Friday, 2008-07-18

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jibotnathany is teh preacher of teh gozpl of teh Ceiling Cat and witness to teh menny divine miraclz of Ceiling Cat00:04
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jibotjgay is
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* K`Tetch_US needs some advice about a CC license aspect01:27
K`Tetch_USI'm wondering in more detail, about the 'commercial' part, of a NC license01:28
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mlinksvaK`Tetch_US: see
K`Tetch_USyeah, read it01:32
K`Tetch_USjust want some clarification01:32
K`Tetch_USgoing to release a study, and wondering if, by NC, it means commercial news orgs couldn't use it under that license01:33
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jibotBovinity is brilliant and aware of Basement Cat, and iz not afraid.01:43
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jibotrejon is a killer MC from staten island and is the 10th member of the wutang clan and
mecredispaulproteus:  around?02:59
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jibotjgay is
mlinksvaK`Tetch_US: depends what you mean by "use"03:15
mlinksvaif you mean republish (except for fair use), then probably not, but IANAL03:16
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K`Tetch_USmlinksva - i mean use to report from03:32
K`Tetch_USI'd like blogs to use it for free, but commercial sources, like say AP, fox, CNN, etc - to pay a nominal fee, like $503:33
K`Tetch_USguess i'll email in about it03:33
K`Tetch_USgot to sort out a meeting with monica walsh too03:34
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jibotmlinksva is Mike Linksvayer and from Creative Commons04:07
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jibotftobia is the other tech intern at Creative Commons and head of RPI Free Culture04:16
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paulproteusmecredis, Hi.05:39
paulproteusEmail me.05:39
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jibotbrianrowe is at Seattle University School of Law, class of 2009 and legal intern at CC06:30
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DenseAnyone around? I have a friend needing some advice on choosing a license.09:02
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XSource_hey, what "License" would I want to use for a Software product that is meant to be Open Source, but doesn't allow commercial use?09:42
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RainRatxsource: i'm not aware of one, but if compatibility with existing works doesn't matter, you could make up a new one09:47
XSource_ok RainRat, thank you09:50
balorXSource_: Such a restriction is incompatible with both the definition of Open Source and Free Software.09:50
balorXSource_: So there are no Open Source licences to that effect.09:50
DenseI think hes after a license that stops people profiting from his work while allowing them to see the source code and adding to it09:51
balorXSource_: I have seen kinds of 3-clasue BSD licences where the third clause says not-for-commercial-use09:51
balorXSource_: And Microsoft have look-but-don't-touch licences.09:51
balorDense: I can understand that.09:52
balorDense: Well, kind of....I've no idea why someone would contribute under those terms.09:53
DenseBAsically xsource wrote something that some companies have been taking and profiting from09:53
Densehe wants to stop that and get them to contact him if they want to use it in a commercial environment09:54
balorI'd, personally, use the GPL in that case or not release the source at all.09:54
DenseSo GPL stops them from using it in a commercial products?09:55
balorThe GPL would say that if you, the company, improve my product then I can profit from it (albeit in a round about way)09:55
balorDense: No. Not at all.09:55
Densei didnt think so09:55
balorDense: But it does say that they have to release any of their modifications to their customers.09:55
balorDense: And then their customers have the rights to return the modifications upstream.09:56
Densethe product he wrote isnt being improved by the company, they are just bundling it in and using it to add value to their sold product09:56
balorDense: The GPL is a poison pill in that case.  They can't use it without any statically-linked code becoming GPL.09:56
balorDense: Essentially, if they're doing that, they'd be better off staying away from any GPL'ed product.09:57
balorXSource_: What licence is your product currently released under?09:57
Denseits a bit more complex, basically the product is a driver09:57
Denseso its standalone09:58
balorDense: But if it's not currently released under a licence then the company have no rights to use it anyway.09:58
Densehe has no license yet which is why ive been helping him look for one09:58
XSource_it's not under any of the known Licenses, just has a header in it that says I'm the Author of it09:58
balorXSource_: Then they are in violation of your copyright.09:58
balorXSource_: permission has to be given to copy, modify or redistribute.09:59
DenseCan you release something without a license?09:59
balorXSource_: They can't assume that, because they found it on the web that they can use it.09:59
balorDense: Most things are.09:59
balorDense: Consider the text of the New York Times09:59
balorDense: It's copyrighted, but not released under any licence.09:59
XSource_that's what I thought, like a common thing to assume..10:00
Denseso basically xsource decides if its ok or not for someone to use it10:00
balorDense: Yes.10:00
Denseso thats kinda the way he needs to leave it :)10:00
balorDense: Probably....depending on what he wants to do.10:01
Denseill get him to explain it :)10:01
XSource_mainly, it's meant to be free for anyone to use it, but for profit10:02
balorI'm a software engineer with several years of licencing experience.  I'm not a solicitor (I'm in Europe) and I'm not affiliated with the CC10:02
balorXSource_: I've heard a few people talk about such things.  It sounds like old-school shareware.10:03
balorXSource_: It's not something that comes under the umbrella of open source.10:03
Denseyeh i agree it doesnt match open source10:04
balorXSource_: But it sounds like these people owe you some money.10:04
Densebut i figured there has to be a license that meets the requirements he needs10:04
balorDense: Possibly the CC-BY-NC10:04
DenseYeh thats what i looked at10:04
Densebut it seemed like it didnt fit for software well10:05
balorDense: But I believe the CC don't recommend their licences for software (don't quote me on that though)10:05
RainRat*CC-BY-NC-SA, otherwise there's a loophole10:05
Denseyeh CC-BY-NC-SA fits what he needs but it wasnt recommended for software10:05
RainRatyeah it says that somewhere on the cc site10:05
balorIn my personal opinion XSource_ would be better off going with a copyleft licence such as the GPL.  It won't stop commercial usage, but if someone didn't release their improvements you'd have legal help from the FSF.10:06
Densethats what i originally thought but i knew it didnt stop commercial use10:07
balorOtherwise, if you use a non-commercial licence it'll be up to your wallet to hire any legal team.10:07
balorDense: It's a balance of what you want.  I don't have any issues with others using my code for commerical gain once they play fair.10:07
balorDense: Where I'm happy with the GPL definition of play fair.10:07
balorDense: But it's a very personal thing10:08
Densexsource just wants anyone to use it but if you profit from it he deserves to profit as well (ie come to him for a seperate license )10:08
balorThe advantage of using a standard licencing scheme like the GPL is that there are others who can help if legal issues arise.10:08
balorDense: I can empathise.  But I suspect (s)he's going to have to hire their own lawyer and get them to talk to the company who are using his/her code without a licence.10:09
Densein the current state, his code has copyright notices but no license, a commercial company has taken the source code, changed the copyright ot their name and is using it in a commercial product10:10
balorOther than the CC-BY-NC-SA I don't know of any other off-the-shelf licence that achieves what XSource wants.10:10
balorDense: That sounds like a gross violation of his/her copyright10:10
Denseit is10:10
balorDense: And it's a violation to remove copyright notices.10:10
balorSo it would appear cut-and-dry to me, but I'm not a legal person.10:11
Densebut he has to get in line, a big gorilla has also taken legal action against the same company ;)10:11
balorThen your enemy's enemy is your friend.10:11
Denseagreed, company is so big that really its just a matter of time before the company is out of business, so solves itself10:12
balorMaybe transfer copyright of the code to Big Gorilla for a fee but licence it under the GPL then (a) Big Gorilla gets amunition and gives you money and (b) you can still use the work under the GPL.10:12
balorSounds a little easier than hiring your own legal team and fighting a case.10:12
balorXSource_: What's the product, out of interest?10:13
Denseits a mac kernel extension10:15
balorDense: ah!  I can guess who Big Gorrilla are then.  And who's in the firing line.10:17
DensePsystar ;)10:17
balorFigured that.10:18
balorAFAIK Darwin is licenced under the Apache 2 licence.10:18
Denseis that non commercial?10:19
Densei dont think it is10:19
balorActually it's the Apple Public Source Licence which is an Open Source licence10:19
balorWhich implies that there are no restrictions on commercial usage of the code10:20
Denseso basically if he wants a license the way he wants hed need to approach an expert to write a custom one10:21
Densethere is no off the shelf one he can use10:21
balorAs far as I know, he requires a custom licence.  Unless the CC-BY-NC-SA is usable for software.10:21
balorAnd you can either create a non-commercial clause yourself (and run the risk of it being broken) or pay a solicitor to do it.10:22
balorActually.....I think AT&T's Plan9 was originally under a non-commercial licence10:23
balorBut defining non-commercial is a real PITA10:23
RainRatThe main disadvantage of using a CC license for software is that there's no requirement to provide source code if binaries are distributed10:23
balorIs a university non-commercial if they make money from students?10:23
balorRainRat: I doubt that;s an issue in this situation.  I think XSource_ want's to disallow all commercial use of his/her code.10:24
balorBut the question of what is commercial usage is still an issue.10:24
balorWhat is commercial usage.  And at this stage I'm at the end of my knowledge.10:25
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XSource_balor, RainRat, Thanks a lot for the advices :-)13:28
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jibotmlinksva is Mike Linksvayer and from Creative Commons14:16
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jibotnathany is teh preacher of teh gozpl of teh Ceiling Cat and witness to teh menny divine miraclz of Ceiling Cat14:54
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jibotjgay is
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jibotBovinity is brilliant and aware of Basement Cat, and iz not afraid.15:33
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jibotbrianrowe is at Seattle University School of Law, class of 2009 and legal intern at CC15:58
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jibotftobia is the other tech intern at Creative Commons and head of RPI Free Culture16:01
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jibotSteren is sitting next to greg-g and from Nancy16:04
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greg-gwarning, if perchance, anyone here is using BZR, and has the dev team's PPA in their sources.list, don't upgrade to the last version, it takes over your command prompt16:10
ftobia"we are the bzr. your command prompt will be assimilated. its biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own. resistance is futile."16:12
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ftobianathany: is it true that, as of right now, the "license class" information resides within the LicenseSelectors, and is not a property of the licenses themselves?16:27
nathanyuh, yes?16:27
nathanyi'll take your word for it16:27
ftobiaokay, i think that's the case, and i'm going to act like it is. and like it16:28
ftobialike it's what we want16:28
ftobiapaulproteus: can you synchronize license.rdf from svn to git before next week, or tell me how to do it?16:32
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jibotcurrybot is currytastic and <3 fair use16:35
currybotjibot: mmm... curry...16:35
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jibotBovinity is brilliant and aware of Basement Cat, and iz not afraid.16:36
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nathanynkinkade: custom python didn't fix things, trying with clean build of libxml2/libxslt117:00
nkinkadenathany: Cool.  I'm glad to hear that it wasn't the default python install.17:01
nathanyi suppose17:01
nkinkadeIt would have been convenient if that had fixed it, but disappointing in that the default Debian python build was broken for our purposes.17:01
nkinkadeDoes Zope get installed locally with bin/buildout?17:02
nathanyi don't think the fact that it wasn't the cause makes your statement untrue :)17:02
nkinkadeCan we strace the zope process to get a better idea as to where it's bombing?17:02
nathanyif i had my way you could install python without *any* standard library and the stdlib would be available as eggs17:02
nathanyooh good idea17:02
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ftobianathany: stand up?17:07
nathanyin 10?17:08
ftobiaokay but we'll have to make it quick, a few of us are heading out to lunch at internet archive soon.17:08
nathanylet me see if this process segfaults...17:10
nathanyone sec17:10
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nathanycurrybot: list18:59
currybot(1) DAAL MAKHANI (Delicacy of kidney beans, chickpea and black beans cooked together in a butter curry)18:59
currybot(2) LAGANSHALA (Fresh Vegetables cooked in gravy of garlic, ginger, tomatoes, and vinegar)18:59
currybot(3) ELAICHI MURGA (Boneless chicken cubes cooked in cardamom flavored curry sauce)18:59
currybot(4) FRESH ASPARAGUS MEATBALL (Beef meatballs cooked with fresh asparagus, red onions, and tomato gravy)18:59
nathanycurrybot: 118:59
currybotDAAL MAKHANI (Delicacy of kidney beans, chickpea and black beans cooked together in a butter curry) Daal Makhni is an all time favorite especially of Punjab the northern region. Daal Makhani is an entrée, which you can find in every occasion as it makes the menu incomplete. The making of this entrée starts one day before serving as all the above started beans are mixed washed and kept in water for at least one night, the other day18:59
Bovinitycurrybot: 318:59
currybotELAICHI MURGA (Boneless chicken cubes cooked in cardamom flavored curry sauce) This flavorful, boneless chicken curry is prepared by first dry marinating chicken with the powder of cardamoms, dry coriander powder and salt. After a couple of hours we cook the marinated chicken with red onions, garlic and ginger paste with several spices in a heavy vessel, sparingly stirring with mango-wood spoon over a low heat, till the oil separa18:59
currybot$ 5.0018:59
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paulproteusftobia, email me20:06
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nkinkadenathany: Are you making any active commits to
nkinkadeI may try to move it first.21:11
nathanynot at the moment.21:11
nkinkadeIf anyone else on the list is using, hold off for a few minutes as I move it to a new server.21:11
nathanythat's not dependent on the server's SSH key, is it?21:12
nkinkadenathany: People will probably get some warnings from SSH because the hosts SSH key will have changed.21:14
nkinkadeBut it's nothing that fixing .ssh/known_hosts won't fix.21:14
nathanyyeah, ok21:14
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nkinkadenathany: Now that I think about it, we may have to put a freeze on commits until DNS converges.  git and svn use their own ports and I don't know of any mechanism to redirect to another host for those services.21:24
nathanynkinkade: that makes sense but will need to be announced on cc-devel21:25
nathany(at least 24 hours advance notice, i think)21:25
nkinkadeRight.  gitweb and viewvc can still work, but commits may have to stop for a while.21:25
nkinkadeWell, I can make an announcement, move everything else today, then change the DNS for code on Monday, wait until Tuesday for DNS to converge then move it over.21:27
nathanysounds good21:27
nkinkadeThere might be some way to do this via iptables, but I'm not sure what it is off the top of my head.21:27
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jibotdavidstrauss is "P" and not "P"22:05
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Sterenfacebook was down for a couple of minute22:20
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mecredisBovinity: are you aware of a way to prevent posts in certain categories from hitting the front page of wordpress?23:34
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nkinkademecredis: We are doing something similar for ccLearn and certain posts.23:37
mecredishow do you do it?23:37
nkinkadeIt think it's a config in the theme23:38
mecredisthat modifies the query?23:38
nkinkadeYou have to exclude a certain category number.23:38
mecredisAND NOT ...23:38
nkinkadeWhat posts don't you want to show up on the front page?23:38
mecredisnot for cc.org23:38
* mecredis is off duty for the day23:38
mecredisanother project23:39
mecrediswhere we'll have a "curated" front page23:39
mecredisand a "free for all" back page23:39
nkinkadeLet me find the bit at the CC blog that does it.23:39
mecredisgreat, thanks23:39
mlinksvai think it has to be in the Weblog category to appear in the front page, so AND not AND NOT, though you could do it either way23:40
mecredisah I see23:41
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mecredisthe Weblog category seems to push it to the CC frontpage23:42
mecredisbut I think Wordpress just defaults23:42
mecredisto post everything there23:42
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jibotSteren is sitting next to greg-g and from Nancy23:43
SterenDoes someone know how the po files of the cc.engine are generated ? Because they contain unvalid xhtml, and I don't know where to modify them.23:44
nkinkademecredis: Inside the while ( have_posts() ) loop is this:23:45
nkinkadeif (!in_category(1) && !is_single()) { continue; }?>23:45
nkinkadeSo I'm guessing that category 1 is "Weblog"23:45
mecredisOK and thats in the theme?23:46
mecredisand that's for cc Learn's 'hack' ?23:47
mecredisnot default WP code, right?23:47
nkinkademecredis: Yeah, it's in the index.php file for the theme.23:47
nkinkadeYou can always peek at the whole thing at code.creativecommons.org23:47
mlinksvabut that's not for ccLearn, for main CC site, right?23:47
mlinksvathere are similar hacks for the likes of
nkinkadeYes, that's for the main CC site.23:48
mecredisso its saying if its not in category 1? the logic seems backwards to me23:48
mlinksvait skips if not in cat 123:48
mecredisah OK23:49
mecredistoo short of a snippit23:49
mecredisbut wait23:49
mecredisno, still confused ... there's a shebang23:50
mecredis!in_category(1) translates to "if its not in category 1"23:50
mecredisthen continue?23:50
mlinksvacontinue to next item23:51
mlinksvaie do nothing for that item23:51
mecredisand parse it23:51
mecredisI see23:51
mecredisI'll look at my index23:51
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mecredisnkinkade: what file is that?23:59

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