plain;f=TODO;h=d1fea93fb86bbede1e6c7bf9c747841ff9f91652;hb=d180e047772ca93c2d050b5653f43656b376ab5607:14
hdworakit might be that something can apply to cc.license07:14
ftobiawhen does summer of code end?07:16
hdworakwell, the work that will be evaluated - Aug 18th (though paulproteus says I should pass the evaluation)07:20
hdworakthen the showcase code can be developed until Sep 3rd07:20
hdworakbut I'm willing to continue the work on the software anyway07:21
hdworakoutside the GSoC boundaries07:21
hdworakpaulproteus: WARNING!!! IPv6 is not supported in validator-beta (does work on my localhost application though)08:08
hdworakpaulproteus: test cases: http://[2001:4860:0:1001::68]/ and
hdworakpaulproteus: the test cases should read "No machine‑readable information about licensing has been found." instead of "<type 'exceptions.IOError'> [Errno socket error] (101, 'Network is unreachable')"08:09
hdworakas it is 2008, this issue is of the utmost priority08:12
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paulproteushdworak, Hi08:33
paulproteusIPv6, yay08:34
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hdworakpaulproteus: hi08:55
hdworakyes, it's not 1998 anymore08:55
hdworakit's trivial to set up on Ubuntu 8.04 Desktop Edition08:55
paulproteushdworak, The CC servers currently have no IPv6 connectivity.09:04
hdworakdo you think it's possible to set it up for validator-beta and then for validator?09:04
hdworakah :(09:04
paulproteusI'm thinking of changing that.09:04
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hdworakWeb 3.0 and no IPv609:04
hdworakwell, nothing is perfect, Asheesh09:05
paulproteusSure, but 6to4 is pretty easy.09:05
hdworakthat's what I'm running all the time on my laptop09:05
paulproteusReally, even behind NAT?09:05
hdworakyes, behind a NAT09:06
hdworak(I'm in a MAN)09:06
paulproteus6to4 doesn't work behind NAT, I thought.09:06
paulproteusWhat's MAN?09:06
hdworakMetropolitan (4500 inhabitants :D ) Area Network09:06
hdworakI've the Ubuntu package miredo installed09:06
hdworakbasically, it required no setup at all09:07
hdworakactually, for some time, I have a public IP (though dynamic)09:07
hdworakbut I'm still behind a home wireless router09:07
hdworakbut as far as I recall, this worked w/o public IP, too09:08
paulproteusmiredo is not 6to4.09:08
hdworakok, sorry09:09
hdworakMiredo is a Teredo client (as per RFC 4380): it can provide IPv609:09
hdworakconnectivity to a dual-stack IPv6/IPv4 host even if it is located behind a09:09
paulproteusYes, I know; 6to4 is a specific transition mechanism.09:09
hdworaknevertheless, even Miredo is enough for the validator to retrieve IPv6 Web pages09:10
paulproteusYes, it's true.09:10
hdworakI'm off for a few hours, bye09:15
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lenny64_Hello everyone10:05
lenny64_I was asking myself : i'm doing guitar and i compose. I would like to put my music on Jamendo, but first i will have to set my music on Creative Commons licence. But, if i have any problem, how to prove that the music is mine ? (sorry i'm french ^^)10:09
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hdworakI'm back15:13
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hdworakpaulproteus: due to a back in Genshi, we did not have valid XHTML 1.0 Strict with validator-beta; I'd be grateful if you could rehash the app15:31
paulproteusHowdy hdworak.15:38
paulproteusBTW, good morning.15:39
hdworakit's 17:40 here15:39
hdworakgood afternoon15:39
hdworakare you back in SF or what?15:39
paulproteusStill in AR.15:39
paulproteusBut I only just woke up.15:39
paulproteus likes you.15:40
hdworakfine, thanks15:40
hdworakthis was just a minor issue15:40
paulproteusSure thing.15:40
paulproteusI will handle your gitweb email shortly, I hope.15:40
hdworakI'm going to write the messages to cc-devel and labs today15:40
hdworakin this message, I'll skip the things I want to do before Aug 18th deadline15:41
hdworakjust as the deadline would pass just now15:41
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ankitgpaulproteus: ping.15:47
ankitgpaulproteus: tried geo-ip in windows ... same problem ... O_o15:48
paulproteusone sec15:49
ankitgtake your time ... not going anywhere ...15:49
paulproteusOkay, hi.15:51
paulproteusSo what are you going to do now then?15:51
paulproteusWe could try to fix Geo IP on your Mac, or help you set up an Ubuntu VM (which is what I recall you said before you would do).15:52
paulproteusOr we could give you a shell account on a Linux machine where I have already installed the Python Geo IP module.15:53
paulproteusAnd you could do your development there.15:53
paulproteusWhat do you think of these options?15:55
ankitgpaulproteus: I like the idea of doing it on Linux as that will be the deployment environment and I might as well make the changes required in the OS transition ... so I guess it's between a Ubuntu VM on my mac or shell account on a linux machine ...15:56
paulproteusYes.  An Ubuntu VM should be easier for you.15:56
ankitgDone. I'll setup ubuntu on my mac ...15:56
paulproteusI offered a few days ago to help you set up SSHFS so you can develop on your Mac and run thing sin a terminal in Ubuntu.15:56
paulproteusI'm not sure I'll have time to help with that today, but hopefully I will.15:57
paulproteusAre you aware you have about 48h before the submission deadline?15:57
ankitgthe VM on the mac idea might be easier to implement than SSHFS ...15:57
paulproteusJust do the VM right now.15:57
paulproteusSSHFS is just a way to make the VM approach more user-friendly.15:58
ankitgdoing it.15:58
paulproteusre: 48h: At least, for my grade; you're invited to keep working after that!15:58
paulproteusI'm going to be offline for the last 24h of those 48h.15:58
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ankitgwe just need to have geo-ip within 24hrs then ... and I need to commit everything to GIT ...15:59
hdworakrelax, I am sure that you'll be able to make it16:01
ankitghdworak: geo-ip has been 'annoying' to say the least16:01
hdworakI'm sorry to hear that16:01
hdworakis geo-ip FLOSS?16:02
paulproteusankitg, I'd like to see some actual analysis of the data, too.16:02
hdworakpaulproteus: ^^16:02
hdworakis this that maxmind product?16:03
paulproteushdworak, I think so; I'm not totally sure I suppose.16:03
hdworakabout FLOSS or the authors?16:04
ankitgpaulproteus: analysis of data would require one of the two things :: I download the logs and do it locally OR I run the scripts on EC2 ...16:04
ankitghdworak: it's maxmind16:04
paulproteusankitg, Well, we wanted not just code but analysis out of you.16:04
hdworakoh, so it seems they are selling the data(base) instead of propertiary software16:05
paulproteusAs far as grading, I'm happy to grade you on your code submission as of Monday afternoon.16:07
paulproteusI'd be happier if you can help me grade you by having us set up the environment to *run* your code on EC2 during that week, and letting you give me results from your code.16:08
ankitgpaulproteus: sounds like a plan.16:09
ankitgdownloading ubuntu on its way ...16:10
ankitgthere don't seem to be any good open alternatives to geo-ip ...16:11
paulproteusI need to prepare for two lightning talks I'm giving in 3h.16:11
paulproteusankitg, While you prepare your machine, can you please write that "State of the project" write-up?16:11
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ankitgpaulproteus: will do.16:11
* ankitg quits bugging paulproteus and lets him prep for his talks ...16:12
hdworakeveryone at Google Kraków Meetup had lightning talks about his/her project16:13
paulproteusI wish you could bug me more!16:14
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* hdworak is writing the blog post16:55
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hdworakshortlord: hi. what's up?17:58
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* ankitg installed ubuntu ... installed geo-ip on ubuntu ... loved ubuntu ... then tinkered with leopard ... found a problem in /usr/local/lib/libGeoIP.dylib, file not of required architecture ... still, geo-ip country level seems to be working ... organization, city and region databases don't seem to be there ... back to work.19:07
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shortlordWhat about the compatibility between different CC licences and Art Libre Licence?19:13
shortlordCan I make a movie and use a by-sa and an art libre song as the 2 soundtrack songs and then release everything as by-sa?19:14
shortlordOr alternatively, can I use a by-nc-sa Song and a by-sa Song and then release everything as by-sa or by-nc-sa?19:17
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hdworakpaulproteus: I've posted the summary to the mailing list; blog entry is coming20:13
paulproteusankitg, Any progress?20:13
paulproteusMy two lightning talks just ended.20:14
hdworakhow were they?20:15
ankitgpaulproteus: GeoIP up and running ... Mac & Ubuntu both ... (-:20:29
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hdworakpaulproteus: I've written the labs post available at
hdworakthe contents are the same as the mailing list message except that there are more links in the blog entry20:43
hdworakis there anything else you require me to do until August 18th in order to pass the evaluation?20:44
hdworakankitg: good job :) I'm glad you like Ubuntu20:45
ankitghdworak: why wouldn't anyone like it? ... took a bit to find terminal, but after that, it was uber-easy ... I especially like the fact that firefox, pidgin, transmission etc, all the essentials are already there ...20:46
hdworakFirefox is not FLOSS enough, but unfortunately Ubuntu does not yet ship with Iceweasel or alike20:47
hdworakEpiphany is quite good for basic browsing though20:47
ankitgcurl works ...20:48
hdworakanother disadvantage of Ubuntu is that is somewhat encourages the usage of non-FLOSS software like partnering with Opera20:51
ankitghdworak: why again is firefox not FLOSS enough?20:51
EkusheyFirefox is not FLOSS enough?20:52
Ekusheywhat am i hearing?20:52
hdworakthe application they use for development, Launchpad, is not released under FLOSS20:52
ankitgEkushey: it wasn't me ... hdworak said do ... ^^20:52
hdworakbecause it incorporates propertiary graphics and trademarks, so you cannot patch Firefox software (e.g. fix bugs) and release such software as Firefox20:53
ankitghdworak: I am sure they would ... if you asked nicely! ^_^20:53
Ekusheyhdworak, LP will be eventually released under GPL or a similar license20:53
hdworakankitg, Ekushey:
hdworakEkushey: that's good, but so far they are not better than SourceForge in this matter20:54
ankitghdworak: yay, thanks, more bedtime reading ... oh look, it's almost bed-time! Perfect ... 0455 hrs ...20:54
hdworakoh, come on, it's just 22:5420:54
* ankitg considers heading home ...20:54
hdworakgood night :)20:54
ankitghdworak: I am just considering ... if I leave the lab, I won't get much more work done ...20:55
hdworakaren't you able to work from home?20:55
hdworakdon't worry, I'm sure everything will be all right20:55
ankitghdworak: I am able to work from home ... but if I go home now, I'll just sleep ...20:56
ankitganyways, geoip is now working perfectly, I also got the lite database and got the city and region etc working ... now I just have to figure out what to do with it ... :P20:58
ankitgGSoC was more fun before school reopened ...20:58
ankitghdworak: you still busy with other stuff as well, I presume ... what all you up to, other than GSoC?20:59
hdworakno, actually, the worst period is over :)21:01
hdworakI'm doing a motorcycle course now21:02
hdworakwent driving even today, reached 40 km/h21:02
hdworakmy next project is a Javadoc-like compiler, which I plan to finish around the end of September21:03
hdworak(my classes start in October)21:03
ankitghdworak: 40 Km/h ... you have a long way to go ... :P21:04
hdworakI'll continue to work on the validator, the difference being I'm not going to spend 16h/day on it, but more likely probably 10h/week21:04
hdworakat the exam you have to drive 50 km/h (for emergency stop and overtaking)21:05
hdworakyou cannot drive more than 50km/h from 6:00 until 23:00 in a Polish city, be it with a motorcycle or a car21:06
ankitgheh i can't imagine anything less than 60 ... that's coz my old two-wheeler wouldn't go beyond 70, at which point it started making "noises" ...21:06
ankitgokie, then good luck with your exam =) ... I'll go grab something to eat and code for the Geo-IP part ... then I'll only have the deeds analysis code left ...21:12
hdworakthanks, good night and good luck21:12
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hdworakpaulproteus: *bump*21:12
paulproteushdworak, Hi21:26
paulproteusankitg|afk, Hi/bye21:26
paulproteusankitg|afk, Great re: GeoIP21:26
hdworakpaulproteus: I've written the labs post available at
hdworakthe contents are the same as the mailing list message except that there are more links in the blog entry21:27
hdworakis there anything else you require me to do until August 18th in order to pass the evaluation?21:27
paulproteushdworak, I'm satisfied!21:29
hdworakI'm very happy to hear that21:30
hdworaksee you tomorrow :)21:33
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