Wednesday, 2008-04-09

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paulproteusnathany, The nathany, problem was a case-sensitive compare, that's all.12:37
paulproteusFixed now.12:37
nathanyah, great12:37
paulproteusMike asked "Could the language drop down expose language names instead of language codes to the end user".12:37
nathanythanks, paulproteus12:37
paulproteusWhere should I be getting language names?12:37
nathanypaulproteus: i just updated TODO12:47
* paulproteus nods12:47
nkinkadepaulproteus: what was the paste command in bash after Ctrl-w?12:59
paulproteusYou should just learn Emacs one of these days.12:59
paulproteusThen you'd be bash native.12:59
paulproteusBesides, you'll want it for nxml-mode.12:59
nkinkadeBut the word "yank" doesn't make sense in this case, though it does work.13:00
paulproteusSure, but that's the Emacs name for paste.13:00
nkinkadeIn vi "yank" mean cut, basically.13:00
paulproteusI'm not sayin' it makes sense, I'm just sayin'.13:00
nkinkadewhich seems more lexically standard.13:00
paulproteusUnlike your neck.13:00
nkinkadeI'll accept that Ctrl-y does it, but I can't accept that it means yank.13:01
Bovinitythere's a lot of sayin' being sayd.13:01
paulproteusRocky Horror callback reference.13:01
paulproteusHmm, "callback reference".13:01
nkinkadeWent right over my head.13:01
paulproteusJust like your neck!13:01
paulproteusEr, also unlike your neck, actually.13:01
paulproteusBovinity, It's valid to put <script></script> in the head of XHTML, right?13:05
Bovinity<script type="text/javascript">13:05
paulproteusSuper rad.13:05
paulproteusAnd I'll pad it with CDATA and everything.13:05
paulproteus    <script type="text/javascript">13:06
paulproteus    /* <![CDATA[ */13:06
paulproteus    var d = "<?php echo ('Enter search query');?>";13:06
paulproteus    /* ]]> */13:06
paulproteus    </script>13:06
paulproteusRun for your lives, the nesting is coming.13:06
paulproteusBovinity, re: CSS, Bob at CC TW writes:13:11
paulproteusfrom Bob @ CC TW: The font size of strings like "remove frame" is too small for Chinese characters (see the attachment), however it is acceptable to English and other latin letters... about 12-14px would be better (for #options, in #footer we could use 11-12px).13:11
Bovinity12-14px for chinese?13:12
paulproteusThis is what nathany wrote in the ccsearch TODO verbatim.13:12
Bovinitywould it be easy to do a conditional <style></style> in the php based on country code?13:12
paulproteusNot super easy, but possible if necessary.13:13
Bovinityif (chinese) { ?> <style>...</style> <? } ?>13:13
paulproteusIs that really the best thing to do?13:13
* Bovinity goes to see how awful it might look for the default ot be bigger...13:13
paulproteusnathany, Turns out I was wrong that you modifying TODO is better than sending me email, since I seem to have responses.13:14
nathanypaulproteus: was the person who brought up pdflicensemanager using it as a gui tool or from java?13:15
paulproteusnathany, They were using it headless.13:16
nathanypaulproteus: ok13:16
paulproteusNote that the JAR works headlessly.13:16
paulproteusAlso he had local patches.13:16
nathanyheadlessly as in as a standalone cli tool or as a java library?13:16
paulproteusAnd probably wasn't using a distributed revision control system, o woe is us!13:16
paulproteusGood question; I think standalone CLI from some shell scripts but I'm not totally sure.13:16
Bovinityeh. it was 0.8em; 0.9em is better and still looks acceptable13:16
nathanyif the former why don't we just kill it in favor of liblicense?13:16
paulproteusnathany, I mentioned liblicense, but our "killing it" won't really kill it (esp because it probably has users in Javaland).13:17
paulproteusYou know, like giving out needles to drug users.13:18
paulproteusEnd the harm if you can't end the habit.13:18
Bovinitypaulproteus: fixed the css on a5:search.css13:18
paulproteusBovinity, Er, fix it in an svn checkout and commit?13:19
paulproteusOh, fine, I'll do it. (-:13:19
paulproteusnathany, re: ML's desired changes: Should/must those be translated strings?13:19
nathanyfor the iframe?13:20
paulproteusOne translation string per paragraph of HTML, right?13:22
paulproteusAnd what's this about columns - that should require Alex's CSS help, right?13:22
paulproteusAKA, I think that email should be forwarded to Alex for him to do.13:26
Bovinityoops, totally forgot we're not using writable checkouts13:28
paulproteusBovinity, committed, no worries.13:28
paulproteusnathany, Is there a standard server-side path I can expect cc_org to be, or should I add it as an svn:external?13:30
paulproteus(the cc_org po/mo files, that is)13:30
nathanysvn:external, i think13:30
* paulproteus attaches to cc_org trunk13:32
paulproteusWhy does cc_org not seem to have LC_MESSAGES directories?  I guess I'm supposed to mkdir them myself, and put the compiled .mo files in myself.13:34
nathanypaulproteus: no LC_MESSAGES because... er, don't remember; probably because the existing tooling didn't need them13:43
paulproteusHeh, okay.13:43
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paulproteusnathany, I'm about to head to lunch.  You will email Bovinity the intro.html changes, and he'll do the design/text changing, and I'll then worry about i18n, okay?13:53
paulproteus(ML's suggested iframe text changes, that is)13:53
nathanyuh, ok13:53
paulproteusWell, it involves a "left side" and a "right side".13:54
paulproteusThat sounds like CSS tricks to me.13:54
Bovinitysame content as the email mike sent last week?13:54
paulproteusOh, right.13:54
paulproteusYes, but I'm keeping bad track of mail.13:54
paulproteusWell, Bovinity, I eagerly await those changes so I can i18n them. (-:13:54
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Bovinityis EAGER a new priority status? ;)13:55
* paulproteus vanishes in a puff of lunch plans.13:57
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Bovinitynathany: the term we were searching for was apparently "Kiropracs" :P
quboduphello, is by any chance the host of here?13:59
nathanyBovinity: i saw13:59
nathanyqubodup: you want rejon; he's not online right now13:59
qubodupnathany: aye thanks. maybe someone who has admin rights to it?14:00
nathanyqubodup: we don't have any official affiliation with the site, so no one that i know of14:00
Bovinitynone of the usual OCAL/OFL suspects appear to be around right now14:01
nathanyBovinity: just emailed you the iframe text14:01
Bovinitygreat, thx14:01
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qubodupwhom should I talk about future plans on the design of cchost here? =)14:02
qubodups/talk/talk to/14:03
nathanyqubodup: rejon14:03
qubodupallright, thanks for the directions14:03
nathanyBovinity: check out the tabs on
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paulproteus - search for "relatively modest cost"16:37
paulproteusThe other ones are good, too.16:37
paulproteusIf desired I can do a reading.16:37
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nkinkadeBovinity: have you made any changes to the creativecommons.php plugin lately?16:56
nkinkadeGetting this at learn.(cc).org: Warning:  array_multisort() [<a href='function.array-multisort'>function.array-multisort</a>]: Argument #1 is expected to be an array or a sort flag16:56
nkinkadeIf you haven't made any changes then I'll look into it right now.16:57
paulproteusnkinkade, Shift-reload maybe, though.17:01
paulproteusnathany, So, um, PHP question.17:04
paulproteusI can't find a getlocale() to get the locale.17:04
nathanyuh, ok17:04
paulproteusI figured I'd temporarily change the locale with setlocale() to the language we're given.17:04
nathanyi'm listening to Billy Idol so there's a chance i'll be able to answer17:04
paulproteusBut, um, I can't find out how to actually find the current locale so I wouldn't know what to set it back to!17:04
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paulproteusnkinkade, omg bbq
nathanypaulproteus: fyi i updated the translations17:26
ya Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 2.0 license (a.k.a. CC-BY-SA)17:29
ya    This is a copyleft free license that is good for artistic and entertainment works, and educational works. Please don't use it for software or documentation, since it is incompatible with the GNU GPL and with the GNU FDL.17:30
yacould you please tell me why is it incompatible with the gpl and fdl ?17:30
nathanyya: it has no source code requirement (which something like GPL does)17:42
nathanyand it's not compatible with FDL because nothing is ;)17:43
yanathany, but there is no "code" in e.g. documentation17:43
nathanyare you referring to GFDL or GPL licensed works?17:44
nathanyya: btw, where did that statement come from?17:44
yai understand that the GFDL is incompatible with almost any opensource/opencontent licenses because of the "non-modifiable parts" element17:45
nathanyi know we recommend not using CC licenses for software, but haven't seen anything worded quite that way17:45
yabut i'm not sure about the reason why CC-BY-SA is incompatible with the GPL17:45
nathanyya: exactly17:45
yathe statement comes from:
nathanyya: because the version of the license they're referring to requires that derivative works be released under *exactly* the same license17:46
nathanyso anything combining BY-SA 2.0 and GPL (although i can't imagine why you'd do that) would have to be BY-SA 2.0 to comply with BY-SA, and would have to be GPL to comply with GPL17:46
nathanyso that's an obvious incompatibility17:46
nathanythe 3.0 license says "same or compatible license" but no license has been granted "compatibility" status17:47
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yawell in this case the GPL is simply incompatible with any copyleft license that require derivatives work to be released unedr "exactly" the same license?17:47
nathanyIANAL but that sounds accurate17:48
yasince it itsel require them to be licensed under exactly the same license?17:48
yaIANAL? :)17:48
yaso it is nothing related to the mandatory attribution requirement?17:49
nathanyya: that's also a problem from the GPL side of thing17:50
nathanyIANAL = "I am not a lawyer"17:50
yaahah, ok :)17:50
yaso the attribution thing is fully compatible with the GPL, right ?17:51
yait's just the stupid wording of the SA condition that creates the incompatibility?17:51
nathanyno, i think the attribution is also incompatible, but you'd have to ask FSF for a "real" opinion17:51
nathanyi probably wouldn't call the wording "stupid" ;)17:52
nathanynote that the licenses have orthogonal targets --17:52
nathanythe GPL is a software license; what it means to GPL text is unclear17:52
nathanyCC licenses are specifically NOT recommended for software17:52
yawell on Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:     b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal Notices displayed by works containing it;,  it says that:17:53
nathanyinteresting; is that 3.0?17:54
nathanyah, right, it is17:54
nathanyi was referring to 2.0, I guess17:54
nathany(wrt attribution)17:55
yaso.. it may appear that GPL 3.0 and CC-BY-SA 3.0 are theoretically compatible, ye?17:55
nathanyya: theoretically, but they're not at this point17:56
nathanythe SA 3.0 license clause states that they're compatible with those listed at
nathanyno license has been declared compatible yet; 3.0 just added the "hook" that lets us do that17:57
yaso we just have to wait perhaps :)17:57
nathanyi think it's unlikely BY-SA 3.0 and GPL 3.0 will be declared compatible17:57
yayou think? why not?17:58
nathanybecause of the license target issue i mentioned previously17:58
yaoh okay17:58
nkinkadeVarnish seems to be causing some problem with Magpie RSS, for what it's worth.17:58
nathanyi don't think there's demand for compatibility between GPL 3.0 and BY-SA17:58
nathanyGFDL and BY-SA, yes17:58
Bovinitynkinkade: colour me not surprised.17:59
nathany(because there's an overlap in the types of works each can be applied to)17:59
nathanynote that that's just my personal opinion, not anything official17:59
yasure :)17:59
yawell apparently there is something going on about the FSF and CC in order to let wiki be compatible with the CC18:00
paulproteusThere's something strange goin' on tonight!18:00
Bovinitysomething strange in your neighbourhood?18:00
nathanyya: yes, that's been in the works for a while18:00
paulproteusThere's something going on that's not quite right!18:00
nathanyBovinity: who ya gonna call?18:00
yaso i guess the gfdl & the cc-by-sa will be eventually compatible :)18:00
yahopefully :)18:01
paulproteusI was thinking "Strange" by REM.18:01
Bovinitya small group of rogue ghost "busters"18:01
paulproteusBut I'd also accept Ghostbusters.18:01
Bovinitya ragtag team of gentlemen with particle accelerators strapped to their backs18:01
* paulproteus 's eyes widen.18:01
nathanydon't cross the beams!18:01
paulproteusya, Yes - that's the GFDL and by-sa, not GPL and by-sa.18:03
paulproteusJust to be clear.18:04
yabtw, does the GFDL also allow for attribution to be given ?18:06
Bovinityya: you may find this enlightening:18:10
Bovinityor, not18:10
yaok nice18:14
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nkinkadeSo it turns out that the problem with Magpie RSS was a bug in Varnish that according to the developer is fixed in trunk:18:30
nkinkadeIt took me about 1.5 hours to find this, sadly.  And it took wading through a 500MB varnish log with less.  Yikes.18:31
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paulproteusBovinity, Got a sec?  I broke something on search-dot and I don't see how it broke.18:34
paulproteusEr, wait a min actually.18:34
* Bovinity waits!18:34
paulproteus JS error18:34
paulproteusJamendo went away?18:34
paulproteusWas Jamendo ever there?  So confused.18:34
Bovinityjamneod shouldn't be there18:35
Bovinitythe code is in the JS though...18:35
paulproteusRight, and that causes a JS error that prevents the frame from loading.18:35
paulproteusI'll remove it from the JS...18:35
paulproteus(list of engines to show by default)18:35
Bovinityyeah, kill it18:36
paulproteusUh, phantoms in the brain.18:38
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Bovinitybrain drain in the mainframe18:39
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paulproteusBovinity, Looks good to me; get Mike to say yes and then commit it.18:59
paulproteus(Or just commit it)18:59
Bovinitywill commit after signoff18:59
paulproteusHow sad that it's not a beautiful distributed rcs branch.18:59
Bovinitysearch is lightweight enough for git conversion, right? ;)19:00
paulproteusThere are some svn:externals.19:01
paulproteusBut nothing that git submodules couldn't also handle.19:01
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