Wednesday, 2008-03-26

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tsarinHi Nathan - you on?11:49
nathanyhi tsarin11:49
tsarinJonathan Dugan here11:49
nathanyhow's it goin?11:50
tsarinreading over the BEP11:50
paulproteusI'd love to give it a look too - link?11:50
nathanyyeah, it's super rough so any feedback/questions are welcome11:50
nathanypaulproteus: sent via email11:51
paulproteusnathany, Super rad.11:51
nathanytsarin: are we expecting anyone else for our little checkin?11:51
tsarinI told folks in a few different irc rooms11:51
tsarinand sent 3 emails11:51
nathanyi think we said 10, right?11:52
tsarinno one seemed all that excited yet to join11:52
nathanyeh, ok11:52
tsarinI just wanted to ask if there was a simple description of the "web statement"11:52
tsarinreading ... I'm still confused11:52
nathanygood question11:52
paulproteusThere's a comic that explains it.11:52
nathanywe probably need a sentence, though11:53
paulproteusnathany, off-site images are broken again?11:53
nathanypaulproteus: no idea11:53
paulproteusI'm looking at you see.11:53
nathanyi'll look @ the XMP documentation and see what it describes it as11:53
nathanypaulproteus: ok, so if they don't show up, likely broken :) nkinkade?11:54
tsarin"Anita would insert the URL to that webpage"  - which webpage, her page for the song or the license page11:55
nathanyher page11:56
tsarinyup, got it.. later in same paragraph11:56
nathanyXMP describes it as "The location of a web page describing the owner11:56
nathanyand/or rights statement for this resource."11:56
tsarinso the web_statement is the page controlled by the content creator11:56
paulproteusBTW, Gimp_ is also around for this very conversation.11:57
tsarindescribing how they have licenced the work, and probably also pointing to the license url11:57
nathanyand possibly including embedded metadata that could be used to verify the license statemetn11:57
paulproteusnathany, BTW, for multi-file torrents, what do you do about the SHA1?11:58
tsarinmetadata that describes specific actions possible under the license?11:58
paulproteusP.S. I hope that if you answer my question in the BEP you put my name on it.11:58
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nathanypaulproteus: you specify metadata about each file11:58
nathanyjust different assertions11:59
paulproteusInteresting; maybe I'll patch your BEP to make that clearer.11:59
nathanymaybe just send edits instead of patches? i'm already mucking with it in response to tsarin's questions11:59
tsarinSo to clarify - we're talking about these two fields (license and web_statement) for each file in the torrent or for the whole torrent?12:00
paulproteusProbably for the whole torrent.12:00
nathanywhole torrent12:01
paulproteusnathany, Let me get some clothes on, and I'll get right back to you.12:01
nathanylooking at the existing metadata it seemed that multi-file torrent stuff was semi-bolted on... not great facilities for doing more than listing the files12:01
tsarinwhole torrent makes more sense given the torrent format12:02
tsarinone thought12:02
nathanycool, glad you agree with my snap judgement :)12:02
tsarinwe really want people to put the *url* to the license and the *url* to the web statement12:02
nathanyare you asking or stating12:03
tsarinso would it make sense to call the keys license_url12:03
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tsarinhalf and half12:03
tsarinand web_statement_url12:03
nathanyyes, i think we absolutely want URLs; otherwise you can't do more than display them12:03
nathany(ie, if its free text, you'll never be able to reliably get more details about the license for search filtering)12:03
nathanybut good suggestion; i'll update the BEP12:04
tsarinis there any standard or accepted norm for turning a license url into a string for a license?  Like perhaps the <title>...</title> on the URL?12:04
paulproteustsarin, The license URL page has some RDFa embedded that is the right way to do that.12:05
nathanyyeah, that's the right way12:05
paulproteusThat sort of thing can safely be cached by BitTorrent clients also.12:05
tsarinThe client will not want to display
nathanytitle works for our licenses, but not necessarily other providers12:05
tsarinrather they want to display Creative Commons12:05
tsarinAttribution 3.0 Unported12:05
paulproteusnathany, Sshhh, don't even mention the title idea.12:05
paulproteusLet's stick to RDFa here if we can. (-:12:06
nathanyabsolutely, but people are lazy and retarded12:06
tsarinWell, we should add how cc does it in the BEP12:06
nathanyok, will do12:06
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tsarinI'm looking at the source for
paulproteusMe, too.12:06
paulproteus        <h2 property="dc:title">Attribution 3.0 Unported</h2>12:07
paulproteusCuriously, the string Creative Commons isn't actually in that, and doesn't seem to be in any RDFa on the page at all.  nathany...?12:07
tsarinthe rendered page is correct12:08
nathanytsarin: because the graphic contains the name above the title12:08
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nathanypaulproteus: not at all curious; Creative Commons is the publisher of the license12:08
nathanyso i suppose we could include assertions about that... just hasn't come up12:08
nathanyhello hdworak12:09
paulproteusnathany, Yes, I think we should, and in a hurry. (-;12:09
nkinkadepaulproteus: when you say that offsite images are broken again, I take it you know the solution.12:09
nathanypaulproteus: why a hurry?12:09
* paulproteus winks in nkinkade's direction12:09
nathanynkinkade: there's a setting in the localsettings12:09
paulproteusnathany, So that this conversation can proceed as if it is there, and we can write the BEP with that RDFa in mind.12:10
hdworakI came across your GSOC2008 proposal entitled "Rewrite Metadata Validator"12:10
nkinkadeFeel free to change it, or you can just tell me what it is and I'll do it right now.12:10
tsarinhdworak: are you here for the bittorrent BEP discussion on licenses?12:10
hdworaktsarin: no, I am not12:10
nathanyhdworak: great, did you have questoins about the proposal?12:10
hdworakis this the right place to discuss the proposal?12:10
paulproteushdworak, I'd be happy to talk to you about the validator one the bittorrent discussion dies down, if you can wait a little.12:10
hdworakI believe nathany is the author of the current one12:10
hdworakno problem for me12:10
* hdworak fades away12:11
nathanytsarin: so it seems like paulproteus and i should circle around and add some more details about web statement and how we suggest clients process the URLs for display to the BEP12:11
tsarinok, so for the client authors - it would be really helpful to have a simple description of how to use RDFa to translate the licence URL into a text string scraped from the page source12:11
nathany(display, etc)12:12
paulproteusSample Python code could be happily provided.12:12
paulproteusnkinkade, - see $wgAllowExternalImages (should be false) and $wgAllowExternalImages (should whitelist and cc)12:12
tsarinpaulproteus: sounds good - I'm not a client author, but I talk with them a lot12:12
tsarinI'm working on an indexing and discovery site12:13
nathanywe can include references to a python and C implementation12:13
tsarinnathany: ok - good idea on round 2 for the BEP12:14
paulproteusDo you know much about if BEPs are preferred to be submitted with a reference implementation, or if they usually stand alone for discussion before implementations are wanted in the BitTorrent community?12:14
tsarinI don't know12:14
nathanypaulproteus: a reference implementation of... ? a .torrent file?12:14
tsarinin this case, I'm not sure we really need any code12:14
paulproteusA reference implementation of a UI implementing the e.g. RDFa scraping and license displaying.12:14
tsarinI would say no12:15
nathanypaulproteus: my instinct is to say no, add it if they ask12:15
nathanywe have enough going on12:15
paulproteusnathany, We do in fact, good point. (-:12:15
tsarinkeeping with KISS12:15
nathanyso next steps... we'll revise the PEP and send it back to you, tsarin12:16
tsarindo you use Word or something that has track changes capability?12:16
nathanyuh, fuck no12:16
tsarinsounds good12:16
nathany(wrt Word)12:16
nathanyBEPs are RST, so just plain text12:16
nathanywe can check it into source control12:16
tsarinok, sounds good12:16
paulproteusControl the source!12:16
nathanyif you don't have any further feedback, you can send it on to client implementors, etc for feedback?12:16
tsarinlooking it over again,  thats all for now12:17
nathanyok, great12:17
nathanywe'll get a revised version out to you this week12:17
tsaringreat.  I'll get it back to you ASAP12:18
nathanygreat, thanks :)12:18
nathanyso we're adjourned?12:18
nkinkadepaulproteus: the image are in there now, but the problem was that the URLs were prefixed with "www", but it was only configured to allow from  Rather than add www.(cc).org to the allowed list I just changed the URLs.12:18
paulproteusnkinkade, Okay, that's probably just fine.12:18
nathanynkinkade: thanks12:18
* tsarin waves12:18
nathanythat's the "right" thing12:18
* paulproteus bids tsarin adieu!12:18
nathanyttyl, tsarin12:18
nathanynkinkade: ^^12:19
nathanyhdworak: thanks for being patient; did you have questions wrt the validator project?12:19
nkinkadeIt's probably best because as far as I know we don't want www.(cc).org to exist, and in fact you will be redirected if you attempt to access the site that way.12:19
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paulproteusnathany, Remind me where Herder lives right now?12:19
paulproteusOkay, mind if I move it to git also?12:20
hdworaknathany: yes12:20
hdworakI've just scanned your mailing list for "validat*" and found nothing related12:20
nathanypaulproteus: that's fine12:20
hdworak(March mailing list archive)12:20
nathanyhdworak: it hasn't been touched/discussed in years12:20
hdworakfirst of all, as all the organisations, you come up with various proposal for each year12:21
hdworakhow do you rate this particular proposal in the context of this year's proposals?12:21
paulproteusI personally would rate it very high.12:21
nathanyhdworak: super important12:21
hdworakwhat I'm asking is whether you feel this project could be inferior to other proposals12:21
nathanyhdworak: no, this is very needed12:21
hdworakok, is there anyone applying for this for this GSOC so far?12:22
nathanyhdworak: i haven't seen any yet12:22
hdworak(I don't wanna interfer with somebody's plans)12:22
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hdworakok, how is this link:12:23
hdworakin relation to:12:23
hdworakwhere one reads "Nathan Yergler's excellent ccValidator meets the challenge!"12:24
nathanyah, those should be merged12:24
nathany the former is more accurate12:24
hdworakok, 'cause I read "is complete" there, so where pretty confused12:24
nathanyi think the latter is left around more for historical purposes12:24
nathanyi'll add some text pointing out that while it *did* meet the challenge, it has since bit rotted :)12:25
hdworakok, the next thing12:25
hdworakI go to:
hdworakI click "parse RDF"12:25
hdworakand the server literally sends me the python script12:25
nathanySee the first line: "The CC Validator is offline while we retool it."12:25
hdworakI assume this is a bug12:25
nathanyno, intentional12:26
hdworakjust wanted to let you know12:26
nathanythe old validator doesn't understand current metadata recommendations12:26
hdworak'cause its unusual to see the server-side script being served12:26
nathanyso we turned it off to try and prevent confusion... and just took the lazy way out12:26
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hdworak"Proposer knows the appropriate programming language(s)"12:31
hdworakdo you have any preference over the languages chosen for this project?12:31
hdworakI mean Python instead of oo PHP5 or something12:31
paulproteusI'm sure we prefer Python.12:32
paulproteusWhat were you thinking of using?12:32
paulproteusAnd what languages do you know well?12:32
hdworakwell, I'm fluent in oo PHP5, but would like to learn Python (during GSOC for instance) - so far I just did one project in Python (implementation and benchmarking of minimum spanning trees algorithm)12:33
hdworakMicrosoft technologies are out of question12:33
paulproteusNaturally. (-:12:33
hdworakJava is still propertiary12:33
hdworakso Python suits me well, though would be a little harder to get used to its web-related implementation12:34
hdworak"Proposer shows evidence of being able to create software."12:34
nathanyhdworak: i'm prefer Python, probably using something like Pylons for the web framework portion since it lends itself well to testing12:34
nathanyYou should just include some information in your proposal about software development experience12:35
hdworakin that particular language of choice or in general (so I could, for instance, provide the completed source code of my masters thesis)?12:35
nathanyhdworak: generally, although demonstrating proficiency in that particular language wouldn't hurt ;)12:36
hdworaknathany: ironically I do prefer Python, too, my last project has proved to me its way better than PHP512:36
hdworakit's just I've bet on the wrong horse long time ago12:36
nathanyhdworak: are you currently pursuing your master's degree?12:36
hdworakno, I've graduated. I'm a PhD student since October12:37
nathanyah, great12:37
nathanyjust wanted to make sure you were a student :)12:37
hdworak"Proposer has at least a little experience participating in Open Source projects"12:37
nathanynot at all required12:37
hdworakfounding + leading an game-related project with 13devs is enough?12:37
nathanythose guidelines were written by someone who liked to read his own text :)12:37
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qubodupHi there, can someone tell me when the discussion about cc information in torrent files will happen?12:38
nathanyqubodup: you missed it :)12:39
hdworaksorry to contact you that late, but frankly my first attempt was the following:12:40
nathanyno problem, hdworak12:40
hdworakall went fine, I've completed the proposal ( ), but then we've found out about Soashable12:41
hdworakand basically it appeared that someone is already doing free software we wanted to develop12:41
hdworak(yeah, I know it's lame)12:41
nathanyhdworak: i'd love to see a proposal for this project... and would be happy to give you any feedback as you write it12:41
paulproteusWell, it's really good you found out about it rather than reinventing the wheel.12:41
hdworakyeah, I'm happy that is has already been made12:41
qubodupnathany: for real?12:42
nathanyqubodup: yes; started @ 10A PDT12:42
nathany30min mtg12:42
nathanyqubodup: we're going to be revising the BEP, should have a revised version out later this week12:42
hdworakI do not view GSOC 2008 by personal goals' perspective only, but most of all as a contribution to the FOSS community12:42
nathanyBitTorrent Enhancement Proposal12:42
hdworakand if anyone has written something great in the subject already, I'm more than happy12:43
qubodupnathany: thx12:43
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hdworaknathany: thank you. I'll find 1-2 days to come up with the proposal, 'cause I need to analyse the subject of the proposal in depth12:44
nathanyhdworak: sounds great12:45
paulproteushdworak, Please feel free to come back here and ask questions if you are confused at any point in your research.12:45
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hdworakit appears to me that there's a great atmosphere here for the GSOC development12:46
hdworakand I appreciate that12:47
nathanywe <3 our SoC students :)12:47
paulproteusAnd we appreciate SoC students who come around with really good questions and attitudes!12:47
hdworakwell, let's face it - anyone can come up with the questions I've asked today12:48
hdworaknothing big really12:48
nathanyhdworak: anyone can, few do12:48
nkinkadenathany: your commits are still showing up at cctools-cvs as user
hdworakI'm sorry about that12:49
nathanynkinkade: yes12:50
nkinkadeIs there any way to correct that?12:50
nathany(not without giving every user an account on a6)12:50
nathany(and running a mail server to do sender verification, etc, etc, etc)12:50
nkinkadeIt's just curious because everyone else's commits seem to be coming from their own address.  I just stood out to me.12:51
nathanyoh really?12:51
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nkinkadeNo, I was wrong.  All of our commits are showing up that way ... sorry.12:53
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nkinkadepaulproteus: do you remember what mencoder command you were using to convert videos before using ffmpeg2theora?  The videos I'm getting are little washed out but the sound is okay.13:13
paulproteusnkinkade, Yeah, one sec.13:13
paulproteusI can reconstruct it in a sec.13:14
nkinkademplayer's man page is a bit intimidating.13:14
paulproteusmencoder -forceidx -oac mp3lame -ovc copy   infile.whatever  -o /tmp/bob.avi13:18
paulproteusYou can remove -forceidx.13:18
paulproteusTaken in part from my
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nkinkadepaulproteus: that's still producing the washed out video like I was getting before.  It seems to be the same output as the command I was using: mencoder -oac lavc -ovc lavc -of avi -o ccau.avi <input_file>.mov13:27
paulproteustermopeen, Howdy.13:27
paulproteusnkinkade, You shouldn't transcode the video.13:27
paulproteusBut it still shouldn't be washed out.13:27
paulproteusNote my "-ovc copy".13:27
Bovinitywhat's the input format?13:28
paulproteusWhat if you mplayer ccau.avi?13:28
nkinkadeI see.  I cut and pasted your command.13:28
nkinkadeI did, and it plays, but the video is washed out.13:28
nkinkadeBovinity: Quicktime.13:28
nkinkade  Stream #0.0(eng): Audio: mp4a / 0x6134706D, 44100 Hz, stereo13:30
nkinkade  Stream #0.1(eng): Video: mpeg4, yuv420p, 480x360, 15.00 fps(r)13:30
nkinkadeThat's from the original Quicktime movie.13:31
nkinkadeffmpeg2theora works fine for the video, but produces no sound.  And ffmpeg itself doesn't seem to be compiled with support for mp4a.  Read somewhere online that it would have to be compiled with libfaad support.13:32
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nkinkadeWell, after looking at it, seems that the original is washed out too.  Oh well.13:47
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hdworak"Rewrite Metadata Validator"13:56
hdworakdo you mean rewriting from scratch in particular?13:57
hdworakor maybe your intention is to do something based on the previous software13:57
hdworakor does it not matter at all which approach is taken?13:57
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nkinkadeBovinity: does the search box look okay to you at the forum ... it's below the login?14:12
Bovinitynkinkade: remove the colon, and wrap "Search" with an h4 and it'll look just like staging14:14
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nkinkadeAstonishingly, that does look better.14:17
Bovinitythe search button needs a top margin of about 0.75em14:18
nkinkadeDo you want to just make it look right?14:20
nkinkadeI'm happy to do it, but seems it'd be easier for you to tweak than: i ask you -> you suggest -> i make change -> i ask you again -> you suggest again -> rinse -> lather -> repeat14:20
* Bovinity nods and prods at it14:21
Bovinitythere. svn up away. ;)14:24
nkinkadenothing updated.14:28
nkinkadedid you merge to production?14:28
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Bovinityand now that i have svnmerge, i will14:31
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Gimp_It seems that I missed the discussion... silly work. Looking through my logs i see nothing about why torrents should have metadata for the license in them.16:04
Gimp_As of right now, torrent files contain no information to those points about the files themselves. I'm having troubles understanding the use of putting a license in the .torrent itself. if you wish to send a license with it, why not just include a license.txt file or something?16:04
nathanyGimp_: the primary reason is to support things like searching and discovery -- so that a search engine can only show me content that i can remix, etc16:05
Gimp_thats the sort of information the torrent search engine should store itself. something you should enter when you upload the torrent.16:06
Gimp_and how can you verify that license? there would be nothing stopping people from putting those licenses into files which do not belong to them16:06
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nathanyassuming you uploaded the torrent to that search engine16:06
Gimp_the torrent would have been uploaded by someone, somewhere. and if that person has the capabilities to put the license in the .torrent, then they can enter it when they upload it. I, and the other developers on transmission are very hesitant to be seeing metadata about the files in the .torrent.16:07
nkinkadeWhat happens when someone wants to create a derivative comprised of a 2.5 BY-SA license with a 3.0 BY-SA license ... what license must the resulting work carry?16:08
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nathanyGimp_: that's really good feedback to hear16:13
nathanycan i send you the BEP we're working to get your feedback?16:13
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nathanyGimp_: I have to drop off momentarily for a while... if you email me at nathan at creativecommons dot org, i'd be happy to send you that16:16
Gimp_nathany: alright, i'll toss you an email in about 5 minutes if you don't respond. if you're still there, im gimp at nilok dot ca, feel free to send it16:23
nathanyGimp_: got it16:23
Gimp_nathany: thanks16:24
nathanywe're working on it now, will send it when we've fixed some things that came up in today's chat16:24
Gimp_alright. I'll make sure all the devs get a look at it when you send it along16:25
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nathanythanks, Gimp_16:28
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hdworakare you here?16:39
nathanyhi hdworak16:39
hdworakI've posted a little question before, couldn't find the answer though; could you help me on this one pls16:40
nathanynkinkade: got the test msg16:40
hdworakthe task is: ""Rewrite Metadata Validator"16:40
hdworakdo you mean rewriting from scratch in particular or maybe your intention is to do something based on the previous software or does it not matter at all which approach is taken?16:40
nathanyi'd prefer rewritten from scratch16:40
nathanythe old software has some architectural limitations16:41
nathanyas well as not addressing current recommendations16:41
nkinkadenathany: great ... that means we will be in good shape.16:41
hdworakok, thanks16:43
hdworakdo you know who is the possible mentor of this proposal?16:43
nathanyhdworak: myself or paulproteus... probably tbd based on what other proposals we get16:44
hdworakso long16:46
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nkinkadeThe only thing left is for me to reply to cc-staff with "Awesome!" on "CC is #1!"18:19
BovinityGO TEAM!18:20
Bovinityugh, svnmerge isn't liking me18:21
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paulproteusMan, I love ipython.18:33
paulproteustest test test, edit edit edit, then18:33
paulproteusIn [81]: !svn ci -m ...18:33
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nkinkadeBovinity: sytling on the recaptcha I just added to the forum?19:12
nkinkadeIn terms of placement and spacing, that is.19:12
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Bovinityon register?19:13
Bovinitylooks fine!19:13
nkinkadeShould there be a blurb of text indicating what it is and what someone needs to do?19:17
nkinkadeOn second thought I like it better without any text.  The box itself says "Type the two words", and a message will come back if the fail to do it correctly, or at all.19:21
Bovinityoh, i thought you meant blurb about what the forum is and does19:22
Bovinitycaptcha is pretty self explanatory19:22
Bovinityweeds out the idiots, perhaps19:22
nkinkadeTry clicking on the register button without it.  Maybe "code" isn't the right word.19:22
Bovinityit occurs to me, with the captcha there now, the register button should be on the left19:23
Bovinitytook me a good 5 seconds to figure out  where the button went :/19:23
nkinkadeShall I move it now?19:23
Bovinity"You must accept the licensing terms in order to regsiter."19:24
nkinkadeThat's not spelled correctly, is it.19:25
Bovinitythey say words, so "The reCaptcha words you entered were not correct." would be more fitting19:25
Bovinityi dont beleive it is, but i may have to check a dictionary first19:25
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nkinkadeThat's exactly what I just put there prior to having read your suggestions.19:26
nkinkadeBut the Regsiter [sic] button looks better on the right, I think.19:27
nkinkadeBut I'll leave that to you.19:27
Bovinitynkinkade: if i were to replace the cc.engine on a7 with a checkout from, does anything need to be restarted or otherwise done?19:32
nkinkadeWhy do you need to replace cc.engine?19:34
nkinkadeIt resides outside the webroot.19:34
nkinkadeBut generally, to restart cc.engine you can $ sudo /etc/init.d/cc_engine-run-cc_engine restart19:35
Bovinityjust a skin revision for the updated sidebar19:35
nkinkadeAh.  I doubt it would need to be restarted, but if you're in doubt then it couldn't hurt.19:36
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* Bovinity sighs in releif at not breaking staging. 19:48
Bovinitybut never any relief in mixing up i and e.19:49
nkinkadenor in mixing up i and s.19:51
Bovinityit's always something...19:51
nkinkadeas in "regsiter"19:53
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