Tuesday, 2008-07-22

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paulproteusnkinkade, Oh, yay.00:06
nkinkadepaulproteus: It all seems to be working.  At least it fixed cgit and I was able to push and pull on something else.00:07
paulproteusnkinkade, Hey, did you use set-selections etc?00:07
paulproteusYou'd think that would solve this.00:07
nkinkadeI would have had I been using a {get,set}-selections from a6, but I was using the one from a7.00:08
paulproteusa7 is the one I did?00:08
paulproteusRight, right.00:08
paulproteusSo you would have had to decide to install a5's package set on that already-running machine.00:08
nkinkadeBut that is mostly all behind us now because a6 is the last one to go to 64 bit.00:08
nkinkadeBy the by, paulproteus ... is it possible to manage memory in a python program or does python always handle all of that for you, like it or not?00:09
paulproteusnkinkade, "It depends"00:09
paulproteusBasically, it handles it all for you.00:09
paulproteusIf you want, you can call malloc() yourself.00:10
nkinkadeI ask because zope on a5 keeps segfaulting about every few minutes.00:10
paulproteusBy literally importing libc and calling malloC().00:10
paulproteusYeah, I heard about that.00:10
paulproteusThat's Not Supposed To Happen.00:10
paulproteusIs this a fresh 64-bit buildout?00:10
paulproteusOr is it a copy of a buidout from 32b?00:10
nkinkadeAnd it seemed strange to me, since I figured that python would handle the memory management.00:10
nkinkadeWhich made me wonder if there was something wrong with the build of python.00:11
paulproteusAnswer to above question?00:11
nkinkadeStrangely even varnishd has segfaulted a few times.00:11
nkinkadeIt's a clearn buildout.00:11
paulproteusThat spell-checks to both clean and cclearn.00:11
nkinkadeIt's not a clean checkout, but I did a ./bin/buildout.00:11
paulproteusDo a clean checkout.00:12
paulproteusMaybe there's random old pycs or something.00:12
paulproteusUnless you've done the equivalent of make distclean I don't trust it.00:12
nkinkadeAh.  I'm still mildly worried about the small handful of varnishd segfaults, though.00:12
nkinkadeNathan looked at this the other day, but I'm not sure he did a clean svn checkout of the cc.engine code.00:12
nkinkadeI guess I'll try that now.00:12
* paulproteus nods00:12
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nkinkadeBut paulproteus, just out of curiosity, if zope is segfaulting, would that likely indicate that zope is doing at least some of it's own memory management?00:22
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paulproteusnkinkade, Well, that some C Python extension is.00:56
paulproteusHard to say which one without a backtrace.00:57
nkinkadeIt may come down that.00:57
nkinkadeThe other day I attached to one of the zope processes with strace, but the output wasn't all that useful, at least not to my eyes.00:58
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nkinkadeAnd viewvc.cgi seems to be eating up a good deal of CPU time on a7 lately ... seems like around 80% a lot of the time.  Makes the machine little sluggish.00:59
nkinkadeyahoo and msn bots seem to be the likely culprits, but neither are the making huge numbers of concurrent connections.  I'll have to look into that tomorrow.01:00
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moitoiushey people09:03
moitoiusI have been looking around the CC website for info on how to pass in author info etc. into the licence URL.e.g. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/za/?author=John Doe09:05
moitoiusand I can't find any09:05
moitoiusbecause I want to write a simple control to add a CC button to .Net apps09:06
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DanL-anyone awake?  Iam trying to brainstorm an idea or 513:30
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DanL-fred you awake?13:43
mecredisgood morning13:53
DanL-I need some help :)13:53
DanL-good morning!13:53
DanL-I will msg?13:54
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nathanypaulproteus: SYN15:39
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nathanywow, the network latency @ OSCON sucks16:09
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mecredisand so it begins16:26
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greg-gfor backup ^16:29
mecrediswow, and so they're all pulling the same data?16:33
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mecredisso those are all silos?16:35
mecredis(not in theory, just reality)16:36
greg-gmecredis: think email16:36
greg-gwe all have our home server (identi.ca or you own personal hosted one) but you can listen to your friends on other servers using the federation16:37
mecredisand see them appear on identi.ca ?16:37
mecredissee them by visiting those sites16:38
mecredisI maen I understand why openId is useful here16:38
mecredisbut if someone updates on a distant server, how do I see that?16:38
greg-gyou subscribe to them16:38
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greg-git isn't a push, it is a pull16:39
mecredispulling from ident.ca then?16:39
mecredisor just RSS16:39
greg-gno rss16:39
greg-gok.. see here:16:39
mecredisyeah, sorry for being dense16:39
greg-gI have a server on grossmeier.net (I don't) which hosts all of my family16:39
greg-gno no, not dense, dense topic :)16:40
Bovinitymagic of hte internets16:40
ftobiamecredis: i had this same issue two minutes ago.16:40
greg-gbut, my family wants to listen to other people who aren't in our family (we aren't that conceited)16:40
mecredisand who aren't on gossmeier.net, ostensibly16:40
greg-gso, they subscribe to people on identi.ca, zeitgeity, whatever...16:40
mecredisvia g.net16:41
mecredisthats the front end they see?16:41
greg-gthen, that subscription tells the identi.ca server that "hey, when person A updates, greg@grossmeier.net wants to know about it" so identi.ca sends person A"s messages to grossmeier.net16:41
ftobiagreg-g: so how do i set this up?16:42
mecredisoh I see.16:42
greg-gyou go to another server, under that person's name is a subscribe button (even though you don't have an account on that server)..16:43
mecredisand does grossmeier.net send to identi.ca ?16:43
mecredisah very cool16:43
mecredisso its more like news groups, actually16:43
greg-gthat subscribe button will then say "hey, where are you from, lets go log in there so I know where to send these messages"16:43
mecredisin that servers make an effort to sync data across16:43
mecredis(but less volume because its opt in)16:43
ftobiaokay so what if i have an account at identi.ca, but also at zeitgeisty.16:43
greg-gmecredis: if someone wants to hear about my messages it does :) (pull, not push, you only hear what you explicitly say you want to hear)16:44
mecredisso whereas newsgroups is push16:44
mecredisthis is pull16:44
greg-gftobia: then you have two services to check16:44
mecredisso all the laconica servers have to keep a list of servers "Out there"16:44
greg-gnot really, I mean they could.  but it is up to the user to decide what server they trust16:45
greg-gbecause, I guess theorectically, I could subscribe to a friend on server badnews.com but then the badnews.com admins think it would be funny to send messages to all subscribed people with spam16:45
greg-gbtw, I probably explained this in a very bad way, so if you have more questions, #laconica is the dev channel16:46
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DanL-identi.ca is a decentralized twitter?17:33
mecredisDanL-: yes17:34
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DanL-irc meets twitter17:35
DanL-I mean, can servers speak to each other?17:35
DanL-very cool17:36
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Sterenhttp://creativecommons.org/ is down ...17:57
greg-ghttp://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/creativecommons.org  returns a google 502 error.  Is that site a google site?17:57
mecredisI think the guy did that in his spare time17:57
mecredisat google17:57
greg-gpaulproteus: downforeveryoneorjustme.com uses gandi.net :)17:58
paulproteusgreg-g, (-:17:58
paulproteusHuh? re: 50217:58
greg-goh, it is working now, it was giving me a Google Server Error17:59
Bovinitythat may have been analytics giving you an error17:59
greg-gpaulproteus: will you be officially releasing the next liblicense on the day you present?18:00
paulproteusOh, that's an interesting idea.18:00
paulproteusIt depends if I fix these bugs.18:00
greg-gI'll leave you alone then ;)18:00
paulproteusI'm at the XMPP Summit instead anyway.18:00
greg-goh right, I heard that was going to be good18:00
paulproteusLooks like I should buy these tickets on Fandango, eh?18:01
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nkinkadepaulproteus: You probably got my email(?), but I was noticing today, and also a few days ago, some segfaults of Varnish on a7 as well as on a5.  Can you can scan the list of steps I took to see if I did or forgot to do something that stands out to you?18:02
greg-gpaulproteus: yes, I have no clue how long the "selloutness" of Dark Knight will go18:02
paulproteusnkinkade, I just saw that.18:02
paulproteusURL for list of steps?18:02
paulproteusBut I think you did everything fine.18:02
nkinkadeFirst post.18:02
paulproteusfrost post18:02
nkinkadeOne thing I did notice just a day after getting a5 running with CC.org was that I had forgot to swapon!18:02
paulproteusOh, gack.18:03
paulproteusStill, though.18:03
Bovinitygreg-g: i'm enjoying how the url to get ticekts on monday doesn't work, and results in a page error. for me. fail.18:03
paulproteusI'd love core dumps.18:03
paulproteusThose would be useful.18:03
nkinkadeI had originally hoped that the problems were related to that, but they weren't.  Swap seems to be working fine.18:03
paulproteusThen we can backtrace the suckers.18:03
nkinkadeI may have to recompile Varnish to produce core dumps.18:03
nkinkadeOr with some special debug options set.18:03
paulproteusgreg-g, "18:04
paulproteusInternal Error18:05
paulproteusUnable to process ticket request.18:05
paulproteusOh, probably because I block cookies.18:05
Bovinityunless i turned off cookies when i wasn't paying attention18:05
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SterenI had a page error too,but on my second try, everything was ok18:07
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paulproteusnkinkade, What directory contains the files you used to generate the .deb?18:14
paulproteusre: varnish18:14
rejonstats on labs dropped drastically fromthe conversion18:15
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rejondid URL redirects not get added on conversion nkinkade?18:15
rejonword up tvol18:16
Bovinityhrm, the tracking code may not have been updated witht he theme change18:16
rejonevol tvol18:16
Bovinityif the stats dropped to 018:16
rejonits still getting data though Bovinity18:16
nkinkadepaulproteus: It seems to be a5:/root/varnish18:16
Bovinityrejon: because the labs projects probably still have the correct code18:16
ftobiacurrybot: list18:17
currybot(1) PUNJABI CHANNA PANEER (Garbanzo beans and cottage cheese cubes cooked together)18:17
currybot(2) AAM KE SAATH SUBZI (Several vegetables cooked with red onions, garlic, tomatoes and raw mangoes.)18:17
currybot(3) PISTA MURG (Boneless chicken cubes cooked in a pistachio curry sauce)18:17
tvolhey rejon, what's up? bet you don't have bomb scare outside your office, do you? we may or may not have one of those right now.18:17
tvolgood times in our nation's capital18:17
nkinkaderejon: Which URLs aren't redirecting?18:17
rejontvol: what! i thought we had an anthrax scare, but i forgot to plug in my headphones18:17
rejonget it!18:18
rejonnkinkade: no, just assessing why stats dropped18:18
rejonor rather weakly assessing18:18
Bovinityrejon: fixing it.18:18
nkinkaderejon: stats for labs, specifically?18:18
rejoncc wiki has some really strong stats though18:18
rejonyo, help make http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Priority_Projects like FSF18:19
nkinkaderejon: I have an idea.  The name changed from techblog to labs, could it have something to do with that?  Do we need to update our Analytics stuff?18:19
Bovinityoh bugger. analytics plugin admin interface is broken.18:19
greg-gtvol: bomb scare eh? sounds fun.18:19
rejonI have a copyright scare18:20
Bovinitynkinkade: labs is using the wrong analytics code18:20
greg-grejon: antrhax/headphones /me hangs head18:20
paulproteusnkinkade, Edit debian/rules, comment out dh_strip, and rebuild, and install the resulting packages.18:20
rejonanthrax the band!18:20
paulproteusThen we get debugging symbols.18:20
greg-grejon: yeah, got it, hence the hanging of the head18:20
paulproteusNext we need to figure out how to get the system to actually save the core files.18:20
Bovinitygreg-g: less head hanging, more head banging.18:20
greg-gBovinity: word18:21
mlinksvamangos, hmmm18:23
rejonsepultura karaoke18:23
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rejondid that bomb go off?18:24
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rejonI'm ready for next karaoke set...working up to do christian songs, prince, disney tunes, and prong/sepultura trax18:24
rejonanother false alarm @tvol?18:25
tvolrejon: eh, tbd.18:27
Bovinitydisney sepultura..... scary.18:28
rejonyah, why don't people sing other lyrics when they get on stage?18:31
rejondo instant mash-up...or sing new lyrics, or come up with new song over karaoke tracks?18:32
DanL-hard to do18:32
DanL-that's me in the corner18:33
DanL-that's me in the spot18:33
DanL-losing my blackberry18:33
DanL-doesn't quite work.18:33
rejonits because you are weak DanL...come on!18:34
rejonhas anyone attempted it? maybe the karaoke dj won't allow it???18:34
greg-gthey usually are a bit strict18:36
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nkinkadepaulproteus: http://varnish.projects.linpro.no/wiki/DebuggingVarnish18:44
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nkinkadeSo, uncommenting dh_strip will enable the proper ./configure arguments18:44
paulproteusIs that a question?18:44
nkinkadeAt that URL he mentions two specific arguments.18:45
paulproteusnkinkade, Read or modify line 35 in debian/rules then.18:46
paulproteus(The configure arguments)18:46
paulproteusIn addition to removing dh_strip.18:47
paulproteusRemoving dh_strip prevents the package building process from stripping debugging symbols.18:47
nkinkadepaulproteus: Ah, okay, I wasn't sure if I need to add those configure argument myself.  I'll do that now.18:47
* paulproteus nods18:47
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greg-g"F recursion" -- ftobia18:57
ftobiarecursion--, srsly.18:58
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greg-ghaha, very funny.  unwanted mail with an "unsubscribe" link at the bottom brings me to a user/pass authenticated site.  No unsubscribe for you!19:01
rejongreg-g can you get me curry today...swamped on f'ing email19:06
Sterennkinkade: if I want to test my code changes on the deeds and chooser, can I do it on staging.creativecommons.org on a6 ?19:07
rejoni'm assuming you guys getting curry19:07
Sterenrejon: probably not, we may try toaster oven19:07
rejonwhat! coup!19:07
greg-grejon: we're going to Toaster Oven actually19:07
rejonok, nm19:07
rejoni'll come then19:07
Bovinitygreg-g: haha, did jen turn you yesterday?19:07
Bovinitythey are tasty sandwiches...19:08
greg-gBovinity: possibly ;)19:08
Bovinityrejon's word of the day, coup19:09
nkinkadeSteren: I think that right now Deeds work differently on staging than on the main site.19:09
nkinkadeThey are dynamically generated on staging, I believe, but nathany might have more info about that.19:09
rejonI have learned a new word! now if only I can relearn how to read19:09
rejona book especially19:09
Sterennkinkade: yes, I want to try it with this dynamic generation, before batch html generate all the new deed pages. so is it ok to test it on staging on a6 ? didn't you moved staging to a7 or something ?19:12
nkinkadeSteren: Yes, a7 now houses staging.  Do you have an account there?19:12
nkinkadeIf not, I'll create one.19:12
Bovinitystaging on a7.. server makeover sure is confusing.19:13
greg-gfood stuff?19:14
Sterennkinkade: I don't have an account, can you create on for me please19:14
Sterennkinkade: that's strange, on a6, staging.creativecommons.org is not marked as "moved on a7"19:16
Sterenyou know like wiki.creativecommons.org.has.moved.to.a719:16
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nkinkadeSteren: You've got an account on a7 now, with sudo privs.19:17
nkinkadeSteren: Correct.  Everything has moved from a6 to a7.19:17
Sterengreat thanks19:17
nkinkadeWell, everything that was previously on a6 is now on a7.19:17
Sterensudo privs. beware, fear the mad French intern19:18
Sterenjust kidding :)19:18
nkinkadeWell, as you know, a French intern last year made a huge mistake with his sudo privs. ;-)19:19
greg-ghe isn't kidding, I saw him cross his fingers!19:19
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DanL-can anyone shoot over examples of creative-commons based mashups?19:33
DanL-that is, mashups of creative commons content19:33
Bovinityanything on ccmixter?19:33
Bovinitygirl talk19:34
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nkinkadepaulproteus: varnishd is now built, I think, with debugging enabled.  core dumps should end up in /var/lib/varnish/a5.creativecommonsorg/19:51
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nathanypaulproteus: i just applied that fix to cc.engine20:04
nathany(and it segfaulted again)20:04
paulproteusnathany, woot.20:05
paulproteusWhat machine and path has the files of cc.engine?20:05
nathany(is the running version)20:06
nathanyi think i'm going to try my other idea as well right now20:06
nathany(since the wired connection is great)20:06
nathanypaulproteus: there are actually TWO erlang tutorials20:07
nathany(both this afternoon)20:07
paulproteusBoth at 1:30, eh?20:07
paulproteusAlso, there's an FSF and friends pizza party tonight that Mako invited me to.20:07
nathanyone on erlang, one on actors specifically20:08
greg-grecursion++ #because elegant code is a virtue20:09
paulproteus"FSF Members and Friends are Invited!" "Join us for Pizza and Beer on Tuesday, July 22nd, 6:30-9:00" "Old Town Pizza, 226 NW Davis, "just one block from the Old Town Chinatown MAX Station"20:10
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rejongreg-g: can you update your tasks for the week plz20:33
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parkerhigginshey everybody!  another miro chat event starting in a few minutes over at #miro-event.  this session's guest is chris from Ancient Places TV, which uses cc licensed music, among other things.  check it out!20:39
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nathanypaulproteus: SYN21:10
paulproteusnathany, Nickelodeon Gack21:11
nathanyfyi i'm going to meet some friends at 63021:11
nathanyso i guess i'll catch up with you later this evening or tomorrow21:11
nathanyi'm in the Actors talk right now, probably going to go back out, plug into the wired ethernet and a) try two more lxml ideas i have and b) work on our slides21:12
paulproteus"Practical Erlang" <http://en.oreilly.com/oscon2008/public/schedule/detail/3373> seemed interesting.21:14
paulproteusBut I think I'll stay here for the rest of the XMPP Summit.21:14
paulproteusMostly to be able to say goodbye to people at the right time.21:14
nathanyyeah, i think i chose incorrectly21:14
paulproteusThere's still time.21:15
paulproteusYES!  I passed Policies & Procedures in Debian NM.  Now on to Tasks and Skills.21:17
nathanyit's like a Sally Struthers Correspondence Course21:19
paulproteusThis is exciting!21:21
paulproteusAlmost exciting enough for me to leave the XMPP room to work on them somewhere quieter.21:21
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mlinksvapaulproteus: http://identi.ca/notice/13337521:31
paulproteusAnyone running software on their own machine in 2008 is either writing their own crack or smoking software.21:32
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greg-gfeel that free software in your lungs!21:34
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Sterennkinkade: when i want to do some translation on cc.org, I've got this error chen I try to savemy changes :22:34
SterenUnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can't decode bytes in position 13-14: invalid data22:34
nkinkadeSteren: Let me take a look.22:35
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nathanynkinkade: am i reading top right on a5 to indicate that varnish has 24GB memory mapped?23:06
nathany(and what would be making mysqld suck 33% of the cpu on that box?)23:06
nathanyor is that about normal? (i'm honestly not certain, just seems high)23:06
nkinkadenathany: That's right.23:06
nkinkadeYou should have seen it one day on a8 ... the VIRT memory size was something like 300G.23:07
nkinkadeThat was before I had put a cap on the mmap-backed file.23:07
nkinkadeI don't totally understand it, but I don't think it's a problem.23:07
nkinkadenathany: Have you ever seen Pootle spit out a UnicodeDecodeError?23:08
nathanyno, but what's the context?23:08
nkinkadeSteren noted it earlier, and I'm seeing it too "UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can't decode bytes in position 13-14: invalid data "23:08
nkinkadeWhen attempting to submit a translation or suggestion.23:09
nkinkadeI can see the backtrace in the Pootle log, but it's still not clear to me why the problem might be happening.23:10
nathanyit can happen if there's asymmetric encoding/decoding (using different codecs)...23:11
nathanynot sure why it'd pop up now23:11
nathanyis it happening for every suggestion?23:11
nkinkadenathany: Not sure.  I assume so because Steren is getting for the French translations, and I was getting it suggestions on locale "es".23:14
nathanycan you email me the traceback?23:14
nkinkadeThe problem seems to be rooted in user.py.23:16
nkinkadePerhaps some junk got into the file when I copied it over from a6.23:16
nkinkadeIn the users.prefs file, for example.23:16
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nathanynkinkade: i'm not sure... interestingly it looks like the decode error happens when it's trying to send an error message23:24
nathanyare the PO files writable and owned by the pootle user ?23:24
nathany(just thinking of the most common error)23:24
nkinkadenathany: Let me check.23:26
nkinkadeI also just ran this: find po -name "*.po" | xargs file | grep ASCII ... to see if there were any spurious non-UTF files.23:26
nkinkadeThere are some, but they don't seem related to this.23:26
nkinkadenathany: pootle doesn't own the ./po dir, so that could be an issue.23:27
nathanythat'd be the first thing i'd try23:28
nkinkadenathany: That seems to have been it.23:28
nathanyfinally, a victory23:28
nkinkadeWhat a screwed up error.23:28
nkinkadeHow in hell do permissions errors turn into UnicodeDecodeErrors?23:30
nkinkadeWhen is Herder ready?23:30
nathanyi imagine it turns into an error message which is looked up in a po which (possibly) triggers another error which can't be encoded?23:31
nathanyno idea23:31
nathanyseems insane23:31
nkinkadeErrors within the errors.  That's good error handling for you.23:32
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nkinkadeI've been waiting patiently for hours for Varnish to segfault, but nothing.23:33
nkinkadeI'm going to figure out how to get core dumps from Zope, because we won't have to wait long for those, and I hope that they are all related.23:34
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