Wednesday, 2008-04-16

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hdworakany news on GSOC, nathany?10:57
hdworakor still everything in progress...10:57
nathanyhdworak: nope; we're evaluating applications and will submit our choices to Google this week10:58
hdworakok, I see10:58
nathanythey'll look at everyone's choices (numbers, at least) and allocate slots10:58
nathanyand then announce everything on Monday10:58
hdworakit's the first time I'm applying so I don't know how it goes10:58
hdworak(yeah, I've read the FAQ - what I mean is how it works in practice)10:59
nathanyno problems10:59
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paulproteusnathany, Hi?12:09
paulproteusWhere are you in the world?12:10
nathanypaulproteus: on a conf cal12:10
paulproteusCool, carry on.12:10
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nathanypaulproteus: nkinkade: this call is probably going to run right up to my mtg with mike12:54
nathanystand up briefly at noon12:55
nathanyherder talk @ lunch or after?12:55
paulproteusSure, let's just talk post your Mike meeting.12:55
paulproteusmeta-talk to plan when to talk12:55
* Bovinity ponders if "whatevs" is the next "hella"12:56
nathanyhmmm... curry....12:56
nkinkadeI can meet anytime today.12:56
nathanywhatevs, Bovinity12:56
nkinkadeExcept for lunch.12:56
paulproteusDance Dance curry.12:56
Bovinitywhatevs, it's cool12:56
paulproteushella rad12:56
nkinkadeA friend is stopping by for lunch at 12:30 ... so from then to around 1:30 or so won't work for me.12:56
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joss__Hello, new here. I have a simple question...16:26
joss__A production company has made a video for us using clips from a BY-NC-SA documentary16:27
joss__Therefore, I assume our video also has to be BY-NC-SA, right? That's fine by us. However...16:28
joss__The production company also used some third-party music licensed under a traditional royalty paying non-cc license.16:28
joss__So our 'work' has a mix of both cc video and non-cc soundtrack.16:29
joss__Is this completely incompatible?16:29
joss__Can we license our video footage under BY-NC-SA and credit the soundtrack as non-CC?16:30
nathanyjoss__: in the US you can't do that16:32
nathany(I am not a lawyer, this is not legal advice, just my understanding)16:32
joss__We're in the UK16:32
joss__The cc video we used was made in the US, if that makes any difference16:32
nathanyi'm pretty sure the UK is similar16:32
nathanysyncing audio to video creates a single derivative16:33
joss__I figured.16:33
joss__I think we'll contact the creator of the video and see if he'll license his work under a non-ShareAlike license in our case. The Cc licenses are non-exclusive, right?16:34
joss__When I tried to create a Cc license for this on the website, identified the work as a video, the legal text still refers to the 'work', which as you say is a single derivative.16:35
nathanyjoss__: the cc license doesn't depend on the format of the work itself16:38
nathanyand yes, they're non-exclusive16:38
joss__OK. Thanks. That's what I thought. I just needed a second opinion.16:38
joss__The production company needs a basic lesson in CC licensing!16:39
paulproteusnathany, What's the entry point for nosetests?16:42
paulproteusnkinkade, Whenever you want, let's do those two things.16:43
nathanypaulproteus: not sure off the top of my head16:43
paulproteusI can't find it after some quick Googlin', which is why I ask.16:43
nathanyi need to tease apart this merge right this second; email me and i can find it16:43
nkinkadepaulproteus: Whenever you are ready.16:43
paulproteusnkinkade, Sure16:46
paulproteusnathany, you too16:46
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nathanypaulproteus: done17:20
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