Wednesday, 2007-07-11

rejonactually, nm, I think its that extensions00:00
cchelpbotNOTICE: SVN: cctools: [6183] liblicense/trunk: Revision: 6183 Author: jakin44 Date: 2007-07-10 17:00:18 -0700 (Tue, 10 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- Remove some leftover files. Modified Paths: -------------- liblicense/trunk/list.c Removed Paths: ------------- liblicense/trunk/list.h00:03
cchelpbotNOTICE: liblicense/trunk/modules/io/registry This was sent by the collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.00:03
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cchelpbotNOTICE: world's largest Open Source development site.00:27
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cchelpbotNOTICE: SVN: cctools: [6185] cclib/trunk/: Revision: 6185 Author: paulproteus Date: 2007-07-10 17:30:01 -0700 (Tue, 10 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- new svn root Property Changed: ---------------- cclib/trunk/ This was sent by the collaborative development platform,00:31
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buliohey all00:41
paulproteusbovinity, Hey, if you've got another second tonight, apparently #freeculture folks broke something else in IE7.00:43
buliodoes this channel deal with revising CC and such, or just with developing CC apps?00:43
paulproteusA little of both, but the former is better dealt-with on the cc-community email list.00:44
paulproteusMore different voices hang out on email.00:44
buliowhat would you recommend doing to get involved with CC licensing and design?00:44
buliocommunity e-mail?00:45
bovinityIE7. super.00:47
bovinitypaulproteus, is beta.fc.o up to date?00:47
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paulproteusbovinity, There are changes in the site that aren't in svn.00:48
paulproteusI'm happy to give you a login....00:48
paulproteusOnce I put the key in, you'll "ssh"00:50
paulproteusbovinity, there you are!00:52
bovinitysuch an ominous username.00:52
paulproteusThere's conversation in #freeculture about it, but that's the snippet describing the problem.00:53
bovinitywhere are all the WP files? public_html or var/www?00:53
paulproteusjoin #freeculture and I'll say there.00:53
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cchelpbotNOTICE: SVN: cctools: [6187] cchost/trunk/mixter-lib/mixter-bbe.php: Revision: 6187 Author: fourstones Date: 2007-07-11 01:59:55 -0700 (Wed, 11 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- dynamic text reading Modified Paths: -------------- cchost/trunk/mixter-lib/mixter-bbe.php This was sent by09:03
cchelpbotNOTICE: the collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.09:03
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cchelpbotNOTICE: collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.09:07
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cchelpbotNOTICE: collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.09:15
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j1sI had ccHost running on lighttpd, but couldn't get mod_rewrite right - so I switched to Apache. Has anyone managed to make pretty URLs with ligttpd?09:39
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j1sIs there anyone active on this channel?09:43
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cchelpbotNOTICE: scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/ scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/static/chooser.js scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/static/iframe-test.html scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/static/mta.js scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/templates/chooser.html This was sent by the collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source15:34
cchelpbotNOTICE: development site.15:34
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cchelpbotNew news from Todelete <> || Jamendo <>16:41
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cameronparkinsrejon: whenever you want to talk about OLPC PR and presentations lemme know16:48
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cchelpbotNOTICE: scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/letters/ scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/static/chooser.js scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/static/mta.js scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/static/popup-test.html scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/templates/chooser.html scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/templates/index.html This was sent by the SourceForge.net16:52
cchelpbotNOTICE: collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.16:52
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tvolrejon, bse, tannewt the mayor needs to reschedule meeting - no longer 11am PDT--will ping on new time later17:10
tannewttvol, oh ok, didn't realize we had one :-P17:11
bseok. keep us informed...17:11
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tvolhmm did i not send the invite to you tannewt?17:11
tvolmy apologies17:11
tannewttvol, haven't checked, its my fault17:11
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paulproteus"This person is a stub.  You can help Creative Commons by expanding it."17:19
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gavinbakerpaulproteus, are you officially official and in the office and stuff?17:28
paulproteusgavinbaker, Officially official, yes, but I'm currently working at my cousin's place until post-lunch.17:30
gavinbakerpost-lunch, you'll be in teh real office?17:30
* paulproteus nods17:30
gavinbakerno wai17:30
bovinityhe has a desk and everything17:30
paulproteusIt's just like last summer, only fewer girl interns.17:31
gavinbakerbovinity, it's very nice of y'all to let him have a desk.17:31
gavinbakerok, so, something actually work-related --17:31
gavinbakerpaulproteus, i'm talking tomorrow with cameronparkins about student outreach on OA17:31
paulproteusYum, OA.17:32
gavinbaker(which email i've been bugging you about for ~2 weeks now, btw)17:32
paulproteusOh, yeah, interesting.  I'll probably read it later today.17:32
gavinbakerbut since you're in the same office, might you want to hop on the same call?17:32
paulproteusSure, sounds like a dandy old time.17:32
paulproteusI swear, I'm not usually this bad with email; I blame my recent personal technical catastrophe.17:33
paulproteus(Also, I may still be able to recover my old data; we'll see.)17:33
gavinbakerwe're talking tomorrow (Thursday 12 July) at 1 pm PST17:33
paulproteusBut wait - what about the EFF lunch?17:33
paulproteuscameronparkins, ^^17:33
paulproteusI guess we can call in on our walk back, or something.17:33
cameronparkinspaulproteus: oh damn17:34
cameronparkinsi totally forgot about EFF lunch17:34
paulproteuscameronparkins, gavinbaker, 2pm makes much more sense to me.17:34
cameronparkinsgavinbaker, is that cool?17:34
gavinbakersure, that's ok.17:35
gavinbakeri'll email you our conference number, you can call in17:35
gavinbakerunless you want to speakerphone17:35
gavinbaker(man, it's like we have jobs or something)17:35
paulproteusgavinbaker, whoa, you're right.17:36
paulproteusHow strange.17:36
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cchelpbotNOTICE: SVN: cctools: [6192] liblicense/trunk: Revision: 6192 Author: jakin44 Date: 2007-07-11 10:34:55 -0700 (Wed, 11 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- -Don't die on bad input to ll_module_init() -Set to version 0.1 and the correct e-mail address Modified Paths: --------------17:37
cchelpbotNOTICE: liblicense/trunk/ liblicense/trunk/module_wrangler.c liblicense/trunk/read_license.c liblicense/trunk/write_license.c This was sent by the collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.17:37
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cchelpbotNew news from CC Salon SF Tonight: Live365, Jumpcut, OWL Music, and Powerpoint Karaoke! <>18:35
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paulproteusI've been waiting for YEARS to see PowerPoint Karaoke.18:39
paulproteus7-9, interesting.18:40
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paulproteusHope I can make it in time.18:51
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jakintannewt, exempi 1.99.3's out19:26
tannewtjakin, w00t19:26
rejonplease announce!19:27
rejonjakin: when is 2.0.0 coming out?19:27
rejonI wonder why he is waiting19:28
jakinhubert says he doesn't have a timeline19:28
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rejonjakin: I think would be good to push for 2.0.0...also, should get him to hang out in here19:30
rejonplease do19:30
rejonwe can move faster19:31
jakinrejon, alright.  i can understand the wait on 2.0.  he and i have been putting the library to use and modifying the api as we need it to do new things.  so the api hasn't stabilized yet19:33
rejonjakin: ok, would like to put out 2.0 when we do 0.2 of liblicense19:33
jakinrejon, i'll bring it up with him19:34
rejonyep yep19:36
rejonI'm eager to get more testing19:36
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cchelpbotNOTICE: SVN: cctools: [6193] ccoer/trunk/www: Revision: 6193 Author: paulproteus Date: 2007-07-11 12:40:30 -0700 (Wed, 11 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- merging in Danny Colligan's work Modified Paths: -------------- ccoer/trunk/www/ ccoer/trunk/www/login.php19:43
cchelpbotNOTICE: ccoer/trunk/www/services/bookmarkservice.php ccoer/trunk/www/services/tagservice.php ccoer/trunk/www/services/userservice.php ccoer/trunk/www/tables.sql ccoer/trunk/www/templates/login.tpl.php ccoer/trunk/www/templates/ Added Paths: ----------- ccoer/trunk/www/admin.php ccoer/trunk/www/recaptchalib.php19:43
cchelpbotNOTICE: ccoer/trunk/www/templates/admin.tpl.php This was sent by the collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.19:43
cchelpbotNOTICE: SVN: cctools: [6194] liblicense/trunk/modules/io/sidecar_xmp.c: Revision: 6194 Author: jakin44 Date: 2007-07-11 12:40:45 -0700 (Wed, 11 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- xmp_to_string was renamed to xmp_serialize Modified Paths: --------------19:43
cchelpbotNOTICE: liblicense/trunk/modules/io/sidecar_xmp.c This was sent by the collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.19:43
BjornWhe guys any php/linux guru's around? I wanted to discuss something which I find kinda odd when using mkdir()19:49
cchelpbotNew news from Video bumper guidelines <> || Image marker guidelines <> || Source Repository Information <> || Marking <>19:51
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rejoncameronparkings_: can you also send out calendar20:20
rejonabout pirate thing too20:20
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cchelpbotNOTICE: SVN: cctools: [6195] liblicense/trunk/system_licenses.c: Revision: 6195 Author: jakin44 Date: 2007-07-11 13:25:17 -0700 (Wed, 11 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- This returns uri_t*, not uri_t Modified Paths: -------------- liblicense/trunk/system_licenses.c This was sent by the20:27
cchelpbotNOTICE: collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.20:27
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cchelpbotNOTICE: SVN: cctools: [6196] scicom/mta/trunk: Revision: 6196 Author: mtravers Date: 2007-07-11 13:48:36 -0700 (Wed, 11 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- add documentation Modified Paths: -------------- scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/static/chooser.js20:52
cchelpbotNOTICE: scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/static/mta.js scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/templates/index.html Added Paths: ----------- scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/static/mta-doc.html scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/static/mta-schema.rdf Removed Paths: ------------- scicom/mta/trunk/mta-schema.rdf This was sent by the collaborative20:52
cchelpbotNOTICE: development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.20:52 redesign looks sweet bse_ and paulproteus20:55
bse_yeah, loving that kubrick look...20:55
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tvol_rejon bovinity tannewt on for 10am pdt tomorrow with the mayor21:03
tannewttvol_, ok21:04
tannewttvol_, the cd is compressing21:04
tvol_thanks for the flexibility21:04
tvol_i'll compress it into a cube if it doesn't work21:04
tannewttvol_, that'll fit into a cd rom drive21:06
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rejonthis is the biggest news to ever happen21:55
rejonthat track is CC BY-NC-SA!21:55
rejoncameronparkins_: yo, we gotta do something about this tonite21:56
cameronparkins_im checking it out21:57
cameronparkins_alright im figuring it out21:57
gavinbakeri love that the first thing listed under Grand Prize Winner Gets is "song featured on R Kelly's MySpace page"22:02
gavinbakersweet! my song got on MySpace!22:03
rejonr kellys page dissin22:03
gavinbakerdo they reference CC, other than in the small print?22:03
rejonthats fine...i like that its just pat of the infrastructure...we didn't do anything with this...its great!22:05
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jakinrejon, call today?22:15
tannewtjakin, I was just thinking about that22:17
jakini've just finished everything i've been working on... gotta find something to move on to22:17
tannewtjakin, we're calling you22:18
tannewtjakin, you were trumped by R kelly22:18
cameronparkins_gavinbaker, rejon: i would kill to be on r kelly's myspace22:19
* gavinbaker locks his doors22:20
cameronparkins_if you told me if id kill tvol, id get on r kelly's myspace page, id do it22:20
cameronparkins_sorry tvol - it isn't you, its anyone really22:20
rejonjakin: what is your # again?22:22
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rejonrrrojer_: heya, can you come into middle room to talk mockups with me, tannewt, and jakin22:31
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cchelpbotNew news from Cogniview Brings CC Licensing to PDF Output <>22:58
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rejonfor libllicense 0.1 release23:01
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rejon  Please note: the contents of this email are not intended to be legal advice nor should they be relied upon as or represented to be legal advice.  Creative Commons cannot and does not give legal advice. You need to assess the suitability of Creative Commons' tools for your particular situation, which may include obtaining appropriate legal advice from a licensed attorney.23:12
rejonPlease note: the contents of this webpage are not intended to be legal advice nor should they be relied upon as or represented to be legal advice.  Creative Commons cannot and does not give legal advice. You need to assess the suitability of Creative Commons' tools for your particular situation, which may include obtaining appropriate legal advice from a licensed attorney.23:13
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cchelpbotNOTICE: SVN: cctools: [6197] scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web: Revision: 6197 Author: mtravers Date: 2007-07-11 16:14:20 -0700 (Wed, 11 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- add legal code Modified Paths: -------------- scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/app.py23:18
cchelpbotNOTICE: scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/static/mta-doc.html scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/templates/index.html scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/templates/legal.html Added Paths: ----------- scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/static/embeddable-example.html scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/static/legal/ scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/static/legal/1.0/23:18
cchelpbotNOTICE: scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/static/legal/1.0/sc-df-ns-rd.txt scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/static/legal/1.0/sc-df-ns.txt scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/static/legal/1.0/sc-df-rd.txt scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/static/legal/1.0/sc-df.txt scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/static/legal/1.0/sc-ns-rd.txt23:18
cchelpbotNOTICE: scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/static/legal/1.0/sc-ns.txt scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/static/legal/1.0/sc-rd.txt scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/static/legal/1.0/sc-rp-ns-RD.txt scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/static/legal/1.0/sc-rp-ns.txt scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/static/legal/1.0/sc-rp-rd.txt23:18
cchelpbotNOTICE: scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/static/legal/1.0/sc-rp.txt scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/static/legal/1.0/sc.txt scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/static/legal/1.0/sla.txt scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/static/legal/1.0/ubmta.txt Removed Paths: ------------- scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/static/popup-test.html This was sent by the23:18
cchelpbotNOTICE: collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.23:18
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