Wednesday, 2008-04-30

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rejonnathany and paulproteus: any ideas on automating having some slice of time to show current tasks10:06
rejonI like the new completed date10:06
nathanywell the question is what constitutes "current"10:06
rejonbut wish we could have something like completed date - 7 days10:06
rejonlike the weekly call10:06
nathanyso things completed in the last 7 days?10:06
rejonI mean NEW/in-progress10:06
nathanywait, completed in the last 7 days is not the same as new/in-progress10:07
nathanywe could do something that showed "completed in the last 7 days" i think10:07
rejonI mean last 7 days of new/in-progress and then also the last 7 days of completed10:07
nathanythe last half is easy10:07
nathanythe first half is hard -- it shouldn't be *all* new/in-progress, but things that've been touched10:08
rejon[[Target date:=>{{#time:j F Y|-7 days}}]] [[Target date:=<{{CURRENTDAY}} {{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTYEAR}}]]10:08
rejonthe parser function doesn't work, but the template functions work10:08
rejonor rather, template variables (bad words from me today)10:08
nathanyright, but we're not talking about target date, are we? the target could be a month out, but i may be working on it now10:09
rejonright, that is old10:09
rejonthe basic problem is just an easy way to get a slice of time so a date doesn't have to be entered manually each time10:10
rejonthus, then have the automated weekly view....yes!10:10
nathanyi'm sorry, i haven't had enough coffee to think about this -- i still think you have an outstanding problem of figuring out what's been "touched" in the past 7 days10:11
rejonhahaha :)10:13
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rejonnathany: I'm not so concerned with what has been touched, but more of the dates a task has been completed and is being worked on, which is easier to track...10:26
nathanyrejon: right, but what i'm saying is, how do you know what's being worked on?10:27
nathanyi'm saying that tasks which have been "touched" is one possible way -- like you left a comment about state or something10:27
paulproteusMornin', all.10:28
nathanyand i'm also saying that target date is not the way because that's the date you're trying to complete by10:28
nathanymorning paulproteus10:28
rejonyo paulproteus10:28
rejonnathany: right, which is why I like the completed date10:28
rejonoh, from the template can get the last mod time10:28
rejonor rather a template var10:28
rejonbut still would need a way to get a slice of time10:28
rejoni've hit a wall with it10:29
nathanyit's on our radar, but not high priority (even wrt other SMW tasks)10:29
rejonits a high priority for me...ok, well, I guess I'm not annoyed with it enough to fix at this point, and can still edit manually...10:40
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paulproteusnathany, The empty has a plus button.11:32
paulproteusankitg_cc_sg, Hi!11:32
paulproteusLemme dig up those headers for you. (-:11:32
paulproteus works11:33
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paulproteusThe MediaWiki git-svn import is taking forever, but I really, really look forward to this.11:42
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ankitg_cc_sgpaulproteus, sorry having a bad internet connection ...11:57
ankitg_cc_sgpaulproteus, would be great if you could just email me once you're done ... no rush (-:11:58
paulproteusOkay, cool. (-:11:58
paulproteusIf I haven't gotten to it within a few hours bug me again.11:58
ankitg_cc_sgpaulproteus, sure ... I live to bug you (-:11:58
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paulproteusnathany, So if I have my own checkout of this Selenium RC recipe that I had to modify (I did have to, honest) that I want my buildout scripts to find, what's the way to do that?12:45
paulproteusI can put it into git-svn or just leave a tarball somewhere or whatever.12:45
paulproteusI emailed my patch to the maintainer so hopefully he'll just accept it, but I don't want to rely on that for now.12:45
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nathanypaulproteus: its a sad commentary that i'm listening to Michael Jackson's Bad and i'm surprised when the opening lyric is not "your butt is wide, well mine is too"13:00
nathanytoo much weird al, i guess13:01
paulproteusYou know it.13:01
paulproteusnathany, What about asking to pull from a different URL?13:01
nathanya different URL for... a dependency?13:01
Bovinityi have an urge to go download bad and thriller now...13:01
nathanydependency_links=[...] iirc13:02
nathanyBovinity: Amazon has the "Number 1s" collection in the MP3 store13:02
Bovinityoh, and smooth criminal13:02
nathany(which is where I picked it up Monday, along with Prince's best hits)13:02
paulproteusnathany, Will that require an egg, or will it be able to live with finding a tar.gz?13:03
nathanypaulproteus: it will prefer an egg, but will fall back to a tgz13:03
nathanyyou can also do some semi-weird stuff with having it checkout from svn on demand for you, too13:04
nathanywell, not really weird, just "woah"13:04
paulproteusnkinkade, When you get a chance, please go through that git tutorial I linked yesterday <> and let me know what you make of it.13:15
paulproteus , that is.13:16
nkinkadeI actually had gone through that one from home about a week ago.13:16
Bovinityhmm, the amazon mp3 downloader reminds me of the emusic one13:16
nkinkadeBut interestingly, not 5 minutes ago I looked through the #cc logs to find that URL.13:16
paulproteusOh, awesome.13:16
paulproteusThen they say chapters 1 and 2 of are good to do next.13:17
paulproteusI'm preparing the MW git-svn stuff, which is why I thought of it again.13:17
paulproteus(About which I'm extremely excited.)13:17
nkinkadeSo, I was upgrading the other wikis, and then my goal was going to be to figure out git-svn and how to get the wiki stuff into a repository that I can later 'git pull' easily.13:17
nkinkadeOh, nevermind on what I said then.13:17
nkinkadeExcept the last part.13:18
* paulproteus nods13:18
paulproteusIt's probably worth learning git-svn for other stuff, but pretty much all I've done is the standard git-svn import.13:21
paulproteusI had to fiddle with one setting to get it to only pull the phase3/ directory in (if you recall MW's svn repo layout...).13:21
paulproteusI suggest what we do is that you be the one to do the import for SMW or something.13:21
nkinkadepaulproteus: I'm not sure an import can be done for SMW, since as far as I know SMW doesn't have their code in a subversion repository for general use.13:23
nkinkadeThough I guess we could put it up in our own.13:23
paulproteusUh, I'm pretty sure they're hosted in MW's repository.13:23
paulproteusIn extensions/13:23
paulproteusSame with Semantic Forms as I recall.13:23
nkinkadeCould be.  But it was just a day or to ago that Nathan was grumbling about this, too.13:23
nkinkadeHow recent is that?13:23
paulproteusOh, yes, their repository layout + lack of discipline with branches etc. is really brain-damaged.13:23
paulproteusDon't get me wrong about *that*.13:24
paulproteusI've been using that for months over at SFC.13:24
nkinkadeI like the offlineimap emits so much info to stdout.  I feel more confident about what it's doing when I can see what is happening, to some extent.13:25
paulproteusBTW, make sure you're on the latest version.13:26
nkinkadeI'm using whichever version was in Etch .... 4.0.1413:29
nkinkadeIt seems to have version creep about like Semantic Forms.  Unless my eyes are deceiving me it has gone from 4.0.12 on 3/15 to 5.99.11 on 4/17.13:32
nkinkadeOh, wait.  Two diff. branches, it seems.13:32
BovinityVincent Price really makes Thriller all the more awesome.13:46
nathanyuh, duh13:56
nathanyML and I decided to punt on completely revising the question "more info" text13:57
nathanythat'll go into the next round13:57
nathanybut thoughts? is it *too* intimidating?13:58
Bovinityintimidating perhaps..14:02
* Bovinity fires up Firebug14:02
Bovinitymaybe some style tweaking will make it clearer14:02
paulproteusnkinkade, Do upgrade one of these days, though.14:03
nkinkadeMaybe there is a backport?14:04
paulproteusI ran into this on my server at home.14:04
paulproteusThe backport isn't current, and I was too afraid to try to use an old version.14:05
paulproteusI just gave in and adding testing to sources.list and set /etc/apt/preferences to not use testing for anything unless I demand it, and then did apt-get -t testing install offlineimap.14:05
paulproteusYou could always just do it on your laptop, since that could be a lot to ask from a8.14:05
nkinkadeYeah, I would rather that all software on the servers is installed through package management and without any odd configurations if possible, so I may just do the actual sync on my local machine, but I think it was worth doing the backups at least on a8.14:09
* paulproteus nods.14:10
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paulproteusnathany, I'm beginning to be pleased by eggs and their surrounding world.14:19
nathanypaulproteus: glad to hear it14:19
paulproteusAlso I thought nkinkade how IMAP works, which was fun.14:19
paulproteusEr, taught, even.14:19
nathanyBovinity: paulproteus: nkinkade: curry?14:20
paulproteusNAK on curry14:20
paulproteusI still love .14:20
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paulproteus1 3 is my suggestion.14:21
nkinkadeI'd like to get curry, but I plan to walk somewhere with it.14:23
paulproteusHe's going to walk off with the curry!14:24
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nkinkadeAnd at first paulproteus *did* thought me how IMAP works, but seeing as how my ESP isn't sufficiently developed we feel back on the 20th century method of combining small meaningful marks on a non-permanent surface, and only then did I learn IMAP.14:36
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nathanypaulproteus: ^^ (nkinkade's ESP joke)15:31
paulproteusI, for one, still like IMAP.15:32
paulproteusI seem to meet people who dislike it.15:33
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paulproteusnathany, (-: ... ?16:14
nkinkadepaulproteus: do you know at what version the fixes for Gmail IMAP were added to offlineimap?16:51
paulproteusnkinkade, Not off-hand; I'd just get the latest (add Debian sources.list ; apt-src -bi install offlineimap).16:51
nkinkade5.99.4 is in the hardy heron repository, but it's still a few versions back.16:52
paulproteus(Add Debian deb-src line, that is.)16:52
nkinkadeSo the newest version will always be availble as a source package?16:53
paulproteusAs quickly as the Debian maintainer uploads it, at least.16:55
nkinkadeI see the deb-src lines are already in sources.list, but is that any better than just "dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot"?16:57
paulproteusThis uses the real Debian packaging, not whatever the upstream shipped.16:59
paulproteusSometimes the two are identical, maybe in this case.16:59
paulproteusBecause Debian is made by elitists, they always advise you to use the real Debian packaging.17:00
nkinkadeIt installed 5.99.4 .. the version that was already a binary package.17:03
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paulproteus are the canonical apt-key docs.17:08
paulproteusnkinkade, Seems "debian-archive-keyring" is what I wanted.17:12
paulproteusOh, well.17:12
nkinkadeI saw that just a minute ago.  But I went about it another way.17:17
nkinkadeI added the key to my own keyring and then "gpg --export A70DAF536070D3A1 | sudo apt-key add -"17:18
nkinkadeAnd so now it installed 5.99.11.  Thanks.17:19
nkinkadeAnd as an unrelated side note Firebug 1.2.0a23X seems to work with Firefix 3.0b517:20
nkinkadeAt least the few things I've tested so far.17:21
nkinkadeNow I'm just desperate to get Live HTTP Headers working.17:21
nkinkadeThis add-on is pretty cool:
nkinkadeAnd this one too, but it requires some configuration as to what headers to show when you hover your mouse over the status bar part:
nkinkadeAnd the former one, when you ask it to, will pop up a window that allows you to "tamper" with the headers that the browser sends.17:33
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mattsyif i license my music with cc 3.0 by-nc-sa, can i allow certain people to distribute it commercially?18:04
paulproteusmattsy, Absolutely.18:05
paulproteusAs the (C) holder, you can always grant separate permissions.  CC licenses are non-exclusive.18:05
paulproteusI believe this is in the FAQ.18:05
mattsya lot is in the faq, i think i glazed that one over ;)18:05
mattsythanks for encouraging me to go back there; that answered all of my questions. thanks!18:10
paulproteusAwesome! (-:18:12
nkinkadepaulproteus: Where did you put that git repository of mediawiki?18:18
paulproteusnkinkade, I just deleted it.18:18
paulproteusI'm trying to fix branch and tag imports right now.18:18
nkinkadeSo I should just hang tight for a while?18:19
nkinkadenathany: You there?18:24
nkinkadepaulproteus: Did you once tell me that nathany was uploading our stand-up photos somewhere?18:25
paulproteusAlso his Flickr stream.18:25
nkinkadeAh.  Thanks.18:26
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nkinkadeI do believe that the upgrade to Hardy Heron somehow resolved my ffmpeg2theora woes ... and my woes of converting a high-res Flash video to AVI.18:47
nkinkadeBut I'm not sure how.  I had used mencoder to create an AVI from a high-res Flash, but the result was all washed out.  I uploaded the washed out version to a6 for safe keeping.  I upgraded today and redownloaded the AVI to have another go at it, and it looked just fine!18:52
nkinkadeBovinity: Would you have any interest in downloading this to see how it looks on a Mac?
Bovinitywell quicktime won't play it, but i cna tell you what it looks like in VLC18:59
Bovinity(if my interest lasts long enough for it to download :P)19:00
nkinkadeWhat's VLC?19:00
Bovinitycross platform ?ber media player...19:00
nkinkadeThe upload form at Revver locks up both FF2 and FF3.  Oh, well.19:03
Bovinitycolour looks great to me19:04
nkinkadeOkay, then that somewhat tells me that mencoder did a fine job, but that mplayer was not rendering it properly.  But now it does with Hardy Heron.19:05
Bovinitywhoever made this really likes invader zim...19:05
nkinkadeWould you mind uploading it Revver? :)19:05
Bovinityhm, i can try uploading it in safari19:06
nkinkadeDoes Revver lock up your FF as well?19:07
nkinkadeDo you have the login credentials?19:07
paulproteusFWIW, it's "Fx" not "FF".19:07
Bovinityperhaps, i'd rather not tempt it to crash19:07
BovinityFx = Flex to me.19:07
paulproteus says: Only the first letter is capitalized (so it's Firefox, not FireFox.) The preferred abbreviation is "Fx" or "fx".19:08
nkinkadeI like FF better.19:09
Bovinitynkinkade: yep, got the revver login19:09
paulproteusFrench Fries19:09
nkinkadeI'm not willing to take political correctness in software that far.19:09
paulproteusFrench Fox19:10
Bovinitywow, revver has changed since i last looked at it19:10
nkinkadeA better question is whether any intended recipients didn't know what I meant.19:10
Bovinitydude, i had no idea what you meant19:10
nkinkadeNot what some raving pedant thinks is or isn't correct for an abbreviation.19:11
paulproteusDoes it lock up your french fries?19:11
paulproteusI don't seem to have Flash.  Oh, well, that was almost a fun website.19:12
paulproteusre: revver19:12
paulproteusDinosaurs died due to oil-fueled global warming:
nkinkadeBovinity: Were you uploading that video, or should I try it with IE6 via wine!?19:21
Bovinitynkinkade: do you have title and description details for the upload?19:21
nkinkadeOr should that be Ie6?19:21
nkinkadeHang on, let me get you that title and desc.19:21
nkinkadeAnd come to think of it, since it's Firefox one work my new preferred abbreviations shall simply be F.19:22
nkinkadeSo F is all F'ed up.19:22
Bovinitythe upload was fine in Si19:22
nkinkadeWhat the F!?19:23
nkinkadeGives a whole new meaning to WTF.  What The Firefox!19:24
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nkinkadeBovinity: How about using the title/desc. from the old one:
nkinkadeBut we may have to change the title to something "Mayer and Bettle 2"19:26
nkinkadeActually, we probably should.  That's what they care calling it.  In any case, I suppose we can always change the description later.19:26
Bovinityi'll put it in for now.19:27
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ankitg_cc_sgHey paulproteus ... not sure if you're around though ... doubt it ....22:14
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