Friday, 2008-04-18

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tehnik_should I call unregister_chrdev_region() to unregister allocated ranges of device numbers by alloc_chrdev_region() or not?01:01
paulproteustehnik_, ##c01:01
tehnik_parkerhiggins, I don't think there is a chanell #c_linux_kernel_programming on this server...01:02
paulproteustehnik_, #kernelnewbies on irc.oftc.net01:02
paulproteusor ##linux01:02
tehnik_ok. thanks01:03
parkerhigginswhy do i keep getting your messages, paulproteus?01:03
paulproteusparkerhiggins, Because people press tab too soon.01:03
paulproteusThe messages are sent the whole channel.01:03
parkerhigginsi know, but they have my name in them :)01:03
paulproteusYeah, people type "p" or "pa" and hit tab and then it autocompletes.01:04
parkerhigginsyou do a lot more irc than me, paulproteus.  it's a thrill to see the bouncing icon with the new message, only to find out it was meant for you.01:04
paulproteusAww. )-:01:04
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coskundcc pls09:52
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chrisadamshi everyone - I almost feel silly saying this, but I've had a quick check on the wiki, and I can't quite find what I need11:04
chrisadamsi want to credit  an image with the following license -
chrisadamswith copyright, I'll usually just to write "copyright $owner11:05
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chrisadamsbut for a cc-by-na licence, like
chrisadamswhat symbol can you use for brevity?11:06
montaggI occasionally use CC Flickr photos in my blog. I just credit the photo at the bottom of the post, "Photo / username photoname CC LI-CEN-SE." You don't always have to use a graphic.11:07
montaggNot sure if that helps answer your question.11:07
chrisadamsmontagg: that does11:08
chrisadamsactually, a little more trawling drew this up -
montaggchrisadams: Looks good to me. Either should do. I think most people understand good-faith attempts to mark work, so you can do whatever make sense usually.11:11
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chrisadamsthanks for the help11:39
chrisadamshave a good weekend!11:39
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hdworakthere's something wrong here12:18
hdworakI'm getting "Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender" when asking about credit cards12:19
* hdworak is just jokin'!12:19
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paulproteusnathany, What's the principled way to search for a by_code() argument?13:50
nathanysearch for it in the RDF?13:50
paulproteusThe RDF doesn't have "code"s.13:50
paulproteusThat is to say, if they ask for "publicdomain", should I search for a license with URI (cc).org/licenses/publicdomain/?13:50
nathanyi think that we assume this is CC specific for now13:50
nathanywe may add "codes" when we also add "classes" to the metadata13:51
nathanybut for now you can look for[code]/[version]/[jurisdiction]13:51
paulproteusSo if they ask for by-sa, then I have to issue a query to see what licenses have URIs that match the pattern "*" ?13:52
paulproteusAnd then pick the best one to return?13:52
paulproteusOr should I generate the string "" + (my knowledge of what the latest version is) + "/" ?13:52
paulproteusDo you see why I feel this isn't very clean?13:52
paulproteusI'd *much* rather be able to query for a list of licenses with (code = "by-sa") and then pick the best match of those and return that as the winner.13:53
paulproteusBut now I have to do string pattern matching across the list of license URIs.13:53
paulproteusI think we should start enriching the RDF sooner rather than later, if we really want to go down this RDF-based cc.license route.  I can hack around it for some time, but enriching the RDF seems fairly straightforward.14:00
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nathanypaulproteus: i concur; will send email to ML, you outlining my idea for enriching it14:20
nathanyif no objections, we'll do it14:20
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paulproteusGreat, I'm nearly done with the pd "selector".14:20
paulproteusIf you want to see some code involving your mom, do git pull and then read cc/license/tests/ .14:26
paulproteusnathany, More seriously, what's the zope.interface ism for testing that a class successfully implements the interface (i.e., does class method argument checking, makes sure that an instance has the right attributes)?14:29
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nathanypaulproteus: i actually don't think there is one14:30
nathanythe zope.interface approach seems to be very pythonic -- "we're all consenting adults"14:31
paulproteus"which is why I will now dig deep into your private bits and tell you what I think of you"14:31
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paulproteusnathany, SYN15:30
paulproteusnathany, Do me a favor and git pull on cc.license?15:30
paulproteusActually, I just wanted you to see that ("right now"), I don't use SPARQL, just pattern-matching queries.15:30
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paulproteusAnd secondly that I like them more than SPARQL (for the simple queries I'm doing).15:31
paulproteusYou just wrote that I use RDF/SPARQL in that email, and it's not very true. (-:15:31
nathanyi'm going to go out on a limb and say pattern matching is probably faster, too15:31
nathany(or matching + traversal)15:31
nathanyok, i'll correct15:31
paulproteusAgreed, but performance isn't the reason I'm doing it this way.15:31
paulproteusThe queries look really nice and tidy.15:31
paulproteusYou should look at to see what I mean.15:32
paulproteusHmm, that and cc/license/ I guess.15:32
nathanybtw which rdf bindings are you using?15:33
nathanyi don't see a dependency in setup.py15:33
paulproteus"import RDF" (librdf)15:33
* paulproteus looks around furtively15:33
paulproteusI'm not using it via eggs, but via system package.15:33
nathanyiirc those can't be installed via distutils (sigh)15:33
paulproteusI should naturally jam it into the install_requires.15:33
paulproteusOh, yay!15:33
nathanybut we can probably use the CMMI recipe to build them if needed15:34
paulproteusYou can think about that.15:34
nathanynot necessary for the time being15:34
paulproteusI'm going to finish sampling.15:34
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mecredispaulproteus: native SPARQL queries via RAP are in the new trunk of SMW21:58
mecredisMarkus just told me himself21:58
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