Friday, 2008-06-20

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jibotdavidstrauss is "P" and not "P"01:42
davidstrauss?karma c01:43
jibotc has 1685 points01:43
rejon?karma rejon01:56
jibotrejon has 2 points01:56
rejonthat should get me some karma01:56
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hdworakis there any human-readable comprehensive list of all cc licenses ever published? including software ones?08:04
hdworakpaulproteus: regarding our previous discussion about regex for comments: this would only work for a document that does not contain CDATA08:14
hdworakbecause in CDATA such thing is allowed: <![CDATA[ <!--abc--> ]]> and the "abc" is not in a comment :) so first one has to canonicalize the XML or at least parse CDATA to PCDATA08:16
hdworakboth rel and type attributes are optional for elements "a" and "link"08:23
hdworakdo we ignore the case where someone does <link href="mylicensewithoutevenanrdfextension" /> or <a href="mylicensewithoutevenanrdfextension">under these conditions</a> ?08:24
hdworakotherwise we would have to analyse *all* the hyperlinks on a Web page08:25
hdworakcould we narrow the scope to the "link" and "a" elements that have either meta or license as one of its "rel" relationships?08:26
paulproteushdworak, Don't use regexps.09:27
paulproteusUse an XML/SGML/BeautifulSoup parser.09:27
paulproteusIt'll hand you comment objects.09:27
paulproteushdworak, Yes we ignore those - we say "No CC license found".09:28
hdworakyes, I remember we decided to use BeautifulSoup, that was just a follow-up to a theoretical discussion09:31
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jibotgreg-g is "developing" the "community" for "creative commons"09:34
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hdworakpaulproteus: can "DC.rights.license" be used as a valid link type for a license? what about "DC.rights" alone?09:39
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hdworakok, I assume it's possible, because of
hdworakdoes DC.rights in as a link type have any meaning whatsoever if no profile URI for the "head" element has been specified?09:45
hdworakI assume that <meta name="license" (w/o the "dc:" prefix) does not mean anything09:47
hdworakactually, scratch that, it seems that many people provide license information this way (20,800 hits on Google)09:48
hdworakwow, some ppl even do name="license_uri" cf.
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jibotSteren is sitting next to greg-g and from Nancy10:18
hdworakdid creativecommons ever recommended embedding/linking RDF in other form than application/rdf+xml ?10:26
hdworaklike n3, for instance10:26
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NickGarveywhat does the "by" in cc-by mean?10:28
paulproteusIt's explained if you click on a link to the license.10:28
paulproteusAttribution means "giving credit".10:28
paulproteusSo "saying who it's by".10:28
NickGarveyI mean I know what attribution means and everything the licensee needs to do - ah alright10:28
NickGarveyI wasn't sure why it was "by" instead of "at" or something10:28
paulproteusIt's an old abbreviation. (-:10:29
NickGarveyalright, thanks10:29
hdworakhey, what about rel="Copyright"10:30
hdworakis it abandonned?10:30
hdworakit's in HTML 4.01 in contrast to license10:30
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Sterenarf, interns are the first at the office10:48
SterenIt could be better if they had the key :)10:48
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jibotgreg-g is "developing" the "community" for "creative commons"10:54
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hdworakI've found the urllib's open_data is suitable for handling "data:" URL scheme10:58
paulproteushdworak, Super rad!11:01
hdworakhold on11:01
paulproteusSteren, Ouch!11:01
paulproteushdworak, I don't know re: HTML 4.01 rel="Copyright"11:01
hdworakI'm uploading a .txt that I want the contents to appear on the Wiki later on11:01
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hdworakis cc position such that the second rel="license" is equivalent to rel="alternative license" ?11:02
paulproteusI don't know rel="alternative license"11:02
paulproteusDoes rel="" say that the contents are space-separated values, like class="thing1 thing2"?11:02
hdworakyes, exactly11:03
paulproteusThen sure, I suppose it would be, although it's weird.11:03
hdworakthat was one of the flaws of nathany's regex in cctools11:03
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paulproteusajbrooks, There are still muffins etc., right?11:03
hdworakpaulproteus: could you please have a look at the questions above?11:04
hdworak1. did creativecommons ever recommended embedding/linking RDF in other form than application/rdf+xml ? like n3, for instance11:05
hdworak2. does DC.rights in as a link type have any meaning whatsoever if no profile URI for the "head" element has been specified?11:05
paulproteushdworak, I think we never did, although in principle that's valid.11:06
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paulproteusre: 111:06
hdworak3. is there any human-readable comprehensive list of all cc licenses ever published? including software ones?11:06
paulproteusre: 3: ?11:07
paulproteusI think that's the closest we get.11:07
hdworakok, how about 1 and 2?11:07
paulproteusre: 2: I don't know the DC-rights standard, but you're welcome to (a) read the docs for DC rights and (b) suggest people switch to rel="license" (or add it)11:07
paulproteusre: 1: <paulproteus> hdworak, I think we never did, although in principle that's valid.11:07
hdworakso rel="license" is just microformat?11:08
paulproteusWell, it's RDFa too.11:08
hdworakand RDFa starts with rel="cc: etc.?11:08
hdworakadditional attributes even11:08
hdworakand what about this typeof vs instanceof11:08
hdworakI see recent works that use one over another11:09
paulproteusI don't know, that's an interesting question; I'm going to head out for now.11:09
paulproteusBed Adida will know re: typeof vs. instanceof, or I can read the documentation, or you could too maybe.11:09
hdworakthe docs contradict each other11:10
hdworakthat's why I'm asking11:10
paulproteusI see.11:10
paulproteusYou know what I just realized?  There's a cc-metadata list with Ben and NY on it.11:10
hdworakon principle, I do read stuff before I come up with these questions :)11:10
paulproteusOkay (-:11:10
paulproteusIn that case, I don't know, if the docs contradict each other.11:11
hdworak vs.
hdworakboth documents at most 3 months old; one mentions instanceof but doesn't mention typeof; the other does reversal11:12
paulproteusEmail the authors and CC: me, and let them fight it out (-;11:13
paulproteusAnyway, time to go to the office.11:13
hdworakthe contents I thought would be worth putting on the wiki11:14
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jibotbovinity is brilliant11:15
hdworakwow, I've found a bug in rafb.net11:15
hdworakpaste "([^:>'"]+:" and you get "&#65279;([^:>'"]+:"11:16
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jibotftobia is head of RPI Free Culture and thinks censorship is generally to be frowned upon11:18
hdworakok, notified the author11:25
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jibotdavidstrauss is "P" and not "P"11:32
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hdworakdo you see anything wrong with <object type="application/rdf+xml" data="metadata.rdf"></object> ?11:48
hdworakwhere metadata.rdf is a file in the same folder as the document?11:48
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ftobianathany: i've got a quick buildout/entry-point question. i'll be there in a sec.11:55
bovinitysudo make me a sandwich11:55
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paulproteuslol, bovinity12:05
nathanysweet, delicious, life brining coffee12:05
nathanyer, bringing12:05
bovinitybriny coffee would be neither sweet or delicious12:05
bovinityit would eb full of rum, though12:06
nathanyseen on my facebook "wall":12:06
nathany"hung over and its only friday ??!!! ......gurl....."12:06
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bovinityajbrooks: do these second page items you sent me replace the entirety of the cclearn projects items?12:21
bovinityicons and all?12:22
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ajbrooksbovinity: yep, the search icon should apply to the tech, the people to the social -- do you know of a good icon to represent the legal paragraph?12:26
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bovinityalready have the scales of justice icon12:26
ajbrooksok sweet12:27
ajbrooksthat works12:27
bovinityajbrooks: can you edit down legal and technical? tech is way long12:29
rejon what12:34
paulproteusrejon, Ya (-:12:36
bovinityyou guys need a "danger will robinson!" sample for those sms messages12:36
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nkinkadeI'll have it play a small Buffett clip instead.12:37
bovinity"danger danger, high voltage!" etc12:38
paulproteus$ youtube-mplayer -vo null
paulproteusNext up, "Improper Dancing".12:46
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nathanycurrybot: 112:47
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nathanycurrybot: 112:47
currybotcurrybot: 112:47
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paulproteusnathany, How familiar are you with YUI?12:48
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nathanycurrybot: 112:48
currybot('DAL LOUKI \r\n\t(Chickpea lentil cooked with white squash)\r\n\tThis entr\xe9e is prepared from garlic, ginger, red onions, tomatoes, and 5C, \r\n\tGaram masala that is cardamom, cloves, cumin seed, coriander, Cinnamon.', '$5.00')12:48
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rejoncurrybot 212:48
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rejoncurrybot: 212:48
nathanyuh, yeah, it left12:48
paulproteusWe should give the currybot its own IP address.12:49
rejonoh yah ;)12:49
rejoni'm getting weird output on currybot...not sure if you guys see the hidden chars (\r\n\t)12:51
bovinityyes, it's not finished jon12:51
paulproteustechblog it12:52
rejonyou guys have attitude12:52
nathanysounds like a challenge to m e12:52
rejonto techblog it or have more attitude than nathany?12:53
nathanythe latter :)12:53
rejoni decline the attitude offer12:53
paulproteusfrom nathany import attitude12:53
rejonexport you mean12:53
paulproteusdel nathany.attitude12:54
paulproteus# muahaha, it's mine now12:54
paulproteusIf you guys aren't careful, I'm going to give the office IPv6.12:54
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bovinityclass bitchslap(nathany.attitude):12:54
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paulproteus     pass # fully implemented by superclass12:55
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nathanythank you, thank you12:55
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nathanycurrybot: 112:59
currybotDAL LOUKI12:59
currybot(Chickpea lentil cooked with white squash)12:59
currybotThis entrée is prepared from garlic, ginger, red onions, tomatoes, and 5C,12:59
currybotGaram masala that is cardamom, cloves, cumin seed, coriander, Cinnamon.12:59
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nathanycurrybot: 113:00
currybotDAL LOUKI13:00
currybot(Chickpea lentil cooked with white squash)13:00
currybotThis entrée is prepared from garlic, ginger, red onions, tomatoes, and 5C,13:00
currybotGaram masala that is cardamom, cloves, cumin seed, coriander, Cinnamon.13:00
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ftobiacurrybot: 213:00
currybot(Fresh Vegetables cooked in onions, ginger, garlic, tomato and dill hurb13:00
currybotUnlike South Indian cooks the Northern counterparts like to use the whole13:00
currybotspices to prepare and flavor the base for the vegetables. This classic13:00
currybotHimachal dish is prepared with the fresh vegetables like cauliflower,13:00
currybotpotatoes, bell peppers, mushrooms and blue lake beans with big julienne of13:00
currybotred onions, garlic and vine ripened tomatoes and then added fresh hurb.13:00
ajbrooksdo you guys have to manually update the currybot or is that data being pulled in somewhere?13:00
rejonthat is awesome...suspenseful even!13:00
ajbrooksinternet magic13:01
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rejonscraped I believe13:01
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paulproteusYay UTF-8!13:01
rejoncurrybot: order 1-2 combo13:01
paulproteusrejon, fire the photon torpedos13:02
ajbrooksI want to see the cchelpbot and the currybot fight each other13:02
paulproteuscurrybot, fire the photon torpedos13:02
rejoncurrybot: deliver 250 clara #15 12:30 PM13:02
bovinitycchelpbot is dead to me now. if it can't order lunch, what good is it.13:02
cchelpbotbovinity: Error: "is" is not a valid command.13:02
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rejonok...getting ahead of myself13:02
currybotSUBZ-E-SOA (Fresh Vegetables cooked in onions, ginger, garlic, tomato and dill hurb curry) Unlike South Indian cooks the Northern counterparts like to use the whole spices to prepare and flavor the base for the vegetables. This classic Himachal dish is prepared with the fresh vegetables like cauliflower, potatoes, bell peppers, mushrooms and blue lake beans with big julienne of red onions, garlic and vine ripened tomatoes and then13:02
nathanycurrybot: help13:03
currybotNo help here; guess you're SOL.13:03
paulproteus?google "unlike SOUTH INDIAN cooks"13:03
jibotSearch for "unlike SOUTH INDIAN cooks": 0.107 seconds. Showing first 1 of 1 sites13:03
jibotMehfil Indian Dine In Lunch Menu -
paulproteusMan, I ran out of space on the OpenWRT.13:05
paulproteusAnd I thought 1.2M was enough for anybody.13:06
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nkinkad1paulproteus: I even had to uninstall some things on the office route the other day.13:09
paulproteusnkinkad1, I just uninstalled nano.13:10
paulproteusStill not enough space, anyway.13:10
nkinkad1What are you trying to install?13:10
paulproteusipkg install kmod-ipv613:11
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paulproteusnkinkad1, Do you know where the NAT scripts/config is on this thing?13:15
nkinkad1I think pretty much everything can be found in /etc/config/13:16
nkinkad1Is it not in there somewhere?13:16
paulproteusI don't see it.13:17
paulproteusBut maybe it's implicit rather than explicit.13:17
nkinkad1paulproteus: /etc/init.d/firewall13:19
paulproteusI guess that's what "forward" does.  Okay.13:19
nkinkad1I thought there was a special NAT table?13:20
nathanynkinkad1: any objections to me running an IRC bot from one of the servers?13:20
nkinkad1There a section in that file ### MASQ13:21
nathany(in particular,;a=summary)13:21
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paulproteusnathany, You're twisted.13:22
nathanythank you13:22
ajbrookspaulproteus: how long does it take events to show up on the map?13:23
paulproteusajbrooks, They never show up currently.13:23
paulproteusIt should be refreshed every hour.13:23
paulproteusBut there's a confusing mismatch between SMW and the CSV exporter nathany wrote that I tried to debug yesterday but just emailed the SMW list about instead.13:24
paulproteusI'm hoping they'll answer yesterday or today; if not, I'll do something by Monday.13:24
ajbrooksok cool - thanks13:24
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jibotjgay is
ajbrookshas the teamspace smw been upgraded or changed at all recently? my presentation fact boxes aren't showing up anymore13:27
nkinkad1ajbrooks: Yes, it was lately upgraded from 1.1.1 to
nkinkad1But I doubt that has anything to do with your issue.  It was just a security update.13:29
ajbrookshmm.. I'm not sure what happened, I haven't changed anything to the presentation form or template that would explain it13:30
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jgayajbrooks: I'm using SMW a lot these days -- it's great13:34
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jibotdavidstrauss is "P" and not "P"13:34
jgaydavidstrauss: you should be P and NP :-)13:35
paulproteusnkinkade, nathany, Don't look now, but your wireless network interfaces have fully-fledged IPv6 address.13:36
paulproteusEveryone else too.13:37
paulproteusping6 www.kame.net13:37
ajbrooksjgay: smw = rad13:37
jgayajbrooks: yeah, especially when combined with semantic forms :-)13:38
jgayI'm helping to create this site -- people submit and edit educational resources with the same form. I'ts pretty awesome.13:39
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ajbrookshow'd that wikijam go, btw?13:41
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jgayajbrooks: it went well. We had about a dozen people turn up and move over hundreds of books to the new site13:48
jgaywe are getting close to relaunch -- as soon as we have reviews added to the books we'll be good to go (and some general rewrite of front page text, etc)13:49
paulproteusjgay, Wow, totally awesome.13:49
paulproteusnkinkade, If you have a sec, try: ping6
nkinkadenkinkade@npk:~$ ping6
nkinkadePING 56 data bytes13:50
nkinkade64 bytes from 2001:4860:0:2001::68: icmp_seq=1 ttl=59 time=445 ms13:50
paulproteusWelcome to the network of networks.13:51
jgayajbrooks: paulproteus one important thing I'm working from for books and using semantic mediawiki, is to figure out a good subset of ERIC for online educational resources13:51
jgaythat way we can all share, essentially, the same tag clouds13:51
jgayand all be pulling form ERIC13:51
paulproteusjgay, Interesting, /me loads13:51
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nathanyhello, currybot13:56
nathanycurrybot: hello!13:57
nathanycurrybot: fail13:57
nathanycurrybot: 313:57
currybotMURGA DAHIWALA (Boneless chicken cubes cooked red onions, tomatoes, and yogurt) This dish comes from Northern Part of India. The boneless chicken pieces are marinated overnight in plain yogurt with a little rock salt. The base is prepared in red onions, tomatoes, ginger, garlic, cumin, and cardamom turmeric. The marinated chicken is added to it along with the marinade and cooked.13:57
currybot$ 5.0013:57
bovinitycurrybot: i can haz curry plz13:57
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nathanycurrybot: hello!13:58
currybotnathany: mmm... curry...13:58
ftobiacurrybot: 114:00
currybotDAL LOUKI (Chickpea lentil cooked with white squash) This entrée is prepared from garlic, ginger, red onions, tomatoes, and 5C, Garam masala that is cardamom, cloves, cumin seed, coriander, Cinnamon.14:00
paulproteuscurrybot, price of sandwiches in fridge14:00
bovinitycurrybot: 414:00
currybotTOMATO CINNAMON MEATBALL MASALA (CHEF’S SPECIAL)  Home made Beef meatballs Braised in Fresh garlic, ginger, onions, and Roma Tomatoes Finished in a Masala of roasted Cinnamon Bark. An Excellent infusion With an Indian Flavor. This dish was specially created for the all season.14:00
bovinitycurrybot: 514:01
currybotbovinity: mmm... curry...14:01
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paulproteusIt really is the Summer of Curry Code.14:02
paulproteuscurrybot, Are you written in ML?14:02
nathanypaulproteus: currybot is in git :)14:03
paulproteusI saw, I jest. (-:14:04
paulproteusnathany, What's the v6 address of your laptop?  I want to SSH in from Japan. (-:14:04
paulproteus(Or do I have an account?  I forget.)14:04
nathanyno account, no idea what the address is14:04
nathanypaulproteus: bovinity: ftobia: etc -- curry?14:05
paulproteusnathany, Aww re: no account14:05
paulproteusnathany, I'm thinking more leftovers.14:06
ftobianathany: yeah the curry sounds good but the fridge is packed with food i don't have to pay for.14:06
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jibotgreg-g is "developing" the "community" for "creative commons"14:23
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paulproteusnathany, wow, I'm missing out on something over there15:07
nathanyso are we, apparently15:07
nathanyi just heard jenn's laughter15:07
rejonpaulproteus: are the bikes at the office still? curious...15:20
paulproteusrejon, Mine is, and one other is.15:21
paulproteusLooks like a fixie - whose is that one?15:21
bovinitymine would be in the office, if i thought it would fit into the elevator15:21
rejonpaulproteus: joi's15:22
paulproteusHuh, okay.15:23
rejonyah, he let me borrow it, but I figure good to just leave at cc office for anytime ppl. need to go to meetings, etc15:23
paulproteusMan, it's probably in amazing shape.15:24
paulproteusI need to take "mine" to get tuned up so the chain stops slipping.15:24
paulproteusIt's funny how neither of those bikes belongs to either of us.15:24
bovinityneed to adjust my chain this weekend..15:24
hdworaknathany: was link type Copyright (which exists in HTML 4.01) ever used in context of licences? if no, why? if yes, was it related to cc?15:26
hdworaklink = the link15:26
nathanyhdworak: i don't believe it was ever used for CC licenses because it suffered the same problem as dc:rights -- lack of clear expectation re: contents15:27
paulproteusSounds like something my mom would say.15:28
hdworaknathany: vs.
hdworaknathany: both of the above documents are at most 3 months old; one mentions instanceof but doesn't mention typeof; the other does reversal15:28
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hdworaknathany: so what's the deal with typeof and instanceof?15:29
nathanyi believe instanceof was replaced by typeof15:29
nathanyjust read the CR document15:29
nathanysince the other is a draft15:29
nathanyhdworak: ^^15:30
hdworakyes, thank you15:30
nathanynp :)15:31
hdworaknathany: does DC.rights in a link type have any meaning whatsoever if no profile URI for the "head" element has been specified? (yes, I've read the HTML spec that says authors SHOULD use profile for link types that are not defined in HTML)15:31
nathanyi'm not really sure15:32
nathanyI mean, presumably it has *some* meaning, but you can't say very well what it is15:32
hdworakbasically, my question is: if I see no profile="" in the "head" element can I treat rel="DC.rights" as rel="foobar" ?15:32
nathanywell are you asking specifically about dc:rights, or about rel="..." (RDFa) in general?15:32
hdworakabout link types in general15:33
nathanyyes, you "should" use a profile for HTML, but in reality it's not uncommon to find annotated documents w/o the profile15:33
hdworakis it semantically valid to interpret this as the real DC.rights if no profile has been specified?15:33
nathanysorry if i missed something -- are you referring to <head> links or to RDFa?15:34
hdworakI'm referring to <head profile="" and its relation to not-contained-in-HTML-specs link types15:35
hdworakthat are used in rel="" in a and link15:35
hdworakthis issue is not bound to RDFa as I see it15:35
nathanywell I was asking because RDFa has a profile="" you can use, but we shouldn't depend on that turn on/off rdfa processing15:36
nathany(that was why i asked)15:36
nathanywrt dc.rights, i don't know15:36
hdworakok, I'm not that into RDFa yet, I've just read some primers15:37
nathanymy instinct is to say that it doesn't matter since we don't use or care about dc:rights15:37
nathanyyou could probably take a middle position by displaying the information (when no profile exists) and warning users15:37
nathanybut that seems like a real edge case15:37
hdworakwell, as far as I understand things the validator was supposed to dump all the data it could (not related to the license) based on the RDF in a table?15:38
hdworakbut it's true that it's of second importance from the validator pov15:38
nathanywell we always showed additional information (like title, etc), but I don't think we want to build a general purpose RDFa/metadata-in-pages validator15:38
nathanypaulproteus, feel free to jump in if you think i'm mis-characterizing things15:39
* paulproteus is listening and feels okay so far15:39
hdworakok, cool, I'm just trying to understand things I'm dealing with :)15:39
paulproteusnathany, re: dc.rights:15:39
hdworakI'm writing tests atm15:39
paulproteusIt would be nice to pick up on that metadata and say, "Hey, use RDFa".15:39
hdworakdecided to make a Python script for that15:39
hdworakpaulproteus: yes, but just detecting stuff and saying "you're using deprecated methods" is one thing15:40
hdworakthe other being proposing what equivalent RDFa should look like15:40
paulproteus"Best effort" is fine.15:41
hdworakand the third being pointing out errors in deprecated methods (now I do NOT mean stating that they are deprecated) - like if someone declared by-nc-nd and then messed the permits stuff in RDF15:41
paulproteushdworak, Right, sure15:41
paulproteusre: second: I mean, if you detect a CC license URL in dc.rights, say, "I *think* this is what you mean..."15:41
hdworakhave you seen that plain text I've linked before?15:42
hdworakthat's pretty much a roadmap for test cases15:42
* hdworak welcomes suggestions wrt15:43
* paulproteus reads it now15:43
paulproteusLooks okay to me.15:44
hdworak<a href="" xmlns:cc="" rel="cc:license">...</a>15:44
hdworakis this something akward or I've missed something?15:44
hdworakaside of instead of of course15:45
paulproteusThat's fine, but you don't need the xmlns since license is an XHTML reserved word (as I understand things).15:45
hdworakyes, exactly15:45
hdworakthat's why it felt strange15:45
hdworakand cc:license actually defines the license15:46
hdworaknot work15:46
* hdworak is a bit confused15:46
paulproteusI don't understand your confusion.15:46
hdworakwhen would we have rel="cc:Work"?15:47
paulproteusI dunno, that's weird.15:48
hdworakmaybe if I would like to describe using RDFa?15:48
nathanyhdworak: cc:Work is a "type"15:48
hdworakor should I use about=""?15:49
nathanyso you might do something like15:49
nathany(i'm actually not sure what context i'd write that in... but you wouldn't do rel="cc:Work", just like you wouldn't do rel="cc:License"15:49
hdworakok, so typeof="cc:Work" but rel="cc:license" ?15:49
hdworakok, so that was my question15:50
hdworak<a href="" xmlns:cc="" rel="cc:license">...</a>15:50
nathanyyes, but the important thing is, it doesn't matter :)15:50
hdworakif the above is ok?15:50
nathanythat's fine15:50
nathanyyou don't even need cc:license, though; license is fine15:50
nathany(the cc schema states that cc:license == dc:license == xhtml:license)15:50
hdworakrdf:sameAs ?15:50
nathanyyes, and owl: (er, i forget -- same thing, though, declaring equivalence)15:51
hdworakno, wait15:52
hdworakI've spotted it now15:52
hdworakowl:sameAs, right15:52
hdworak<a href="" rel="cc:Work">my work</a>15:54
hdworakwhy is this erroneous?15:54
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nathanyit's not wrong, hdworak, it just doesn't make much sense15:59
paulproteushdworak, Work is a class.15:59
Sterennathany: I'm currently working on bringing the task/project tracking system to the world. I try to export the structure.16:00
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hdworakok, so it is in no relation to the document?16:00
paulproteusSteren, FWIW, Students for Free Culture would be happy to have it also...16:00
hdworakwould that mean: has the following relation to the document you are just reading - it is a work16:02
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paulproteushdworak, Your last statement made me laugh!16:35
paulproteusIt's hilarious.  Also, I think it means, "$DOCUMENT_YOU_ARE_READING has cc:Work of $HREF_OF_THE_ANCHOR_TAG."16:35
paulproteusWhich makes no sense.16:35
paulproteusIt's even less sensible than what you said!16:36
hdworakyes, like using work as the predicate16:36
paulproteusYes, run screaming from that; it makes no sense at all!16:36
hdworakI'm not saying it makes sense, I just want to understand things :)16:36
* hdworak runs screaming16:36
hdworakactually, I need to keep my voice down, 'cause it's almost midnight here16:37
hdworakok, there's a bug in that plain text file of mine16:42
hdworakmeta elements should have content="" not href="" naturally16:42
Sterennkinkade and nathany : can you tell me if you've receive any notification email16:48
mecredisrejon: there?16:48
nkinkadeSteren: I haven't yet, but Google Apps is a bit slow.16:48
rejonmecredis: what up16:49
mecredisdid Chris D from Google give you a AC/DC Lenovo thing?16:49
rejonis that yours?16:49
mecredisits mine16:49
mecredispoor little guy is so dead16:49
rejonthought i had a new one16:49
mecredisyeah, its ridiculous16:49
mecredisyou can't actually buy that unit16:50
mecredisthe one they send you from the site is 3 prong w/ ground16:50
mecredisits totally insane16:50
mecredisI mean you can just use your own cable for it16:50
rejonyah, do you want me to mail it to you?16:50
mecredisyeah, that'd be great16:50
nkinkadeSteren: I just received the email.16:51
Sterennkinkade: an New task or a Updated task ?16:52
nkinkadeAs an update, I think.16:52
nkinkade"[Teamspace] Task updated: Install Semantic Tasks"16:52
rejonmecredis: send me your addy in email :)16:55
Sterennkinkade: nathany :16:56
Sterenok, so I just found a bug. I think it doesn't parse the new page, but the one before the edit.16:56
SterenThat explains why : When creating a new page, no mail are sent. When adding someone to the project, he doesn't receive any mail16:56
nkinkadeSteren: Can you do the email sending stuff at some hook that gets called later in the process?16:57
SterenI'm looking at it16:59
mecredisrejon: sure17:02
Sterennkinkade: to test the reminders, can you run "extensions/SemanticTasks/ST_CheckForReminders.php"17:03
paulproteus(can't we just give poor Steren a shell?)17:04
nkinkadeThat would be the best thing.17:05
Sterengreat it works17:05
nkinkadeBut it emitted an error:17:05
nkinkade php ./ST_CheckForReminders.php17:05
nkinkadesendmail: fatal: No recipient addresses found in message header17:05
nkinkadeST check for reminders17:05
Sterenyes, the subject is strange17:05
SterenI made a mistake with the subject17:06
rejonbovinity: did you ever get a chance  to think/create icon for case studies project?17:06
rejonthe launch is now upon us next week17:06
Sterenthanks, Ill correct all these17:06
paulproteusnathany, Wow, we look great in
paulproteusEven Herbert looks nice and bright!17:07
nkinkadeSteren: You've now got an account a6 ... you should be able to login with the same private key you use for svn and git.17:10
paulproteusShould/can we give him sudo so he can toy with the teamspace conf?  (I vote yes.)17:10
nathanypaulproteus: i know, definitely captures something about our interactions17:15
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paulproteusSo does you leaving after saying that.17:15
nkinkadeSteren:  The RSA fingerprint for a6's is: 4d:29:e1:48:7f:84:c4:53:d4:73:26:89:87:56:2c:4d17:15
nkinkadeJust so you don't fall into some evil trap that paulproteus may have set while he was gunking around in the router earlier.17:16
paulproteusDon't worry, I also capture the IRC traffic.17:16
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nkinkadeI figured as much. ;-)17:16
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nkinkadeSteren:  I'm getting some emails with crazy subjects.  For example:17:17
nkinkade[Teamspace] Reminder: Blog/CopyLeft Electronic MusicBlog/FonstructBlog/Insecurity MovieBlog/WordleCall/email Hal PlotkinContact Blake Whitman/VimeoFeatured Commoners/DeviantArtFinish data-entry from eventFinish writing financial protocolInstall Semantic Tasks17:17
SterenI know17:17
nkinkadeOkay, just making sure.17:17
paulproteusnkinkade, is a good time I hear.17:17
Sterenand the days are not correct17:17
paulproteusI haven't actually used it, but this is the thing that my friend showed his high school IT folks to make sure they realized sniffing on the network was not a "theoretical" attack.17:18
paulproteus"Ettercap also has the ability to actively or passively find other poisoners on the LAN."17:18
nkinkadeI've been wanting to play around with it ever since that conversation we had.17:18
paulproteusThat's interesting.17:18
paulproteusYes, and I wanted to remind you to do so! (-:17:19
paulproteusInvite me when you do (-:17:19
nkinkadeBut first I want to play around with aircrack_ng to see how fast I can break into the wlan here.17:19
nkinkadeYou said 20 minutes for you?17:19
paulproteusI *think* so.17:19
nkinkadeWhat tool were you using?17:19
paulproteusI think aircrack_ng.17:19
paulproteusYes, aircrack_ng.17:20
paulproteusAnd packetforge-ng to create an ARP packet to exploit the known-plaintext attack strategy.17:20
nkinkadeThat's all just a matter of waiting for a while, but Ettercap might prove more fun.17:21
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nkinkadeBut I'd still like to know how to use aircrack_ng, just to have an idea what it really requires for someone to break into a WEP wlan.17:22
* paulproteus nods17:22
paulproteusI followed a modified version of or something.17:22
nkinkadeIs that modified module really necessary?17:24
nkinkadeOr was that something else altogether?17:24
paulproteusThe modified module is necessary, yes.17:25
paulproteusFor some reason I don't understand, these patches for injection rarely hit the kernel mainline.17:25
paulproteusHonestly, I don't know why.17:25
paulproteusMaybe everyone's too afraid to submit them?17:25
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paulproteusI think orinoco_cs can maybe do injection with the mainline driver.17:26
nkinkadeThe aircrack_ng man pages didn't mention anything about needing a modified wireless driver.17:27
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rejon1greg-g and tim_hwang:
nkinkadeSteren: Melissa just told me that she just got about 7 or 8 emails for tasks that aren't even related to her.17:33
nkinkadeShould I disable the extension until we can work out a few of the bugs.  The emails are harmless, but if she got 7 or 8 then I'm assuming that lots of other people are getting emails accidentally.17:33
SterenI was thinking about this17:33
Sterenin fact it's only the reminders that sent those mails17:33
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Sterenbut yes, disable the extension for the moment17:34
nkinkadeSteren: Now that you've got a login, you could disable it. ;-)17:34
nkinkadeBut I'll be happy to do it as well.  Just let me know if you'd prefer me to do it for now.17:35
paulproteusCheck out the tags.17:35
paulproteusWow, these reviews are amazing.17:35
nkinkadebovinity: Do you know anything about the "oldskins" directory in the CC wiki?  Do you know if it's safe to blast it to smithereens.17:39
parkerhigginspaulproteus: this is great.  the discussions of it are also really funny17:39
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nkinkadepaulproteus: You sure do end up in some of the craziest, mouldy recesses of the Internet.  What possessed you to visit that page?17:41
nkinkadeDo you own a Denon receiver even?17:41
paulproteusNaturally, friends at
nkinkadeOr chatter on one of the dozens of IRC channels, or hundreds of email lists you are probably on.17:42
paulproteusnkinkade, Luckily I just emailed cc-staff-sf a link.17:42
paulproteus"After the Denon helicopter and armed delivery guards left"...17:42
paulproteus  If time travel is your thing, there is just no way to get the flux17:44
paulproteus  capacitor to fire correctly without this cable. Well worth the17:44
paulproteus  money.17:44
parkerhigginsmy favorite is the first line of the first one:17:44
parkerhiggins"A caution to people buying these: if you do not follow the "directional markings" on the cables, your music will play backwards. Please check that before mentioning it in your reviews. "17:44
paulproteusThe "Discussion" (incl. anti-aging) is good also.17:45
paulproteus?google "In appreciation we named our first nine children 'Denon'"17:46
jibotGoogle does not know anything about "In appreciation we named our first nine children 'Denon'". I'm sorry Dave, I don't have enough information.17:46
Sterennkinkade: I can't go through ssh on a6. My password is the same than for git repository ?17:47
paulproteus(a) check username, (b) not password but SSH key17:47
nkinkadeSteren: Sorry.  I forgot to tell you your username.  It's just simply: steren17:48
nkinkadeBut as paulproteseesh mentioned, the ssh key you are using for git and subversion should get you in.17:49
nkinkadeIt's possible you could have to specify which key to use with -i17:50
paulproteusFWIW by default ssh tries all the keys it knows17:50
paulproteusnkinkade, You missed the leading "ssh-rsa " characters in his key.17:52
paulproteus(I fixed it)17:53
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paulproteus<MiaoMing> "Although the anti-aging claims are true, I am somewhat disappointed that my skin is now almost identical to one of my wife's handbags."17:54
nkinkadepaulproteus: I didn't know that SSH would try every key it knew about.17:54
paulproteusssh -vvv shows it doing that17:54
paulproteus(Maybe fewer -v also)17:54
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paulproteusiirc you can go through a lot of keys in one SSH connection attempt, making brute-forcing using the weak Debian keys easier.17:55
nkinkadeI've watched it go through available auth mechanisms, but I didn't know it was start trying every private you've got in .ssh17:57
nkinkadeI though it would try id_dsa and/or is_rsa and then that was it.17:57
paulproteusOh, good point.17:58
paulproteus(a) the conf can probably make it try more, but17:58
nkinkadeBut you are saying that if I had a key in there named .ssh/my_crazy_private_key_name that it woudl try it automatically17:58
hdworak here <meta is used for a link17:58
paulproteus(b) What I really meant was, "If you can get in somewhere without ssh -i, you won't need it for the same key anywhere else."17:58
nkinkadeThe man page simply says "The default is ~/.ssh/identity for protocol version 1, and ~/.ssh/id_rsa and ~/.ssh/id_dsa for protocol version 2."17:58
paulproteusnkinkade, Yeah, sorry, I mis-spoke when I was thinking of my statement (b).17:58
hdworakwhereas "2.4 Linking to other resources" reads "Where the value of a property is the URI of another resource (as is typically the case with the DC.relation element for example) an alternative form of encoding using the XHTML <link> element is preferred."17:59
greg-grejon: downloaded an album from, extracted the .zip, and its a mess.  see:
rejonyah, greg-g: those macosx extra bits18:00
Sterennkinkade: I have sudo rights, but I don't know what my password is.18:00
paulproteusSteren, Feel free to go bug him in person (-:18:01
greg-grejon: shall I email Kenric?18:01
rejonyah, good to do: info@overlap.org18:02
rejonalso, in #fabricatorz18:03
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nkinkadepaulproteus: Do you know much about "non-fast forward" updates with git?18:43
paulproteusnkinkade, Sure, need a hand with them?18:43
paulproteusThey're called "merges" and if they happen automatically you should be okay.18:43
paulproteusLook at gitk for more info, as always.18:43
paulproteusBut feel free to just tell me to come there.18:43
nkinkadeI got an error when pushing a bunch of commits.18:44
nkinkadeThe error was related to master, but I'm not sure how anything in master got updated since I'm working on a branch ... or maybe I have a fundamental misunderstanding about git.  Or maybe I did something really wrong.  Or both.18:45
nkinkadeDo you have a second.18:45
paulproteusnkinkade, ya18:45
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DanL-anyone around?19:49
paulproteusDanL-, Sure.20:03
DanL-do you know if there's a good CC definition (outside of on the licenses themselves) for "non-commercial"?20:05
paulproteusDanL-, Basically, it's not very tightly defined.20:05
paulproteusThe reason for that is that it's very subjective.20:05
paulproteusWhich in some ways isn't a very helpful answer.  There are guidelines CC has published, but they're not an official opinion.20:06
paulproteus has those from two or three yeras ago.20:06
DanL-that's okay20:07
DanL-It's hard to do a westlaw search on this20:07
DanL-the question is rather narrow but the wealth of information broad20:07
DanL-wow some of this is non-sensical20:10
DanL- B320:10
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paulproteusYo ftobia.20:13
DanL-any idea what that is trying to say?20:13
ftobiayo paulproteus20:13
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jibotgreg-g is "developing" the "community" for "creative commons"21:08
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greg-ghiya :)21:33
rejongot the bike ;)\21:33
paulproteusrejon-- # self-promotion21:33
rejonis there a list of rules for points?21:33
greg-g"the bike" == from that shop or joi's?21:33
paulproteusThe shop I imagine21:33
rejon(paulproteus--)-- for being jibots cronie21:33
rejonno, office21:33
rejonalready getting casestudy notices:
paulproteusOh, icey.21:34
greg-g?karma (paulproteus--)21:34
jibot(paulproteus--) has -1 points21:34
paulproteusgreg-g, I think rejon doesn't like the "scare quotes".21:34
rejoni don't know what you are talking about21:34
* paulproteus whistles idly21:34
rejonyah, well we got ice cream from the mission21:34
greg-g'twas good21:35
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rejonjibot: --rejon21:53
rejon?karma rejon21:53
jibotrejon has 3 points21:53
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isforinsectsHello all23:12
isforinsectsI have a very interesting terms of use document that I would like to discuss.23:12
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paulproteusisforinsects, What's it like?23:44
isforinsectsA very large educational resource called ALEX with what looks like a CC-by-nc plus an only educational use clause23:45
isforinsectspaulproteus: So here's the scoop.  SJ and I are working up some kind of workflow for our volunteers who find material that don't have acceptable licenses.23:45
paulproteusDebian-style (-:23:46
isforinsects(btw, I just missed the last train, so I'm here for the night)23:46
isforinsectsDoes debian have something similar?23:46
paulproteusI'm sure you could crash on a couch at Random or something.23:46
paulproteusBut there are worse places than 1cc to be for a night probably.23:47
isforinsectsI'm back from NYC or Virginia or wherever else I was when I talked to you last.23:47
isforinsects1cc does have a damn comfortable couch23:47
paulproteusMany luminaries have likely slept there. (-:23:47
paulproteusAnyway, Debian has unacceptable licenses at least.23:47
paulproteusI don't know of a written, explicit process for asking upstream to change license.23:47
paulproteusBut they (we...) do try.23:47
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isforinsectsSo yeah.  We're gonna do it.23:49
isforinsectsI am really good at finding new tasks like this *sigh*23:49
isforinsectsHence my need to create processes for others to contribute to them, instead of my trying to finish all of them (not going to happen)23:49
paulproteusHow are you tracking the state of these communications?23:50
paulproteusThe standard Debian way is to CC: a bug tracker email that publicly archives the email.23:50
paulproteusThat way someone can (a) know what was done, and (b) pick up where it was left off later.23:51
paulproteusDebian historically isn't big on task sharing, but the past few years have seen quite some changes to that.23:51
isforinsectsback, sorry23:53
isforinsectsGetting used to Mac os again23:53
paulproteusSorry to hear that (-:23:53
isforinsectsI don't know if I am going to set up an RT email ticket system or if I am going to get people to explicitly document communication (not as nice as RT)23:54
isforinsectsYeah, well it's a media editing machine for video from 1cc23:54
paulproteusRT is a pain and not public by default and has complicated UI.23:54
paulproteusMaybe you'll like the SMW-based task tracking stuff CC is releasing soon.23:54
isforinsectsI'm not entirely sure how I feel about using Propietary software for media editing, but the *nix equivalents aren't as nice.  I would like to improve said projects, but one thing at a time.23:55
paulproteusMaybe CC's tech intern focusing on it could do an email interface later. (-;23:55
paulproteusYes, one thing at a time.23:55
isforinsectsWe're FINALLY gettin smw going here.23:55
isforinsectsPlease tell me more!23:55
paulproteusWell, it's pretty straightforward - a Template:Task and Form:Task and Category:Task, and some slick templates for easy user "What tasks am I working on?" pages.23:55
paulproteusKeep in mind, I still dislike all task tracking systems. (-;23:56
paulproteusIt might be easy/interesting to support an API of either Trac or Bugzilla actually so we can pretend to existing tools it's one of those.23:56
paulproteusIt's mostly the work of Nathan Yergler, but Steren Giannnini is assigned this summer to work on improvements.23:56
isforinsectsHrrm, shiny.23:57
isforinsectsWe've been having conversations about Magic Pixie Dust off and on, and getting SMW going here on our wiki (which is awfully messy)23:57
paulproteusIt just got support for being able to subscribe by email to a "project" (group of tasks) and to see when a task assigned to you gets updated.23:58
paulproteusIt's not very hard.23:58
paulproteusYou install SMW and the SF form extension.23:58
paulproteusAnd then, like, you're done.23:58

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