Friday, 2008-03-21

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paulproteusMorning, all.09:21
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QuiRK_query paulproteus09:49
paulproteusQuiRK_, Oh hi!09:50
QuiRK_ok, so i have rebuilt liblicense with debug symobols09:51
QuiRK_as license segfaults, i ran it in gdb, and i have a backtrace (i'm not sure it's so useful)09:52
paulproteusThat looks ugly.09:53
paulproteusQuiRK_, Well, that sucks, and you could maybe file a bug on SourceForge.09:54
paulproteusI think if you enable the id3 module (and disable the taglib module) you will get better results.09:54
paulproteusQuiRK_, Can you email me the file you're working on -
QuiRK_Lats: can you send the file to paulproteus? i have used the one in your email09:56
paulproteusBut in general - use the id3 module for liblicense, and this will almost surely go away.09:56
QuiRK_i give it a try without taglib support09:56
paulproteusI'll see what I can do about the taglib module for the next release.09:56
paulproteusPlease also send the exact command line you call the "license" program with.09:57
QuiRK_aah, that's much better without taglib, it doesn't segfault anymore09:59
paulproteusGood, now hopefully with the id3lib module it'll also work. (-:10:00
fluzoI'm not experienced, but i have a strong wish to learn :p10:00
paulproteusWhat do you want to work on?10:00
paulproteusYou said you wanted to do Summer of Code stuff?10:00
paulproteusWhich project / what project interests you?10:00
fluzoMy current project involves searching and indexing (lucene) and metadata (general, and specifically preservation)10:01
fluzo(sorry for my slow writting, this irc client is a pain in the ass)10:01
* paulproteus nods10:01
fluzoso reading the ideas page i came across the "desktop search integration"10:02
fluzoi'm a mac user so "ideally" it would be for spotlight, but any other "search engine" would be ok too10:03
fluzoMy main interest is learning hehe10:03
fluzoeven if it's out of the "summer of code" thing10:03
paulproteusThere was a lot of work done on tracker integration last summer.10:04
paulproteusI have to jet, but I'll be back online later today, and maybe others like bovinity or nathany can chat more.10:05
fluzoOk, i was camping here waiting for some brains to get online :)10:05
fluzoI've been poking around cc_spotlight but further playing is needed10:07
fluzo( the source would be welcome )10:09
paulproteusIs it not in the cctools repository?10:10
paulproteusI don't know much about cc_spotlight.10:10
fluzoIt's not in the repo. The only info is in
paulproteusThat's nathany on this channel.10:23
paulproteusPing him when he's around.10:23
fluzoOk, thanks10:24
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fluzoHi Bovinity11:42
fluzoI've been talking with paulproteu but he was in a rush11:43
fluzoI0m interested in the "Desktop search integration" project11:43
fluzopaulproteu: I have to jet, but I'll be back online later today, and maybe others like bovinity or nathany can chat more.11:44
fluzoI sent some e-mails but all the ppl seems to be occupied (I understand it :p)11:45
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nathanyhi fluzo11:57
fluzoI wrote you an email regarding summer of code, did you see it?11:57
fluzoall the other "mentors" told me to talk to you11:58
nathanywrt LaTeX?11:58
fluzodesktop search integration11:58
fluzowith spotlight mainly11:59
nathanyyes, saw it, was just getting ready to reply :)11:59
fluzono rush :p11:59
fluzoi'm quite interested and i'm playing a bit with cc_spotlight, but i cannot find the source code12:00
nathanydoes the .dmg is the releases directory have the source in it?12:00
nathanyuh, i'll have to dig around12:01
fluzoExample Smart Folders12:01
fluzoCC Metadata Importer.pkg12:02
nathanyit's been a couple years since i wrote that, so i'll have to figure out where the code is now12:02
fluzono worries :p12:02
fluzoI have to go, will you be around later?12:03
fluzoOk, then. See you12:03
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CIA-35nyergler * r9463 /cc.engine/trunk/cc/engine/ (configure.zcml zero/templates/
CIA-35Turned off new-style public domain assertion interface, re-exposed12:30
CIA-35existing one. Set link in the CC0 waiver UI to go to the correct URL12:30
CIA-35for the older PD chooser.12:30
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CIA-35nyergler * r9464 /cc.engine/trunk/cc/engine/ (9 files in 4 dirs): Explicitly use the "macros" namespace when calling macros on other views.12:39
nkinkadepaulproteus: now you have svn access with the same keys as for git13:59
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nathanyBovinity: paulproteus: nkinkade: i think we're about ready to cut over svn from sourceforge; are all of you OK with dealing with massive relocation in the next hour, hour+30?14:00
nkinkadewhat's up with those mousy little rsa keys you've got?14:00
paulproteusThey have known weak factorizations so that it's easy for imposters to impersonate me, giving me good plausible deniability.14:02
nathanydoes look ok for basic info on accesing the repos?14:04
Bovinitymaybe we, i, make it look like a real page, in the distant future14:06
paulproteusnathany, You could make it mod_proxy to a wiki URL or something.14:06
paulproteusOr just redirect I guess.14:06
nkinkadenathany: the repository finished syncing.14:16
nathanyi'm doing a full checkout to update externals now14:21
paulproteusnathany, Perhaps we should write a script to fix the externals.14:22
paulproteuss/we/I/ ?14:22
paulproteusThere are scores of them.14:22
paulproteusThe checkout goes pretty quick on a6.14:25
paulproteusLike, sort of shockingly so.14:25
paulproteusAlso some Spotlight code seems to be in the svn tree.14:25
nathanyhi fluzo14:29
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paulproteussvn propsed14:31
paulproteusGot a script ready; just waiting for a full checkout to exist.14:37
paulproteusI suggest meeting, since I'm leaving for eating around 1 and then going to chill at EFF again.14:39
paulproteusPlus we're all just waiting for checkouts.14:40
paulproteus seems like a cool guy.14:40
paulproteus<johnjosephbachir__> do you know of a good super quick summary of CC licenses14:41
paulproteus<johnjosephbachir__> for the layman14:41
paulproteus<johnjosephbachir__> for this guy to link to
paulproteusA friend asks, what's the quickest/simplest useful explanation of the choices in CC licenses?14:41
paulproteusI'm inclined to say the mouse-over help in the widget.14:41
paulproteusI guess he can't really link to it though.14:42
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fluzothanks for the link to the code, it's quite disguised :p15:07
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tarkuswondering.. is there such a thing as licensing a concept or idea?16:22
nathanytarkus: not in the CC world16:22
nathanyCC licenses build on copyright and you can't copyright an idea16:22
tarkusaah kk16:23
nathanypresumably you could patent it and then liberally license it...16:23
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tarkusbecause im building a collaboration site for collective notion building, where community shares ideas and builds mature concepts quickly for developers to adopt and use in opensource software or any respective area..16:24
tarkusbut to avoid company exploiting these notions and making money of them, is something im trying to think about. but it seems unavoidable16:24
nathanyi don't know; perhaps legal counsel could help you assess whether its avoidable?16:25 has comments!16:45
paulproteusnathany, ping17:15
nathanypaulproteus: pong17:15
paulproteusWanna guess how big liblicense.rdf.git is?17:15
paulproteusHint: I was was way off.17:15
paulproteus896M    .git17:16
paulproteuspaulproteus@a6:~/gitted/license.rdf $17:16
paulproteusJesus Christ.17:16
paulproteusI *know*!17:16
nathanythat's almost an order of magnitude off17:16
* paulproteus blushes17:16
paulproteusFor realsies.17:17
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nathanytvol: any reason for the links on the Documentation page?17:28
nathanyi'm just trying to clean up the link formatting a bit...17:28
nkinkadenathany:  where are those commits coming from that appear to be from webmaster?17:51
nathanyi made them, hadn't figured out how to get the "from" right17:51
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tvolhey nathany--trying to also show that we're using services that support cc licensing...maybe just have one link to scribd that says "here's where we gots our stuff?"17:56
nathanymaybe... i tried to clean the page up generally since the Media:xxx links were pretty opaque17:57
nathanyanyway, i'm heading out...17:57
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nkinkadea6 is somewhat beatup with I/O.18:00
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paulproteusIs it a problem?18:04
paulproteusIf so, I can change my approach.18:04
paulproteusI can renice it, but that doesn't usually help for I/O.18:04
nkinkadeIt's not a big problem, just means that every so often I get to type fast than characters appear in the terminal.18:06
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