Wednesday, 2008-07-09

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Bovinitynkinkade: is zupport going into svn or git at some point?00:14
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nkinkadeBovinity: I hadn't thought about it, but I suppose I throw it to git at some point soon.00:15
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paulproteus?google "just to keep from being thrown to the wolves" interpretations00:17
jibotSearch for "just to keep from being thrown to the wolves" interpretations: 0.249 seconds. Showing first 3 of 23 sites00:17
jibotInterpretations:They Might Be Giants (Song) - TMBW: The They Might ... -
jibotFlare Sci-Fi Forums: Romulan-Vulcan war? -
jibotQuotes -
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jibotdavidstrauss is "P" and not "P"00:43
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jibotBovinity is brilliant01:50
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jibotdavidstrauss is "P" and not "P"02:43
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jibotftobia is the other tech intern at Creative Commons and head of RPI Free Culture03:53
paulproteusgreg-g, pringle (-:04:05
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paulproteusHi davidmccabe!04:06
davidmccabeI don't think we've met.04:06
paulproteusI'm Asheesh, one of the GSoC mentors who isn't yours.04:06
paulproteusMore can be found on the CC people page. (-:04:06
davidmccabeAh, for some reason I thought your name was Paul.04:06
paulproteusCommon mistake! (-:04:06
davidmccabeNick isn't around, is he?04:06
davidmccabeer, Nathan.04:07
paulproteusNo, if he's on, he's on as nkinkade.04:07
paulproteusBut we can talk if you'd like.04:07
paulproteus(And you can always send him the chat log so he knows what's up.)04:07
greg-gpaulproteus: once you pop...04:07
greg-gpaulproteus: I didn't know about the wiki.makesad :)04:08
paulproteusNaturally. (-:04:08
paulproteusSo greg-g, if you want to use domains instead of public_html, mkdir ~/web/$domain and tell me once you've done that.04:08
davidmccabepaulproteus: By the way, how are your projects going?04:08
paulproteusdavidmccabe, They're going okay.  hdworak is working on one and making slow but finally real progress.04:08
paulproteusgreg-g, Maybe join me on #eesh?04:09
* greg-g nod04:09
paulproteusdavidmccabe, How's your RDFa + SMW coming along?04:10
paulproteusDanny_B, If the answer is "anything other than absolutely perfectly" I'd love to know how I can help out.04:11
paulproteusI understand you had to start late due to school time constraints.04:11
davidmccabepaulproteus: MediaWik is infuriating as always, but it's actually almost done. (Said with fingers crossed.)04:11
paulproteusWhoa, yay!04:12
paulproteusCan.. we see some code?04:12
davidmccabeDon't get too excited.04:12
paulproteusHow are you doing the commits?04:12
davidmccabeYes, I am uploading it this evening.04:12
davidmccabepaulproteus: We couldn't get git to work, so I've just been working on a copy of the trunk from wikimedia.04:12
paulproteusI'd love to help you get git to work.04:12
davidmccabeI'm fixing some stuff up and then I'm going to figure out how to bring this into your VCS.04:12
paulproteusI'm mildly offended that I wasn't asked for git help earlier, but I'll get over it.04:13
paulproteusEh, that's life in a world where people don't CC: me on every email ever.04:13
paulproteus(I sometimes wish they did!)04:13
Bovinityespecially emails you really should be cc:'d on.04:13
paulproteusHave you contributed to other open source projects before?04:14
paulproteusOh, hey there Bovinity. (-:04:14
davidmccabepaulproteus: Yes.04:14
davidmccabepaulproteus: I'm looking through my mail to recall what the problem was.04:14
paulproteusdavidmccabe, Sweet, out of curiosity which ones and how?04:14
davidmccabe(I even use git!)04:14
davidmccabepaulproteus: Biggest thing I've contributed to is MW. Before that I did some very minor work on GNOME and Emacs.04:14 then you could easily just git clone our SMW repo and work on top of that, making local commits.04:14
paulproteusCool. (-:04:14
paulproteusI was getting antsy since mid-term review is coming up.04:15
paulproteusNot that I'm your mentor, I just want to see all of CC's GSoCers do well.04:15
davidmccabepaulproteus: The problem was actually your code:04:15
paulproteus(heh, sweet)04:15
paulproteus(another reason I should have been flamed^Wemailed)04:15
davidmccabeYour configuration would require fairly extensive changes to run on somebody else's server. I forget the details and don't have time to figure them out again right now.04:16
paulproteusOkay, no biggie.04:16
paulproteusStill the SMW thing I suggested should have worked fine.04:16
davidmccabeAnyways, how's this for a plan?04:16
* paulproteus listens up04:16
davidmccabeI'll clone your MW, and instead of attempting to make it actually run on my computer, I'll simply apply my current 'svn diff' against Wikimedia's trunk and then push.04:17
paulproteusOkay, questions.04:17
paulproteusFirst of all, did you patch MW or SMW?04:17
davidmccabeon a branch, of course.04:17
davidmccabeHad to add a new hook.04:18
paulproteusI have a counter-suggestion.04:18
paulproteusStep 1: create a new wiki by doing "git clone"04:18
paulproteusStep 2: Make sure that checkout is anchored to the same svn revision as you started work from.04:18
paulproteus(a tag or branch maybe?)04:18
paulproteusStep 3: Dump your files on top of that git version, and use "git add -p" to isolate each change into a meaningful commit.04:19
paulproteusStep 4: Then commit.04:19
paulproteusThen re-do Steps 1-4 for a fresh checkout of our
paulproteus(put into extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/ of course)04:20
paulproteus(Oh, and push to a remote branch in our git world)04:20
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davidmccabeMaybe tonight I'll just put up my test server :)04:20
paulproteusOkay (-:04:20
paulproteusI know a trick involving tar and find to make Step 3's "dump" easier; let me know if you want it.  (You might already have your own tricks.)04:20
davidmccabeIt's after 9 and that sounds pretty complicated.04:21
davidmccabeSure, I'd love to hear your tricks.04:21
paulproteus(cd $SVN_BASED_PATH ; tar cf - .) | (cd $GIT_BASED_PATH | tar xf - )04:21
paulproteus(cd $SVN_BASED_PATH ; tar cf - .) | (cd $GIT_BASED_PATH ; tar xf - )04:21
paulproteusAnd then cd $GIT_BASED_PATH04:21
paulproteusfind -iname .svn -print0 | xargs rm -rf04:22
paulproteusYou could even do your version now, and then do my suggestion later.04:22
paulproteusSince you can create however many branches in the CC repos you want.04:22
davidmccabeCouldn't you just use rsync?04:22
paulproteusYeah, I guess you could....04:22
* paulproteus scratches his head04:22
paulproteusrsync -a is pretty smart, even.04:23
paulproteusre: "your version now": That way at least we have a copy, and you can play with git add -p later.04:24
paulproteusI think that the crucial things for mid-term are not that your commit history is clean but that we can see your work, after all.04:24
paulproteusSo if you would do your way tonight or soon tomorrow, then by all means do it that way.04:25
davidmccabeI can almost certainly do it the nice way tomorrow.04:27
davidmccabeI was just talking about this evening.04:27
paulproteusOkay, cool.04:27
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paulproteusWell do it whichever way this evening and email cc-devel. (-:04:28
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jibotdavidstrauss is "P" and not "P"05:31
davidstraussdavidmccabe: I haven't seen your name in a while :-)05:33
davidmccabeAnd when was that?05:44
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davidstraussdavidmccabe: wikimania 200606:04
davidstraussdavidmccabe: liquid threads06:04
davidmccabedavidstrauss: Ah. Liquid Threads exists now if you're interested.06:04
* paulproteus waves06:05
davidstraussdavidmccabe: It was such a hot topic at Wikimania 2006 I was sure it would be Gaseous Threads by now.06:05
* davidstrauss waves back06:06
davidmccabedavidstrauss: hmm, I don't recall it being a hot topic. It seemed to me I couldn't get anyone interested.06:06
davidstrauss*ba dum ching*06:06
davidmccabeBy the way, the states-of-matter jokes are getting old.06:06
paulproteusJust like matter itself.06:06
davidstraussdavidmccabe: I wasn't aware there was a precedent set06:06
davidmccabeThat reminds me. paulproteus, does CC have any big conferences?06:06
davidstraussdavidmccabe: there was one a few weeks ago06:07
paulproteusdavidmccabe, We did have the Technology Summit that davidstrauss refers to.06:07
paulproteusOther than that, not really - why do you ask?06:08
paulproteusWe do fwiw often *go* to other conferences.06:08
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davidmccabeJust curious.06:10
davidmccabeCC seemed like the sort of org. that would go to other peoples' conferences.06:10
davidmccabeSince it relates to so many different things.06:10
* paulproteus nods06:11
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NodeEndi got a questions , anybody13:37
NodeEndhelp please ?13:37
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jibotnathany is teh preacher of teh gozpl of teh Ceiling Cat and witness to teh menny divine miraclz of Ceiling Cat14:41
mecredispraise be to ceiling cat14:43
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jibotBovinity is brilliant14:53
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jibotftobia is the other tech intern at Creative Commons and head of RPI Free Culture14:57
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jibotbrianrowe is at Seattle University School of Law, class of 2009 and legal intern at CC15:02
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jibotdavidstrauss is "P" and not "P"15:12
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hdworaknodeend: shoot15:19
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jibotSteren is sitting next to greg-g and from Nancy15:32
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jibotveeliam is William Lawrence <>15:34
paulproteusnathany, BTW, we heard from David McCabe yesterday.15:35
nathanypaulproteus: heard as in...?15:35
paulproteusAs in he came by and said he had pretty much finished.15:35
nathanyi'll believe it when i see it15:36
nathanyand is that including SMW annotation? i mean, that doesn't sound right15:36
nathanyer, annotating SMW properties15:36
paulproteusNo-eyed deer.15:36
nathanyyeah, right15:36
veeliamInteresting new CC'd curriculum: The Opera Web Standards Curriculum is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution, Non Commercial - Share Alike 2.5 license:
paulproteusI find myself wishing GTK windows were DOM objects.15:40
paulproteusIs that just twisted of me?15:40
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hdworakdo you mean GTK->XUL?15:42
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paulproteusstatusbar.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Hey you!"))15:48
hdworaksounds like XUL to me15:48
paulproteusI think so too.15:49
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paulproteusIs today the constitution fries and retroactive immunity gets passed?15:53
paulproteusI was really hoping I lived in a country where laws ruled, not men.15:53
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hdworakanother episode of the war on terrorism :)15:57
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jibotjgay is
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jibotrejon is a killer MC from staten island and is the 10th member of the wutang clan and
hdworakpaulproteus: do you know how to convert CDATA nodes to PCDATA in Python? so that we load XML with CDATA sections and we serialise it to an XML w/ PCDATA instead?16:11
paulproteusNo, but why would that matter?16:11
hdworakbecause only then I can use regular expressions to fish for RDF/XML16:12
paulproteusWhy not just actually parse the XML?16:12
hdworakI guess I have to look for XML C11N in Python16:13
hdworakpaulproteus: because of RDF/XML in comments16:13
paulproteusJoy of joys. (-:16:13
paulproteusBut those are just strings anyway.16:13
paulproteusStrings you can get out and then parse!16:13
hdworakthat's what I want to do16:13
hdworakbut how to get them out? with regex16:14
paulproteusNo - you can look for Comment objects in the DOM of the parsed XML, right?16:14
paulproteusDon't those Comment objects have text nodes in them that contain the comment?16:14
paulproteusSo can't you just pull all the text from that text node and feed it to a separate parser?16:14
hdworakyes, they have the data field as far as I recall16:14
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jibotmlinksva is Mike Linksvayer and from Creative Commons16:15
hdworakgood point, but I'm afraid this will be a horrible soup16:15
paulproteusI don't think it will.16:15
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jibotBovinity is brilliant16:19
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Bovinitypaulproteus: so while this - - doesn't entirely do what we want out of a auto coloured svg map, i think it could be coerced.16:23
paulproteusThat's what I'm oohing over.16:24
Bovinityi think i'll poke at it and see what happens16:24
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Bovinity includes country codes for each country16:39
paulproteusDoes that mean we'd have to use a GFDL image?16:41
paulproteusNo, sweet- CC by sa.16:41
Bovinityway to go mr john harvey.16:42
paulproteusAdapted in tern.16:42
Bovinitya small slender searbird, related to the gulls.16:44
paulproteusFrom The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:16:46
paulproteus  Tern \Tern\, n. [F. terne. See {Tern}, a.]16:46
paulproteus     That which consists of, or pertains to, three things or16:46
paulproteus     numbers together;16:46
paulproteusCould be a smart pun.16:47
paulproteusI guess this means I have to start accepting cookies from Yahoo now.17:05
paulproteusnathany, the EOG status bar is easy to access, but the properties dialog is not.  For now I'm going to make clicking the status bar create a separate "License properties" window and in parallel ask the EOG list what to do about hooking the properties dialog.17:09
paulproteusBovinity, ^^17:09
BovinityEOG or nazi bear costume photo?17:09
paulproteusWell, both.17:09
paulproteusBe back in 1h or so.17:11
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jibotcurrybot is currytastic and <3 fair use17:12
currybotjibot: mmm... curry...17:12
Bovinitypaulproteus: +1, sounds good.17:13
mecredisBovinity: why does wordpress strip out my float:right style?17:24
Bovinitymecredis: got a post preview url?17:24
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Sterenpaulproteus: nathany: Hey nice, did you know SMW query syntax has completly changed in SMW 1.2 ...17:25
nathanythey just dumped the old <ask> right?17:25
nathanyin favor of the newer {{#ask:...}}17:25
Sterenyes, but a simple [[Located in::Germany]][[Population::*]] doesn't work any more for instance in the special:ark17:26
nathanywhat do you have to do now?17:26
Sterennow : [[Located in::Germany]] |?population17:26
Sterenbut it seams that their is a compatibility17:27
Sterenbecause Teamspace templates work fine17:27
ftobianathany: in jurisdiction.rdf, serbia and puerto rico don't have values for cc:jurisdictionSite.  is this No Big Deal?17:27
Sterennathany: no it works, but not the same way than before17:28
nathanyftobia: A Deal, but No Big Deal17:28
nathanyftobia: tangential to the work you're doing is a requirement for me to think about how the workflow is going to change once those files are the One True Way (tm)17:28
Sterennathany: no it doesn't work any more in fact with last svn17:29
nathanySteren: if you attempt to import pages into MW that already exist, what happens?17:30
nathanydoes it prompt you to merge/overwrite?17:30
Sterenmmm i didn't try17:30
SterenI'll tell you17:30
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nathanycurrybot: list17:35
currybot(1) MALAI KOFTA (Soft balls of fresh vegetables and ‘Paneer’ the Indian cottage cheese cooked in onion & tomato gravy)17:35
currybot(2) AJWAINI BHAJI (Several vegetables sautéed in a sauce with flavored with oregano seeds.)17:35
currybot(3) KHOPRA MURGA (Chicken cubes cooked in fresh coconut in southern style)17:35
currybot(4) PORK-DO-PIYAZA (Boneless pork cubes cooked in curry flavored raw mangoes, onions, tomatoes, red bell pepper and vinegar)17:35
Sterennathany: it seams to do not erase the first pages, and thus don't merge the import page17:35
nathanylet me think about this a second -- i want to get teamspace ready for the upgrade, but i think we're going to run into "packaging" issues17:35
Bovinitycurrybot: 317:36
currybotKHOPRA MURGA (Chicken cubes cooked in fresh coconut in southern style) Coconut and coconut milk are the favorite delicacy of southern India and are used in every dish and in every ceremony. Here this dish is cooked with fresh grated coconut with mustard seeds and many more spices, giving it a southern India style.17:36
currybot$ 5.0017:36
greg-gcurrybot: 1, 217:38
currybotgreg-g: mmm... curry...17:38
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Bovinityhm, imagemagick sucks at converting svgs to pngs17:39
greg-g"The mice escaped the shooting unharmed"17:42
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ftobianathany: in license.rdf, where is the information corresponding to questions.xml in the old license_xsl? there's questions, and also information about license classes (like recombo, standard, publicdomain)17:53
ftobiaor is there no direct equivalent and i should code the license classes into cc.api?17:54
nathanyftobia: there are no questions... those are likely to remain in the xml17:54
nathanythe classes, though... we talked about adding those as RDF assertions so you could distinguish things in the SPARQL/filtering17:54
nathanymaybe they didn't get added?17:55
nathanywe can talk about what needs to go in if necessary17:55
ftobiaif they're there, i can't find them17:55
ftobiaand the web api depends on there being questions to be asked/answered so you can get a license back.17:56
nathanyone sec17:56
K`TetchBovinity - I think i used some online file converter to change svg to png17:56
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Bovinityneat, but not useful for an automated task17:58
nathanyftobia: lets chat briefly (voice) re: license classes in the kitchen while i make more coffee :)18:00
Bovinityhooray more coffee!18:01
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greg-gcurrybot: list curryites18:03
currybotgreg-g: mmm... curry...18:03
greg-gcurrybot: currites18:03
currybotgreg-g: mmm... curry...18:03
greg-gcurrybot: curryites18:03
currybotbovinity, tim_hwang, brianrowe, ftobia, currybot_plus, Steren, nathany, and greg-g are members of the curry cabal.18:03
greg-gsorry for the ping everyone18:04
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evolution88hello people18:07
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hdworakhi evolution8818:09
evolution88just researching about cc license18:11
tim_hwangmetrics project launched!18:11
mattltim_hwang: are you out in CA for the summer?18:17
tim_hwangmattl yep! out here until Sept or so -- doing bizdev stuff with CC18:20
tim_hwangmattl but i'll be back to boston after that18:23
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jibotrejon is a killer MC from staten island and is the 10th member of the wutang clan and
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tvolgreg-g: don't do it. it's a trap. ;)20:18
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Sterenah ah20:19
paulproteus+/- 2 hours20:23
nathanypaulproteus: i made an update to license.rdf in svn that ftobia could use in git20:27
nathanydo you have the checkout w/git-svn remotes set up properly?20:27
nathany(that you can pull from)20:27
paulproteusnathany, I think so, lemme see.20:27
ftobiapaulproteus: is there some good reason not to use SPARQL queries in cc.license? because i'm thinking i want to go that direction.20:29
paulproteusftobia, That'd be fine, just make sure the library you're using supports it.20:30
ftobiait seems like your method is essentially an easier form of them.20:30
ftobiaok good20:30
paulproteusMy method seemed easier.20:30
paulproteusOh, one more thing.20:30
paulproteusMy method is more abstract.20:30
paulproteusOne can't be tempted to do things like generating the SPARQL queries by string manipulation.20:30
paulproteusWhich is the kind of Bad Thing that leads to SQL injection.20:30
greg-gtvol: oh noes, they got me!20:30
paulproteus(If you use my method, that is - you can't be tempted to do that.)20:31
ftobiai'm interested in what a SPARQL injection attack would look like. but duly noted.20:31
paulproteus(If you go the SPARQL route you can be so tempted.)20:31
ftobiai'll try to avoid the Dark Side.20:31
hdworakpaulproteus: I won't be using /.*tidy.*/ for the project, 'cause all the Python packages that are using it are 3+ years old, are not Unicode aware etc.20:31
paulproteusI hate seeing other query languages lying around my code when the code is just some nice Python.20:32
paulproteushdworak, Okay - well, fine.20:32
hdworakpaulproteus: if strict attempt fails, I do BeautifulSoup20:32
* paulproteus nods20:32
hdworakanyway, I won't do any BeautifulSoup like parsing20:32
hdworakI'm doing BS only to tidy the markup20:32
hdworakthe next line I parse the result string using minidom and canonicalize it20:33
hdworakand then I use just DOM and regex20:33
paulproteusI once found that BS mangled some markup.20:33
hdworakno BS parsing20:33
* paulproteus nods20:33
hdworakthat's why I try with the unmodified code first20:33
hdworakw8 a sec, I'll commit20:34
rejongreg-g: join20:34
rejongreg-g: see if you can join
hdworakok, done20:36
hdworak(at the bottom)20:36
paulproteusI'm looking at that now.20:37
ftobiaspeaking of star power, does anyone in the office own rock band or guitar hero? i'm in serious withdrawl.20:37
hdworakthere's no point in doing BS parsing once you assume that BS can sometimes mishandle the code; because you would have to rewrite all your BS parsing to DOM for the first attempt (valid code) - you can't use BS there yet20:38
paulproteusftobia, nathany20:38
paulproteushdworak, Agreed.20:38
paulproteusYay, I like where this is going.20:38
paulproteusftobia, If not him, then Jen actually.20:39
ftobiapaulproteus: i'll try to keep the SPARQL in its own separate holding area. also, that is awesome, i'll have to bug them about it.20:39
hdworakI canonicalise the XML because according to the W3C recommendation (and checked in practice) this converts CDATA to PCDATA (among other transformations)20:39
paulproteusAh, awesome.20:39
paulproteusI look forward to the tests actually testing something. (-:20:39
hdworakI use BS parsing for base URI detection, but it's trivial to rewrite that to DOM20:40
hdworak(BS parsing was my previous approach)20:40
* paulproteus shrugs20:40
paulproteusDon't have to change it unless the tests prove it not to work. (-:20:40
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paulproteus(You can anyway, if you want, but it's not a priority by any means.)20:41
hdworaknow with c14n, I can safely fish with regex for RDF/XML20:41
nathanyftobia: i don't own rock band unfortunately20:41
hdworakbtw Python owns20:42
hdworakbig time20:42
ftobiathat is most unfortunate.20:42
Sterennathany: but you have guitar hero, don't you?20:42
paulproteushdworak, Glad you like it!20:42
Bovinitythere's guitar hero aerosmith now...20:43
ftobiaparty at jen's house i guess.20:43
Bovinityi only have guitar hero for my ps2. :P20:43
Sterenftobia: we could always play with a standard keybord20:43
Bovinitywell, 1, 2, and rock the 80's20:44
tim_hwangmlinksva -- do you want me to do the launch tomorrow as well20:57
mlinksvatim_hwang: yes21:00
mlinksvatim_hwang: btw on the press release blog the links should be linkified :)21:00
mlinksvare metrics and this next one21:00
tim_hwangmlinksva -- ah gotcha -- i'll go in and change it up21:04
tim_hwangalso -- just sent out over cci!21:04
hdworakif <link rel="meta" href="directory/metadata.rdf" />21:04
hdworakand then in metadata.rdf21:04
greg-gname a javascript widget21:04
hdworak<rdf:description about="gnomophone.rdf">21:04
rejonCC Web Widget21:04
hdworakthen gnomophone is under directory/ not a level up, right?21:04
rejonCC license widget21:05
rejoncould also be non-web21:05
rejonCC License Web Widget21:05
rejonCC Liblicense21:05
Bovinitycc licensing widget21:05
hdworakpaulproteus, nathany: ^^^ ? :)21:05
rejoncc licensing widget21:05
nathanyhdworak: yes, it's relative to the containing file21:05
hdworakok, thank you21:05
paulproteushdworak, agreed.21:05
rejonok, cc licensing widget sounds good imo21:06
paulproteusrejon, Is that the new name for JsWidget or something?21:06
greg-gpaulproteus: y21:06
nathanyi agree it needs renamed, what's pushing it now?21:06
greg-gpress release upcoming21:07
nathany(and i don't think that rolls off the tongue any better)21:07
mlinksvatim_hwang: rec'd on cci21:07
Bovinitypr for the widget?21:07
paulproteusThat'd be cool.21:07
greg-gnot specifically21:07
nathanydidn't we already do the press-whore-release tour for that?21:07
greg-gBovinity: ^21:07
rejonhowto launch olpc press in a wrapper of integration tools21:07
rejonno whore tour yet21:07
rejonbtw, been getting phone calls today from the metrics release21:07
rejonit works :)21:07
mlinksvai vote for chooseLicenseWidget21:07
mlinksvait's what the thing actually does21:08
rejontoo long21:08
nathanyrejon: asking you wtf it means? ;)21:08
paulproteusmlinksva++ # "choosing clarity"21:08
paulproteusnathany, I can patch EOG in order to modify the properties dialog.21:08
BovinityCC chooseALicenseJavascriptDoodad21:08
rejonnathany: actually, as expected, ppl. just want number to attach to CC, so it filled that void of needing numbers21:08
paulproteusThat's really the only way to actually do it with current EOG.21:09
paulproteusThere's no hooks for customizing the prop-tease dialog.21:09
rejoncclicensingwidget says same as chooselicensewidget in less chars21:09
paulproteusrejon, But what about in voice?21:09
mlinksvapaulproteus: stop post-incrementing me i want to improve inside, not just project a better image21:09
rejonalso, with pr for this, will plug your guys oscon talks, and slight/quiet release of olpc stuff21:09
paulproteusmlinksva-- # fine, I'll take that karma back.21:09
mlinksvasticks and stones ... just don't do --mlinksva21:10
rejonbig f'ing nukes do21:10
nathanywhile true:21:11
nathany  nathan.stars--21:12
paulproteus?karma stars21:12
jibotstars has 0 points21:12
paulproteus?karma nathan.stars21:12
jibotnathan.stars has -1 points21:12
paulproteusSmart tokenizer.21:12
rejonok, last call: cc licensing widget21:14
paulproteusChoose License Widget21:14
rejonc'mon that is not a title21:14
Bovinitythere, done21:15
rejonor we can take donations to name after someone21:15
paulproteusIf I make the donations, can I make it the Choose License Widget?21:15
paulproteus"We also offer the Choose License Widget that makes it easy to have your web application allow a user to select a license to offer his work under."21:15
paulproteusI don't think that's so terrible.21:16
paulproteusExcept for the long string of prepositional phrases at the end.21:16
rejonmaybe just keep jswidget21:18
paulproteusrejon, I'll accept CC Licensing Widget as okay also.21:18
tim_hwangmlinksva -- linkified on the PR blogg21:19
tim_hwangLittle Lessig21:20
greg-gwait, what color is the barn again?21:21
paulproteusgreg-g++ # remembers Iridium21:23
rejonfor real21:23
rejoni like that21:24
tim_hwangi like that too21:24
greg-ggoing once21:25
ftobiapaulproteus: if <cc:Jurisdiction rdf:about=""> were a triple, what triple would it be? more interestingly, what is the predicate?21:26
greg-ggoing... twice21:26
paulproteus<> <rdf:hasClass> <cc:Jurisdiction>  iirc - check with nathany21:27
nathanyprobably rdf:type21:27
nathanyyou can run it through the RDF validator @ to see the triples21:27
Bovinityrejon: misread that as gong, whcih reminded me that comedy central is bringing back the gong show. just as you always hoped.21:27
nkinkadepaulproteus: I pasted a link earlier that you had already sent me, but then I found this:
paulproteus"or to restrict the number of simultaneous connections"21:29
nkinkadeIt's currently only in testing, and trying to build from source got me a dep. problem with debhelper which seemed futile to try to resolve.21:29
nkinkadeHowever, I did find a Debian package that installs cleanly etch at (omg!).21:29
ftobialooks like it's "rdf:type"21:29
paulproteusnkinkade, Yay.21:30
nkinkadepaulproteus: Do you have any input on getting around a debhelper dependency problem, or is not even worth going down that road.21:30
paulproteusI just looked into it.21:30
paulproteusIt's not very worth it.21:30
paulproteusAs you may guess, I've been down that path before.21:30
nkinkadeI feel that a package from is probably trustworthy21:30
nkinkadeOr, at the very least, that it probably doesn't contain malicious code, though they may have altered it some ways.21:31
paulproteusIt feels very energizing at the start, but in the end becomes more like fitting jigsaw puzzles pieces together using an Exacto knife.21:31
paulproteusnkinkade, We could always be being DNS spoofed - .21:31
nkinkadeSo I gather you've been down *that* road too, fitting jigsaw puzzles together using an Exacto knife.21:32
nkinkadepaulproteus: Perhaps, though all the CC servers are already patched and my local machine too.21:32
paulproteusBut our upstream DNS provider?21:32
paulproteusThey could be the ones being attacked.21:32
nkinkadeThat I couldn't say.21:33
nkinkadeWhat a mess.21:33
paulproteusMaybe I should try attacking them and see.21:33
paulproteusAnyway, some other time.21:33
paulproteusnathany, I see no license.rdf svn updates.21:39
paulproteusAt least, git-svn fetch sees none.21:39
paulproteusOh, maybe it's pointed at SourceFrog.21:40
paulproteusYeah, fixing.21:40
nathanypaulproteus: if it's easy to add git-svn remotes, that might be a useful addition to the phrase book21:40
paulproteusIt's confused by the move.21:41
paulproteusThere is a way to handle this but I will add it as a task instead of doing it.21:42
nkinkadepaulproteus: Do you still have that script with netcat that will make an arbitrary number of connections to some host?21:42
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paulproteusnkinkade, Yeah, I think so.21:43
paulproteusYeah, I seem to.21:43
paulproteusMaybe I should add them to git so I can't lose them.21:43
paulproteusWhaddya need?21:43
nkinkadeI'd like to test the new module on code.(cc).org.21:43
nkinkadeI told it to only allow 20 concurrent connections per IP.21:44
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paulproteusOkay, one sec.21:44
paulproteusEr, Varnish is caching these suckers.21:45
paulproteusOne sec.21:45
nkinkadecode is suddenly very slow.21:46
nkinkadepaulproteus: Are you sure Varnish is caching code?21:46
paulproteusI can get a different page than / if you like?21:46
nkinkadeI get Age: 021:46
paulproteusI get X-Varnish headers back.21:46
paulproteusAnd Age.21:46
paulproteusNo, you're right.21:47
paulproteusAge: 021:47
nkinkadeVarnish adds headers even when it doesn't cache, but age will be 0 if it's not cached.21:47
paulproteusShould I request / or /viewsvn/ or what?21:47
nkinkadeOr at least that's my understanding.21:47
paulproteusAlso I'm going to do 8080.21:47
nkinkadeBut it really shouldn't amtter.21:47
nkinkadeI made the configurations for the whole vhost, so anywhere at code should do the trick.21:48
nkinkadeDo you have any way to determining if Apache is rejecting connections?21:48
paulproteusnkinkade, say kthxbai22:02
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ftobiapaulproteus: what's the git command for undoing a git-add? because i know it's not git-rm22:09
paulproteusgit reset22:09
ftobiagit woot.22:09
paulproteusThat's all you need to do to undo a git add.22:10
paulproteus(Well, it resets the whole index.)22:10
nkinkadepaulproteus: Would you be willing to run those, say, 50 connections again against code.  I think I found what may have been wrong.22:10
nkinkadeNormally you have to tell it what you want to filter text/html, text/plain, etc.22:10
nkinkadeBut I set it now to just check every single request regardless.22:10
greg-gmlinksva: should the availability of the google video of TechSummit be blogged?22:12
greg-gAnd yes, I can volunteer to do so.22:13
mlinksvagreg-g: i think nathany is planning to do it but if he wants you too22:15
* greg-g nods22:16
nathanygreg-g: if you don't mind, that'd be great22:18
greg-gnathany: got it22:26
nathanygreg-g: thanks :)22:27
ftobiapaulproteus: just warning you, i'm planning on totally reorganizing cc.license. with any luck it'll make more sense the new way, and if not we can always revert.22:35
paulproteusftobia, So be it.22:35
paulproteusDo something reasonable and let there be tests.22:36
ftobiasuch is the Right Path22:36
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nkinkadeBovinity: I just figured out what was wrong with the supporters page.22:44
Bovinitynkinkade: oh?22:44
paulproteusWe just don't have any supporters!22:45
nkinkadeAnd it's now clear why it was so slow, and they only way they got around it was to cache the result.22:45
paulproteusOh, never mind.22:45
nkinkadeThe code to get the 100 most current supporters was horrendously inefficient, making around 4,000 to 5,000 individual queries needlessly.22:46
Bovinitysomething more complex than select name from supporters limit 100;?22:46
nkinkadeYou might laugh to see what they were doing.22:47
paulproteusselect name from supporters limit 100 where NTH_DIGIT(PI, 1000000) == 3;22:47
Bovinitydo you still have it?22:47
nkinkadeI replace a mess of PHP and a whole function with just a single query.22:47
Bovinity<3 that one ^^23:00
hdworakpaulproteus: I've pushed a critical update23:02
Bovinitypaulproteus: Propel.
hdworakwe have all RDF/XML that appears in or is referenced in the (X)HTML document w/ base URI in the "sources" list23:05
hdworakthis covers embedded <rdf:RDF elements/comments, links with data: URLs and external .rdf files23:06
hdworakRDFa parsing is covered by pyRdfa23:07
Bovinitypaulproteus: see also
hdworakthe only things I've not tested parsing yet is DC meta, but as far as I can tell pyRdfa handles that, too23:07
hdworakparsing yet is = yet is parsing23:08
hdworakain't nothing but a non-native speaker23:09
ftobiapaulproteus: i have a bit of a python importing question. do you have a minute?23:21
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hdworakpaulproteus: I've got first license parsing23:53
paulproteushdworak, Sweet.23:53

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