Sunday, 2008-04-06

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MFenanyone know where i can get a lot of cc-licensed fantasy artwork?14:54
MFeni need graphics for 687 distinct creatures14:55
MFenalthough, to be fair, about 50 of them are dragons14:55
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tanjirMFen: flickr i think14:59
MFenare you being serious?14:59
tanjiri saw few ppl upload artworks too15:00
used2killwhat cind of chat is this ?15:00
tanjirused2kill: MFen is looking for CC licensed fantasy artwork15:01
tanjirdo u have any suggestion?15:01
MFenwell15:02 forums have a ton of redistributable art, guess i'll just put that out there15:02
MFeni mean, ungodly amounts15:03
MFenit's not CC, but it's essentially the same15:03
MFenunfortunately it doesn't have a good search interface, and most of it is top-down15:03
tanjirhow abt i am not sure what kind of license they use15:04
MFenchecking it out..15:04
used2killwhat is the meaning of CC ?15:04
tanjirused2kill: are you kidding or being serious? :-|15:05
used2killim trying to find out what cind of chat is this15:05
used2killso the meaning is ?15:05
MFenused2kill: it's a way to license creative works so they can be redistributed. see
tanjirwhy u r mentioning "cind"?15:05
used2killso the CC means Creative Commons ?15:07
used2killright ?15:07
tanjirused2kill: yes15:08
used2killdamn it15:08
used2killnever mind15:08
tanjirwat where u looking for?15:09
used2killhave a good evening15:09
used2killcredit card15:09
tanjiru too15:09
tanjirha ha15:09
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MFensomeone should probably tell the FBI about him15:19
greg-gwhat country is .lt?15:23
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greg-gyep, don't think the FBI would care too much then :)15:24
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MFengreg-g: you think he's stealing lithuanian credit cards?16:45
greg-gMFen: not necessarily.  maybe he just thought that if you asked for a CC number we would give him one so he could go buy that new TV he wants.16:46
MFengreg-g: there's a whole black market for identity theft. a lot of it is run through irc16:47
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greg-gYep, I know.  But he didn't say anything incriminating.  The channel is publicly logged anyways.16:49
MFenfair enough.16:49
greg-gif you want to tell the FBI, be my guest, but they will most likely ignore you.16:49
greg-gmaybe we should just email the identity theft agency (who ever that is in the US) the logs of this channel :)16:51
* greg-g is only half-kidding ;)16:51
MFeni don't know who it is either. heck i wouldnt' know how to contact the fbi16:56
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mecredis is not resolving20:49
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paulproteusmecredis, works for me?21:09
mecredismy machine isn't liking it21:09
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mecredispaulproteus: its back21:53
mecredisfile_put_contents isn't doing it for me21:54
mecredisdo I need to give anyone permissions?21:54
mecrediswrong window21:54
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