Sunday, 2007-07-22

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paulproteusMy Indian pizza was surprisingly good.01:44
paulproteusgavinbaker, File a bug re: MozCC.01:44
gavinbakerpaulproteus: can you point me to the bugtracker for it?01:45
paulproteusOh, good question.01:45
paulproteusLet's see.01:45
paulproteus links to "file a bug"01:47
gavinbakerpaulproteus: it's too bad i have to create an account for this particular bugzilla. (ah, that's why they made launchpad)01:49
gavinbakerit'd be really super neat if bugzilla supported OpenID or something.01:49
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paulproteusI'm sure someone's done that.01:50
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* luisv mumbles about launchpad being proprietary01:50
gavinbakerluisv: so is sourceforge, i'm told. but launchpad is in the process of opening their source... then they get around to it.01:51
luisvI'll believe that when I see it.01:51
luisvand in the meantime I'll keep recommending bugzilla over either sf or launchpad.01:52
paulproteusluisv++ # Radical freedom edition01:52
paulproteusWhich reminds me, .01:52
gavinbakerpaulproteus: if you ++'ed luisv, why'd you set FC.o on launchpad?01:52
luisvah, the stooge distro:
paulproteusUm, it looks nice, plus it comes with empty promises *for free*!01:53
paulproteusgavinbaker, More seriously, our bug tracker has to be something not run on our servers, or else where do you file a bug when it's down?01:53
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gavinbakerinteresting point.01:54
luisvyou should probably be using means other than a bug tracker to indicate something as important as 'your servers are down'01:54
luisvbug tracker is asyncronous01:54
gavinbakerluisv: we have other means, too.01:55
paulproteusluisv, Yeah, that does make some sense too.01:55
gavinbakerand "x is down" isn't always as binary as it sounds.01:55
gavinbakerpaulproteus: i'll file that bug when it sends me my account.01:56
paulproteusIt's nice to track DNS issues or email issues somewhere where someone else works on them.01:56
luisvI admit that I get particularly cantankerous about launchpad because it is so brutally two-faced01:56
luisv'free free free!'01:56
luisv'except all the interesting parts'01:56
luisv'but we'll insult others as less free anyway'01:56
luisvthe sheer unmitigated gall to attack RH as being less free than Ubuntu, when it is built with completely open source tools and contains no un-free drivers, is just... argh.01:57
paulproteusUnlike SourceForge, which was proudly Free for a while, then admitted it went totally non-free.01:57
luisvI'm not defending sourceforge01:58
gavinbakeri've never understood how launchpad could be so confusing / whatever that they can't release the code.01:58
paulproteusI understand what you mean about two-faced, and I remark on it above.01:58
luisvexcept inasmuch as it doesn't go around calling competitors non-free when that is patently untrue.01:58
luisvgavinbaker: it is their business model01:58
luisvgavinbaker: which is fine01:58
luisvgavinbaker: if they'd just admit it01:58
gavinbakerluisv: well, it's not fine by me, even if they admit it. but it's even less fine if they won't01:58
luisvI'm OK with letting him experiment with business models if he's honest about it01:59
luisvI won't use it personally01:59
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luisvbut if he'd compete honestly I'd be OK with that01:59
luisvthis is threatening to make me cranky at the end of an otherwise beautiful day02:00
luisvso g'night :)02:00
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paulproteusNight, lu|sleep!02:01
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gavinbakerpaulproteus: fwiw, i still haven't gotten the bugzilla confirm email from mozdev.02:27
gavinbakeror maybe it's caught in the greylist, no way of knowing.02:27
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cchelpbotNOTICE: SVN: cctools: [6326] scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web: Revision: 6326 Author: mtravers Date: 2007-07-21 20:28:23 -0700 (Sat, 21 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- generate reasonable RDFa metadata; redo bits of the wizard Modified Paths: --------------03:35
cchelpbotNOTICE: scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/static/chooser.js scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/static/embeddable-example.html scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/static/mta-doc.html scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/static/mta-schema.rdf scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/static/mta.js scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/templates/chooser-scripts.html03:35
cchelpbotNOTICE: scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/templates/wizard.html This was sent by the collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.03:35
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maelstromso this is the devloper channel. is there a channel for talking about the cc concept & cc licensed content ?14:50
lu|embarassedsome of that does happen here as well14:54
lu|embarassedeither way, I'm pretty sure this is the only CC IRC channel, so if you want something more focused you have to go to a mailing list.14:55
lu|embarassedwhat did you want to discuss?14:56
maelstromwell. i kinda got sidetracked. and i forgot. but give me a minute and i'll remember14:57
maelstromoh. something about noncommercial use only licenses, and how unpopular are people that choose to use them ?15:01
lu|embarassedI believe that the NC licenses are actually the most widely used15:03
maelstromisn't it really difficult to reuse NC licensed content ? because the definition of commercial is so broad ?15:04
lu|embarassedI'd say more 'vague' than 'broad'15:04
lu|embarassedbut otherwise, yes, I'd sort of agree with your comment15:05
lu|embarassedso, yes, there is a group of people who strongly dislike the NC licenses.15:05
lu|embarassedsee, e.g., and/or http://opensource.org15:05
lu|embarassedbut like I said, in practice, they are very widely used.15:07
maelstromwell. i am about to reuse some content and release some of my own (the packaging, if you will) along with it. wondering if i will be viewed as a giant hypocrite if i make the "packaging" nc while all the content is commercial15:08
lu|embarasseddunno about hypocrite15:09
lu|embarassedit would seem mostly pointless, though15:09
lu|embarassedexcept as a marketing stunt15:09
lu|embarassedbut I admit that it is very unclear from that statement what exactly you're doing.15:09
maelstromthink of it as being akin to one of those "software of the month club", where they used to fill a CD with shareware. in this case, it would be like filling a CD with free licensed software, which you can obviously do whatever you want with per the license, but the cd cover, README.txt, etc would be kept NC15:11
lu|embarassedso when you say "all the content is commercial" you mean "all the content is free/open, which might include commercial use"?15:12
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cchelpbotNOTICE: SVN: cctools: [6327] liblicense/trunk: Revision: 6327 Author: jakin44 Date: 2007-07-22 13:14:10 -0700 (Sun, 22 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- Module to read and write licenses to MS Office files (OLE format... the one prior to OpenXML) Modified Paths: --------------20:21
cchelpbotNOTICE: liblicense/trunk/ liblicense/trunk/modules/io/ Added Paths: ----------- liblicense/trunk/modules/io/gsf.c This was sent by the collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.20:21
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