Monday, 2007-07-23

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* paulproteus secretly considers taking BART during lunchtime tomorrow to go to
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luisvmorning, rejon15:00
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tannewtthemayor, whats up?16:25
themayorhey can you send me the config you are using for to the build?16:27
tannewtthe kickstart file?16:27
themayoralso, we figured a way we can track usage of the livecd for you guys, we want you to be able to add that in as your choice if you want to16:27
themayortannewt: yeah16:27
themayoralso someone mentioned that we should embded the architecture in the iso name16:28
themayorso that people know what it is they are getting16:29
tannewtthemayor, okay16:29
themayorsound good?16:29
tannewtthe only thing about the architecture name is that is confusing for non-computer people16:29
themayorwell they really wont care, will they?16:32
tannewtthemayor, never know16:34
themayorokay, a couple of us will look at the config in a bit and get back to you16:37
tannewtthemayor, the package list was dumped from one of the other ones I did16:38
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themayortannewt: s'ok16:43
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nathanytannewt: are we going to produce ISOs for multiple architectures?16:48
tannewtnathany, wasn't planning on it16:49
nathanyjust curious16:49
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tannewtnathany, I'm working on the control center today17:10
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cchelpbotNOTICE: SVN: cctools: [6328] scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/static: Revision: 6328 Author: mtravers Date: 2007-07-23 10:09:10 -0700 (Mon, 23 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- doc changes Modified Paths: -------------- scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/static/embeddable-example.html17:13
cchelpbotNOTICE: scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/static/mta-doc.html This was sent by the collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.17:13
tannewtbovinity, on the default license chooser, did you create the scale icon?17:25
tannewtbovinity, hmm, well I'll just grab it out of the svg17:25
bovinityhmm, what scale icon?17:26
bovinitythe popup gif?17:26
nathanyscale icon? wtf?17:26
tannewtthere must be a different name for it17:27
tannewta balance?17:27
bovinitythat yellow tango icon i made?17:27
bovinitythe only scales i can think of17:27
nathanytannewt: url of the icon?17:27
bovinityoh, right.17:28
bovinitywhen you say "default license chooser" i think /license17:28
nathanywhen you say "fantasy mockup" i think "look in the wiki" :)17:28
bovinitytannewt, do you want a specific size? i have a few scaled versions17:29
tannewtbovinity, I was just going to use it out of the svg17:29
tannewtbovinity, what should I call it?17:30
tannewtbovinity, a balance? scale?17:30
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paulproteusBTW, nathany, you can bind psyco to separate parts of Zope even if you can't bind it to all of Zope.17:40
paulproteuse.g., You can accelerate just TAL, as the psyco documentation describes.17:40
nathanyah, interesting17:40
nathanyalthough frankly it strikes me as a little frightening (at least with *our* current Zope configuration)17:41
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* luisv taps fingers, waiting for rejon18:05
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tannewtluisv, hes around18:22
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tvoltannewt, bovinity, we're nearing last revisions for livecontent - themayor: any word on updates or changes from your end?18:25
cchelpbotNOTICE: SVN: cctools: [6329] jswidget/trunk/template.html: Revision: 6329 Author: paulproteus Date: 2007-07-23 11:27:19 -0700 (Mon, 23 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- removing nc-ad stuff for now, since I also don't think that's official (yet?) Modified Paths: --------------18:29
cchelpbotNOTICE: jswidget/trunk/template.html This was sent by the collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.18:29
paulproteusSshh... (-;18:30
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luisvadvertising, or...?18:30
bovinityyou saw nothing18:31
paulproteus(Yeah, advertising.)18:31
luisvof course.18:32
cchelpbotNOTICE: SVN: cctools: [6330] jswidget/trunk/ Revision: 6330 Author: paulproteus Date: 2007-07-23 11:29:25 -0700 (Mon, 23 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- complain on not finding a translation Modified Paths: -------------- jswidget/trunk/ This was18:32
cchelpbotNOTICE: sent by the collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.18:32
luisvI saw nothing. :)18:32
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themayortannewt: ping18:57
tannewtthemayor, whats up?18:57
themayortannewt: dude, we cant have madwifi in there18:58
themayorotherwise, i sent you an email18:58
tannewtthemayor, why not?18:58
luisvGPL violation18:58
luisvnext question18:59
themayorits illegal18:59
luisvthemayor: just sent the worldlabels dude your way, he's having some sort of issue and was wondering if there was anyone local to him (NY area)18:59
luisvhope that isn't a problem18:59
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paulproteusthemayor, Hmm, what's the deal with madwifi?19:00
paulproteusIs there a binary blob that links to GPL Linux source or something?19:00
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paulproteusPretend (?) I know nothing about this driver.19:01
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themayorpaulproteus: yes, im in nyc19:02
themayorthats fine19:03
tvolhey luisv, themayor,  rejon and i are talking with worldlabel on the phone later so maybe we can help19:03
themayorand regarding the madwifi, its not free software19:04
luisvpaulproteus: binary blob linking to GPL v2 kernel, yes, without doing anything that would work around the incompatibility.19:04
themayoryup and its not upstream19:05
paulproteusWell, distributing the madwifi drivers seems to mean distributing Atheros's HAL, which is non-free.19:05
paulproteusSupposedly the HAL itself doesn't link to Linux code.19:05
* paulproteus is reading point 119:05
paulproteusAnyway, if we don't want to ship non-free software on this disc, then the HAL has to go, which means madwifi wouldn't work.19:06
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paulproteusI may get lunch from "The Secret Deli" <>.19:09
luisvI think themayor's point was not 'we don't want to do X', it is 'doing X would violate the copyright of various kernel copyright holders who have in the past made it clear that they do not like such things to occur.'19:11
themayortannewt: you getting any of this?19:20
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tannewtthemayor and luisv, I have no problems taking it off, I just added it to support bovinity's computer and more wireless cards20:07
paulproteusI look forward to the day that is integrated with madwifi.20:14
paulproteusIn fact, tannewt, if you want you can try .20:15
tannewtpaulproteus, thanks but I dont want to fuss with it20:15
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paulproteusSure, makes sense.20:15
paulproteusHey now nathany.20:15
nathanyhey paulproteus -- sorry i dropped off earlier; network was flaky for a bit20:16
paulproteusNo problem.20:16
paulproteusI've mostly discussing lunch and Free Software licensing minutia.20:16
cameronparkinspaulproteus: what was the name of that indian delivery place20:26
paulproteusa.. something20:26
paulproteusLet me look it up.20:26
paulproteusI'm totally for doing it once a week.20:26
paulproteusWe could start as soon as tomorrow if you like....20:28
paulproteusI can pick which day based on the menu.20:29
paulproteusToday's veg. North looks good.20:30
cameronparkinsthis is the bomb20:31
paulproteusWednesday's North veg. looks good to me.20:31
paulproteusThursday's non-veg also looks good.20:32
cameronparkinsthis makes me think they don't come into SF-proper20:32
paulproteusI'm sure they do.20:32
paulproteusBy "sure" I mean, like, come on, how could they not?20:32
paulproteusbovinity, tannewt, tvol, want to join us for Wednesday veg. Indian delivery?20:33
paulproteus - see July 25 Veg. North Thali20:34
tannewtpaulproteus, don't think so20:34
paulproteuscameronparkins, Any preference on W veg vs. Th non-veg?  I figure we'll start North Indian since that's what I know.20:36
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cameronparkinswell, im a veg so veg for better or for worse20:36
paulproteusOh, I forgot. (-:20:36
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cameronparkinspaulproteus: no worries20:43
paulproteusWell, I emailed cc-staff-sf so let's see if someone else wants to do this; I'll order before noon Tuesday.20:44
cchelpbotNOTICE: SVN: cctools: [6331] jswidget/trunk/example_web_app/index.html: Revision: 6331 Author: paulproteus Date: 2007-07-23 13:43:35 -0700 (Mon, 23 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- UTF 8 all the way Modified Paths: -------------- jswidget/trunk/example_web_app/index.html This was sent20:47
cchelpbotNOTICE: by the collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.20:47
paulproteusOh, it's just cchelpbot.  I thought it had to do with lunch.20:48
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gavinbakerhey, license mixing question. :-/21:00
gavinbakerby-nc 3.0 and by 2.5 -- any problems?21:00
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gavinbakerthere shouldn't be any problems with the licenses, but i'm concerned something about weird conflicts from the versioning. am i cool?21:02
* gavinbaker assumes he's cool21:05
* gavinbaker is gonna tell the lawyers "but #cc said so!" if he gets sued21:05
* paulproteus gulps and holds his tongue21:05
cchelpbotNOTICE: SVN: cctools: [6332] jswidget/trunk/template.html: Revision: 6332 Author: paulproteus Date: 2007-07-23 14:06:06 -0700 (Mon, 23 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- You WILL allow sharing Modified Paths: -------------- jswidget/trunk/template.html This was sent by the SourceForge.net21:07
cchelpbotNOTICE: collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.21:07
paulproteusI'm not a lawyer, nor do I play one on #cc, but I think that given how permissive by is supposed to be, there should be no problem.21:11
paulproteusIn general, I doubt there's a problem of mixing CC licenses except in the case of the -sa licenses.21:11
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* gavinbaker hope so21:12
paulproteusYou can mix "by" and All Rights Reserved, after all.21:12
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paulproteusnathany_, re: strings:21:33
paulproteusnathany_, e.g. "jswidget.remix_short" for "Allow Remixing"?21:33
nathany_i like prefixing with jswidget for organizational purposes21:34
nathany_probably prefer something like "jswidget.allow_remixing" so its as close to the english as possible21:34
paulproteusSure, okay.21:34
nathany_(esp since there's not a remix long in jswidget) :)21:34
paulproteus"Licensor permits others to make derivative works."21:35
paulproteus== remix_long21:35
nathany_paulproteus: "oops, my bad" ;)21:39
nathany_i defer to your judgement21:39
paulproteusnathany_, "Choose the options below for your personalized Creative Commons license." or "Choose from the options below for your personalized Creative Commons license." ?21:40
paulproteusThe page and DHTML chooser says the first; I think the second is nicer.21:40
paulproteusbovinity, ^^21:40
paulproteus(I figure it's important to fix the strings rather than retranslate them.)21:41
nathany_a concur, although i'm not even sure it's necessary for this21:41
nathany_i wonder if that sort of explanatory text sshouldn't be delegated to the app developer21:41
nathany_(or maybe there should be a "simple" version as well as the "full" version21:41
paulproteusThat does make sense, only the app developer probably won't translate into as many languages as we will.21:42
nathany_but presumably they'll translate into the languages that matter to them21:42
paulproteusI'm fine with making only the simple version first and removing the strong, really.21:42
paulproteusstring, even.21:42
paulproteusI've done that a couple of times, string/strong.21:42
nathany_paulproteus: any experience with git?21:44
cchelpbotNOTICE: SVN: cctools: [6333] jswidget/trunk/template.html: Revision: 6333 Author: paulproteus Date: 2007-07-23 14:43:25 -0700 (Mon, 23 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- the app developer can figure that bit otu Modified Paths: -------------- jswidget/trunk/template.html This was sent by21:44
cchelpbotNOTICE: the collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.21:44
paulproteusnathany_, A little, once, why?21:45
nathany_(thumbs up, thumbs down?)21:45
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paulproteusI have more experience with Mercurial.21:45
paulproteusNo vote, I'm afraid.21:45
nathany_just my ever expanding quest for better source control -- i've tried darcs, bzr, etc21:45
nathany_no experience with mercurial21:45
paulproteusThe Ubuntu people use bzr; what did you make of it?21:46
nathany_i didn't use it enough to really be able to say... no immediate red flags, the fact ubuntu used it and it was written in python was a +1 for me21:46
nathany_i've used darcs quite a bit, so i'm still biased a little towards it when it comes to distributed vcs21:47
bovinitypaulproteus, fwiw, i prefer the latter too.21:49
paulproteusbovinity, Good, I figure your English is more canonical than mine.21:49
paulproteusnathany_, When you switch source control system, do you do a full import of your old data?21:51
nathany_bovinity, paulproteus: canonical == british == pretentious? (just kidding!)21:52
paulproteusMaybe that's why they're getting so much flak over
nathany_paulproteus: i've only *switched* once, from CVS to SVN and did an import thten21:52
bovinitywhy, my good sir, what on earth do you mean by that sudden outburst? do come now, sir.21:52
nathany_most of the times i've done distributed vcs i've used it for personal projects, where i was starting from scratch21:53
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paulproteusHey now mecredis.21:57
mecredishey hey21:57
mecredisquick q21:57
mecredisdo you know is down?21:57
mecredisoh, its working now21:57
mecrediswas a bit of a hiccup21:57
paulproteusApparently part of my job this week is to make that less broken.21:58
mecrediswell it seems less broken now21:59
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paulproteusWell, it's not because I did anything.22:00
paulproteusThe moon probably changed phase.22:00
nathany_mecredis: yeah, it's intermittent22:01
mecrediswe're 9/10ths of the way to implementing CC at rhizome22:05
mecredisso we're checking it out22:05
mecredisOk, have to split22:06
mecredisbe back in a bit22:06
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cchelpbotNOTICE: SVN: cctools: [6334] jswidget/trunk/js/cc-license.js: Revision: 6334 Author: paulproteus Date: 2007-07-23 15:20:45 -0700 (Mon, 23 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- do or do not; there is no try Modified Paths: -------------- jswidget/trunk/js/cc-license.js This was sent by the22:23
cchelpbotNOTICE: collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.22:23
cchelpbotNOTICE: SVN: cctools: [6335] i18n/trunk/data/en: Revision: 6335 Author: paulproteus Date: 2007-07-23 15:26:27 -0700 (Mon, 23 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- only five novel strings Added Paths: ----------- i18n/trunk/data/en/jswidget.Allow_Remixing.html22:27
cchelpbotNOTICE: i18n/trunk/data/en/jswidget.Licensor_permits_others_to_make_derivative_works.html i18n/trunk/data/en/jswidget.Prohibit_Commercial_Use.html i18n/trunk/data/en/jswidget.Remix.html i18n/trunk/data/en/jswidget.Require_Share-Alike.html This was sent by the collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development22:27
cchelpbotNOTICE: site.22:27
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paulproteusnathany_, How will people know to translate our strings?22:46
nathany_we'll update them on the istr site and email the cci community22:46
nathany_i can take care of that22:46
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bovinitytvol, tannewt, rejon: printer tells me they'll ahve the wallets on wednesday. we're on schedule.22:51
tvolbovinity: fantastic22:51
tannewtbovinity, excellent22:51
paulproteusrejon, is a demo that's ostensibly in French.22:52
paulproteusnathany_, My last email to you forgot to mention I should make Apache language negotiation work for this, but I'll probably finish that today.22:55
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cchelpbotNOTICE: SVN: cctools: [6336] liblicense/trunk: Revision: 6336 Author: tannewt Date: 2007-07-23 16:37:31 -0700 (Mon, 23 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- Flat file now writes to ~/.license/default. Initial gtk system default added. Modified Paths: --------------23:44
cchelpbotNOTICE: liblicense/trunk/modules/config/flat_file.c liblicense/trunk/src/gnome/ Added Paths: ----------- liblicense/trunk/src/gnome/ liblicense/trunk/src/gnome/scales.svg This was sent by the collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.23:44
rejontvol or cameronparkins: are one of you looking into submitting to awards for linuxworld?23:54
rejonI can't remember if we talked about this b423:54
cameronparkinsrejon: it remember it being mentioned in passing, i can look into it if tvol isnt23:54
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tvolrejon i don't think you mentioned it...i think someone did in passing. i could look into it23:54
cameronparkinshaha, funny response23:54
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cameronparkinsrejon: both tvol and I said the same thing - it was mentioned in passing but neither of us picked up on it23:55
cameronparkinsi can take care of it, unless you are dying to do it tvol23:55
cameronparkinsi feel like you have bigger fish to fry23:55
tvolcameronparkins is on it23:55
rejonbig fish23:57
rejoni wish we could submit to oscon and other awards too23:57
rejonmajor missed opportunity for low hanging fruit23:57
rejonok, focus on lwe23:57
rejon ;)23:57

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