Tuesday, 2008-03-25

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tvolwhere's piet mrgarin_?09:17
mrgarin_think he's heavy into to content capture at the moment tvol09:18
tvolmrgarin_ so you talked to joseph about the wiki?09:19
mrgarin_tvol yeah, I caught him while he was in a meeting with Jack - both agreed that the use of the content on the wiki would be a legitimate fair use09:20
tvolmrgain_ awesome. man there are so many layers here :)09:21
mrgarin_i think clear and perfect were also used in that sentence.09:21
tvolfair use of the fair use09:21
tvolso we're free then....makes sense it's a totally educational site09:21
mrgarin_yeah, totally layered.  still glad we doing it.09:21
tvolwell...one piece :)09:21
mrgarin_sort of.  I think we still need to be cautious around objects that merit a privacy review, etc.09:22
mrgarin_remember these are not just FU items - they're the escalated items.09:23
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mrgarin_tvol you have omnigraffle installed?09:34
tvolmrgarin_ i think09:34
mrgarin_that should work09:34
tvolyah what's up?09:34
mrgarin_sending you latest workflow via pownce09:34
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mrgarin_alternatively, i can pdf it.09:35
tvolmrgarin_ bounce over to #ocw09:35
tvolwrong room09:35
tvolhi #cc09:35
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GNUtoohello, did someone read code 2.0 from lawrence lessig?09:42
nathany_GNUtoo: I read the first edition, haven't read 2.009:43
GNUtoonathany_, ok, does it talks about the future of free software/free hardware/free culture?09:44
nathany_yes, although it's been several years since i read it09:44
GNUtoonathany_, is it a big part or a small part of it?09:44
nathany_the over arching theme (iirc) is that software is a proxy for law in cyberspace and therefore restrictions placed on software, etc are defacto law09:45
GNUtoook thanks a lot...09:47
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paulproteusnkinkade, nathany - http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Category:Organization lists "A.T.+Mahan+High+School" as a wiki page due to me botching page name creation in one of my imports.12:32
paulproteusDeleting it is hard because it keeps getting unescaped.12:32
paulproteusMaybe I can get one of you (nkinkade?) to fix that for me?12:32
paulproteusActually, maybe I can try something...12:32
* paulproteus gets an idea12:32
paulproteusWait, no, that's not working.12:33
paulproteusGot it!12:34
paulproteusnathany, nkinkade, stand up when ready.12:35
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paulproteusnathany, www.kropla.com/dialcode.htm15:50
paulproteusNote the "instructions" part of that.15:50
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nkinkadepaulproteus: RewriteRule ^/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/deed-music$ http://creativecommons.org:81/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/ [L,P]16:46
nkinkadeYou added that rewrite rule, but why the Proxy?16:46
paulproteusIt's on a different host.16:46
paulproteusSo it has to be by proxy.16:46
nkinkadeIt's on the same host.16:47
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nkinkadeBovinity: what's happening with /about/ccvideos and support.CC.org/videos?17:08
paulproteusSupport the Christian Coalition!17:09
nkinkadethe former points to the latter, but are both pages necessary.17:09
nkinkadehence the capital "CC".17:09
Bovinitydoes appear to be redundant to have both17:10
Bovinitythe rationale was probably because "learnmore" had this videos list, and intern split it up17:10
Bovinitycan you put in a redirect?17:11
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nkinkadeI can.  Does it make more sense to you to have the real page at /about/ccvideos or support.CC(not Christian Coalition).org/videos?17:14
nkinkadeDo we have modrewrite abilities at support.creativecommons.org17:15
Bovinityno, we don't17:15
paulproteusiirc Drupal has its own rewrites/redirects engine you can use. maybe.17:15
Bovinitymaybe we could throw in an .htaccess17:15
nkinkadeSo, in other words, it's going to have to stay at support.(cc).org17:15
Bovinitysupport.cc/videos is older, though17:15
Bovinityalthough its origina purpose (revver) has since passed17:16
paulproteusdrupal_goto it seems.17:16
nkinkadeI need to put another video from CCau up there.17:16
paulproteus(just for reference)17:16
nkinkadeanything mechanism that redirects works for me.17:16
Bovinityof course, i have an issue with the url "/about/ccvideos" isntead of "/about/videos"17:17
nkinkadeIt'd be less hassle to leave it all at support.(cc).org, it seems to me.17:17
paulproteusWow, check out the awesome API documentation thing they're using.17:17
nkinkadeYou're right.17:17
nkinkadepaulproteus: that does look nice.  phpDocumentor with something else?17:18
paulproteusBeats me.  It looks custom tom e.17:18
paulproteusBut maybe it wraps phpDocumentor or something.17:18
nkinkadeWell, I don't really see anything that looks like phpDocumentor output, but just a guess.17:19
paulproteusI don't know phpDocumentor at all; I think it looks entirely custom.17:19
paulproteusAnd, furthermore, great - tabs for versions, and a useful "List references".17:19
paulproteusAnd the function signature sitting right there.17:19
nkinkadeSo Bovinity, shall I just add the new video to support.(cc).org, and put redirect of /about/ccvideos to that?17:20
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Bovinitynkinkade: sounds good to me17:24
nkinkadeBovinity: where in the world is that page where I can go about adding Supporters - for the cards Michelle gave me.17:59
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Bovinitymichelle? heh18:00
nkinkadeI did talk with Michelle today!  She just didn't give me any cards.18:01
nkinkadeBut someone named Melissa did.18:01
nkinkadeI just got  the Heisman at that URL "Access denied"18:02
Bovinitytry now18:02
nkinkadeThat worked!  Sadly.18:03
Bovinityhow unfortunate18:03
nkinkadeBovinity: Are you adding the full street address too?18:06
nkinkadeIn the "Source" under Name and Greeting, is that "SXSW 2008"?18:07
nkinkadeSorry, I'm full of questions.18:07
Bovinityno, there's a groups&tags box at the bottom of the page18:07
Bovinityselect sxsw 2008 group18:08
nkinkadeAnd the data on the contribution was March 10?18:12
nkinkadeSorry, not "data" but date.18:13
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nkinkadeWhy must people try to be so chic on their business cards?  Why must mobile become "M", fax become "F", phone become "P" or "M" or something like that?  Why, oh, why?18:57
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nkinkadeCTO = Chief Trouble Officer ... according to his card.19:23
paulproteusNext time nathany gets a card update...19:23
Bovinity his co-workers title was Phokker19:23
Bovinitywhich is alos his twitter username. so i dunno wtf is going on there.19:24
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Gimp_I'll just idle in here for the main discussion, I'll be at work, but I'll read the backlog. I'd like to see the points people have on why there should be an area for license in a torrent file...22:11
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