Thursday, 2008-06-19

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jibotmlinksva_ is a dog kicker01:16
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paulproteusHah, mlinksva_.01:22
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jibotrejon is a killer MC from staten island and is the 10th member of the wutang clan and
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hdworak - there is something wrong with the mark-up here03:04
hdworakthere is no default namespace of XHTML, besides the attribute "instanceof" does not validate in the W3C Validator (yes, with XHTML+RDFa chosen)03:05
hdworakthe following does pass the validation:
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hdworakso what's the deal with the instanceof attribute?03:16
hdworakit ain't here:
hdworakbut it's here:
hdworakis it all mixed up with the "typeof" attribute?03:18
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hdworak rel="cc:license" - isn't rel="license" preferred?03:42
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hdworakdoes it matter where the RDF in XHTML comment occur? or can the contents of such comment be translated to a non-commented child of the "head" element?04:29
hdworakdoes it matter where the rdf:RDF element in XHTML occur?04:30
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rejon1jibot, I get to see rza on sunday...05:25
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jibotjgay is
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hdworak - does this cover all cc's licences?10:41
hdworak(both former and current)10:41
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paulproteushdworak, Looks like it.11:05
paulproteusYup, includes the retired licenses too.11:06
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hdworakso basically, this would be the only file needed when it comes to retrieving permissions etc. about licenses?11:09
hdworakI realise that if it would be split into several .rdf then it would be faster for the validator to produce the output11:10
hdworakwas the only default namespace that was ever related to the deprecated RDF license information (e.g. in a comment)11:14
hdworak a misspelling - "IRI" instead of "URI"11:16
hdworakso that I could use this regex <[^:>]+:RDF\s[^>]+xmlns="http://web\.resource\.org/cc/"11:19
hdworakactually the first brackets should be [^:>'"]11:20
hdworakand no, actually someone does not have to use this as the default namespace11:21
hdworakso just "xmlns=" doesn't work11:21
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hdworakpaulproteus: what do you think about the above?11:30
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paulproteushdworak, I agree re: "only file needed"11:30
hdworakdo you think it would be sufficient to capture the old RDF license code regardless of its location11:30
paulproteusre: "faster for the validator to produce the output" if it were split: Not necessarily.11:30
hdworak(except for data: URI and external files)11:30
paulproteusIf you load it once when your app starts, and keep querying the same pre-loaded triples after that, it would make no big difference.11:30
paulproteusre: deprecated RDF + namespace: I think so.11:31
paulproteusYou should check what the 1.5 API says.11:31
hdworakall I mean its quicker too process 30kB file than a 2MB file11:31
paulproteusIf the 1.5 API emits the new namespace + RDF, then you should check for that RDF in a comment as well.11:31
paulproteusWhy use regexes?11:31
paulproteusUse an XML parser.11:31
hdworakRDF inside comments11:31
paulproteushdworak, Yes, but you don't have to do it once per request.11:31
paulproteushdworak, Oh, just look for <!-- .*? -->, and then11:32
paulproteus   parse_as_rdfxml()11:32
paulproteus   pass11:32
paulproteusThat is, just look for comments with the regex.11:32
paulproteusAnd in fact, your XML/SGML parser can probably give you comment blocks as events anyway.11:33
hdworakI know that beautifulsoup can11:33
paulproteus(And tidy/beautifulsoup can probably help you get that for invalid documents)11:33
paulproteusAwesome, so why bother with regexes then?11:33
hdworakI'm sceptical to parsing comments with a parser that is not meant to do it11:34
paulproteusWell, try it, and if it fails then we'll see.11:34
hdworakbut okay, I'll probably remove the first <!-- and the last -->11:34
hdworakand give it a go11:34
hdworakwould probably do to do it w/o a parser and then feed it11:35
paulproteusYou know, <!--(.*?)--> is fine, too.11:36
hdworakwhat's the meaning of "*?"11:37
paulproteusNon-greedy regexp.11:37
paulproteusNon-greedy Kleene star, I suppose.11:37
paulproteusI'm going to go offline for 30-45m.11:37
hdworakyou're right11:37
hdworakand thnx11:38
paulproteusSure thing.11:38
hdworakok, both API 1.0 and 1.5 use web.resource.org11:39
paulproteusReally?  Gosh.11:40
paulproteusOkay then.11:40
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jibotbovinity is brilliant12:12
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bovinityfinally! some recognition from an ai12:20
paulproteusBTW, see you all around 11:30, I'll WFH and pick up a burrito en route.12:22
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jibotftobia is head of RPI Free Culture and thinks censorship is generally to be frowned upon13:20
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paulproteusftobia, Boo, wanna have that 1h sit-down?13:29
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paulproteusftobia, If you don't say yes soon I'm going to have to actually do some work!13:30
ftobiapaulproteus: alright, i will save you from being productive.13:31
paulproteusThank goodness.13:31
hdworakyou give an example of license info that is embedded via <link> data: URL13:38
ankitgpaulproteus: GSoC questions ... when would be a good time?13:39
hdworakbut if I decode this actual data: URL from the example, I get
hdworakwhere one can find: <Work rdf:about="">13:39
hdworakso the license info applies to a .mp3 only, but shouldn't it be rather a license of the HTML file that the <link> appears on?13:39
nathanynot necessarily13:40
hdworakso how to interpret if someone does several <link rel="meta" in one HTML document?13:40
hdworakwe collect all the RDF triples and sum up the results?13:41
nathanyyeah, i think so13:41
nathanyi think it's super unlikely you'll find much of that, but yeah, that's what they're saying13:41
hdworaklike one <link rel="meta" could be a description of one image that we have linked to on a Web site13:41
hdworakand another one to a movie clip that is on a Web site13:41
hdworakand a third to the Web site itself?13:42
hdworakok, and is it possible for such an RDF to contain multiple description (in one file)13:42
hdworaklike a desc. for image and a desc. for a Web page13:42
hdworakok, thanks :)13:42
hdworakpaulproteus: should we alert if someone mixes proper RDFa with valid-but-deprecated RDF?13:43
hdworakwhat if such RDF is not actually used for license stuff?13:43
paulproteushdworak, RDF in a comment pretty much universally sucks.13:46
hdworakno, not in a comment13:46
hdworak<link rel="meta"13:46
hdworaknevertheless, some ppl still recommend it cf.
bovinitylast updated 200413:48
hdworakgood point there, bovinity13:49
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hdworakare there any non-pd non-total-copyright alternatives to cc with regard to audio recordings?13:57
hdworakopen audio license seems to be discontinued by eff.org13:57
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hdworakthey recommended cc instead13:59
hdworakthe same with open publication license13:59
hdworakhm... maybe Free Art License14:00
hdworakyeah, that could work14:01
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paulproteusftobia, is what I'm reading.14:02
paulproteushdworak, Well, if they use deprecated RDF, then of course we should warn him.14:03
hdworakI mean, if they do not use RDF for license stuff14:03
hdworakbut some other things14:04
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jibotrejon is a killer MC from staten island and is the 10th member of the wutang clan and
hdworakI don't know if then it can even be considered deprecated14:04
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hdworak<Work rdf:about=""> - is this a blank node?14:07
hdworakif so, can it appear in an external RDF file?14:07
^Sobieski^^I need cc !14:09
hdworakSobieski: e-mail 31337@fbi.gov14:10
hdworakbut don't tell anyone that I gave you this e-mail14:10
hdworakas it's worth a lot of $$$14:10
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ankitghdworak: I prefer 1< =)14:10
hdworakankitg: :)14:11
hdworakankitg: what's up?14:11
hdworakankitg: are you back from India?14:11
hdworakankitg: how's it going?14:11
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ankitghdworak: still in India ... moving to a diff state tomorrow ... wonder if I'll have internet there ... O_o14:12
hdworakankitg: do you like India?14:13
hdworak(as a place to stay)14:13
ankitghdworak: it has it's plusses ... but lets say I believe there are better places out there =)14:13
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ankitghdworak: how goes with the project?14:14
hdworakankitg: I had to pause a bit, 'cause I had exams roughly every second day :)14:14
ankitghdworak: oh ... all done now?14:15
hdworakankitg: but now I'm back on track and I'm writing unit tests for the library that will be used in the project14:15
hdworakankitg: not actually, I have one more left this Sunday14:15
ankitgSunday! O_o14:15
ankitgI guess, nothing is sacred ...14:15
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hdworakankitg: well, it's not normal :)14:15
hdworaknormally, students study from Monday until Friday14:16
hdworakI studied like that for 5 years14:16
ankitghdworak: normally I don't study ... but then they have these exams :P14:16
hdworakthose students who work, do not study like that, but have classes on Saturdays and Sundays14:16
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hdworakand on my university it has been decided that PhD students will have classes during weekends only14:17
hdworakjust like we were working (more than a half of us does in fact)14:17
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hdworakbesides, we do not have classes every week, but like every three weeks or so14:18
hdworakso it's nowhere near regular studying regime14:18
paulproteusftobia, ^^14:18
hdworakankitg: what about your project and going through 1TB of logs?14:18
hdworakI've read you've run out of space :)14:18
paulproteusIt's just a shell script wrapper for git.14:18
paulproteusBut it's super nice.14:18
paulproteusankitg, Hi, btw.14:19
paulproteushdworak, Are you pushing your code up?14:19
ankitgpaulproteus: Hi ... (-:14:19
paulproteusFire away re: questions.14:19
hdworakpaulproteus: if you could answer, I'd be grateful14:19
ankitghdworak: 2 TB +14:19
paulproteushdworak, Oh, let me scroll.14:19
hdworakpaulproteus: not yet, I'm just writing the test now14:19
hdworakpaulproteus: another thing is that I do not think it belongs to the validator, but to a side-project (a library)14:19
hdworakso should that stuff be pushed into a different branch14:20
* ankitg goes to connect his external HDD where the data is ...14:20
hdworakin the validator? or should we just go with a different repository?14:20
hdworakankitg: 2 TB :) now that IS *Google* Summer of Code14:20
paulproteushdworak, A separate repository makes sense, and we can pull it into the validator project as we make it.14:20
paulproteushdworak, So tell me the git repo name you want and it shall be created lickety-split.14:21
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paulproteusIt means "fast". (-:14:21
hdworakwarning! native speaker detected14:21
bovinitydone in a jiffy14:22
paulproteushdworak, re: "<Work rdf:about=""> - is this a blank node?"14:22
hdworakpaulproteus: how detailed you would the unit tests like to be? aside from "as detailed as possible" - let me explain:14:22
paulproteusIs that your question?14:22
hdworakyou've got like a dozen of cc licenses14:22
hdworakshould the test cover extraction of each and every14:22
hdworakor we test like 2 different licenses if they work14:23
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paulproteusTest like two different licenses, I'd say.14:23
hdworakpaulproteus: which one? the blank node? yes14:23
hdworakI'm pretty confused about this blank node, stuff14:23
hdworak<Work rdf:about=""> <- this relates to the parent (=document likely)14:23
hdworakbut can such stuff appear in an external RDF file? (<link rel="meta"14:24
ankitgpaulproteus: okie, the A2 access logs are all from localhost, it appears ... ?14:24
hdworak'cause as I understand it, it wouldn't make sense at least on the top level14:24
paulproteusankitg, Right - you need the Varnish logs to find the IP addresses of people.14:24
paulproteusNo, on a2 I think you need Squid logs.14:24
ankitgokie, ... Squid for A2 ...14:24
* ankitg takes notes14:24
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paulproteushdworak, BTW, you could in fact write a *function* that generated e.g. HTML with RDFa, and then loop:14:25
paulproteusfor each license, assert test(generate_html()) == license14:25
hdworakyes, and I would do that, paulproteus14:25
hdworakbut the problem is this is just one vector14:25
paulproteusBut you could also write these files by hand instead, which could be fine, especially for the super weird cases.14:25
hdworakthe other is the means of expressing this license14:25
hdworakand the other is ill-formed markup14:26
ankitgpaulproteus: each / most folder seems to have daily logs and 4 logs named something like "a2-access_log.#" ...14:26
hdworakif I write tests for 12 licenses embedded in 7 different ways in a well-formed manner and an unspecified number of ill-formed ways14:26
paulproteushdworak, Yes, what's the question precisely?14:27
hdworakI know I have to write tests for each of embedding license14:27
* paulproteus nods14:27
hdworakbut should I stick to testing each and every license14:27
hdworakon top of that?14:27
paulproteusNot really necessary, just test like two licenses.14:28
hdworakso I get, say, 12x7 tests for just well-formed?14:28
hdworakok, very cool :)14:28
paulproteusankitg, Right - some of those should be Squid logs, not Apache logs.14:28
paulproteus(Although a2 isn't really very relevant for you - you'll find's log most useful, for example)14:28
paulproteushdworak, If you're having trouble understanding general RDF stuff, maybe you can ask in #swig and then ask me if they don't answer?14:29
paulproteusI don't want to *not* talk to you, I just want to do other things too. (-:14:29
ankitgyea, I am just using A2 as base for naming convention ... as it's on the tip and easy to get to (-:14:29
paulproteusankitg, Sure - but as it happens, the different servers have different caching reverse proxies in front of them.14:30
paulproteusBTW, if this reverse proxy idea isn't clear, we should address that right now.14:30
ankitgpaulproteus: okie, let me go the logs then ...14:30
ankitgA5 it is then ...14:32
* paulproteus nods14:32
hdworakpaulproteus: you are right, sorry about that :) though I did exactly like you say with the morning questions ;)14:32
paulproteushdworak, Okay14:32
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ankitgpaulproteus: I was also wondering ... everyday about a GB or so gets added to the logs ... O_o14:36
paulproteusYes, hence why we would like tools to analyze them rather than reading them by hand. (-;14:36 gets like 200 hits a second.14:36
paulproteusIt's pretty nuts.14:36
paulproteusIt might also be more than that; I'm being conservative.14:36
ankitgheh ... that's 1 GB of archived data ... which is erm ... a whole lot of text!14:37
paulproteusnathany, Out of curiosity, where in the world are you?14:37
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ankitgpaulproteus: the files for A5 also seem to have just in the access logs ... or did I just pick the wrong ones?14:38
paulproteusankitg, No, you'll find that access_log files almost always report localhost.14:39
hdworakwhat is the difference between rel="meta" and rel="license" - that from a rel="license" we will expect a document describing the license and NOT what is being licensed (as in rel="meta" with Works)?14:39
paulproteusYou'll have to cross-match with the Varnish logs, I'm afraid.14:39
paulproteusTo find out the real IPs.14:39
hdworakdo I get this right?14:39
ankitghmmm ... Varnish logs ...14:39
* ankitg goes hunting ...14:39
paulproteushdworak, I don't quite understand your question. rel="license" means "the current document has license (whatever gets pointed to in the href part)".14:39
paulproteushdworak, I don't recall our use of rel="meta" - can you find the docs for it somewhere?14:39
paulproteusankitg, I think they're somewhere in the Amazon S3 tree; nkinkade can find the real path to them if you ask him.14:40
paulproteusftobia, I'm assuming you're okay for now.14:40
nathanypaulproteus: @ stanford, board meeting14:40
hdworakmy question is - what if I substitue rel="meta" with rel="license" in that particular example? 1) doesn't matter 2) does matter - semantically incorrect14:40
paulproteusnathany, Oh, yeah, thanks, I forgot.14:40
paulproteushdworak, Semantically wrong14:41
paulproteusfor rel="license", href should be the URI of the license.14:41
paulproteusNot the RDF the license contains.14:41
ankitgpaulproteus: the varnish logs [A5 and A7] don't seem to differentiate between labs, validator, error logs etc ...14:41
paulproteusankitg, There's probably some way to distinguish.14:42
paulproteusAt least by URL part.14:42
paulproteusIs the hostname really not part of them?14:42
paulproteusI mean, in the contents of the log files themselves.14:42
paulproteusBTW, this will be somewhat of a pain, I know.14:42
paulproteusI did it two years ago for the question of what people searched for on
ankitgthey don't seem to follow the smae / similar structure ... let me have a look see inside ...14:43
ankitgoh, great! Then you are the right person for these queries (-:14:43
hdworak reads "license refers to a resource that defines the associated license." so why is <link href="" rel="license"  type="application/rdf+xml" /> incorrect? if marks that RDF as alternate14:44
paulproteusccsearch/  9806  5 weeks  paulproteus  Removing tragically useless files14:44
paulproteusMan, I'm hilarious.14:44
paulproteushdworak, Hmm, that sounds okay to me, I guess.14:45
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hdworakbut if someone does <link href="" rel="meta"  type="application/rdf+xml" /> it is plain wrong?14:46
ankitgI prefer .sh over .py as of now ... I am getting the feeling this will change ...14:46
hdworakvocab. reads "meta refers to a resource that provides metadata."14:47
paulproteusankitg, Doing real math is hard in .sh, and there are no dictionaries/"hash maps"/"associative arrays".14:47
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* ankitg is avoiding math! (-:14:47
ankitgagreed though ... math is hard in sh14:48
hdworakbtw is it possible to upload a PNG to the cc wiki?14:48
hdworakgood :)14:48
paulproteusbovinity, BTW, if I didn't mention it, I'm going to try to transition to since it is just so much less painful for normal things.14:49
bovinity"easy git"?14:50
hdworakwell, that comparison makes SVN looks a bit verbose14:52
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Mihai`nathany availlable?14:53
* ankitg needs a faster connection ... S3 connection reset by peer )-:14:53
bovinityi don't quite see the benefit of eg over git14:53
hdworakMihai`: he's at the board meeting14:54
hdworakMihai`: hi :)14:54
Mihai`hello hdworak14:54
Mihai`i`m not sure what a board meeting is, but i guess its something important ^^14:54
hdworak"Publishing a copy of your local repository" - this one is especially painful14:54
Mihai`any ideea if he will be availlable today ? ...14:54
bovinityhe's in channel... direct a message to him and he'll probably respond at some point in the near future14:55
Mihai`i`m not registered here...14:55
Mihai`eh, i`ll wait :)14:55
bovinitywow, this left over pasta from last night is super oily14:56
paulproteusbovinity, The real benefit is being able to not have nathany yell at me for git's verbs being different from svn's.15:00
paulproteus"git checkout" vs "svn switch": eg's answer: "eg switch"15:01
paulproteusObviously no matter what I do with eg, I'll keep using git-filter-branch and other lower-level commands.15:01
hdworakpaulproteus: is it technically valid to take, encode it as a data: URI and use in a rel="license" link?15:02
Mihai`i think i`m the only one using svn :)15:03
paulproteushdworak, That's pretty twisted.15:03
hdworakI understand that this might not be quallified as official cc license, because it does not come from the server, but nevertheless15:03
paulproteushdworak, The thing, is the legal code text is what *really* defines the license; the RDF just indicates some properties of that legal code.15:03
hdworakI see15:04
paulproteusAs for whether or not it's "correct" for the metadata validation, it's so weird that even if it is, we should say, "BTW, this is weird".15:05
paulproteusFor the real answer to your question, I guess ask Ben Adida or NY.15:05
paulproteusBut for now, feel free to assume it *is* correct, and after your tests are written (a few days to weeks), send a link to your code to cc-devel and say, "Ben and Nathan and Asheesh: Give me feedback on this big pile of tests".15:06
hdworakso even if someone takes the cc legal code text, encodes it into a data: URI and does <a href="data:text/html;..." rel="license" type="text/html">under this license</a>, it is a valid license statement but I can safely say, its an OTHER license, just as it would be GFDL?15:06
paulproteusIt's much easier to be able to answer such questions en masse, and Ben (and then NY) are the most qualified to answer.15:06
paulproteusI'd have to learn the answer to answer you. (-:15:06
paulproteushdworak, Wow, that's also twisted.  That's not a "recommended" way by any means.15:06
paulproteusBTW, you might want to read the ccREL paper if you haven't.15:07
hdworakI am fully aware of that15:07
hdworakI've already done that15:07
paulproteusCool (-:15:07
paulproteusI haven't! (-:15:07
hdworakgreat paper, but I've found a misspell15:07
hdworakI pasted it yesterday15:07
paulproteushdworak, It's in git - submit a patch to cc-devel (-;15:07
hdworakthe latex code?15:07
paulproteusSeems to only have the XHTML version15:08
hdworakthe PDF comes for a LaTeX version15:08
* paulproteus nods15:08
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hdworakregardless, I do not have necessary permissions15:08
hdworakand it's just one misspell15:08
nkinkadepaulproteus: What's the Python way of checking for the existence of something before trying to access it?  For example: How do I try to check that thing[0] exists in variable: variable.thing[0]?  I seem to have forgot all the python I knew.15:08
paulproteusif 0 in thing:15:08
nkinkade(which wasn't much to begin with)15:09
hdworakseek "an so on" in;a=blob;f=xhtml/index.html;h=6e972d5fac315bd8389e2e42cb8b4581240e18f1;hb=9788bc5ec79b94149d8170592d2a5d29fbccf17b15:09
nkinkadeThat was easy.  Thanks.15:09
paulproteus(...but shouldn't you be checking len(thing) instead?)15:09
paulproteusnkinkade, ^^15:10
nathanyhdworak: the XHTML comes from the LaTeX as well15:10
hdworaknathany: latex2html ?15:10
paulproteusnathany, Where's the LaTeX source?15:10
nathanyBen has it; he's going to put it in the repository, i probably need to re-ping15:11
paulproteusnathany, Ah, coolio.15:11
nkinkadepaulproteus: I could and should, and probably will.15:11
paulproteusnkinkade, Great.15:11
paulproteusnkinkade, Keep in mind PHP's idea of "arrays" is unlike every other language in the world and makes me want to scream.15:12
paulproteusIt's best to not assume that knowledge of PHP arrays will map to something in Python (or any other language in the world), since the real world has different things that mean "array", "list", and "map" (or dictionary in Python's case).15:12
paulproteusWell, I guess like Perl has lists and associative arrays too.15:12
nkinkadeMy plugin for Venus broke because I wasn't verifying len(thing) ...seems that the index page broke too.15:12
paulproteusnkinkade, Aww, sad.15:12
paulproteusWrite a test!15:12
nkinkadeI should.  I may put something in Nagios today.15:13
paulproteusEr, I mean a Venus test.15:13
hdworakok, what's the major difference between JavaScript and PHP arrays then?15:13
paulproteusFor your code.15:13
paulproteushdworak, Good point, I think JS and PHP are similar actually as far as arras.15:13
hdworakboth languages do not distinguish between various collections15:13
nkinkadeI've already got some unit tests for my plugin, so I guess I could add another.15:13
paulproteushdworak, I was just trying to explain memory maps in the kernel to nkinkade a few days back and wanted to avoid the word "array" when discussing areas of memory for fear of the PHP (and JS, I guess) meaning.15:14
hdworakyou're being to harsh on PHP, paulproteus, imho15:14
hdworakWikipedia is powered by it15:14
* paulproteus shrugs and tries to fix a bug in nathany's CSV module15:15
hdworakso it ain't THAT bad15:15
paulproteus(for SMW, written in PHP)15:15
hdworakand, as far as I recall, yahoo is, too15:15
nathanypaulproteus: bug?15:15
paulproteushdworak, "No comment" re: Yahoo!15:15
paulproteusnathany, Yeah, if a column has more than one (e.g., comma-joined) value in SMW, then I get extra columns created.15:15
paulproteusI'll fix it, I'm not yelling at you.15:16
hdworakMihai`: I love this youtube clip :)15:18
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* ankitg gets more samples to check if there are any differences between the Varnish logs on A5 and on A7 ...15:22
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* ankitg finds varnish logs in A8 too ... and is curious if there is some logic behind the placement ...15:24
ankitgpaulproteus: is / are there some / any differentiating factors between the varnish logs in A5, A7 and A8 ... or all the same?15:25
paulproteusankitg, It's just based on the DNS name that serves up that virtual host.15:26
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paulproteusnathany, SYN15:59
paulproteusnathany, Know how to get the name of the property whose value can be gotten by getWikiValue() ?16:00
paulproteusm_property is protected in SMW.16:00
paulproteusI could add a get_property() to the base class or something.16:00
paulproteusIf you don't know, I can email smw-devel.16:01
* paulproteus hears a pin drop16:02
* paulproteus is not watching an old Sprint commercial16:02
paulproteusnathany, ...?16:04
nathanypaulproteus: sorry16:04
nathanydistracted by the board16:04
nathanyis this an existing use of getWikiValue() in the code?16:04
nathanyyou might look @ the iCal query printer16:05
paulproteusThere is an existing getWikiValue().16:05
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nathanyiirc it looks @ the property titles to determine which items are which16:06
paulproteusnathany, Not as far as I can see.16:10
nathanythen i have no idea16:10
paulproteuslol re: copied "is this useful?" comment.16:10
paulproteusI'll mail smw-devel then. (-:16:10
nathanymy brain is about to dribble out my ear in liquid form16:11
paulproteusI want a poster that says that.16:11
paulproteusMaybe a Demotivator.16:11
bovinitythat needs to be a LOLNATHAN16:11
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jibotrejon is a killer MC from staten island and is the 10th member of the wutang clan and
nathanybovinity: "i can has synapses?"16:14
*** davidstrauss has quit IRC16:21 is available.16:23
hdworakso is validator.cc16:24
nkinkadeSo is roflnatester.biz16:25
hdworakbye :)16:37
CharelBGood Night & Good Fight16:37
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jibotftobia is head of RPI Free Culture and thinks censorship is generally to be frowned upon16:39
paulproteus?def rejon16:41
jibotrejon is a killer MC from staten island and is the 10th member of the wutang clan and
davidstraussjibot, davidstrauss is a legendary hacker.16:42
paulproteus?learn davidstrauss is your mother16:42
jibotdavidstrauss is your mother16:42
davidstrauss?def jibot16:43
jibotjibot is slightly confused about the meaning of   & blogging at & on sf at & has a wiki page at & has stats at & a lover of all Mikey definitions & nucking futz & always right & secretly Stephen Colbert & Jon Stewart & broken & very fond of the third person present form of the verb 'to be' & wacko & jibot16:43
Steren?def Steren16:46
jibotNobody has defined Steren yet16:46
Sterenhé hé16:47
paulproteusSteren, I usually use the Swiss French keyboard instead, btw. (-:16:47
greg-g?learn Steren is sitting next to greg-g16:47
jibotSteren is sitting next to greg-g16:47
davidstrauss?def cc16:48
jibotcc is Creative Commons, see #cc16:48
paulproteusWell jibot lives in #joiito normally.16:48
greg-g?def recursion16:48
jibotrecursion is recursion is recursion is recursion...16:48
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paulproteus?karma c16:49
jibotc has 1684 points16:49
davidstrauss?karma c16:49
jibotc has 1685 points16:49
paulproteus?karma c++16:49
jibotc++ has 0 points16:49
paulproteus?karma c++16:49
jibotc++ has 1 point16:49
ftobia?karma paulproteus16:49
jibotpaulproteus has 69 points16:49
paulproteus?karma jeanniecool16:49
jibotjeanniecool has 279 points16:49
tim_hwang?karma ftobia16:51
jibotftobia has 0 points16:51
paulproteus?karma phenny16:51
jibotphenny has 26 points16:51
paulproteus?def phenny16:51
jibotphenny is a bot run by sbp, who hangs out in #swhack & you should talk to sbp if you have problems with her & responds to the help command & is datum's replacement & a nice she-bot who carries your messages all over freenode. /msg phenny 'phenny: help' for more info. & is my one true love! I love you Phenny & queen of the nonsequitur & phenny: tell jibot ?def phenny16:51
ftobia?karma tim_hwang16:51
jibottim_hwang has 1 point16:51
Steren?learn greg-g is sitting in front of rejon16:51
jibotgreg-g is sitting in front of rejon16:51
davidstrauss?karma c++16:51
jibotc++ has 0 points16:51
Steren?def Steren16:51
jibotSteren is sitting next to greg-g16:51
paulproteusThat's #cc remark is probably from back when mlinksva actually hung out in #cc.16:51
davidstrauss?def boring16:51
jibotboring is annoying16:51
paulproteus?def backchannel16:52
jibotNobody has defined backchannel yet16:52
paulproteusLet's keep it that way.16:52
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paulproteus?lay rejon17:03
* jibot and rejon discreetly retreat to a secluded area in the #channel. Muffled noises suggest the things happening...17:03
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paulproteusThe website Teamspace is at
nkinkadenathany: I'm running into a problem with the get_license_name.plugin for Venus.17:34
nkinkadeI was making a bad assumption earlier about license URLs which I've lately been disabused of.17:34
nathanynkinkade: uh, ok?17:35
nkinkadeNot the URLs themselves, but about where in a feed they might be found.17:35
nkinkadeSorry.  I'll get to the point.17:35
nkinkadeTake Elliot Bledsoe's current feed:
nkinkadeHis first feed has multiple license links with rel="license", but they are there for the purpose of demonstration.17:36
nkinkadeSo my question is whether this plugin should be smart enough to try to find the "real" license URL for the feed, or if it's safe to ignore any license URL found in the <summary>17:36
nathanyi forget... are we looking @ the summary as a fallback?17:37
nathanyto the specs @
nkinkadeI'm hoping for the latter, but was wondering if you knew of any cases where somehow, someway someone might try to mark their feed by somehow putting the license URI in the <summary>17:37
nkinkadeSo that sample seems to be looking first in the feed, then in the content.17:39
nathanyi don't know of anyone doing that off the top of my head... are all of those links in Elliot's feed marked as rel="license"?17:39
nkinkadeYeah, because it's straight HTML.17:39
nathanydidn't you write that code? (to find the license?)17:40
nkinkadeNo, I didn't write that hypothetical code.17:40
nathanyhypothetical? i think i'm not following17:40
nkinkadeI think how I'm going to handle this is to *only* look for license urls outside of the content.17:40
nathanycan we defer to stand up tomorrow?17:40
nathanywhat are you doing now?17:40
nathany(and why isn't it ok?)17:40
nkinkadeWell, for that particular blog post it's pulling 5 distinct <a> tags with rel="license" but all are imposters except for one.17:41
nkinkade ... the one not found in the summary section.17:41
nkinkadeI'll implement it the way that seems right to me now and we can give it a few minutes tomorrow at the standup.17:42
nathanyso i think this is my point of confusion -- did venus include that code to do that?17:42
nathanyi thought you wrote the license+venus code17:42
nathanyok, fine17:42
nkinkade... now back to the BeautifulSoup documentation I go!17:43
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rejontim_hwang greg-g18:10
paulproteusdavidstrauss, One last sentence:18:16
paulproteus"If the merge was trivial, then why even record it?"18:16
paulproteusJust rebase.18:16
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paulproteusftobia, commit!18:51
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jibotrejon is a killer MC from staten island and is the 10th member of the wutang clan and
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paulproteus"brb as someone else" -- conley on #freeculture18:59
ftobiapaulproteus: i'm going to. yeesh.18:59
ftobiai will admit that buildout is awesome.18:59
ftobiapaulproteus: i haven't done anything exciting yet, though19:00
paulproteusCommit early, commit often.19:00
ftobiabut i understand the need to commit even the most minute details.19:00
ftobiaactive version control repositories give me a warm fuzzy feeling inside.19:01
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ftobia?karma freeculture.org20:08 has -2 points20:08
davidstraussmostly for using wordpress20:09
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paulproteusZing, davidstrauss.20:44
paulproteus?karma zing20:45
jibotzing has 1 point20:45
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jibotgreg-g is sitting in front of rejon22:00
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greg-g?forget greg-g is sitting in front of rejon22:23
jibotI no longer know anything about greg-g22:23
greg-g?learn greg-g is "developing" the "community" for "creative commons"22:24
jibotgreg-g is "developing" the "community" for "creative commons"22:24
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jibotSteren is sitting next to greg-g22:33
Steren?learn Steren is from Nancy22:35
jibotSteren is sitting next to greg-g and from Nancy22:35
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jibotdavidstrauss is your mother22:51
davidstrauss?learn davidstrauss is not your mother22:53
jibotdavidstrauss is your mother and not your mother22:53
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davidstrauss?learn davidstrauss is P and not P22:55
jibotdavidstrauss is your mother and not your mother and not P22:55
davidstrauss?def davidstrauss22:55
jibotdavidstrauss is your mother and not your mother and not P22:55
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davidstrauss?learn davidstrauss is P and not P23:13
jibotdavidstrauss is your mother and not your mother and not P and not P23:13
davidstrauss?forget davidstrauss is your mother23:14
jibotI now only know that davidstrauss is not your mother and not P and not P23:14
davidstrauss?forget davidstrauss is not your mother and not P and not P23:15
jibotI no longer know anything about davidstrauss23:15
davidstrauss?learn davidstrauss is P and not P23:15
jibotdavidstrauss is not P23:15
davidstrauss?forget davidstrauss is not P23:15
jibotI no longer know anything about davidstrauss23:15
davidstrauss?learn davidstrauss is P23:15
jibotdavidstrauss is23:15
davidstrauss?learn davidstrauss is P23:15
jibotdavidstrauss is23:15
davidstrauss?learn davidstrauss is "P"23:15
jibotdavidstrauss is "P"23:15
davidstrauss?learn davidstrauss is  P23:16
jibotdavidstrauss is "P"23:16
davidstrauss?learn davidstrauss is not "P"23:16
jibotdavidstrauss is "P" and not "P"23:16
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