Thursday, 2008-04-17

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paulproteusnathany, hotkey for gnome-do?10:24
nathanypaulproteus: those changes are pushed to herder git10:24
nathanyi'll update cc.license in a second10:25
paulproteusSuper rad.10:25
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paulproteusnathany, Should I wrap the images at in _() ?10:37
* paulproteus is finishing one last search task10:37
paulproteusI'm doing the strings separately.10:37
paulproteus_("Learn About Creative Commons"), etc.10:37
nathanypaulproteus: which images?10:42
paulproteusnathany, Hey, push.11:12
paulproteusStop hoarding the source!11:12
paulproteusSoftware hoarder!11:12
nathanywhen i pull do i have to do anything else or will it tell me if something collides?11:13
paulproteuspull is "fetch + merge".11:13
paulproteusIn theory, you're supposed to fetch + rebase instead.11:13
paulproteusBut truth be told, pull makes for prettier (if more meaningless) history.11:13
paulproteusSo I don't mind using it.11:14
paulproteus(rebasing makes the history linear, with no merges)11:14
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paulproteusnathany, for IJurisdiction - where is the canonical jurisdiction info stored?11:27
paulproteus(and/or where will it be?)11:27
paulproteusSuper rad.11:27
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paulproteusnathany, Once we use RDF as a our central data format, we could just updated jurisdictions and licenses and license versions in SMW.11:47
nathanypaulproteus: i suppose, although we'd have to write tooling to map wiki properties to "real" properties11:47
paulproteusThey have a way of doing that already.11:48
nathany(since pulling in external vocabularies/namespaces is still wonky at best)11:48
nathanythat works?11:48
paulproteusOh, I haven't checked its wonkiness.11:48
nathanyiirc it was broken between 0.7 and 1.011:48
nathanybut yeah, that's an interesting possibility11:48
nathanyhell, we'll just put the deeds there too and mark them up with SMW to generate the RDF ;)11:49
paulproteusnathany, Hah, nice. (-:11:52
paulproteusnathany, is language-specific.11:52
paulproteusSo how can it be an attribute?11:52
paulproteusA dict from lang_id -> name?11:52
nathanyi think i was thinking it'd return a string11:53
nathanyi wasn't sure how much we wanted to mix i18n into the api11:53
nathanybut i suppose making it a method with a default of en would probably be sane11:54
nathany(since name is stored in the RDF)11:54
nathanythat is, only do i18n in cc.license so much as its reflected in the RDF11:54
paulproteusnathany, Python's librdf bindings ("import RDF") are the way to go, right?12:06
paulproteusHow interesting of you to assume I have patented codecs installed.12:14
nathanypaulproteus: i've used rdflib in the past12:14
nathanyhaven't used librdf's bindings... but don't have a strong opposition12:15
nathanyand i figure you have a transcoder installed if nothing else ;)12:15
nathanypaulproteus: they're in my home directory on your machine now12:16
paulproteusSuper rad.12:16
nathanyin a cryptically named directory12:16
paulproteusWell that's good enough to stand up to.12:19
paulproteusIt just occurred to me, "This band is pretty old."12:26
paulproteus"First album in, what, '83?"12:26
paulproteusThat's more than twenty years!12:26
paulproteus"Oh, wait, it's also older than me."12:26
paulproteusI have some RDF/XML like:12:44
paulproteus    <cc:launched rdf:datatype="">true</cc:launched>12:44
paulproteusIs there a standard way to get a Python bool(True) out of it?12:44
paulproteusBy "standard" I mean not made by me.12:44
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nathanypaulproteus: i thought rdflib did basic datatype handling for RDFs types12:44
nathanybut won't swear to it12:45
nathany(this was one of my ideas re: the triple object mapper -- pluggable type conversion)12:45
paulproteusRight, I was thinking of the same thing when you talked about the triple object mapper.12:45
nathanyi actually wrote some of that; i suppose i could look at it and see how far along it is... but may be a rat trap for this application12:46
nathanypaulproteus: so it looks like i didn't get very far down the path to success12:49
paulproteusHah, duly noted.12:50
nathanybut i see where you'd do the type mapping12:50
nathanyif you want to look at it, it'd probably take a miunte to see if you want to use this approach12:50
nkinkadenathany: by the way, did you fix your monitor yet?12:50
nathanynkinkade: fix?12:51
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nkinkadeTighten the screws, I mean.12:51
nathanynkinkade: nope12:53
nkinkadeWell, if you want I'll show how to go about doing it ... it's probably a couple minute operation.12:54
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paulproteusdpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg13:13
paulproteus-p for which priority questions to actually ask you rather than accept the defaults for.13:13
paulproteus"high" means it'll ask you (nearly?) nothing.13:13
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paulproteusI bet that's exciting.13:18
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coskundhi plss cc13:18
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paulproteus4111 1111 1111 111113:18
paulproteusSweden this time.13:19
paulproteusWait, maybe Macedonia?13:19
paulproteusYeah, .mk.13:20
paulproteus 7 (  189.038 ms  204.452 ms  197.252 ms13:20
paulproteusThat's an interesting traceroute hop.13:20
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coskundikopaulproteus who's this ip adress?13:26
coskundiko 7 (  189.038 ms  204.452 ms  197.252 ms13:26
paulproteuscoskundiko, It's a known attacker on this IRC network.13:27
paulproteusThey're klined.13:27
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coskundikothis ip adress doesnt belong to macedonia13:28
paulproteusYeah, I misspoke.13:28
paulproteusYou're in Macedonia, it seems.13:28
paulproteusUnless there's some nice proxy there. (-:13:28
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coskundno i m from macedonia13:33
paulproteusOh cool (-:13:34
paulproteusI'm from USA13:34
coskundoo nice13:34
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coskundhow's the weather in USA?? :P:P13:35
coskundwhitch part of USA13:35
coskundyes there is cool, but i never went there :D13:43
hdworakyou should! they have blue ice13:44
* paulproteus gets hungry13:45
coskundyes there is cool, but i never went there  :)13:45
coskundwhat the hell ill do with the blue ice13:45
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nathanypaulproteus: Bovinity: curry? hurry?14:20
paulproteusNo curry today, but I'm into eating at least.14:20
nathanyBovinity: ?14:21
paulproteusI guess I'll hurry to Madeleine's to start waiting.14:21
paulproteusOnce this song is over.14:21
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alexboomhi all15:16
alexboomcould someone answer me a simple question?15:16
alexboommay seems obvious for most of you, but still unclear to me :p15:17
alexboomit's about the share alike license15:17
alexboomdoes that mean i cannot use a photo with the share alike license for a commercial brochure15:19
nkinkadehi alexboom15:33
alexboomerr so id like to use a photo on a brochure, the photo has a SA attribution, does that mean that the whole brochure must have the SA attribution?15:34
nkinkadeThe ShareAlike license doesn't necessarily exclude commercial uses, but for adaptations you are required to license the resulting adaptation under the same license as the original.15:34
alexboommy question may sound dumb15:34
nkinkadeAlthough there is a BY-NC-SA license which explicity disallows commercial uses.15:34
alexboomno, no NC license15:35
nkinkadeI'm referring above to the BY-SA.15:35
alexboomit's this photo:
alexboomi'd like to use it to illustrate a commercial brochure15:36
nkinkadeUltimately you'll have to decide whether your intended use follows the license or not, but a normal BY-SA license doesn't exclude commercial usage.15:36
alexboomso what's the meaning of the SA license?15:37
nkinkadeBut to answer your questions above about whether the brochure would need to have the BY-SA license too, that depends on whether your usages falls into the category of an Adaptation or that of a Collection.15:37
nkinkadeSee the license itself for definitions15:37
alexboomwhere can i see it?15:37
alexboomonly found that:
alexboomok i'm dumb15:38
nkinkadethat's it15:38
nkinkadebut at the bottom there is a link to the full legal code.15:38
nkinkadeIn the "legal code" which is the license itself there are relatively short definitions of Adaptation and Collection.15:39
alexboomfound them, did not understand anything :D15:39
alexboomi guess it's a collection, because it's not an adaptation, and ""Collection" means a collection of literary or artistic works, such as encyclopedias and anthologies, or performances, phonograms or broadcasts, or other works or subject matter other than works listed in Section 1(f) below"15:40
alexboomthanks all for your help15:53
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nathanypaulproteus: are you willing to mentor ankit's log analysis project?15:59
paulproteusnathany, Sure.15:59
* paulproteus hopes that was a good idea.15:59
nathanyand the amarok proposal? (i'm thinking there may be some, er, synergy between that and your rhythmbox work)15:59
nathanynkinkade: would you be interested in mentoring a project for Google Summer of Code?16:00
nathanygenerally requires you to have periodic communication (>=1x/week), help direct their project16:01
nathanywe have a proposal to add RDFa support to SMW16:01
nathanyi was thinking that might match up with what you're working on these days (PHP, wiki, etc)16:01
nkinkadenathany: I'd be happy to.16:02
nathanynkinkade: cool... can you go to and register as a mentor, request mentor status for our project?16:03
nkinkadeI've still got that as a task ... to add RDFa support to the the wiki.16:03
nathanyi don't see us getting to that in the near term, so this might at least give us a good start16:03
paulproteusnathany, Do we have a clear idea if the amaroK project is possible with a plugin (worse, imho) or with a patch to get amaroK to accept (better, imho, but requires more California on amaroK's part).16:03
paulproteusSorry, I meant co-operation - it got auto-corrected!16:03
nathanyno idea16:03
paulproteusOkay.  I guess I'm okay either way.16:04
nathanybut i think amaroK would be open to it based on their existing decisions (wikipedia integration, etc, etc)16:04
paulproteusWhen's our deadline to figure out who we accept?16:04
nathanytomorrow noon16:04
nathany i was trying to get it wrapped up now just to be done16:04
paulproteusRelatedly, do we know who we want to accept yet?16:04
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* paulproteus nods16:04
nathanyi think so16:04
nathanyif you look at the list i think it's pretty clear16:04
paulproteusWhat the heck is the sign in URL?16:07
nathanypaulproteus: should have a redirect to it if you're not signed in16:08
paulproteusnathany, Done for those two.16:14
nathanypaulproteus: thanks16:14
* paulproteus deletes his Google cookies.16:15
paulproteusnathany, Got any bright ideas as to how this Python code should find the jurisdictions.rdf file?16:18
paulproteusIt's not urgent.16:18
nathanypaulproteus: svn:externals? ;)16:18
paulproteusI kind of expect the man in black suits to whisk me away.16:26
paulproteusThe men, that is.16:27
paulproteusI found something written on one of my terminals that I really don't remember writing there.16:27
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paulproteusnathany, IJurisdiction doesn't expose the translated "title" field for the jurisdictions, fwiw.16:58
nathanypaulproteus: ok, maybe it should16:58
paulproteusI imagine that we'll stop accessing the RDF directly and use this cc.license instead.  Is that right?16:59
paulproteusAlso, what tools do we plan to use to edit the RDF in the future?16:59
paulproteusBTW, you might "like" in cc.license. (-:17:00
nathanypaulproteus: stop accessing it directly where?17:00
paulproteusI dunno, maybe stop is the wrong word.17:00
nathanywe have a few scripts right now in the license.rdf which allow you to do basic manipulations -- creating new licenses/jurisdictions, etc17:00
paulproteusAh, neat.17:00
nathanystill need tooling for updating i18n17:00
paulproteusNor do we expose cc:defaultLanguage.  And what's the difference between that and dc:language?17:02
nathanydc:language is just a language17:02
paulproteusnathany, voice17:02
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nathanypaulproteus: did we do i18n for jswidget?17:16
nathanyif so, is that all done server side or did you actually implement some sort of message catalogs in js?17:16
paulproteusnathany, Server-side.17:16
paulproteusIt's pretty awesome.17:16
paulproteusI generate JS that's conditionally included.17:17
paulproteus$('lang-test').innerHTML  = _('The world is full of married men, %d',5) +'<br />';17:22
paulproteusFrom the RDF, nathany, how do I figure out the license class of a license?17:25
paulproteuse.g. in creativecommons.org_licenses_publicdomain_.rdf I don't see an explicit pd marking.17:25
nathanypaulproteus: right, it's not in there right now17:25
paulproteusOkay, I'll do it based on filesystem globbing "for now".17:25
nathanyml and i had a conversation about it at one point, but i think we were going to call the "class" something else... can't remember now17:26
paulproteuscoskund, Hi17:37
paulproteusStill need a credit card number?17:38
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coskundparkerhiggins yeah :(17:46
coskundops paulproteus yeah17:46
parkerhigginscoskund is that for me?17:46
parkerhigginsi thought so :)17:46
coskundsorry. i wanned say to paulproteus :)17:47
parkerhigginsno prob!17:47
*** paulproteus changes topic to "Creative Commons :: chat logs -> :: related groups' IRC: #freeculture | No answer? Email the lists - | Need credit card numbers? email"17:48
paulproteuscchelpbot, help17:49
cchelpbotpaulproteus: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin.17:49
paulproteushelp help17:49
paulproteuscchelpbot, help help17:49
cchelpbotpaulproteus: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin.17:49
paulproteuscchelpbot, !cc17:49
cchelpbotpaulproteus: Error: "!cc" is not a valid command.17:49
paulproteuscchelpbot, ?17:49
cchelpbotpaulproteus: Error: "?" is not a valid command.17:49
nkinkadeWe should make the cchelpbots language a little less, uh, formal.17:51
paulproteusnkinkade, Error: "We should" is not a valid command.17:51
nkinkadeHow about something like "Hey paulproteus, you f**ked up"17:52
nkinkadeI'm sure we can edit those strings somewhere.17:52
paulproteusHey coskund, you f**ked up.17:52
paulproteusThis isn't a credit card fraud channel.  I have reported your traceroute to the FBI.17:52
paulproteusNow go away.17:52
paulproteusnathany, Should the ILicenseSelector methods be instance methods or class methods?17:55
paulproteuse.g. "by_code", "by_uri"17:55
paulproteusI'd prefer instance methods so I can instantiate an RDF model at __init__() time.17:55
nathanyi was going to say that i wasn't sure... that if they needed to share state (or it'd be convenient)17:55
nathanyinstance is fine17:56
nathanyi wonder if ILicenseSelector implementations should be singletons?17:56
paulproteusI don't see why.17:56
paulproteusWell, for data sharing I guess.17:56
nathanypaulproteus: for data sharing, performance17:56
* paulproteus nods17:56
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Matsonwe're still working on parsing the license title from the html pages20:03
Matsonfor example, I want to be able to take this URL20:04
Matsonand turn it into this:20:04
Matson"Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States"20:04
Matsondc:title gives the license name20:05
Matsonbut we're about to hard code the logic for the "Creative Commons" part.  I don't like that...20:06
Matsonbasically: if url ~= '' then title = "Creative Commons "+ title20:06
Matsonis there a property dc:organization you can put on the page identifying with RDF the correct name of the organization?20:08
Matsonit looks like according to
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Matson"Creative Commons" best described as the 'creator'   so maybe property=dc:creator20:16
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