Monday, 2008-07-21

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paulproteusgreg-g, Thu09:32
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greg-gpaulproteus: ack'd the thursday16:05
paulproteusgreg-g, We're the second Google hit for OSCON.16:07
paulproteusIt's nuts.16:07
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greg-gpaulproteus: holy cow16:07
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mecredisnathany: are you answering info@ emails nowadays?16:19
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nathanymecredis: nope16:26
mecredisfor somereason I thought you did16:26
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nathanymecredis: i used to, recently gave it up as a cost ineffective use of my time16:46
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Sterennathany: how can I test the new code for deeds with full css on firefox/ie/safari ?17:12
nathanyyou should have a cc_engine script in your ./bin/ directory17:12
nathanyrun "./bin/cc_engine fg" to run the server in the foreground17:12
nathanyit should be accessible at http://localhost:9080/licenses/17:12
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tim_hwangcurrybot list18:10
currybot(1) BENGAN BHARTHA (Tandoori baked mashed jumbo eggplants sautéed with red onions, tomatoes and green peas)18:10
currybot(2) MUGHLAI SUBJI (Fresh vegetables sautéed with red onions, garlic, ginger and lotus seed)18:10
currybot(3) CHICKEN METHIWALA (Chicken cubes cooked in fresh fenugreek herb)18:10
eggomg another eggplant :-))18:10
* egg suffers with his nickname18:10
eggi should use more narrow hilight regexp :)18:11
ftobiacurrybot 218:12
currybotMUGHLAI SUBJI (Fresh vegetables sautéed with red onions, garlic, ginger and lotus seed) In this dish red onions, vine ripened tomatoes, garlic, ginger and a blend of many more spices are cooked until all the ingredients turn golden in color. Then a mix of fresh water soaked vegetables like cauliflower, blue lake beans, carrots, red creamer, potatoes, bell peppers, and mushrooms are added to the base and sautéed. The final touch is18:12
ftobiacurrybot 118:12
currybotBENGAN BHARTHA (Tandoori baked mashed jumbo eggplants sautéed with red onions, tomatoes and green peas) Eggplants cooked to spicy puree are popular throughout India. The eggplants first are baked in the clay oven and the mashed and are cooked with red onions, tomatoes, ginger, garlic, and green peas.18:12
greg-git seems like everything they do is "popular in India" or a "delecacy of India" or the "pride of India" ;)18:16
mecredis"this is unpopular in india"18:17
mecredis"but you people seem to like it"18:17
greg-gI bet that is what they are thinking18:18
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paulproteusBaingan Bharta is actually pretty popular.18:28 should be back up and running now, on a7.18:31
mecredisgod dammnit curry bot makes me hungry18:32
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ftobiankinkade: so this man-in-the-middle attack warning that git is giving me is probably just because is sitting on a new server now.19:04
nkinkadeftobia: Are you subscribed to the cc-devel mail list?19:05
ftobiai think so.19:06
ftobia...yeah i didn't check my email this morning.19:06
nkinkadecode.(cc).org does now sit on a new server, so those warnings are normal.  I sent out the new server SSH key fingerprints to the cc-devel list.19:06
nkinkadeCool.  Let me know if you have any problems.19:06
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Bovinitycurrybot: list19:12
currybot(1) BENGAN BHARTHA (Tandoori baked mashed jumbo eggplants sautéed with red onions, tomatoes and green peas)19:12
currybot(2) MUGHLAI SUBJI (Fresh vegetables sautéed with red onions, garlic, ginger and lotus seed)19:12
currybot(3) CHICKEN METHIWALA (Chicken cubes cooked in fresh fenugreek herb)19:12
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Bovinitynkinkade: is acting... weird19:23
Bovinityare you on it?19:23
Bovinity"Error establishing a database connection"19:23
nkinkadeBovinity: nope.19:24
Bovinity /license/ is getting a 50319:25
nkinkadeIt seems to be back up.19:26
mecredisI just got a Guru Meditation error on cc.org19:27
mecredisthat's amazing19:27
mecredisthat's like Amiga days19:27
mecredisoh its back19:27 runs off an A1200, don't you know19:28
mecredisthat's amazing19:28
mecredissorry, serious nostalgia there19:28
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mecredisdoes liblicense do PNG or JPEG?19:43
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paulproteusmecredis, Yes, both.19:58
mecredisok thanks19:59
paulproteusgreg-g, SYN20:01
paulproteus fwiw20:02
paulproteusgreg-g, This thing has clearly not been proofread.20:03
greg-gpaulproteus: ack20:03
greg-gre: 2007 PR, hmmmm20:03
paulproteusCan you, like, proofread it and compare it to prior art and then get back to me?20:04
paulproteusI mean, yes, liblicense has new features since then.20:04
paulproteusYou should be able to see that in the changelog.20:04
paulproteus discusses 6A's JsWidget integration.20:05
paulproteusI can't find a press release about it, though.20:05
paulproteusMaybe rejon knows better.20:05
greg-gpaulproteus: I'm just writing a Press Release for what I was told to write a PR for.  I hadn't realized liblicense alrady had a PR20:05
* paulproteus nods20:06
ftobiankinkade: so, i'm still having trouble with git. how do i add a known host?20:09
nkinkadeftobia: There is usually (at least on Unix-like machines) a dir in your home called .ssh, with a file called known_hosts.20:10
nkinkadeGenerally you don't have to manually edit that file.20:10
nkinkadeOther than to delete old entries.20:10
paulproteusThere's a tool to remove hosts.20:10
paulproteusI can't remember its name.20:11
ftobiayeah so what's the command to add a new entry to known_hosts20:11
nkinkadeI would hope that your SSH client would automatically add new hosts to your known_hosts file.20:11
nkinkadeftobia: When you try to SSH to code what happens>?20:11
ftobiait asks me for a password.20:11
nkinkadeDo you still get the warning?20:12
ftobiayeah actually.20:12
nkinkadeTry not with your svn client, but just regular old ssh ... putty or something.20:12
nkinkadeIs there a directory in your home called .ssh20:12
ftobiait's there.20:13
nkinkadeis there a file in there called known_hosts?20:13
nkinkadeGenerally the SSH client will tell you which line number has the offending key.20:13
ftobiayeah it does. what do i do with it?20:13
nkinkadeOpen the known_hosts file and delete that line number.20:13
ftobiathat did it. thanks.20:14
paulproteusI have an "" for this.20:17
greg-gis gitbrowser view not working a known issue?20:17
paulproteus has it.20:17
paulproteusgreg-g, BTW I officially ACK that we will have a Rhythmbox demo also.20:17
greg-gpaulproteus: cool20:18
paulproteusEven if I don't have it already.20:18
paulproteusnkinkade, I wrote a cheesy cron job that I mentioned to you briefly once.20:18
paulproteusWait, maybe that's not the problem.20:18
* paulproteus looks into it20:18
greg-gNot a git repository: '/var/www/'20:19
paulproteusYup, looking into it.20:19
paulproteusConveniently it's lying.20:19
greg-gwasn't sure what cron job you were talking about20:19
paulproteusIt is *so* a git repo.20:20
nkinkadeMaybe something went wrong in moving the repositories form a6 to a7.20:20
paulproteusI'll check it out.20:20
nkinkade(apparently something went wrong, that is)20:20
nkinkadeI did have to install cgit, but it all seemed to work for me a last Friday.20:21
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paulproteusI wonder what on earth is up with it.20:32
paulproteusThe git clone of e.g. /var/www/ works fine.20:32
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greg-gfrom the error: "Perhaps git-update-server-info needs to be run there?"20:35
paulproteusgreg-g, Oh, but, but...20:36
paulproteusThat's not even supposed to work.20:36
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greg-greload that pastebin for my git clone git://code.../liblicense and git clone http://code...../liblicese20:40
paulproteusgreg-g, That pastebin hasn't changed for me.20:40
paulproteuspaulproteus@alchemy:/tmp $ git clone git://
paulproteusInitialized empty Git repository in /tmp/liblicense/.git/20:41
paulproteusremote: Generating pack...20:41
paulproteusremote: Done counting 5676 objects.20:41
paulproteusremote: error: remote: unable to find a13f3aaa9cc725e190b32fbd38abbaf661b0133fremote:20:41
paulproteusremote: fatal: remote: unable to get type of object a13f3aaa9cc725e190b32fbd38abbaf661b0133fremote:20:41
greg-goh, it makes a new one, not updates.
paulproteusThat's exciting.20:41
paulproteusIs something terribly wrong?20:42
paulproteusgreg-g, You used the wrong path.20:42
paulproteusRTFM at code.cc20:42
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greg-gI was going off your statement of "/var/www/ works fine. "20:43
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paulproteusnkinkade, I think you broke my liblicense.git repository?20:44
paulproteusMeanwhile viewvc.cgi is crushing a7.20:44
paulproteusHey, herder.git is also corrupted.20:44
paulproteusMaybe that's what the "not a git repository" is about.20:44
greg-gpaulproteus: could you pastebin the changelog somewhere for me then, please20:45
paulproteusgreg-g, It's in a tarball at least.20:45
paulproteusapt-get source liblicense # may actually work on your laptop20:46
greg-gI thought you had made some changes since .7 was released?20:47
paulproteusLooking at my log, it's just creating RPMs and some small changes to the Python bindings that aren't press-release-worthy.20:48
paulproteusnkinkade, git is totally borken; ping me post-lunch.20:50
greg-gI thought there was going to be some changes with icons20:50
paulproteusOh, right.20:50
paulproteusThey haven't happened yet.20:50
greg-gwhat I was waiting before talking with gabriel burt (banshee) about liblicense20:51
* paulproteus frowns again20:52
greg-g'tis cool, I can email him anytime, doesn't have to be today ;)20:53
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DanL-mecredis you around?20:54
mecredisDanL-: indeed20:55
DanL-got a few to talk about the salon?20:55
mecrediswas meaning to check in with you20:55
mecredisgoing to send out the reminder soon20:55
DanL-what do you want from us :)20:55
mecrediswell 10-15 minutes20:55
mecredisof awesome demoish20:56
DanL-so PPT (or the OpenOffice equiv) ?20:56
mecredisbut maybe from the perspective of CC20:56
mecredisyeah, we'll have a projector20:56
DanL-Our index is CC :)20:56
mecredisbut live demos are good too20:56
DanL-I don't really do live demos20:56
DanL-live is scary20:56
mecredisyeah, I know the feeling20:56
mecredisI've only done a couple20:56
mecredissomehow i've gotten lucky20:56
mecredisbut yeah20:56
mecredismaybe you guys can speak about why openess is important with search20:57
DanL-that's a good idea20:57
DanL-a very god one, in fact20:57
mecredisthe thing is20:58
mecredisyou'll have an audience who wants to hear about Open Source / CC20:58
mecredisand isn't skeptical20:58
mecredisbut not necessarily technical20:59
DanL-that's OK20:59
mecredisyeah, it should be good21:03
mecrediswe'll probably start at 7:20-7:3021:03
mecredissessions will be 10-15 min incl. q&a21:03
DanL-who else is coming?21:03
mecrediscan you see that?21:04
mecredisThe Open Planning Project folk21:04
mecredisand Max Silvestri21:04
mecrediswho will be funny21:04
DanL-thanks :)21:04
DanL-I had it open and read it21:04
DanL-and missed it21:04
mecredisyeah, please RSVP21:04
mecredisand send to friends21:04
DanL-I did21:04
DanL-I'm a maybe as always haha21:05
mecredissound good?21:07
DanL-awesome :)21:07
mecredislet me know if you need anything more21:07
mecredisI'll be dropping off beer tomorrow21:08
DanL-is a google docs presentation OK?21:19
mecredissure, whatever you want21:19
mecrediswe'll have net access21:19
nkinkadepaulproteus: I'm back from lunch.21:27
paulproteusnkinkade, Neato.21:27
nkinkadegit is broken, neato. :-)21:27
nkinkadepaulproteus: But I was simply letting you know I was back, per your request earlier.21:28 :/21:33
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greg-guh oh, rejon has awakened21:42
rejonman, my brain is being pulled in 50 ways21:45
rejonlu's mom is staying here and gets up like at 7 and starts talking real loud and stuff, i've been awake...beleed dat21:45
rejonneed like a giganticoffee21:47
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paulproteusnkinkade, So basically, most of the git repositories are broken.22:02
paulproteusAnd I don't really know why.22:02
nkinkadepaulproteus: One problem I'm seeing right now is that I'm getting the same error you once got:22:03
nkinkadeERROR:gitosis.serve.main:Repository read access denied22:03
nkinkadeI suspect it has something to do with the SSH keys?22:03
paulproteusThat would be, sure.22:04
nkinkadepaulproteus: Do you remember what you did to fix that issue?22:04
paulproteusThere was no magic; I don't remember exactly.22:04
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nkinkadeOkay.  Well, I guess I'll just keep poking around at it.22:05
paulproteusReading ~/.ssh/authorized_keys in ~git/ was useful.22:06
nkinkadeI did look at it, but it just says that it's auto-generated by gitosis and not to touch it.22:07
paulproteusWell, that's not advice I've always heeded.22:07
rejonpaulproteus: what apps out in the world support cc reading/writing of metadata22:09
rejonnot just cc metadata, but content licensing metadata22:09
rejonanyone know too?22:09
nkinkadepaulproteus: You seem to be hinting that you know how you fixed the problem earlier.22:09
paulproteusNo, I just played with things and came to some reasonable idea of what was wrong.22:10
paulproteusI've had problems where I had typos in the key name.22:10
paulproteusLike ankit@wrong-machine-name in gitosis.conf.22:10
paulproteusc.f. also ~git/.gitosis.conf22:10
paulproteusFeel free to hack that file; it gets overwritten on git push anyway.22:10
paulproteusI'm just remembering what I hacked at, not what I found when hacking at it.22:11
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greg-gnkinkade: while you are busy figuring out the git issue, can I have access to edit Pages in WP? I would like to update the /projects page22:17
Bovinitygreg-g: what are you looking at updating on projects?22:19
greg-gBovinity: changing the name of a project (JSWidget)22:19
greg-gand the description of WpLicense to reflect that change also22:20
greg-geverything is redirected already, fyi22:21
* ankitg will now live on in history [and irc logs] as an example of how a git repo can go wrong ... O_o22:21
paulproteusWhat, did you push some broken state or something?22:21
paulproteusgit push --trash-remote-repository22:22
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ankitgI was referring to "Like ankit@wrong-machine-name in gitosis.conf." ... though git push --trash-remote-repository is tempting ... but it'll have to wait till git is fixed ...22:24
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nkinkadepaulproteus: Looks like you're using up all of our upstream bandwidth.  The net here today is pretty slow.22:28
paulproteusnkinkade, Er, I am?  What am I uploading, I wonder.22:28
* paulproteus runs iftop22:29
paulproteusI'm only using down bandwidth as far as I can tell.22:29
paulproteusObviously not strictly "only".22:29
nkinkadeI'm not sure, but there's something between and that's using 850Kb/s, whereas we only have 768 up.22:29
paulproteusBut that's down, as I read this.22:29
paulproteusdown bandwidth, that is.22:29
paulproteusFrom => my machine.22:30
* paulproteus ponders22:30
paulproteusNo, you're right.22:30
nkinkadepaulproteus: Yes.22:30
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nkinkadeIt's not a huge deal, but earlier Alex was commenting on the slowness, and Jen has been having some problems sending emails and I've noticed a general sluggishness.22:30
paulproteusI'll see what I can do right now.22:31
rejonforwarding x11 connections or something22:32
rejonasheesh is there a url to your talk at oscon22:32
rejonyou better have slides this time bro22:32
paulproteusrejon, I will. (-:22:32
nkinkadeIt's not sure that that's what is causing the slowness, but it seems likely.22:32
paulproteusrejon, I'm the second hit on Google for OSCON.22:32
paulproteusnkinkade, I know what I'll do, I'll install the wondershaper on my desktop. (-:22:32   =>     781Kb   765Kb   744Kb22:32
rejonthat is ridiculous paulproteus!22:33
nkinkade781Kb isn't much, but it's a lot when our service level is only 768Kb.22:33
rejonpaulproteus: is that the only talk you guys are doing?22:33
rejonno licensechooser.js talks?22:33
rejoni would figure that would be more popular22:33
rejonnice headshot btw22:34
paulproteusrejon, Thanks!  It's Fumi's.22:34
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paulproteusI wonder why I'm uploading like that, though.22:35
* paulproteus shrugs and carries on throttling himself22:35
nkinkadeBut I'm also curious why wshaper on the router doesn't seem to be helping much.22:36
paulproteusnkinkade, Hmm, it looks to me like I'm downloading with the high bandwidth.22:37
paulproteusLike, it's down bandwidth the way I read it.22:37
paulproteusCan you help me verify this?22:37
paulproteusi.e., it's the second row in iftop22:37
nkinkadepaulproteus: Oh, wait.  Seems like you are right.22:38
paulproteusI just wondershaped on my desktop and it didn't shape that down, I believe for that reason.22:38
paulproteusOkay, cool.22:38
paulproteusSo back to you wondering who's using up all the bandwidth; it ain't me. (-:22:38
nkinkadeThe traffic seems to be from roadrunner to your desktop here.22:38
paulproteusSo I'm nothing too bad, so I'll get back to doing nothing at all on this.22:40
Bovinityconnection is snappy now22:40
nkinkadeIt's interesting though that the rate is hovering around 800 to 850Kb/s which is suspiciously close to our upstream limit.22:40
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paulproteusnkinkade, I can answer why that is.22:47
paulproteusIt's coming from a residential machine with the same limit!22:47
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nkinkadepaulproteus: Good observation!  This upstream limitations sucks.22:48
rejondownloading porn22:48
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Sterennkinkade: I can't commit on the svn, I think I have to add a new host key in my ssh/known_hosts, what do you think ?22:57
nkinkadeSteren: That's possible, but more interesting would be what error you get, if any.22:58
Steren@       WARNING: POSSIBLE DNS SPOOFING DETECTED!          @22:58
cchelpbot`Steren: Error: "WARNING:" is not a valid command.22:58
Bovinityerror warning!22:59
Bovinityabort retry cancel22:59
Sterenand some lines after, it becomes more realistic and say :22:59
SterenAdd correct host key in /home/steren/.ssh/known_hosts to get rid of this message.22:59
Bovinityyou have to delete the old entry from known_hosts23:00
Sterenok, I deleted every thing in known_host ?23:00
greg-gthats one way23:00
nkinkadeSteren: You probably should have just deleted the one line. :-)23:00
Bovinitythe warning should give you a line number23:00
nkinkadeBut removing all of them will work, too.23:01
SterenI don't speak the HF7876DISIS76767HGGYG language23:01
Sterenbut yes I think it's the first line23:02
Sterenit works23:02
nkinkadepaulproteus: git seems to be working again.23:03
Sterenthanks Bovinity23:03
nkinkadeOr mostly.23:03
nkinkadeSeems that it was  git-core version problem.  I had installed the normal etch version 1.4.something, but apparently we needed version 1.5.something (from etch-backports).23:04
Sterennkinkade: After my commit, I had a warning :  'post-commit' hook failed with error output: /var/www/ line 2: /usr/lib/subversion/hook-scripts/ No such file or directory23:04
nkinkadeSteren: Thanks.  I'll fix that now.23:06
nkinkadeI suspect well hit a few snags like that ... things that were setup by other people that I didn't know about.23:06
nkinkadeOk.  Hopefully that should be fixed now.  That turned out to be a missing package: subversion-tools.23:08
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Sterenlicense chooser xhtml+rdfa valid on my machine23:20

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