Thursday, 2008-04-10

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quboduprejon: can I talk to you about cchost and the two libraries right now?06:25
rejonnot right now...send me an email...otherwise, ping me again in an hour07:03
quboduprejon: aye07:11
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rejonqubodup: whats up09:15
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quboduprejon: first about ofl: I think there are fonts, which have no preview images. If I create preview pngs for each one missing a preview and send them to you (with links to the corresponding font entry), would that do any good?09:19
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rejonqubodup: do you have admin access on If so, you can add them...just need to add them as the first entry on the file and they will show up as thumbnail09:21
rejonyou should just post to the openfontlibrary mailing list to move that fwd and ask for admin access to get that rolling09:21
rejongood to do on that list so in the community/public there for others to see09:21
rejonyo sylvinus09:21
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quboduprejon: ok, will ask for admin permission there09:23
quboduprejon: about ocal/cchost: IMHO the main problem is the lack of image preview in the browse/search pages. is this problem being addressed atm or do you need help?09:23
rejonqubodup: yes, need can help code?09:24
rejonthat would be great help!09:24
rejoni've been way too sidetracked for cc stuff09:24
quboduprejon: I probably not very good, but a friend. can you explain the problem?09:24
rejonjust needs the code to make thumbnails either on demand or through the codebase09:24
qubodup(is it writing a script which automatically makes a preview? is it web design? is it php?)09:24
rejonalso #openclipart is prolly best place to discuss this ;)09:24
rejonit is partially done09:25
quboduprejon: is it in the latest dev release?09:25
qubodupor is it being made only for ocal?09:25
qubodup(because all media can be represeented visually...)09:25
rejonwell, it should go into what is ccHost 5.0 in live svn09:26
rejonccHost 5.0 is unreleased but much much diff. from last release09:27
quboduprejon: also: is cchost available in different languages in the way jamendo is? that means: can the user select language without having to log in?09:28
quboduprejon: is #openclipart also the better place to discuss cchost?09:29
rejonccHost is here :)09:30
rejonqubodup: right, there is language support09:31
rejonwhat are you thinking about doing with it?09:31
quboduprejon: I want to create a page similar to , which has the user interface in as many languages as possible.09:31
qubodupcchost seemed to be the only cms that cares about this poing (many languages) specifically09:32
quboduprejon: I cannot choose the language on ocal though, is it not implemeneted?09:32
rejonit is not turned on09:32
qubodupI see.09:32
rejonccHost 5.0 is nearly a rewrite, so many of these features have been futile to hack on the old system09:33
rejonbut the truth is just need either A.) clone(s) of me B.) more developers09:33
rejonI am the worst bottleneck :)09:33
rejonyes, pretty true ;)09:34
quboduprejon: is the cms based on something else?09:34
qubodupin the sense of " is it based on drupal" or something like that?09:35
rejonno, it is its own qubodup10:01
rejonit is actually quite adv. and very hackable imo after hacking on several of these systems10:02
rejonall event based, loosely coupled oop10:02
quboduprejon: I'm very unexperienced with php unfortuantely. what about the design, is the layout flexible (easily editable?) or are there no templates?10:29
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sylvinusif ppl here have 4 minutes to waste listening to cc music :)10:33
sylvinuswoooooo !10:47
sylvinuscome on ! :)10:48
sylvinusqubodup: ?10:49
sylvinusso what do you think ? :)10:50
qubodupdidn't get it. new try ^^10:50
qubodupIt's cool10:50
qubodupI hope this makes sense at all. because it looks like the old jamendo10:51
quboduphey I know this one =D10:51
qubodup(playing vs ilko)10:51
qubodupaaw he left10:51
qubodupholy cow, this sure is cool10:51
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sylvinusit's the top app right now on app engine !11:16
Bovinityhow are you liking the sdk/api?11:17
sylvinusit's *awesome*11:17
sylvinusI just can't imagine how much ppl worked on that11:18
sylvinuslike 100s11:18
sylvinusdid you get in ?11:18
sylvinusgot an app ?11:19
Bovinitynot yet11:19
Bovinitybut i was hacking on django stuff before this was announced11:19
sylvinushey rejon !11:26
sylvinuswhat's up ?11:26
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paulproteusOops, sorry, I joined the Jamendo game as "your mom" but I quit!13:30
nkinkadeBovinity: would it be possible to get admin rights at
Bovinityoh aye13:38
nkinkadeAnd why is the a backtick after cchelpbots name?13:38
Bovinitynkinkade: you have full admin rights13:39
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Bovinitypaulproteus: SVN!15:16
paulproteusBovinity, Yay!15:17
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paulproteusnkinkade, beats me re: your email15:46
nkinkadeI asked because I grew worried that it was there because of some problem with Varnish.15:47
nkinkadeThough the page loaded fine for me directly through Varnish.15:47
nkinkadeBovinity: thanks for the feedback re: support15:59
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nkinkadepaulproteus: I'm getting some messages bounced back to me from your MTA.16:59
paulproteusnkinkade, Interesting - can you send 'em to me with full headers?16:59
paulproteusNaturally I think bounces are usually bad news.16:59
paulproteusUnless it's backscatter spam.16:59
paulproteusIn which case I don't know what to do about it.16:59
nkinkadeFinal-Recipient: rfc822; <snip>16:59
nkinkade Original-Recipient: rfc822;<snip>16:59
nkinkade Action: failed16:59
nkinkade Status: 5.3.016:59
nkinkade Diagnostic-Code: x-unix; unknown mail system error 116:59
nkinkadeI tried to forward it to you, but that bounced too.17:00
paulproteusOh no!17:00
paulproteusStarting a few minutes ago?17:00
nkinkadeESMTP id 873ABA000A17:00
nkinkadeIt was a message to webmaster that you were copied on, it bounced, I tried to send it to you directly and that bounced too.17:01
paulproteusShould be fixed now.17:01
nkinkadeI wasn't sure what to make of "unknown mail system error 1"17:01
paulproteusBut I am, I'm afraid.17:01
nkinkadeI just resent it directly to your account.17:02
paulproteusGot it.17:02
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paulproteusnkinkade, Thanks a *bundle* for that.17:11
paulproteusA dist-upgrade on my server clobbered my special permissions for the dspam binary.17:11
paulproteusWhich prevented postfix from delivering to it.17:11
nkinkadeAh.  Glad I could help.  I love reporting bugs.17:11
paulproteusMaybe I should set it back to softbounce at times like these.17:12
paulproteusAnd I love fixing 'em!17:12
paulproteusAnd you know how I figured out the right permissions?17:12
nkinkadeI was suspecting that Google had botched something, and was pleasantly surprised to find that they hadn't.17:12
paulproteuscd /media/backups/asheesh/rose-root/2008-04-09/17:13
paulproteussudo aptitude install dspam17:13
nkinkadechmod -R 777 /?17:13
paulproteusdpkg -L dspam | sed 's/^/./' | xargs ls -nld | grep -v share/doc | grep -v share/man17:13
paulproteusThen do the same command on rose, and diff the two, and apply yesterday's permissions to the files.17:13
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paulproteus"My life is GREAT!" I exclaimed more than once as I realized I had backups and then used them.17:14
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nkinkadeBovinity: things are looking better ... support.creativecommons.npk =
nkinkadeMaybe you can add this line to your /etc/hosts:19:20
nkinkade10.0.2.189 support.creativecommons.npk19:20
nkinkadeI'm doing that so I can run the thing as it's vhost, so the site resides in the root.19:21
Bovinitylooking good19:26
Bovinitysomething weird with the sidebar, maybe it's always like that and i didn't notice19:26
Bovinityyeah, i didn't notice19:26
Bovinityyep, looking good19:27
Bovinitystore and donate are still missing their images19:27
nkinkadeThe images are now there.19:29
nkinkadeI just have to go through and manually fix the image paths, but now that I think about it I'm an ass ... I'm going to just put in a symlink and be done with it.19:30
Bovinitysounds good19:31
nkinkadeI'm in there manually changing dozens of img paths, when all it needed was this:19:32
nkinkadeln -s default/ ccidonor.civicactions.net19:33
nkinkadeoh well.  images should now work on all the other pages.19:33
Bovinitythey sure do ;)19:33
nkinkadeSomehow some old content got in there, but for those pages, such as videos, we just need to cut-n-paste the new stuff from the real support site, like I just did with videos.19:33
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paulproteusHeh, the NPK top-level domain.19:41
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Chapoolinhow do i fullfill the "By Attribution" condition on a .jpg I want to download?19:58
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paulproteusChapoolin, I think this is discussed in the Creative Commons Frequently Asked Questions - have you seen that yet?19:59
Chapoolinoh i'm dizy now for running up and down the CC site20:00
Chapoolinisn't the attribution to the author already included by the author in the description field in the .jpg file?20:01
paulproteusLet me find you the exactly link.20:01
Chapoolinpaulproteus:} thank you, you are kind20:01
Chapoolinthank you20:01
Chapoolinok, i want to use this NeatPicture.jpg on my YouTube page.  But YouTube only gives me a box to put the URL for the .jpg file.  Where do i put all the other URLs for the CC license, and for the author's info?20:10
paulproteusYou could put them in the info box for your movie.20:38
paulproteusOr at the end of the movie.20:38
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highendanybody awake?20:48
highendpaulproteus: do you have experience with
paulproteusNot really I'm afraid.20:50
highendthnks anyway :)20:50
Chapoolinuh, the .jpg is not in a movie--it is used as wallpaper for the web page20:55
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