Tuesday, 2008-04-08

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paulproteusI guess I should go to sleep.07:08
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hdworakany news on GSOC? :)11:08
nathanymorning hdworak11:08
nathanyno news11:08
nathanywe're just starting to review the applications11:08
hdworakoh, I see11:08
hdworaknice :)11:08
hdworakhow many have u got?11:08
hdworakif that ain't a secret11:08
hdworakwow, that's pretty much11:10
hdworakit seemed to be it's peaceful and quiet by the time the deadline approached11:10
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rohitjhdworak: is Dvorak and Dworak different? I know people have Dvorak as sir name, but never saw Dworak. :)11:13
hdworakin Polish we don't have the letter "v", you know11:13
rohitjI didnt know that11:14
rohitjso I guess Dvorak probably wasn't Polish.11:14
hdworakbe we read "w" as "v" in English ("woda" like "voh-dah")11:14
hdworakthe guy from the keyboard?11:14
hdworakhe had Czech ancestors11:15
rohitjactually, there was professor somewhere, who used "dvorak" not "dworak"11:15
hdworakit's spelled "Dvořák"11:15
hdworakand that's how you write it in Czech11:16
hdworakbut in Polish we don't have "v", "ř", or "á"11:16
hdworaknathany: and how many ppl applied for the validator? ;)11:17
hdworakrohitj: yw11:17
rohitjhdworak: "yw"?11:17
hdworakyou're welcome(d?)11:18
rohitjthank you11:18
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nathanyhdworak: 2 or 3? not sure11:23
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hdworakok, thnx11:25
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Bovinityi daren't upgrade to b5... b4 is stable enough.11:55
nathanyi'm trying b5 now11:56
paulproteusnathany, I'll be in around 10;40...11:59
nathanypaulproteus: ack11:59
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paulproteusGack, fell back asleep again.12:40
paulproteusSee you all soonish.12:41
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paulproteusnathany, nkinkade, lemme know if you wanna stand.13:26
nathanynkinkade: paulproteus: yes, 30 seconds13:27
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paulproteusnkinkade, If you're willing to delay further, it appears we should take "SF Muni Bus #12/Chavez & Mission at 1:20 pm (next bus at 1:40 pm) (schedule detail)" at Harrison & 2nd St.15:01
paulproteusSo let's leave in 10m or so.15:01
nkinkadeThat's fine.  How long is this all going to take 2 or 3 hours?15:02
paulproteusI'd say 1h45m or so.15:03
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Bovinityhttp://flickr.com/photos/bovinity/2399426456/ seriously...15:05
paulproteusnkinkade, Let's go?15:11
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Bovinitynathany: http://bret.appspot.com/ - vaguely interesting insight from AppEngine's ex-project lead15:25
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nkinkadeBovinity: so we don't have the ability to admin the drupal install on support?18:25
Bovinitynkinkade: admin in what way?18:26
Bovinityi mean, we  ahve access to all the files, and in theory could upgrade drupal18:26
nkinkadeLook at installed modules.18:26
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Bovinitybut i imagine civicactions would frown on that, since it's their job to admin it18:26
nkinkadeActivate and deactivate them.18:27
nkinkadeI want to see what precisely was activated before.18:27
nkinkadeI found the missing data, it's in a separate table.  Seems 4.7 got it from one table and 5.7 gets it from another.18:27
nkinkadeThat might not be exactly right.  I have a feeling that this database ugly and has lots of junk tables hanging around.18:28
Bovinityi believe tables made by modules don't get erased when you remove a module18:28
Bovinityso the database can easily become cluttered18:28
nkinkadeYeah.  Does the module called CCK ring any bells with you?18:29
nkinkadepaulproteus: this sounds like what you wanted earlier:" "The Content Construction Kit allows you create and customize fields using a web browser. "18:30
nkinkadeYeah, I'm at the module page, but I'm wondering if you knew what it was used for precisely in this case.18:30
nkinkadeOr if at all.18:30
paulproteusDrupal keeps providing me things like the mail<->forum stuff that makes me swoon.18:30
nkinkadeAnd maybe now you can get rid of Mud Bag.18:31
Bovinitywell i see the support.(cc) modules list has a bunch of CCK related modules18:31
paulproteusWell, I'm going to finish migrating us to SMW and ditch PHP4 like the Mud Bag it is.18:31
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nkinkadeSo all the data is in a table called content_type_content_page, but drupal is looking for it in node_revisions.18:33
Bovinitynkinkade: Administer -> Content Types, it defines "content_page", which would cause that content_page_node_type string we saw yesterday18:33
nkinkadeThis seems likely to have to do with CCK.18:33
Bovinityand content is a cck module apparently18:33
nkinkadeYeah, I saw that earlier.  I can't find any module called "Content", though it says it's missing.18:34
Bovinityno Content module in CCK?18:34
nkinkadeMaybe, but it doesn't show up at the module page.18:35
nkinkadeCan you see the site here:  ?18:35
nkinkadelogin with "admin" and the password I will tell you right now.18:36
paulproteuslol, nkinkade18:36
Bovinitycontent.module is definitely in the cck tarball18:41
paulproteusducck and cckover!18:42
Bovinitythat could go horribly wrong in so many different ways18:42
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