Monday, 2008-03-24

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maveriickhi everybody08:39
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maveriickI'm interested about the desktop search integration project....Is any other planning on it?09:02
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maveriickHi nathany09:40
nathanyhi maveriick09:41
maveriickI am talking about probable gsoc project - desktop search integration....09:41
nathanydid you email me about that (wrt Spotlight in particular)?09:42
maveriickno ...then any other student planning on that?09:42
nathanyi've had one person inquire about it, but don't think there've been any proposals09:43
maveriickI would prefer beagle rather than spotlight for integration .... not a Mac developer/user09:45
nathanythat student was asking about the spotlight ideas in particular... and we don't have any work in the beagle area at this time09:45
maveriickI have minor open source experience ....but nothing with CC or search technology ....09:47
maveriickWill that would be a problem?09:48
nathanythere's no expectation that you've done CC-ish work before09:55
nathanyand anything with beagle will be more indexing than search09:55
nathanyjust outline what you want to do in your proposal :)09:55
maveriickCan I send a draft proposal to you or the cc mailing list?09:58
nathanycc-devel will get the widest exposure09:58
nathany(and ergo feedback)09:58
maveriickthanks ...hope to try it out soon...10:01
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jair_Hi, I would like to apply to the google summer of code, and I am interested in the development of the flickr plugin for OpenOffice... where can I get more information?11:16
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Bovinitynkinkade: your svn checkin of bbpress is missing quite a few files13:24
Bovinitysuch as index.php :/13:24
nkinkadeBovinity: hmm.  Let me have a look.13:25
Bovinitydoes stock bbpress come with an install.php?13:25
Bovinitythere's a discrepency of 11 files between svn and a613:27
nkinkadeNot sure how that happened.  I zipped up the whole directory on a6 downloaded it, unpacked and then added whole to my local checkout of cctools and then committed it.13:30
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nkinkadeBovinity: those other files should be up there now.  I'm not 100% sure it missed them the first time??13:58
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nkinkadeI thought subversion would recursively add a directory, so I'm not sure why a few files and a couple random subdirs failed to add.13:59
nkinkadeAll's well that ends well.14:00
meethi i am participating in gsoc 200814:00
paulproteusHello meet.14:00
meethi paul14:00
meetare you a participant or cc member14:01
paulproteusCC staffer14:01
meetthan i hope you will help me clear some doubts14:01
paulproteusGreat - what are your questions?14:01
meetpaul i want to do desktop search integeration14:02
meetathe name is same as the project i did for my course in database management14:03
meetbut on studying abou it i encountered many confusions14:03
meetfirst! where is it to be used?14:03
paulproteusHave you read yet, by the way?14:04
meetyes i have definitely14:04
paulproteusIt's open source code designed to be merged with the main development of e.g. Beagle or Tracker, the two main desktop search engines that are open source.14:04
paulproteusOr Strigi, or other desktop search engines.14:04
paulproteusDoes that answer how it's to be used?14:04
Bovinitynkinkade: i'll attempt to bang out the remaining theme issues with bbpress today.14:04
meetthere has been a lot of mention about it being related to  license??14:06
nkinkadeBovinity: good.  I'll also be doing a few things, and it's just as well that it's now under version control I suppose.14:06
meet@paul : there has been a lot of mention about it being related to  license??14:06
cchelpbotmeet: Error: "paul" is not a valid command.14:06
paulproteusmeet, I don't understand your question.14:07
meetok see there is a lot of mention about finding licence metadata14:08
meetwhat that license stands for14:08
paulproteusmeet, Do you know what Creative Commons is?14:09
rohitjmeet: license like, creative commons, gpl etc14:10
meetyes i know14:10
paulproteusmeet, Exactly what rohitj said. (-:14:10
meetok so we will sevelop a serach module that will serach for such licenses and accompanying data/material?14:11
paulproteusRight, it searches for files licensed under whatever license you search for, on your own computer.14:12
meetso we will index just such files not the entire desktop contents14:13
meetor will we work on data provided by the base search engine?14:14
rohitjmeet:  you have to search entire desktop to find all those files which are licensed under certain license14:14
meetwill it be a real time search or like google desktop search14:14
* rohitj is clueless but he is still talking14:16
meetpaul : will it be a real time search or like google desktop search14:16
rohitjmeet:  its not paul, use full nickname14:17
meetok sorry14:17
meetpaulproteus : will it be a real time search or like google desktop search14:17
Bovinityhe's also busy eating cake right now14:17
Bovinityreplies may.. will.. be delayed14:17
rohitjmeet: I think it has to be like google desktop search14:18
paulproteusAnyway, meet, it depends on which desktop search engine you are improving, but I think they are all based on an index like Google desktop search.14:19
paulproteusBut some can do real-time updates to the index.14:19
meeti think beagle is real time or does it use db?14:19
nkinkadeBovinity: will you be inconvenience if I were to make the forum's root a checkout at this very moment?14:19
Bovinitynkinkade: nope. i'm doing all my stuff locally right now14:20
Bovinityso, in fact, it's a graet convenience14:20
rohitjmeet: yes, it indexes14:20
* rohitj will brb14:21
meetare we to extend the work of last year's interns?14:21
paulproteusIt seems that Beagle needs work, whereas Tracker's work is already done.14:26
meetso are supposed to do the finishing touches?14:27
paulproteusI think fully fresh work is preferred.14:28
paulproteusSo we'd prefer an application to work entirely on Beagle, since that's more substantial work.14:28
meetok this is a relief since i am better in creating than extending14:29
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paulproteusGreat.  Let me know if you have any further questions.14:31
meetwhat is the purpose of apotlight?14:31
paulproteusSpotlight is Apple's desktop search.14:31
meetso as you have mentioned Beagle is to be worked on so i need not concern myself with spotlight14:32
paulproteusUnless you would rather work on Spotlight. (-:14:32
meetwill taht offer an advantage?14:33
paulproteusI think the choice of Beagle or Spotlight is not as important in if we will accept your application as you demonstrating you can do high quality work, and you demonstrating your understanding of the work that you will have to do.14:34
meetpaul what else should i mention in the application14:36
paulproteusYou should read the links on the wiki page.14:37
paulproteuse.g. the Inkscape application guide.14:37
paulproteusThe key, as I said, is that *you* demonstrate to us that you can do high-quality work, and that you have an understanding of the technical side of what you will have to do.14:37
rohitjis there any CC/freeculture guy at purdue?14:39
paulproteusI don't know of any, I'm afraid.14:39
rohitjI am joining purdue in coming fall, so thought may be I will join activities.14:40
paulproteusAh, great!14:40
paulproteusHopefully I'll keep seeing you in #freeculture when you're at Purdue. (-:14:40
rohitjyou will :)14:41
meetpaulproteus : thanks14:42
meetrohitj : thanks14:42
meetwill start working! thanks for the guidance14:43
meetbye ! Good night here14:43
rohitjmeet: which college do you attend?14:43
meetI am in NIT jaipur14:43
meetyou are from?14:43
rohitjIIT Kanpur14:43
meetwhich year?14:43
* rohitj off to bed14:45
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nkinkadeBovinity: I just restructured the bbpress project in subversion ... to add trunk, branches, tags, etc.  You might want to do a cp -a on your current checkout before updating ... just to be sure.15:33
Bovinitynkinkade: ok!15:34
paulproteusnathany [not here], Bovinity, nkinkade, I changed the shorewall configuration and added the git-daemon-run package to a6 so that git repositories are served for the anonymouse.15:56
paulproteusAnd spent the last half hour fighting with svrun or whatever it's called.15:56
paulproteusBut no matter.15:56
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paulproteusFrom #olpc:16:08
paulproteus<paulproteus> You can see why I feel frustrated maybe?16:08
paulproteus<paulproteus> I don't mean to annoy, only to get sympathy. (-:16:08
paulproteus<_sj_> :)  yes16:08
paulproteus<paulproteus> Okay, I already feel a little better. (-:16:08
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paulproteusnathany, Bovinity, nkinkade: Correction: I used inetd to run git-daemon rather than the srvrun thing because the svrun thing was driving me totally bonkers.16:19
paulproteusnkinkade, For a good time:16:19
paulproteusgit clone git://
paulproteusCompare that to how long svn takes to check out license.rdf.16:19
* nkinkade does sudo aptitude install git16:20
nathanynkinkade: you want git-corte16:21
nathanyer, git-core16:21
paulproteusI am the typo correction bot.16:21
nkinkadeWell, now I've got GNU Interactive Tools too.16:22
paulproteusFeel free to ditch them at any moment.16:22
nkinkadeWhat are all these perl dependencies?16:22
nathanydon't ask, don't tell16:23
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nkinkade$ time git clone git://
nkinkadereal    2m39.142s16:33
nkinkadeuser    0m56.440s16:33
nkinkadesys     0m3.708s16:33
nkinkadeThat's pretty fast for what are apparently 168000+ files.  It must do some serious compression.16:33
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nkinkadeNevermind ... nkinkade@npk:~/tmp$ find license.rdf/ | wc -l = 23422.  So I now know that git objects are not at all equivalent to files.16:45
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Bovinitynkinkade: if is running production, are you going to set up a staging/trunk version?17:19
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nkinkadeI didn't have in mind to setup a staging site.17:20
nkinkadeFor some reason I'm getting subversion Checksum mismatches on a few files in the cc templates dir.17:21
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paulproteusOops, infinite-recursive make.18:25
Bovinityheh, haven't read that url in a long time18:40
nkinkadeMe either.  It was your CSS NInja title at the forum that made me go there again.18:40
nkinkadeBovinity: should we make the header behave like the one at
Bovinityin what way?18:43
nkinkadeWhen you mouseover the Search and License buttons.18:43
nkinkadeIt might just be missing the images.18:43
Bovinityoh, style and/or images probably missing18:43
Bovinitydamnit, i keep doing either "git commit" or "svn commit -a" on the svn checkout :P18:45
nkinkadeI'll fix it up.18:45
Bovinityno worries, fixed it18:45
nkinkadeYou already fixed it?18:46
Bovinityyou know, like ninja. :P18:46
nkinkadeBy the way, stay away from Naked "Pletiful Pomegranate" juice.  It's terrible.18:47
nkinkade(Plentiful, that is)\18:47
paulproteusNot terrible, just plentiful.18:48
paulproteuslol, Bovinity!18:48
paulproteusBovinity, "# Subversion working copies. Can be modified, queried (bzr status on a svn- native working copy created with svn co works) and committed from."18:55
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Bovinityi don't recall git-svn fetching checkouts into a git-svn branch before19:11
paulproteusBovinity, Huh?19:12
paulproteusI'm making fun of you by referring to bzr-svn, fwiw, which I don't actually really use.19:12
Bovinity$ git branch -a19:12
Bovinity* master19:12
Bovinity  git-svn19:12
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