Monday, 2008-04-07

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srinathhello gentlemen's,I AM new to this google summer of code.what kind of proposals can i do.please help me07:31
srinathi know it's late.I just freed of myself to involve in this from my many ongoing college projects07:32
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timebombhello i saw you guys are listed in the gsoc organization07:48
timebombbut i dont see any proposals does that mean one could propose any software project then licensed with cc?07:49
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rohitjtimebomb: there are some prosopals.08:15
timebombah yeah was looking at the wrong place sorry08:17
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Tritonio_hello everybody.09:55
Tritonio_I just want to mention that the Greek translation of the human readable form of the license has many serious mistakes. How can I help?09:56
Tritonio_anyway i have to go.10:20
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SkaveRathi there. is there a generator for CCL-buttons like this one?
nathanySkaveRat: generator? to create new buttons?11:16
nathanynot that i'm aware of... our graphic designer built those11:16
SkaveRathmm. well, you see them all over the place, that's why I ask. A generator, or a button fitting to a specific version of the CCL would be nice11:18
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SkaveRatso you can put that on your page, instead of a link11:18
nathanywell when you select a license at the generated HTML includes a link to the appropriate button...11:19
nathanymaybe i'm not understanding the question?11:19
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SkaveRatah, nvm. last time I generated a licence, they were blocked by AdBlock11:25
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paulproteusnathany, ping?12:19
nathanypaulproteus: pong12:19
paulproteusnathany, I think I'm going to take the day off today.  There's nothing drastically urgent that should make me reconsider that, is there?12:19
paulproteus(Other than our stand-up, which maybe we can do tomorrow?)12:20
paulproteusGreat. (-:12:20
nathanysee you tomorrow :)12:20
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Bovinitynathany: curry?14:27
nathanyBovinity: ++14:27
nathanyjust have to stop @ the liquor store and get cash14:27
montaggA cool use of CC I discovered recently: the Hipster PDA (hPDA). A guy at designed a hundred free productivity forms that you can print on 3x5 cards to make yourself a little analog "PDA" notebook. He licensed them BY-NC-ND; unfortunate, but he seems to want to be aware of any modifications people make.14:39
montaggLink to hPDA article:
montaggRecently made one up for myself, and it's actually pretty cool.14:41
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MatsonSo I'd like an automated way to turn license URLS into human readable text15:33
MatsonWhen one of my users puts into the "license_url" field a string that starts with ""15:34
MatsonI'd like to scrape / get the correct string so mapping15:34
Matson   to the string ->15:35
Matson"Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States"15:35
MatsonI'm looking at scraping from the page the "dc:title" property15:37
Matsonbut I recall there was some license library Nathan mentioned15:37
paulproteusrdfadict ?15:38
paulproteusAlso, there's the API.15:38
nathanyMatson: You should be able to use any RDFa parser to get the dc:title out in a reliable way15:38
nathanythe latter is probably more up to date these days, but either should work15:38
nathanyi'd suggest doing it with rdfa instead of the API -- the former [potentially] works with non-CC licenses if publishers mark them up15:38
* paulproteus goes back into hiding.15:39
nathany(that wasn't intended as anything negative towards you, paulproteus, just sayin'... ;) )15:39
Matsonso by "to get the dc:title out"  - meaning go to the URL, pull te source, and parse out to get the text15:40
nathanymore accurately:15:40
nathany"use an rdfa parser to parse the URL and ask it for the dc:title"15:41
nathanyi wouldn't bother parsing it yourself15:41
nathany(but that's just me)15:41
Matsonon an semi-related topic - what is "dc:"?15:41
nathanyDublin Core15:41
nathany(a set of standard metadata elements)15:41
nathanythe namespace is declared in the header so you'll need to pull it out by the fully qualified URL15:42
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davidmccabeI have a question about the proposed RDFa support for Semantic MediaWiki:16:15
davidmccabeIs the idea primarily about marking up <a> tags with rel and rev according to the labelled links available in SMW? Or is it primarily about the CC license data? Both? Something else?16:15
MatsonIs there an image that represents generic CC license without specifying which one?16:17
davidmccabeActually I think I am beginning to understand this.16:25
davidmccabeThis project appeared to make perfect sense until I dug into it a bit :)16:25
nathanydavidmccabe: yes, that's basically it16:32
nathanyit'll be mostly rel in the case of SMW, since 99% of what it does is forward relationship16:32
nathanynote that it could also be marking up <span>s with "property" in the case of non-URL/non-Page attributes16:33
nathanyMatson: I don't think we've been had a generic CC license button that matches the current style since we went to 3.016:33
nathanysee for some options16:33
davidmccabenathany: I have finally been able to find some good SMW-generated RDF to study; that alone took a while.16:34
nathanyah, yeah16:34
davidmccabeSo the idea is to take that data and express it in the XHTML tags as we go.16:34
nathanydavidmccabe: are you thinking about proposing this for SoC?16:34
davidmccabenathany: yes.16:34
nathanyyeah, we want to annotate the output that SMW normally generates to include the RDFa16:34
davidmccabeSounds great.16:35
davidmccabeShould be pretty easy, too.16:35
nathanyie, see for an example of a page that would have several SMW-enabled properties16:35
nathanydavidmccabe: hopefully :)16:35
davidmccabenathany: Wrangling mediawiki is never as easy as it should be though.16:35
nathanyand that's why i say "hopefully" :)16:35
nathanyideally someone doing this for SoC would also work with the SMW community to get the patches into their tree16:36
davidmccabeSMW is purely an extension, right?16:36
nathanybut sort of a big one16:36
davidmccabeI think a hook or two might be needed in the core, but those are generally easy to get in.16:36
davidmccabeSo, there are properties that are part of Dublin Core, CC, SWIVT, etc., but it looks like the interesting properties generated from [::] links are just bare names taken directly from the wikitext.16:38
nathanyright now all SMW properties live in the "namespace" of the wiki16:40
nathanyso might be an example16:40
davidmccabeI see, so you have something like, for example from, <!ENTITY wiki ''>16:40
nathanyanother improvement would be coming up with an extension that let you do things like [[dc:title::Foo]] for pulling in externals properties, etc16:41
nathanyer, not sure what you mean by the ENTITY definition, davidmccabe16:41
davidmccabenathany: That's apparently what SMW spits out.16:41
davidmccabeI'm looking at an RDF file from that (randomly chosen) site.16:42
nathanyoh, interesting16:42
nathanycan you put that in a pastebin somewhere so i can see what you're looking at?16:42
davidmccabeInterestingly, this one doesn't use the wiki namespace, but uses smw.16:42
nathanyoh, interesting16:44
nathanyit defines the namespaces (ie, xmlns:attribute) using the entity16:44
nathanyso things like attribute:Building_name16:44
nathanymap to &attribute;Building_name16:44
nathanywhich resolves to
davidmccabeI'm looking at cc:Flickr now. it's a bit different.16:45
davidmccabemaybe they're using an older version of SMW.16:45
nathanynote that this looks like an older version of SMW -- current releases don't have Relations and Attributes -- only Properties16:45
nathanyfor example, the := syntax has been deprecated16:46
davidmccabeI have to say that a good SOC project might be improving
davidmccabebrb, switching networks.16:47
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mecredisyes, leaves a lot to be desired16:59
davidmccabe_nathany: Did my question make it through about things other than properties? (I switched from wifi to ethernet)17:01
nathanyi don't think it made it17:01
davidmccabe_nathany: are there things we'll want to mark up with RDFa that aren't [::] property-things?17:01
davidmccabe_I missed anything you said since "heh; true"17:01
nathanyperhaps... page title, last edited, etc are likely candidates, but that seems like more of a skin level thing, right?17:02
nathanydid you have something in mind?17:02
davidmccabe_Those things could indeed be done easily in the skin.17:02
davidmccabe_I was just asking.17:02
nathanyi think getting it to work for SMW defined metadata would be a huge first step17:03
nathanynote that doing it in the factbox would also be desirable, since we something include annotations and then hide them (ie, [[Has Type:String| ]])17:03
davidmccabe_Ok, but that's the easy part.17:03
nathanyok :)17:04
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davidmccabe_nathany: so would the following tag be what is wanted, or is additional namespace or such information needed?17:21
davidmccabe_<span property="Is Complete" content="false">Is Complete: no</span>17:21
nathanydavidmccabe_: more information needed...17:21
nathanyprobably something like:17:21
nathany<span property=" Complete" content="false">Is Complete: no</span>17:22
nathanyer, actually <span property="" content="false">Is Complete: no</span>17:22
nathanysince it maps " " to "_"17:22
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davidmccabe_And then for links you would have <a href="/Image" property="Format" resource="http://.../Image">Image</a>17:31
paulproteuss|format|http://.../Property:Format| is also acceptable and more readable.17:32
davidmccabe_ah yes, thank you.17:33
davidmccabe_<a href="/Image" property="http://.../Format" resource="http://.../Image">Image</a> in any case.17:33
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davidmccabe_nathany: would we use rel, then? as in17:42
davidmccabe_<a href="/Image" rel="http://.../Property:Format">Image</a>17:42
nathanydavidmccabe_: yes; the thing to look at is the property type17:43
nathanyif it's page or URL, use rel17:43
davidmccabe_So do SWIVT and OWL come into this at all?17:47
nathanydavidmccabe_: probably not at this point17:48
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davidmccabe_nathany: Alright, I think I have my head around this now. Thanks so much for your help.17:58
nathanydavidmccabe_: no problem; looking forward to seeing your application17:58
davidmccabe_Expect it within the hour. :)18:00
paulproteusnathany, How many slots have we?18:04
nathanypaulproteus: we don't know until they're assigned18:04
nathanyin the past we've had 4 to 618:04
paulproteusAh, I see.18:04
paulproteusThat's a pretty healthy size.18:04
nathanypaulproteus: yeah... i doubt we'll be begging for more spots18:08
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nkinkadeBovinity: where is the spot to upload an Ogg video that I'm about to put on support.(cc).org?18:15
nkinkadeI see some are on mirrors and some are on the CC site and some seem to be uploaded to support.(cc).org.18:15
Bovinitythe oggs should be on mirrors/www/movingpictures18:20
Bovinityi think18:20
Bovinity(movingpictures was pre-existing)18:21
Bovinity(i wasn't being a smartarse when i set it up)18:21
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Matsonhi ...23:56
Matsonwhat is
Matsonand why is it hitting development pages on a staging server that I have not released yet?23:56
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