Thursday, 2008-07-10

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paulproteusnkinkade, (a) did you use %d yet; (b) did you see Bobby Tables?00:13
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paulproteus(c) I could do (a) if it's in svn or something.00:13
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nkinkadepaulproteus: Thanks.  No I hadn't seem Bobby Tables yet .. I missed the link, thanks for reminding me.00:15
nkinkadeAnd I haven't added the %d thing, but I'll do that now I'm getting back to looking at that code.00:15
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nkinkadepaulproteus: A belated haha re: Bobby Tables.00:16
nkinkadeScary stuff.00:17
nkinkadepaulproteus: Were you also suggesting that I use MySQL's CAST() function to be sure to try to force the value to an integer?00:23
nkinkadeI don't think that would be necessary.00:23
paulproteusnkinkade, No, PHP's int().00:23
nkinkadeI'm not familiar with that function.00:24
nkinkadeOr do you just mean that representationally.00:24
paulproteusI don't know, however you turn strings to ints in PHP.00:24
paulproteusI think int() works.00:24
paulproteusBut I don't really know PHP.00:24
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jibotbrianrowe is at Seattle University School of Law, class of 2009 and legal intern at CC01:09
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jibotjgay is
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jibotBovinity is brilliant01:20
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THEO|WxCHello, all. I am using Creative Commons licensed work in a television program, and am including the BY 3.0 and BY-SA 2.5 attributions in the end credits. I would like to use the buttons from the press kit, but they do not include the license version numbers. How can I include that?01:34
THEO|WxCOr do I even need to?01:34
RainRatthe buttons don't have version numbers so you can use them with any version of the license01:37
RainRatThe buttons by themselves don't fulfill the conditions of the license though; you need to link to the correct license page(or include the full text of the license).01:38
RainRati suppose i should mention, i'm not a representative of CC, just a fan.01:40
BovinityTHEO|WxC: you include a url to the specific license, /by/3.0, /by-sa/2.5/, etc01:41
Bovinitybtutons are applicable to any version01:41
THEO|WxCWell, I won't be able to provide a hyperlink, since this is on a television credits. But maybe I can squeeze in a written-out URL.01:41
THEO|WxCIt would likely be very small, but I should hopefully be able to make that work.01:42
THEO|WxCDoes it have to include the http://www part, too?01:42
THEO|WxCSpace is limited, unfortunately.01:42
Bovinityno, you don't have to01:43
THEO|WxCBut it would have to include the part, correct? I couldn't just have "/by/3.0" written with the button? It would have to be ""01:44
Bovinitycorrect, the url01:44
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THEO|WxCOK, thanks.01:47
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greg-g"sweet, a button"02:36
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paulproteus"We're going backwards slower."02:46
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greg-gpaulproteus: regarding what you were doing today:
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jibotftobia is the other tech intern at Creative Commons and head of RPI Free Culture03:33
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jibotbrianrowe is at Seattle University School of Law, class of 2009 and legal intern at CC05:36
davidmccabepaulproteus, would you be kind enough to hand-hold me on this git process?05:45
paulproteusdavidmccabe, Yes.05:45
paulproteusLet's effing do this.05:45
paulproteusdavidmccabe, Can we do it with a shared terminal?05:46
davidmccabeOK, do I start by cloning your MW and making a branch?05:46
davidmccabeIf you want.05:46
paulproteusI'd *love* to have us both SSH into a GNU screen instance somewhere and share with -x.05:46
davidmccabeI have never done that.05:46
davidmccabeshared a terminal that is.05:46
davidmccabeI've used screen.05:46
paulproteusIt's easy - you just allow me to su to the user who owns the screen, and then I can run screen -x and we're both there.05:47
paulproteusIf you don't want to do that we can do fiddly things with permissions.05:47
paulproteusBut the easiest way is to just e.g. add my public key to that user's account.05:47
davidmccabedo you have a server handy to do this on?05:48
davidmccabemine doesn't have git.05:48
davidmccabe(I could install it if you don't have one handy)05:48
paulproteusI do, one sec.05:48
paulproteusDesired username?05:48
paulproteus(We'll do this on my personal server just for the fun of it.)05:48
paulproteusYou're going to want to rsync over your existing svn checkout too, btw.05:49
greg-gpaulproteus' night will be complete, he will have helped someone learn git.05:49
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davidmccabewell I'm already a convert, just a newbie, so I dunno if that counts.05:52
paulproteusJust SSH in and do 'screen -x'05:52
paulproteusYou're going to need to rsync in your key.05:56
paulproteusYour ~/.ssh/.05:56
davidmccabesorry, I thought you wanted to talk there.05:57
davidmccabeand was putting up with it :P05:57
paulproteusheh (-:05:57
paulproteusIf you don't feel comfortable giving me your private key, then we can just generate a new one for this account.05:57
paulproteusIf you generate it there, I'll add it to the git config's whitelist.05:57
davidmccabenah, whatever.05:57
paulproteusI promise not to do anything untoward.05:57
davidmccabedamn. msg me the password again please?05:58
davidmccabe(I closed the window)05:58
paulproteusNo id_*05:59
paulproteus5684 KiB/s,06:01
davidmccabemake a branch?06:02
paulproteusNot yet.06:02
paulproteusFirst we need to latch ourselves onto the version of MW you based off.06:02
davidmccabeis this synced up with the SVN trunk in some way?06:02
paulproteusYeah, each git commit stores the svn revision it comes from.06:03
paulproteusRigh tnow, git svn find-rev is building a cache so it doesn't have to grep the commit messages every time.06:03
paulproteusUh, that's interesting.06:04
paulproteusUnable to determine upstream SVN information from HEAD history06:04
paulproteusThis seems to be what you based your changes on.06:05
paulproteusDo you see how I got that?06:05
paulproteusThis is just git log; I used / to search for the revision # that your svn checkout said in svn info.06:06
davidmccabeam I in a pager right now?06:06
paulproteusYeah, it's less.06:06
paulproteusSo what we'll do is tell git we want to check out e69e06ca020ba07f8f5e02d583b0968320fd8459, then create a branch, then apply your patch, then commit, then push that branch to our MW git repo.06:06
paulproteusCorrection: So what we'll do is tell git we want to check out e69e06ca020ba07f8f5e02d583b0968320fd8459, then create a branch, then switch to that branch, then apply your patch, then commit, then push that branch to our MW git repo.06:07
paulproteus may be of some use.06:07
davidmccabedo I want to do checkout -b?06:07
paulproteusI like the "git branch $branch_name ; git checkout $branch_name" style better.06:08
paulproteusWhat did you think "git checkout HEAD" did?06:09
davidmccabethis is *after* checking out the rev we started from?06:09
paulproteusFWIW, I think it was a no-op.06:09
paulproteusRight - this way, we're going to create a branch that forks off exactly the svn revision you were basing your work on.06:09
davidmccabehow do I find out whether that was a noop or not?06:10
paulproteusRun just "git branch".06:10
paulproteusThat shows you a list of branches.06:10
davidmccabeso it was a no-op.06:10
paulproteusWell, no - it made a branch rdfa.06:11
paulproteusIt just didn't put you on it.06:11
paulproteus"git checkout HEAD" is pretty surely a no-op.06:11
davidmccabethat's what I meant.06:11
paulproteusOh, okay.06:11
paulproteusYou don't know that this way.06:11
paulproteusYou know it from e.g. git log.06:11
paulproteusHmm, it doesn't seem to have e69e06ca020ba07f8f5e02d583b0968320fd8459 at the top of the git log.06:11
paulproteusOr maybe I mis-read.06:12
paulproteusI'm so helpless without gitk.06:12
davidmccabeready to apply the patch?06:12
paulproteusHmm, one sec.06:13
paulproteusGood heavens, I'm clearly doing this wrong.06:14
paulproteusClearly they want me to use git checkout -b.06:14
davidmccabeHmm, should have brought a life-vest.06:14
paulproteusEr, or maybe I wasn't doing this wrong at all.06:14
davidmccabeThe captain is scratching his head.06:14
paulproteusApply your diff.06:14
paulproteusWow, I also "svn diff > /tmp/lol"06:15
paulproteusDon't deal with the SMW stuff yet.06:15
paulproteusJust the mw patch.06:15
davidmccabeI was just going to dump it into a patch for later.06:15
davidmccabebut OK.06:15
paulproteusOkay, sure.06:15
paulproteusThat's a fine idea.06:15
* paulproteus shrugs06:15
davidmccabesaves walking around ;)06:15
davidmccabeof course the entire RDFa.php file is new06:16
paulproteusGreat, so commit this, first of all.06:17
paulproteusAnd then push this branch to origin.06:17
davidmccabejust do 'git push'?06:18
davidmccabeoh I see you did it.06:18
paulproteusDoes agree that it's up?06:19
davidmccabenow we do the SMW stuff?06:19
davidmccabelet's see.06:19
paulproteus(No reason it shouldn't, I'm just exercising the /viewgit there.)06:19
davidmccabeit's up.06:19
paulproteusMaybe we ought to redo this with a better git config? (-:06:20
paulproteusYou wanna do some "git config --global"?06:20
paulproteus (Developer Setup)06:21
paulproteusWe can probably just --amend and then make sure git log says it's okay.06:21
paulproteusWhoa, diff. author and commiter?06:21
paulproteusThat's interesting.06:21
davidmccabepush it?06:22
paulproteusWe'll probably need to --force the push.06:22
paulproteusYippee kay-yi-aye.06:23
paulproteusSo wanna repeat this for SMW?06:23
paulproteusWhile I clean up some water I spilled on my kitchen table.06:23
davidmccabehmmm, this branch doesn't even have SMW in it.06:24
davidmccabeso what do I do to add it before applying the patch?06:24
paulproteusYeah, you're going to have to check out semanticmediawiki.git.06:24
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davidmccabeah ok.06:24
paulproteusAlso, btw, all three ways we create that git branch called rdfa were equivalent.06:24
paulproteus(git checkout $git_rev ; git branch $branch ; git checkout $branch) == (git checkout $git_rev ; git checkout -b $branch) == (git branch $branch $git_rev)06:25
davidmccabesheesh, I'm a klutz.06:26
paulproteusYou'll probably want to use the same git log to find the svn revision you based off.06:26
davidmccabeoh, right.06:26
paulproteusThe same git log + svn info trick I used, I mean.06:26
paulproteusThat's what I mean.06:27
davidmccabeok I am missing my backspace, C-a, C-k, etc.06:27
paulproteusC-a you can get with C-a a06:27
davidmccabeoh right.06:27
paulproteusgit log, then slash for that revision #06:28
davidmccabenot found.06:28
paulproteusYou probably want to look for the Last Modified At: revision #06:28
paulproteusSince svn revision numbers are global across the repository.06:28
davidmccabestill not found.06:29
paulproteuslemme see06:29
paulproteusI... totally agree.06:30
paulproteusUh, this repo hasn't been updated since May 7 2008, it says!?06:30
paulproteuswtf, my fault.06:30
paulproteusOne sec.06:30
davidmccabethe git repo that is?06:30
davidmccabethe svn should be more recent.06:31
paulproteusThe git repo, right.06:31
paulproteusFixing this.06:31
paulproteusBlah, I hit a git-svn bug and may have to do re-do the import of SMW.06:32
paulproteusOh, I know what the issue is.06:34
paulproteusI think.06:34
paulproteusSweet, I seem to have fixed it.06:34
paulproteusGive me 10m or so to finish an import.06:35
davidmccabebeers around06:35
paulproteusBTW, where in the world are you that being awake now is sensible?06:35
davidmccabewest coast?!?!06:35
davidmccabeit's not late until 3 am.06:36
paulproteusI pretty much agree.06:36
paulproteusIt's just that everyone I talk to online is on the east coast.06:36
paulproteusSo I'm always shocked when there are people awake at this hour.06:36
jibotAMathews is a GSoC student working on the joys of SVG filters and an italian pesto addicted guy06:37
davidmccabemmm, random facts from jibot!06:37
davidmccabejibot seeing ghosts?06:37
paulproteusdavidmccabe, Okay, the SMW git repo is now up to date.06:39
paulproteusHow about you do a fresh clone and blow away what you had?06:40
paulproteusThe alternative is a git fetch ; git checkout origin/master06:40
paulproteusWhich is fine too.06:40
davidmccabeis there a way to !-invoke subcommands?06:40
davidmccabee.g. !git clone06:40
paulproteusI do this:06:40
paulproteusC-r git clone06:41
davidmccabe(I suppose that's a reason to use the hyphenated form)06:41
paulproteusC-r is a pretty good replace for !, though.06:41
davidmccabewhoa, sweet.06:41
paulproteusWow, that regex is horrifying.06:43
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davidmccabeit was already there :)06:44
davidmccabediff just isn't smart enough to see what I did.06:44
paulproteusSo why is it minused or plussed then, I wonder?06:44
paulproteusOh, I thikn I see.06:44
davidmccabewell, I (temporarily) commented out the existing copy, added a new copy.06:44
paulproteusAny reason for that?06:44
paulproteusCan you clean that up?06:44
davidmccabeyes, commit first :P06:45
paulproteusYou could clean it up in a later commit on the branch.06:45
davidmccabethat's what I meant.06:45
paulproteusSure, okay with me.06:45
davidmccabegit push origin rdfa?06:47
davidmccabenow where do I put extensions/RDFa?06:47
paulproteusLet me create a space for you in our git land.06:48
davidmccabeit's conceivable this will actually all be rolled into SMW itself.06:48
davidmccabethe code would actually be cleaner than way I think. and it's a pretty straightforward and obvious feature.06:48
paulproteusIf you think so, you could just make it a series of patches in your rdfa branch of SMW.06:49
davidmccabehmmm, maybe I should.06:49
davidmccabeyou'd have to give me a moment to rearrange things.06:49
paulproteusWell in that case maybe you should commit this thing right now, so that e.g. nathany (who was very curious to see what you had done) and nkinkade (obviously) can see where you are.06:50
paulproteusUnless "a moment" is like 5m-1h or something.06:50
paulproteusIn which case, whatever, go ahead.06:50
davidmccabea moment is like 10m?06:50
paulproteusGreat, have a blast.06:51
davidmccabeoh yeah, I have two nathans to keep track of now.06:51
davidmccabein addition to two VCSs.06:51
* paulproteus chuckles.06:51
paulproteusA tale of Two Nathans, Two VCSs, and Two Projects.06:51
paulproteusPlus often another David comes onto the IRC channel.06:51
paulproteusBTW, now that these branches exist in the repo, you can clone them and work on them from any machine.06:57
davidmccabeProblem is, I can't run your version of MW.06:58
paulproteusAlso looks like you missed SMW_RDFa.php.06:58
paulproteusThat's not entirely accurate.06:58
paulproteusI can help you run it.06:58
davidmccabewhat do you mean I missed it?06:58
paulproteusI mean, was it included in the diff?06:58
paulproteusIf so, never mind.06:58
davidmccabethis concerns the renaming of files we were just talking about.06:58
paulproteusIf you know what you're talking about then I'll defer to you.06:58
davidmccabeon my local copy I did:06:59
paulproteusI find myself very tired all of a sudden.06:59
davidmccabeI don't blame you :)06:59
paulproteusI'll brb after brushing teeth + changing to pajamas.06:59
paulproteusDo whatever reasonable things you want in the meantime.06:59
davidmccabewell the code is up anyways.07:15
davidmccabeThanks so much for your help07:15
paulproteusSure.  Let me know if I can be of further use.07:17
davidmccabeYou can.07:17
davidmccabeI might be on tomorrow night, but more likely Friday.07:17
davidmccabeThis was a big help.07:17
paulproteusOkay, great.07:18
paulproteusTomorrow night I'll be on an airplane anyway.07:19
davidmccabegoing anywhere fun?07:19
paulproteusBaltimore, to start with.07:20
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davidmccabeAnyways I'm out. Thanks again.07:33
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jibotpaulproteus is Asheesh Laroia14:07
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jibotnathany is teh preacher of teh gozpl of teh Ceiling Cat and witness to teh menny divine miraclz of Ceiling Cat14:31
paulproteusnathany, Mornin'.14:35
nathanypaulproteus: i saw your message re: icons14:38
nathanyi need to think about it a bit but i think i'd prefer to have another object in the mix that has different size representations available (so we're not adding to the metadata of every license every time we add a new size, design, represenation, etc)14:39
paulproteusI can understand that.  I'll be in by 8; let's talk then.14:40
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paulproteusnathany, The Exif RDF schema gives length and width separately:
paulproteus(that's fine by me)15:18
paulproteusIt also gives _unknown.15:19
paulproteusnathany, foaf:Image used by
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jibotBovinity is brilliant15:21
paulproteusnathany, description15:30
paulproteus"reference to a graphical representation of content"15:31
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greg-gif I were to make a call from the couch room, it is the usual 9 to get an outside line?15:41
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nathanygreg-g: yes15:49
greg-gnathany: thanks15:49
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paulproteusnathany, BTW I helped davidmccabe commit some fun stuff.16:00
paulproteusMaybe he'll come by later and explain it better.16:00
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jibotrejon is a killer MC from staten island and is the 10th member of the wutang clan and
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jibotftobia is the other tech intern at Creative Commons and head of RPI Free Culture16:06
greg-gwell then, no call for me16:09
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jibotdavidstrauss is "P" and not "P"16:11
greg-gfor those of you who like to have many terminals open: I've been hearing good things about Terminator:
paulproteusI should read about this.16:12
paulproteusomfg yes.16:12
paulproteusMy life.16:12
paulproteusOh, but wait.16:13
paulproteusCan focus follows mouse switch which is focused?16:13
* paulproteus finds out16:13
paulproteusEven if not, I get to have "terminal stacks" now.16:13
paulproteusI hope.16:13
paulproteusLet's see.16:13
paulproteusTerminals that support push and pop and stay together.16:14
paulproteusJust as I feared/hoped: It's in Python.16:15
paulproteusOkay, there are keyboard commands for switching, which is fine.16:15
paulproteus is a release behind.16:16
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jibotSteren is sitting next to greg-g and from Nancy16:16
paulproteusThere's a PPA; let's see if that trans-ports nicely.16:16
greg-gpaulproteus: yeah, the lead dev works for canonical16:19
nathanypaulproteus: did you want me to set DNS for the domains to those addresses or add DNS entries to resolve the addresses to those machines?16:21
paulproteusnathany, The former.16:21
paulproteusI plan to work on that project on Friday in Baltimore instead of helping my friends with their programming contest.16:21
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paulproteusYo ankitg!16:24
ankitgpaulproteus: Hello16:24
* ankitg is now back in SG and took a look at the 2003 time-series data ... =)16:26
paulproteusDoes it make some sense?16:27
paulproteusI don't think we've done any sanity-checking of it.16:27
paulproteusBut either way, we should talk about deliverables for your mid-term.16:27
ankitgwe could do the checks if we had access to the text files ...16:27
ankitgah yes, for GSoC, I've figured out the GZiP module and am building the scripts around sisynala.main ... or parts thereof ...16:28
paulproteusankitg, Oh, I can put the text files on the web.16:29
paulproteusankitg, Great, keep me posted.16:29
paulproteusThere are precious days left!16:29
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jibotBovinity is brilliant16:30
paulproteusre: sanity: I meant the sanity of the actual querying, assuming the import went fine.16:30
paulproteusgreg-g++ # I owe you16:31
ankitgI will keep you posted ... we can check the sanity by comparing the CSV to the text files ... if you could up them in the same place, that would be convenient ... (-:16:31
greg-gpaulproteus: I still owe you a bottle of wine, so I guess now we'll just share it? :)16:32
paulproteusOr we could just buy each other a bottle and each drink the other's?16:33
greg-ghmmmm... I like that idea16:34
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* hdworak has completed the midterm survey at GSOC pages16:44
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Sterennkinkade: nathany, Semantic MediaWiki 1.2 is officially released today. are you planning to update ?16:53
nathanyplanning to, yes; i'm a little worried that things will massively break in teamspace :/16:53
SterenI'm not sure, there seam to be some compatibility, in fact on my local teamspace, I didn't noticed bugs, exept for semantc Tasks : /16:54
nkinkadenathany: Does this mean that you'd like for me to upgrade or to wait?16:54
nathanySteren: so you will or have already fixed the bugs in Semantic Tasks related to 1.2,  right?16:55
nathanylet nkinkade know when those are fixed and then we'll upgrade16:56
Sterenno I thought I fixed the Semantic Tasks bug, but in fact it isn't. I spent ~4 hours trying yesterday, but I did'nt suceeded16:56
paulproteusnathany, Know who/if we're sending (anyone) to SIGGRAPH in LA Aug 17?16:56
nathanywe're not, AFAIK16:57
paulproteusThe dude said we have a booth.16:57
paulproteusWhich I find somewhat surprising.16:57
nathanyask rejon16:57
* paulproteus nods16:57
paulproteusHe'll mail me and I'll bounce to cc-staff.16:57
paulproteusHowdy hdworak.16:57
hdworakhi :)17:01
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jibotBovinity is brilliant17:07
Bovinity?learn Bovinity is aware of Basement Cat, and iz not afraid.17:08
jibotBovinity is brilliant and aware of Basement Cat, and iz not afraid.17:08
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jibotcurrybot is currytastic and <3 fair use17:17
currybotjibot: mmm... curry...17:17
Bovinitycurrybot: list17:17
currybot(1) PANEER BHURJI (Today’s Special!!!)17:17
currybot(2) KOTTU CHITINAD (Fresh Vegetables cooked in coconut, curry leaves and mustard seeds curry)17:17
currybot(3) MURAG MADIRA (Chicken cubes cooked in curry flavored with rum)17:17
currybot(4) PORK HARAYALA (Pork cubes cooked in fresh spinach, red onions, and tomato gravy)17:17
paulproteusOoh, I like spinach.17:18
paulproteusAnd I like Paneer.17:18
paulproteusI'm tempted.17:18
Bovinityi'm glad they brought back the murag madira17:19
ftobiacurrybot: 117:19
currybotPANEER BHURJI (Today’s Special!!!) (Homemade Cottage Cheese cooked with fresh minced onions, garlic with diced tomato and green peas) Our Chef’s special preparation of the day!!17:19
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jibotrejon is a killer MC from staten island and is the 10th member of the wutang clan and
nathanyBovinity: mmm.... rum...17:30
Bovinitynathany: mmmm17:30
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paulproteusrumbot, list17:31
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paulproteusbamboozlebot, list17:32
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bamboozlebotOn the menu today17:33
bamboozlebot[1] TRICKS17:34
bamboozlebot[2] SCHEMES17:34
bamboozlebot[3] TOMFOOLERY17:34
paulproteus2 3 combo with naan17:34
ftobiapaulproteus: git is being weird with config options and such. let me know when you have a minute.17:36
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jibotmlinksva is Mike Linksvayer and from Creative Commons17:39
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paulproteusTrick of the week:18:08
paulproteusgdb -p $(pidof rsync)18:09
paulproteuscall exit(0)18:09
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Bovinitycurrybot alert is kinda creepy18:24
currybotBovinity: mmm... curry...18:24
paulproteusnathany, Bovinity, I'm thinking of getting an XTi Real Soon and playing with it so I can take some reasonably nice pictures when I'm in Argentina.18:57
ftobiacurrybot: currycabal18:57
currybotftobia: mmm... curry...18:57
Bovinitypaulproteus: rad18:58
ftobiacurrybot: curryites18:58
currybotbovinity, tim_hwang, brianrowe, ftobia, currybot_plus, Steren, nathany, and greg-g are members of the curry cabal.18:58
paulproteus(a) Is that a reasonable camera to get?  (b) Should I get a lens other than the kit?18:58
ftobiaBovinity: you can unsubscribe :)18:58
nathanya) YES18:58
Bovinitywhen are you in argentina?18:58
paulproteusI don't want to spend thousands of dollars all at once. (-:18:58
paulproteusBovinity, Aug 1-1718:58
nathanyb) get the 50mm 1.4 (it's like $80)18:58
BovinityXS may be available by then18:58
paulproteus12 MP, from what I saw.18:58
BovinityXS is the XSi's baby brother18:58
paulproteusOh, okay.18:58
Bovinity10mp, a couple other downgrades, but all the other improvements18:59
Bovinityamazon have the xsi kit for 82919:00
paulproteus claims Late August 2008.19:00
Bovinitydunno why you wouldn't go for xsi19:00
paulproteusBovinity, I have no idea either. *shrug*19:01
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paulproteusXSi it will be then.19:53
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rejonbrianrowe: what is your cc email?20:10
rejonok, nm...found brianrowe20:10
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Sterennkinkade: the Semantic Media Wiki used on the CCwiki, is a normal install, not a svn check out, yes ?20:23
nkinkadeSteren: No, I think it's a subversion checkout.20:24
Sterenok, so how do we proceed to add my very very small patch exactly ?20:25
SterenI could directly modify the file20:25
nathanygreg-g: is that bug you just reported re: Yahoo search for
greg-gnathany: yes20:31
paulproteusSteren, nkinkade, this is what git+wiki is for.20:32
nathanyi wasn't clear why you reported it for mozcc20:32
greg-gnathany: didn't know where else to put it20:32
nathanyactually, can you show me what the bug is? i think i understand but want to be sure...20:32
greg-gfirst thing that came to mind is the search box that brought me there20:32
greg-gnathany: y20:32
nkinkadeSteren: For the moment you can simply manually edit the file or apply a patch ... it'll show up in the svn diffs.20:33
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jibotdavidstrauss is "P" and not "P"20:35
Sterenpaulproteus: nkinkade: If I understand well, SMW is checked out from SMW SVN to our git repository ?20:35
Sterennathany: can you create a new git repository named "SemanticEditTime", it's to store my little extension20:38
nathanySteren: sure, one second20:39
nkinkadeSteren: I think that right, re: SMW.20:40
nkinkadepaulproteus has a cron job that git-svn's the SMW stuff to our git repository night(?)20:40
nathanySteren:  the repository is enabled in git20:40
nathanysee (the last half of "Creating new repositories") for information on how to populate it20:41
nathanySteren: ^^20:41
tim_hwangesther press release is out of the cage20:50
paulproteusgit push --all # is the best way20:50
paulproteusThat documentation is old, Steren.20:50
paulproteusnkinkade, Right20:50
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greg-gJsWidget -> LicenseChooser.js conversion - find/replaced jswidget/licensechooser to create
greg-gincluding the /Plan and /Security pages20:57
greg-gif everything looks good, I can set up redirects from the now old pages20:57
rejonwhat else is necessary to semanticize that page?20:58
nathanyi think i had an idea at one point that we'd have a "Project' template20:58
nathanyprobably a bad idea at this point... may as well kill that20:58
rejonaha, has the project template20:58
rejonso, its done! ;)20:59
nathanythanks for the move work, greg-g20:59
rejonthat greg-g...he's good with names20:59
greg-gof course, all development stuff is still referred to as jswidget (the git repos, tracker on sf)20:59
Sterennathany: I have to modify gitosis.conf, but where can I find it ? have you created the repo ? git is still such a strange thing for me :/21:00
greg-gthat part would be up to you (nathay) on how to proceed21:01
nathanySteren:  i already did that21:01
nathanyall you have to do is git remote add origin... blah, blah21:01
Sterenoh ok21:01
nathanyi basically told gitosis "hey, if asked, you do know about this repository"21:01
nathanyso it'll respond correctly when you push things21:01
nathanygreg-g: there's a tracker of SF for chooselicense.js?  who knew21:02
greg-gnathany: this, mainly :
greg-gso, +1 on redirects (I like explicitness)21:05
nathanygreg-g: yes21:05
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mlinksvatim_hwang, Bovinity i think the EW post needs a category to appear @ ccL21:25
Bovinityyep, just noticed21:25
Bovinitymlinksva: fixed. will take a while to refresh, but it's in the feeds.21:27
tim_hwangmlinksva -- gah, just caught that, thanks Bovinity21:35
cchelpbotrejon: Error: "cchelpbot" is not a valid command.21:41
rejon@cchelpbot help21:45
cchelpbotrejon: Error: "cchelpbot" is not a valid command.21:45
cchelpbotrejon: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin.21:45
cchelpbotgreg-g: Admin, Channel, ChannelLogger, Config, Misc, Owner, and User21:45
Steren is really ugly on my computer21:52
mlinksvatim_hwang: check the PR "more about" heading -- spellng21:56
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jibotveeliam is William Lawrence <>21:57
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jibotjgay is
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hdworakwhee, rdflib serializes to n3 which it then can't parse!22:49
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hdworakHow to handle DC.rights.license and such when it comes to RDF and SPARQL? The problem is that if DC is considered as a namespace (such as pyRdfa parses it), then we end up with an element named "rights.license" (RDF/XML) or broken n3 (because of the full stop).23:03
hdworaknathany, paulproteus: ^^^23:03
nathanyhdworak: you're trying to turn dc.rights.license, specified in a meta tag, into RDF?23:07
hdworakyes, no problem w/ DC.rights for instance23:07
hdworakthe problem is the refinement like .license added23:07
hdworakbecause this translates to <dc:rights.license in RDF/XML (element name can't contain a full stop)23:08
hdworakor broken n3 (full stop has a special meaning)23:08
nathanyso iirc that actually models a three-level RDF structure23:08
nathanyso you can either a) special case it and split on "." with blank nodes or b) not turn it into RDF :)23:08
hdworakwhat is the RDF representation of <link rel="DC.rights.license" href="" /> ?23:09
nathanyoption c), I think, is to skip it for now and circle back later once the "80%" functionality is done23:09
nathany<> <DC:rights> <:_b0>23:09
nathany<:_b0> <DC:license> <>23:09
nathanyso you have a blank node in the middle there23:09
hdworakok, then this is a limitation of Dublin Core transformer ( of pyRdfa23:10
nathanyah possibly23:11
hdworakthank you very much23:11
hdworakwould take me ages to figure this one out23:11
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nkinkadegreg-g: Do you happen to know the name of the tool for editing Debian changlogs?  I can do it by hand, but I remember paulproteus showing me a nice tool for it once.23:36
nkinkadeAh, just found it "dch"23:39
greg-gdch -i # to increment the version number23:41
greg-gI have only done a litle bit of reading for packaging stuff23:42
Sterennkinkade: don't update Teamspace with SMW 1.2  Semantik Tasks is broken AND so does Semantic Calendar23:44
Sterenwe have the same problem23:45
nkinkadeSteren: Okay, I'll wait until you tell me it's okay.23:45
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* paulproteus waves to nkinkade et al23:57
nkinkadehola paulproteus.23:57
nkinkadeBoy, Rapid Rescue to the rescue!23:58
paulproteusnkinkade, What'd you do? )-:23:58
nkinkadeWhen I came back from lunch that cp -ax was still going so I killed it.23:58
nkinkadeI then copied each directory over manually and it worked fine.23:58
nkinkadeMy mistake was copying the symlinks vmlinuz and initrd.img manually.23:59

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