Thursday, 2008-04-03

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paulproteusnathany, I'm going to chill at home until 11 or so.11:51
nathanypaulproteus: ok11:51
nathanypaulproteus: Bovinity: any experience doing screencasts on Linux?11:56
paulproteusnathany, Yeah, it has always sucked for me.11:56
paulproteusI've used xvidcap, which might suck a little less these days.11:57
paulproteusThere's the GNOME app, too, which for a year seemed on the edge of not sucking; maybe by now it doesn't.11:57
nathanypaulproteus: if it sucks less, it's not by much11:57
paulproteusWhat's it called...11:57
Bovinityi remember there was one gnome app that worked by taking a bunch of screenshots and dumpign an animated gif.11:58
Bovinity"Istanbul" may or may not be what i'm thinking of. regardless, it is a screencast tool.11:59
paulproteus suggests xvidcap.11:59
paulproteusThis looks sane, perhaps.12:02
paulproteusIstanbul is what I'm thinking of.12:02
paulproteusLast I saw it didn't make anigifs but a real video.12:02
paulproteusRecommended at , but I like the look of recordmydesktop better.12:03
nathanyI had seen the ubuntu wiki page, but its recommendations resulted in... crap12:03
Bovinityah, Byzanz was that anigif one12:03
nathanyBovinity: OMG, there's a Funplex Remix EP w/ remixes by Scissor Sisters and Peaches12:04
nathanyi sort of love the Amazon MP3 store12:05
Bovinitythe funplex releases are also drm free on itunes12:06
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rejonyah, i've done12:14
rejonsearch my blog...12:14
rejonon screencasts12:14
rejonvnc2swf is great along with x11vnc12:14
paulproteusnathany, I fixed PdfLicenseManager in trunk and added a Makefile.12:15
paulproteusAmong other things, I need to figure out what sort of binary distribution people want.12:16
paulproteus"Fixed" used lightly, of course, given the quality of that code.  But I changed the namespace, is what I mean.12:16
nathanypaulproteus: great12:16
nathanybinary distribution?12:16
nathanywouldn't they just want a .jar at most?12:16
paulproteusIt looks like a zip file of the *.java and the *.class files is what used to be offered.12:16
paulproteusYeah, a jar might be useful, except I don't think that used to be how things were distributed, and I never learned how to make one.12:17
paulproteusGuess I'll read up on the old website for this thing.12:19
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paulproteusHowdy doody, nkinkade.12:20
paulproteusHmm, no cache.12:21
nkinkadeHi paulproteus.12:21
paulproteus(There is one, but it's too recent to be any use.)12:21
nkinkadeI'm not sure what you are referring to.12:22
paulproteusnkinkade, Something nathany and I were chatting about.12:22
paulproteusSorry, didn't mean to confuse.12:22
nathanypaulproteus: how "things" were distributed? for java apps?12:23
paulproteusThis particular Java app.12:23
paulproteusAnd its source, and its binaries.12:23
nathanyi can't imagine what else he would've done... based on a combination of my knowledge and my perception of the level of code sophistication :)12:24
paulproteusWhat else?12:24
paulproteusDo you mean you think he did a jar, or you think he did a .java+.class zip file and told people to unzip?12:24
paulproteusI think the latter.12:24
nathanymaybe the latter12:25
nathanywhy not just do a .jar (which is zipped already) and tell people to run12:26
nathanyjava -jar xxx.jar12:26
paulproteusSure, I just don't know how.12:26
* paulproteus reads12:26
nathanyack, i hate multimedia on linux12:46
nathany(production, that is)12:46
nathanyBovinity: paulproteus: either of you have a microphone at the office i can use to record an audio track?12:48
paulproteusnathany, Can't you use your USB headset you lent me a few weeks ago?12:48
nathanypaulproteus: i could, if it weren't at home :)12:49
paulproteusI do have a regular non-USB headset at home, but it and I are here.12:49
nathanypaulproteus: 1/8" plugs on it?12:49
nathanyif so, would you mind bringing it in if you come to the office today?12:49
paulproteusnathany, I'd be happy to.  I'm thinking I might stay at home a little longer, but at some point I'll get dressed and then there'll be nowhere to go but the office.12:50
nathanypaulproteus: no worries; if we don't cross paths today i'll bring mine in tomorrow12:50
paulproteusOr I could just walk to your place and find yours. (-;12:51
paulproteus1/8" - is that "normal computer audio plug" size?12:52
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nathanypaulproteus: yes, that's the normal size13:04
nathanynevermind, though; ML had one13:04
nathany(as i still fight with this color balance)13:05
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paulproteusnathany, Please read your mail and actually fix Herder's setup pie.13:54
nathanypaulproteus: just saw that13:54
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paulproteusHah, duck out on me, I see.13:55
nathany_lunchpaulproteus: ;)13:55
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paulproteusBoo hiss, nkinkade, can we ditch cthyme yet?14:43
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paulproteusnathany, It's kind of hilarious that you joke about (R) on given the nature of our organization.14:52
paulproteusDo you have our last stand-up photo somewhere?14:53
paulproteusIt was for that that I went to the tech blog.14:53
paulproteus'Cause if I can't work on herder and liblicense is stable enough I forget what to do next.14:54
paulproteusI could ship+blog the JAR I made for that Java thing.14:54
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paulproteus"In my work, the people is mad"15:11
paulproteusnathany, Hey, wait a sec.15:19
paulproteusYou surely have an AuthKit egg lying around.15:19
nathanypaulproteus: sent via email15:22
* paulproteus nods15:22
nathanyunzip in the eggs directory15:22
paulproteusIn a discussion of terminology of Perl heroes vs. saints vs. other words:15:33
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nkinkadeThe versioning WP plugin that we installed months ago for the lawsuit just saved Jane.  I had forgot that it was sitting there silently versioning every page/post edit.  I just mention it here in case it's ever useful to someone else, and to say that it might be useful for other general users of Wordpress.16:37
tvolnkinkade; good to know16:39
Bovinitynkinkade: is that active on i can only assume it is16:40
nkinkadeBovinity: it probably is active there, but she was drafting on (cc).org.16:40
nkinkadeI think only blog admins can access the versions, and of course it's all dependent on the user having saved it, but Jane had accidentally deleted all but a couple words of a long post and then somehow saved it.  It worked nicely for her in this case.16:41
nkinkadeI think there's a bug in the plugin, though because when I rolled back to the good version it somehow removed the author, so I had to set the author manually.  Maybe that's intentional??16:42
nkinkadeAnd for anyone interested: $ dig mx creativecommons.org16:43
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nkinkadepaulproteus: By the way, iftop is my new favorite utility.17:07
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nkinkadeLooks like the name servers from our ISP have already picked up the new MX records.  So anything sent from the SF office should go directly to Google and won't bother to pass Go.17:09
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nathanypaulproteus: cinelerra blows17:16
Bovinitygreat to know video editing in linux still sucks :(17:17
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paulproteusnkinkade, Yay!18:09
paulproteusre: iftop18:09
paulproteusnkinkade, lol! re: bug in versioning plugin18:10
paulproteusrejon, Hey now.18:10
nkinkadeYou mentioned it the other day, and I just had occasion to need something a lot like it.18:10
paulproteusIt's nice to see how much bandwidth I'm pushing through.18:10
nkinkadeAnd ipkg on OpenWRT is darn nice as well.18:10
paulproteusipkg is the same thing as the OpenMoko (and other normal embedded Linux setups) use to manage packages.18:11
nkinkadeI assumed it was you, paulproteus, who was making the network nearly unusable, but I don't think it was you.18:11
paulproteus(Just as an FYI)18:11
paulproteusHah, nkinkade!18:11
paulproteusre: iftop: There were a nice few days where seeding the FreeBSD 7 ISOs had me uploading at 2-4 megabytes a second from rose.18:11
Bovinitynkinkade: what was the reason for the dodgy network speeds?18:11
nkinkadeI always default to pointing an imaginary finger at you.  In my book paulproteus is guilty until proven innocent.  It's not very just of me, but the mind is a mysterious thing.18:12
paulproteusAs is my network usage.18:13
nkinkadeI think it might have been nathany.18:13
paulproteusWhy wasn't the Wonder Shaper Wonderful for us?18:13
nkinkadeI'm not sure, but did you notice the serious slowdowns earlier?18:13
paulproteusYes, but when I investigated I noticed the wireless network itself was slow.18:14
paulproteusLike pinging from my laptop took 200ms or something nuts.18:14
paulproteusI thought, "Maybe my wireless card has gone nuts," and didn't think twice.18:14
paulproteusThat's still possible....18:14
nkinkadeYeah, it took a long time to connect to  Interestingly, the Xerox WorkCentre was generating more traffic than anything when I looked, though still not too too much.18:16
Bovinitymaybe all thsoe scans it was trying to upload....18:16
nkinkadepaulproteus: What were you doing with the FreeBSD ISOs?18:16
paulproteusI was seeding them on bittorrent on the release day.18:18
paulproteusAnd I figured, why not also get all the old ones too?18:18
paulproteusAnd all the architectures? (etc.)18:18
nkinkadeBut why were you bothering to have anything to do with FreeBSD?  Of course, I like the idea, but I haven't really touched FreeBSD for about a year.18:19
paulproteusI don't know, the voice of Slashdot compelled me.18:19
paulproteusIn general, it's sad that I have enormous amounts of bandwidth that I'm not putting to good use.18:19
paulproteus(on rose)18:19
nkinkadePut the Debian package management system on FreeBSD and you might have my favorite system.18:19
paulproteusDebian GNU/kFreeBSD18:20
* paulproteus runs for the hills18:20
nkinkadeMaybe we can migrate (cc).org.18:20
paulproteusLet's do a test run first somewhere.18:20
paulproteusMaybe your laptop, or my desktop. (-;18:20
nkinkadeBut you see, I don't just want the kernel, but also the filesystem layout and configuration paradigms.18:21
paulproteuscd /usr/nkinkade18:22
paulproteus(Or is it not quite *that* old-school?)18:22
Bovinitywasn't it /usr/home/foo/ ?18:23
paulproteus"I imagine too, that it helps to sell more Solaris boxes if people think they can get "their" version of 'ps' running." <>18:23
nkinkadeNo it was /usr/home/nkinkade18:23
nkinkadeWell, by default, but you can put it anywhere you like, of course.18:24
paulproteusls -a /18:24
nkinkadeWhat I want to know if where my good friend rc.conf when to.18:25
paulproteusYou know, I'm kind of resenting how slow svn is now.18:26
nkinkadeI suddenly feel to need to write some iambic pentameter about the virtues of rc.conf, or maybe a haiku.18:26
paulproteusJust be sure to CC-license it!18:27
nkinkadeoh rc.conf \ simplicity, calm, at rest \ peaceful oh, selah18:29
* paulproteus looks this up18:31
paulproteus           Beyond the fact that Selah is a musical term, we know18:31
paulproteus           absolutely nothing about it.             --Dr. W. Smith18:31
nkinkade/usr/local you maketh me lie down by calm waters, your separation of system and user they comfort me.  And yeah though I walk through the valley of Confusion, I will not fear rm -rf /usr/local/*18:32
paulproteusThe GNU world has that, at least.18:33
paulproteusYou need not mourn it.18:33
nkinkadeAs far as I know it's still alive and well in FreeBSD.18:33
nkinkadeBut I've got used to Debian now, and I'm pretty happy.18:34
paulproteusOh you have *got* to be kidding me.18:34
paulproteusTranslation on only works if define("DEBUG", true); is set!18:34
paulproteusIn related news, the Solaris kernel ships in debug mode.18:35
paulproteusCompiled in debug mode, that is.18:35
Bovinityyou know, i think i set that up a long time ago18:35
BovinityDEBUG was probably fairly arbitrary18:35
paulproteusAnyway, I'm cleaning this all up now.18:36
paulproteus        // if all else fails set it to the default18:36
paulproteus    if (DEBUG) {18:36
paulproteus      echo "you suck, going to default<p>";18:36
paulproteus    }18:36
paulproteusI think I wrote those lines.18:36
nkinkadeWhat are you doing with search.(cc).org?18:39
paulproteusWait a sec.18:42
paulproteusIt's just randomly inconsistent?18:42
paulproteusGo go gadget nondeterminism.18:43
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paulproteusnkinkade, I'm (by working on a local checkout) finishing the work Jon did two years ago to enable i18n on search dot CC.18:43
nkinkadeBovinity: What's the login path for drupal again?  /user/login???18:44
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paulproteusI'm going to enable this search i18n on the live site in a moment.18:53
paulproteusWish me luck and few explosions!18:53
seanmif i were trying to accomplish in linux: making four programs executing multiple threads sharing the same virtual memory with clone(), do you know how i can create a program that will execute them in different terminals18:57
seanmI am assuming the open() and fork(), but i cna't get it rto work, andy suggestions?18:57
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paulproteusseanm, I think you want ##c.19:01
seanmoh, sorry you are right19:02
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paulproteusNo worries. (-:19:04
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paulproteusSo close to having i18n search working...19:16
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