Wednesday, 2008-06-18

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* hdworak is going through the IRC logs about the validator10:44
hdworak"paulproteus: Yes, yes, it's all good, we can pat ourselves on the back, but you should write your proposal and I should code some other stuff anyway. (-: "10:44
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bigjohntolibmil, cc: language libmil not recognized in Linux, what is the issue?11:31
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hdworakok, it seems about 35 kB of logs are relevant11:44
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luisvis this the backchannel?11:45
luisvor is it elsewhere?11:45
paulproteusluisv, This is an ok backchannel, but note it's logged.11:45
paulproteusThe interns have their own backchannel in #ccinterns.11:45
luisvmy life is logged-y11:45
paulproteusI don't mind it being logged. (-:11:45
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luisvhey, BrianHP11:46
BrianHPAnd there we go.11:46
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luisvneed to get the EFF interns in here11:47
mecredis\/join #eff11:47
mecredishaha, no escapement11:47
* luisv invites wendy seltzer11:48
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paulproteusMan, I should really be eavesdropping on the wifi.11:50
paulproteusOh, well, I'll let someone else get all the passwords.11:50
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paulproteusBTW, ettercap is nice, all, and tcpflow is pretty cool too.11:50
paulproteusIs this work vegan?11:52
mecrediswhat about drift net11:52
greg-gplay nice paulproteus11:53
* paulproteus frowns11:53
luisvdoing that at conferences is always good ;)11:53
luisvno attribution URL?11:53
rejonwhoa, caterina and stewart leaving flickr...bad timing for today ;)11:53
luisvnah, they'll just go start something else up ;)11:54
BrianHPinteresting side-note: apparently even if copyright has lapsed in country-of-origin, you can still file commonlaw copyright claims in the US (assuming the work was published before 1972). So jurisdiction is fuzzy.11:54
paulproteusluisv, Probably better with a projector11:54
paulproteusHmm, I have access to a project for five minutes during my talk...11:54
luisvpaulproteus: certainly best with a projector11:54
paulproteus*a projector*11:55
luisvBrianHP: well, and you've got the problem of the jurisdiction of the author v. the jurisdiction of the user11:55
luisv(with the practical reality that most consumer/users are effectively judgment-proof, esp. in a trans-jurisdiction context)11:55
BrianHPluisv: true. also, it mostly relates to sound recordings.11:55
BrianHPbut regardless, it implies that "jurisdiction" isn't quite so clear-cut as we'd like it to be. but not sure if that's fixable on any level other than the legislative.11:57
luisvonce you're talking about jurisdiction in that way the only level that can fix it is UN-level11:58
luisvwhich is one of the reasons I prefer the GPL-style no-porting approach11:58
paulproteusand loathes11:58
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luisvporting the licenses smells of lawyers trying to fix a theoretical problem that is unfixable11:58
luisvbut I've ranted about that before ;)11:58
paulproteusluisv, That's what lawyers do!11:59
* paulproteus hides11:59
luisvpaulproteus: which is why we should all be glad that RMS is not a lawyer11:59
BrianHPrant and flap our hands ineffectually? why yes, it's what you learn 1L year, right after torts.11:59
nathanyftobia: greg-g: Steren: et al: can you categorize live blog posts in the "techsummit" category?11:59
luisvand that one of his split personalities is very pragmatic11:59
ftobianathany: sure thing12:00
luisvI mean, I love Larry and all12:00
luisvbut the sooner CC is run and dominated by content producers, rather than lawyers, the better for everyone12:00
luisv(he knows this, of course)12:00
mlinksva_i agree with everything luisv says, though i haven't read any of this.  is that deniability?12:00
luisvwe need to get mike carroll and jamie in here12:00
luisvdoes joi even do irc anymore?12:00
luisvthere used to be #joi12:00
paulproteusluisv, Every few months he comes back to #joiito12:01
rejoni agree with luisv: preaching to the choir luisv...speak up more!12:01
BrianHPsanity check for my benefit, if y'all don't mind: basically css-style divs for content, not just form?12:01
luisvrejon: sure... just give me a job :)12:01
paulproteusBrianHP, Well, we'll see if CSS is enough (-:12:01
rejonluisv: i've tried, but you weren't done with law school!12:01
* paulproteus secretly knows the answer12:01
luisvBrianHP: it's not quite content12:01
luisvBrianHP: it describes a quality of the content12:01
luisvaka, the license12:01
rejonluisv: if you were avail., i'd give a kidney to have you at cc ;)12:02
luisvhrm, that might not be quite right either12:02
rejonok, maybe my coffee12:02
nathanyrejon: i have a tub of ice @ the office12:02
luisvnathany: you're very prepared12:02
nathanyi try12:02
rejonyes, its part of the cc hazing ;)12:02
nathanyyou never know when you'll get to take one of rejon's kidneys12:02
rejonbut, they are nearly shot, so maybe bluebook value low12:03
BrianHPkidneys or liver?12:04
luisvBTW, I am microblogging this at
nathanyisn't that just hair splitting? ;)12:04
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JoiItoanyone have a spare USB cable to connect my camera to my computer?12:05
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paulproteusJoiIto, yeah, one sec12:05
mlinksva_i want to kick the dog12:05
JoiItono more coffee for you mikey12:05
BrianHPThat's mean. you want to TAG the dog.12:05
paulproteusmlinksva_, lol...12:05
JoiIto?def mlinksva_ is a dog kicker12:06
jibotmlinksva_ is a dog kicker12:06
paulproteus?karma luisv12:06
jibotluisv has 0 points12:06
JoiIto?karma RDFa12:06
jibotRDFa has 1 point12:06
mlinksva_?karma RDFa12:07
jibotRDFa has 1 point12:07
rejontoo bad no evan here :(12:07
luisvoh, yeah, I was about to say that12:07
luisvyeah, definitely too bad no evan12:08
mlinksva_he could have sent us some vino12:08
nathanypainstaking detail, even12:08
luisvneed the mountain view travel guide12:08
luisvRDFa is so elegant12:08
* paulproteus swoons12:08
luisvand yet the bootstrapping problem is such a bitch12:09
JoiItoWe should have the next meeting in Dublin12:09
luisvI am always in favor of meeting in dublin12:09
rejonoh great, getting emails from my dad's lame friends to try and get tickets to olympics through my chinese family!12:09
luisvI hate it when I recognize people at conferences and have no idea where or how I recognize them12:10
rejontickets start at 10K...oops, wrong window...not identi.ca12:10
luisvno virginia today, BTW?12:10
mlinksva_deprecated urls here12:10
paulproteusNo one mention "url vs. uri"12:11
luisvmlinksva_: you're very pedantic12:11
luisvmlinksva_: have you ever considered law?12:11
nathanyluisv: we're in california, not virginia; geography not required for lawyers?12:11
mlinksva_absolutely not12:11
mecredisdoes anyone consider using purl a normative decision?12:12
luisvnathany: rutledge12:12
mlinksva_otoh the lawyers i've talked to so far today were fine with being the "last" patent and copyright lawyers12:12
mlinksva_i can be on board with that12:12
paulproteusLive Nude Lesbians12:12
luisvmlinksva_: the lawyers you've talked with today are a distinctly unusual minority12:12
luisvmlinksva_: not to mention they are tenured ;)12:12
BrianHPmlinksva_: because lawyers supposedly exist to fix problems, and it'd be great if there were no more problems :)12:12
nathanylive demo -- this trick never works12:12
mlinksva_not the ones i'm thinking of12:13
rejongreat picture ben!12:13
mlinksva_but minority nonetheless12:13
rejonsee, mlinksva_ this is just *like* twitter here ;)12:13
luisvtwitter is IRC without all the irritating 'interaction'12:13
mlinksva_someone ask him about hash vs slash12:13
luisvoh, and better logging12:13
BrianHPand 100% less whining about "why is it down?"12:14
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luisvdunno, you've never had your company depend on IRC and then have it go down ;)12:14
nathanyluisv: experience speaking?12:14
BrianHPamortize it over the duration of downtime?12:14
luisvnathany: indeed ;)12:14
* paulproteus is working on that, luisv12:14
nathany(and no, no rutledge today)12:14
luisvso what does the CC anti-DRM language say, exactly?12:15
luisvhow does it define DRM?12:15
* luisv is rusty12:15
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rejonluisv: this is a technical conference, not a "special counsel" conference12:15
paulproteusluisv, Technology that prevents using the license-granted freedoms12:15
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paulproteusThat's a summary; you can read the full legal code (-;12:15
mlinksva_i have a post on that
mlinksva_When You Distribute or Publicly Perform the Work, You may not impose any effective technological measures on the Work that restrict the ability of a recipient of the Work from You to exercise the rights granted to that recipient under the terms of the License.12:16
luisvah, effective technological measures12:16
luisvwell done12:16
*** macfunza has joined #cc12:16 love for irc has increased conf. right?12:16
bovinitypeanut gallery12:17
luisvrejon: jamie boyle != technologist12:17
luisvI mean, last I checked12:17
paulproteus$jamie_boyle \not \in technologists$12:17
rejonis his the channel where when I talk, I can get fired?12:18
paulproteusThat "extra link" is now enabled by default, so you don't have to click.12:18
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nathanyrejon: yes12:19
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JoiIto?dev loaf12:19
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luisvhey, wseltzer12:19
JoiIto?def loaf is
jibotloaf is the xml schema you desire & and that is not true & you may read more here: & kung-fu also & has an offical wiki at & Loaf Of A Friend & the new orange button & a collective pain in the royal ass & loaf makes brittabot emit a 'hehe' & slang &
wseltzerthanks luisv12:20
luisvwseltzer: you don't happen to know the email addresses for any of the EFF interns, do you? they should be here12:20
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paulproteuslol, loaf of a friend12:20
luisv(and the only one I know is the only one who didn't bring her laptop)12:20
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rejonjibot: ?help12:20
wseltzerluisv, sorry, I don't12:20
luisvwe'll just grab them after the talk12:20
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luisvshame tech talk slide decks can't be done well lessig-syle12:22
rejonyah, wseltzer, I believe the room/attendance is at capacity...unless you mean the irc channel ;)12:22
BrianHPluisv: is there a maximal amount of information that can be contained in a lessig-style presentation? (i.e. it has limited bandwidth?)12:23
mecredisrejon, she does12:23
paulproteusChristian Coalition == cc.org12:23
mecredisBrianHP, depends if it is an infinite presentation or12:23
luisvBrianHP: I'm not sure it works when you want to do detail12:23
JoiIto?def RDFa is at rdfa.ifo and
jibotRDFa is at rdfa.ifo and
mecredischristian coalition12:23
JoiIto?def ccREL is at
jibotccREL is at
luisvmlinksva_: whoa12:24
luisvmlinksva_: that is gonze?12:24
luisvit is indeed12:24
luisvnow I feel like we *have* met before12:24
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jibotsmagdali is CTO of, amongst other things12:24
luisvthough I have no idea where or when12:24
luisvsmagdali: !12:24
paulproteusHTTP 402 Payment Required12:24
luisvsmagdali: (I am giving out my moo cards like candy here)12:24
wseltzerhi Steph!12:25
luisv(I heart moo)12:25
smagdaliwhy thank you12:25
smagdalistef with an eff.12:25
rejoncool, speaking of @smagdali, kim from moo just gave me new bbc hookup12:26
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nathanygo david12:28
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rejondavid on the mic! core drupal dev...WMF contractor12:28
DanL-wikimedia foundation?12:29
DanL-is there a place to hear the summit?12:29
DanL-Wow, that was barely English.12:29
nathanyDanL-: nothing live -- video will be available12:30
DanL-Is there a URL via which I can listen to the summit?12:30
DanL-thanks nathany12:30
nathanyliveblogging (-ish) @ http://techblog.creativecommons.org12:30
luisvDanL-: it is getting reported12:30
DanL-And where is the Summet being held, for that matter?12:30
luisvrecorded, I mean12:30
nathanyGoogle Mountain View campus12:30
BrianHPDanL-: Google, in Mountain View12:30
luisvI'm also liveblogging-ish at
DanL-cool ty12:30
luisvoops, no trailing slash:
BrianHPIs it ever "trivial" to determine that something looks "spammy"?12:31
rejonDanL: correct on WMF12:31
DanL-rejon what's david's last name?12:31
rejondavid strauss12:31
nathanyBrianHP: if i know it's hosted @ geocities it is12:31
rejonnot levi12:31
mlinksva_why, why?12:33
rejoni've got 10 questions ready btw12:33
nathanyrejon: no time12:33
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DanL-Anyone know of ways to get involved with CC here in NY?12:34
rejonmissed the joke nm12:34
paulproteusDanL-, Talk to mecredis!12:34
DanL-other than him :)12:34
mecredisDanL-, HEY YO12:35
DanL-what's up12:35
DanL-<-- dan from wikia12:35
mecredisOH YOU12:35
mecrediscc Salon NYC is tenatively July 21st, btw12:35
DanL-what's that?12:35
mecredisI think I mentioned it when i was in there12:35
mecredisjust low key CC event12:35
DanL-I have a bad memory12:35
DanL-cool, I'll calendar it12:37
JoiItoHe IS the Mike12:38
mecredisyeah, I'd love to have Wikia do a little present12:38
mecredisbut we'll talk more12:38
DanL-be glad to12:39
paulproteusnathany, sound more EXCITED!12:40
rejonman, +5000 to rickroll the audience12:41
greg-gbad rejon12:42
BrianHPThat is PHENOMENALLY disorienting on a big screen.12:42
luisv(go GNOME!)12:43
luisvoh, wait12:47
luisvis that john wilbanks?12:47
luisvor a different john?12:47
* luisv has been zoning out12:47
paulproteusluisv, Wilbanks12:47
rejonthat is12:47
luisvI need to grab him about open law journals12:47
mecredishey, whats the curry in a hurry place?12:48
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paulproteusHello LeahMacbook.12:48
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BrianHPWhy can't everyone just go by the route12:50
parkerhigginsbenadida: that was really good, thank you!12:50
benadidaparkerhiggins: you're welcome!12:50
rejon45 ppl in high!12:52
rejonand it ain't even 42012:52
mecredisbenadida, I just did my thesis based on Semantic Media Wiki, so I got into making people drink the RDF koolaid12:52
* paulproteus is proud to have helped with that12:52
mecrediswhich is why I brought up the query point12:52
rejonmecredis: url to your thesis12:52
mecredis for the Asheesh credit12:53
mecredisgo SPARQL12:53
* paulproteus opens just that page12:53
greg-gI saw parens, was that lisp?12:53
mecredisno, its sparql12:53
parkerhigginsdid anyone catch the google maps of the brain scan url?12:54
greg-gparkerhiggins: way too long/weird12:54
BrianHPNo URL shown, just screencaps12:54
paulproteus(apply $'sparql data)12:54
paulproteus(apply #'sparql data)12:54
greg-gmecredis: thanks12:54
parkerhigginsi thought there was a url across the bottom.12:54
BrianHPMight have missed it12:54
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greg-gparkerhiggins: there was, with @s *s and numbers12:54
parkerhigginsgreg-g: i thought so.  no wonder i didn't get it all done12:54
parkerhigginsdown, rather12:55
wseltzer"there are these things called people that want to feel awake but don't want to feel jittery" :)12:55
rejonmecredis: paper too?12:55
BrianHPthat seems...optimistic. Is RDFa/etc./etc. really inevitable? Seems to be an activation energy for these things, like a critical mass of sufficiently "important" web pages using them.12:55
mecredisrejon, you really want it?12:56
mecredisits horrid12:56
mecrediswatch the presentation and then decide12:56
rejonmecredis: thanks :)12:56
parkerhigginsBrianHP: I think what he said about the "important" web pages that produce html that people already insert in their pages (the Youtubes and CMSs) might tip it over12:56
paulproteus+ Flickr12:57
djdevvydevFlickr alone would do it12:57
DanL-hey mecredis got any ideas for bloggers who would be interested in writing about ?12:57
paulproteus(I can dream)12:57
mecredisah, I got interviewed ofr that last week12:57
parkerhigginsoh yeah, i forgot flickr.  flickr is big too, of course.12:57
parkerhigginsimeem could be good, right?12:57
DanL-mecredis you did?12:57
DanL-for NPR?12:57
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mecredisfor HR12:57
mecredisI hung out with Aaron's sister12:58
DanL-ah cool12:58
nathany"some interest"12:58
mecredisI can haz JPEG12:58
wseltzerI prefer FLAC12:59
rejonquick, get paulproteus a computer12:59
mecredisJoiIto, that's not the lens I was thinking of12:59
parkerhigginswseltzer: do you really listen to flac regularly?12:59
wseltzerparkerhiggins: absolutely. I've ripped my entire collection to flac on my mythtv system13:00
wseltzerafter all, I never wanted to have to swap all those CDs again!13:01
rejon (even a url slide?)13:01
parkerhigginsyou said you're on ubuntu before, did you rip in rubyripper or what?13:01
mecredisunfortunate amibiguity:
wseltzerabcde, modified to put in my metadata choices13:01
mecredisI want to see some sexy CLI13:02
wseltzer(and to combine multi-movement pieces into a single track)13:02
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mecredishaha what a weird quit message13:02
DanL-mecredis you think heroreports is something boingboing would be interested in?13:02
BrianHPIf you view quitting as escaping?13:02
mecredisjust write it up and make it punchy13:03
mecredisand you have a shot13:03
DanL-if it were my thing, I would haha :)13:03
BrianHPHmm...something's weird with heroreports on Safari13:03
DanL-I'll try for her13:03
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* mecredis cheers13:03
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hdworak, p. 3, misspelling "an so on"13:06
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DanL-BrianHP yeek13:12
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jibotjgay is
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hdworakpaulproteus: as all creative commons' licenses require an attribution - should the validator raise a warning when it finds license information w/o attribution information?13:18
paulproteuswseltzer++ # mythtv13:21
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paulproteusmecredis, Yeah, but we have more PageRank than those guys.13:21
paulproteus(re: liblicense)13:21
mecredismaybe not?13:21
paulproteushdworak, It would be nice, more like a suggestion, not a warning.13:21
mecredis: /.13:21
mecredistea leaves13:21
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hdworakpaulproteus: does cc:morePermissions expect a License description (valid RDF) or even a text/plain file?13:22
paulproteushdworak, It expects just a URL/URI.13:22
hdworakno matter what the content, so that the validator does not analyse it?13:22
paulproteushdworak, I don't understand your question.13:23
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paulproteusbovinity, What target do you think?13:23
paulproteustarget="more_info_from_cclearn" ?13:23
paulproteustarget="_new" or something?13:24
bovinity_top i guess13:24
paulproteustarget="_top" sounds good.13:24
paulproteus"We put the data in the file"13:25
paulproteusexcept when we don't13:25
paulproteusc.f. XMP sidecar13:25
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djdevvydevcan someone provide a quick list of which file formats allow XMP?  (or is he about to?)13:26
paulproteusHe probably will, but think JPEG plus the Adobe apps.13:26
paulproteusPDF, Photoshop13:26
djdevvydevi know various image file formats (PDF, PSD, JPG)13:27
djdevvydevanything else?  ANY other media other than 2D image stuff?13:27
djdevvydevANY time-based formats?13:27
paulproteusLike movie files?13:27
paulproteusI don't know, my guess is the Adobe movie stuff .13:27
djdevvydevor audio13:27
mecredisPremier Project files??13:27
djdevvydev#hdworak, thanks.13:28
mecredisI <3 the ARR on the bottom left of his slides13:28
paulproteusAlso CC isn't just "non-commercial"13:28
mecrediswell maybe not ARR13:28
paulproteusThough this goes back to what JoiIto was saying at the start.13:28
mecrediswhich was well put13:28
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paulproteusHey, I've made Custom Panel!13:29
hdworakone pastes an URL to the work, the validator downloads the URL and starts analysing it; when it spots a URL to the license inside; does it start to analyse the license URL itself (by downloading it and analysing it contents) or does it simply look-up whether it matches predefined cc's licenses URLs or not; if it matches, it displays information about the particular license, but does not retrieve it in order to do it - the information about various license13:29
hdworakan URL = a URL13:29
paulproteushdworak, Looks it up in a local pile of RDF files13:29
mecredishow does XMP <=> RDFAa ?13:30
mecredisthat question might be a category mistake13:30
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paulproteusThey're both ways of encoding RDF.13:30
djdevvydevum, I think XMP expresses RDF triples in RDF/XML ... is that right?13:30
hdworakRDFa is for XHTML13:30
paulproteusThat's exactly the point I should have tried to make in my talk - liblicense reads from files what slick browsers read from the web.13:30
luisvXMP is in-file, right?13:30
hdworakRDFa can be translated to RDF triples, too13:31
paulproteusluisv, Normally, yes.13:31
rejonthat xmp toolkit's bsd license allowed exempi to happen which allowed liblicense to happen...FYI13:31
paulproteusWell, liblicense is LGPL (-;13:31
hdworakpaulproteus: therefore what happens if someone points out to a license URL
paulproteusAnd it dlopen()s exempi so it doesn't even have to be license-compatible with exempi.13:32
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paulproteushdworak, One option is forget it for now, it's not a normal CC license URI at least.13:32
mecredisthat makes sense13:33
djdevvydev#hdworak, the cc: namespace defines the permits/allows "predicate" and a bunch of "objects" for what can be permitted13:33
djdevvydevconceivably this could be the basis of a general purpose license description language13:33
djdevvydevbut who knows if it would get adopted outside of cc13:33
hdworakokay, if we limit the scope of the analysis to cc's licenses only, should we parse local RDFs or can we retrieve the license data from other means like Python dictionaries, .txt or whatever? (which one of these should be easier?)13:34
paulproteusParse the local RDFs for now; we're working on making a nicer Python API for getting CC license info out of our RDF files.13:34
hdworakcf. "License properties are used by Creative Commons itself to define the authoritative specifications of the licenses we offer. Other organizations are free to use these components for describing their own licenses. Such licenses, although related to Creative Commons licenses, would not themselves be Creative Commons licenses nor would they be endorsed necessarily by Creative Commons."13:34
paulproteus(That API is called cc.license and ftobia will work on it eventually)13:35
djdevvydevwell, I think CC won't change a given license without issuing a new URL for it, right?13:35
paulproteusdjdevvydev, That's right13:35
BrianHPCompare birds with what was in the lower-left of the last slide deck.13:35
paulproteusThe legal code is fixed, typos and all.13:35
djdevvydevso there's not really any need to have a generalized parsing engine for cC licenses really13:35
djdevvydevjust hard-code behavior based on the URL13:35
djdevvydev(that's what I'd do for now, anyway)13:35
paulproteusdjdevvydev, Well, we add translations, though.13:35
hdworakok, what happens when 4.0 shows up? one manually adds its support to the validator?13:35
paulproteushdworak, No, hold up a sec13:36
paulproteusCC publishes RDF files for each license.13:36
paulproteusWe keep them up to date.13:36, unlimited internet for $17.95/month, two months free!13:37
mecredisWhat's a torrent?13:37
paulproteusThe validator will pull its info on which URLs are current, and what they mean, from there.13:37
paulproteusfrom lessig import britney_spears_at_any_price13:38
hdworakwhen someone takes cc's officiallicenseinfo.rdf and uploads THIS FILE to and then points out (as XHTML's license) to 1) does the validator bother? 2) is this a legal mean to release the work under cc's license?13:38
paulproteushdworak, Since we keep them up to date it a cron job that does "svn update" or "git pull" will keep those RDF files up to date for you.13:38
wseltzerhe means, of course, that he downloaded some songs 3+ years ago...13:38
mecredisWolf Eyes got tagged as Christian Rap for me very recently13:38
paulproteus(is that the statute of limitations or something?)13:38
BrianHPof course.13:38
wseltzeryes :)13:38
paulproteuswseltzer, OH, very good to know (-:13:39
paulproteushdworak, They won't do that, basically.  (1) I think the validator shouldn't bother, and (2) Sure, it's valid, but it's pretty weird.13:39
paulproteusI've had 2h of sleep so I might be slightly less sane than usual.13:40
hdworakok, so back to the official cc's URLs, is there any tool to be used to facilate this RDF parsing (of license files NOT work files) - any tool by cc maybe?13:40
paulproteusDeCSS music is "illegal files"?13:41
paulproteushdworak, Yes, there's a half-baked cc.license module in our git.13:41
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rejonchange pitch of voice randomly13:41
paulproteusYou can use it for now, but it's pretty half-baked.  I think it's best to try to use it where possible, but if you need to pull info from the RDF files yourself just do that; there's a git repository for them.13:42
hdworakok, thank you13:43
luisv(huh, I'd never considered the statute of limitations on illegal file downloading)13:43
hdworakhow to express a dual-license in RDFa?13:43
paulproteus(that's not something you'll hear from luisv very often)13:43
paulproteushdworak, Just express two license attributes.13:43
hdworakput two rel="license" links or cc:morePermission13:44
benadidayes, two links in HTML, each with rel="license"13:45
Sterenis songbird using liblicense ?13:46
paulproteusSteren, No, they're doing it themselves with the help of TagLib.13:47
hdworakwhat is the advantage of over with regard to namespace URL?13:48
hdworak(aside of the fact that the latter is deprecated)13:48
paulproteusWe get control, that's all.13:48
rejonlucas rules13:49
luisvyay for web-based slides13:49
rejonI've got a good project to work songbird as firefox extensions13:49
rejonI can actually partially fund it13:49
paulproteusRe-implement UNIX as a Firefox extension13:49
luisvrejon: the word coming to mind is 'why'13:50
rejonactually, paulproteus: how closely do they track ff trunk?13:50
mecredisreimplement UNIX as a MediaWiki extension13:50
greg-gdoi for songs13:51
paulproteused2k:// ?13:51
rejonluisv: I can't answer publicly13:51
luisvrejon: 'interesting'13:51
luisvI admit I sort of dispair of XUL/firefox 'platform' ever becoming a real, reusable technology platform13:52
luisvbut the converse of that ('everything is a plugin') also seems busted13:52
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rejonman, I'm stoked about FF3, seems better to use the FF and add the plugs after...look at licensing and support page too13:53
rejonluisv: possibly...but all sold on and how many do you have?13:54
rejonmain reason I got off epiphany13:54
luisvoh, I have a lot of them13:54
luisvand ditto on epiphany13:54
paulproteusI use Epiphany as my "browser ghetto".13:54
paulproteusIt's the one with cookies enabled globally.13:54
luisvbut I use ones that sensibly belong in my browser13:54
luisvand there are, in fact, things that do not sensibly belong in my browser ;)13:54
mecredis*if* they think about it13:55
mecredisI'm skeptical of that13:56
wseltzeryou could spend a bunch of time talking to your lawyer about it too...13:56
mecredisbut they don't know anything13:56
mecredisoops, wrong window13:56
rejonlucas...leaving the dream of speaking mind publicly...13:56
wseltzer(re: applying links to song files)13:56
greg-g(frbr the songs!)13:57
paulproteuslol, greg-g!13:57
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luisvmecredis: people do think about it; but not well/deeply13:58
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mecredisyes, ignore me13:58
paulproteus/ignore mecredis13:58
mecredisHe advises fans to download his music for free from P2P services, although he himself doesn't have to. "I don't steal things," he told the BBC. "I'm rich." As for everyone else, he says, "Download it illegally, I don't care. I want you to hear my music so I can play live."13:59
luisvfile 'pax romana' under things I did not expect to see on a slide today14:01
BrianHPI'm wondering which version of pax romana he's talking about. The kind in which the government comes down on your HOUSE if you harm a citizen?14:01
paulproteusI want to see a "Portable SAP install" on that USB key, mlinksva_.14:02
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mecredispaulproteus, see the HOPE e-mail?14:05
paulproteusmecredis, The one from you?14:05
paulproteusI saw a follow-up from Mitch.14:05
* paulproteus nods14:05
mecredisI'll write something14:06
mecredisand show you14:06
paulproteusHe says, "Tell me what you want I love you I will fight for you and give you what you would love and deserve (maybe not deserve since you're late but who cares) love Mitch"14:06
paulproteusmecredis, Oh, I only saw the one before this:14:06
paulproteusDate: Wed, 18 Jun 2008 12:04:13 -070014:06
paulproteusFrom: Mitch Altman <>14:06
mecredisrunning backwards through a ..14:07
paulproteus(er, oops, maybe he didn't want that email address published)14:07
paulproteusF yeah re: Friday or Sunday14:07
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paulproteusHi stevel!14:08
stevelhey :)14:08
mecredisI <3 Mike's Desktop folder called "crap"14:08
paulproteuslol, mecredis!14:08
bovinityeveryone should have one14:08
mecredis"black hole"14:09
paulproteus"interesting thoughts about all three of the presentations"14:09
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mecredisnice photo14:09
luisvthat was free software, not CC14:09
luisvquit taking our credit ;)14:09
paulproteus"I am not some knuckle-dragging Neanderthal, I'm hip to this new open source stuff"14:10
* mecredis worries about where Mike is going with this14:10
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paulproteusEven if I worry, I love.14:11
ajbrooksso are the links on the ccLearn map supposed to open up in new windows?14:11
paulproteusajbrooks, I think they're supposed to open in the main window now.14:11
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paulproteus(do they?)14:12
ajbrookshmm.. not for me :)14:12
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paulproteusajbrooks, shift-reload?14:12
paulproteusI fear Varnish cache.14:12
bovinitylaern map is fine for me14:13
bovinitybut i didnt have it cached14:13
paulproteusNuma Numa Yay!14:13
ajbrooksyep, it was cached in my browser14:13
hdworakpaulproteus: if one uses the old deprecated method (full RDF) and describes permissions that are in conflict with the license he/she chosen itself - do we issue a warning?14:15
paulproteushdworak, Heck yes.14:15
hdworakbut if he/she corrects that, he/she still uses deprecated means regardless14:16
hdworakso do we write what RDF code should be there in place or do we simply recommend RDFa equivalent w/o going into details?14:16
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hdworakis, say, cc-by-nc 1.0 superseded by cc-by-nc 2.0? if so, do we also recommend switching to the latest available version?14:19
benadidaif you're doing primarily HTML, you really should go with RDFa only.14:19
luisvthis registry stuff rubs me the wrong way14:20
luisvI have a hard time putting my finger on why14:20
luisvprobably just instinctive distrust of centralization14:20
BrianHPWell, there's an essential tension between centralization and access14:20
mecredishence the Soviet reference14:20
luisvBrianHP: well, pragmatic access, yeah14:21
BrianHPThat's my point14:21
luisvtension between decentralization and discoverability14:21
BrianHPYou don't want a gigantic database that is TECHNICALLY searchable, but in practicality won't be used by anyone14:21
benadidamore than findability, also records of past statements.14:21
BrianHP(see, e.g., patent database)14:21
wseltzeragreed, central registries are a messy hack14:21
luisvthey are a messy hack, but of course the alternative is to let our Kind Hosts hold all the centralized power14:22
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luisvor seems to be the best alternative we've got ATM14:22
stevelnathany: ping14:22
wseltzerright, they might be better than the alternative14:22
rejonwhoa, mike made a pop culture reference...its a momentous day!!!!!!14:22
steveli've got a whole bunch of Songbird stickers - think anyone would mind if i put 'em out on the back table?14:22
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rejonbuild it, and they will register (blog that!)14:22
nathanystevel: pong14:22
nathanysounds great14:23
nathanystevel: ^^14:23
stevelnathany: cool, thanks :)14:23
luisvI miss having a laptop I could sticker14:23
BrianHPThen again, there is some value to centralization, we know this, and if you give it a sort of underlying, persistent tilt towards open access...14:23
JoiItonathany, totally wasn't listening to Mike14:23
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luisvalso, stevel, the farting apple is all kinds of meta-awesome14:23
stevelluisv: hehe. thanks :) i didn't bring any fart stickers, but if you give me your address i can mail you some14:23
luisvstevel: no, I'm a lame lawyer now, I can't sticker my laptops :/14:24
stevelluisv: one word: FOREHEAD14:24
BrianHPluisv: depends on where you work.14:24
stevel(not necessarily yours, mind you)14:24
wseltzerluisv: I sticker my battery14:24
wseltzeras a compromise14:24
luisvwhy didn't I think of that before14:24
luisvwseltzer: I did get the penguin laser tattoed into the laptop14:24
luisvit is very subtle14:24
luisvseemed like a nice compromise14:24
wseltzerluisv, nice14:25
luisvcentralize registry /and/ content provision14:27
luisvin one place, no less14:27
paulproteusSure, so what if you keep things decentralized, as they are?14:27
hdworakpaulproteus: please answer14:27
luisvoh, not sure that it is better14:27
luisvcertainly we don't have a pragmatic alternative ATM14:28
paulproteushdworak, Sorry, missed the question.14:28
paulproteushdworak, I see it now.14:28
luisvmaybe this is my inner anarchist breaking out ;)14:28
nathanypaulproteus: apparently i spoke too soon14:28
luisvI blinked and missed the URL14:28
luisvanyone have it?14:28
BrianHPWell, it's a question of intent and purpose, right? Flickr + YouTube end up developing gigantic copyright libraries...14:28
paulproteushdworak, We say "There is a conflict between the RDF and the URL; you should just use this RDFa".14:28
paulproteusFilesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on14:28
paulproteus/dev/sda1             7.7G  7.7G   64K 100% /14:28
hdworakis, say, cc-by-nc 1.0 superseded by cc-by-nc 2.0? if so, do we also recommend switching to the latest available version?14:28
nathanyhdworak: yes, its superseded14:29
paulproteusWe suggest it, but there's nothing "wrong" with it if it's properly marked-up.14:29
rejonmike needs a wikipedia entry14:30
paulproteusassert "crap" in current_slide14:30
mecredisanother "crap" reference from mike14:31
luisvwhy yes, mike, monopolies are bad14:32
luisvnews at 11 ;)14:32
rejonare his slides online?14:32
rejonmike braindump overload14:32
nathanyrejon: if they're not, they will be14:32
nathanystevel: can you send me a URL to your slides or a PDF version?14:33
stevelnathany: definitely. i'll email you a PDF14:33
JoiItowhat does PORP stand for again Wendy?14:33
paulproteusnathany, You have a link to my slides as PDF, right?14:33
nathanypaulproteus: yeah, thanks14:33
wseltzerJoiIto: can't recall!14:34
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wseltzerGoogle thinks it's Partial Ossicular Replacement Prosthesis ...14:34
JoiItoI can't either... and when you google for ICANN PORP, all I can find is:
nathanymike is not a lawyer14:35
stevelnathany: sent14:35
rejonmarcus just had idea to start a fund to send mike to lawschool! better than lessig running for congress14:35
JoiItohe was brought up by wild lawyers though14:35
paulproteuslol, thanks JoiIto, but next time keep it safe for work!14:35
JoiItoan can speak to lawyers14:36
rejonferal lawyer is mike14:36
wseltzerJoiIto, aha: President’s Operations Review Panel.14:36
stevelyou guys should get him business cards with that as his title14:36
nathanyFeral Counsel14:37
bovinityi'm on it!14:37
rejonyah, we still need those cc shirts: CC... (backside) IANAL................(smaller text) bitches14:38
luisvI have a hard time seeing Mike tolerating law school14:38
luisvhe'd get about 3 weeks in and decide it was bullshit and that he had better things to do with his time ;)14:38
mecredisferal lawyer hahah14:38
nathanyluisv: i doubt it'd take that long14:38
luisvnathany: true14:38
paulproteusluisv, I believe the word is 'crap'14:39
wseltzerand Feral Counsel is only a typo away from General Counsel14:39
paulproteusNow, now.14:39
stevelwseltzer: that's a helluva typo14:39
luisvthis slide Hurts My Head14:39
rejonor could have a shirt that has (front) cc (back) (checkbox) I AM A LAWYER (checkbox) I am a feral lawyer (IAAFL)14:39
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* hdworak timeout?14:39
* paulproteus has no idea, hdworak 14:39
stevelhdworak: looks like you netsplit14:39
* greg-g nods14:40
hdworakok, thanks :)14:40
rejonmike is camming it!14:40
stevelquick. someone take a photo of it!14:40
steveland put it in the next preso14:40
rejontim_hwang got it14:40
greg-gwel done14:40
stevelnice job14:41
tim_hwangi'll be here all week14:41
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rejonmlinksva_: put your slides up and pop up that url...too much info!!!!14:41
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DanL-That shirt wourld rock14:45
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Sterenunpopular content difficult to find, I would totally say the contrary15:23
luisvyou would think15:23
luisvthat in a room full of people who worship lessig15:24
luisv*someone* would know that slides with more than five words on them are almost always a mistake15:24
BrianHPthat people would be better with the slideshows?15:24
benadidadisagree on slides with more than five words, but agree that more images and less text is a good thing.15:25
mecrediserr, free asn in speech I think15:26
luisvbenadida: deeply technical talks like yours fall into the 'almost always' exception15:26
luisvthis is not one of those talks15:26
BrianHPback to the bandwidth of slideshow methods conversation.15:26
JoiItohmm... did I just get a continuum named after me?15:27
BrianHP(isn't authenticated P2P a bit of an oxymoron?)15:27
luisvJoiIto: apparently15:27
BrianHPThe Ito Copyright Continuum?15:28
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rejonYah, need a law too like Joi's Law15:29
mecrediscurious about these revocable licenses15:30
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DanL-revocable licenses rock.15:30
JoiItoRobert's head:
DanL-why did revocable licenses just come up, btw15:33
rejonin 2000! whoa, rob is ahead of the curve ;)15:33
rejonlove those noank's charts and diagrams15:33
JoiItoI wasn't sure, but wasn't he talking about a time limit on the commercial license half?15:34
djdevvydevyup,i was15:34
DanL-So it'd expire after n years and turn into a non-com?15:34
DanL-or turn into a revocable com?15:35
djdevvydevwelllll, i'm not a lawyer15:35
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djdevvydevwe hear that a lot around here15:35
DanL-that's OK15:35
djdevvydevnoank's license to distribute the content in our system is time-limited15:35
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djdevvydevwith autorenew15:36
mlinksva_rejon, i made a pop culture reference?15:36
mlinksva_i don't know about that15:36
mlinksva_add "nuke" to whatever i said15:36
DanL-(I doubt my IANANAL acronym will ever catch on, sadly.)15:36
rejonmlinksva_: build it, and they will come (field of dreams)15:37
UltraMagnusuh..... what does that stand for?15:37
DanL-djdevvydev so what happens when the license expires?15:37
DanL-UltraMagnus -- I am not a not-a-lawyer15:37
djdevvydev(btw, yes, my slides were way too wordy ... sucks to figure that out when you're standing in front of a room full of people)15:37
rejonwho is ultra-magnus (only a general and not optimus prime might I add)15:37
UltraMagnusDanL-: why not just IAAL15:37
DanL-UltraMagnus that's no fun.15:38
mlinksva_hmm, had no idea15:38
parkerhigginsusing that pendulum metaphor is an interesting choice...15:38
mlinksva_"we figured out how to do metadata" -- rob kaye15:38
UltraMagnusrejon: eh, just someone that idles in here a lot and uses a CC licence15:38
mlinksva_but I <3 musicbrainz15:39
DanL-djdevvydev I recently advocated for a time-lapse CC license which slowly becomes CC-BY over n months15:39
djdevvydevdanl, i believe that the license remains in effect for end-users who acquired the content15:39
DanL-but I don't think that's the same thing15:39
djdevvydevno, not the same, but interesting15:39
* stevel would rather be in austria now15:41
mecrediswhat would be the difference between this and CC's 'exploration' ?15:42
rejoncool, made contact with friends on cc stuff15:42
DanL-what is "this"?15:42
mecredisregistered commons?15:42
DanL-what's CC's exploration?15:43
DanL-What's the difference b/w that and my idea?15:43
rejonany thoughts?
wseltzerTM infringement -- unless it's licensed15:44
mecredisvia iCommons?15:45
mecredis: /15:45
mlinksva_if yr talking about registeredcommons, they have a tm agreement with cc15:45
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wseltzergood to hear, mlinksva_15:46
wseltzer'cause it's no fun to be a TM bully15:46
DanL-sure it is :)15:46
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* DanL- kids (kind of.)15:46
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luisvBrianHP: I really need to get with Jishnu about GNOME's tm issues15:47
DanL-I've been bullied today, though15:47
* luisv has sucked on that front15:47
luisvhow does the moral rights field work with CC?15:48
rejonsounds like I need to know the background on RC tm agreement ;)15:48
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mlinksva_oh i was looking at the screen15:48
luisvis that only in conjunction with ported licenses?15:48
mlinksva_i mean am not15:48
rejonas in dreams...pop culture man15:48
mlinksva_how could there be a field?15:48
BrianHPluisv: he's my contact on this stuff. Want his e-mail address?15:48
luisvmlinksva_: I had the same thought15:48
DanL-oh man, registered commons is cool15:48
luisvBrianHP: I've got it, he and I had dinner last week :)15:48
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luisvhe's GNOME's pro bono counsel :)15:49
luisvmlinksva_: can we ask questions of these panelists?15:49
BrianHPawesome. didn't know that.15:49
mlinksva_luisv: yes15:49
ajbrooksmlinksva_: next talk you're going to have to mention the Hoff.. cc licenses will turbo boost you over legal obstacles15:49
mlinksva_if not now then in the plenary15:49
luisvsomeone has to ask the 'moral rights field?' q15:50
BrianHPluisv: that made me raise an eyebrow as well.15:51
luisvyay for non-interoperability ;)15:52
luisvyay for license proliferation15:52
mlinksva_cc has overall been a force for non and even reversed proliferation15:53
mlinksva_fyi :)15:53
wseltzeryay for copyright law non-compatibility15:53
BrianHPwseltzer: yay?15:53
wseltzersorry, left the sarcasm tag off15:53
mlinksva_public domain is interoperable, end of story. science commons is ahead of the game.15:54
DanL-mlinksva_ what is slide 27?15:54
wseltzer(or was trying to increase employment opportunities for my law students)15:54
DanL-a regstration example?15:54
BrianHPI was agreeing with you, sarcasm and all. sort of that movie-like, weak, flag-waving "yaaaay..." trailing off at the end.15:54
luisvmlinksva_: oh, I know15:54
mlinksva_it is a funny example from library of congress15:54
mecrediswhat is that image15:54
luisvmlinksva_: though I have my concerns about porting, as you know15:54
mlinksva_search for lessig there15:54
nathany"lawyers are living happy days"15:55
DanL-wseltzer you have any NYC-based students who want an internship?  I need a couple (and westlaw access)15:55
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mecredisDanL-, you want law students?15:56
DanL-I'll probably need other things too15:56
mecredisI have a good list for that if you want to solicit via e-mail15:56
DanL-you know, Wikia Search could be the registry.15:56
* DanL- muses.15:56
DanL-See slide 3215:56
DanL-In fact, I really like that idea.15:56
wseltzerDanL-, you should check out Northeastern's co-op program15:56
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DanL-I will15:57
DanL-mecredis sure, send along15:58
luisvDanL-: what do you need NY-based lawyers for?15:58
DanL-not sure I'll use it but can't hurt15:58
mecrediswell its the freeculture nyu list15:58
DanL-luisv all sorts of stuff15:58
mecredisthat I administer15:58
mecredisso ...15:58
DanL-I should sub15:58
DanL-what's the sub url?15:58
mecredisyeah, its moderated15:58
luisvwhy two hashes?15:59
mecredis"first rule of government spending -- why have one when you get two for twice the price"16:00
DanL-contrarian desires16:00
wseltzerconflicts with "don't repeat yourself"16:00
luisv(and how do you handle derivatives? that was an old noank problem)16:00
BrianHPPick your favorite?16:00
BrianHPIt seems like the goal here is to tag a given moment in a work's evolution as "safe"16:00
BrianHPso regardless of where derivatives go, if you base your work on this one, it's okay.16:00
mecredise.g. not a terrorist file16:01
djdevvydevincidentally the "strong" noank license has a "share-alike" sort of provision for derivatives16:01
BrianHPheh. That's my understanding, anyway, but what do I know?16:01
djdevvydevit's been a bit of a hard sell for major content owners though16:02
djdevvydevthat is to say, a non-starter.16:02
DanL-can someone pointme to the noank license?16:02
djdevvydevleah, do you have a URL for that?  is there a publicly-accessible version?16:03
DanL-and ... is there a big movement/demand for a CC-licensed content registry or is it ad hoc and scattered?16:03
luisvthe number of parties on this panel suggests that 'scattered' is a good adjective16:05
luisvbut possibly I'm reading too much into it16:05
mlinksva_DanL-: I would say scattered, not a "movement"16:05
DanL-I want to join.16:06
mecredisjust in case you work for the Associated Press16:06
DanL-a) you know who I work for16:06
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DanL-b) hah.16:06
mecredisDanL-, just talking about a presentation happening here16:06
rejonok, so lets build it:
rejonattributor is cool...the stuff I've seen behind closed doors is pretty mind blowing16:07
mecredisyeah, it is interesting16:07
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rejon"take actions" is the key phrase16:08
rejonautomated __________ . (fill in the blank)16:08
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wseltzersomehow last time I heard from Attributor, it wasn't re: enforcing CC licenses16:08
Leahbthe noank license isn't up online, but i can send it to anyone who is interested...16:08
* mecredis has visions of a rabid robot spewing DMCA notices16:08
DanL-Leah could you send it to me? dan@wikia-inc.com16:09
luisvhrm, no aaron here16:11
luisvare they going to go out of beta at any point?16:11
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DanL-who are they? :)16:12
luisvopenlibrary, sorry16:12
* DanL- 's IRC skills are rusty. He last used it regularly in 1999.16:12
luisvI miss IRC16:12
rejonluisv: me too!16:12
DanL-how active is this channel typically?16:12
wseltzerme three!16:13
luisvDanL-: not ;)16:13
rejonlike ~20 ppl16:13
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luisvwseltzer: bah, you don't have a real job, you could still be in IRC if you wanted ;)16:13
luisv'writing' ;)16:13
DanL-Well, glad to have found it on a good day, w/thanks to JoiIto16:13
luisv(can you tell I'm jealous)16:13
bovinityit's usually us in the office, instead of talking out loud16:13
wseltzerluisv: take my writing, please16:13
luisvyeah, I'm not very jealous of that part16:14
BrianHPAnd grading exams?16:14
wseltzerBrianHP: yecch16:15
luisvI really should be looking for jamendo content16:15
steveljamendo rocks16:16
luisvbut I have so little time to look for new content generally16:16
* stevel is a huge fan16:16
stevelluisv: their recommendation service should be good when they get it up16:16
BrianHPluisv: do you do what I do, and just use pandora for that?16:16
stevelthat'll help a lot with finding new content that you are likely to like16:16
DanL-wseltzer what ever happened with your DMCA battle w/the NFL?16:16
luisvBrianHP: honestly, mostly I just don't listen to new music unless a friend personally recommends it16:16
luisvstevel: do you happen to know if they have an ETA on that?16:16
stevelluisv: september timeframe i think16:16
wseltzerDanL-: after two takedowns and putbacks, NFL desisted16:17
luisvah, cool16:17
luisvstevel: are you guys integrating it?16:17
stevelluisv: they do a bunch of web-side integration to make their pages work well in Songbird16:17
stevelwe just met on Monday to talk about other future integrations16:17
rejondesisted...what a word16:17
luisvah, cool16:17
mecredisthat is cool16:17
wseltzerthis "level of confidence" is interesting.  who's acting as insurer?16:18
* stevel loves those ads16:18
DanL-are you all at the summit?16:18
mecredisDanL-, yes16:18
stevelshould get pierre to show people the electronica one that they were forced to take down16:18
DanL-we need a NYC summit so I don't have to fly16:19
DanL-not that I don't fly16:19
DanL-but that I'm prohibitively lazy16:19
mecredisDanL-, I'll work on it16:19
DanL-I'm glad to present:-)16:19
wseltzeryou can't fly without ID after Saturday...16:19
DanL-doesn't bother me really16:20
luisvmecredis: yeah, we demand NYC events16:20
DanL-Can't do a lot of stuff w/o ID16:20
luisvpreferably before May '09 ;)16:20
DanL-luis you a student?16:20
luisvDanL-: columbia law after time as a linux desktop developer and a year as Sr. Geek In Residence at Berkman Center16:20
DanL-awesome, what are you doing for the summer?16:21
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luisvworking at a Real Law Firm in menlo park; last summer I was in the Red Hat general counsel's office16:21
davidstraussrejon: hi16:21
DanL-very nice16:21
luisv(last summer was a blast... this one is good, but different)16:21
DanL-I'll not dare ask what firm16:21
DanL-but I hope they take you out to lunch16:21
rejondavidstrauss: what is url to test openlibrary + wmf testing....16:21
luisvOrrick Herrington Sutcliffe16:21
rejoni guess ok to post here16:21
DanL-ah nice16:21
mecredisDanL-, they let him come today16:21
luisvso much lunch do I eat16:22
luisvand yeah, they let me come today, so I can't complain16:22
davidstraussthat has the current OL + MediaWiki integration16:22
DanL-It's a good firm16:22
DanL-You should tell them that we favor outside counsel which understands CC and GFDL issues16:22
luisvI will do so- that nugget can count as my bizdev for the day ;)16:23
rejonclick edit and click the far right OL button above text entry then type a search to see magic16:23
luisvwho are your current outside counsel, if I can ask?16:23
DanL-depends on the matter16:23
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DanL-and we're a startup still so money is a big factor16:24
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luisvdepending on the matter, we cut startups slack on billing16:24
DanL-that's good to know16:24
luisvassuming we think they'll grow big enough to do more paid deals with us later16:24
DanL-I have nothing in the pipeline now16:24
luisvrealistically, the startups I want to deal with (like you guys) may not be good orrick targets, which may be a problem for me in the future16:25
luisvwe'll see16:25
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luisvDanL-: even if mecredis fails, we should grab a drink at some point after I'm back in NY16:31
mecredisdude July 21st16:31
mecredisCC Salon NYC16:31
luisvI'll be in SF until Aug. 1st, but thanks for thinking of me ;)16:31
mlinksva_wow this is a question phrased by a lawyer16:32
DanL-I'm sure there will be plenty of such events16:32
luisvmlinksva_: hehe16:32
* DanL- would never use "forefend."16:32
luisvmlinksva_: though a good question nevertheless16:32
ftobiai cannot believe that is a word.16:32
BrianHPit's the phrase "heaven forfend," which is kind of shakespearean16:33
qubitsufirst result for wikipedia search for "forfend":
djdevvydevhey, i want to go to the CC Salon NYC ... a URL?16:33
mlinksva_which leads to Philosophy in around 10 clicks of the first significant link16:33
wseltzerso another problem with the extreme level of copyright's statutory damages: no one wants to offer bonding services against mistake or misidentification16:34
qubitsuwseltzer: might change if orphan works bill passes?16:34
mlinksva_wseltzer: isn't that what prelinger offers?16:35
mlinksva_in addition to media access?16:35
DanL-wseltzer what if the mis-ID is (a) algorithmic or (b) user-gen?16:36
tim_hwangwseltzer: agreed! such a big unanswered question in all these models16:36
stevelis mediabrainz's acousticfingerprinting thing proprietary or OSS?16:37
wseltzermlinksva_ didn't recall that about Prelinger16:37
stevelmusicbrainz rather16:37
stevelguess so16:37
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stevel(proprietary that is)16:37
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mecredisstevel, not sure16:38
mlinksva_i'm probably wrong16:38
wseltzerDanL- mistaken takedwon is the flip side, I suppose. I was thinking of mistaken assertions of copyright authorization16:38
BrianHPBless transparency.16:38
stevellooks like it's proprietary, but they link to some other open source fingerprinting schemes16:38
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mlinksva_luisv: going to ask about moral rights field?16:38
DanL-oh okay16:38
DanL-I'm at a marked disadv here, not being @ the summit16:39
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jibotrejon is a killer MC from staten island and is the 10th member of the wutang clan and
luisv(I should have kept the mic)16:39
mecredisgovernment ideologies?16:40
stevelhrm. that seems subjective16:40
stevelone man's fascism is another man's ideal16:40
luisvis that actually still a CC license at that point?16:40
mecredisluisv, good god no16:40
stevelluisv: seems overly restrictive16:40
BrianHPSo it's a catchall field for "whatever else you want to control"?16:40
stevelBrianHP: sounds like it16:40
BrianHPI'm deeply discomfited by that.16:40
tim_hwangman -- putting those unstandarized free field rules seems to restore the original problem of opaqueness16:41
stevelBrianHP: likewise16:41
mecredis... proliferation16:41
BrianHPWell this was a problem I was pondering way back when at the beginning of the talk16:41
BrianHPWith RDFa16:41
stevelwhat if my "moral right" is that i don't want 5'9" asian males weighing 150lbs to use my photo?16:41
stevel(that's me, btw)16:41
BrianHPYou need to create a semantic language of fields, and rights, and whatever.16:41
stevelluisv: fine. 155lbs16:42
steveli saw you sizing me up16:42
BrianHPand how can you ensure that that's closed.16:42
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wseltzeryes, what's to validate that the free-form doesn't contradict the fixed fields16:42
BrianHPWell, MusicBrainz has an interesting idea.16:42
mecredisMusicBrainz is awesome16:42
BrianHPThat there are certain "certified" fields that are passed out into the world16:42
BrianHPand "best song ever" doesn't.16:42
BrianHPoops. not musicbrainz. but you get what I mean.16:43
DanL-Leahb - My last name is Lewis16:43
* DanL- apologizes.16:43
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* mecredis finds a place in the shade for a nap16:43
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jibotnaufragio is Gavin Baker and and an alumnus of uf.freeculture.org16:45
tvolthe cc techblog lives!16:45
naufragiohave you guys seen ?16:46
naufragioenglish description here:
naufragio(since when is jibot in #cc?)16:46
naufragioanyway: ^^ seems like big CC news -- a big gov. project to develop an OER platform, all using BY-NC-SA16:47
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luisvwhat is ben using as a slide template?17:06
BrianHPdon't know, but it ain't bad for web-based.17:06
stevelexcept for cutting off the bottom line17:06
BrianHPThat's because they have the search field up17:07
luisvtim_hwang: yeah, mako should be here17:07
tim_hwangluisv true story17:08
mecredisbut FD is not really "copyright 2.0"17:09
luisvmako always makes everything better17:09
mecredisfreedom defined17:09
luisvI hate to say it17:09
mecredisI mean I don't think its supposed to be <=> copyrigh 2.017:09
luisvbut sometimes I think we need to get better at (c) 1.0 before we start on 2.017:09
luisvso much education to be done17:09
wseltzerbreak the frame!17:10
BrianHPYeah, but how anarchistic do you want to be?17:10
luisvthe tech, without the education, doesn't do as much17:10
luisvBrianHP: well, not so much the anarchy bits, but just that it seems like lots of people use CC (and to a lesser extent GPL) without really grokking the issues17:10
luisvhence the problems with people using flickr stuff crazily, etc.17:10
tim_hwanglots of definition problems17:11
luisvwseltzer: it's not a useful frame breaking; doesn't illuminate, I don't think17:11
luisvjust complains17:11
BrianHPI hear you. But swing it the opposite direction. Maybe show that the tech is SO FAR beyond the scope of extant law that we NEED new education.17:11
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wseltzerluisv: I meant state our goals in terms of "freedom" and figure out what copyright supports that17:12
BrianHPI'm also uncomfortable with the dichotomy between commercial and noncommercial.17:12
luisvwseltzer: yeah, but that's a question for the philosopher-kings, not the technologists17:12
BrianHPluisv: why can't technologists BE philosopher-kings?17:12
BrianHP(I want that on my business card)17:13
luisv(and this is a technology summit, I suppose)17:13
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mecredis"tolerated use"17:13
luisvand more seriously, I think actually that having author-producers do that sort of thinking is ideal, rather than ivory-tower types like you and I17:14
wseltzerwe have principles of freedom of expression and sharing; even technologists can refer to them17:14
paulproteusnathany, Hope nobody missed me *too* badly.17:14
nathanypaulproteus: lol17:14
nathanywe always miss you ;)17:14
luisvbut again, this probably isn't the right place for it17:14
nathany(ack, battery near dead)17:15
mecrediswseltzer, I'm kind of missing your point here17:15
luisv(who is this dude?)17:16
mlinksva_a good one17:16
mlinksva_see above17:16
luisvah, cool17:16
wseltzermecredis: I think the point has strayed17:16
nathanya lawyer and an academic!17:17
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nathanyaren't you listening, luisv?17:17
BrianHPSenior partner at Latham17:17
paulproteusmecredis, Take a photo of Joi!17:17
luisvnathany: listening, dreaming17:17
luisvsomething like that17:17
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paulproteusrofl re: mecredis diving into action17:17
tim_hwangmercredis: high fives17:17
mecredisgot one good one17:18
mecredisbut no cable17:18
mecredisJoiIto, can I borrow your cable?17:18
paulproteusmecredis, Great!17:18
rejonback to basics: copyright 2.0 (kill copyright)!17:18
mecredisJoiIto, never mind17:18
luisv(you can use it... as long as you take care to strip the wikipedia mark)17:19
BrianHPSeriously, though, commercial vs. noncommercial, how sharp is that line?17:19
luisvsharp as a butter knife17:19
luisv(e.g., is use as hold music for a company's phone system commercial?)17:20
BrianHPwell, Muzak, right?17:21
luisv(it isn't being sold to the end user (the person on hold))17:21
luisvbut yeah, can be sold to the company17:21
BrianHPIs it that there's value SOMEWHERE in the chain of commerce?17:21
luisvbut if you define 'commercial' as 'displacing a product that is sold' you're pretty broad17:21
BrianHPthat seems unreasonably broad.17:21
luisvdid he just say interwoven17:22
luisvinterwoven makes the baby lawyer jesus cry17:22
mlinksva_interwoven. amazing17:22
mlinksva_they have a big building though17:22
rejonman, I forgot how great irc is...geez...17:23
nathanyyes, he said interwoven and vignette17:23
BrianHPIRC is awesome for this sort of thing17:23
* greg-g hugs IRC17:23
BrianHPCan you hug a protocol?17:24
djdevvydev#mecredis: can u send info on the CC Salon in NYC?  would like to drop in17:24
mecredisdjdevvydev, not finalized yet17:24
mecredisit will be by PM friday17:24
djdevvydevwill find it on the CC wiki?17:25
mecredisbut should be 6:30pm Monday July 21st17:25
mecredisin downtown NYC17:25
greg-gBrianHP: of course you can, I hug imaginary things all the time17:26
* mecredis forgot how much of a pain photos in linux are17:28
BrianHPWhen dealing with web-mediated information, is there ever NOT a need for a standard?17:29
wseltzermecredis: what do you use?17:30
mecredisbut no likey CR2 files17:30
wseltzerufraw isn't bad17:30
mecrediswill check it out17:31
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luisv <- that digital media project?17:35
stevelshoot - i was trying to reply to an email and missed the context of what songbird came up in17:35
stevelluisv: ?17:35
luisvstevel: getting metadata-consuming tools in the hands of users17:35
luisvhence creating incentives for publishers to use it17:36
djdevvydevas a client-side tool that is conceivably compliant with new metadata standards17:36
luisv'use it'->create metadata17:36
luisv(and prior to that it was just the chicken-egg problem generally)17:37
luisv(god, this is a dead crowd)17:37
djdevvydevwhat is dmpf?17:38
steveli've apparently missed out on 3 firedrills at work today, so i'm trying to pitch in now17:38
djdevvydevi mean, i followed the link17:38
stevelso i'm sort of tuned out at the moment :-(17:38
luisvdjdevvydev: good question17:38
djdevvydevbut looking for a summary17:38
luisvstevel: happens to all of us in the mixed-world17:38
djdevvydevweird mixed bag of participants: BBC, Fraunhofer, Peking U17:39
rejonwhich projects will survive, which will die....registry cage match...predictions?17:39
rejonby end of 200817:40
luisvnow I have to figure out how to get pictures off my crackberry17:41
luisvrejon: all will die; they are too far ahead of their time17:41
BrianHPIt sounds like we're shrinking the universe of "what registries can do" down to almost nothing.17:41
rejonhere is my summary: kill copyright, will survive over next 5 years, the web *is* a registry, use RDFa/ccREL17:42
rejon(oh wait, that is from my brain in a personal capacity)17:42
BrianHPSo, what, just add in an rdf: function to google?17:42
BrianHP(e.g. google search for rdf:by-sa-na)17:43
rejonwell, yahoo's searchmonkey supports RDFa...talking with google and hopefully will get RDFa support added17:43
luisv(you don't have nearly enough :s, I know that)17:43
luisvrejon: reaaaally?17:43
JoiItohaven't we discussed the possibility of creating front-ends for the copyright office?17:43
luisvmlinksva_: so, wait17:43
rejonbut...the idea is to have good solid standard, let the market solve the the time game, invest in countries with liberal copyright laws17:43
rejonor rather lax enforcement17:44
BrianHPwell, while the end result of those two (liberal law/lax enforcement) is the same, it gets troubling when you cross international borders.17:44
rejonsolve the rest with lots of guidance ;)17:44
luisvBrianHP: think big17:44
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luisvwe're better at this than your puny national governments ;)17:44
BrianHPDon't mind me, IJAL (who's been reading too much about commonlaw copyright, which is going to hang over us, barring statutory movement, until 2067 -- yeesh)17:45
luisvmlinksva_: but yeah, I thought you were pro-specialized-registry?17:45
rejonluisv: yes (way above)17:46
luisvrejon: because I really, really want to search more than flickr when I'm looking for pictures for my blog17:46
mlinksva_luisv: the web is made of specialized proto-registries (in part)17:46
luisv(needless to say, looking for CC-BY or CC-SA)17:47
rejoneach domain is a proto-registry...should just have the directy index visible for each site17:47
luisvlgonze is a troublemaker ;)17:48
rejonluisv: try the (searched flickr)...want to get/expose cc licensing switches on that17:48
rejonyah, lgonze is great17:48
luisvrejon: w/out cc licensing switch, not worth it17:48
tim_hwangstraight shot17:49
rejoncrap, maybe it works17:50
rejonhaven't tried with query string17:50
luisvoh, interesting17:50
luisvquery string would work17:50
luisvI need to sit down with one of you guys and grok CC+17:50
luisvb/c I got called away during nathany's earlier talking17:51
luisvand I'm completely lost on CC+17:51
rejoncc license + another agreement (obviously ppl. getting it wrong, which is also a problem)17:51
rejonlook at the graphic on the top17:51
rejonbasically dual licensing17:51
rejonor multiple-licensing ;)17:51
luisvmaybe I'm confusing it with cczero17:53
luisvwhich I'm also not clear on17:53
BrianHPproliferation of various CC's seem to push back against their wide adoption17:53
BrianHPthis is suppsed to be facially clear, right?17:53
luisvit has never been facially clear ;)17:54
paulproteusluisv, Feel free to talk to me about CC+ and CC0, but they're "fairly straightforward".17:54
tim_hwangyeah, proliferation is the big danger17:54
BrianHPBut that was the point of the friendly generator at cc.org17:54
rejonBrianHP: hopefully its better than without CC ;) but yes, still hard for many to explain even simple CC 6 licenses17:55
BrianHPIt seems like the largest problem is that we can have a full-day conference and still ask questions like "is noncommercial licensing even good?" how is this going to be widely adopted without having basic answers to these questions?17:55
paulproteusBrianHP, "It's easy"17:56
BrianHP(which I guess goes back to luisv's old education point.17:56
paulproteusThe people who like NC licensing can do it, and the ones who don't like it can just not use it.17:57
luisvwell, and I think to Joi's point at the very, very beginning of separating the technical and the advocacy17:57
paulproteusTa-da, we satisfy everyone by letting them satisfy themselves.17:57
paulproteusluisv, Totally.17:57
luisvthis whole discussion might be more useful if the advocacy/philosophy stuff were ruled out of bounds17:57
luisvwe need to solve/fix metadata, regardless of whether or not we have NC or not NC or whatever17:57
wseltzerand we're not really talking about metadata17:58
luisvnever will17:58
luisvit is implicit17:58
rejonopensource zero17:58
luisvthe + is implicit in GPL17:58
paulproteusluisv, I disagree17:58
paulproteusIt's definitely *not* implicit in the Linux kernel, for example.17:58
mlinksva_paulproteus: great point17:59
luisvif there is a single copyright holder, the + is implicit. If there is no single copyright holder, then '+' is problematic anyway17:59
luisvunless you have reached some sort of agreement between the copyright holders... in which case you've basically got a single copyright holder17:59
JoiItoThe definition in the license: "You may not exercise any of the rights granted to You in Section 3 above in any manner that is primarily intended for or directed toward commercial advantage or private monetary compensation. The exchange of the Work for other copyrighted works by means of digital file-sharing or otherwise shall not be considered to be intended for or directed toward commercial advantage or private monetary compensation, provided th17:59
JoiItoere is no payment of any monetary compensation in connection with the exchange of copyrighted works."17:59
JoiItoisn't THAT uncertain... I think it's more what the community feels is "exploitation" I think...17:59
wseltzera bit of noodling on metadata: is there interest in a way to tag works with statements about their copyright status, and attributions of those statements?17:59
JoiItoanyway, we should have a separate conference on NC ;-)18:00
paulproteuslol, JoiIto!18:00
paulproteusCharge for attendance this time.18:00
luisvwseltzer: XMP + RDF/a?18:00
luisvwell, + should be 'and/or'18:00
rejonomg, NC conference is when I take vacation ;)18:00
wseltzerluisv, sure18:00
JoiItoNC-CON 2008!!18:00
BrianHPBye all! thanks so much!18:01
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rejonCC-NCon 200818:01
stevellater folks18:01
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paulproteusNo, thank *you* stevel!18:01
wseltzerand perhaps the attribution of the statement is implicit in the authorship of the site where it's posted?18:01
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