Thursday, 2008-03-20

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paulproteusnkinkade, nathany, Bovinity: Interested in going to Cafe Gratitude today?11:28
nathanypaulproteus: where is that again?11:28
paulproteusIt's way out around 20th and Harrison.  I'm charting the bus course now.11:28
paulproteusIt should be easy enough to take the Folsom bus out there.11:29
paulproteus"way out", not really.11:29
paulproteusTo be clear, I mean for lunch.11:29
paulproteusI'm a big fan of interesting food for lunch, as you may know.11:29
nathanyright... i'd be down with that, just planning to run out early afternoon to run a couple errands, work from home after that11:29
nkinkadeI'm a bigger fan of interesting places than interesting food.11:29
paulproteusBut at least this way you get to see parts of the city you've never seen.11:30
nathanyso... sure, although would probably prefer to do it early next week...11:30
paulproteusOkay, then let's pick Tuesday next week for it?11:30
nathanysend cal invite?11:31
paulproteusSounds good to me.  nkinkade, you too, I hope?11:31
nkinkadeYeah, I'm alway for seeing new places in the city.11:33
paulproteusGreat, then it's settled. (-:11:34
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nathanypaulproteus: just working on getting the interfaces, etc for cc.license ready for you, quick question12:09
paulproteusnathany, Sure12:28
Bovinityso is the svn to use? before i start committing staging changes, or whatever...12:29
paulproteusFor now, keep using sourcefrog.12:29
paulproteusThere'll be a separate announcement when we actually make the switch.12:29
paulproteuspublic_html (-:12:42
Bovinityso the new WP ui is quite nice, in use12:42
paulproteusnathany, So can I move liblicense to git yet?12:42
paulproteusBovinity, Oh, that's good!12:43
Bovinityi have some minor layout issues with it, but it's friendly.12:43
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nkinkadepaulproteus: I'm now singing the wonders of public_html.  I use it all the time.  You hooked me.12:44
nkinkadeSo, Bovinity, all the comments appear to come from, which they do in a technical sense as they come from Varnish.  We'd need to modify the code in a few places to look for HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR instead of REMOTE_ADDR.  I don't know if anyone really cares about this?12:48
Bovinitynkinkade: useful if we wanted to start banning IPs from commenting.. if such a thing is possible in a simple fashion.12:49
paulproteusOr, we can stop using Varnish.12:49
Bovinitythat too!12:50
Bovinityhow's that a5 trial going?12:50
nkinkadeThe a5 trial seems like a total success, mostly because the results were null to the casual observer.12:51
paulproteusThe network is down! but I'm feeling better <>12:51
nkinkadeI guess I need to look into the apachebench.12:51
paulproteusman ab12:51
paulproteusab -n 40000 -c 500
CIA-35paulproteus * r9455 /pywikipedia/trunk/ Unicode I/O baby12:58
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CIA-35bse * r9456 /ccwordpress/trunk/www/wp-content/themes/cc4/ (comments.php style.css): Comment display revisions.. More subtle, and laidback.13:03
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nkinkadeWow.  learn is not running Varnish and some preliminary tests show horrible results, whereas another server with Varnish and running 8 other things did much better.13:10
CIA-35bse * r9457 /ccwordpress/trunk/www/wp-content/themes/cc4/style.css: Comment padding adjustment.13:12
paulproteusgit@a6:~/repositories/cc.license.git$ grep -ri UNNAMED .13:41
paulproteus./hooks/update:if [ -z "$projectdesc" -o "$projectdesc" = "Unnamed repository; edit this file to name it for gitweb." ]; then13:41
paulproteus./description:Unnamed repository; edit this file to name it for gitweb.13:41
paulproteusThat's it.  I expected more.13:41
paulproteusgit@a6:~/repositories/cc.license.git/hooks$ grep UNNAMED /usr/share/doc/git-core/contrib/hooks/post-receive-email13:42
paulproteusprojectdesc="UNNAMED PROJECT"13:42
paulproteusLooks like you should set "projectdesc" somewhere.13:43
paulproteusChange that on the server.13:43
paulproteusMore paste:13:44
paulproteusprojectdesc=$(sed -ne '1p' "$GIT_DIR/description")13:45
paulproteus# Check if the description is unchanged from it's default, and shorten it to13:45
paulproteus# a more manageable length if it is13:45
paulproteusif expr "$projectdesc" : "Unnamed repository.*$" >/dev/null13:45
paulproteus        projectdesc="UNNAMED PROJECT"13:45
paulproteusNote the projectdesc= line13:45
paulproteusRather the "if expr" line13:45
paulproteusnathany, Initialized empty Git repository in /home/paulproteus/cc/gitosis-admin/.git/13:48
paulproteusERROR:gitosis.serve.main:Repository read access denied13:48
paulproteusfatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly13:48
paulproteusI lack read access permission to gitosis-admin.13:48
paulproteusOr probably write.13:48
paulproteusI can hack the config to work around that if you're okay with that. (-:13:48
paulproteusEr, wait, it should work...?13:48
paulproteusI'm in writable but not readable?13:49
paulproteusYou called me @asheesh.local but I'm just @asheesh.13:52
paulproteusThat did the trick.13:52
paulproteusI'll fix it and push. (-:13:52
nathanyoh, sorry13:52
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CIA-35bse * r9458 /ccwordpress/branches/production/ (3 files in 2 dirs): (log message trimmed)15:40
CIA-35Merged revisions 9456-9457 via svnmerge from15:40
CIA-35 r9456 | bse | 2008-03-20 13:02:56 -0500 (Thu, 20 Mar 2008) | 2 lines15:40
CIA-35 Comment display revisions.. More subtle, and laidback.15:41
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CIA-35bse * r9459 /ccwordpress/branches/production/ (3 files in 2 dirs): (log message trimmed)16:08
CIA-35Merged revisions 9431-9433 via svnmerge from16:08
CIA-35 r9431 | bse | 2008-03-18 18:24:10 -0500 (Tue, 18 Mar 2008) | 2 lines16:08
CIA-35 Hook up comments links from the homepage!16:08
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CIA-35bse * r9460 /ccwordpress/trunk/www/wp-content/themes/cc4/ (footer.php sidebar.php style.css): Restyling of sidebar; moved Search query to sidebar; added some important, and otherwise hidden, links. Commoners list now static, don't need a plugin to create a short list!17:16
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CIA-35bse * r9461 /ccwordpress/trunk/www/wp-content/themes/cc4/style.css: start using em's where possible. leading tweak.17:25
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Bovinitynkinkade: the bbpress theme isn't in svn...17:39
nkinkadenone of it is, yet.17:39
Bovinityhm, let me know when you're done editing. unless those vim swp files are just littering the directory.17:48
nkinkadeNo, they were real, but they should be gone now.,17:49
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Bovinityhm, nifty, FF3.0 lets you search for and install add-ons from the add-ons dialog.17:55
paulproteusThat's excellent.17:57
paulproteusDrupal + that thing I mentioned17:57
paulproteusThe email gateway!17:58
Bovinityno need for forum noise to get onto mailing lists17:59
Bovinityalso, use forum software for a forum.17:59
paulproteusForum software that doesn't support threading?17:59
paulproteusHello 1978, pleased to meet you.17:59
Bovinitylooking slightly better so far18:17
BovinityPING 403291690418:19
BovinityPING 411768959218:19
Bovinityvery annoying. keep getting booted off the network.18:19
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Bovinitynkinkade: how do you feel about the changes made?18:43
Bovinitythe rearranged login/user area is just css trickery, if it offends you greatly.18:44
nkinkadeIt looks pretty good.  I'm not sure about the Hottags section.18:44
Bovinitywe don't really have a big enough sampling of tags. need more postings.18:44
nkinkadeIs there any way to slightly delineate teh Hottags sections.18:44
nkinkadeLooks good though.18:49
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