Thursday, 2007-07-12

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rejonnotice the way marking is done on the image00:11
rejon(cc) ITO/FLICK00:11
rejonthat is a smooth way to do it00:11
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rrrojeryea, but it doesn't say what the license is00:12
rrrojerlooks good tho00:12
rejon(cc by-nc) joi ito/flickr00:12
rejonbut its reuters style00:12
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rrrojershould we put that up as an option?00:13
rejon(<a href="">cc by-nc</a>) <a href="ATTRIBUTION_URL_TO_ORIGINAL">joi ito/flickr</a>00:13
rejonI think more like we should put a place for examples of other ways to show marking00:14
rejonfor each of the media types00:14
rejongood to track00:14
rrrojer..trying to think of a good way to organize that on the wiki00:18
rejon== Other Examples ==00:19
rejon* example 100:20
rejon* example 200:20
rrrojeri mean the whole page in general00:28
rrrojerit seems way more confusing than it needs to be00:28
rejonmy brain is about to explode00:28
rejonI think make each media its own page00:29
rejonlike: Marking_Audio00:29
rejonThen, need to make the basics readable of what is needed to show a creative commons license00:30
rejonneed to make it clear that there two ways to mark your work: external (on/around your work) and internal (metadata)00:31
rejonthat is a good way to look at it00:31
rejonexternal is best for now00:31
rejonCC is working on both, but be most concerned for how humans can see00:31
rejonOn each of the content pages I would make the general info for humans00:31
rejonand then have these sections00:32
rejon(summary without a header), then == Examples == (official ones), == Other Examples == (other examples elsewhere), == Internal == (with links to developer docs, embedding info about the formats for that media00:33
rejonmake sense?00:33
rejonthat should give a nice structure to the subpages that is human readable00:33
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rejonbse: the page is looking like how we have reconceptualized the cc page00:34
rejonIA wise00:34
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bseyeah... that's sorta looks like what we were getting at isn't it00:34
rejonI actually like the simplicity and wouldn't even mind copying the main page design00:34
rejonyah, we should just copy it00:34
rejonbut make better :)00:35
bseconceptual elements, yeah00:35
rejonI really like the emphasis on the global view (national) and the local00:35
bsei know... i wonder if we can do that for CCi, without it looking cheesy00:35
rejonwould fit into our idea of cc blog and then aggregated jurisdiction project blog00:35
rejonYah, that would be killer00:35
rejonI also like the focus block00:36
rrrojer_rejon, bse: i got disconnected, are you still talking about marking?00:36
rejonsite redream00:36
rrrojer_okay phew00:38
rejonneed b33r00:38
bseah fuck, i forgot to put the beer  i bought last ngiht in the fridge00:39
bsewarm guinness :(00:39
rejonor at home?00:39
bseno, at home00:39
bsereminded me.00:39
rejondamn...we need to drink more00:39
* luisv highly recommends Schneider Aventinus00:42
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paulproteusrejon, "IA wise"?00:48
paulproteusre: freeculture.org00:48
rejoninformation architecture-wise00:48
paulproteusI'm deeply shocked that people think has a good website.00:49
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tannewtgood morning world16:13
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cameronparkinsrejon: where do you want to meet re: high priority tasks17:27
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cchelpbotNew news from Ryoku Stock Photography <> || Zorger <> || Youraustralia <>18:00
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cchelpbotNOTICE: SVN: cctools: [6198]: Revision: 6198 Author: paulproteus Date: 2007-07-12 11:13:52 -0700 (Thu, 12 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- new svn root Property Changed: ---------------- api/branches/deployment-sanity-branch/src/cc/licenses/ api/branches/rest_1_0/cc_rest/ api/tags18:18
cchelpbotNOTICE: /deployment-sanity-branchpoint/ cclabs/ ccwordpress/tags/20070208/www/wp-content/plugins/ zope_products/trunk/iStr/ This was sent by the collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.18:18
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cameronparkinsrejon: did you want to meet?18:22
paulproteusAlso, when do we leave for EFF pizza?18:22
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rejoncameronparkins: as usual, behind18:22
cameronparkinsno worries - lemme know when you have a chance18:22
cameronparkinsim struggling with this WP theme for SOM18:23
bse__what kind of issues are yo having?18:23
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paulproteusI keep thinking "School of Medicine" when I see SOM.18:24
cchelpbotNOTICE: SVN: cctools: [6199] cc.license/trunk/cc/license: Revision: 6199 Author: nyergler Date: 2007-07-12 11:22:03 -0700 (Thu, 12 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- Testing fixes; moved some tests to a future implementation. Modified Paths: --------------18:24
cchelpbotNOTICE: cc.license/trunk/cc/license/README.txt Added Paths: ----------- cc.license/trunk/cc/license/FUTURE.txt This was sent by the collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.18:24
cchelpbotNOTICE: SVN: cctools: [6200] cc.license/trunk/cc/license: Revision: 6200 Author: nyergler Date: 2007-07-12 11:22:30 -0700 (Thu, 12 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- Landing basic cc.license implementation; no operator support at this time. Modified Paths: --------------18:24
cchelpbotNOTICE: cc.license/trunk/cc/license/ cc.license/trunk/cc/license/ cc.license/trunk/cc/license/ cc.license/trunk/cc/license/ cc.license/trunk/cc/license/ cc.license/trunk/cc/license/ Added Paths: ----------- cc.license/trunk/cc/license/ This was sent by the SourceForge.net18:24
cchelpbotNOTICE: collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.18:24
paulproteusToo much Hopkins over the past while..18:24
cameronparkinsi'm just all around struggling - my knowledge of WP, php, html, css, etc. gets me by18:25
cameronparkinsbut i don't neccesarilly think its great to hack something up like i do for a real project18:25
bovinitywell i can give you some feedback once you're closer to a "beta" stage18:26
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cameronparkinsalright sounds good - I was going to mod Bjorn from CC-NL's theme18:27
cameronparkinsbut i think i might just take something simple like K2 and mod that...18:27
bovinitythere's one called Sandbox, usually a good one to start out with18:27
cchelpbotNOTICE: SVN: cctools: [6201] liblicense/trunk/bindings/python/liblicense.c: Revision: 6201 Author: tannewt Date: 2007-07-12 11:27:22 -0700 (Thu, 12 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- Fix python optional arguments handling. Modified Paths: --------------18:27
cchelpbotNOTICE: liblicense/trunk/bindings/python/liblicense.c This was sent by the collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.18:27
bovinity*super* simple18:27
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tannewtbovinity, are you going to do a grub theme also or maybe I should modify the grub settings to get past it quicker18:31
tannewtbse_, see above18:32
cchelpbotNew news from DC Nature <> || Desing Reaction <>18:32
bse_tannewt, it may be better to just make the cd boot without the query.. it only complicates things18:33
tannewtbse_, right, I'm just torn because there is an advantage to loading it all into ram which is the other option18:34
bse_average user will be scared and confused18:34
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tannewtbse_, alright, I'll skip it18:35
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tannewtbse_, you think I should remove multiple desktops?18:38
tannewtbse_, I'm worried about a overloaded bottom bar18:39
bse_set to 2 desktops, see if htat helps18:41
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gavinbakerhey paulproteus, cameron, i'm setting up the conference21:06
gavinbakerpsst paulproteus we scheduled a conference call for now21:09
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nathanygavinbaker: he's obviously forgotten because we left him @ EFF21:23
gavinbakernathany: we rescheduled when they realized there was a lunch21:24
gavinbakerapparently they were expected to be back by now21:24
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paulproteusgavinbaker, I'm a little bit sorry but the truth is I traded being around for our call in exchange for talking with Seth Davin Schoen about cell phones.21:35
gavinbakerwhat, does he have an Openmoko too?21:35
paulproteusI had expected cameron to be talking with you without me but instead you didn't talk at all, which makes me sad.21:35
paulproteusHe just ordered one.21:35
paulproteusIt's the first cell phone he'll ever has because He Has Principles.21:35
paulproteusgavinbaker, Should I call the conf number, or what?21:36
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gavinbakerpaulproteus: you should call the conference number.21:38
paulproteusSounds good, tty there.21:39
gavinbakercameronparkins should call the conference number, too.21:39
cameronparkinsjust called21:39
cameronparkinsim entering the meeting21:39
tvolbse, do we have any other versions of those content icons (audio, video, etc) or have those icons been disavowed?21:47
bse_tvol, looking for the new ones.21:49
tvolbse_ rad thanks21:49
bse_well i have updated ones, but they aren't in proper CC icon format21:52
bse_and education is missing.21:52
bse_the old ones are around somewhere21:52
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bse_tvol, emailed.21:59
tvolbse_ thanks22:01
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rejonso many friends in here22:17
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tannewtrejon, thats way low on my todo list22:32
nathanyrejon: and way low on the tech priority list, i think22:32
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rejonthat is part of the livecd project22:36
rejonof course, not as high priority as getting it working, etc22:37
rejonregardless, tannewt, that is how I would do it22:38
tannewtrejon, you should just do it then ;-)22:38
cchelpbotNOTICE: SVN: cctools: [6202] cc.license/trunk: Revision: 6202 Author: nyergler Date: 2007-07-12 15:38:17 -0700 (Thu, 12 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- Fleshed out license.License implementation to support chooser. Modified Paths: -------------- cc.license/trunk/cc/__init__.py22:38
cchelpbotNOTICE: cc.license/trunk/cc/license/ cc.license/trunk/cc/license/ cc.license/trunk/ This was sent by the collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.22:38
rejontvol: issn is for the livecd project22:40
rejonits more of a serial22:40
rejonthat way don't have to buy blocks of them22:40
tvoli see22:40
rejonjust one that says it is regular publication22:40
rejonits like $75...22:40
rejonmy old journal has one: http://scalejournal.org22:41
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cchelpbotNOTICE: SVN: cctools: [6203] cc.engine/trunk: Revision: 6203 Author: nyergler Date: 2007-07-12 15:39:01 -0700 (Thu, 12 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- Initial implementation of results-one. Modified Paths: -------------- cc.engine/trunk/buildout.cfg22:42
cchelpbotNOTICE: cc.engine/trunk/cc/engine/browser/configure.zcml cc.engine/trunk/cc/engine/browser/ cc.engine/trunk/cc/engine/browser/ cc.engine/trunk/cc/engine/configure.zcml cc.engine/trunk/cc/engine/ cc.engine/trunk/cc/engine/ Added Paths: ----------- cc.engine/trunk/cc/engine/browser/ This was sent by the22:42
cchelpbotNOTICE: collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.22:42
cchelpbotNew news from Magnatune <> || Opsound <> || User:Tpkennes <> || Starfrosch <> || Soundtransit <>22:43
rejonjakin and tannewt:
rejonI wrote that some time ago22:46
tannewtrejon, ooh, nice, I'll bookmark it for tomorrow22:47
rejonyah, there a bunch of documents on the developer section that i wrote22:49
rejonsome over-caffeinated session of explaining how to do things ;)22:49
cchelpbotNew news from GarageBand <> || Freesound <> || GlobalTune <> || Jamglue <> || Software Release Procedure <> || Jamendo <> || Mix2r <>22:53
rejontvol: also, can you touch base with Jen while I'm gone about linuxworld22:55
rejonshe takes care of allocating any of our resources for conferences, etc, so needs to be in the know about our "open source (snake) pit" at linuxworld22:55
tvolwill do, rejon - about logistics stuff?22:55
rejonwe have talked about, but you are the pusher on this project, so need to keep her in the know22:56
rejonalso, not sure if since our booths are all combined into one *pit* if themayor and company are providing people to be at the booth, which may impact how many ppl. we need there22:56
rejonie, less22:56
rejonprolly best though to stay the course and be responsible for our own ish22:57
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cchelpbotNOTICE: SVN: cctools: [6204] ccoer/trunk/www/upgrade_from_0.7.2_to_0.7.2cc. sql: Revision: 6204 Author: paulproteus Date: 2007-07-12 16:06:24 -0700 (Thu, 12 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- sql for upgrading Added Paths: ----------- ccoer/trunk/www/upgrade_from_0.7.2_to_0.7.2cc.sql This23:09
cchelpbotNOTICE: was sent by the collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.23:09
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rrrojerbse_: where can I find the unported emblem?23:17
cchelpbotNOTICE: SVN: cctools: [6205] ccoer/trunk/www/upgrade_from_0.7.2_to_0.7.2cc. sql: Revision: 6205 Author: paulproteus Date: 2007-07-12 16:13:26 -0700 (Thu, 12 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- already have one key Modified Paths: --------------23:17
cchelpbotNOTICE: ccoer/trunk/www/upgrade_from_0.7.2_to_0.7.2cc.sql This was sent by the collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.23:17
tannewtrrrojer, without the frame the background of the box is still white23:18
rrrojertannewt: thanks!23:19
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tannewtrrrojer, np23:21
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bsetannewt, is it at all safe to assume we'll ahve a final build by the 20th?23:23
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tannewtbse, not quite sure, depends on how stable it is23:23
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tannewtbse, I feel like we will just because I compared our packages against the fedora 7 livecd23:24
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bsei just don't want to mark the packaging with an outrageously inaccurate date23:25
cchelpbotNew news from Dogmazic <> || Creative Collective <> || DMusic <>23:25
tannewtbse, right... my target is the 20th but who knows what may be lurking23:26
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bseis all the content CC-BY? or various?23:33
rejontvol: ?23:33
rejonrussell's labels are the ones that we need to check on...I believe he released them into the public domain23:33
rejonusing cc pd23:34
bseok, well that solves whether or not to leave the BY logo on the back. clearer that way.23:34
rejontvol: would prefer all content to be CC BY or pd23:34
rejonwell, we are putting a by on the collection23:34
rejonpackaging ;)23:34
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dotLouI have an issue with including my CC license in my website23:35
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bseholy wiki updates, batman.23:35
tannewtdotLou, what are you trying to do?23:35
tvolrejon i might agree in terms of openness but doesn't represent all our licenses then23:35
rejontvol: this is true23:36
dotLouwell it works, but it breaks my xhtml validation. I do't want that23:36
tannewtdotLou, ah, whats the error?23:36
bsein what way does it violate the validator? probably a simple fix.23:36
tvolrejon we could do just BY, wouldn't be hard23:36
dotLouwell it's the xmlns:cc and property attributes23:36
dotLoualong with xmlns:dc23:37
bseit ought to validate as XHTML+RDF23:37
rejontvol: man, brain is can include any cc licensed content23:37
rejonBut, IMO, we can put a CC license onto the content we generate around the project, text, etc23:38
rejonI wish we had a lawyer to run these things by23:38
rejonbse tvol: I think you should ask bandwidth is low23:38
tvolrejon will do23:39
tannewtbse, on the livecd there is no grub.conf but there is a splash.xpm.gz23:39
paulproteustannewt, even in /boot/grub/ ?23:39
tannewtpaulproteus, yup thats where I'm looking23:39
bsetannewt, isn't splash.xpm.gz for the tux logo?23:39
bseor is that built into kernel23:40
paulproteusHmm, anyone want to go to the BayPiggies (Bay Area Python Interest Group) meeting tonight at 7:30?23:40
tannewtbse, I thought the tux was built in23:40
tannewtpaulproteus, no thanks, its climbing night23:40
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