Thursday, 2008-03-27

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maveriickhi everybody07:56
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hdworak!seen nathany09:14
hdworakpaulproteus: are you here?09:14
hdworakhi all :)09:14
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quboduphi, can someone tell me if has an irc channel?10:56
nathanyqubodup: i'm not aware of one10:57
nathany(not that i've ever explicitly looked for it)10:57
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tvolqubodup might be able to find more info at #fsf11:05
qubodupDo you know who started the DFCL (freedomdefined) project?11:06
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tvolqubodup no not exactly sure11:08
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jakinpaulproteus, any luck with license chooser?11:16
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paulproteusjakin, Hey, not really, I still want to chat with you.11:51
jakinsure, i've got some time now11:51
paulproteusOkay, give ma a few (20-30) minutes and I'll be with you. (-:11:52
paulproteusjakin, Actually, okay if I find you in 1h?11:54
jakinpaulproteus, hmm, i might be heading out.  maybe this afternoon?11:55
paulproteusjakin, Hmm, okay, then I'll talk to you in 20m.11:55
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paulproteusjakin, Okay, hi?12:13
jakinpaulproteus, yo :-)12:13
paulproteusSo have you checked it out yet?12:14
paulproteusIn general, though, I really don't understand the way the license chooser API is *supposed* to work.12:14
paulproteusSo then it's no surprise I can't figure out how to un-break some tests that fail now.12:14
jakinlet me start with the failed test...12:15
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jakini think what is confusing is how the license chooser works depending on which attributes it is initialized12:17
paulproteusYes, precisely. (-:12:18
paulproteusThe best thing I can possibly imagine is if you write some fresh tests, with comments explaining the use of parameters, that don't fail.12:20
paulproteusIf you want to just talk to me instead, I can see if I can.12:21
jakini'm trying to hunt down what i need for that ncnd license12:21
* paulproteus nods12:22
paulproteusI'm a little confused - wouldn't a more normal test of the license chooser simulate checking and unchecking the license property boxes, so that you might initialize the license chooser once, and then:12:22
paulproteus* Simulate all unchecked, assert that only CC by is okay12:22
paulproteus* Check NC, and assert NC or NCND are available12:22
paulproteus* Check ND, and assert only NCND is available12:23
jakinyeah, sounds reasonable :-)12:23
paulproteusWell, we can get there once we fix these, natch. (-:12:23
jakinhmm, the problem isn't what i thought it was12:26
paulproteusOut of curiosity, what did you think it was?12:27
paulproteusSomething I tried was using initializing the license chooser with the properties used for the GPL_LGPL test.12:28
paulproteusThat didn't help me at all, though, and I became quite confused.12:28
jakinthe fact that you have to match every attribute that you specified when initializing the chooser (unless an attriubte isn't specified in the license rdf)12:28
* paulproteus nods12:29
jakindoes that make sense?12:32
paulproteusYes, I understand that, I think.12:32
paulproteusYou're saying that:12:32
paulproteusIf I initialize a license_chooser with a bunch of attributes, my query has to specify a position for every attribute, where "position" is one of "permits", "requires" or "prohibits".12:33
paulproteusBut that doesn't seem to address the ncnd problem.12:33
paulproteusWhich is why I am confused. (-:12:34
jakinright :-/12:34
jakini wonder what could have changed since this was working fine12:35
paulproteusYeah, this is one reason I'm switching to git.12:35
paulproteusgit bisect for the win. (-;12:35
paulproteusUnfortunately that doesn't help for already-broken code! (-:12:36
paulproteusDo you think maybe you could try putting in the old RDF and seeing if that fixes it?12:36
paulproteusStill, though, the license properties in the by-nc-nd license seem just fine.12:36
paulproteusre: "was working fine":12:37
paulproteusI noticed your tests just printed whether or not they succeeded, rather than aborting with an assertion failure, so it could have been easy for it to have been broken longer.12:37
paulproteusI can try building older versions of liblicense, but they depend on older versions of libexempi than I have installed.12:37
paulproteusI guess I'll remove libexepi-dev and try rebuilding old version tarballs and see what they do.12:37
jakinwell i know the chooser was working fine since I was toying with gui's for it12:37
paulproteusThat's true enough.12:38
jakinokay, now i'm toying with it through the python bindings...12:40
paulproteusCool - hopefully those haven't bitrotted too badly (I don't have tests for them).12:40
jakinyeah, i'm hoping :-P12:41
paulproteusHonestly, I think they should be fine.12:42
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paulproteusFWIW I'm compiling 0.3 now, and will do 0.4 in a minute.12:47
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jakininteresting, the python bindings are returning by-nc-nd/3.0 given the same info12:48
paulproteusThen perhaps the way the C tests are calling it is wrong.12:49
paulproteusAnd it's the test at fault, not the code.12:49
paulproteusFWIW this test fails in 0.3 also.12:49
paulproteusI think?12:49
paulproteusHard to say.12:49
paulproteusSince the old tests didn't assert anything.12:50
paulproteusBut if you grab the 0.3 tarball, you'll see that it says "Matching licenses:" (empty) for most of the tests.12:50
paulproteusSame story in 0.4.12:50
paulproteusMost of the tests in test_chooser print no matched licenses.12:51
paulproteusjakin, ping - will you still be around in 20m or so?  I'm still at home, and I'm thinking maybe I should actually get to the office today.12:54
jakinpaulproteus, yeah, i should be around here at least until i've gotten lunch12:55
paulproteusOkay, cool. (-:12:56
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paulproteusProbably 30m actually, but talk to you soon as I'm back online.13:01
paulproteusAny idea what's up with this test?13:38
jakinpaulproteus, so I'm stumped on the tests, but the python chooser works just fine.  My unimplemented ll_get_license_flags function in license_chooser.c would have been nice for debugging this (the idea is to take a license and return which flags satisfy it)13:38
paulproteusIt's "nice" that the Python version works.13:39
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jakini've given up on debugging it, but do you have any questions about how it works?13:41
jakini think i will write that ll_get_license_flags function, just because I think it's interesting to run my algorithm backwards13:43
paulproteusI'll read the Python bindings and see if they do something different....13:44
jakinthis doesn't solve the problem, but the license that is expected is the by-nc-nd *without* a jurisdiction13:48
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paulproteusjakin, Would you pastebin the Python you used to test the chooser?13:59
paulproteusOther than that, I don't think I really have any questions.13:59
paulproteusI'll try it here, and see if there's some difference between what it does and what the test does.13:59
jakinhmm, i wrote that function and ncnd has LL_COMMERCIAL_USE as unspecified :-/14:00
paulproteusThat's something, at least.14:00
jakinand the weirdness is that it isn't in the python bindings14:00
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paulproteusOh geez.14:01
paulproteusIs it something about the test harness?14:01
paulproteusAre you trying both the Python and C from a 'make install' setup, or both from the test harness environment, or one from one and one from the other?14:02
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jakinhmm, the python is from 'make install'14:03
jakinthe other is probably the harness environment... not sure14:04
* paulproteus nods14:04
jakinpastebin thinks i'm spam14:04
paulproteusHow are you running the C one?14:04
paulproteusFrom ./test_chooser, or from 'make check'?14:04
paulproteusThat should use the make install'd version.14:04
paulproteusTry the test in dynamic_tests.14:05
paulproteusI copied all the tests to dynamic_tests and those are built against a dynamic, not static, liblicense.14:05
paulproteusjakin, Which pastebin - try
paulproteusCan you email me the 'svn diff' for adding your function?14:12
paulproteusI can at least add some tests based on it...14:12
jakinsure, i'm touching the function up now14:13
paulproteusIf you want commit access to the current svn repository feel free to email me an SSH key instead.14:13
paulproteusSee for more info.14:13
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paulproteusMorning rejon.14:14
paulproteusjakin, FWIW for me the above Python code (running svn trunk and make install) prints me the empty list.14:14
paulproteusI notice you don't seem to use the Derivative Works attribute.14:15
jakinthat should be okay if DerivativeWorks isn't specified in the rdf14:16
jakinmaybe I have old rdf somewhere14:16
paulproteusHmm, okay.14:16
paulproteusThe RDF file creativecommons.org_licenses_by-nc-nd_3.0_.rdf does not specify Derivative Works.14:17
paulproteusWhich is by itself surprising - I would think that it would Prohibit it.14:17
paulproteusFor reference mine has md5sum 67478152a88d6fcb1c374061c191426b.14:18
jakinyup, i thought it was gone, but i've got old files sitting around14:18
jakinso apparently a change in the rdf is causing this14:19
paulproteusWhat if we remove DerivWorks from the chooser's initialization?14:19
* paulproteus does so14:19
paulproteusAlso returns empty list.14:19
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paulproteusI guess you think it's a change in the RDF because your 'make install' works but the test harness setup does not?14:21
paulproteusAnd relatedly my make install does not.14:21
paulproteusWhat's the md5sum of your creativecommons.org_licenses_by-nc-nd_3.0_.rdf?14:22
jakinactually, nevermind.  i was probably using all old code, not just rdf14:22
paulproteusOh, okay.14:22
paulproteusWell, in a way that's interesting still.14:22
jakini'm gonna grab some lunch.  i'll be hacking on this code that should help with debugging and send you a diff a little later14:23
paulproteusCool, thanks a bunch.14:23
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tvolbovinity awesome on the new press kit--you bloggin' that goodness?14:50
Bovinitytvol: ta. yes, it should probably get bloggered.14:50
jakinpaulproteus, email sent and i'm heading out the door... i'll be back later if you've got any questions15:05
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luisv <- mumble16:41
paulproteusluisv, Looks pretty reasonable, send it to ML and CC: me and see what happens.16:43
paulproteusAlthough I have the feeling somehow that ML reads your blog.16:43
luisvhe does in spurts, I think16:43
paulproteusI'm SO HAPPY.16:44
luisvI figured ML, but wanted to discuss it here rather than the slower mail first16:44
paulproteusjakin++ # for helping me get close to the problem16:44
luisvpaulproteus: ooh, awesome16:44
luisvyay quashing old bugs16:44
paulproteus(in liblicense, natch.)16:44
paulproteusYou have no idea.16:44
paulproteusOf my life.16:44
paulproteusWell, you do have some idea.16:44
paulproteusSince you program, and all that.16:44
paulproteusStill. (-:16:44
paulproteusHey, also, I hear you might live in SF for the summer.16:45
paulproteusSweet - we should hang out, then.16:45
paulproteusYo, mecredis.16:46
paulproteusI hear you will... never mind.16:46
mecredispaulproteus: have some questions about semantic media wiki for you16:47
paulproteusOh, sweet!16:47
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paulproteusFire away.16:48
mecredisso have you see www.committeecaller.com16:48
paulproteusYeth I have.16:48
mecredisok so I'm building a new version16:49
mecredisthat will be more generalized16:49
paulproteusWe are building a religion.16:49
mecredisWe are legend.16:49
mecredisor something.16:49
mecredisanyway, I want to implement semantic media wiki16:49
mecredisso that the db can be maintained externally16:49
paulproteusHey, so you know the NYC JJB, right?16:49
paulproteusJohn Joseph Bachir16:49
paulproteusHe and I have this project that if we're careless (like we are) it will slip through our fingers, and that will suck.16:50
paulproteusBut it's also based on SMW.16:50
mecredisname is def. familliar16:50
mecredisah, cool.16:50
paulproteusAnyway, I'm happy to help projects use SMW but not have me be their bottleneck. (-:16:50
mecredisno no16:50
mecredisnot asking for help16:50
mecredisas its my thesis16:50
paulproteusExactly, so I'm saying I'm happy to advise or whatever.16:50
paulproteusOh, neat.16:50
mecredisso here's the new ver16:50
mecredisin dev16:50
mecredisit sucks and just looks pretty right now16:50
mecredisbut the basic idea is to have semantic media wiki look at the federal politicians DB16:51
* paulproteus goes to just to make the URL longer16:51
mecredisthat I've already set up on committeecaller.com16:51
mecredisso many CC's16:51
mecredisits our asterisk box ... in a dusty dusty corner of the web16:51
mecredisanyway, so just from your perspective16:52
mecredishow painful would it be to integrate SMW into the db now16:52
mecredisversus just re-populating16:52
paulproteusWell, what is the DB backend right now?16:52
mecredisI guess I should just install and see what happens16:52
mecredisits mysql16:52
paulproteusI don't really understand if you understand what SMW is.16:52
mecredisjust a table structure I made up16:52
paulproteusI get the feeling you don't. (-:16:52
mecredishere's my understanding16:53
mecredisits a wiki16:53
mecredisbut instead of just storing flat text in the db16:53
mecredisfields can be created for types of pages16:53
mecredisand those fields are semantically meaningful, int he same way that fields in a MySQL table are16:53
mecrediseh? bah?16:54
paulproteusSorry, was afk.16:56
paulproteusIt doesn't turn your wiki into a SQL-style DB.16:56
paulproteusIt turns it into an RDF-style DB.16:56
paulproteusBut it would do the job.16:57
mecredisso in theory I could convert my MySQL db into rdf16:57
mecredisand have smw look at that?16:57
paulproteusYou would turn it into wiki pages.16:59
paulproteusHave you done view source of User:Mecredis on wiki.fc.o?16:59
mecredisI will do that16:59
paulproteusThat is the kind of thing you should turn your page into.16:59
paulproteusIt requires setting up some templates and semantic properties.16:59
mecredisinside smw config?16:59
mecredisok so here's another question17:00
mecredissuppose I get it all set up17:00
mecrediscan I query the SMW externally17:00
mecredisfrom, say, Asterisk?17:00
paulproteusThe way I do that at fc.o is to dump the RDF data that SMW knows about, and do queries on that.17:01
mecredisthat's the whole point .. fancy rdf meta-data is nice17:01
paulproteusBasically, "it depends."17:01
mecredison a cron?17:01
mecrediswhere does it "live" ?17:01
paulproteusIt can't do generic queries yet, so if you want a query it doesn't support, you dump it via cron (if you're me).17:01
mecredisah, right17:01
mecredisthat's the question17:01
mecredisso what are the kinds of queries it supports?17:01
mecredis(e.g. finding everyone's jabber inside the FC.o wiki isn't supported, but finding all user names / etc is) ?17:02
paulproteusNote that it *can* do basic queries - get me all the properties associated with e.g.
mecrediscould you ask "get me all the phone numbers from chapter heads" ?17:02
paulproteuse.g., click on "RDF feed" there and you get a live dump of all the data it knows about FC.o NYU.17:03
paulproteusNot right now re: that query, except via the dump, in which case you can (you'd write a SPARQL query to answer that question).17:03
paulproteusI hope that I'm making some sense.17:03
mecredislet me grok it17:03
paulproteusSPARQL is a generic query language to query piles of RDF data.17:03
mecredisthe SPARQL query is what?17:03
mecredisso you basically dump the rdf data17:04
paulproteusRDF is a data format that expresses a list of "triples".17:04
mecredisand it lives somewhere on the server17:04
paulproteusYes - it secretly lives in a MySQL DB that you shouldn't access directly.17:04
mecrediswhich gets populated by a cron17:04
mecredisor you can just do SPARQL?17:04
paulproteusHold your horses.17:04
paulproteusHere are the facts.17:04
mecredisthanks for putting up with this btw17:05
paulproteusWell, I really need to figure out how to teach this stuff.17:05
paulproteusSince I'm such a fan of SMW, RDF, semantic web, etc.17:05
paulproteus1. Semantic MW lets you store facts of format "$THING has $PROPERTY set to $VALUE"17:05
mecredisgot it.17:05
paulproteuslike "{Free Culture @ NYU} has property {Coremembers} set to value {8}".17:05
paulproteusThat happens to be the same style as RDF.17:06
mecredisthe triplet17:06
paulproteusThey're called triples, but yeah.17:06
paulproteusSo SMW supports some basic queries through the SMW software, but in a pinch, you can ask SMW to dump you a big pile of RDF statements that, together, are the knowledge stored in your wiki.17:07
paulproteusAnd then you can query that in a different RDF handling package.17:07
paulproteusThis is how gets generated.17:07
mecredise.g. SPARQL17:07
paulproteusRight, though in practice I don't use SPARQL, I use something dumber than that.17:07
mecredisah, so that is populated by the smw17:08
paulproteusRight - but they're delayed due to the fact that the RDF dump happens via a cron job.17:08
mecredisthat's OK17:08
mecredishow often? how long does it take?17:08
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paulproteusI think I do it daily, and it takes 30s-1m I think.17:09
paulproteusI don't really remember.17:09
mecredisok not huge17:09
mecredisso just to recap17:09
mecredismy general goal here17:09
mecredisis to17:09
paulproteustype very little but press17:10
paulproteusa lot17:10
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mecredis1. Somehow convert the table / db I have now of federal politicians, their phone numbers, districts, party affiliations, and committee associations to RDF17:10
mecredis2. Import that into a SMW install17:10
mecredis3. Have that go live and exist17:10
paulproteusWait, general goal, or way to proceed?17:10
mecrediswell the way I think I'm going to do it17:11
paulproteusYour general goal is to make this DB publicly editable in a way that integrates seamlessly with the rest of your site.17:11
paulproteusAs I understand.17:11
mecredisright, exactly17:11
mecredisand have it maintainable17:11
mecredisby someone besides me17:11
paulproteusBTW, it would be nice to automate some of this, but that's another story.17:11
paulproteusIn my opinion, the strategy you *should* pursue is:17:11
mecredisas in importing from other people databases?17:11
mecredisyeah that sucks right now17:11
mecredisand costs $$17:11
paulproteusScrape for committee membership -> party time.17:11
paulproteusScraping is free.17:11
mecredisalready did that17:11
paulproteusDon't let anyone tell you otherwise.17:12
mecredisthat is the db I have now17:12
mecredisits actually a better, longer story than that17:12
paulproteusAnyway, here's what you should do:17:12
paulproteus1. Create a test install of SMW that you know you will throw away17:12
mecredisalmost there17:12
paulproteus2. Install Semantic Forms as well17:12
paulproteus3. Learn how Semantic Forms and SMW together handle properties, templates, and forms17:12
mecrediscreate some fake politician pages, etc.17:12
paulproteusand categories, right.17:12
paulproteusAnd then you'll understand that the way to do the import is to generate MW template pages.17:13
paulproteusFWIW, I just did something just like this about three days here.17:13
mecrediswell I'm talking to the right person17:13
mecredisOK, well thanks a lot for your advice here17:13
mecredisI may call on it some more17:13
paulproteusBe warned:17:14
paulproteusFree advice is seldom cheap.17:14
mecredisI know17:14
mecredismy hope here is to create a smw that has meaningful information that I can open up17:14
mecredisthere are some other wikis out there17:14
mecrediswhere people maintain information about bills, and so on17:14
paulproteusRDF is also the best hope for inter-website data exchange, fwiw.17:14
mecredisbut it'd be fantastic to do one for state politicians etc.17:15
paulproteusIf you haven't read , I suggest reading it carefully.17:17
paulproteusIt's not long, and it explains more clearly than I.17:17
paulproteusIt's "just" an explanation of what RDF/the Semantic Web are about, but those ideas are important in getting good use out of SMW.17:17
paulproteusEspecially "Sharing concepts".17:18
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paulproteusjakin, I found the bug.17:26
paulproteusIt's "I'm a moron" o'clock again.17:26
jakinpaulproteus, oh?  so what was the problem?17:27
paulproteusRemember how I changed ll_prohibits into ll_get_attribute(u, LL_PROHIBITS)?17:27
paulproteusWell, I actually changed one ll_prohibits() into ll_get_attribute(u, LL_PERMITS).17:27
paulproteusSo the heap never had any PROHIBITS info in it!17:27
paulproteusThat was over two months ago.  So you can imagine how I feel.17:28
jakinwow :-P17:28
jakinsweet that's it's finally fixed17:29
paulproteusFor real!17:29
paulproteusNow I just have to put the test back to the way it was. (-:17:29
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hdworakhi :)17:57
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paulproteusHey hdworak!18:01
hdworakmy name is Hugo. ;) I've got some questions about the GSOC if you would be so kind to take a few minutes to answer them18:09
hdworakit's about the "rewrite ccvalidator" project18:09
hdworaknathany maybe?18:09
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l0lyous have one cc valid?18:37
hdworak? :)18:38
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l0lhdworak give one valid? :P18:39
paulproteusl0l, Yes one sec18:39
hdworaksorry, but I don't quite get it18:40
jakingsoc++ :-P18:44
paulproteushdworak, He wants a credit card number because he thinks this a credit card fraud channel.18:48
paulproteusI've alerted the FBI.18:48
paulproteusAnyway, hdworak, I'm happy to discuss the validator.18:48
hdworakoh, I'd never guess18:48
paulproteusIf you google "#cc IRC" you'll see. (-:18:48
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hdworakyeah, now that you explained it it's clear, but I'm a foreigner and the "cc" abbreviation is not obvious to me18:50
paulproteusAnyway, let's talk about GSoc. (-:18:51
hdworakin your guidelines for a good proposal, you write that "2 months" pass quickly18:51
hdworakain't it so, that GSOC lasts 3 months?18:51
paulproteusThey might have changed the schedule since we wrote that. (-:18:52
hdworakin your proposal:18:52
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hdworakwhat does "assertions about embedded objects" mean? traversing for SVG license information of something, that is not on a Web site but within the file?18:53
hdworak(3 point of the minimum implementation features)18:53
paulproteusYou should email nathany about that, but it means either:18:53
paulproteus(a) handling RDFa that annotates e.g. <a href="something"> with a license field, or18:54
paulproteus(b) downloading referenced documents and reading their license metadata18:54
paulproteusBut I'm pretty sure it means (a).18:54
paulproteusIf you email him, paste the exact text I wrote to make sure he knows what I was thinking when I said these things.18:54
hdworakok, so the proposal is by nathany?18:55
paulproteusYup (although I'm moderately knowledgeable on the topics, so I can answer most questions).18:55
hdworakwhat are ccTools - is this some special kind of software or a general name for cc* tools?18:55
paulproteusAnd really, this is not a "proposal" but a suggestion for a proposal you write, just to be clear on terminology.18:56
paulproteus(As I understand things)18:56
hdworakyes, of course18:56
paulproteusre: ccTools - yeah, it's a general name for CC software stuff.18:56
paulproteusWe used to publish our work in a SVN repository called cctools18:56
hdworakwhat is the license for the ccrdf if the appears to have a MIT license (lines 1-19) and then line 32 says it is licensed under GNU GPL 218:56
hdworakI may for your convinience18:56
hdworakok, just a sec18:57
paulproteusThat probably means GPL 2, since MIT licensed code can be relicensed as GPL v2.18:57
paulproteus(or v3)18:57
Bovinitydual license?18:57
paulproteusDueling licenses?18:57
paulproteusBuh, email nathan about that also.18:58
Bovinityi need a BANJO REUSE LICENSE.18:58
paulproteusThat's rather odd.18:58
BovinityIt'll require dueling me if you wish to reuse my work.18:58
hdworakdoes ccrdf make TRAMP obsolete (this could remove the need for such a strict license like GNU GPL)?18:58
paulproteusThat's Aaronsw's TRAMP?18:59
paulproteusI think it's unmaintained anyway.18:59
paulproteusHow about this answer, "It's already made itself obsolete". (-;18:59
hdworak'cause is by Nathan and it does not refer to TRAMP, but seems to be doing the same thing18:59
hdworakwhat if the Web site is not a valid XML (missing closing tags) or XHTML (has no doctype)? then I cannot use DOM to manipulate it. should I use tidy then? should we ignore such Web pages and display a warning only (much the same as on other validators)19:00
paulproteustidy is a reasonable approach for that.19:00
hdworakor shall we just ignore all this and proceed to the <!-- <rdf parts19:00
paulproteusThe <!-- <rdf is deprecated anyway.19:00
paulproteusWe prefer RDFa these days.19:00
hdworakseparate RDF files?19:01
hdworakno, ok19:02
hdworakI found at w3.org19:02
hdworaksorry about a faq-like question19:02
hdworakwhat license is preferred for this project from the cc devs point of view?19:02
paulproteusEither MIT license or "GPL v2 or later, at your option".19:03
paulproteusClearly we use both, sometimes for the same file. (-;19:03
hdworakwhat's your opinion on Apache 2.0 ?19:03
paulproteusIt's not GPLv2 compatible, which is a drag.19:03
hdworakand why GPLv2 not GPLv3? (just for compatibility with ye old software or smthing more?)19:04
paulproteusYeah, exactly.19:04
paulproteusFor now, we like compatibility.19:04
hdworakis running a blog about the project while working on it a plus?19:05
paulproteusYes - we'll ask you to blog on probably.19:06
hdworakdo I get some kind of a hosting for this project while working on it or should I organise it myself (although this is not a problem; if so, what is the version of the software they are running? is shell, ftps, svn/cvs/git etc. access possible?)19:07
paulproteusYou will get git or svn hosting through us.19:08
paulproteusAnd I think (I'm not sure about this) you can get a shell account one of our servers to run your app on as you develop.19:08
hdworakwhich related tools are no longer updated? (I've checked as much as I could, but maybe you know better)19:09
hdworakccValidator (cc by nc) - as a proof of concept; last update in January 200519:10
hdworakccrdf (MIT license or GNU GPL 2 - ambiguous) - last updated in July 200619:10
hdworakRDFlib (BSD 3-clause) - last updated in April 200719:10
hdworakTRAMP - ok, now I know it's obsolete19:10
hdworakmozCC (MPL 1.1) - last updated last updated in November 200419:10
paulproteusEmbarrassingly, nearly none of them are maintained.19:11
Bovinitythere was a more recent mozcc update19:11
Bovinity06 or 0719:11
paulproteusRDFLib is maintained, but not by us.19:11
hdworakrdfadict (MIT) - last updated in June 200719:11
paulproteusYup, that's maintained by nathany.19:12
hdworakok, but if I understand correctly, in terms of software, it's like 9 months since any progress?19:12
paulproteusOn which project?19:12
hdworakall mentioned19:12
paulproteusSure, but most of those aren't directly related to your work on the validator.19:13
paulproteusrdfadict is pretty mature at this point, I think.19:13
hdworakI got that from the ccValidator references19:13
paulproteusThe validator is practically eons since any progress; the other stuff is either dependencies that are maintained (like rdflib) or side projects that aren't really (MozCC).19:13
paulproteusAlthough sometime I will fix up MozCC a little, hopefully before the summer.19:13
hdworakso which tools that were used to build the old software are still relevant in context of the next version? (aside of rdfadict of course)19:14
paulproteusrdfadict uses rdflib.19:14
hdworak(unless you want to me to figure it out by myself - I just ask first)19:14
paulproteusJust those two, really.19:14
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hdworaknow I'd like to ask you on your opinion about some ideas I came up with for this19:15
hdworakhandling file uploads as yet another mean of input,19:16
paulproteusThat could be nice, sure.19:16
hdworakI've seen that on other validators19:16
hdworaklogging for the purpose of statistics (e.g. to see which license is popular for a particular file format), understanding of the problems that users19:16
hdworakmay be experiencing while licensing their content using RDF, and caching (if redundant duplicate requests are sent, but taking into account the traversal)?19:17
paulproteusInteresting re: logging - that could be good!19:17
paulproteusAs for caching, I wouldn't worry too much about that.19:17
hdworakinternationalisation of the application providing an easy solution to translate it to another language,19:18
hdworak(like the cc website itself is multilanguage)19:18
paulproteusGood thinking there.19:19
paulproteusWe'd love it if your app supported PO files for translation.19:19
hdworakdo you mean i18n?19:19
paulproteusPO files are the gettext format.19:20
paulproteusYou can treat that as a second-stage feature.19:20
hdworaklike this?19:20
hdworakconformance of the Web site of the validator to the XHTML 1.1 specification with a fallback to XHTML 1.0 Transitional (plus valid CSS and Unicode),19:20
paulproteusThe first stage of the project shouldn't worry extensively about translation; there's so much to get done that I think that would be at the second stage.19:20
hdworak(current ccValidator is HTML 4.01 with the default ISO 8859-1)19:21
paulproteusHTML 4.01 or XHTML 1.0/1.1 is okay, so long as it validates.19:21
paulproteusAnd whichever you pick, it should be easy.19:21
paulproteusSince you're writing the site from scratch.19:21
hdworakappearance similar to the current Web site of Creative Commons or even using the same layout with the same style sheets etc.?19:22
hdworakMr. Senior Designer19:23
Bovinityalthough i prefer Se?or Designer19:24
hdworakdo ppl who are likely to mentor have Jabber IDs? (or we would just continue to IRC, mailing list etc.)19:24
paulproteusI prefer SeƱor.19:24
hdworakwhat are your preferences?19:24
paulproteusI prefer IRC, but I think nathany prefers AIM or Jabber.19:25
paulproteusI'll hopefully get him to have you talk on IRC instead. (-:19:25
hdworakI'm using Pidgin so it's the same for me19:25
paulproteusI use XChat for IRC and AIM, but that's another story. (-:19:25
hdworakok, thank you for your answers19:26
paulproteusThanks for having a conversation. (-:19:26
hdworakthe proposal is 70% ready, now I need to study the two tools you've mentioned plus RDFa etc.19:27
paulproteushdworak, I for one really hope you finish applying. (-:19:27
hdworakand then I might come up with a few more questions or just end up with the proposal19:27
paulproteusBovinity, FYI I made a git module of the jurisdiction icons.19:27
paulproteusEither way, I look forward to it.19:27
Bovinitythe flags?19:28
Bovinityi18n NC?19:28
hdworakbye bye!19:28
paulproteusBovinity, ?19:28
paulproteusOh, the flags.19:28
Bovinitynot sure what you mean by.. ok19:28
paulproteus in particular.19:28
paulproteus(for liblicense, so it can store them in a git submodule)19:29
Bovinitynow if we can get CCi to start using git, that'll be one more thing they can do themselves when setting up jurisdiction pages19:29
paulproteusmake[222]: Entering directory `/home/paulproteus/gitted/liblicense/modules'19:29
paulproteusmake[223]: Entering directory `/home/paulproteus/gitted/liblicense/modules'19:29
paulproteusmake[223]: Nothing to be done for `install-exec-am'.19:29
paulproteusmake[223]: Nothing to be done for `install-data-am'.19:29
paulproteusmake[223]: Leaving directory `/home/paulproteus/gitted/liblicense/modules'19:29
paulproteusmake[222]: Leaving directory `/home/paulproteus/gitted/liblicense/modules'19:29
paulproteusmake[221]: Leaving directory `/home/paulproteus/gitted/liblicense/modules'19:29
paulproteusHmm, infinite Make loop again.19:29
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