Wednesday, 2008-04-02

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tvolhey rejon09:12
tvolcool see ur edits to nuking "About" portal and keep it simple---just front page now?09:13
tvolrejon ^^09:14
rejonsorry, going edit crazy09:15
rejonyah, on the casestudies wiki09:15
rejontvol: are you going on the staff call today09:15
rejonI think I need to go to bed tonite09:15
tvolrejon yes09:16
rejonsore throat must be defated09:16
tvolkill it09:16
rejonyah, can you bring up a couple of things during your time...will email you09:16
tvolrejon: sure09:16
rejonon the casestudies09:17
rejonyah, thinking the images should just be like the gallery type09:17
rejonand maybe have a custom sized image area for CC AU to design too09:17
rejoncan go above the quote09:17
rejonmaybe good09:17
rejonwiki design is tricky09:18
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tdoggetteI want to dual-license a piece of software under GPL and BY-SA. Is there an equivalent file to gpl.txt that I should include in the distributed code, or should I just note both licenses in each file?09:19
rejontdoggette: cc licenses are for source code09:20
tdoggetterejon: Even non-compiled languages?09:21
tdoggetteScripts, that is.09:21
rejonwell, IANAL, but they are designed for content: audio, video, image, text09:22
rejonsome (M$) have used for scripts and other non-compiled langs09:22
tdoggetteSay I were distributing text files licensed under BY-SA.09:23
tdoggetteHow would I signify that?09:23
rejonin the files with link to license...find out more here:
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nathanynkinkade: have you touched the code at all (ie, do you have any familiarity with that)?11:14
nkinkadeI haven't really touched that code at all.11:14
nkinkadeNot beyond making 1 tiny tweak to the javascript at some point.11:15
nkinkadenathany: regarding the scraper on a5.  I ran a greedy text replace of s/80/8080/ on all apache vhost configs when I reenabled Varnish on a5.  I caught one bad replacement last night, but seems that you are the only one who gets warnings for HTTP_Apps on a5.11:17
nkinkadeSorry about that.11:18
nathanynkinkade: let's talk for 30 sec after the staff call re: cc search -- we need to make a pretty minor change11:19
nkinkadenathany: sure, just pull me aside when you're ready.11:21
nathanynkinkade: if we want to patch our installation of SMW 1.0.1, any thoughts on doing that sanely?11:26
nathanyits a backport of a feature from the development version, so not sure that we need to worry about blasting it in the future...11:27
nkinkadeI still have in mind to do a vendor branch type setup11:27
nathanyjust mark it clearly in source?11:27
nkinkadeI actually have a task at Teamspace, but wasn't sure what it's priority was.11:27
nathanyme either :)11:27
nathanythe a7 stuff (well, just making sure it stays up) is obviously more important11:29
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SkaveRathey there11:30
SkaveRatcan someone tell me where I can generate thoese CC-licence buttons?11:30
paulproteusnathany, Staff call over?11:31
paulproteus(I was doing so well....)11:31
nathanypaulproteus: getting towards the end of it11:31
nathanypaulproteus: but i'm just happy my world has returned to expectations ;)11:32
nathanyi'd just head in...11:32
paulproteus20h00 I think is 10 am11:35
paulproteusLet me double-check.11:35
paulproteusI'm going to have seriously rush.11:35
paulproteusThank goodness, it's 11 am.11:35
paulproteusThat I can do.11:35
nkinkadeWhat kind of notation is that?  Looks a lot like 10pm, too.11:36
nkinkadeOr is that UTC.11:36
paulproteusnkinkade, La notation francaise, naturellement.11:36
paulproteusI hope we have an French<->English ictionary11:36
paulproteusI carelessly left mine in Rochester.11:36
paulproteusI really should have brought it.11:36
paulproteusI doubt we do, though.11:36
paulproteusMaybe I can pick one up somewhere en route.11:38
paulproteusMaybe the book store across the street on Second has a good one.11:38
nkinkadepaulproteus: why not just
paulproteusI have a script that scrapes that site, and in a pinch I can just do that.11:38
nkinkadeThat site is the best resource I've found, and the forums are great.11:39
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nathanypaulproteus: do you have Steren's #?12:50
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nkinkadenathany: does the search form now behave as you had in mind?13:07
nathanyon at
nathanylooks the same to me13:10
paulproteusnathany, ping?13:10
paulproteusnathany, No I don't13:10
nathanypaulproteus: do you need it?13:10
paulproteusBy email13:10
paulproteusAlso, if he asks what the interns will do, do you have an answer I can give him?13:11
paulproteusIn fact, can you talk for a sec?13:11
nathany* license deployment13:11
nathany* validator++13:11
nathany* maybe some license compatibility tool13:11
nathany* XHTML-mobile deeds13:11
nathany* SMW -- transitive queries, external vocabularies13:11
nathanyin a mtg13:11
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paulproteusnathany, No worries, that'll do.13:11
nkinkadenathany: Hmm.  If you force reload the page and then switch tabs, nothing happens?13:21
nathanynkinkade: looks great13:22
Bovinityhmm, the bliptv search interface sucks.13:23
nathanyexcept that it overwrites what you have in the box if you've already done a search13:23
nathanynkinkade: i'd just revert back to the old javascript and just pre-populate the search13:23
nathanydon't worry about being clever13:23
nkinkadenathany: It wasn't about being clever really.  The first thing I tried was prepopulating the box in the HTML, but it wasn't working because the whole thing relies on various things being set via javascript.13:26
Bovinityor just do the flowers query if the entry box is "Enter search query"13:26
nathanynkinkade: ah, weird13:26
nathany(er, annoying? ;) )13:26
nkinkadeBovinity: I suppose that could work as well.  I was just trying to rely on the fact that the className for the search box was set to "inactive".13:27
nkinkadeBut I guess it gets set back to inactive at some point when switching between tabs.  Or maybe it's inactive all the time?13:28
nkinkadeOh, wait.  I think I was just bitten by evaluating an assignment rather than equality.13:29
nkinkadeI think Python would have protected me from that blunder by not evaluating assignments inside of an if expression.  Am I wrong?13:30
nkinkadenathany: now it works.  turns out there is a difference between query.className = "inactive"  and query.className == "inactive" ;)13:32
nathanynkinkade: unfortunately :)13:32
nkinkadehence the suggested PHP notation of  inactive == query.className ... I suppose that could hold true in JS as well.13:33
paulproteusThat was fun. (-:13:45
paulproteusHeh re: == vs. =.13:45
paulproteusIn Python they just changed the language to avoid that problem.13:45
paulproteusAh, I see that you already pointed that out!13:45
Bovinityi was reading that in the documentation last night.. and thought, "wow, handy!"13:46
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nkinkadeBovinity: Did you add Analytics code to the Planet template a while back?16:36
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nkinkadeWell, in any case it looks like it's got the tracking code for  I created a new profile for planet.(cc).org and will just paste that info in there.16:45
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Bovinitynkinkade: probably came along with the template starting point16:58
Bovinitynkinkade: just make sure the last digit of the tracking code matches the profile16:58
nkinkadeIt does now.  It was tracking before, but adding the stats to the profile.  I just created a new profile and edited the tracking bits in the template.16:59
nkinkadeBovinity: do you mind if you change the profile name from to  Small point, but seems more accurate to me.17:01
nkinkadeIt's trivial, in any case.17:01
Bovinityi dunno, having www. makes sense, the others track search., wiki., planet., whatever., spork., etc17:02
nkinkadeAlright, I'll leave it, then.17:02
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paulproteusnathany, I hear "PdfLicenseManager" is in cctools svn.17:14
paulproteus(by reading
paulproteusDo you know off-hand if it uses the current (i.e., "new") CC namespace?17:14
paulproteusA FOAF is using it to mark PDFs with XMP.17:15
nathanypaulproteus: no idea17:15
paulproteusOkay, sounds good.17:15
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paulproteusnathany, for e.g. liblicense that's now in git, should I 'svn rm liblicense/{tags,branches,trunk}' and put a note in liblicense/README in cctools svn that "This has move to git; see $URL for more info"?17:29
nathanypaulproteus: yes, although $URL will require that we actually get gitweb up and running17:30
paulproteusGood point.17:30
nathanypaulproteus: also update the wiki17:30
paulproteusrose:~# locate ssassin | grep -i fun17:35
paulproteusOh, the things I search for.17:35
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nkinkadeI seem to like to type ipythong quite frequently.18:34
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nkinkadeBovinity: Heavens to Betsy:
Bovinityyour first time with 2.5?19:29
Bovinityit's a little strange...19:30
Bovinityhow did hte theme/plugin hold up?19:30
nkinkadeVery pastel.19:30
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Bovinityrejon: do you have contacts with ccChina?19:34
Bovinityrejon: are you actually here?19:34
rejonbovinity: yah19:35
Bovinityrejon: we need the original version of to put up in the office19:35
rejonsend me email...I'll sort it out19:35
Bovinitycool. thx.19:35
paulproteuslol re: "actualy"19:37
Bovinityone can never tell with jon's almost robotic online presence19:38
paulproteusNor mine, for that matter!19:38
Bovinityin fact, his responses are rather canned!19:38
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Bovinitynkinkade: well appears sane19:52
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