Sunday, 2008-07-13

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paulproteus - femslade, let me talk to you about thi00:19
paulproteusIf you want this field to only be allowed to have certain values, enter the list of allowed values, separated by commas (if a value contains a comma, replace it with "\,"):00:27
paulproteusasheesh at creativecommons00:42
paulproteus(dot orgy)00:42
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jibotjgay is
is4hey jgay00:46
jgayis4: how's it going?00:48
jgaynice shortening of the name00:48
jgaywhat are you up to?00:48
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is4Talking with asheesh about semantic mediawiki and magic pixie dust00:48
jgayis4: that is fun. I just sent an email to the FLOSSManuals discussion list suggesting that people talk to ccLearn and to discuss RDFa00:51
jgayis4: are you talking to asheesh in person, or on here?00:52
is4And was passing links here.00:53
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jgayis4 where are you working from right now?00:55
is4The boardroom at 1cc00:56
jgayis4: fun. What is the subject of tonights work?00:56
is4I think that conversation is roughly over.00:56
* paulproteus read "bedroom" not "boardroom"00:56
paulproteusis4, You and Francesca want Semantic Google Maps and also Header Tabs.00:57
jgayis4: ahh, ok. If you want to play with an instance of SMW, feel free to use my instance00:57
paulproteusI'd tell you to use Semantic Layers if it were more ready/maintained.00:57
is4I am going to work on writing the content for some Ethiopia stuff, and then start working on the Manuals stuff00:57
is4semantic google maps?00:58
jgayI'm going to read a Philip Roth book and feel at one with the earth after nearly dying of dehydration and strain from power yoga.00:58
paulproteusis4, Yes - Francesca wanted automatic maps on the wiki.00:58
jgaypaulproteus: I think we are doing something similar for SMW, but not with Google maps -- with a free software solution.00:59
jgayat the FSF00:59
paulproteusThat's Semantic Layers.00:59
is4Semantic Layers?00:59
paulproteusIt's unmaintained.00:59
paulproteusIt uses OpenLayers.00:59
is4jgay how close are you to OSM and OpenAerialMaps?01:00
is4They rock01:00
paulproteusOL is nice and Free Software maps and what we use at
is4we need more contribution/training for contribution for them01:00
paulproteusBut you'd need OSM/OAM integration.01:00
paulproteusSemantic Layers doesn't have that, and is4 has bigger fish to fry than hooking up Semantic Layers to other data sets imho.01:00
jgayis4: Mako has a friend who does lots with OSM, I can't remember his name, but he's around here and would probably be excited any way he can.01:00
paulproteusjgay, crschmidt01:00
is4Actually josh, you and I need to hang out and talk about this outreach/discovery/factoring structure SJ and I have been talking about.01:01
jgayyeah, that's it01:01
jgayis4: is that the same stuff SJ and I have been talking about hte last six months?01:01
jgayis4: that might be OK. Philip Roth might be too deep. We could just have a how to change the world discussion so as to bring my night down a notch.01:02
is4I really want OSM/OAM on the XO01:02
jgayis4: The main interface is Flash, though, right? Does it work with gnash?01:03
is4Yes, rsayove is working on it01:03
is4I *think* that it does in the latest gnash01:03
jgayoh, good.01:03
is4There are two or three small elements left.01:03
is4We don't want to ship until it's totally Free/open compliant, since it's not far off, very much worth doing.01:04
* jgay hates flash01:05
jgayI guess Adobe hate me, so it evens out.01:06
paulproteusI think that the hatred of Flash in the Free World may be overstated given the beginnings of successful swfdec and Flash.01:06
is4jgay: you need to come by and discuss out super awesome idea structure before we propose it as a job description to Kim next week.01:07
jgayis4: who is applying for the job?01:08
jgaypaulproteus: i guess we were using xplanet for maps. Nothing special.01:08
is4We're trying to describe the job first, and then I think I am going to do it.01:09
is4But we need to get it on the budget first.01:09
is4We're going to cbc if you wanna come01:10
jgayis4: I mine as well. Do you ever turn your cell phone on, I think I have it.01:10
is4I need to buy some minutes for it.01:11
is4I'm in the conference room01:11
is4'i mine as well'?01:11
jgayI'll see you there in a bit, i just finished my tea, and I guess philip roth can wait -- this better be a worthwhile discussion, 'cause this is a good book01:11
jgaycome to cbc01:11
jgayWant to just wait at Kendall for me so that we can walk over together?01:12
jgayI'm going to leave Davis as soon as I sign off, then I can meet you by the benches.01:12
jgaypaulproteus: are you going to OSCON?01:12
paulproteusjgay, Yes, but I'll be away for 30m or so.01:12
is4eta to kendall01:13
jgaypaulproteus: OK, if I don't talk to you sooner, see you at OSCON01:13
jgayis4: 15 minutes01:13
paulproteusOkay, great!01:13
jgayI'll meet you by the benches in front of marriott01:13
jgayis4: wait, I have a car, I forgot that I drove. I'll just drive down and meet you at CBC, OK?01:14
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jgayis4: I drove to Davis, I forgot.01:15
jgayis4: I'm just going to drive down to CBC, unless you want me to pick you up and then drive over.01:15
is4Francesca is going home real fast and is going to meet us at kendell in 1501:15
is4so it might be easier for you to do that too?01:15
is4Or you can drive, no biggie.01:15
jgayis4: I have my car, so I'd rather drive than just leave it. I can park over by Kendel though and we can wait for Francesca01:16
is4That works01:16
jgayOK, see you there in a bit. I drive a silver honda civic01:16
jgay4 door01:16
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jibotjgay is
jgayis4: are you around? I'm sitting outside, illegally parked, for like 20 minutes now02:06
jgaythis is totally worse than reading philip roth02:07
jgayis4: I'll go to cbc and see if you were just confused by the plans. If you are there I will proceed to be angry at you. Make you purchase me food and or beverage and then leave.02:11
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jibotdavidstrauss is "P" and not "P"02:25
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jibotBovinity is brilliant and aware of Basement Cat, and iz not afraid.05:58
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hdworakre :)06:22
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* hdworak has done minor improvements to the Wiki page08:12
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ankitgHowdy hdworak =)11:59
hdworakhi, ankitg12:09
hdworakwhat's up?12:09
hdworak"Microsoft would buy Yahoo!'s search business and Icahn would take the rest of the company. Yahoo! was given one day to respond."12:10
ankitgdeja vu?12:11
hdworak"This odd and opportunistic alliance of Microsoft and Carl Icahn has anything but the interests of Yahoo's stockholders in mind," Yahoo Chairman Roy Bostock said in the statement.12:11
hdworakah, source is
* ankitg goes back to tinkering with the logs ...12:13
* ankitg is worried about the efficiency of his code given the size of the logs ...12:20
hdworakuse C++ then12:25
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ankitghdworak: everything else is in Python / Shell Script ... if I had a choice, I'd probably opt for PERL + Sh ... there are already PERL modules for log analysis of Apache Combined Format logs ...12:31
ankitgactually PERL alone would also work ...12:33
hdworakPerl vs Python seems tied on shootout12:33
ankitgit's not the language, it's what my code is doing ... >.<12:34
hdworakyes, I imagine there are libraries or software that would make it easier for you to write that in another language12:35
hdworakthough you have been worried about the efficiency which I have interpreted as the memory and CPU usage of your software given a large data set12:36
hdworakin this regard, C++ would show advantage over Perl of Python, which are interpreted languages12:37
ankitgit's to scan the dir for gz files ... unpack and read the contents .. then iterate through the contents, line by line ... and pick out stuff like the license info, inferred from the image being accessed ... put this in a new list which is used to generate stats / metrics ... the problems is CPU usage as the files can be HUGE ... a small 18 MB gz file unpacks to a 211 mb text file ...12:37
ankitgand there are gzipped files that go as big as a couple hundred megs ...12:38
hdworakPerl has existed since 1987 and Python since 1991, nonetheless Quake was written in C :)12:38
hdworakI understand12:39
hdworakwould be cool if that could work pararell12:39
hdworakparallel even12:39
hdworakmultithreading in C++ - that would be cool :)12:40
ankitg... almost everything at CC is python / shell scripted AFAIK ... then again, I know very little ...12:40
hdworakyes, indeed - Python has its heyday there12:41
hdworakbut then again, how many of ccTools applications are performance-critical ?12:42
hdworakIMHO they are just using the right language for the right purpose12:43
ankitghmmm ... I guess "import psycho" and some changes to the code logic plus running it on EC2 will make it OK ...12:44
is4Oh wow... network.http.piplining != good idea...12:48
hdworakpipelining even12:49
hdworakmine is false12:49
* ankitg will go hunting for the buffered file reader for GZip module once he is done with this occurrence counter thingumajig ...12:51
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* ankitg is going to try and use directories (hash-maps) for efficiency ... 14:09
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jibotjgay is
* ankitg is finding non-existant urls in the log entries ... these are messing up his script ... )-:16:43
paulproteusankitg, If you need help with your code let me know!17:04
paulproteusLike show me svn commits and I'll give you patches!17:04
paulproteusThat's, like, a big part of the point of mentoring.17:04
ankitgpaulproteus: all is well thanks =) ... just noticed for /l/by-nd/2.1/jp/88x31.png == /l/by-nd///2.1//jp///88x31.png ... the number of "/" is insignificant ...17:05
paulproteusankitg, Yes - you can use os.path.join() to avoid such problems.17:05
paulproteusIn a way.17:05
ankitgI am assuming that kills all the "/" which I was using as delimiters hitherto ... anyways that is trivial ...17:06
paulproteusankitg, In all seriousness, is your code in svn?17:06
ankitgBTW, Good Morning (-:17:06
paulproteusMorning (-:17:06
paulproteus(or git)17:07
paulproteusand if not, can we move it there?17:07
ankitgit is not ... yet.17:07
paulproteusI'd *really* appreciate being able to see what you're doing.17:07
ankitgI'd really like that too ...17:07
paulproteusSo I guess you can choose - is git okay?  If not, we can do svn.17:07
paulproteusEither way I need a public SSH key and we'll give you a repository.17:08
ankitgsince I am a mac, it should be a simple terminal command ...17:08
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paulproteus(one sec)17:10
* ankitg is generating SSH key ...17:10
ankitgokie, I have the DSA keys now ...17:14
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paulproteus(a) can you regenerate using RSA keys actually?17:16
paulproteus(b) one sec (-:17:16
ankitg(a) Yes, I can.17:16
ankitg(b) okie, waiting (-:17:17
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jibotBovinity is brilliant and aware of Basement Cat, and iz not afraid.17:18
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paulproteusOkay, hi ankitg.17:34
paulproteusWhat would you like your git repository to be called?17:34
paulproteusWe'll call it ankitstats for now if you have no better ideas.17:35
paulproteushdworak, You need review still I presume.17:35
ankitghmmm ... Loggy or something :P17:35
paulproteus"loggy" is a fine name.17:35
ankitgit's short for "that log analysis thingamajiggy" =)17:37
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hdworakhi paulproteus :)17:41
ankitgNo review for hdworak ... request timed out. :P17:41
hdworakI've lagged with the project until the midterm, so I'm in no position to hurry you up17:41
paulproteushdworak, Well, whatevs, let's see what we can do.17:41
paulproteusSo I get new errors:17:41
hdworakexcess flood17:42
paulproteusankitg, Either paste ~/.ssh/ into a private message, or email it to me (or put it on the web/a pastebin).17:42
hdworakpaulproteus: sorry, but I'm not able to reproduce17:44
hdworakanyway, did the buildout go fine?17:44
hdworakhas it downloaded all the dependencies?17:45
paulproteushdworak, The buildout did go fine.17:45
hdworakas for the pasted errors, I may only think this is a bug dependent on a library version, be it pyRdfa, rdflib or sparql17:46
paulproteushdworak, I think you may have system packages installed which prevent you from having buildout get the dependencies.17:46
paulproteusIn which case, that's fine - just tell me which system packages to install.17:46
paulproteus(Later we can fix your buildout thing too.)17:46
hdworakwhat is there to fix? the required versions of the libraries?17:46
paulproteusI... don't know?17:47
paulproteusYour code runs on your computer.  Tell me what I need on an Ubuntu 8.04 machine or Debian sid machine (or any other Free OS) to make it run on mine.17:47
paulproteusankitg, Okay, do you have a directory with your code in it?17:47
paulproteusLet's import it to git and then have you keep committing and pushing.17:47
hdworak>>> import pyRdfa, rdflib17:48
ankitgerm, that can be arranged ... let me setup a dir [all my code is presently "on the cloud"] ...17:48
hdworak>>> print "%s %s"%(pyRdfa.__version__, rdflib.__version__)17:48
hdworak2.0 2.4.017:48
hdworakwhat is your output?17:48
paulproteusankitg, Er, what do you mean on the cloud?17:48
paulproteusankitg, Honest question.17:49
hdworakpaulproteus: you have "This is an ealy alpha version or rdflib."17:49
hdworakplease do17:49
hdworakeasy_install -U 'rdflib<3a'17:49
ankitgpaulproteus: "on the cloud" = having an online copy which is accessible from anywhere ... usually accompanied by a local copy on one machine ...17:50
paulproteus(I'm using the ./bin/python from your buildout'ed dir, btw)17:50
hdworak... downgrade to 2.4.017:50
paulproteusankitg, Yes - I just don't know the details of your setup.17:50
paulproteusI know what on the cloud generally means.17:50
ankitgah, my bad ... thot you wanted the general meaning when you said "honest question" ...17:51
paulproteusOh, no, I just mean I'm not flaming you for using the term.17:51
ankitgthat's a relief ...17:52
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paulproteushdworak, Your tests pass; going to read them now.17:54
paulproteusI'm going to also figure out what buildout/ changes are necessary.17:54
hdworakwell, I know there is a very simple way to tell it that we need version >2 and <317:54
hdworak>=2 that is17:54
paulproteus<3a should be fine for you.17:54
hdworakI'm just googling for that, but I've seen that before17:54
paulproteusBased on my tests you can just modify and leave buildout.cfg alone.17:55
paulproteus-                      'rdflib',17:55
paulproteus+                      'rdflib<3a',17:55
paulproteusDoing that to avoids the failure I had.17:55
paulproteushdworak, Why the self.rdfa = <bunch of string and regex operations> ?17:56
hdworakthis is how I define class-wide variables (fields)17:57
hdworakmaybe it can be done easier, say outside the constructor17:57
paulproteushdworak, Right, but why the bunch of string + regex operations?17:57
hdworakbut I'm new to Python17:57
paulproteusNo, that part you're doing right.17:57
paulproteusBTW, I Approve.17:57
hdworakoh, 'cause I do not want whitespace to interfer with the results17:57
hdworakthat was when I was testing for graph isomorphism17:58
paulproteusOh, I see.17:58
hdworaknow I'm not doing it, so it's not that critical17:58
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paulproteusI may give more detailed feedback on a non-weekend, but I'm satisfied with this.17:58
hdworakI've even removed the for the time being17:58
ankitgpaulproteus: okie, I have a folder17:58
hdworakpaulproteus: so I have passed the GSoC midterm?17:58
paulproteushdworak, As far as the code goes, yes.  I haven't filled out the form, but I expect no problems.17:58
hdworakokay, thank you very much17:59
paulproteusankitg, Cool, do you have git installed on your Mac?17:59
paulproteusSure - now keep going (-:17:59
hdworaktried my best :)17:59
ankitgI don't think so ... but that can be arranged ...17:59
hdworaknow I'm gonna look for a way to tell the required version17:59
hdworakand push that to the repo17:59
paulproteusGreat, how about you do that.17:59
paulproteushdworak, I think you can use =2.4.017:59
paulproteus==2.4.0 rather17:59
hdworakI think is the way it is done18:01
hdworakyou type "== 2.4.0" next to the egg18:01
hdworaksorry, e\gg18:01
hdworakI'm gonna give it a try now18:01
paulproteuslol! re: e\gg18:01
hdworakyeah, first try was == 2.4.3, it complained it could not such version18:03
hdworaknow it goes smoothly when I changed to == 2.4.018:03
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jibotrejon is a killer MC from staten island and is the 10th member of the wutang clan and
hdworakok, I've pushed that to the Git repo, also patched18:05
* ankitg is downloading git ... 113.94 MB @ 12 Kbps ...18:05
* ankitg wonders if email is better option :P18:05
paulproteusThat's somewhat hilarious.18:05
paulproteusAnd somewhat tragic.18:05
hdworakI'm gonna check the Git dl speed here18:06
paulproteusankitg, Let me know if you want me to sanity-check the way you're getting git so that you don't have to waste time.18:06
hdworak300 KiB/s - my ISP capped dl limit18:07
ankitgoh newer package is 51 MB ...18:07
hdworakso it must be your connection, ankitg18:07
paulproteusankitg, Okay, that should be fine.18:08
hdworakI'll try to have XHTML 1.1 + RDFa in Genshi18:09
hdworakbut the main dev is back on Monday18:09
hdworakso far I've filled a ticket:
ankitghmmm ... I started the newer package in a download manager ... it's smaller and "maybe works with leopard" ... O_o18:09
paulproteusankitg, Can you/do you use DarwinPorts?18:09
hdworakif it passes, I think of doing the front-end to the validator in XHTML 1.1 + RDFa18:09
hdworakinstead of XHTML 1.0 Strict18:09
paulproteusankitg, ?18:10
ankitgI could ...18:10
ankitgsweet ... awesome .. it's just 3 MB ...18:11
ankitgand it's done @ 308 Kbps ...18:12
ankitgthat server was slow ...18:12
ankitgpaulproteus: okie, it claims to have been installed ...18:14
paulproteusankitg, Cool, when you run "git help" in the Terminal do you get a list of commands?18:15
paulproteusIf so, then git is installed and usable.18:15
ankitgnope nothing ... )-:18:15
paulproteusWell, then can I ask you to figure it out? (-:18:16
ankitgwill do $something18:16
Bovinitygit installs from the source on OS X18:16
Bovinityalso, morning all18:16
paulproteusHowdy Bovinity.18:16
ankitgpaulproteus: okie, I got it running ...18:18
paulproteusAnd in the meantime I got read the Libertarian wankings of some Ruby programmer and git fan.18:18
ankitgI have the list of commands showing up and all ..18:18
paulproteusankitg, Okay, so change directory into the place with your source.18:18
paulproteusBTW, do you have experience with other version control tools?18:19
ankitgI've used SVN (tortoise in windows) ... nothing yet really on the mac ...18:19
paulproteusOkay, cool.18:19
paulproteusWith git, every checkout (git calls it "clone") contains a full version of the repository.18:20
ankitgokie, I am in loggy ...18:20
paulproteusWould you go through and create a git repository in your directory, and add your files to it?18:22
paulproteusThat page is a pretty good git tutorial, actually - you would do well to go through as much of it as you can.18:22
ankitgwill do ...18:22
ankitgI'd just like to find a sort of buffered file reader and update the code with that before committing ...18:23
paulproteusPython's default file reader is buffered.18:24
paulproteusBut no.18:24
paulproteusPlease: commit early and commit often.18:24
paulproteusIf you don't know how to do something right, commit a version that does it at all, push it, and then ask me for help. (-:18:24
ankitgokie ... will do.18:25
* ankitg goes back to reading "all about git"18:25
paulproteusStick to the links I give you and you should hopefully not go too astray.18:25
paulproteusYou can read other stuff, too, but if it gets confusing ask for help.18:26
ankitgI'll be fine ... thanks (-:18:26
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hdworakankitg: my notes when I learnt Git ->
hdworakyou also need to generate an RSA key for your account on your machine; this is the only way you can authenticate on cc's Git20:03
ankitghdworak: thanks ... I think I got it working ... Git is much easier to use, VIM was messing me up ... it works fine once you change the GIT_EDITOR ... =)20:03
ankitghdworak: great ... so now if I have issues with GIT, I know who to bug :)20:06
* ankitg wonders if loggy has been setup ...20:27
paulproteusankitg, Hi20:27
ankitgHi paulproteus20:28
paulproteusYes - you need to do a push now.20:28
paulproteusDo you have local commits?20:28
paulproteusThat is, have you run "git commit" yet?20:29
paulproteusIf not, you ought to do that.20:29
ankitgyes ... I have a local commit ... vim was messing with me so I changed the GIT_EDITOR to textedit and now we are all good20:29
paulproteusOnce you have done that, do:20:29
paulproteus(okay, awesome)20:29
paulproteusgit remote add origin
paulproteusgit push master origin20:30
paulproteusThen look at
paulproteusFrom now on, if you want to push your local commits to our repository so e.g. I can see them, repeat the git push command.20:30
ankitgerm ... okie let me make sure that what I have there, makes sense and I'll make the push (-:20:31
* paulproteus nods20:32
ankitgpaulproteus: BTW: Do you prefer line-by-line comments or only where they are required? I ask because the presently committed files have no comments at all ...20:33
paulproteusOnly where comments are needed.20:33
paulproteusBut you're welcome to comment *more* than that if you want.20:33
ankitgokie, first I just want to make sure I am on the right track ...20:35
* ankitg goes back to check on his commits ...20:35
ankitgpaulproteus: oh yes, wanted to ask ... what is os.path.join() supposed to do ... seems to do nothing at all ... ?20:37
paulproteusankitg, os.path.join("some_dir/", "some_subdir") => "some_dir/some_subdir"20:38
paulproteusalso, os.path.join("some_dir", "some_subdir") => "some_dir/some_subdir"20:38
ankitgah ... I see ...]20:38
paulproteusThere's a urlparse module with urlparse.urljoin() that's similar.20:39
ankitgokie, I'll look into it if what I am thinking of doing fails ...20:40
paulproteusOkay, well we'll see what I think once I see your code..20:40
hdworakankitg: yes, we both know who to ask in such case :)20:42
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hdworakankitg: the purpose of such methods is to translate relative URIs20:51
hdworaklike mydir1/mydir2 + ../mydir3 = mydir1/mydir320:51
hdworakI guess20:51
ankitghdworak: what I am looking for is to convert /l/by-nd///2.1//jp///88x31.png to /l/by-nd2.1/jp/88x31.png20:54
hdworakregex /+ to /  ?20:54
hdworakor something more sophisticated?20:55
ankitgyep ... that's what I am resorting to ... import re and regex-ing it20:55
ankitgjust need to look up how python wants me to do it ...20:56
hdworakvariable = re.sub('/+', '/', variable)20:58
hdworakI do not know if this is what you actually want20:58
ankitgI'll work with this ... thanks =)20:58
hdworakyou're welcome20:59
paulproteusankitg, Hey21:00
paulproteusankitg, How do you create " /l/by-nd///2.1//jp///88x31.png"?21:00
paulproteusIs it in the log?21:00
paulproteusLike it's something people request?21:00
paulproteusOr is it calculated by your code?21:00
paulproteusOh, whatever, you figure it out, ping me if you need me. (-:21:02
ankitgpaulproteus: no ... the log had "l/by-nd/2.1//jp/88x31.png" ... 2 '/' before jp ... so I tried this with all sorts of combination of "/" and it still loads up the image ... so my script should be able to handle all of it ... even if it;s just my testing that shows up in the logs =)21:02
paulproteusAgreed, but if you don't know how to do that well, feel free to submit a partially-working thing that doesn't handle that.21:03
paulproteusAnd we can improve it over time.21:03
paulproteusAKA, solve the problems you know how to solve first.21:04
ankitgyea, I gave up on efficiency for now ... first goal is to get the scripts to do what they are supposed to ...21:04
ankitgI am just trying to keep them robust ...21:05
* paulproteus nods21:05
ankitgI don't want it to stop on the 68th file just because I didn't test it enough ...21:05
paulproteusSure, but you could handle that sort of problem by ignoring things you didn't understand (and logging that so you can fix them later).21:06
* ankitg nods21:06
ankitghdworak: thanks ... that helped =)21:07
hdworakany time21:08
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ankitgpaulproteus: okie, almost done ... just want to add a check, not to include the last line of the log files if it is empty ...21:12
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ankitgpaulproteus:  I get the following when trying "git push master origin"21:48
ankitgfatal: 'master': unable to chdir or not a git archive21:48
ankitgfatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly21:48
paulproteusOops, I did it backwards.21:49
paulproteusgit push origin master21:49
ankitgokie ... before I upload all the clones, is there an easy way to flush the head and start anew ... don't want you to waste time with revisions / clones from when I was struggling with vim ... ?21:51
paulproteusIf you *really* want to do that, I'll let you learn the git ways to do it.21:51
paulproteusI'm not going to tell you because in truth I do want to see that.21:52
ankitgyikes ... that bad huh ... nvm then ...21:52
ankitgit says authenticity of host could not be established, I said continue anyways add to known host list ... then it asks me for a password ...21:56
ankitgand this is not the passphrase I entered when creating my RSA key either ...21:57
ankitgpaulproteus: ^ ^ what's the elven word for friend ... a.k.a password? [PM maybe]21:59
paulproteus(a) I'll give you a FAQ link in a sec22:00
paulproteus(b) Then I must not have properly added your key.22:00
paulproteus(But I thought I did...)22:00
paulproteusgit remote show origin22:01
ankitgoh goody more FAQ!22:01
paulproteusWhat output do you get for that?22:01
ankitgasks for ::'s password:22:02
paulproteusWhy did you write "::"?22:02
paulproteusIs that what it really says?22:02
paulproteusI didn't properly add your key.22:03
paulproteusLet me fix that.22:03
paulproteusankitg, retry?22:04
* ankitg thinks maybe he should mail the key to paulproteus ... copy paste is susceptible to "bad things" ... yes I added the "::"22:04
ankitggit remote show origin still asks for password22:05
paulproteusAre you on the same machine as that SSH key?22:06
paulproteusssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAkmh7FY3ObF9rPc91gQFxqEfdG9d8EU2PUlUUnoxGpxwWoVr7csWNhHxYsOeKXspsV+nf67aYXOgpk0J5g8+vqrlBc6le3JhyA1ys5K+edqLzjAzHU0rBlaW4fs1FapM7WPdF5NlBBkDkV4yTguWvazVMYc3n2fvHfwpg3u9NYthXzcx5a6O8iz8j4V+yhxt8Beq1/0VnWQz5/lN5+DSvL9kbdyoy7KqvjZ7jxR//YvitkReqjvkRy8LMGPoICB6XMJfYneXPapTQnYhZX8sC5eYQ414yQZG6kXRzb3F0LyhjaEdqUOQ7hZq95B7n1/JHufElQEpq/rpWjQzcQt3vaw== ankitg@Ankit-ka-Mac.local22:06
paulproteusCan you pastebin ssh -vvv to me?22:06
paulproteus(This should not be this hard.  I believe one of us is doing something obviously wrong.)22:07
ankitgI did that ... I gave me quite a lot of lines beginning with the word debug and eventually asked for the password again22:09
paulproteusYes - can you pastebin it to me?22:09
ankitgdebug1: Trying private key: /Users/ankitg/.ssh/id_rsa22:09
ankitgdebug3: no such identity: /Users/ankitg/.ssh/id_rsa22:09
ankitgdebug1: Trying private key: /Users/ankitg/.ssh/id_dsa22:09
ankitgdebug3: no such identity: /Users/ankitg/.ssh/id_dsa22:09
ankitgdebug2: we did not send a packet, disable method22:09
ankitgdebug3: authmethod_lookup password22:09
ankitgdebug3: remaining preferred: ,password22:09
ankitgdebug3: authmethod_is_enabled password22:09
ankitgdebug1: Next authentication method: password22:09's password:22:09
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ankitgI think I know ...22:09
paulproteusWhat's that, put the RSA key file in a weird location?22:10
ankitgI need to rename the private key to id_rsa and move it to /Users/ankitg/.ssh/22:10
* paulproteus nods22:12
ankitggit remote show origin22:18
ankitgERROR:gitosis.serve.main:Repository read access denied22:18
ankitgfatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly22:18
paulproteusDoes the push work?22:19
paulproteusFWIW the remote repo doesn't exist yet.22:19
paulproteusBut that's normal.22:19
paulproteusBut... anyway, does the push work?22:19
ankitgnope, same error as show origin22:19
paulproteusBoy, I suck at this game.22:20
ankitgthe last one was my bad ... and maybe this one too!22:21
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ankitgdoes a copy of my public key also need to be in the same folder, with a weird name?22:22
paulproteusNo, that issue is solved.22:22
paulproteusIt's clearly my fault. (-:22:22
paulproteusWhat did you enter in "git remote add"?22:23
paulproteusShould be "git remote add origin".22:23
paulproteusHmm, and that works for me.22:24
paulproteusClearly I set your permissions wrong?22:24
* paulproteus investigates22:24
* ankitg makes a few last efforts to stay awake ... 22:25
paulproteusRe-do the push, but pastebin the result this time?22:25
ankitggit push origin master22:26
ankitgDEBUG:gitosis.serve.main:Got command "git-receive-pack 'loggy.git'"22:26
ankitgDEBUG:gitosis.access.haveAccess:Access check for 'ankit@Ankit-ka-Mac.local' as 'writable' on 'loggy.git'...22:26
ankitgDEBUG:gitosis.access.haveAccess:Stripping .git suffix from 'loggy.git', new value 'loggy'22:26
ankitgDEBUG:gitosis.access.haveAccess:Access check for 'ankit@Ankit-ka-Mac.local' as 'readonly' on 'loggy.git'...22:26
ankitgDEBUG:gitosis.access.haveAccess:Stripping .git suffix from 'loggy.git', new value 'loggy'22:26
ankitgERROR:gitosis.serve.main:Repository read access denied22:26
ankitgfatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly22:26
ankitgi think it just got done ...22:27
ankitgnow you can start taking my code apart and tell me how much it sucks ...22:27
paulproteusTypo on my part, I guess.22:27
paulproteusBut I plan to wait until Monday or Tuesday to do that. (-:22:28
ankitgstill pretending to be on "vacation" ?22:28
paulproteusYeah (-:22:29
ankitggood luck with that ...22:29
paulproteusGee, thanks!22:29
paulproteusankitg, I intend to do some serious review on your code and give you solid feedback early next week, and I expect more communication and coding from you after that.22:30
ankitgthat will be good ... if I can help it in a week this code with be outdated ...22:31
paulproteusThank goodness. (-:22:31
ankitgI will be on IRC everyday now ... so more comm ++22:33
ankitganyways it's 6:30 am now and I should turn in for the day so I log back in tomorrow ...22:34
paulproteusOkay, good night!22:35
paulproteusankitg and hdworak: You both passed your mid-term evaluation.22:44
ankitgpaulproteus: Do upload those text files when you get time (-:22:51
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* greg-g returns from dinking country, I mean, wine cuntry23:39
rejonwas it nappa or crappa greg-g?23:41
rejonnapa or crapa23:41
greg-gsonoma, which isn't as bad as crapa, apparently23:43
greg-gcrapa is now more "disneyland-ified"23:44
greg-grejon: ^23:44
greg-gwe did a bike ride/4 winery tour on saturday.  24 miles round trip23:44
greg-g'twas good23:44
greg-gcame back with 4 bottles, sister sent back about 1023:46
greg-gand she joined two "clubs" where they send you 2 or 4 bottles 4 times a year (reduced price of course)23:46
greg-gpaulproteus: email works now, thanks! :)23:47 ?23:47 ?23:47
paulproteusAm I spelling that right?23:47
greg-ggregarious actually23:47
greg-gso first one23:47
paulproteusNo, neither.23:47
paulproteusYou'd need, which is practically hopeless.23:47
* greg-g nods23:48

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