Thursday, 2008-07-17

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jibotBovinity is brilliant and aware of Basement Cat, and iz not afraid.05:11
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jibotjgay is
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jaiZrecently i made a theme for wordpress.  I want to release it under creative commons attribution share alike license.07:54
jaiZis it possible with this license that the work and it's derivations will remain always free as in GPL ?07:55
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bringatoweljaiZ, i think so, that is what the "share alike" clause is, then you can choose if it allows commercial or non-commercial also08:05
jaiZso that means if i am giving away for free, then the other derivations will also have to be given for free...right?08:06
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jaiZbringatowel, also if you could tell me a model example in case of web design for implementing this license, it would be of great help!08:10
bringatowelhmm what do you mean by webdesign? like including a logo & link to license?08:11
bringatowelyep that is the effect of share alike afaik, check out
jaiZbringatowl, yes, and also the attribution terms.08:12
bringatowelits sort of up to you but there are some examples at
jaiZbringatowel, thanks for your help. I just checked the example pages. In case of , the site mentions the license in its footer but doesn't describe the attribution terms.08:20
jaiZin this case how are we suppose to attribute the work to the creator of it08:20
bringatowelwell any website could decide to include either a link to the license, a summary of the license, or the full license08:21
bringatowelagreed, it can be more helpful to include more details, but also you don't want to overwhelm people with information08:21
jaiZbringatowel, the best case would be to give a link to the license page. Inform people about the attribution on a separate on my own website and mention a link to it!08:23
bringatowelthat sounds good to me :)08:25
bringatowelif you can get feedback from your visitors that can also give you an idea08:26
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jaiZbringatowel, thank you very much. Things are quite clear in my mind now....! Back to work...!08:34
bringatowelgood luck =)08:34
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jibotBovinity is brilliant and aware of Basement Cat, and iz not afraid.15:27
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jibotnathany is teh preacher of teh gozpl of teh Ceiling Cat and witness to teh menny divine miraclz of Ceiling Cat15:31
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paulproteusAs I write the enriched RDF with the icon links, do you have a sense of where I should put those RDF files?15:46
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paulproteusnathany, SYN15:59
nathanypaulproteus: ACK15:59
paulproteus(a) What did we decide for the RDF + icon enrichment?15:59
paulproteusOh, you emailed cc-devel iirc.15:59
paulproteus(b) Where should I put these new assertions?15:59
nathany(a) I emailed cc-devel, spoke to ML briefly and there's one change i want to look at (possibly using XMP vocabulary)16:00
paulproteus answers (a) - what of (b)?16:00
paulproteusOh, huh.16:00
paulproteusWell for now I'll do it the way you said.16:00
paulproteusSince I want to be able to pull these icons out for the EOG demo.16:00
nathanywrt (a) i'll look at that as soon as i finish churning through email16:00
nathanywrt (b) it'd probably be easiest a.t.m. to put them in their own file (icons.rdf or something) with the intent to merge that information into the license files as soon as we figure out the ongoing maintenance strategy16:01
nathanymake sense to you?16:02
paulproteusYes, the question is where to commit that file.16:03
paulproteus(and the code to make it)16:03
nathanylicense.rdf in git?16:03
paulproteusSounds good to me.16:03
nathanyhow are things coming, btw?16:03
paulproteusAll right, the EOG tool is a little more robust now (doesn't crash when you don't run it in a magic directory).16:04
paulproteusI could fork onto Rhythmbox stuff, or I could go down the license icon path.16:04
paulproteusHow did we answer the question of how to specify where we cache the PNG files at ?16:05
nathanyso what does the EOG tool do now?16:05
paulproteusIt shows all metadata attributes in a pop-up if you click on what should be the license button at the bottom.16:05
nathanycache? you mean local copy?16:06
paulproteusOf the PNGs, right.16:06
paulproteusBug: For some reason, the PNG I licensed thinks its web statement == its license.16:06
nathanythat's out of scope for that message; i think we talked about just replicated the directory structure16:06
paulproteusI'm going to investigate that today.16:06
paulproteusAnd hard-code the knowledge to look there?  Sounds fine to me.16:06
nathanyreplicating, that is16:06
nathanyso i think my priorities would be:16:06
nathanya) web statement bug16:06
nathanyb) fork into rhythmbox land16:07
nathanyc) circle back for icons16:07
nathanyit'd be great to have both demos going by the weekend so we could hack on them next week if we want to polish16:07
* paulproteus nods16:07
paulproteusIs there a generic XMP dumper and reader?16:07
paulproteusembeddedxmp2rdf or something16:07
nathanyi think there is in the SDK16:08
* paulproteus works on (a)16:08
nathanybtw, paulproteus, is the EOG code in eog_plugin or eog-plugin?"16:08
paulproteusEr, both exist?16:08
paulproteusOops, should be hyphen only.16:08
* paulproteus removes our underscored friend16:09
nathanyright, just noticed that the browser doesn't really do anything when i try the underscored link16:09
nathanywow, the EOG code is... compact :)16:10
paulproteusStill somewhat demo-quality. (-:16:11
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hdworak - this page gives instructions on how to add sources in Ubuntu16:36
hdworak$ deb hardy main16:36
hdworakbash: deb: command not found16:36
hdworakpaulproteus, nathany: ^^^16:36
paulproteushdworak, Er, you have to add them to sources.list.16:37
hdworakI've executed the first three commands (gpg, gpg, sudo apt-get update)16:37
hdworakthen I went to the "Ubuntu" section16:38
hdworakI get "command not found"16:38
hdworak$ deb16:38
hdworakbash: deb: command not found16:38
hdworakit's Hardy Heron, not Debian16:38
hdworakam I missing something?16:38
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paulproteus<paulproteus> hdworak, Er, you have to add them to sources.list.16:40
paulproteusEdit /etc/apt/sources.list.16:40
paulproteusPut the deb* lines there.16:40
hdworakok, append16:40
hdworakI get it now, thanks16:40
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jibotBovinity is brilliant and aware of Basement Cat, and iz not afraid.16:40
hdworakthe path to the file should be there imho16:41
hdworakshouldn't sudo apt-get update be issued afterwards?16:42
* hdworak is installing :)16:43
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paulproteusrejon1, SYN17:16
paulproteusI'm missing an IRC meeting I think.17:16
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paulproteusnathany, /me goes and chats with OLPC people about liblicense-sugar17:24
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jibotmlinksva is Mike Linksvayer and from Creative Commons17:43
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jibotbrianrowe is at Seattle University School of Law, class of 2009 and legal intern at CC17:50
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mecredisBovinity: when you have a minute, can you give me access to create pages?17:51
Bovinitymecredis: create pages where?17:51
mecredisah, wordpress17:51
mecredisgoing to be making something along the lines of
Bovinitywill do17:52
mecredisthank you17:53
mecredislet me know when you're good17:54
Bovinitymecredis: you should be able to now, let me know if not17:58
rohitj ... link to ccMixer is wrong I think17:58
mecredisyeah, great17:58
Bovinityrohitj: indeed17:58
mecredis... fixing17:58
rohitjmecredis: did you fix it?18:02
rohitjI don't see the change18:02
mecredishit refresh18:02
mecredisw/ shift?18:02
Bovinityit's fixed18:02
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jibotcurrybot is currytastic and <3 fair use18:02
currybotjibot: mmm... curry...18:02
rohitjmecredis: with shift worked18:03
mecredisyeah, cache refresh18:03
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jibotftobia is the other tech intern at Creative Commons and head of RPI Free Culture18:03
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tim_hwangcurrybot list18:04
currybot(1) MATTAR PANEER MASALA (Delicacy of fresh English peas and home made cottage cheese cubes curry)18:04
currybot(2) TARKARI METHI CHAMAN (Fresh vegetables sautéed with red onions, garlic, ginger and fenugreek herb)18:04
currybot(3) KAJU KI MURGI (Boneless free-range chicken cooked in cashew paste, coconut, saffron, and tomato curry)18:04
Bovinityaw man, #3 is a repeat18:04
ftobiacurrybot: 118:05
currybotMATTAR PANEER MASALA (Delicacy of fresh English peas and home made cottage cheese cubes curry) Mattar Paneer Masala is probably the most popular curry found in all over India First we prepare the cottage cheese in traditional method. The base is prepared with cumin seeds, garam masala, vine ripened tomatoes and the green peas and Paneer cheese cubes are added for stir frying on high heat.18:05
tim_hwangoh man18:05
tim_hwangoh man18:05
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jibotSteren is sitting next to greg-g and from Nancy18:05
Bovinityexcited for the #1, tim?18:05
ftobiacinnamon meatball sounds interesting.18:05
tim_hwangyeah, so good18:05
tim_hwangbovinity -- will def have to avoid the repeat though18:05
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* greg-g is heading in18:09
Sterenhey what was the name of the bar we went yesterday ?18:09
nathanySteren: Pilsner Inn was the first one... don't know if you guys went out after that or not18:12
paulproteusTech Team Pub Crawl?18:15
Bovinityand karaoke, apparently18:16
Sterenyeah it was Mint Karaoke Loung18:18
paulproteusRight by home.18:18
mecredisdoes run lycaeum?18:26
Bovinitywe have an instance of WP-MU18:27
mecredisah I see18:27 runs plain WP18:27
mecredisanyone have any experience with lyceum?18:28
nathanypaulproteus has some, iirc18:28
* paulproteus blinks18:30
paulproteusmecredis, Yes, lots.18:30
paulproteusWhat's up?18:30
mecredisI'm realizing its going to be good for a project I'm working on18:30
paulproteusOh, cool.18:30
mecredisI'll talk to you more about it soon18:30
mlinksvamecredis: fwiw we're using WPMU for labs and a few other sites. Considered Lyceum, don't recall exactly what the tradeoff was18:36
mlinksvaoh, I guess Bovinity already said that...18:37
mecredislyceum seems to be good for low #s18:37
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jibotjgay is
mecredisis my feeling18:37
mecredisat least thats how they distinguish it on wp.org18:37
Bovinitylow # of blogs? the lyceum demo site has hundreds of the things18:38
paulproteusIt's sort of the opposite18:38
jgayhey, paulproteus I started a blog.18:38
paulproteusLyceum's DB structure is in some ways more scalable.18:38
paulproteusOTOH, so is WP MU's in some other ways.18:38
paulproteusIt's all hilarious and twisted.18:38
paulproteusAnd I'm just going to end up equivocating anyway.18:38
paulproteusLyceum's is more normalized, and that's good for many applications.18:39
paulproteusWP MU uses a bunch of tables per blog.18:39
mecrediswow, had no idea18:39
mecredisI should have just come here18:39
paulproteusRather than one big "posts" table with a blog_id column like Lyceum.18:39
paulproteusIn practice, it can make little difference.18:39
paulproteusOne downside is WP MU has more momentum.18:40
mlinksvafunny thing, i somehow recall that i created the first stub of but it turns out i haven't even edited it. i must be going crazy18:40
paulproteusDisclosure: The Lyceum dev is helping me port it to WP 2.5 (er, now 2.6).18:40
paulproteusRelated to that downside to Lyceum is that it's still based on WP 2.0.x.18:40
paulproteusThough that's changing right now.18:40
Bovinitypaulproteus: are they still using that default theme i made for them?18:40
paulproteusBovinity, Probably!18:41
paulproteusI didn't check, but I can later. (-:18:41
mecredisI haven't seen this much traffic on this channel since currybot was launched18:41
paulproteusThere are (quite) a few topics that cause me to write a lot.18:41
mlinksvacurrybot is what drew me back in :)18:41
currybotmlinksva: mmm... curry...18:41
paulproteusNow *I*'m hungry.18:41
* paulproteus frantically checks for his HOPE ticket18:42
paulproteusWas about to say "see you tomorrow".18:42
mecredisI thnk it is18:43
mlinksvawhy don't the lyceum folk just take the opportunity to create a decent alternative to WP altogehter, in a decent programming language?18:43
nathanywhen i evaluated a big difference was that every user had to have a blog on Lyceum (not our goal on MU)18:44
mlinksvanathany: ah right!18:44
nathanythat may have changed by now18:44
paulproteusThat wasn't even true back then.18:44
paulproteusAs I mentioned back then.18:44
paulproteusSo, like, everyone stop saying it.18:44
paulproteus"Everyone out of the gene pool."18:45
nathanysorry, my mistake18:45
nathanythe commonality is that i just can't be bothered to care18:46
* paulproteus shrugs18:46
paulproteus"I'm not *not* licking toads."18:46
mecredisoh snpp18:47
paulproteusoh snap18:47
mecredishow I miss you18:47
nathanypaulproteus: wrt the image metadata, i think we'll go with what i proposed on cc-devel, noting that i got the namespace URI for exif wrong18:48
nathanyshould be
paulproteusnathany, Cool.18:48
tim_hwangwhat time is it?19:00
tim_hwangthat's right19:01
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paulproteusFrancesca, Hi again.19:12
paulproteusI'm about to run away for a day or a few.19:12
paulproteusSo if you want to talk let's talk now!19:12
Francescasorry I ran off19:12
FrancescaI was meeting someone for lunc19:13
paulproteusNo problem.19:13
Francescalet me pull up the link19:15
Francescaactually I just figured it out19:19
Francescamel was editing at the same time I was19:19
Francescaso her changes were put in first19:19
FrancescaI'll get in touch with mel19:19
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isforinsectsHelp us Paul Proteus, your our Last HOPE19:46
nkinkadepaulproteus: ?19:46
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tim_hwangre: lunch20:13
Bovinitythey kinda resemble trolls20:16
greg-gwow, yeah20:22
isforinsectsnkinkade, he's going to the Last HOPE is all?20:23
tim_hwangyeah, i guess it was kind of the role they were born to play20:26
nathanysigh... summary judgment, shoot 'em in the head20:30
mecredisthe guy on the left's eyes just scream20:39
mecredisI'M FREAKING OUT MAN20:39
mecredisBoville, who was with Hibbs, reportedly told police that they had consumed LSD and that Hibbs was having a bad trip.20:39
ftobianathany: let me know when you're around for a minute, i have a how-should-i-include-questions.xml-in-cc.license question.20:43
nathanyftobia: ok20:43
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jibotrejon is a killer MC from staten island and is the 10th member of the wutang clan and
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brianroweDo we have any contacts at Internet Archive.  The CC Summer Interns are interested in heading over there near lunch and visiting with people.21:40
brianroweI know there is a public number to call for visting on fridays for the web page, just curious if there is a better way to contact them.21:41
mlinksvabrianrowe: yes, rejon has had most recent regular contact with them21:41
brianrowemlinksva: thx21:42
rejonbrianrowe: just do that url way for IA lunch21:44
rejonits at noon21:44
rejonget there about 15 min early though to get a seat21:44
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ftobiapaulproteus, nathany, any idea why i'm getting: frank@puma:~/sandboxes/license.rdf$ git push21:48
ftobiafatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly21:48
ftobiai can push from cc.license but not license.rdf.21:48
ftobiaseems odd.21:49
nathanylicense.rdf is probably readonly since it's a submodule21:49
nathanyor is this not the submodule checkout?21:49
ftobiathis is in its own checkout.21:49
nathanychecked out the readonly way, right?21:50
nathanyread-write, that is21:50
nathanysorry, i'm brain dead21:50
ftobialet me check21:50
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ftobianathany: i think that was it, because it works now. thanks.21:56
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mlinksvarejon: what time is that mixer over tuesday?22:09
rejoncan leave anytime22:10
mlinksvahow about 7 @ ti couz?22:10
mlinksva16th & valencia22:11
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rejonthat is that crepe place right?22:18
mlinksvarejon: yeah22:18
nathanypaulproteus: SYN22:29
nathanymlinksva: I'm feeling the need for a public bug tracker for things like the search prototype, liblicense, etc22:34
nathanyi'd like to continue avoiding's like the plague22:34
nathanyteamspace is not public, so not a good mapping to tasks there22:34
nathanydoes this seem like solid/sound/sane basis for running roundup or trac or the like?22:34
mlinksvayes, that is if the public wiki can't be made to work for that purpose22:42
mlinksva'course if teamspace would work if it were public, then the public wiki obviously would work :)22:43
nathanypublic/private is the most obvious reason teamspace won't... there's also this feeling that the tasks system, as is, isn't great for recording history (message log) like i expect in a bug tracker22:44
nathanyof course, maybe i just need to figure out the "discussion on the article page" thing for AcaWiki and apply that to the tasks system as well22:44
mlinksvayeah, it would be really cool if there were a fully usable SMW based tracker22:45
mlinksvaanother subject, so what is the xmlns replacement proposal?22:45
mlinksvai couldn't tell from the quoted material22:45
mlinksvasurely it is not curieprefix attribute?22:45
nathanyyes, that's exactly what it is22:46
mlinksvasomehow it feels like that's going off into laalalalalalalla land22:46
mlinksvahow many people realize wtf a curie is?22:47
mlinksvai guess in absence of that it is not bad22:47
ftobiaunit of radiation.22:47
mlinksvasee! :)22:47
nathanywell i'm sure the attribute name will go through several rounds of design by committee before it goes out22:47
nathanyi'm just glad it's not as bad as it sounded -- a path for HTML and one for XHTML22:47
mlinksvathey did end up with something reasonable w @typeof22:47
mlinksvai forgot what stupid thing it was originally22:48
cchelpbot`nathany: Error: "instance" is not a valid command.22:48
nathany @instance22:48
nathanymlinksva: the other thing i worry about with the SMW tracker (perhaps - no probably - needlessly) is page proliferation...22:49
mlinksvawhat problem is being solved anyway?  it seems to be coming up wrt HTML4, and neither xmlns nor fooprefixbar is ok22:49
nathanyjust saying it makes it sound like probably not a real issue22:49
nathanymlinksva: the problem is people who have small small minds wrt attributes names22:50
mlinksvawell, that's just how SMW works, sometimes gives me bad dreams22:50
nathanythey see "xmlns" and think "OMG! NO! you'll pry my SGML from my cold dead hands"22:50
nathanyso basically we're just placating morons, best i can tell22:50
nathanyto quote the victor "it's just code, man! just code!"22:50
mlinksvahas there been any use of namespaces (hahahhahaa, everything is a name[spacing] problem) for SMW apps, e.g. Tracker:22:51
mlinksvasoas to not turn up the zillions of app pages in a normal search22:51
nathanymlinksva: there hasn't been yet but i've been thinking about confining everything into one or more namespace ghetto[s]22:51
nathanyie, Project:UESearch for the project dashboard, "Task:Make it pretty" or something for a task page name22:52
mlinksvathat makes sense to me, first glance anyway22:52
nathanymy thought was that that sort of change would happen as we attempted to package the application22:53
mlinksva7pm tuesday it is, rejon, brianrowe, whoever else22:53
nathanydid you see the whiteboarding paulproteus and i did for Semantic Actions and Semantic Packaging22:53
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mlinksvathat requires some concentration to parse22:57
mlinksvabut via that i found
nathanyany time i use a LOL in my twitter message, Richard turns it into a LOLnathan22:58
nathanymlinksva: see also,
mlinksvai think you need to be taken out of both and have lessig and miket in one, and just two of you in another23:00
Bovinitynathany: his maddie pics are great23:00
nkinkadenathany: How is the default system version of python determined on Debian?23:02
mlinksvago ben23:02
nkinkadeFrom where /usr/bin/python points?23:02
mlinksvanathany: btw did you see toby's frankenstein extending-hcard-w/rdfa23:02
nathanynkinkade: yes23:02
nathanyi saw23:02
mlinksvafor some reason i found that hilarius23:02
nathanycouldn't bring myself to read it carefully... brain isn't quite working today23:02
mlinksvanor is mine23:03
mlinksvaall for work on SemTasks tho23:03
nathanyi think most of staff is semi-brain-dead today23:03
nkinkadeDebian must have it's own idea about that independent of /usr/bin/python23:03
nathanynkinkade: why do you say that?23:03
mlinksvai'm still on a rainbow connection high23:03
mlinksvaok, back to brain stunting rfps and stuff...23:04
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nkinkadenathany: Because apt-src is failing to build because of an unmet dep. of python >=2.5, yet 2.5 is installed23:05
nkinkadeAnd I get that even after changing the /usr/bin/python symlink23:05
nathanywell that doesn't sound like a *default* python issue23:05
nathanysounds like apt just not know wtf is going on23:05
nkinkadeNo, I don't think it is, which is why I said that Debian must have it's own idea about that.23:06
nathanyright... i think you can do dpkg -L to get a list of packages installed, grep for Python as a first step23:06
nkinkadeThey are both there, but I need to get apt-src to think that 2.5 is there.23:07
rejonbrain dead! I'm still euphoric from our collective moment of musical pause :)23:23
mlinksvarejon i think it slightly went over most people's heads. they don't realize what they witnessed, at least not fully23:25
rejonyes, agree...well, then a few of us had a moment ;)23:30
rejonif only an electric sax player and bongo player could have entered23:31
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