Friday, 2007-07-13

cchelpbotNew news from CCHits <>00:05
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paulproteusSalaam, and good evening to you, my underscored friends.00:07
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tannewtdotLou, not sure00:08
tannewtdotLou, supposedly its a standard but I have not heard of it00:08
tannewtdotLou, nathany would be the person to talk to, he'll be on here tomorrow00:08
tannewtnice bse00:11
cchelpbotNew news from License Examples <> || Ekleipsi Netlabel <> || Baseline Rights <> || Beatpick <> || Baseline Rights <>00:15
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cchelpbotNew news from Howitworks Comic3 <> || Howitworks Comic2 <> || Howitworks Comic1 <> || Audio <> || Dharmasound <> || Template:ContentDirectory <> || ArtistServer <> || Template:ContentDirectory <>00:25
bse"CD Artwork is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license, unless otherwise noted."00:26
dotLoucan anybody help me with ?00:31
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cchelpbotNew news from Special:Log/upload <> || Spectrumofrights Comic4 <> || Special:Log/upload <> || Spectrumofrights Comic3 <> || Spectrumofrights Comic2 <> || Spectrumofrights Comic1 <> || Howitworks Comic4 <>00:35
dotLouwhat are these segments?00:36
rejontvol_: oh crap, we have that call in 20 min00:40
tvol_rejon you in the house?00:41
rejonat my house :)00:41
rejonwill skype in00:41
tvol_we can do remotely00:41
* paulproteus hopes he isn't supposed to be there and no one told him00:41
rejonno, you are not in on this devious plot.........yet00:45
tannewtrejon, which devious plot is this?00:45
rejonoh this is more abstract...a write-up about some ideas00:47
rejonan academic paper :)00:47
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tannewtrejon, mind if I sit in?00:48
rejontvol_: is the hookup00:49
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jakindotLou, it looks like it's pulling in RDFa from <a rel="license" href="...00:49
dotLouI'm trying to make the license link show that people have to link to my site and such, but still make the page validate.00:50
dotLouThat didn't work =p00:50
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jakinyou could try adding an about="your url" attribute to the link00:52
dotLoubut it doesn't even validate yet00:53
dotLouI'm trying to make this work but purely with rdf in the comments00:54
dotLouclick the cc link at the bottom00:55
dotLouyou'll see that it says "Attribution. You must attribute this work to dotLou (with link)."00:55
dotLouI want to ensure this happens anyway, but still have my page validate.00:55
dotLouWhich is loads harder then I had originally intended.00:55
rejontvol: yet again, the end of the day has reached critical brain fry...what a great time to talk about a paper00:58
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dotLouI really don't see why CC doesn't provide people with xhtml valid code to use :-/01:03
tannewtdotLou, I think it was just changed01:03
jakinyeah, they're pushing rdfa instead of rdf in comments01:03
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dotLouwell right now I don't even get comment code from the license making script01:04
dotLouI just get some invalid xhtml code for text to put on my site and stuff01:04
rejontvol: crap, problem with my skype01:04
rejoncan you initiate skype conference call01:04
jakininvalid xhtml code?01:04
tvolrejon we doing call or texting?01:04
dotLoujakin: yes01:05
dotLouit doesn't validate.01:05
jakini wonder if the validator is fully rdfa-aware01:05
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dotLou(that's modified a bit, since I tried switching it to rdf in comments01:06
dotLouthere, now it's back to what I had before01:07
dotLouclick the above link01:07
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dotLouthat's the code I get from the cc website01:08
dotLouThat's the code that doesn't validate.01:09
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jakinyeah, it looks like you're right.  it's something to bring up with nathan.  generating this code is pretty new...01:09
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dotLouI intend to use CC to license my Content Management system, and I really like the way it loads a (sort-of) custom license page, but I need to validate the website.01:10
jakinhmm... this says that the property attribute is XHTML 2:
paulproteusYou can remove the stuff that doesn't validate for you.01:12
paulproteusIt's a nicety for when XHTML 2 is around, but you can't necessarily use it yet.01:12
bse__keep in mind CC is a content license, and not a software license; your CMS app would be under something like GPL or BSD.01:12
dotLouthe stuff that doesn't validate, is the stuff that makes the license a custom page :-/01:12
paulproteusI'll ask nathany for an official answer, but the extra stuff that wasn't validating is not required.01:12
paulproteusdotLou, Not true; rel="license" is enough for that.01:12
dotLouI'll try01:13
paulproteusIt's not enough for the future super-awesome license page, but since your document type doesn't support that, I think we'll be okay the way things are.01:13
dotLoudoesn't work01:13
paulproteusWhat doesn't work about it?01:14
dotLouwell I will be, but I'd much rather use this01:14
dotLouWell I'd love the "super-awesome license page" but I can't if I want it to validate it seems.01:14
dotLouI really don't see why it's not possible.01:14
paulproteusdotLou, There are some complications between XHTML1 and XML namespaces.01:14
paulproteusI think bse__ gave you a link on that.01:14
paulproteusSomething on  You could use XHTML2 and it would work.01:15
paulproteus(As I understand things.)01:15
dotLouhe did, and I tried switching it manually, but it didn't work.01:15
dotLouCC should provide people with xhtml valid code, simply to follow standards. it would only make sense.01:15
paulproteusI agree, and I'lll ask nathany about i1.01:16
bse__well, the rdf metadata we include is compatible with our license pages01:16
paulproteusit, even.01:16
dotLouthanks paulproteus.01:16
dotLouI appreciate everybody's time and effort.01:16
bse__home now. night dudes.01:18
tannewtbye bse__01:18
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skyfallerhey everyone... did the FSF or RMS ever officially release a statement that they are now OK with CC?02:19
skyfaller  implies that RMS still opposes CC02:20
skyfallerbut my understanding is that Lessig etc. have worked things out with them02:20
luisvI don't believe they have.02:26
luisvthough saying he 'opposes' it is... well, it is just very complex02:27
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paulproteusLessig sure did say at the iSummit that he and RMS had worked things out.03:25
paulproteusI'm not sure if he said that in a more private chat or in his big speech thing.03:25
luisvwell, and it was mentioned in passing when one of the licenses was retired that CC would not offer new licenses which didn't at least guarantee distribution03:31
luisvwhich removes one of the big issues for FSF.03:31
gavinbakerright, but RMS has never really articulated (well) his problem with CC.03:33
gavinbakersure, there's his by-nc-nd standard03:34
gavinbakerbut why not support licenses that meet that standard, and denounce the rest?03:34
gavinbakerwhy denounce the organization and its licenses, and distance yourself from an allied movement?03:34
luisvbecause he doesn't see cc as allied03:34
luisvcc has portrayed itself as being about choice03:35
luisvand about being value-neutral03:35
luisvand the FSF is fundamentally not a value-neutral organization, or about choice03:35
luisvit is about defending/protecting/advancing a very specific conception of freedom03:35
luisvand if you're not doing the same thing (which CC deliberately is not) then you're not really on his team03:36
luisvor so goes the FSF thinking, more or less03:36
gavinbakeri always thought the choice rhetoric was more rhetoric than real03:39
gavinbakerthough i suppose you can also judge someone by their rhetoric03:39
rejonlarry's on FSF board03:40
rejonyah, I pinged mike about this too..I'm curious as well...not sure the strategy03:40
rejonwe are just so overloaded as of late03:40
luisvgavinbaker: the choice rhetoric is very real for some participants03:41
luisvthat was a real eye opener for me at the first iCommons summit03:41
luisvLarry clearly badly, badly wants it to be about something bigger, but feels as soon as he says that, it damages the movement for no real gains03:41
luisvbut lots of other people there seemed very genuine in it merely being a new licensing choice for artists, or (worse) just a source of free-beer music03:42
gavinbakerluisv, it has to be carefully managed, to be sure, but if it's permanently about "choice" and nothing else, it fails, both on its own grounds and at achieving its real goals03:42
luisvI tend to agree03:42
gavinbakerluisv, on the other hand, lots of people there were using non-free software03:43
luisvbut I can see how reasonable people would disagree about the tactics, even if the long-term goals are agreed upon03:43
gavinbakerit's clear as a movement that we lack a great deal of clarity and discipline03:43
gavinbakerwe're not assuming RMS is reasonable now, are we? ;)03:43
luisvoh, absolutely not03:43
luisvthe first time I ever met him we were in a screaming match within minutes ;)03:43
luisvforks were threatened, trademark actions were counter-threatened03:44
luisvit was all great fun03:44
poningrusomeone say beer?03:44
luisvgavinbaker: the upside of lack of clarity/discipline is that you're a bigger tent03:44
luisvand more difficult to attack03:45
luisvit is very difficult to attack 'giving artists more choice'03:45
luisvit is more easy to attack 'knowledge should be shared'03:45
gavinbakerluisv: but people attack it anyway03:47
gavinbakerregardless, there was a time i was more worried about CC03:48
gavinbakermore clarity is coming03:48
gavinbakeroffing some of the non-standard licenses03:48
gavinbakersemi-committing to a standard for future licenses03:48
luisvyeah, wish that commitment had been a bit more high-profile03:48
gavinbakerworking to develop consensus in the areas of science and education03:48
luisvrejon: FWIW, I heard Lessig and Stallman got into some fairly heated arguments at the FSF public annual meeting in 2005 ;)03:49
gavinbakeras was discussed in one of the isummit panels, i really don't think we can have a definition of freedom -- yet -- for everything03:49
gavinbakerbut we are developing consensus around definitions for some things, which is really important03:49
gavinbakerboth on its own, and because it helps lead to developing consensus in other areas03:50
cchelpbotNew news from Marking Video <>03:52
gavinbakeri find access to knowledge to be a lot more important than e.g. new revenue models for marketing03:54
gavinbakercc seems to be moving its priorities to the right places03:54
gavinbakerif it started out well-meaning but a bit aimless, it's much more on the right track now03:54
luisvthe lesson from free software is that the revenue models and the knowledge access are not incompatible03:56
luisvand projects/licenses which work to align those incentives are the most likely to succeed03:56
luisvso it isn't a bad idea to at least talk about and understand the business/revenue bits.03:57
gavinbakeras long as you care about the ethical goal03:59
gavinbakerand not just turning a buck03:59
gavinbakerwell, i dunno. maybe the market's strong enough to punish the people who only care about turning a buck04:00
luisvand admittedly once you figure out the business model, or show even the faintest glimmer of that, you attract people who care only about the buck04:00
luisvbut those people mostly fail04:00
luisvand when they don't fail, they still create new knowledge04:00
gavinbakerright, but what good is the equivalent of a bunch of freeware04:01
luisvdepends on the licensing04:01
luisvif it is libre04:01
luisvthen it can be re-used, expanded upon, etc., regardless of the motivation of the creators04:01
luisvif it is just free-beer, or not-even-really-free-beer, then yeah, that is a problem04:02
gavinbakeri'd expect most of the only-buck-turners to use the most restrictive licenses04:02
luisvwhich, ahem, is an argument for not offering such licenses, as RMS and others have pointed out ;)04:02
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luisv(since they aren't useful to the broader movement even if used by non-buck-turners)04:02
luisv(really... has an NC-ND licensed work, regardless of the intent of the author, made that world a much better place relative to the same work under a traditional copyright license?)04:04
gavinbakerit's just free beer04:05
gavinbakeri'm not sure how important that is04:06
poningrugavinbaker: no dude it is important because of marketing04:07
poningrucc gets its word out everytime a known artist/teeny bopper uses its license04:07
poningrugranted that happening with the latter is slim to null04:08
luisvwhat is it marketing, exactly?04:08
luisvI'm not sure how much CC wins by being 'cool'04:08
luisvand I could even construct a cogent argument that use of CC by people who don't understand the underlying issues is damaging04:09
luisvsince later they'll realize what they've done is irrevocable and be pissed about it04:09
poningruluisv: I have to disagree with that because that would happen with every license no matter how free or nonfree04:10
luisvno, most other licenses are revocable.04:10
gavinbakeris the marketing they gain worth it?04:10
poningruand would argue that happens a lot more with proprietry license04:10
luisvand most other licenses operate under the fairly well-understood principle of 'I made it, I control it'04:10
luisvpeople know what they are getting into04:11
poningruluisv: uh...04:11
poningruwell I was under the impression that generally that was not the case with majority of bands that sign with major production studios04:11
luisvwhich is understood to reflect poorly on the studios, not on copyright or on the license.04:12
luisvwhen people are confused about CC, they don't blame it on the studios, they blame it on CC.04:12
poningruwell cc should education people then04:13
luisvwhich doesn't happen when a pop star uses nc-nd04:13
poningrubut that wont happen untill they inquire about it04:13
luisvah, yes04:13
poningruluisv: educating people will only work when they are mildly interested04:13
luisvjust like no one knew about free software until microsoft started using it04:13
luisvoh, wait ;)04:13
poningruluisv: no not until a killer app started using it04:14
poningrui.e apache on linux04:14
poningruand netscape04:14
luisvright, neither of which are under compromised/weak licenses04:14
luisvthe claim that 'we have to have NC-ND so that pop acts will use it and publicize the license' indicates a lack of faith that good artists will use BY-SA04:15
luisvand given that 5 years in, there has been no music/video 'killer app' under NC-ND suggests that the compromise approach doesn't work either04:16
luisv(4 years?)04:16
poningruno it just indicates a lack of faith in the community to accept our licenses at all04:16
poningruperhaps because of lack of knowledge04:17
poningruthey dont know about us at all04:17
poningruor miseducation:04:17
poningruGAAAH COMMUNIST!!!04:17
poningrumiseducation? yeah I dont know where that came from either04:17
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poningruluisv: keep in mind though even in the software world there are open source software04:18
poningruwith similar requirements04:19
poningruthough not the exact same04:19
luisvwhich arguably (1) are mostly failures (can you name a single successful project with a license which is more restrictive than the Open Source Definition?) and (2) confuse both the message and the audience for the message04:20
luisvmost of us view those licenses as a problem to be solved, not something we want highly successful projects to use04:20
poningruok point true04:20
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luisvbut like I said earlier, eliminating those licenses means CC is more overtly ideological04:23
luisvwhich has its own problems04:23
poningruwhat I am arguing is that we just dont know what the vast majority of artists are willing to give up as their rights, so perhaps until we become popular enough and most artists know about us we should keep the free beer license04:23
poningruI was arguing with luis villa???04:25
* poningru goes to bed tired04:25
luisvI'm just this guy ;)04:26
poningruyou are the gnome guy right?04:26
luisvand you may well be right04:26
luisvthe popularity question is a hard one04:26
luisvthe tradeoff may be worth it04:27
luisvimpossible to know for sure, of course04:27
* luisv should probably sleep too04:27
* luisv has to drive tomorrow :/04:27
poningruwhere ya going?04:28
luisvasheville, nc04:29
luisvmeeting my dad and step-mom for a weekend04:29
* poningru wonders what crazy gnome...04:29
luisvsince I don't really have time to go home this summer04:29
luisvhah, no, no gnome stuff04:29
luisv<- trying to be a lawyer rather than a hacker this summer04:29
poningruhave fun04:30
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cchelpbotNew news from User:Jason Kivlighn <>05:06
cchelpbotNew news from Spectrumofrights Comic3 <>05:36
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BovinityI wish offered italics along with bold...06:37
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bsegreat news16:45
cchelpbotNew news from Video <> || Revver <> || JumpCut <> || Lulu <> || Blip <> || EngageMedia <> || Sound <> || MovingImage <> || InterCommunication Center <>16:49
rejonbse: what news?16:58
bse as tim posted16:59
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cchelpbotNOTICE: SVN: cctools: [6206] liblicense/trunk/README: Revision: 6206 Author: jakin44 Date: 2007-07-13 09:56:48 -0700 (Fri, 13 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- A little about Liblicense Modified Paths: -------------- liblicense/trunk/README This was sent by the SourceForge.net17:01
cchelpbotNOTICE: collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.17:01
tvolok rejon t minus two hours.....go!17:01
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rejonbse: is that cool to do the web session on monday afternoon jul 23?17:43
rejoni sent out time17:43
rejonbse: !17:45
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bserejon, yes18:01
cchelpbotNew news from Unearthtravel <> || BlastMagazine <> || GoodMagazine <>18:09
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gavinbakerwas your SF Salon really at 1337 Mission St?18:26
gavinbakerthat's a great address.18:26
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paulproteusgavinbaker, I thought so last year, too.18:31
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cchelpbotNOTICE: SVN: cctools: [6207] liblicense/tags/0.1/: Revision: 6207 Author: tannewt Date: 2007-07-13 11:57:08 -0700 (Fri, 13 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- tag for 0.1 release Added Paths: ----------- liblicense/tags/0.1/ This was sent by the collaborative development18:57
cchelpbotNOTICE: platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.18:57
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cchelpbotNOTICE: SVN: cctools: [6208] liblicense/trunk: Revision: 6208 Author: jakin44 Date: 2007-07-13 12:20:30 -0700 (Fri, 13 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- A completely re-done io module system. Basically all modules are loaded in ll_init() using data from LL_MODULE_DEFINE(...), which all19:21
cchelpbotNOTICE: modules are required to call (this enforces that the shared object really is one of our modules). A global array holds all the information we need from the modules: capabilities and read/write functions. Modified Paths: -------------- liblicense/trunk/ liblicense/trunk/bindings/python/liblicense.c19:21
cchelpbotNOTICE: liblicense/trunk/bindings/python/tests/ liblicense/trunk/ liblicense/trunk/liblicense.h liblicense/trunk/module_wrangler.c liblicense/trunk/modules/io/exempi.c liblicense/trunk/modules/io/flac.c liblicense/trunk/modules/io/id3.c liblicense/trunk/modules/io/raptor.c liblicense/trunk/modules/io/sidecar_xmp.c19:21
cchelpbotNOTICE: liblicense/trunk/modules/io/stub.c liblicense/trunk/modules/io/vorbis.c liblicense/trunk/read_license.c liblicense/trunk/system_licenses.c liblicense/trunk/tests/mw_test.c liblicense/trunk/tests/read_test.c liblicense/trunk/tests/test.c liblicense/trunk/tests/write_test.c liblicense/trunk/utils/license.c liblicense/trunk/write_license.c This was19:21
cchelpbotNOTICE: sent by the collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.19:21
cchelpbotNOTICE: SVN: cctools: [6209] liblicense/trunk/modules/io/stub.c: Revision: 6209 Author: jakin44 Date: 2007-07-13 12:21:15 -0700 (Fri, 13 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- Whoops, I missed an include Modified Paths: -------------- liblicense/trunk/modules/io/stub.c This was sent by the19:21
cchelpbotNOTICE: collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.19:21
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cchelpbotNOTICE: SVN: cctools: [6210] liblicense/trunk/licenses/ Revision: 6210 Author: jakin44 Date: 2007-07-13 13:19:39 -0700 (Fri, 13 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- Build system fix to include licenses in the distribution tarball. Modified Paths: --------------20:21
cchelpbotNOTICE: liblicense/trunk/licenses/ This was sent by the collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.20:22
rejonheya, jakin and tannewt: are you going to have to re-tag the release? I saw new changes come in20:28
tannewtrejon, well jason  committed 0.2 stuff but there are a few Makefile errors in the currently tagged versions20:29
cchelpbotNOTICE: SVN: cctools: [6211] liblicense/trunk: Revision: 6211 Author: jakin44 Date: 2007-07-13 13:33:02 -0700 (Fri, 13 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- Include vcedit.h in the distribution tarball. Modified Paths: -------------- liblicense/trunk/licenses/Makefile.am20:34
cchelpbotNOTICE: liblicense/trunk/modules/io/ This was sent by the collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.20:34
rejontannewt: ok, enough to require a 0.1.120:38
rejonthe makefile errors?20:38
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paulproteusbse, is a broken link (as followed from )20:38
bse /about/people/alumni20:39
bseyou need the trailing slash for the link to work20:39
bse(thx WP...)20:39
paulproteusFWIW doesn't index alumni because it knows about /about/people not /about/people/20:40
paulproteusSo it can't follow the alumni link.20:40
bsewe need a better page permalink generator for WP20:41
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tannewtrejon, no, since we haven't actually released it yet20:42
tannewtrejon, we'll just make the fixes in tags and trunk and test builds earlier next time20:43
rejon:) all is well...that always happens :)...20:44
tannewtrejon, at least I found it before the release20:44
tannewtrejon, one mistake was that it didn't package the license files :-)20:45
cchelpbotNOTICE: SVN: cctools: [6212] liblicense/trunk/modules/io/ Revision: 6212 Author: jakin44 Date: 2007-07-13 13:47:43 -0700 (Fri, 13 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- Oh joy, prevent compile failure when libxml2 isn't present Modified Paths: --------------20:48
cchelpbotNOTICE: liblicense/trunk/modules/io/ This was sent by the collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.20:48
cchelpbotNOTICE: SVN: cctools: [6213] liblicense/tags/0.1/modules/io/ Revision: 6213 Author: jakin44 Date: 2007-07-13 13:51:49 -0700 (Fri, 13 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- Build fix when libxml2 isn't present Modified Paths: --------------20:52
cchelpbotNOTICE: liblicense/tags/0.1/modules/io/ This was sent by the collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.20:52
cchelpbotNOTICE: SVN: cctools: [6214] ccoer/trunk/www: Revision: 6214 Author: paulproteus Date: 2007-07-13 13:52:37 -0700 (Fri, 13 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- login.php: no longer use recaptcha to validate logins login.tpl.php: no longer use recaptcha to validate logins, so stop showing the20:56
cchelpbotNOTICE: form add suggestions for configuring recaptcha by others Switch from mysql4 to mysql (trivial), plus enable recaptcha register.tpl.php: Add recaptcha support register.php: Add recaptcha support Modified Paths: -------------- ccoer/trunk/www/ ccoer/trunk/www/login.php20:56
cchelpbotNOTICE: ccoer/trunk/www/register.php ccoer/trunk/www/templates/login.tpl.php ccoer/trunk/www/templates/register.tpl.php Added Paths: ----------- ccoer/trunk/www/ Property Changed: ---------------- ccoer/trunk/www/ This was sent by the collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source20:56
cchelpbotNOTICE: development site.20:56
cchelpbotNOTICE: SVN: cctools: [6215] liblicense/tags/0.1: Revision: 6215 Author: tannewt Date: 2007-07-13 13:54:35 -0700 (Fri, 13 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- Build fixes. Modified Paths: -------------- liblicense/tags/0.1/licenses/ liblicense/tags/0.1/modules/io/ This20:56
cchelpbotNOTICE: was sent by the collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.20:56
cchelpbotNew news from Desktop Integration <>20:58
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tannewtrejon, do we have a freshmeat account?21:41
rejonwhat is your username?21:41
rejonI'll add you to it21:41
rejonto the cctools project so you can do releases21:42
tannewtoh, on freshmeat?21:42
tannewtrejon, its tannewt21:43
paulproteusWow, what a strange username for you.21:43
tannewtI know21:44
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rejonsorry, got distracted21:51
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paulproteusHey, tannewt, what license is liblicense?21:52
paulproteusGuess I'll go read the wiki page.21:52
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rejontannewt: oh, you have to create the project21:52
tannewtpaulproteus, CC-GPL21:52
rejonjust add me, jakin, nathan to the project too21:53
paulproteusIt seems that LGPL would be more appropriate.21:53
paulproteusrejon, What do you think?21:53
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paulproteuse-star, Sweden?21:53
tannewtrejon and jakin, what do you think of this potential post for liblicense:
e-starpaulproteus: yup21:55
paulproteusLike why?  And how can you afford to be totally everywhere?21:55
e-starpaulproteus: hahaha, i can't21:56
paulproteusNot that there's anything wrong with Sweden!21:56
e-starpaulproteus: here w/ effoveks21:56
paulproteusAh, cool.21:56
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jakintannewt, i'm afraid that i'd be too much22:00
tannewtjakin, I thought it would be better for a bigger release22:02
jakinit's cool overall.... it seems like it could be used for something other than a release announcement, but I'm not sure what that would be22:04
rejonyes, you are right the library should be lgpl...if all just gpl, then no company can use this library...gulp....looks like 0.1.1 ;)22:09
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rejonyah, its good text....tannewt and I just discussed to save for 0.222:18
rejonjakin: paulproteus is working on patch so we can do 0.1.122:18
tannewtjakin, we have to rerelease it because it hsould be LGPL22:18
paulproteusZero point fifteen.22:18
paulproteus< 0.222:19
tannewtjakin, what do you think?22:19
jakintannewt, about the license?22:21
tannewtjakin, no, the version number22:21
jakini don't understand why we're worrying about gpl/lgpl for this release22:22
tannewtjakin, true, just release 0.2 (with features) under lgpl22:22
paulproteuspaulproteus@asheesh:~/cctools/liblicense/trunk $ sh autogen.sh22:22
paulproteusYou need to install gnome-common from the GNOME CVS22:22
paulproteusAre you serious, tannewt?22:22
tannewtpaulproteus, blame jon22:23
paulproteustannewt, That's surely an option, I just fear people commenting on the blogosphere saying, "That makes no sense for a library".22:23
cchelpbotNOTICE: SVN: cctools: [6216] liblicense/trunk: Revision: 6216 Author: paulproteus Date: 2007-07-13 15:22:11 -0700 (Fri, 13 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- I relicensed everything Modified Paths: -------------- liblicense/trunk/AUTHORS liblicense/trunk/Makefile.am22:23
cchelpbotNOTICE: liblicense/trunk/acinclude.m4 liblicense/trunk/ liblicense/trunk/bindings/ liblicense/trunk/bindings/python/ liblicense/trunk/bindings/python/liblicense.c liblicense/trunk/bindings/python/tests/ liblicense/trunk/ liblicense/trunk/ liblicense/trunk/liblicense.h22:23
cchelpbotNOTICE: liblicense/trunk/licenses/ liblicense/trunk/licenses/creativecommons.org_licenses_GPL_2.0_.rdf liblicense/trunk/licenses/creativecommons.org_licenses_LGPL_2.1_.rdf liblicense/trunk/licenses/creativecommons.org_licenses_by-nc-nd_2.0_.rdf liblicense/trunk/licenses/creativecommons.org_licenses_by-nc-nd_2.0_at_.rdf22:23
cchelpbotNOTICE: liblicense/trunk/licenses/creativecommons.org_licenses_by-nc-nd_2.0_au_.rdf liblicense/trunk/licenses/creativecommons.org_licenses_by-nc-nd_2.0_be_.rdf liblicense/trunk/licenses/creativecommons.org_licenses_by-nc-nd_2.0_br_.rdf liblicense/trunk/licenses/creativecommons.org_licenses_by-nc-nd_2.0_ca_.rdf liblicense/trunk/licenses/creativecommons22:23
cchelpbotNOTICE: .org_licenses_by-nc-nd_2.0_cl_.rdf liblicense/trunk/licenses/creativecommons.org_licenses_by-nc-nd_2.0_de_.rdf liblicense/trunk/licenses/creativecommons.org_licenses_by-nc-nd_2.0_es_.rdf liblicense/trunk/licenses/creativecommons.org_licenses_by-nc-nd_2.0_fr_.rdf liblicense/trunk/licenses/creativecommons.org_licenses_by-nc-nd_2.0_hr_.rdf22:23
cchelpbotNOTICE: liblicense/trunk/licenses/creativecommons.org_licenses_by-nc-nd_2.0_it_.rdf liblicense/trunk/licenses/creativecommons.org_licenses_by-nc-nd_2.0_jp_.rdf liblicense/trunk/licenses/creativecommons.org_licenses_by-nc-nd_2.0_kr_.rdf liblicense/trunk/licenses/creativecommons.org_licenses_by-nc-nd_2.0_nl_.rdf liblicense/trunk/licenses/creativecommons22:23
cchelpbotNOTICE: .org_licenses_by-nc-nd_2.0_pl_.rdf liblicense/trunk/licenses/creativecommons.org_licenses_by-nc-nd_2.0_tw_.rdf liblicense/trunk/licenses/creativecommons.org_licenses_by-nc-nd_2.0_uk_.rdf liblicense/trunk/licenses/creativecommons.org_licenses_by-nc-nd_2.0_za_.rdf liblicense/trunk/licenses/creativecommons.org_licenses_by-nc-nd_2.1_au_.rdf22:23
cchelpbotNOTICE: liblicense/trunk/licenses/creativecommons.org_licenses_by-nc-nd_2.1_es_.rdf liblicense/trunk/licenses/creativecommons.org_licenses_by-nc-nd_2.1_jp_.rdf liblicense/trunk/licenses/creativecommons.org_licenses_by-nc-nd_2.5_.rdf liblicense/trunk/licenses/creativecommons.org_licenses_by-nc-nd_2.5_ar_.rdf liblicense/trunk/licenses/creativecommons22:23
cchelpbotNOTICE: .org_licenses_by-nc-nd_2.5_au_.rdf liblicense/trunk/licenses/creativecommons.org_licenses_by-nc-nd_2.5_bg_.rdf liblicense/trunk/licenses/creativecommons.org_licenses_by-nc-nd_2.5_br_.rdf liblicense/trunk/licenses/creativecommons.org_licenses_by-nc-nd_2.5_ca_.rdf liblicense/trunk/licenses/creativecommons.org_licenses_by-nc-nd_2.5_ch_.rdf22:23
cchelpbotNOTICE: liblicense/trunk/licenses/creativecommons.org_licenses_by-nc-nd_2.5_cn_.rdf liblicense/trunk/licenses/creativecommons.org_licenses_by-nc-nd_2.5_co_.rdf liblicense/trunk/licenses/creativecommons.org_licenses_by-nc-nd_2.5_dk_.rdf liblicense/trunk/licenses/creativecommons.org_licenses_by-nc-nd_2.5_es_.rdf liblicense/trunk/licenses/creativecommons22:23
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jakin'autoreconf --force --install' would work instead of ./autogen.sh22:24
paulproteusjakin, It's okay, I seem to be missing gnome-devel22:24
jakinpaulproteus, yeah, but we don't actually have any gnome dep22:25
paulproteusjakin, Oh, that's dumb.22:25
jakinthat command above does the same thing22:25
jakinwithout gnome22:25
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paulproteusjakin, Check it out:22:28
paulproteuspaulproteus@asheesh:~/cctools/liblicense/trunk $ autoreconf --force --install22:28 warning: macro `AM_PATH_LIBFLAC' not found in library22:28 warning: macro `AM_PATH_LIBFLAC' not found in library22:28 error: possibly undefined macro: AM_PATH_LIBFLAC22:28
paulproteus      If this token and others are legitimate, please use m4_pattern_allow.22:28
paulproteus      See the Autoconf documentation.22:28
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paulproteusautoreconf: /usr/bin/autoconf failed with exit status: 122:28
* paulproteus is sad he didn't get kicked for excess flood22:28
jakinhmm, that's something that libFLAC installs22:28
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jakinpaulproteus, i could copy it into acinclude.m4, but as long as the distributed tarball doesn't require it (which it doesn't), i'm happy22:31
paulproteusjakin, Oh, good point!22:32
paulproteusjakin, Are you using a bug tracker?22:43
jakinpaulproteus, not yet22:43
paulproteusThe INSTALL file is worse than worthless, and I'd like to file a bug about that.22:43
paulproteusIt's the autoconf-created one.22:43
rejonyah, ok, lets just get this done now22:43
rejonyes, INSTALL sux, etc22:44
paulproteus(The "worse than worthless" claim should have been prefixed with "in my egostical opinion".)22:44
jakinpaulproteus, i'm trained to ignore that file22:47
paulproteusjakin, I think we should svn:ignore it and delete it for future versions.22:47
paulproteusAny objection?22:47
jakinit's required by autotools22:47
paulproteusI've svn deleted INSTALL and set svn:ignore to ignore INSTALL.22:49
paulproteusautoreconf will recreate it, which is fine.22:49
paulproteusJust so long as users never get that junk.22:50
paulproteusSome packages really do have useful INSTALL files, so I do read them, and then I see the default one and need to fight it. (-:22:50
cchelpbotNOTICE: SVN: cctools: [6217] liblicense/trunk/README: Revision: 6217 Author: paulproteus Date: 2007-07-13 15:47:22 -0700 (Fri, 13 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- fewer equals signs - I mean, come on! Modified Paths: -------------- liblicense/trunk/README This was sent by the22:50
cchelpbotNOTICE: collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.22:50
cchelpbotNOTICE: SVN: cctools: [6218] liblicense/trunk/ Revision: 6218 Author: paulproteus Date: 2007-07-13 15:48:55 -0700 (Fri, 13 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- bumping to 0.2 due to license change and small doc changes Modified Paths: --------------22:50
cchelpbotNOTICE: liblicense/trunk/ This was sent by the collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.22:50
cchelpbotNOTICE: SVN: cctools: [6219] liblicense/trunk: Revision: 6219 Author: paulproteus Date: 2007-07-13 15:49:14 -0700 (Fri, 13 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- Trying to remove useless INSTALL file Removed Paths: ------------- liblicense/trunk/INSTALL Property Changed: ----------------22:50
cchelpbotNOTICE: liblicense/trunk/ This was sent by the collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.22:50
cchelpbotNew news from Kompoz <>22:51
jakinpaulproteus, the solution is to have a useful INSTALL file.  we run ./, which recreates the INSTALL file and 'make dist' will still distribute that INSTALL file22:54
cameronparkinsrejon: what was the final call on the name for the advocacy wiki page? participate correct?22:54
paulproteusI see now that make dist will distribute that file.  If we make a useful INSTALL file, will *not* overwrite it?22:55
paulproteusjakin, Also, I hear you think we should still GPL some parts.22:55
paulproteusThe binaries (e.g., tests), for example.22:55
bseautoconf --add-missing creates it if it doesn't already exist22:56
bsealong with the other "necessary" files22:56
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paulproteusLet's agree on the license stuff now, and ship 0.2 with the licensing fixed, and fight over autoconf for the follow-up release.22:57
jakinpaulproteus, i think we should think about before automatically jumping to "change everything to LGPL"22:57
paulproteusjakin, Sure, I'm definitely willing to think about it.22:57
paulproteusI want that people who write proprietary software be able to use this.22:57
paulproteusI also want the terms of distribution to be very clear to understand.22:57
paulproteusI think that the best way to do that is to make the whole package LGPL.22:58
jakinLGPL doesn't even make sense for the RDF licenses22:58
paulproteusI think that if we do some parts GPL, some parts LGPL, it makes life harder for downstream users without making anything actually better.22:58
paulproteusjakin, Well, they were already GPL'd. (-;22:58
jakinLGPL refers to "object code"22:58
paulproteusThey contain text - the translations - so they're not pure data.22:58
paulproteusGPL also refers to object code:
paulproteusAt the GPLv3 conference, people asked Richard about the problems with using GPL(v2) for artwork, and he said, "There's no problem!"22:59
paulproteus(The first one, MIT Jan 2006, that is.)22:59
rejontvol: mike will prolly schedule meeting to go through wikifarming content in more integration...etc...fyi23:00
rejonjust you and him23:00
paulproteusIf the RDF files were pure data I'd say there are no copyrightable elements and that therefore we should state that we feel that way.23:00
rejonnext week23:00
tvolrejon ok23:00
paulproteusThey're not, though, because of the translations, so we should make sure downstream users have some freedoms.23:00
jakinthat was exactly my impression when they were first licensed23:00
paulproteusjakin, I'm confused - what precisely was the impression you had?23:01
jakinwell, i'm less concerned with RDF generated by a script than the rest of the code23:01
jakinlicensing machine-generated RDF23:01
cchelpbotNew news from Podcast Spot <> || Overmundo Banco <> || Ourmedia <> || Freejack <>23:02
paulproteusWell, it's machine-generated as a transform on copyrightable work - the natural language translation text.23:03
paulproteusAnyway, I'm confused, jakin.23:03
paulproteusWhat are you concerned by?  Let's work on those issues.23:03
jakinlet's forget the RDF...23:03
paulproteusSure, okay.23:03
jakinwe shouldn't be so quick to change the license without discussion by all those who hold the copyright on it23:04
paulproteusI totally agree, and apologize.23:04
paulproteusI'm an outsider to the project, and I mentioned this in the office, and rejon said it sounded reasonable, and in the excitement I forgot that you also contributed to it.23:04
cameronparkinstvol: can you move off of the main page on the wikie and add
paulproteusjakin, So I think that proprietary software vendors should be able to link to liblicense.  How do you feel about that?23:06
tvolcameronparkins affirmativo - did you get admin from rejon?23:06
jakinyeah, i'm fine with LGPL, although I don't take it as a given that just because it's a library it should be LGPL.23:06
cameronparkinsnah not yet - im trying...rejon?23:06
paulproteusThat makes total sense, jakin.23:07
paulproteusAre there any files that shouldn't get LGPL'd, or is it okay to relicense the whole thing?23:07
paulproteusMy perspective on that question is that it's easier for everyone if there's only one license for any particular archive file.23:08
cameronparkinstvol: how do you dlete a wiki page23:08
paulproteusFor example, it makes the life of a Debian maintainer way easier if a work is entirely under one license.23:08
paulproteusWell, "way" easier is comparative.  For an easy-to-package thing like this, it's a big difference.  For something enormous, then a note in debian/copyright is noise compared to the huge work of e.g. packaging and patching its build system etc.23:09
tvolcameronparkins you may need admin for that23:09
paulproteusjakin, What do you think about that?23:10
jakinpaulproteus, i'm not really convinced that it's easier23:10
paulproteusrejon, Please make me a bureaucrat on the CC wiki.23:10
paulproteusjakin, Having packaged things for Debian, I can say it is easier from that perspective.23:11
jakini'd say just leave it however it is for now (LGPL or GPL)23:12
cchelpbotNew news from Participate <> || Audio <>23:12
paulproteusjakin, Okay, right now the source repository has everything LGPL.23:12
paulproteusI'm sorry about making a change like that without asking you first, and I wish I had thought of it.23:13
jakinpaulproteus, it's cool now :-)23:13
paulproteusjakin, Okay, cool. (-:23:13
rejoncameronparkins: hold on, I need to be made a bureaucrat first23:14
cameronparkinsno prob23:15
rejoncameronparkins: what is your username on the wiki23:18
rejonpaulproteus, same for you23:19
cameronparkinsCameron Parkins23:19
rejonanyone else need access23:19
paulproteusrejon, I'm paulproteus23:19
rejonexcellent...I like to spread out the authority to help farm the wiki23:20
rejoncameronparkins: you are now admin23:21
cchelpbotNOTICE: SVN: cctools: [6220] scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web: Revision: 6220 Author: mtravers Date: 2007-07-13 16:15:57 -0700 (Fri, 13 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- update metadata schema, get disease/protocol to appear in deeds Modified Paths: --------------23:21
cchelpbotNOTICE: scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/ scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/static/chooser.js scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/static/mta-schema.rdf scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/static/mta.js scicom/mta/trunk/scicom/mta_web/templates/deed.html This was sent by the collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source23:21
cchelpbotNOTICE: development site.23:21
rejonpaulproteus: you are now admin and bureaucrat23:21
paulproteusrejon, Sweet.23:21
cameronparkinsrejon: thanks a ton...before you leave today can i grab that lil wayne23:21
cameronparkinsi wanna educate myself while you are gone23:22
cchelpbotNew news from Rock Box <> || Special:Log/rights <> || Special:Log/rights <> || Remix Reading <> || Special:Log/rights <>23:22
tannewtpaulproteus, let me know when 0.2 is up23:22
cchelpbotNew news from Virtual Interactive Research Networks <> || Special:Log/delete <> || Tree of Life Web <>23:32
paulproteus reports 0.2, rejon and tannewt23:37
tannewtpaulproteus, rock! thanks23:37
paulproteusAnd jakin too!23:37
jakingonna tag it in svn?23:41
paulproteusjakin, Er, yes. (-:23:41
paulproteusGot distracted while trying to make releaseforge work (a non-web desktop GUI to doing releases...).23:41
rejonliblicense has a new contributor!23:43
cchelpbotNew news from Image <> || Video <> || Legal Torrents <> || Common Content <> || Wikimedia Commons <>23:43
cchelpbotNOTICE: SVN: cctools: [6221] liblicense/tags/0.2/: Revision: 6221 Author: paulproteus Date: 2007-07-13 16:42:40 -0700 (Fri, 13 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- Zero point two has been released Added Paths: ----------- liblicense/tags/0.2/ This was sent by the SourceForge.net23:44
cchelpbotNOTICE: collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.23:44
paulproteusThere we go, jakin.  (-:23:46
jakincool, cool23:48
paulproteusApparently I released your modules stuff.23:48
paulproteusI hope that's okay....23:48
jakinyeah, so i completely rewrote how modules are handled and written all yesterday23:49
tannewtjakin, is it documented on the liblicense wiki page?23:49
jakintannewt, no23:49
paulproteusWell, it's still zero point whatever.23:50
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tannewtjakin, alright, that should be done sometime23:50
jakinyeah, i'll take care of that23:50
tannewtjakin, sweet23:51
jakinmy biggest concern with the modules would be if writing a license could screw up a file :-/23:52
paulproteusSome tests demonstrating that doesn't happen would probably let you relax.23:53
jakinoh, i'm relaxed... i write perfect code23:53
paulproteusThat's a relief!23:55
tannewtjakin, I know23:55

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