Friday, 2008-03-28

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Matsonnathan on?16:59
Bovinityno, he's not here today16:59
MatsonI'm following up a discussion from earlier this week about a BEP (a document) that he and Asheesh Laroia were working on17:00
paulproteusHowdy Matson.17:00
Matsonhi - Jonathan here from LegalTorrents17:00
paulproteusHowdy Matson!17:00
paulproteusNathan's not around today, but good to talk to you.17:01
paulproteusBy any chance, were you at the Public Knowledge party after the MGM v. Grokster case?17:01
paulproteusEr, after the oral arguments, that is (three years ago).17:01
Matsonsorry, no17:01
paulproteusOh, well, I must be thinking of someone else. (-:17:01
paulproteusAnyway, one stumbling block we ran into is that someone pointed out that torrents in general don't contain metadata about their contents.17:02
paulproteusSo we wondered, Why start now?17:02
paulproteusSo we got a little flustered and confused.17:02
paulproteusOne thing we wanted to know is, Let's say there's a .torrent on
paulproteusDo such .torrent files get copied to other torrent hosting/torrent search sites?17:02
Matsonwell, they don't contain much human readable metadata, but in one sense, torrents are designed to maintain metadata - the hashes17:03
paulproteusWe're trying to strengthen the use cases, especially if client programs aren't very interested in displaying the torrent license (which is the impression we got from at least the Transmission folks).17:03
Matsonsometimes, yes, they are copied around17:03
paulproteusThis is a little second-hand for me, since I wasn't part of the earlier discussions; I'm coming into this a little fresh.17:03
Matsoninteresting...  Transmission folks said they were not interested in displaying the license info?17:04
paulproteusThat's the impression I got from Nathan.17:04
MatsonI'm surprised to hear that17:04
paulproteusPerhaps we should table this until he's back, though.17:04
paulproteusWhich should be Monday, and maybe he'll reply to emails.17:04
paulproteusIf you're okay just waiting until Monday, that'd probably be best. (-:17:04
Matsonsounds good17:05
MatsonI'm clearing out te todo list before the weekend.  it is now on next week's list17:05
paulproteusSounds good. (-:17:05
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hdworakpaulproteus: ping ;)17:35
paulproteushdworak, pong (-:17:35
paulproteusNo nathany here today, I'm afraid.17:36
hdworakI'm about to read about this RDFa and cc licensing of it17:36
hdworakI've picked up a few URLs17:36
paulproteusDo you know about RDF in general, first of all?17:36
hdworakcould u tell me if I'm missing something important, pls?17:36
paulproteusIf not, I can point you to a good RDF primer.17:36
hdworakyeah, I did a write on that while ago17:36
hdworakall the 5 specs that consist of it17:36
paulproteusFeel free to give me the links you're going to read and I can sanity-check them.17:37
hdworakor was it OWL17:37
hdworakI know that the semantics part is not for computer engineers17:37
hdworak(where they come up with some logical analysis of data meaning etc.)17:37
* paulproteus nods17:37
hdworakthat's it17:38
paulproteusOh, man.17:38
hdworaksorry for flooding17:38
paulproteusThat's a lot of reading you're going to do!17:38
paulproteusAre you sure you're really going to read them all?17:38
hdworakwell, aside of the first two links, there's not much reading after all17:39
hdworakmost of them are just a showcase17:39
hdworakwell, anyway17:39
paulproteusNote that the first one by Ben Adida has him professing to be part of CC. (-:17:40
hdworakis RDFa+cc some kind of a technology that IS HERE right NOW or some kind of Web 3.0 talk, yeah, one day, us visionaries17:40
paulproteusHERE right NOW17:40
paulproteusFor example:17:41
paulproteus1. rel=license works and is deployed17:41
hdworakhow about17:41
hdworak<a rel="DC.rights.license" href="" hreflang="pl" accesskey="l">17:41
hdworakthat I have on my Web site for quite some time now17:42
hdworakwhat's the cc's position on dc's profile?17:42
paulproteusEr, I'm not sure if we have a "position," but we use many DC elements naturally.17:42
hdworakok :)17:43
hdworakI guess it would be sane to support that17:43
paulproteusI don't personally remember if dc.rights.license is the same as the normal W3C license which is the same as the CC namespace's "license"17:43
paulproteusThat is to say, I know off-hand the latter two are the same; I imagine your dc.rights.license is probably the same but would have to look it up.17:43
hdworakok, but it's a mean of expressing a license, cc too17:44
hdworakand you've never recommended anything like that17:44
paulproteusI'm a little confused.17:44
hdworaksorry for such questions, but I'm about to implement also the historical deprecated stuff and such things17:44
hdworakand I don't quite know what were all the options17:44
paulproteusWell, I think we've abandoned RDF in a comment.17:44
hdworakis there a good source for this?17:44
paulproteusThe Marking page is the current recommendation.17:45
paulproteusLet me read it. (-:17:45
hdworakok, so the whole validator will be just about RDF stuff?17:45
paulproteusRDFa stuff, yeah.17:45
hdworakwe ignore simple embedding of like links to cc with a nice button or something17:45
hdworakand we say "semantically, it's zero"17:45
paulproteusRight.  It would be good to pick up on those and suggest that they add semantics, though!17:46
paulproteusAnd relatedly, it would be good to pick up on "RDF in a comment" and suggest the RDFa way.17:46
paulproteusBut those shouldn't Validate.17:46
hdworakor even provide an automatic translation, huh?17:46
hdworakif that's feasible to write17:46
paulproteusSure, that'd be nice (again, optionally!).17:46
hdworakFor example:17:48
hdworak1. rel=license works and is deployed17:48
hdworakwhat else makes it "now" instead "tomorrow"?17:48
hdworakwhen are ppl actually using this stuff?17:48
hdworak'cause I guess the 1st point is just they go to cc's Web site, pick a license and you suggest that code along the way or do they have to show more initiative to get this kind of tagging?17:49
paulproteusWe suggest the rel=license code.17:49
paulproteusAnd wpLicense emits that code.17:50
paulproteusHopefully other sites (e.g. Flickr?  I don't know for sure) do the same.17:50
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paulproteusBut that's the sort of answer that makes it clearly deployed now.17:50
hdworakdo we care about validating the whole RDF stuff or just the license-related stuff?17:50
hdworak(w3c has the RDF validator already, right?) :)17:51
paulproteusJust the license-related stuff.17:51
paulproteusAnd I don't know if there's an RDFa validator, though there could be.17:51
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hdworakcomes even with visualisation17:51
paulproteusI said RDFa. (-:17:51
hdworaksorry, I was mislead by me saying RDF the previous line17:52
paulproteusNo worries.17:52
hdworakI've just found this tool17:53
hdworakseems a little buggy though:
hdworakgood to know it's in Python17:54
paulproteusFWIW it's broken, it seems. (-:17:54
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paulproteusAt least, it gave me some unfriendly exception when I went to
hdworaknah, but at least the "Extract from HTML" works17:54
hdworakthe guy puts some code onload and when you press this button actually something shows up (or rather down) :)17:55
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hdworakhe just has some serious problems with the URL extraction17:55
* paulproteus nods17:56
paulproteusLet me reread the proposal right now.17:56
paulproteusThe proposal suggestion, I mean! (-:17:56
hdworakyeah, I was just about to make it even17:56
paulproteusOh, the suggestion does say to "support all recommended methods, historical and current, of embedding CC license information in a web page (see the file format page for more information)"17:57
hdworak"alert users that embedding using historical methods has been deprecated "17:57
paulproteusRight, exactly.17:57
paulproteusSo these are some major differences between this and "just" an RDFa validator.17:58
paulproteusI think the only old way that's not rel="license" or RDFa for WWW pages is "RDF in a comment".17:58
hdworak+ we can scan for DC.rights.license17:58
hdworak+ and cc buttons linked to cc17:59
hdworakbut that's just a proposal17:59
paulproteusIf DC.rights.license rdf:sameAs cc:license, then DC.rights.license makes sense.17:59
paulproteusIs that supposed to be RDFa on your site?17:59
hdworakcan't think of anything else automatic17:59 ?17:59
paulproteusWhy do you use "." not ":" to separate the namespace from the element?18:00
* paulproteus is at now18:00
hdworakok, let me have a look18:01
paulproteusAs I understand things, RDFa wants you to use colon, not period.18:01
paulproteusAre you complying with some other spec?18:01
paulproteusI'm reading .18:01
hdworakfirst of all, when I wrote that code I was not aware of any RDFa18:01
hdworakbut I was aware of DC and that's what the Web page makes a heavy use of18:01
paulproteusSure - but what standard are you using for embedding DC into HTML, I mean?18:02
hdworakthey never used a dot18:02
hdworakand then I thought I'm gonna be super elite and add some license to the page18:03
paulproteusInteresting, I didn't know about this - thanks.18:03
paulproteusI imagine Nathan probably did, however. (-;18:03
hdworakand I thought prof. Lessig is a lawyer, so he knows how to license stuff + he has a Web page18:03
hdworakso I've just checked what's the license of his Web page18:03
hdworakcc-3.0 something18:03
hdworakI go to and get the XHTML code for the license18:03
hdworakand what do I see...18:04
hdworakand I think... hm... what's that?18:04
paulproteusIt would be nice (but very optional) to support this DCQ HTML in the metadata validator.18:04
hdworakI've checked link rel in the HTML 4.0118:04
hdworakalternate, etc. were there, but license, no...18:04
hdworakso how could I come up with a rel="license" all of a sudden18:04
hdworakthen I thought - but DC has the license tag itself18:05
hdworakso I've ended up with DC.rights.license18:05
hdworakend of story :)18:05
paulproteusWell, RDFa is the future, in our opinion. (-:18:05
paulproteusAnd, it seems, in W3C's opinion as well.18:05
hdworakyeah, especially if you know about it18:05
paulproteus(-: !18:05
hdworakI'm all for further standards18:06
hdworakit's just my knowledge is very limited18:06
paulproteusWell, you know about the DC standards, which is something!18:06
paulproteusAnyway, enough self-pity, more discussion of the SoC project.18:07
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hdworaksure; so that's were we've stood - is there any important URL I've missed?18:08
hdworakdo you have a doc on that deprecated RDF comment on your wiki?18:09
hdworakI'm looking ( but can't see it18:09
paulproteusI think you've got it all.18:10
paulproteusLet me find the RDF in a comment stuff.18:10
paulproteus is someone else's quite-valid flame complaining about what we did. (-:18:11
hdworakthat method reminds me of IE's conditional comments18:12
paulproteusIt's even worse, in my opinion.18:12
paulproteusHere's our historical response to the flame:
hdworaka paradox, huh? you put semantic data in an element, which, by the very definition, cannot have any semantic meaning whatsoever18:13
paulproteusHey, we stopped doing that. (-:18:13
paulproteusWe all agree it's quite terrible.18:13
paulproteusBut yes, it's quite ironic!18:14
paulproteus has our spec I suppose - "Note the <html> element contains the entire RDF-in-comment which the standard CC license engine returns."18:14
paulproteusSo now you know pretty much everything that we ever wrote about RDF-in-comment that I can find, at least.18:14
hdworakdon't get me wrong, I'm all grateful for what you're doing and in position really to criticise you18:14
hdworakand W3C had their ups and downs with presentational elements in HTML, too18:15
paulproteus“For every problem, there is a solution that is simple, elegant, and wrong.”--H.L. Mencken.18:15
paulproteushdworak, Don't feel bad, I'm flaming us about it too.18:15
hdworakbut there's a difference in trying to find a solution and not doing anything18:15
paulproteusYes, yes, it's all good, we can pat ourselves on the back, but you should write your proposal and I should code some other stuff anyway. (-:18:16
paulproteusSo let's get back on topic.18:16
Bovinitygroup hug!18:16
paulproteusI do appreciate the depth with which you are approaching the validator.18:16
* paulproteus squeezes Bovinity18:16
hdworakhi Bovinity18:17
hdworakthe depth!?18:17
hdworakI'm just running around in circles18:17
hdworaktrying to see what the problem is18:18
paulproteusThe problem that the Validator is trying to solve, you mean?18:18
hdworakalthough don't tell that to the GSOC-proposal voters18:18
hdworakno; so far I understand the purpose of all this stuff18:20
hdworaka sexy way to embedded cc licenses in a modern (3.0) fashion18:20
hdworakI'm all for it18:20
hdworakbut since I haven't read the specs yet, I can't quite say I'm approaching this "in depth"18:20
paulproteusWell, okay, but clearly nor have I. (-;18:20
hdworaknevertheless, I'm pretty much sure I'll be able to do some serious work in this matter if given a chance18:20
paulproteusI agree.18:20
paulproteusI'm actually quite hopeful that you finish applying.18:27
hdworakno worries, I'm all for it18:31
hdworakseems a pretty valuable project18:31
hdworakin terms of usefulness and toughness18:31
hdworakas you say it - a challenge18:32
hdworakI've been through proposals saying "make our Web site's diagrams beautiful" like the one on Tor18:32
hdworakor facilate Web site translation like Pidgin18:33
hdworakor improve our HTML/CSS/JavaScript like musicbrainz18:33
hdworakyou name it18:33
paulproteusWell, let's just not waste our breath talking about things you don't like that others are doing, and either point out good things they do that we should do, or bad or good things we do, eh?18:35
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hdworakthat was supposed to be a proof that I take GSOC seriously and I've been through the ideas of various organisations and that I've picked yours as very interesting18:36
hdworaknothing random ;)18:37
hdworakbut you're right, let's skip that18:37
paulproteusOkay, well good. (-:18:37
hdworakless talk, more code18:37
paulproteusLet me just quickly say the related statement for you, then.  We've seen a lot of possible GSoC students, and we really like you so far.18:38
hdworakwhat can I say, it's nice to hear that, 'cause I want to work on this18:38
hdworakstill, you cannot expect much from students who just started their studies18:39
hdworakI'm just taking advantage of the fact that GSOC allows PhD students, too18:39
hdworaknot to say that there are no brilliant 18-19 year old hackers out there18:40
hdworakit's just that statistically you're likely to find a more serious proposal for someone with more experience18:40
hdworakI remember the days when I led the first FOSS project in my life and I did many, many things wrong18:41
paulproteusHeh, me too.18:41
paulproteusI didn't even have people to lead.18:41
paulproteusI would have been way better off I had some sort of open source mentor back then.18:42
paulproteusBut anyway.18:42
paulproteusHeck, even just programming mentor.18:42
hdworakyeah, w/o a mentor it's like walking in a dark labirynth18:43
hdworakif you're determined enough, you'll find a good way regardless18:43
hdworakit just takes longer18:43
paulproteusWell, I have to head out the door, but I'll be back online this evening, the weekend probably, and surely Monday.18:45
hdworakwell, I'll have two busy days now, 'cause I have the PhD classes during the weekends every 2-3 weeks18:48
hdworakand tomorrow it's just one of these weekends :)18:48
hdworakclasses from 8am till 9pm18:48
hdworakbut I will submit the proposal until the deadline, no worries18:48
hdworakok, bye bye18:49
hdworakand thanks for all the answers again :)18:52
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