Friday, 2008-06-27

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jibotbrianrowe is at Seattle University School of Law, class of 200900:21
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jibotbrianrowe is at Seattle University School of Law, class of 200903:08
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paulproteusluisv, awake?03:15
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vinodhrjanaI have a doubt in by-nc-nd04:15
vinodhrjanaanyone there ?04:16
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jibotbrianrowe is at Seattle University School of Law, class of 200909:12
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luisvpaulproteus: I thought you said tuesday was better than monday?09:43
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nathanyluisv: i doubt paulproteus is awake09:47
nathanyi know ;)09:47
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luisvthough admittedly I was loving it when jet lag meant I was up at 5:30-609:52
luisvmeant I was actually functional by 909:52
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jibotftobia is the other tech intern at Creative Commons and head of RPI Free Culture10:29
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jibotSteren is sitting next to greg-g and from Nancy10:55
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jibotcurrybot is currytastic and <3 fair use10:58
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ftobiacurrybot: how are you today?10:59
currybotftobia: mmm... curry...10:59
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jibotbovinity is brilliant11:22
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paulproteuscurrybot, list11:26
nathanycurrybot: list11:29
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jibotbrianrowe is at Seattle University School of Law, class of 200911:29
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jibotmlinksva is Mike Linksvayer and from Creative Commons11:29
bovinitythere, fixed that "nickname," issue.11:31
ftobiai think currybot is having some issues.11:33
ftobialet me investigate..11:33
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bovinitycurrybot2, curry?11:34
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bovinityftobia: i think it's falling over trying to parse "(1) PANEER BHURJI (Today?s Special!!!) "11:37
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bovinityhow dare they change their naming scheme like that.11:38
ftobiai think i might have screwed it up.11:38
bovinitythey also really phoned in the description for #111:39
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ftobiacurrybot: list11:41
ftobiayeah something's blowing up.11:41
bovinitytoo many ('s11:42
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bovinitycurrybot2, list11:45
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bovinitycurrybot2, list11:46
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ftobiacurrybot: list11:47
bovinitydastardly parenthesis.11:47
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ftobiacurrybot: list11:47
bovinitywe ought to complain about their menu, and hwo it should conform to our robot needs.11:48
ftobiai'll get it eventually...11:48
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currybotPANEER BHURJI (Today’s Special!!!) (Homemade Cottage Cheese cooked with fresh minced onions, garlic with diced tomato and green peas) Our Chef’s special preparation of the day!!11:48
ftobiathat'll do for now.11:48
ftobiain other news, development on currybot will soon move to #cc-currybot so as not to dominate.11:49
ftobiacurrybot: list11:49
currybot(1) PANEER BHURJI (Today’s Special!!!)11:49
currybot(2) SUBZ-E-JEERA (Fresh vegetables cooked with roasted cumin, garlic, and red onions)11:49
currybot(3) KAJU KI MURGI (Boneless free-range chicken cooked in cashew paste, coconut, saffron, and tomato curry)11:49
currybot(4) MEATBALL KADAHI (Beef Meatballs cooked with green and red bell peppers and onions)11:49
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jibotrejon is a killer MC from staten island and is the 10th member of the wutang clan and
paulproteusmlinksva, btw is what I mentioned yesterday.12:18
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paulproteusgreg-g, Building your amd64 packages now...12:45
greg-gpaulproteus: weeee12:46
paulproteusFetched 26.2MB in 6s (4297kB/s)12:50
paulproteusgreg-g, Try using the CC repo now and installing python-liblicense.12:53
paulproteusgreg-g, Honestly, I don't really know if it'll work, so try it. (-;12:55
paulproteusThen from a python interpreter, do 'import liblicense', and if nothing terrible happens, you're good.12:55
greg-ginstalling now12:57
nathanygreg-g: your laptop is amd64?12:57
paulproteus<greg-g> actually I don't have amd64 machines, I just made a fuss to tease paulproteus12:57
greg-gnathany: yeah12:59
nathanywhat's the battery life like?12:59
greg-g3.25-4 hours12:59
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jibotjgay is
greg-gpaulproteus: no errors with the import12:59
paulproteusgreg-g, Sweet, then I'll announce this to cc-devel.13:00
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jibotmlinksva is Mike Linksvayer and from Creative Commons13:00
greg-gpaulproteus: awesome, and close that bug! ;)13:00
paulproteusgreg-g, How about you close the bug? (-:13:00
greg-gwill do13:00
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greg-gdanger danger, 10 minutes of battery life remaining and no outlet in sight13:15
paulproteusDanger, danger - low voltage!13:16
paulproteusSomebody better notify the chief of police!13:16
paulproteusnathany, I like creating tasks like that I mark as completed at creation time.13:16
paulproteusnathany, BTW got the email confirmation.13:17
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ftobiapaulproteus: i confess, not only do i understand your "danger danger" reference above, but i've had that song stuck in my head all morning.13:23
paulproteus(-: !13:23
paulproteusI'm also super hungry.13:23
bovinityfire in the disco, fire in the taco bell13:24
paulproteusI'd be up for curry like now.13:24
bovinitycurrybot: 313:25
currybotKAJU KI MURGI (Boneless free-range chicken cooked in cashew paste, coconut, saffron, and tomato curry) This dish comes from the Southeastern Indian community. This dish is prepared by first grinding the spices with fresh coconut milk, cashew, fennel seeds, cumin’s, green chilies, red onions, ginger, garlic, roasted saffron, fresh mint, mustard and coriander seeds. The chicken cubes are kept marinated in this spices paste for a lon13:25
currybot$ 5.0013:25
bovinitysounds good.13:25
paulproteusin this spaces paste for a lon13:26
paulproteusThat reminds me of an "obvious" lolcat photo:13:26
ftobianathany: can i get a link to your flickr photo stream? for standup meeting pictures.13:26
ftobiacurrybot: 113:26
currybotPANEER BHURJI (Today’s Special!!!) (Homemade Cottage Cheese cooked with fresh minced onions, garlic with diced tomato and green peas) Our Chef’s special preparation of the day!!13:26
ftobia...cottage cheese?13:27
paulproteus1 and 3 are the winners.  I hope the rice is Basmati again.13:27
paulproteusftobia, It's not what you think.13:27
paulproteusIt's paneer.13:27
paulproteusThe WP page has only lame pictures.13:27
nathanycurrybot: 213:27
currybotSUBZ-E-JEERA (Fresh vegetables cooked with roasted cumin, garlic, and red onions) This dish is prepared with blue lake beans, potatoes, cauliflower, mushrooms, carrots, cut corns, red bell pepper and eggplants. The base gravy is prepared with roasted cumin, garlic, ginger, red onions, vine ripened tomatoes and many more Indian spices13:27
ftobiapaulproteus: yes, but is it delicious?13:28
paulproteuscurrybot, count me in today13:31
ftobiahang on, i need to make currybot understand when you use a comma after his name.13:31
ftobiabecause that's just silly.13:32
bovinityftobia: i pushed that into git earlier this morning13:32
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ftobiaoh nice13:33
ftobiacurrybot, how are you this fine afternoon?13:33
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ftobiacurrybot: ?13:33
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currybotftobia: mmm... curry...13:33
paulproteusbovinity++ # collaborative development13:34
bovinityyay git.13:34
ftobiayay curry13:34
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Sterencurrybot: list13:35
currybot(1) PANEER BHURJI (Today’s Special!!!)13:35
currybot(2) SUBZ-E-JEERA (Fresh vegetables cooked with roasted cumin, garlic, and red onions)13:35
currybot(3) KAJU KI MURGI (Boneless free-range chicken cooked in cashew paste, coconut, saffron, and tomato curry)13:35
currybot(4) MEATBALL KADAHI (Beef Meatballs cooked with green and red bell peppers and onions)13:35
Sterencurrybot: 313:35
currybotKAJU KI MURGI (Boneless free-range chicken cooked in cashew paste, coconut, saffron, and tomato curry) This dish comes from the Southeastern Indian community. This dish is prepared by first grinding the spices with fresh coconut milk, cashew, fennel seeds, cumin’s, green chilies, red onions, ginger, garlic, roasted saffron, fresh mint, mustard and coriander seeds. The chicken cubes are kept marinated in this spices paste for a lon13:35
currybot$ 5.0013:35
Sterencurrybot: order,deliver 313:36
currybotSteren: mmm... curry...13:36
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paulproteusI'm still up for curry ASAP.13:46
nathanyit's peanut butter and curry time!13:51
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jibotdavidstrauss is "P" and not "P"13:51
nathanypaulproteus: ^^13:51
bovinityit sure is. it sure is.13:51
mlinksvacurrybot: i owe nathany $513:53
currybotmlinksva: mmm... curry...13:53
davidstrausscurrybot: help?13:54
currybotdavidstrauss: mmm... curry...13:54
davidstrausscurrybot: help?13:54
currybotdavidstrauss: mmm... curry...13:54
davidstrausshow does the currybot work?13:54
mlinksvathe people who can explain all just went out for curry13:54
mlinksvacurrybot: 213:54
paulproteusftobia, around?13:54
currybotSUBZ-E-JEERA (Fresh vegetables cooked with roasted cumin, garlic, and red onions) This dish is prepared with blue lake beans, potatoes, cauliflower, mushrooms, carrots, cut corns, red bell pepper and eggplants. The base gravy is prepared with roasted cumin, garlic, ginger, red onions, vine ripened tomatoes and many more Indian spices13:54
paulproteusWe leave in a sec.13:54
davidstrausscurrybot: 113:55
currybotPANEER BHURJI (Today’s Special!!!) (Homemade Cottage Cheese cooked with fresh minced onions, garlic with diced tomato and green peas) Our Chef’s special preparation of the day!!13:55
davidstrausscurrybot: 213:56
currybotSUBZ-E-JEERA (Fresh vegetables cooked with roasted cumin, garlic, and red onions) This dish is prepared with blue lake beans, potatoes, cauliflower, mushrooms, carrots, cut corns, red bell pepper and eggplants. The base gravy is prepared with roasted cumin, garlic, ginger, red onions, vine ripened tomatoes and many more Indian spices13:56
davidstrausscurrybot: 313:56
currybotKAJU KI MURGI (Boneless free-range chicken cooked in cashew paste, coconut, saffron, and tomato curry) This dish comes from the Southeastern Indian community. This dish is prepared by first grinding the spices with fresh coconut milk, cashew, fennel seeds, cumin’s, green chilies, red onions, ginger, garlic, roasted saffron, fresh mint, mustard and coriander seeds. The chicken cubes are kept marinated in this spices paste for a lon13:56
currybot$ 5.0013:56
davidstrausscurrybot: 1234514:00
currybotdavidstrauss: mmm... curry...14:00
shannonlucascurrybot: 4214:01
currybotshannonlucas: mmm... curry...14:01
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jibotjgay is
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bovinitycurrybot: 3++, would eat again.14:55
paulproteus?karma 314:55
jibot3 has -5 points14:55
paulproteusEr, that's interesting.14:55
bovinitycurrybot: confused?14:56
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currybotbovinity: mmm... curry...14:59
currybotbovinity: mmm... curry...14:59
ftobiacurrybot: hi again.14:59
currybotftobia: mmm... curry...14:59
paulproteusSomeone ^Z the currybot?14:59
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ftobiapaulproteus: what is the proper abbreviation for firefox?15:02
paulproteus?def firefox15:03
jibotNobody has defined firefox yet15:03
paulproteus?def firefox is Fx15:03
jibotfirefox is15:03
paulproteus?def firefox is Fx15:03
jibotfirefox is15:03
ftobiait's not Ff?15:03
paulproteusFrench fries15:03
ftobiaFirefox fries15:03
paulproteus?learn firefox is FX REALLY I MEAN IT15:03
jibotfirefox is FX REALLY I MEAN IT15:03
paulproteus?learn firefox is Fx15:03
jibotfirefox is FX REALLY I MEAN IT15:03
paulproteus?learn firefox is Fx15:03
jibotfirefox is FX REALLY I MEAN IT15:03
paulproteus?learn firefox is abbreviated Fx15:03
jibotfirefox is FX REALLY I MEAN IT and abbreviated Fx15:03
paulproteus?forget firefox is FX REALLY I MEAN IT15:03
jibotI now only know that firefox is abbreviated Fx15:03
paulproteusGreat, sorry about that everyone.15:03
ftobia?def firefox15:03
jibotfirefox is abbreviated Fx15:03
bovinity?def flex is abbreviated Fx15:04
jibotflex is abbreviated Fx15:04
brianroweHow long is the Pow wow?15:20
bovinity~1 hour15:21
Sterenpaulproteus: nathany: I'm talking with a SMW dev, do you have a MW SVN write access ?15:23
nathanySteren: ^^15:23
paulproteusSteren, Nope15:23
paulproteusI saw that email, and, well...15:23
nathanysounds bogus to me15:24
paulproteus...I think it'd be somewhat sad to move this extension to svn.15:24
nathany(security updates for free? how's that work?)15:24
paulproteusnathany, Presumably because other committers would commit them.15:24
nathanyyeah right15:24
Sterenpaulproteus: you don't want it to be on svn ?15:24
nathanypaulproteus likes the git :)15:24
paulproteusIt's true.  I mean, do the best thing.15:24
paulproteusI'm holding off from thinking what the best thing.15:25
* paulproteus goes back to stats stuff15:25
nathanyanyway, do you ask because they're encouraging you to move it there?15:25
paulproteusnkinkade, Did you come back from lunch, or did you never go?15:25
paulproteusThey are.15:25
paulproteusOn SMW-Devel.15:25
paulproteusOne dude is at least.15:25
nkinkadepaulproteus: I haven' t gone yet.15:26
Sterennathany: yes they are15:26
nathanyis that on smw-devel?15:28
bovinitynathany: did anyone put coffee on?15:28
paulproteusnathany, ya15:28
nathanynot yet15:28
nathanystupid sourceforge... i don't see anything in the web-based archives since 11 days ago15:29
SterenI have a meeting with Jen15:29
paulproteussuce forge15:29
Sterenwe'll talk about this at the stand up meeting15:30
paulproteus(if I recall the verb correctly)15:30
paulproteusCan't we do DDR meetings instead?15:30
nathanywii sports meetings?15:30
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Coffeebotmmmm, coffee.15:40
Coffeebot-NickServ- This nickname is registered.15:41
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ajbrooksCoffeebot: is the ccLearn map displaying correctly for you?16:15
Coffeebotmmmm, coffee.16:15
CoffeebotOH NO16:15
Coffeebotthe pins aren't showing up16:15
paulproteusOH NO16:15
ajbrookstime for the pizza and burger icons16:16
nathanyOH THE HUMANITY!16:16
paulproteusI thought I told nkinkade to do some proxy magic!16:16
paulproteusMaybe I had him do the proxy magic backwards.16:16
* paulproteus looks into this16:16
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paulproteusFixing this instant.16:16
ftobianathany: when is the stand up? pow-wow approaches quickly. haikus are awesome.16:17
paulproteusajbrooks, thanks a million for that.16:18
nathanyftobia: i think nkinkade is still @ lunch16:18
paulproteusWe should have Nagios run a broken-links-checker on the front page of cc and cclearn or something.16:18
ajbrookscool thanks16:23
paulproteusI'll be hanging out in my window office.16:25
rejonwho schedule 3 pm on friday....uuuuuuugggghhhh ;)16:38
rejonheading in16:38
rejonCoffeebot help?16:39
Coffeebotmmmm, coffee.16:39
rejonCoffeebot: make me coffee by time in office16:39
rejonCoffeebot: Is that coffee burned?16:39
Coffeebotperhaps :(16:39
rejonthis is no bot!16:40
rejonits a human bot16:40
Coffeebotaye, you got me16:40
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mlinksvayou've just witnessed a turing test16:57
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jibotrejon is a killer MC from staten island and is the 10th member of the wutang clan and
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jibotBovinity is brilliant17:31
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jibotjgay is
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jibotbrianrowe is at Seattle University School of Law, class of 200917:48
rejoncc2k8 (curry-con or creative commons)17:56
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jibotjgay is
davidstraussjgay: I think Silona's been telling me about you18:01
rejoninternal jokes18:01
Bovinityannual report section 5: Curry Consumption18:03
jgaydavidstrauss: cool18:06
jgayi hope good things :-)18:06
davidstraussjgay: surely :-)18:06
davidstraussshe's organizing a huge code-a-thon here in austin in nov.18:07
jgaydavidstrauss: yeah, it's going to be awesome, I hope I can make it.18:07
davidstrauss(huge by code-a-thon standards)18:07
davidstraussjgay: I take it you know Silona?18:08
jgaydavidstrauss: I'm on the board of the League of Technical Voters18:08
jgayand I've known her for a couple years now18:08
davidstraussah, cool18:08
davidstraussjgay: I'm a Drupal core and infrastructure guy18:09
davidstraussjgay: I also manage Wikimedia's fundraising systems and the Wikipedia/OpenLibrary integration work18:09
jgaydavidstrauss: oh, neat -- do you work with Aaron S.?18:09
davidstraussjgay: occasionally18:10
jgaydavidstrauss: are you helping with the code-a-thon?18:11
davidstraussjgay: I'm sort of responsible for the facility and some infrastructure18:11
davidstraussjgay: I'm also a CiviCRM contributor18:12
jgaydavidstrauss: cool -- sounds like you do a lot of fun hacking.18:12
davidstraussjgay: I'm full-time free software18:13
jgaydavidstrauss: awesome18:13
davidstraussjgay: and so is my company18:13
jgaythat's great, what is your company?18:13
davidstraussjgay: fourkitchens.com18:13
jgayThe company I work for is full time free software, too :-)18:13
davidstraussjgay: don't you work for FSF?18:13
jgayi was just joking around18:14
davidstraussjgay: then i guess i'm not too surprised ;-)18:14
jgaywe have free bios, too18:14
jgayon most of our machines anyhow18:14
jgaystill a few more to replace18:14
davidstraussjgay: I'm in the process of getting my car a GNU GPL license plate18:14
jgaydavidstrauss: that is awesome18:15
davidstraussI got the idea when the director of a lab I worked at got an R RNA one18:15
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jibotdavidstrauss is "P" and not "P"18:42
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dharthiya. who might I ask about copyright and licencing for extracted metadata? (grammatical parses of works under copyright, web pages, in this case)22:03
paulproteusdhart, What's up?22:05
paulproteusYou want to do grammatical parsing to detect a license?22:06
dhartwe want to parse entire documents, then publish the parses.22:06
paulproteusOh, I see.22:06
paulproteusI can chat with you about what I know about copyright as a non-laywer techie, but you probably should get legal advice.22:09
paulproteusAs I understand things, it hinges on if the parses are derivative works of the originals.22:09
dhartso technically we'd be reproducing content under copyright (although this might be technically avoided by some silly tokenizing at the word level), plus the metadata which is probably not technically a derived work, but not a wholly original work either.22:09
* paulproteus nods22:09
paulproteusBut OTOH it's machine-generated.22:10
dhartyes, it's a very grey area!22:10
paulproteusAnd at least in the US, machine-generated works can't be copyrighted.22:10
paulproteusWhat a pain.22:10
dhartyes, it would be all machine generated.22:10
paulproteusDo you know what the licensing status of e.g. the Brown Corpus is?22:10
paulproteusAnd the Wall Street Journal parse corpus?22:10
paulproteusPresumably you could follow what they did as a baseline.22:10
dhartthere's a parse corpus of WSJ?22:10
paulproteusAre you in NLP, or what? (-:22:10
paulproteus - it's part of the Penn Treebank.22:11
paulproteusAdmittedly my prof in college went to
dhartyeah, but I'm just on the fringes. :-) probably others on the RelEx team know of this work.22:12
dhartinteresting.. I'm googling for the raw parse data now...22:13
paulproteusLooks like those are under restrictive licenses.22:13
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jibotmlinksva is Mike Linksvayer and from Creative Commons22:14
dhartI presume you mean the original WSJ works22:14
paulproteusI mean the parse trees too.22:15
dhartwe're looking at starting with publishing parses of the Wikipedia main article namespace22:15
paulproteusThat'd be easy!22:15
paulproteusJust comply with GFDL and you'd be golden.22:15
paulproteusBTW, in San Francisco there's a startup called... something that is doing that too.22:16
paulproteusPower Set22:16
dhartyes, that's easy in the case of WP, not so easy in the case of everything else22:16
dhartPowerSet, Cognition.22:16
dhartrumor mill is that Microsoft is buying powerset22:16
paulproteusI won't comment.22:16
dhartwe're affiliated with Wikia Search, so would expand out from WP using URLs dispatched from their Nutch22:17
paulproteusAh, interesting.22:17
dhartI'm thinking about just slapping a CC license on the metadata, and simply complying with any takedown requests22:18
paulproteusKeep in mind CC licenses don't apply to uncopyrightable data.22:19
paulproteusIn my opinion, you should make a clear note that the metadata (the parse trees) are uncopyrightable, and treat them as such.22:19
dhartyes, so the catch is we'd need to attempt to claim copyright on machine-generated metadata, which is questionable22:19
dhartthat's an interesting option too22:20
paulproteusYou could also urge people to cite you!22:20
paulproteusBut you would be hard-pressed to enforce it through copyright anyway, so I figure it's nicer to just not claim to try.22:20
dhartright, it may be possible to attach some type of pseudo-license to use of the 'package' (ARC files)22:21
paulproteusYeah, an expression of those parse trees could perhaps be copyrightable.22:22
dhart(although I believe WS isn't too concerned about attribution)22:22
paulproteusSo it's easy then! (-:22:23
dhartthat was my thinking. actually, each sentence will yield 4 ranked parses, since grammar parsing is not a exact science.22:23
dhartso even though it's a machine generated expression, we could try it on (the copyright, that is)22:24
dhartI'm intensely interested in this area, and would like to challenge the notion that machine generated content is uncopyrightable (we're ultimately working toward AI, after all!)22:26
paulproteusBut who would own the (C) of the AI-generated work?22:27
paulproteusDo you pay royalties now to that AI?22:27
paulproteusHow can that make sense?22:27
paulproteusHow do you create incentives for that AI to produce more work using copyright?22:27
dhartall interesting questions which would imply ultimately treating particular AI instances as legal entities (unless they can be 'owned' by another legal entity)22:33
paulproteusThe key is this:22:33
paulproteusHow can copyright create incentives for an AI to produce more work?22:33
dhartanother interesting option is to place AI generated works in the public domain22:33
paulproteusYes! (-:22:33
dhartdo AIs [not work to further human motivations] need that sort of incentive?22:34
dhartthat might well be an easy answer for anything associated with the WS project.22:34
dharter, that's '[not working...'22:35
paulproteusIf they don't need the incentive, according the US law there is no reason to grant them the copyright.22:39
paulproteusNaturally I don't know the Australian legal basis of copyright.22:39
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dhartthat's what I'm reading into it too, particularly since all that's being generated can be interpreted as just some abstract mathematical graphs (which even include an element of stochasticity)22:42
dhartfor legal purposes all this stuff will be US-based (OpenCog/RelEx is funded by US entities, Wikia is a US company, datacenter is in US, etc.)22:44
dhartdeclaring the metadata public domain is looking likely (until someone claims otherwise, of course!)22:44
paulproteusI'm going to head out for now, but I'll look at that jstor link later!22:46
dhartokay, that's for the chat!22:47
ajbrookspaulproteus: a pink box loads up on the map for me23:08
ajbrookswait, I just refreshed23:08
ajbrooksit's looking good now23:08
ajbrooksall is well :)23:09
paulproteusajbrooks, Thanks for checking my work. (-:23:13
ajbrooksanytime haha23:14
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