Tuesday, 2008-04-01

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maikiHowdy folks.03:29
maikiI was jumping to see if anyone knew when the next CCSalon in SF was going to be?03:29
maikiWell, I was jumping on, but I suppose I was kinda jumping in place, as well.03:30
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rejonmaiki: sometime in may04:01
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skbohrahi all12:52
skbohrai am proposing a cc extension for joomla! CMS in gsoc12:53
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skbohradoes that sounds interesting12:54
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paulproteus_http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5242.txt !!13:09
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nathanyBovinity: http://www.despair.com/wishes.html13:28
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paulproteus_“This is old news. I read about this announcement yesterday on Google.”13:39
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paulproteus_c.f. http://www.despair.com/fail24x30pri.html13:40
skbohra_a cc extension for joomla!13:41
nathanyhi skbohra_13:42
nathanycould be interesting13:42
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skbohra_can it be a gsoc project13:50
nathanyi don't know why it couldn't be; it'll sort of depend on the scope of the project13:50
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skbohra_joomla is used by millions of people13:51
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nathanyyeah, it'd definitely be great to have support for CC there13:52
nathanyso some things we'll look at:13:52
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nathany* does it seem like the code will get integrated into the Joomla codebase?13:52
nathany* how will you integrate license selection?13:52
nathany* will you support embedded, machine readable metadata13:52
skbohra_will use cc api13:53
nathanywhich one? :)13:53
skbohra_metadata api13:53
nathany(see http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Integration)13:53
skbohra_ya looked at api.creativecommons.org13:55
skbohra_i am concerning on integrating the process of getting liscense for text, blog, website in joomla14:01
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paulproteus_"All power corrupts, but we need electricity."15:19
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paulproteus_nathany, http://utsl.gen.nz/talks/git-svn/intro.html15:24
paulproteus_"...by importing the whole repository from Subversion"15:24
paulproteus_Look for that header.15:25
paulproteus_git svn init http://whatever15:25
nkinkadenathany: paulproteus_ : standup?15:30
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Bovinityi <3 the screenburn effect16:23
paulproteus_nathany, ping me if you want further git/git-svn help16:27
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nkinkadeBovinity: nathany: do either of you know why this rule on a7 might have been/be necessary: RewriteRule ^/$ /index.php [L,P]16:31
nkinkadeI removed it a few days ago, and everything seems fine, but I just wanted to make sure.16:32
nkinkadeI couldn't figure out why we'd need to proxy that request, or even have it at all.16:32
paulproteus_That's a pretty kinky rule.16:36
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nathanypaulproteus_: i'm emailing the intern candidates and cc-ing you, leaving it to the two of you to figure out times16:48
paulproteus_nathany, Great.16:49
nathanymaybe you can just reply to all and give them a couple options?16:49
paulproteus_Sounds good to me.16:49
paulproteus_Maybe you should tell me to do that in the email. (-;16:49
paulproteus_(If you don't, it's fine; I'm just saying that we don't need a backchannel.)16:49
nathanyright... got it :)16:49
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paulproteusnathany, Handled, thanks.17:03
paulproteusnkinkade, I'm not sure we comply with http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2100 .17:09
Bovinityi like to keep my home page perpendicular17:10
Bovinitynkinkade: did you fix that deed url bug? http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/us/deed.ms still fails for me17:12
nkinkadepaulproteus: in what way are we in violation of that RFC?  we got at least 3 names for every host, generally more.  And thanks for posting an HTTP link instead of an FTP one.17:13
* Bovinity chuckles verily17:14
nkinkadeBovinity: that link works for me.17:14
paulproteusI meant, there's not enough iambic pentameter.17:14
nkinkadein our host naming covention, or just at CC in general?17:14
nkinkadeDoes that deed link not work for you?17:15
Bovinityit does not17:15
Bovinityoh fuck17:15
Bovinityit works in safari.17:15
Bovinityfirefox FTL.17:16
paulproteusBovinity, Works for me fwiw.17:16
paulproteusFx 3b217:16
Bovinityprobably doing some weird caching, as usual17:16
paulproteusI'd prefer weird cashing.17:17
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paulproteusWhat the heck?  How did that make it into Unicode?17:18
paulproteus② How would it be expressed in http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5242.txt ?17:19
paulproteushttp://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5241.txt has some great "Acceptable" names.17:20
paulproteusSMTP: eHarmony HELO17:20
paulproteusIn bad taste:17:21
paulproteusSIP: Calvin Klein Event Package17:21
paulproteusSIP: Seagrams Vodka SIP Event17:21
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rohitjHey, I can stream Jamendo's CC songs, right?18:30
paulproteusYeah, I think that's the default on theirs ite.18:43
rohitjpaulproteus: I meant in the way that I download the songs from their site, and stream it from my server.19:11
paulproteusnkinkade, http://linuxgazette.net/123/vishnu.html19:13
paulproteusrohitj, Oh, well, follow the license - but I can't think of a license that bans that unless you're doing it commercially.19:13
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qubodupdoes anybody know of a torrent, which allows to download the orange AKA elephants dream DVD?20:36
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