Monday, 2008-03-31

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dooteoHi all,05:58
dooteo I'm creating a video, where I'm using songs with CC by s.a. 2.5 license, and other songs with Art Libre license. Is that possible?05:58
dooteo I mean, can I use both (or other free license) in my video?05:58
dooteo And if possible, can I share my video with Art License if it contains CC licensed parts (songs) and viceversa?05:58
hdworakhi dooteo06:09
hdworakany copyright lawyers here?06:09
dooteohdworak, I'm asking in #fsf, #fsfeurope and #freeculture... but there are no answers or they don't sure about license 'mixing'07:02
hdworakI'm sorry, I'm not even a member of CC07:06
dooteodon't worry...07:09
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hdworaknathany/paulproteus: are you here? :)10:02
nathanymorning hdworak10:02
hdworakgood afternoon10:02
hdworakcan we discuss your "Rewrite Metadata Validator" a bit?10:03
hdworakI want to submit the proposal today10:03
hdworak"support all recommended methods, historical and current, of embedding CC license information in a web page (see the file format page for more information)"10:04
hdworakdo you mean RDF-related methods only, all everything that was ever there?10:04
nathanyI think the minimal things that need to be supported are:10:04
nathany* RDF/XML in an HTML comment10:04
nathany* RDF <link>d from the head of an HTML document10:05
nathany* the rel="license" RDFa/microformat10:05
nathanySupporting validation of licensing in feeds ( would be nice, too10:05
hdworak"alert users that embedding using historical methods has been deprecated"10:05
nathanyso primarily HTML/feed oriented at this point10:05
hdworak=everything that's not RDFa?10:06
nathanydefinitely RDF/XML in a comment should be marked as deprecated10:06
nathany<link>d RDF isn't deprecated, we just think there's a better way... so maybe point to a wiki page with more details10:06
nathanybtw, i haven't looked -- have you submitted your proposal?10:07
hdworakno, not yet10:07
hdworakI have 7 hours left10:07
nathanyok, well we're definitely looking forward to seeing it10:07
hdworakI was discussing this topic over the last days with either you or paulproteus10:08
hdworak'cause I need to understand the problem10:08
hdworakas I was looking through the RDFa Primer at w3c10:08
hdworakand then
hdworakhow come you came up with rel="license" ?10:08
hdworakand not rel="DC.rights.license"?10:09
hdworakwhat's the point?10:09
nathanywhen we started out, dc:license was poorly defined10:09
hdworakthe Primer makes use of DC tags like title, creator etc.10:09
hdworakok, that could justify it back then10:09
nathanywe've since updated our namespace to reflect that cc:license is equivalent to dc:license and xhtml:license10:09
hdworakwhat's the difference between rel="cc:license" and rel="license" ?10:10
nathanythere's a large corpus of work using just rel="license", changing to rel="dc:license" (or anything else) will break things like Google/Yahoo indexing, etc... so better to handle the equivalence in the schema10:11
hdworakI understand that the cc is the namespace10:11
hdworakbut why are you recommending (as now) rel="license"10:11
nathanyso we initially defined our own cc:license property because xhtml:license wasn't published and dc:license wasn't well defined10:11
hdworakalright, I understand the issue, but what I'm saying is that are you not planning to move to DC.rights.license ?10:11
nathanythere's no reason to10:12
hdworakmove = start recommending this instead of rel="license"10:12
nathanydoing so would require tool providers that have written "dumb" agents to redeploy10:12
nathany(this includes Google, Yahoo, most search solutions unfortunately)10:12
nathanywe can handle it in the schema/OWL and let smart agents work correctly with either dc:license or license10:13
* paulproteus waves10:13
hdworak"support making assertions about embedded objects"10:14
hdworakwhat kind of assumptions? do you mean like something from the primer10:14
nathanyyeah... basically in the validator report it should show what has been asserted as licensed10:15
paulproteushdworak, Not assumptions, but assertions - like "This image has license CC by-sa 3.0 US"10:15
nathanywhether that's the document, or an image, other document, etc10:15
hdworakso how would the output of the validator work? say, someone inputs an HTML - and then what:10:15
hdworaka) sorry, this is not valid XHTML (no doctype)10:16
hdworakb) sorry, I could not find anything cc-related in your document10:16
hdworakc) sorry, I found some stuff, but it's deprecated, here's a good way I've come up for you10:16
hdworakd) great, I found some stuff licensed as cc, here's the list: the doc itself and the images/objects whatever10:17
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nathanyWRT (a) we should be sloppy with what we accept -- even if it's invalid XHTML we should make efforts to parse10:17
nathanybut yes10:17
nathanyalthough note that you could have a mix of (c) and (d)10:17
hdworakyeah, sure10:17
hdworakif some is valid and some invalid10:17
hdworakbut is there something extremely complex here I am missing?10:17
hdworak'cause it appears to me it's a cool project I could handle in three months10:18
hdworakbut are there any strings attached here or whatever?10:18
hdworaklike with this RDFa parsing?10:18
nathanydepending on the language you use, you can probably already find an RDFa library10:18
hdworakthat suddenly we end up with writing an OWL behemoth or something?10:18
nathanywell, I know they exist in Python and C10:18
hdworakyeah, I did the research and got some links, too10:18
hdworakno problem here10:19
nathanyno, zero requirement to do OWL stuff10:19
hdworakyeah, I was just referring to the complexity of the project10:19
nathanyi think this is a project that can be done really well in a 3 month time period10:19
hdworak(as OWL appears to me as something out of scale)10:19
nathanynothing extremely complex about it10:19
hdworakok, so that's it10:19
hdworakhas anyone come up with the same proposal over the days?10:20
hdworak(if that ain't a secret)10:21
paulproteusI think someone submitted something on the GSoC web app, but they didn't seem to have thought it through as much as you have.10:21
paulproteusAnd that's only a vague memory; I'm not totally sure.10:21
hdworakok ok10:22
hdworakbut remember that in the end it's the free software that must win10:22
hdworakif the guy appears to be better, then decide on him10:22
hdworakthe time I spend on this channel is irrelevant10:22
paulproteusAbsolutely, hdworak.10:22
paulproteusWe'll be as self-serving as we can be, how's that for a promise? (-:10:23
hdworakI've told you my XMPP-related GSOC story10:23
hdworakI was happy to pass the project to a guy who started doing this a while ago10:24
nathanyhdworak: IIRC there is one other proposal but it's severely lacking in details10:26
hdworakthis is what I've got so far and what I'll finish this UTC evening10:27
hdworak(write about the software that will be used as the components)10:27
hdworakignore the tools listed there10:27
nathanyhdworak: i have to run off for a bit but that looks like a good start10:28
nathanylooking forward to reading it10:28
nathanypaulproteus: see you at the office :)10:28
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hdworakdo you have any articles there at covering the deprecated methods?10:34
paulproteushdworak, Nope.10:35
paulproteus"  In a comment "10:38
paulproteusThere we go!10:38
paulproteusSorry I didn't know about that page. (-:10:38
hdworakis "in the head" and "in the body" serious?10:38
paulproteusThis page is historical.10:39
paulproteusThis is *not* a current recommendation of Creative Commons.10:40
paulproteusThis page is what you should use to understand how we used to think. (-:10:40
hdworakLINKing to an external file is not a bad idea at all, imho10:41
paulproteusAs Nathan said above, that is okay, but not the best now, we think.10:41
paulproteusIf you can do RDFa and/or rel=license, that's even better.10:41
hdworakit's just too bad you don't provide any examples on the page to few methods10:41
paulproteusrel=license is good because Yahoo! and Google search pick up on it.10:41
hdworakwell, it's not like that10:42
hdworakI can do all do this stuff; I've written a compiler in PHP 510:42
hdworakI'm just trying to understand the matter10:42
hdworakdon't get me wrong, I'm not negotiating here10:42
hdworakon what to do, and what not to do10:42
hdworakI'll be happy to cover all this methods10:42
hdworakit's just I need to understand the shape of these things we're dealing with right now10:43
hdworakmy first belief when I looked at the challenge, was that I'll have to write a full-fledged RDF parses at least10:43
hdworakand that's when I got pretty scared10:44
paulproteusBut there's no need for that, I hope you now see.10:44
hdworakbut after reading through this, it's all fine10:44
rejonwanna keep up with all the web 2.0 clones in china:
rejoncheck out this twitter clone:
rejonthey are ahead of twitter! it does photos!10:56
paulproteusrejon, (-:10:56
paulproteushdworak, Sorry, I was away for a bit.10:56
paulproteusIs there anything else I can help answer?10:56
rejonwho. is under cc license ;)10:57
hdworakI've just found that the whole programme is shifted by a week11:00
hdworakbut nevertheless, I'm gonna deliver this exclusive proposal to you tonight11:00
hdworakas these were my plans11:00
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hdworakare you back?13:11
hdworakwhat's the license of ccrdf? :)13:12
nathanyhi hdworak13:12
nathanyprobably GPL 213:12
nathanyof course we can relicense as necessary to make life easy if necessary :)13:12
hdworakconsider the last line and the first lines of this file:13:12
nathanyi'd say the header is correct... we did some GPL -> MIT relicensing a while back13:13
hdworakso one should read that as the dual license or...?13:14
nathanyi suppose one should read that as dual license13:15
nathanythe intention is probably just MIT13:15
nathany(the header)13:15
hdworakI've asked paulproteus about this before, but13:17
hdworakwhat license do you expect from the new validator?13:17
nathanywhat license do we expect the code to be under?13:17
nathanyhdworak: is that what you're asking?13:18
nathanyI'd be fine with GPL, LGPL or MIT... i don't have a strong feeling about it, other than not wanting to proliferate the number of licenses we use needlessly13:18
nathanyerr, not sure that came out right13:19
nathanyGPL, LGPL or MIT is fine by me13:19
nathanyi don't have a strong feeling about it...13:19
hdworakit's just that the previous version of the validator has been licensed under cc13:19
hdworakwhich I find a bit strange for software13:19
nathanyit was?13:19
nathanyif it was, that was my lameness13:19
nathanyCC licenses should not be used for software13:19
nathanyok, my lameness :)13:20
hdworakcopyright 2003, Nathan R. Yergler;13:20
hdworaksome rights reserved:
hdworakok, mozCC is licensed under MPL 1.1, but I guess it will be just used as some kind of an inspiration/insight13:20
hdworaknot for actual code deployment13:20
hdworakso there were left with RDFlib, ccrdf, and rdfadict - all under MIT or BSD13:21
nathanyright, it was mentioned simply as a companion tools13:21
hdworakdo you recommend any other software to be used?13:21
hdworakdo you consider that three as needed or is there something to avoid?13:21
nathanylibrdfa is probably closer to the TF recommendation these days than rdfadict13:22
hdworakI'm pretty sure RDFlib is the most important13:22
nathanyand it has Python bindings13:22
nathanyyes, I'd concur13:22
nathanyyou might be able to get away with just RDFlib + librdfa and ditch ccrdf and rdfadict altogether13:22
hdworakok, I haven't seen that before13:22
hdworaklibrdfa is licensed under the GNU Lesser Public License v3.13:22
hdworakI guess it would be nice to license validator under GNU GPL 313:24
hdworakbut that's just imho13:24
nathanyhdworak: i'm fine with that13:24
hdworakpaulproteus suggested: GNU GPL 2+ (for compatibility with old soft) and MIT13:24
nathanyi'd say lets choose one and if we need to we can always relicense or dual-license in the future13:26
nathanyif we can do GPL 3, that'd be fine with me13:26
hdworakI do not know if you can use GNU LGPL 3 with a GNU GPL 2 software13:28
hdworak(I'm not saying you can't)13:28
paulproteusYou can use GNU LGPL 3 code with proprietary software.13:28
nathanywhy couldn't you?  the LGPL only kicks in if you modify the source library... no linking restrictions13:28
hdworakok :)13:29
hdworakI'm not a lawyer13:29
nathanyneither am i :)13:29
paulproteusMan, my memory is right.13:39
paulproteusI was so much more annoying years ago.13:39
* paulproteus is still reading
hdworakdo you value a proposal that puts core development in the first weeks13:40
nathanyhdworak: versus?13:40
hdworakand finishing touches in the latter more than a prosal13:40
hdworakwhich wants to establish solid basis from the very beginning?13:40
hdworak'cause I went for the 2nd approach with Jabber proposal and they'd complained13:41
hdworakthat some ppl do that to get $2000 and then get away w/o doing anything useful13:41
nathanyi'm not sure exactly what you mean wrt core development first v. "establish a solid basis" but it doesn't *sound* bad13:42
nathanyso what would you do first to establish a solid basis?13:42
hdworakone way: setting up a temporary layout, with temporary input facilities, English-text only, no content negotiation (for the Web site), no language negotiation13:42
hdworakand proceeding to writing the very core - get input, parse, output results (in temporary layout, too)13:43
hdworakin their opinion with this approach they "minimise the risk"13:43
hdworakonce I get the application logic completed, I'm proceeding to all the things around it13:44
hdworaklike i18n, accessibility, usability, layout integration (with cc's Web site) etc.13:44
hdworakthe other approach is to do everything right from day zero13:44
hdworakI acknowledge the fact this requires a bit more trust in the student13:45
hdworakthat being said, I'm happy to do it either way for you13:45
hdworakI'm just asking how would you like it to be13:45
hdworakso that you're happy with the proposal13:46
nathanyok, i can see either way... let me think for a second13:47
hdworakno rush13:47
hdworakI guess it's like minimising the risk for one week of work13:48
nathanyso it seems to me that some of the "solid basis" things are super low risk -- CC's style, etc13:49
nathanyand some will (hopefully) be supported in a straightforward manner by the framework you use (i18n, negotiation)13:49
hdworakdo you mean using one of available Python frameworks like Django?13:50
hdworakok, haven't thought about that13:50
nathanythe existing validator is written as a CGI which is lame13:50
nathanyand has caused problems with floods from crawlers, etc13:50
hdworakso far I did such things from scratch (using frameworks is smarter though)13:50
nathanyso i'd suggest using something like Pylons, Django, etc to help you out13:50
nathanyslight preference to Pylons just because we're already using it internally (although I like Django well enough that I wouldn't object)13:51
nathanyso i can tell you what *my* approach would be, and then paulproteus can object if necessary :)13:51
nathanyi'd choose a framework, put together a basic, replicate-able "scaffolding" -- basic configuration, hello world page, etc13:52
nathanyadd basic form + input processing that does next to nothing13:52
nathanyand the build out the actual validation functionality13:52
hdworakok, that's exactly what I've started writing before I've asked the question13:52
hdworakjust wanted to make sure if that's what you want13:52
nathanywhen doing the templates i'd just try and use a page layout similar to what CC already uses13:52
nathany(HTML layout, that is) so that we can use the same CSS13:53
nathanythen you get most of the stuff like i18n, etc for near free13:53
hdworakok, it's that your previous approach didn't use a framework13:54
hdworakso I thought you'd rather want me not to use one13:54
hdworakso that the application is not framework-dependent13:54
hdworakbut it's fine either way13:54
nathanywell i don't necessarily see framework dependence as a bad thing13:55
paulproteusI'd prefer framework dependence.13:55
paulproteus(on a good framework)13:55
nathanyyou can leverage a framework like Pylons to handle all your presentation and web interaction so you can focus on the actual logic13:55
hdworakok, I'd use Django because it sounds like a buzzword worth learning13:55
hdworaka Web framework was a subject of my masters thesis, so until now I'm more used to writing a framework rather than using one made already13:56
hdworakbut as I said, I'm here to learn a few things, not just do some work and take cash13:56
hdworakok, so 1 week for setting GIT+Django and then raw development13:57
hdworakI guess it's fair13:57
hdworakomg, looking at Django's Web site, I can already see something hot is coming14:00
hdworakso is ccrdf still relevant for this project?14:02
hdworakin terms of usage, not inspiration?14:02
paulproteusYou could use it, or you could use librdfa.14:03
hdworakok, so I'll stick to librdfa14:03
paulproteusThat's an implementation choice you can consider when actually doing the coding.14:03
paulproteusYou don't have to design the whole thing right now. (-:14:03
Bovinityhdworak: how's the proposal coming?14:03
hdworakI'm just missing the roadmap, which I'm just writing14:04
hdworakBovinity: would you design a template for Django or is that left for me to do? (what do you prefer)14:04
hdworaka template = I mean a layout clonning the cc Web site14:05
Bovinityhdworak: you can use any of the theme files in svn, or online, as a starting point14:05
Bovinityif django uses TAL, our Zope templates would get you going14:06
hdworakI'm new to this stuff, so I don't know if templates are framework-independent14:06
hdworak(this stuff = Python frameworks)14:06
Bovinitynot usually14:06
hdworakI'll be able to do the template myself, I'm just asking if that's fine with you or would you prefer to have 100% control on the looks14:07
Bovinityjust dpeneds on what hte framework uses to generate output14:07
Bovinityall our sites use the same layout and css, so just grab a page that looks right, and start from there14:08
hdworakok :)14:08
nathanypaulproteus: Bovinity: curry for lunch when i get out of this meeting?14:13
paulproteusNo on curry, yes on lunch. (-:14:14
paulproteusETA for meeting end?14:14
nathany30 min? not really sure... (conference call :( )14:14
Bovinitysoz, got plans14:14
hdworakwhat is the state you want me to leave the project with?14:15
hdworakfirst of all, it's not to say that I'm excluding the option of participating further in the development of this ccTool (I'm not)14:16
hdworakbut then again, what's the priority of, say, good documentation14:16
nathanyideally: a running validator with complete test coverage which we can easily manage and extend as necessary14:16
hdworaksource code distribution, describing the architecture etc.14:17
hdworakproviding further roadmap14:17
nathanypart of that ideal is a clear way to go from a code checkout to a deployed instance14:17
hdworakestablishing a feature request tool and a bug report tool14:17
hdworakwriting the docs on the installation process14:18
nathanyfeature request/bug report is a non-requirement -- that should use whatever we use generally14:18
nathany( @ this point, something else in the future)14:18
hdworaklaunchpad, google code?14:18
nathanyi imagine we'll run our own eventually14:19
hdworak:) :)14:19
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hdworakok, so what to put in the proposal in this respect:14:20
hdworakgood docs and commented code, thorough tests14:20
hdworakother dev-related stuff considered low priority?14:21
nathanyother dev-related stuff being bug tracker, feature tracker?14:21
hdworakyeah, and a Web page for devs with git access info, tarballs, stable releases etc.14:21
nathanyyeah, i'd say that's low priority14:22
hdworakn/p :)14:22
nathanyit can be done 90% through a page in the CC wiki14:22
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hdworakIn the HEAD + In the BODY + LINKing to a data: URL + LINKing to an external file  = all the same in terms of parser?14:26
hdworakI mean that code that is embedded through this means14:26
hdworakand the second question is14:29
hdworakshould the *tests* cover invalid XHTML? (yes, the software will try to parse invalid code, but I'm just asking about test cases)14:30
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hdworakI guess I'm asking too many questions in general ;)14:41
hdworaksorry about that14:41
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nathanyhdworak: sorry, i'm in a mtg right now -- so i think that there should definitely be tests that make sure basic, broken HTML gives expected results14:59
nathanyi've accidently "fixed" that in the past, so a test would help make sure we don't break that in the future14:59
nathanywrt the Extend_Metadata question...15:00
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nathanynot sure what your question is15:00
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paulproteussnathany: eaten?15:11
nathanypaulproteuss: finishing now, eating RSN15:11
paulproteussSuper rad.15:12
nathanypaulproteuss: you? i'm going to walk down and get curry15:12
paulproteussLet me see the menu today.15:13
paulproteussOtherwise I'll walk the same way but go across the street to get a Maya burrito.15:13
hdworakI'm done with the proposal15:13
hdworakcould you have a look, please?15:13
paulproteusshdworak: Sure, drop us a link; but we'll be lunching for the next short while.15:14
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hdworaklooking forward to any comments:
hdworakpaulproteuss, nathany_is_eatin, Bovinity15:17
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tudonhello can i use two differant licences in one work? for instance gpl for one part and a cc something for some graphics that come along with it.15:23
hdworakas far as I can tell, we have no lawyers here15:28
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hdworakbut the cc ppl are off for a lunch15:28
hdworakstay tuned15:28
Bovinityhey tvol15:29
tvolhey bovinity15:29
hdworakthe author can contribute that to15:44
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hdworakI've reformatted the proposal to have 70 characters per line maximum16:09
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paulproteuss"Does not work with TueV Mosaic and I refuse to upgrade."16:15
hdworak"License-related metadata validator and viewer"16:15
hdworakthe proposed title16:15
hdworakmaybe License-oriented would be better16:16
paulproteussrehi, all.16:20
paulproteusshdworak: "licensor" not "licenser"16:20
hdworakthanks, corrected that16:21
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paulproteussbye bye baby balloon!16:22
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paulproteusrerehi, all16:23
paulproteushdworak, In your section where you list references when you write e.g. "RDFa wiki" please link to the actual URL so we know for sure what you're reading.16:23
paulproteusIf possible please provide 3-5 words about why you want to use each of those libraries you mention that will "facilitate the development".16:24
hdworakfirst google match really16:25
hdworakif I link everything, I'll exceed the 7500 characters limit16:25
hdworakright now the proposal is 742016:25
paulproteushdworak, In your road map, you talk about functionality but don't make it clear how the user of the code in that week will interact with the program.16:27
paulproteusIs this functionality of some core internal module that doesn't talk to the web?16:27
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mecredishdworak: there's a typo in your paragraph about python16:28
mecredisor rather its just a bit awkward when you say "I felt in love with the language"16:28
mecredismaybe "I fell in love with the language" might be a bit better16:29
hdworakare RDFlib and librdfa alternatives?16:29
hdworakthanks :)16:29
mecredisno problem16:30
hdworakpaulproteus: where do I write about the functionality in the roadmap?16:31
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hdworak  The following software will be used to facilitate the development:16:33
hdworak  - Django (BSD 3-clause) - a web application framework,16:33
hdworak  - librdfa (GNU LGPL 3) - a standards-compliant RDFa parser,16:33
hdworak  - utidylib (MIT) - a Python wrapper (bindings) for tidylib.16:33
hdworakis this ok?16:33
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hdworaknathany: any comments?16:53
nathanyhdworak: i haven't read the proposal, but you may need rdflib as well16:54
nathanymay == probably :)16:54
hdworakso it ain't replace by the librdfa?16:54
nathanylibrdfa is just an RDFa parser16:55
nathanyrdflib is a general RDF graph library16:55
nathany(which you'll need for RDF-in-a-comment, etc)16:55
hdworakok, I understand now16:55
hdworakit also contains RDFa support16:56
hdworakso isn't using librdfa along with it a redundancy?16:56
nathanyperhaps; you'll need to determine if the rdfa support in rdflib has been updated to match the last call TF documents16:56
nathanylibrdfa is maintained by an active member of the task force so i am sure that it's up to date (or as up to date as any parser)16:57
hdworakok, I'll put both libraries in the proposal then16:57
hdworakok, updated16:58
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hdworakis there anything left to be fixed?17:29
hdworakok, I'm submitting this17:40
hdworakthanks for your remarks17:40
hdworakI appreciate that17:40
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hdworakgood bye17:46
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Bovinityoh 1995! you cad...
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