Saturday, 2008-03-29

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Mihai``hello, i would like to talk with a menthor if possible...05:25
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dooteoHi all,10:23
dooteoI'm creating a video, where I'm using songs with CC by s.a. 2.5 license, and other songs with Art Libre license. Is that posible?10:23
dooteoI mean, can I use both (or other free license) in my video?10:24
dooteoAnd if possible, can I share my video with Art License if it contains CC licensed parts (songs) and viceversa?10:25
dooteoAnd if possible, can I share my video with Art License if it contains CC licensed parts (songs) and viceversa?10:26
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paulproteusHi Mihai`!13:41
paulproteusWhich GSoC project did you want to talk about?13:41
Mihai`hello paulproteus :)13:41
Mihai`flickr image reuse for openoffice13:41
Mihai`not sure what to start with ...13:42
paulproteusI don't know very much about that project, actually.13:42
paulproteusProbably you should wait until Monday when Nathan will be back.13:42
paulproteusYou can email him (feel free to CC: me) if you want to talk sooner, also.13:42
paulproteusHe's nathany@creativecommons, and I'm asheesh@creativecommons.13:43
Mihai`ok. the thing is i already applied...13:43
paulproteusOh, okay.13:43
paulproteusLet me look at our deadlines. (-:13:43
Mihai`i`m interested in which platform should be this made ...13:44
Mihai`i`ll presume its java right?13:44
tanjirpaulproteus: so you are asheesh? i sent you an e-mail13:44
paulproteusGosh, I'm surrounded!13:44
paulproteusNow's not a good time for me to talk about GSoC stuff, I'm afraid.13:44
paulproteusIf I can just delay all this until Monday, that'd be way better for me.13:44
tanjirMihai`: so far i am aware of, you can use C++, Java... see documentation13:44
Mihai`well i know , i checked13:45
tanjirpaulproteus: lol... it is fine... don't get scared :)13:45
Mihai`but i was interested in what cc want to be developed13:45
Mihai`i`m more into c#13:45
Mihai`i already tested flickr api and open office for c#13:46
Mihai`ok, i`ll send the email with my questions. thanks13:46
paulproteusOkay, cool. (-:13:46
tanjirMihai`: can you develop in C# for openoffice? :-S13:47
Mihai`since 1.9 yes13:47
tanjirwow... then that would be great13:47
Mihai`i know :D13:47
Mihai`but i`m not sure if cc really want c# ...13:48
tanjiri thought C# requires dot net platform, which will make the plugin unusable in non windows environment13:48
tanjiri don't know much about this... just what i thought13:48
Mihai`and that i was afraid of too13:48
paulproteusThere is Mono for non-Windows C# development.13:48
tanjirMihai`: interesting prob.. never thought about that... i am more comfotable with C++ and Java.13:49
tanjirpaulproteus: does Mono support all functionalities of dot net? i thought it supports partially13:50
tanjiryah... it depends on your approach.13:50
paulproteusPartially, but you can easily just use that subset.13:50
tanjirpaulproteus: right13:51
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m3cr3d1spaulproteus: around?18:06
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UncleCJGood evening people. Just checking out the channel, don't really have opportunity to talk much now :-)18:08
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paulproteusMolten lava, very nice!20:57
m3cr3d1ssome bugs here and there20:58
m3cr3d1sbut its rockin and rollin20:58
paulproteusYou're not using templates or forms, it seems, though.20:58
m3cr3d1syeah, I should20:58
paulproteusI find that a little frightening.20:58
m3cr3d1sjust wanted to get the data in there20:58
m3cr3d1shave a script that generates the XML dump file20:58
paulproteusWell, I disagree with that strategy.20:58
m3cr3d1sthat gets impotted20:58
paulproteusIn fact, I advised against it yesterday.20:58
m3cr3d1sas in installing forms?20:58
paulproteusI advised against *not* getting used to forms etc. first.20:58
paulproteusI mean, this is okay!20:59
paulproteusLet me put it this way:20:59
paulproteusIMHO, you MUST use Semantic Forms on the ready-for-public site.20:59
paulproteusIf this is truly the disposable prototype I advised, then this makes sense.20:59
m3cr3d1syeah, I understand that20:59
m3cr3d1smy challenge for today20:59
paulproteusThen I say:20:59
paulproteusSuper rad.20:59
m3cr3d1swas to get the data stripped out20:59
m3cr3d1sI now have a script that does that very well20:59
m3cr3d1sand am now going to install forms20:59
m3cr3d1sand see how that changes things20:59
m3cr3d1sand then do a re-dump21:00
m3cr3d1sbut yeah, I like the semantic search21:00
m3cr3d1sit was funny, i set Gender to a boolean21:00
m3cr3d1sand it just set everyone to False21:00
m3cr3d1swhich was pretty enjoyable21:00
paulproteusThose two were aloud. (-:21:00
m3cr3d1sgood to hear21:01
m3cr3d1sas it were21:01
m3cr3d1snow on to forms21:01
paulproteusSuper rad21:02
m3cr3d1syeah, I'm pretty sure congress merge is going to try and sue me21:03
m3cr3d1sif they figure out I'm using their site21:03
m3cr3d1sbut feist vs. rural telecom21:03
paulproteusI kinda want a piece of the (legal) action.21:03
paulproteusMaybe I can help you more sometime.21:03
paulproteusMaybe all it takes to get part of the action is you listing my name prominently.21:03
m3cr3d1sI'm just excited about creating a useful database for folk21:04
paulproteusMe too!21:04
m3cr3d1smy real goal is to just use this as a seed21:04
m3cr3d1shave all the federal politicians21:04
paulproteusSince I was supposed to do this with JJB but our idea never got off the ground, and I have my doubts since I find myself busy with other stuff.21:04
m3cr3d1sbut then I really want state level people21:04
m3cr3d1sbecause that data isn't centralized anywhere21:04
paulproteusAnd once it's centralized in your thing, it can flow out!21:05
m3cr3d1sI have to say21:05
m3cr3d1sI've been on a semantic - kool aid bender for two days21:06
paulproteusAnd all I got for it was this lousy T-shirt.21:06
m3cr3d1sok well now I think forms will have to wait till tomorrow21:08
m3cr3d1sthanks for the advice21:08
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