Friday, 2008-08-15

ftobiacurrybot: list00:06
currybot(1) MATTAR PANEER MASALA (Delicacy of fresh English peas and home made cottage cheese cubes curry)00:06
currybot(2) KADHAI KI BHAJI (Fresh vegetables cooked with red onions, tomatoes, & spices in a heavy iron utensil)00:06
currybot(3) FRESH ASPARAGUS CHICKEN CURRY (Chicken cubes cooked in fresh asparagus, red onions, and tomato gravy)00:06
ftobiaoh man i love paneer, let me see more about that one00:06
ftobiacurrybot: 100:06
currybotMATTAR PANEER MASALA (Delicacy of fresh English peas and home made cottage cheese cubes curry) Mattar Paneer Masala is probably the most popular curry found in all over India First we prepare the cottage cheese in traditional method. The base is prepared with cumin seeds, garam masala, vine ripened tomatoes and the green peas and Paneer cheese cubes are added for stir frying on high heat.00:06
ftobiacurrybot, i'm going to miss you00:06
currybotftobia: mmm... curry...00:06
nkinkadeftobia: The answer is simple.  The currybot needs to be upgraded to take a 2nd argument, which is the name of the restaurant.00:08
nkinkadeAnd then once it does that, you can get to the business updating currybot so that it can send email.00:09
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greg-gAlex obviously didn't make it to Rock Band and photoshoped himself in the picture:
ftobiankinkade: i'm definitely thinking about it for currybot 2.000:10
* Bovinity nods00:11
greg-gsorry, private photo, didn't notice00:11
Bovinityphotoshop master00:11
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nkinkade``Every program attempts to expand until it can read mail.  Those programs which cannot so expand are replaced by ones which can.''00:16
nkinkadeWe'll have to fork currybot, if ftobia doesn't implement email reading.00:16
Bovinityweren't we talking about adding email support to currybot?00:17
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paulproteusHowdy rejon.06:24
rejonword up paulproteus06:26
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hdworakpaulproteus: is the validator up and running somewhere07:58
hdworak? :)07:58
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hdworakftobia (when he is back): could you please tell me how to get rid of the "Unnamed repository; edit this file to name it for gitweb."?09:04
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paulproteushdworak, I can - just tell me in an email what you want me to set them to.09:19
paulproteushdworak, I'm working on putting the validator up right now.09:19
hdworakpaulproteus: hello! is this re: description ?09:20
hdworakso this cannot be done by me? (just curious)09:20
paulproteusThat's right, it can't be.09:20
hdworakok :)09:20
paulproteushdworak, Yo.09:21
paulproteusI made an egg for cc.license.09:21
paulproteusIt seems to die with an assertion error.09:21
paulproteusI think this may have to do with me making an egg that is zipped, and cc.license not wanting to be zipped.09:22
paulproteusHave you run into this?09:22
hdworakpaulproteus: what time is it in Argentina now? 6:22 ?09:22
paulproteusHow have you installed cc.license - using pypi?09:22
hdworakyes, using pypi09:22
paulproteusYes, 6:22.09:22
paulproteusInteresting re: pypi.09:22
paulproteusThe egg I'm generating doesn't seem to really work.09:22
hdworakstrangely, I can't find "Buenos Aires" time zone in Ubuntu :) I had to set Córdoba09:23
paulproteusThat i strange.09:23
paulproteusEspecially since I think I set mine to tha.t09:23
hdworak(in Polish the name of the city is spelled the same way)09:24
hdworakfunny :)09:24
hdworakok, I didn't try to build eggs from scratch in some kind of sandbox recently09:25
hdworakI did that before the midterm09:25
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hdworakis there any nice way to kind of "sandbox" python?09:26
hdworakso that it has empty "site-packages" ?09:26
hdworakand I could see all dependencies missing?09:26
hdworakpaulproteus: when will you be back to LA?09:27
paulproteushdworak, San Francisco09:27
paulproteusbut Monday.09:27
paulproteusI wonder how to generate a proper egg for this poor cc.license.09:27
hdworakfirm pencils down is August 18: ~12 noon PDT09:28
hdworakshould I submit this code somewhere before that day? or will is just stay on git repos?09:28
paulproteusInteresting.  I get back at noon PDT.09:28
paulproteusI mean, at 10 am PDT.09:28
hdworakok, so we probably won't chat after you take the airplane and before the deadline passes09:29
paulproteusThat's likely true.09:29
paulproteusI consider this current master branch an adequate "submission".09:29
paulproteusGoogle may require an alternate "submission".09:29
hdworakare you experiencing problems with cc.license at pypi ?09:29
paulproteusIt's only for 2.5.09:30
hdworakthey do but: September 3:    Students can begin submitting required code samples to Google09:30
paulproteusI'm still trying to get this working on 2.4.09:30
paulproteushdworak, Great re: Sept 309:30
paulproteusI guess I'll stop this and see about moving to 2.5 to use that egg.09:30
hdworakis it okay to work at this project after the deadline passes (not in terms of GSoC, but in terms of developing a cc tool) - or will you just take over the project or discontinue it?09:32
paulproteusI would love to have you continue to work on it.09:33
hdworaksuper rad09:33
paulproteusSo far, especially if I can actually get it to run, this looks like it should pass the final evaluation.09:35
paulproteusNaturally I wish we had started getting to such a good state earlier, but I know you wish that too.09:35
hdworakI want to do the following before the deadline: DC:title (for licensed objects), cc attribution, documentation (like Ivan Herman did for pyRdfa), unit tests for pylons, running09:44
hdworakI want to do the following after the deadline: liblicense for multimedia files; RSS license parsing; more looks; maybe (hotforwords decided to investigate) htm5lib for HTML/XHTML parsing; parsing RDF other than RDF/XML and RDFa (n3, for instance); manual; XHTML 1.0 Strict -> XHTML+RDFa (and such results) - once Genshi 0.6 goes official; statistics; validating <cc:License> blocks in deprecated RDF/XML (like someone wrote inaccurate prohibits or somethi09:47
paulproteusThat sounds good to me.09:48
hdworakah, and i18n, of course09:49
hdworakwith XHTML+RDFa, one could use the validator to move from deprecated means to recommended ones without any effort09:51
paulproteushdworak, Did you install python-librdf into the system?09:53
paulproteusI mean, via apt?09:53
paulproteusOr did you use easy_install09:58
hdworakpaulproteus: I used synaptic09:59
hdworakthe same for utidylib09:59
paulproteusOkay, cool.10:00
paulproteusAnd there's this src/bison/SPARQLParser.c that gets built and emits a warning, right?10:00
hdworakdoes Debian have exactly the same packages?10:00
paulproteusThe names are the same.10:00
paulproteusI'm trying in Debian testing now.10:00
hdworakpaulproteus: I couldn't observe any weird behaviour when using synaptic; though when I tried command line building, I've run across this SPARQLParser problems, indeed10:01
paulproteus2 of 9 tests fail for me.10:01
paulproteusDue to my different environment, likely.10:01
hdworakwhich ones?10:01
paulproteus.> /home/paulproteus/on-lenny/libvalidator/tests/test_units/
hdworakI'm going to run the tests now to see if this is okay10:02
paulproteusE.> /home/paulproteus/on-lenny/libvalidator/tests/test_units/
paulproteusOnce libvalidator builds, what is the next step to take?10:02
hdworakI have them, too10:02
hdworakgoing to investigate now10:02
paulproteusOkay, great.10:02
paulproteusI don't mind making a mess of this "system" since it's a chroot, really.10:02
paulproteusSo tell me anything at all I can do to get a working validator web app from the point where those two tests fail.10:03
paulproteus(Which is way farther than I got on stable.)10:03
paulproteushdworak, Please, help me get this set up.10:05
paulproteusThere's one other thing I wanted to finish, and there's a talk at 10 I wanted to see!10:05
hdworakI'm trying to resolve this 2 failed tests now10:06
hdworakKeyError: ''10:06
paulproteushdworak, Please help me before you work on the tests so I can look at other non-your stuff as soon as possible. (-:10:07
hdworakso libvalidator should be available to validator10:08
paulproteusSo how do I do that?10:08
paulproteusYou suggest python install ?10:08
hdworakI set up the PYTHONPATH for that10:08
paulproteusOh, huh, okay.10:08
paulproteusI can live with that for now.10:08
hdworakdeclare -x PYTHONPATH=":/home/hugo/Projects/libvalidator/:/home/hugo/Projects/cc.license/"10:08
paulproteusWe should get your libvalidator to work as an egg.10:08
paulproteusThat should be somewhat high priority, though not necessarily pre-GSoC's end.10:09
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hdworakok, if libvalidator is in the PYTHONPATH, you have sqlalchemy, genshi, pylons, then just10:10
hdworakpaster serve --reload development.ini10:10
hdworakin the validator directory10:10
paulproteusYou should set up the validator's and to be like herder's, so it has its own ./bin/paster.10:10
paulproteusFor now I'll install Debian's python-paste etc.10:11
hdworakI think it should work then at http://127.1:500010:11
paulproteusThat was fun!10:13
hdworakhuh? :)10:13
paulproteusI installed the Debian packages for pylons and genshi and friends, and it seems to have worked fine.10:14
hdworakok, can you run the Web application then?10:14
paulproteusIt seems to be just a default Pylons application.10:14
paulproteusAm I going to the wrong URL?10:14
paulproteusI went went to the root.10:14
paulproteusOh, wait, no.10:14
paulproteusIt's an error.10:14
paulproteusLet's see.10:14
paulproteusNeeded to install python-beautifulsoup.10:15
paulproteusNow let's see.10:15
paulproteusEr, wait, it is installed.10:15
* paulproteus fiddles10:15
hdworakI can't see what you see :)10:16
paulproteusCan you spend a few hours making the validator module act as a "well-behaved web app" as far as buildout and Paster, and upload a libvalidator egg to PyPI?10:18
paulproteusLike right now, preferably?10:18
paulproteusAnd then I can retry looking at this before I fall over asleep around noon local time.10:18
paulproteusAn example of such a well-behaved web app would be herder, naturally. (-:10:18
paulproteusBy "right now" I mean "prioritize it over other validator work"; I don't mean you must do it literally this second.10:19
paulproteusI'm close to deploying it, but there are a few dependency hurdles that that work would really help with.10:19
hdworakah, okay, I now know what failed in unit tests10:20
hdworakyou see, I've added this patch to prevent retrieving local files10:20
hdworakand this is what these two tests are using10:20
paulproteusMaybe you can change the tests to demonstrate that they should fail, then!10:20
paulproteusAnd now you're doing automated security testing. (-;10:21
hdworakheh, I need to add some test mode then10:21
hdworakthat will allow opening local files10:21
paulproteusWell, you know where my priorities for you lie.10:21
paulproteusI'm going to try to work on that other thing (not CC related, but Debian related) now.10:21
paulproteusShould help Ubuntu QA too. (-:10:22
hdworakpaulproteus: ok, now tests pass, but I still get Exception exceptions.TypeError: "'NoneType' object is not callable" in <bound method Model.__del__ of <RDF.Model object at 0x88ab14c>> ignored in the console10:24
paulproteusEh, whatever, it's ignored.10:25
paulproteusIf you know how to fix it, great.10:25
hdworakand this is due to cc.license10:25
paulproteusIf not, whatevs.10:25
* paulproteus nods10:25
paulproteusI'm Really Not Interested in that warning.10:25
paulproteusMaybe ftobia will fix it.10:25
paulproteusYou could email cc-devel about it, but I'm sure he knows about it. (-:10:25
paulproteusPlease ping me if you run into trouble setting up validator to be ./bin/buildout-able, or if you succeed.10:25
* hdworak has pushed a libvalidator update which passes unit tests10:27
hdworakyes, ftobia knows about it, I'm just informing you10:27
* paulproteus nods10:28
* hdworak has uninstalled all the Ubuntu Python packages that are not essential to Ubuntu itself or matplotlib11:00
hdworakfunny, I also run into this problem with BeautifulSoup, although the egg is downloaded11:21
hdworakand then pyRdfa... which is also downloaded11:22
hdworakthis means that it doesn't take into account ./eggs dir11:23
* paulproteus blinks11:31
paulproteushdworak, Yes - have you set it up to use buildout like a normal web app?11:32
hdworakI really don't know, I'm acting intuitive right now11:32
paulproteusI think you should be precise and try to set it up like Herder as far as at this stage.11:33, I mean.11:33
hdworakwhere is Herder?11:33
hdworakis this a game?11:33
hdworakI've tried to Google that11:33
paulproteusgit clone git://
hdworakok, I've managed to install the egg and run tests11:34
hdworak(of libvalidator)11:34
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hdworakpaulproteus: please have a look at this:
hdworakpaulproteus: what do you think? why do I have to sudo easy_install eggs/nose-0.10.3-py2.5.egg after buildout ?11:36
hdworakah, and cc.license requires not only manual installation of Redland, but also python-lxml11:37
hdworakpaulproteus: do you know about virtualenv? I've been looking for that before11:39
paulproteushdworak, Oh, yeah, oops.11:40
hdworak?? :)11:40
paulproteusI'm too tired to be much use for now.11:41
paulproteusThat may change.11:41
hdworakok, n/p11:42
hdworakpaulproteus: I think I've managed to get it working, although one must install Debian/Ubuntu packages12:06
hdworakpaulproteus: do you have time to give it a try now?12:06
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hdworakpaulproteus: I think the libvalidator is okay now, but I have not yet made a setup w/ dependencies for validator12:50
hdworakpaulproteus: please issue the following commands on the Debian box:
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lenny64_Hi everyone13:55
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hdworakhi lenny14:16
hdworakwhat's up?14:16
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paulproteushdworak, Howdy hdworak.14:44
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paulproteushdworak, Trying it now.14:46
hdworakgood day14:48
hdworakI'm going to try to make a setup w/ dependencies for validator after this14:48
hdworakthen if you want to see the application running, you may ask it to examine
paulproteushdworak, I get an error after following your instructions14:50
hdworakwhich is ill-formed XHTML+RDFa (52 Errors, 22 warning(s))14:51
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paulproteusMorning nathany.14:55
nathanymorning, paulproteus14:55
nathanylooks like validator-beta has the wrong version of webhelpers?14:56
hdworakhi, nathany14:56
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paulproteusThat's what it looks like to me.14:56
hdworakpaulproteus: try sudo apt-get install python-webhelpers14:56
nathanyboo hiss14:56
paulproteusnathany, Also, FYI, it's running in a Debian testing chroot on a8 because after hours of fighting with getting it running on stable I decided to stop.14:56
hdworakI don't have it installed though, but it works14:57
* paulproteus whistles14:57
nathanya) you spent hours tying?14:57
hdworakpaulproteus: did it help?14:57
nathanyand b) it won't run on fucking stable?14:57
paulproteusb) Python 2.5 + python-libRDF14:57
paulproteushdworak, I have python-webhelpers installed.14:57
paulproteusI'm going to go upstairs to a BoF.14:57
paulproteusI may be online from there.14:57
hdworakwhich python- packages do you have installed?14:58
nathanypaulproteus: remember that the latest version of webhelpers contains massive API changes14:58
nathanyso i'd check the version14:58
nathany(you need < 0.6 iirc)14:58
hdworakespecially, have you installed pylons and genshi from Ubuntu/Debian packages or sudo easy_install Paste PylonsGenshi SQLAlchemy?14:58
nathanydoing easy_install won't be any better -- the pylons package doesn't specify a version dependency, so you get the latest webhelpers (which is too new)14:59
paulproteusI did whatever you wrote.14:59
hdworak(I do not have this Ubuntu packages installed right now)14:59
hdworakhow come we both type easy_install Pylons today and have a different version of webhelpers?14:59
nathanyif you already have a version of Pylons or WebHelpers installed that fits the version dependency, it won't check for a newer one15:00
nathanythis is the scourge of the system python15:00
hdworakit seems I have webhelpers 0.3.2 installed15:01
nathany(not pylons may have fixed this in the past 10 days -- 10 days ago it was a problem)15:01
nathanynote, not not15:01
hdworakunder /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/15:01
paulproteusnathany, Right, I remember this now.15:01
hdworakpaulproteus: what version of webhelpers do you have?15:01
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paulproteus0.6-1 from the package manager15:02
nathanythere you go15:02
hdworakDebian package manager?15:02
nathanyand i think the librdf thing is totally bogus, too (or if not bogus, at least just related to the system python and not worth spending any time fixing)15:02
paulproteushdworak, Yes.15:02
nathanyi say this having used librdf with Python 2.5 last week15:03
hdworakok, that's the problem... the instruction assumed cleaned Python installation with no extra packages15:03
paulproteushdworak, I think you asked me to install it.  I'll remove it now.15:03
paulproteushdworak, It was a dependency of the python-pylons package.15:03
paulproteusHow come validator doesn't have a bootstrap?15:04
nathanydoes it even have a buildout?15:04
hdworak"(16:58:32) hdworak: especially, have you installed pylons and genshi from Ubuntu/Debian packages or sudo easy_install Paste PylonsGenshi SQLAlchemy?"15:04
* nathany casts his eyes sideways at paulproteus, wondering if he mentored on the joys of buildout15:05
paulproteusnathany, I tried!15:05
paulproteusI swear.15:05
paulproteusI'm also pretty tired right now.15:05
hdworak"(16:48:49) hdworak: I'm going to try to make a setup w/ dependencies for validator after this"15:05
nathanyfair enough15:05
paulproteushdworak, interesting re: 0.3.215:05
hdworakpaulproteus: first of all, did you experience any problems with libvalidator?15:05
hdworakhave the tests passed?15:06
paulproteusAll 9 tests pass.15:06
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hdworakok, cool15:07
paulproteusAnd I think the web app finds libvalidator just fine.15:07
hdworakso what shall we do now: a) I start writing bootstrap/ for validator b) we're trying to run validator-beta of what we have15:07
hdworakbtw could you please add this bootstrap submodule to git repo validator.git (like you did for libvalidator), pls?15:08
paulproteusWebHelpers>=0.6.1 seems to be in the requirements?15:09
paulproteuspkg_resources.VersionConflict: (WebHelpers 0.3.1 (/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/WebHelpers-0.3.1-py2.5.egg), Requirement.parse('WebHelpers>=0.6.1'))15:10
paulproteuspaulproteus@a8:~/deploy/validator$ paster serve --reload development.ini15:10
hdworakI haven't written any requirements myself, so I do not know where does that come from15:10
paulproteusWhat version of Pylons are you using?15:11
hdworak0.9.6.2 in my site-packages15:12
hdworakpylonsgenshi is 0.1.015:12
paulproteusI was using 0.9.7rc1.15:13
paulproteusThere, now you guys have a blast.15:13
hdworakI've put
hdworakin remote URI form15:13
paulproteusI'm going to see if I can work on piuparts in a reasonable time.15:13
hdworakseems to work15:13
hdworakpaulproteus: thanks15:13
paulproteusSure thing!15:13
hdworakpaulproteus: if you could find some time for this bootstrap submodule, that would be superb15:15
nathanyhdworak: trying to look at I get an Expat error15:16
nathanynot sure if it's when it tries to parse the HTML as XHTML, or the included RDF... (haven't dug in at all, thought you might be aware of where the problem lies)15:16
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hdworaknathany, I've opened the link and I get a picture that reads "Girls Dance Practice is Cancelled"15:19
nathanyoh, sorry15:19
nathanynot "look at"15:19
hdworakah, paste link, ok15:19
nathanywhen i tried to "validate it"15:19
hdworakok, I can see that15:20
hdworakso this means that it's ill-formed XML and moreover BeautifulSoup + uTidylib can't make it well-formed15:20
hdworakI need to pass the minidom document to pyRdfa15:21
hdworakwhich then handles the processing of the document15:21
hdworakwhen I pass to minidom, it reports errors, so I need to pass well-formed XML there15:21
hdworakI try w/o modifications first, then I try with BS, then I try with BS+Tidy+BS15:21
hdworakthen I give up15:21
nathanywhy don't you just let pyRdfa use it's built-in html5lib support?15:22
nathanythat actually works (we're using it in another piece of the stack I just rolled out and it successfully pulls RDFa from that document)15:22
hdworakI'm using _process_DOM which requires minidom document as a parameter15:23
nathanyok, fine15:23
nathanybut with > 50million licensed objects, we're not going to be able to promote a tool that barfs on flickr15:24
hdworaknathany: I may use html5lib in addition/or instead of BeautifulSoup and/or uTidylib15:26
nathanyi think it'd be worth looking at15:26
nathanyincidentally we've had massive problems with uTidylib segfaulting in Python apps on 64 bit machines15:27
hdworakas far as I can recall, the rationale behind not using pyRdfa "external" methods was that they did not support all input means (direct, upload, URI)15:27
nathanythat makes perfect sense15:27
hdworaknathany: great, I'll experiment with html5lib then15:27
paulproteusnathany, massive is the right word.15:29
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hdworakok, the problem is that Flickr uses URIs like
hdworakand these are not understood by cc.license15:57
hdworakI would leave it as it is (parsing deed.en) for the time being and report that to ftobia, and then await an update15:58
hdworakpaulproteus: have you added the bootstrap module to the validator?16:06
paulproteushdworak, No16:06
paulproteushdworak, Can't you?16:06
paulproteusBut I can too if you want.16:06
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hdworakit was you who did that at the first time, I do not know if I have necessary permissions16:07
paulproteushdworak, ok, in 10 min16:07
hdworakpaulproteus, nathany: I've pushed libvalidator which parser Flickr16:08
hdworakI've dropped BeautifulSoup,, and uTidylib dependencies16:08
paulproteusI've pulled.16:11
paulproteushdworak, You want me to add the bootstrap git submodule into validator?  Okay, one sec.16:12
hdworakyes, please; it's because I thought it requires git admin priviliges16:12
paulproteushdworak, Done16:14
paulproteusIt does not.16:14
hdworakok, sorry16:14
paulproteusIt can be done by anyone who knows how to use git submodule.16:14
hdworakand thank you16:14
paulproteusSure thing.16:15
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hdworakoh my...16:17
hdworak ! [rejected]        master -> master (non-fast forward)16:17
paulproteushdworak, Do a git pull to merge my changes in with yours.16:17
paulproteushdworak, If you want to rename your repositories on the web, email me the new descriptions you want.16:18
hdworakpaulproteus: if you could redo libvalid+valid on validator-beta, we would see html5lib + flickr in action16:23
hdworak(validator still has no buildout/ w/ dependencies)16:23
hdworakok, if I put a link to a JPEG image, html5lib fails to parse it16:24
hdworakno, I'm trying to find which code cannot be parsed by html5lib16:25
hdworak"<john&>blue&&" in direct input is enough for it to fail16:26
hdworakbut Flickr works16:26
hdworakalthough w/o details about the license, 'cause cc.license doesn't recognize it16:26
paulproteushdworak, I now have a simple script that pulls and updates; I'll paste it in a second.16:28
paulproteusBut I just used it to update the web version.16:28
paulproteusLet me know if there's something insane about that somehow.16:29
hdworakdo you mean - the new version is running at validator-beta now?16:29
paulproteusLiterally, I mean that I just ran that script.16:30
hdworakpaulproteus: no, it's okay16:30
hdworaknathany: Flickr parses now, check it out if you'd like to :)16:30
paulproteushdworak, I made another commit; you should git pull, and git will merge things for you.16:32
hdworakah, like pyRdfa16:33
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hdworakthat's a good idea, but bear in mind that the other to methods require POST (direct input and file upload)16:34
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hdworakpaulproteus: I've added buildout and although not tested it yet; and changed to GET for the remote files; this is pushed16:53
paulproteusUpdated the live one.16:54
hdworakok, I've tried - seems to work16:55
hdworakI cannot parse creativecommons.org16:58
* paulproteus runs and hides16:59
hdworakit works here:
paulproteusBug nathany. (-:17:00
* nathany yawns17:00
nathanywelcome to the reality of the web17:01
hdworaknathany: what do you use for this apps/triples17:01
hdworakso I can see the code that manages to do it17:02
nathany(let me get the appropriate svn links)17:02
hdworakok, I'll do more debugging then17:02
nathanyhere's the scraper itself --
nathanyrdfadict is what actually wraps pyRdfa17:03
hdworakok, thanks17:06
hdworaknathany: ok, I've resolved this issue17:10
hdworakpaulproteus: could you pls rehash now?17:11
hdworakwe should see working17:11
paulproteusPlease add to your TODO to have a flashy logo for this service. (-;17:12
paulproteus says "Free Cultural works? No"!17:12
paulproteusI have my doubts!17:12
hdworakok it works17:12
hdworakpaulproteus: it's the Libre from cc.license17:13
paulproteusCurious. (-:17:13
paulproteusSounds like cc.license could use another unit test.17:13
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hdworakI think it's a bit broken in that lib17:13
paulproteusftobia, cc.license thinks CC by 3.0 is not Libre, FYI.17:14
hdworakas far as I recall, public domain is not libre according to cc.license, too17:14
hdworakok, I'm off for a bike, now; when I come back I shall test the validator egg17:14
hdworakthanks for testing the service17:15
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greg-gwordpress is acting slow today17:48
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nkinkadepaulproteus: I have a sense that the nightly stats CSV dumps are hurting disk I/O on a5 right now.  web services are sluggish and I'm getting messages from Nagios.17:49
paulproteusnkinkade, Sad.17:49
* paulproteus sshs to a517:49
paulproteustop - 12:50:20 up 17 days, 8 min,  2 users,  load average: 53.24, 35.23, 19.3117:50
paulproteusBut this "top" process of server is pretty expensive too.17:51
nkinkadepaulproteus: Sorry.  I killed the dumps to see what would happend.17:51 is down for me?17:51
nkinkadeThere's still apparently a major backup.17:51
paulproteusRemind me, what's "server"?17:52
paulproteuspaulproteus@rose:~ $ telnet 8017:53
paulproteusNot even TCP ACK'd for, like, minutes17:53
nkinkadepaulproteus: Yeah, the machine is nearly at 100%wa.17:54
nkinkadeI killed your stats dumps and I'm trying to restart mysqld, but the init.t script hasn't returned yet after about 2 minutes.17:55
paulproteusMy stats dumps should resume fine, I think.17:55
nkinkadeI could be something else, but I strongly suspect the stats CSV dumps.17:55
paulproteusI don't think they're the major culprit, sine it's still in sucktitude land.17:55
greg-gback for me17:56
greg-gwell, no17:56
greg-gthe licenses are back17:56
paulproteusMySQL says too many connections.17:57
paulproteusBased on stracing it.17:57
Bovinity"Error establishing a database connection"17:57
paulproteusWho all connects to mysql on a5?17:58
nathanyremind me, were stats running on the primary web server before the great server migration fo 2008?17:58
nathanywordpress, stats17:58
paulproteusnathany, Back in the day, they were on apps.17:58
nkinkadenathany: No, we weren't.17:58
paulproteusI'm perfectly willing to move them.17:58
nathanybut they were obviously somewhere between apps and a517:58
paulproteusI just don't think that they alone are causing anything like this much problem.17:58
nkinkadeIt has ended up on the as a consequence of all the moves, not intentionally.17:58
paulproteusAll seems working now.17:59
nathanypaulproteus: any suggestions for determining system wide what the blockage is?17:59
nathany(or nkinkade)17:59
nkinkadepaulproteus: Is it possible that the stats dumps hurt disk I/O badly and then cause a wave of backup in Varnish and Apache and cc.engine, a backup that they can't recover from.17:59
nkinkadeSort of like someone tapping their brakes on a highway and causing a massive backup for miles, even though it was just a tap.18:00
nathanynkinkade: do you recall if we were having these problems before we starting using Varnish as more than a cache? (ie, when we moved the rewrite stuff out of apache, into varnish)18:00
nkinkadenathany: I think it was hard to tell because we were having problems all around.18:01
nathanypaulproteus: is the current stats stuff that's running the queries to goog, et al, or the CSV dumps?18:01
paulproteusnkinkade, That's a possibility for sure.18:01
nkinkadeThere is no question that the "use stats; select * from complex;" puts disk I/O in a bad state.18:01
nkinkadeIt appears that after stopping your stats dumps that restarting Varnish restored things.18:02
paulproteusThat's pretty damning!18:02
nkinkadeIt would have been a good test to simply restart Varnish.18:02
* nathany hopes that whatever is calling that select * is using an interative cursor18:02
nathanyiterative, that is18:02
paulproteusnathany, It's mysqldump I think, and I'm parsing its XML output with SAX and turning it into a CSV.18:02
paulproteusEr, wait, I shouldn't admit that's how I make those CSVs probably.18:03
nathanyok, can we just disable CSV dumps for the time being?18:03
nathanythat should let us continue to collect stats, right?18:03
paulproteusI can just comment them out.18:03
paulproteusPerfectly safe.18:03
paulproteusNext time a CSV dump is run it'll automatically try to do the back jobs.18:03
nathanyok, let's do that for the time being18:03
nathanyback jobs meaning generate the older dumps?18:03
nathanyok, thank you18:04
nkinkadepaulproteus: nathany: I want to make it clear that I'm not 100% incriminating the stats dumps, just that I've very suspicious of them, and have done some testing that shows that they at least load the machine pretty heavily in terms of disk I/O.18:04
nkinkadepaulproteus: We could also move the stats to, say, a6 for a while, if commenting our the dumps will reduce functionality.18:05
paulproteusnkinkade, Sounds good to me.18:05
nkinkadeYou said that it was a fairly simple operation of maybe 15 minutes?18:05
nathanyi know it will reduce functionality but i'm not sure people are using that functionality, are they?18:05
paulproteusstats collection should be pretty lightweight, and just disabling the dumps is already done.18:05
nkinkadea6 is hardly loaded at all right now ... just ccLearn, that's it.18:05
nathany(btw, i *never* saw an update from ankit -- what's up with that?)18:05
paulproteusnathany, He emailed the list a week and a half ago and a week ago chatted with me on IRC.18:06
paulproteusAnd I helped him find some data.18:06
paulproteusAnd then radio silence. )-:18:06
nathanyi don't think he emailed the list18:06
paulproteusI thought so, but lemme check.18:06
nathany(or if he did, he didn't bother subscribing so it got dumped)18:06
paulproteusNo, you're right.18:06
nkinkadeOn another front.  I realized, strangely, just before I fell asleep last night that the mod_bw stuff I have setup for Apache concurrent connection limiting probably isn't work as I initially thought.18:06
nkinkadeFor starters Apache always thinks the client is
nathanypaulproteus: has he pushed any code to us?18:07
paulproteusnathany, Yes, in "loggy.git".18:07
paulproteusHe did this ages ago in fact, I just hardly took a look at it.18:07
paulproteusIt's pretty sad as far as Python code, though.18:07
nkinkadeTo compound it, there is small line in the README I saw this morning that make me think it's not what we want.18:07
paulproteusnkinkade, Zing re:
nkinkadeI'm currently looking into using the connlimit Netfilter module.18:07
nathanyhe pushed something 6 days ago18:07
paulproteusRight, that's about when we talked.18:08
nathanypaulproteus: wow, that's total shit18:09
nathany(relying on the order of args in a query string? ugh)18:09
paulproteusNow, now, not in front of the children!18:09
nkinkadenathany: On that same front, GSoC, I sent David and email yesterday asking if over the weekend he could fix up those last few things that Sergey had mentioned on the SMW-devel list ... reminding him that "pencils down" date is Monday.18:09
nathanygreat, thanks nkinkade18:09
nathanyi think his stuff is close18:09
nkinkadeI think so too.  Just a few tweaks basically.18:10
paulproteusI wish when I tell people, "Please contact me if you have any issues" they would actually contact me since they have issues.18:10
paulproteusOh, well.18:10
paulproteusI'm going to go upstairs and watch a talk on virtualization.18:10
paulproteusFear not, I'll still be on IRC.18:10
nathanypaulproteus: look, i don't know how much clearer i could be when I said "use the cgi module to parse the query string"18:10
nathany(and i'm 99% sure i said that at one point)18:11
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paulproteuspaulproteus@alchemy:/tmp $ fusermount  -u lol18:16
paulproteuserror writing /etc/mtab.tmp: No space left on device18:16
nkinkadeDoes anyone know how to check which processes using disk I/O and to what extent?  A couple days ago I posted a link in this channel about, but it requires 2.6.20, which is > than what etch has.18:16
paulproteusnkinkade, "etch and a half"!18:16 looked really cool.  Worked like a charm on my laptop.18:17
nkinkadeIt was a top-like interface showing processes and disk I/O numbers and sorting it based on usage.18:17
nkinkadeThe %wa on a5 is still hovering around 50%, though everything is responsive.18:18
nkinkadeWell, actually not very. is slow.18:18
paulproteusI think this got shipped.18:19
nkinkadepaulproteus: It is possible that is using a good deal of disk I/O?18:20
paulproteusNot by itself; it just bridges the web and MySQL.18:20
paulproteusIt stores a really easy to store log file.18:21
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hdworakre: (20:06:30) nathany: (or if he did, he didn't bother subscribing so it got dumped)18:50
hdworakyes, it was that issue that I had18:50
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hdworakI'm sure that ankitg had to take a break due to an important issue, but he will return with decent code before the deadline18:59
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hdworakhe's a very bright guy18:59
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hdworakhi, malgar19:00
hdworakwhat's up?19:00
malgarwhat i need are motivations to push an artist to release it's work under CC (in the specific case it's an artistic performance but the question in also more general)19:01
hdworakmalgar: first of all, why are you in such position that you want to convince him/her to do it?19:02
hdworakmalgar: what is your rationale?19:02
malgarthe work uses some geographic data and i'm into openstreetmap project (released under cc-by-sa). But as i said the question is more general. Why someone should release its work under cc? what are the benefits for the author?19:04
hdworakhe or she can be frustrated with big record companies and wants to release a teaser (like CD1 out of 4) under a license that will allow ppl to spread the demo19:07
hdworakthis is what Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails did with Ghost I19:07
hdworakbut in general, I think it would be best to handle the artist a copy of Prof. Lessig's book19:09
hdworakit explains the concept throughfully19:10
malgaranother question is more about openstreetmap (cc-by-sa as i said)19:11
hdworakdisclaimer: I'm not a CC employee, so I do not have experience with answering questions like yours19:11
malgarhdworak, np19:11
malgarwith cc-by-sa the commercial use is allowed. Why a public administration should release it's (geographic) data under cc-by-sa allowing that someone can do money with that?19:13
hdworakpublic administration should release works only under public domain19:14
hdworakwhich means no license at all19:14
hdworakif public administration starts licensing their work, I can't imagine a worse scenario19:14
malgaryeah i know, but i can assure to you that here would be a giant leap to get at least under cc-by-sa19:15
hdworakhere = where?19:15
malgarhere all the works of p.a. are licensed19:15
hdworakI've been to Italy in my teens19:15
malgardworak.. czech?19:15
hdworakno, a Pole19:15
paulproteusBut as for Ankit, I don't know.19:16
malgarah right, the w is selfunderstanding19:16
paulproteusI hope he's okay, and I hope he comes back to the channel....19:16
hdworakRome, Venice, Vatican, San Marino19:16
hdworakwhich reminds me19:16
hdworakI've stayed in a town called Ghetto Amare19:16
hdworakdoes it ring a bell or my memories are blurry?19:16
hdworaksorry for off-topic, malgar19:17
hdworakpaulproteus: I'm positive he will19:17
malgarhdworak, :) i don't know that town19:18
hdworaknext to the see19:18
hdworakoh well19:19
hdworaksea, even19:19
hdworakre: Why a public administration should release it's (geographic) data under cc-by-sa allowing that someone can do money with that?19:20
hdworakbecause they work for tax money, so they should make their work available to all tax payers19:20
hdworakmalgar: was there a hipermarket chain called "Hiper" "Hyper" "yper" or "iper" in Italy?19:22
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malgaror ipermarket19:25
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hdworakI've found the city19:25
hdworakGatteo a Mare19:25
hdworakit's near Rimini19:25
hdworak:) :) :D19:25
malgarthis is meaningful19:25
hdworaknear San Mauro a Mare19:25
malgaruse openstreetmap :)19:26
hdworaktonight is a superb night19:27
hdworakI've finally figured that one out19:27
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hdworakpaulproteus: when do you think it would be the right time to move validator-beta to validator ?19:30
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hdworakpaulproteus: is there something you require me to complete to pass the final evaluation?19:51
paulproteushdworak, re: when move: I want to know what nathany thinks.20:09
hdworakof course20:09
paulproteushdworak, re: pass the final eval: I think I would pass you no matter what, but I'd really appreciate it if you would do some work and tell me how your current implementation compares to what you promised.20:10
paulproteusI guess I will *require* that you write up that report and post it to cc-devel and the techblog.20:10
hdworakpromise = the original "proposed timeline" ?20:11
paulproteusRight, that's what I mean.20:11
paulproteusI'm pretty sleep-deprived, so sorry if I make a little less sense than usual.20:11
hdworakweeks 1-6, 8 (MIME content type does not matter, since we're dealing with (X)HTML only), 9, 11 completed20:12
hdworaknot done: 7 (RSS), 10 (stats), 12 (cloning the layout of the CC Web site)20:13
paulproteusOh, just write it up and blog it. (-:20:14
hdworak"Writing the documentation summarising the architecture." -> + entries20:14
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hdworak"Making the application more user-friendly." hm... it's a simple application - but we have valid XHTML 1.0 Strict that is functional in Lynx; I don't know how much more friendly would it be (suggestions are welcomed)20:15
hdworakI hope you agree on this one (= which weeks were completed)20:17
hdworaknathany: when do you think it would be the right time to move validator-beta to validator ?20:21
hdworakftobia (when he's back): could you please add support for license URIs like in cc.license (Flickr uses that extensively)20:24
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hdworaknathany, ftobia: why does cc.license require Genshi and Pylons? isn't it supposed to be a library?21:04
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mptrejust ordered some cc-stickers, just curious about your shipping-methods21:07
mptrewhen will I get them? btw, I'm living in Sweden21:07
paulproteusmptre, Oh!  I'm not very sure, actually; Melissa would know, but she's not around the IRC channel.21:08
paulproteusNathany might know.21:08
mptreis nathany afk atm?21:09
paulproteusPerhaps; I'm actually out of the office today.21:10
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ankitgpaulproteus: Ping. I am alive ... was installing geo-ip on windows ... it crashed, the beautiful blue screen of death welcomed me. Then windows failed to boot ... Just re-installed windows ...21:12
paulproteusankitg, Yeah, so use Ubuntu.21:13
paulproteusankitg, That's good that you're alive!21:13
paulproteusI'm half-kidding about Ubuntu being the one true answer.21:16
paulproteusIf you can do things on other OSs fine.21:16
hdworakankitg: hi there! :)21:17
hdworakpaulproteus: unless they are not FLOSS21:18
ankitgpaulproteus: seriously considering Ubuntu ... would be a first time though ... it is indeed good to be alive ...21:18
paulproteusankitg, BTW, you should use the Python module called "cgi" to pick out the web arguments rather than relying on the order they appear in.21:18
* ankitg goes to grab a copy of ubuntu vm image ...21:19
paulproteusankitg, It'd be pretty easy to use Ubuntu in a VM.21:19
paulproteusBut keep in mind there are precious days left, and I'm going to offline for the last 24h of your deadline.21:20
hdworakankitg: Microsoft Windows is a great operating system that will allow you to download the Ubuntu CD image, burn it, and restart your computer21:20
paulproteusAs that downloads I'd love it if you'd write a status report based on your original timeline for cc-devel and the Techblog.21:20
hdworakpaulproteus: it's called the Labs now21:21
paulproteusDon't spend *too* much time working on it.21:21
paulproteushdworak, Man, I'm behind the times.  You're right21:21
hdworakit's really easier to use Microsoft Windows for downloading the Ubuntu CD than waiting 3 weeks for the shipment21:24
ankitgI know windows would work, and considering I'll need use it and am I've worked with it before, it seemed an easy choice. BUT I want try out ubuntu ...21:24
ankitghdworak: hi =)21:24
paulproteusI don't know Windows would work, given that it sucked days out of your life three days before a deadline you're on.21:24
ankitghdworak: I'll be using VMware Fusion ...21:24
hdworakalthough if you FLOSS principles are dear to you, you might be better off waiting for the shipment so that you do not use propertiary software at all21:25
ankitgpaulproteus: noted. I was using sisynala as a guide for that part ...21:26
ankitghdworak: I know what a live CD is ... =)21:27
nkinkadepaulproteus: Did you look into the thing with Varnish on a8 and the postinst script at all, or this that something I should follow up on now?21:27
paulproteusnkinkade, I did fix it.21:28
hdworakI do not doubt that, I'm just discussing the need of using Microsoft Windows for downloading the CD image21:28
nkinkadepaulproteus: Whew.,21:28
nkinkadepaulproteus: It was a simple fix?21:28
paulproteusI just added "exit 0" to be the second line of the varnish and varnishlog init scripts, and then did "apt-get install $whatever_i_was_installing_before".21:28
paulproteusAnd then those init scripts "succeeded," so the package was fine.21:28
paulproteusBTW I'm sitting here at a talk at Debconf working on a tool to automatically detect bugs like that.21:29
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nkinkadeWould there have been a way to mark the package as fully installed and configured without doing that?21:29
nkinkadeJust for my own knowledge.21:29
paulproteuss/the package was fine/the package management system was satisfied that the install had succeeded/21:29
paulproteusnkinkade, Good question; my guess is yes but I don't know how.21:29
nkinkadeYeah, well, I'm glad you fixed it because I would otherwise be rummaging around on Google right now.21:30
paulproteusSure thing. (-:21:31
hdworakpaulproteus: I have updated and tested the buildout process for validator21:34
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hdworakpaulproteus: it is described in README.txt, buildout.cfg and are working21:34
* hdworak has just pushed21:35
hdworakI've also enhanced the TODO (in both validator and libvalidator) with all the ideas said today21:35
hdworakI'm going to write the cc-devel + labs message tomorrow21:38
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hdworakpaulproteus: you might want to prevent robots from browsing validator-beta21:48
hdworakin order to do this, please create the file validator/public/robots.txt with the following contents:21:49
hdworakUser-agent: *21:49
hdworak Disallow: /21:49
paulproteushdworak, Nah, I don't mind. (-:21:50
hdworakI'm sure you know how to do this, but I'm pasting the lines for your convinience21:50
paulproteusMe, I don't mind the robots.21:51
* paulproteus hopes nkinkade doesn't hear him21:51
nkinkadepaulproteus: I don't have a problem with robots either, until they take down important web services.21:52
hdworakI've just read
hdworak"Some organizations will require students to assign   copyright to them, but many will allow them to retain copyright."21:53
hdworakdo you want me to assign copyright for the work I've done for Creative Commons during Google Summer of Code 2008 to Creative Commons?21:53
hdworakpaulproteus, nathany21:53
paulproteusWhen I was an intern (and as a staffer), I was told CC gets the (C) to my work, but I can enjoy it under all those licenses that it's available as.21:53
paulproteusI don't know what we'll ask of you; I'll leave htat to nathany.21:54
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hdworaknathany: under GSoC rules, do you want me to assign copyright for the work I've done for Creative Commons during Google Summer of Code 2008 to Creative Commons?21:54
nathanyi'd prefer the copyright line to read something like:21:54
nathany(c) 2008, Hdworak <>, Creative Commonsc21:54
nathany(listing both parties)21:55
nathanywe don't require a full copyright assignment21:55
hdworakI shall not provide my e-mail in the boilerplate due to spam concerns, if you do not mind21:55
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nathanyno problem21:55
nathanyis that line OK with you otherwise?21:55
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hdworakof course, I'm already updating the boilerplates21:58
hdworakmy only concern is that someone might think I'm from Creative Commons by reading that line21:58
hdworakwhich is what you might not want to happen21:58
paulproteus(C) held both by:22:01
paulproteus* Creative Commons, and22:01
paulproteus* Hugo Dworak22:01
paulproteusThat's a suggestion; I'm going to go back to working on piuparts now.22:02
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paulproteusHowdy Steren!22:02
Sterennathany: strange I can't any more edit my user page on teamspace with a form, is it broken for you too ?22:04
Sterenhey paulproteus :)22:04
nathanyit looks like the form is a rejon... something22:05
nathanyi can't, either... i'd just edit it manually22:05
nathanySteren: ^^22:05
hdworaknathany: I have updated all the boilerplates and the "About the software" page with "Copyright (C) 2008  Hugo Dworak and Creative Commons"22:06
nathanyexcellent, thanks, hdworak22:06
nathany(and thanks for all the bug fixes today)22:06
hdworaknathany: thank you for the possibility to retain the share copyright; I appreciate that22:06
nathanysure :)22:06
hdworaknathany: when do you think the validator-beta will be moved to validator?22:07
hdworakbugfixes are my duty as a developer22:07
nathanynot sure... we'll probably want to apply a stylesheet to it, etc; unfortunately we have several time critical things going on right now22:07
hdworakok, I understand :)22:08
nathanyi'm out next week so we'll probably take a look when i get back and figure it out22:08
hdworakthere's no rush, though22:08
hdworakI'll just point labs+cc-devel to validator-beta22:08
nathanyi wonder if we should run it as (to avoid leaking out another hostname)22:08
nathanyeh, i guess it doesn't really matter22:09
hdworaknathany: I suggested robots.txt for that22:09
nathanyit's not so much about robots as it is about having a blog post that points to a domain that's going to go away22:09
hdworakbut I second your idea22:09
nathanyif we put it on, then it'd be a simple rewrite rule to redirect requests once we really launch it22:09
nathany(so that people following the link get *something*)22:09
paulproteusnathany, Deploying it there will be a pain, though.22:10
hdworakpaulproteus: ^^^22:10
nathanywhy's that?22:10
hdworakit's on a diff. machine22:10
nathanythat sounds like a bogus difficulty to me ;)22:10
nathany(that is, ideally software can be deployed in a sane fashion without lots of machine prep)22:11
paulproteusThe path fiddling drove me nuts with Herder recently.22:11
paulproteusI ended up throwing up my hands and using it on a subdomain.22:11
paulproteusIf someone else wants to do that, fine, but I doubt I'l be able to do that before Monday.22:11
paulproteusOh, wait, I think it was as easy as it should have been.22:11
paulproteusWe just also made absolute reference to / in places we shouldn't have.22:12
nathanypaulproteus: i don't understand that last statement22:12
nathanyoh, right22:12
paulproteusSo never mind it being totally horrible.22:12
nathanyanyway, if that's possible, i have a slight preference for it; but frankly it's not anything I'll lose any sleep over22:13
nathanyanyway, that said, i need to head out for a couple hours... feel free to email with anything that comes up22:13
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hdworakoh, Leslie's written that code samples can come from the code written up to Sep 3rd22:15
hdworakit's just that the final evaluation must be done on the code from Aug 18th22:16
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paulproteushdworak, Great, I'm glad to hear that.22:20
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Sterennkinkade: is broken right now.22:29
nkinkadeSteren: It'll be up in a second.22:29
Sterenno doubt :)22:30
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nkinkadeAnyone happen to know of a way to use dd that won't totally saturate disk I/O and cause a machine to become unresponsive?22:34
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nkinkadeThis seems absurd, but it works:22:51
nkinkadefor i in $(seq 1 1000); do nice -n 19 dd if=/dev/zero conv=notrunc oflag=append bs=1M count=1 &> /dev/null && sleep 0.1; done22:51
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nkinkadepaulproteus: Are you using NFS for anything on a6?23:12
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nkinkadeWell, if you were, it's gone now.23:19
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paulproteusnkinkade, Not anymore.23:35
nkinkadepaulproteus: I felt about 99.9% sure that it was just installed by default with amd64, so I blasted it.23:36
paulproteusIt's not, I think I set it up to copy data faster than rsync over SSH once.23:39
nkinkadepaulproteus: How long ago would that have been?  It would have had to have been during the last few weeks, because a6 is brand new.23:48
paulproteusBuh, then never mind.23:49
paulproteusYou must be right.23:49

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