Tuesday, 2007-07-10

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rejonsvn switch00:12
rejonlooks like sf.net changed up svn today00:12
rejonsvn switch --relocate https://svn.sourceforge.net/cctools https://cctools.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/cctools00:17
paulproteus[rejon@jonlap] ~$00:17
bovinityyeah, they've been recommending the latter for a while now00:20
rejontoday was final cutoff00:21
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cchelpbotNOTICE: SF.net SVN: cctools: [6170] liblicense/trunk: Revision: 6170 http://cctools.svn.sourceforge.net/cctools/?rev=6170&view=rev Author: jakin44 Date: 2007-07-09 18:40:44 -0700 (Mon, 09 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- -New module for embedding licenses in RDF within XML (e.g. SVG, SMIL) -Fix some memory leaks Modified Paths: --------------01:40
cchelpbotNOTICE: liblicense/trunk/configure.ac liblicense/trunk/modules/io/Makefile.am liblicense/trunk/modules/io/exempi.c liblicense/trunk/modules/io/id3.c liblicense/trunk/modules/io/registry liblicense/trunk/utils/license.c Added Paths: ----------- liblicense/trunk/modules/io/raptor.c This was sent by the SourceForge.net collaborative development platform, the01:40
cchelpbotNOTICE: world's largest Open Source development site.01:40
cchelpbotNOTICE: SF.net SVN: cctools: [6171] liblicense/trunk/utils/license.c: Revision: 6171 http://cctools.svn.sourceforge.net/cctools/?rev=6171&view=rev Author: jakin44 Date: 2007-07-09 18:44:48 -0700 (Mon, 09 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- Ignore this leak for now. Modified Paths: -------------- liblicense/trunk/utils/license.c This was sent by the01:44
cchelpbotNOTICE: SourceForge.net collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.01:44
cchelpbotNOTICE: SF.net SVN: cctools: [6172] liblicense/trunk/modules/io/flac.c: Revision: 6172 http://cctools.svn.sourceforge.net/cctools/?rev=6172&view=rev Author: jakin44 Date: 2007-07-09 18:50:53 -0700 (Mon, 09 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- Memory leak in FLAC license reader Modified Paths: -------------- liblicense/trunk/modules/io/flac.c This was sent by01:53
cchelpbotNOTICE: the SourceForge.net collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.01:53
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cchelpbotNOTICE: SF.net SVN: cctools: [6173] cchost/trunk/mixter-lib/mixter-bbe.php: Revision: 6173 http://cctools.svn.sourceforge.net/cctools/?rev=6173&view=rev Author: fourstones Date: 2007-07-09 19:07:42 -0700 (Mon, 09 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- bbe_main Added Paths: ----------- cchost/trunk/mixter-lib/mixter-bbe.php This was sent by the SourceForge.net02:09
cchelpbotNOTICE: collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.02:09
cchelpbotNOTICE: SF.net SVN: cctools: [6174] cchost/trunk/mixter-files/djvadim/ sc_cover_faded.jpg: Revision: 6174 http://cctools.svn.sourceforge.net/cctools/?rev=6174&view=rev Author: fourstones Date: 2007-07-09 19:09:47 -0700 (Mon, 09 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- bbe music Added Paths: ----------- cchost/trunk/mixter-files/djvadim/sc_cover_faded.jpg This02:13
cchelpbotNOTICE: was sent by the SourceForge.net collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.02:13
cchelpbotNOTICE: SF.net SVN: cctools: [6175] cchost/trunk/mixter-files/bbe.xml: Revision: 6175 http://cctools.svn.sourceforge.net/cctools/?rev=6175&view=rev Author: fourstones Date: 2007-07-09 19:10:37 -0700 (Mon, 09 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- bbe music Added Paths: ----------- cchost/trunk/mixter-files/bbe.xml This was sent by the SourceForge.net02:13
cchelpbotNOTICE: collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.02:13
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luisvhrm, no mlinksva today15:16
luisvanyone know if he'll be around or if he is traveling or something?15:16
paulproteusluisv, I'll tell you in a couple of hours. (-;15:21
luisvthanks :)15:21
luisvI assume none of the actual CC lawyers (are there even any on staff right now with Mia gone?) hang out here, they might be more appropriate for my question ;)15:22
luisvbut I figured mike would do, since he got promoted to vice grand high poobah or whatever his title is now :)15:22
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luisvhey, nathan15:41
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cchelpbotNew news from http://creativecommons.org/weblog/rss: RAND Europe survey on Evaluation of Internet Self Regulation, including CC <http://creativecommons.org/weblog/entry/7563>16:09
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tannewtrejon, I left your backup comp compiling overnight but one of the packages died so I had to resume it after fixing it16:48
rejonall is well :) how far did it get16:48
rejonI can smell electronics burning on mine16:48
tannewtrejon, about half way through, its got something like 100 packages to go then I have to configure it16:49
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bovinityyou're going to keep on using that thing until it incinerates itself.16:49
tannewtbovinity, you know where a fire extinguisher is?  just in case16:49
bovinityno :(16:49
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rejonok, cool16:50
tannewtbovinity, uh oh, I guess we're betting on apple16:50
rejonjust betting on a backup16:50
bovinityat least it doesn't have a recalled battery any more16:50
tannewtrejon, and like I said wireless will probably be a nightmare16:51
tannewtrejon, 100 packages to go16:51
rejonmaybe paulproteus can solve :)16:51
rejontvol, you should get paulproteus to look at your wifi issue :)16:51
cchelpbotNew news from http://wiki.creativecommons.org/wiki/index.php?title=special:recentchanges&feed=rss: Cultivating the Public Domain <http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Cultivating_the_Public_Domain>16:52
tannewtrejon, hehe, thats a warm welcome, "hi paulproteus fix my wireless"16:53
tannewtanyone know how to use variables libdir and bindir in a configure.ac file?16:54
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bovinityrejon, you saw this, right? http://blog.wired.com/monkeybites/2007/07/the-linux-power.html17:39
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lu|lunchnathany: you don't happen to know if mlinksvayer will be in today, do you?17:47
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nathanyluisv: he's here, in a mtg now, i think17:48
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cchelpbotNew news from http://wiki.creativecommons.org/wiki/index.php?title=special:recentchanges&feed=rss: HOWTO Publish <http://wiki.creativecommons.org/HOWTO_Publish>17:54
luisvnathany: I'd love to talk with him for just a few minutes if he has a chance17:55
nathanyluisv: IRC, phone, ... ?17:55
luisvIRC would be fine, that is why i was lurking here17:55
nathanyah, i'll ping him on IM and let him know17:55
luisvhrm, I wonder if after all this I actually have him in my IM roster17:56
cchelpbotNew news from http://creativecommons.org/weblog/rss: Blast Magazine Chooses CC <http://creativecommons.org/weblog/entry/7564>18:00
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bovinityjeeze, that blastmagazine site is slow.18:06
cchelpbotNew news from http://wiki.creativecommons.org/wiki/index.php?title=special:recentchanges&feed=rss: Template:ContentCurator <http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Template:ContentCurator> || Jamendo <http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Jamendo> || TestSMW <http://wiki.creativecommons.org/TestSMW> || Jamendo <http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Jamendo>18:14
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cchelpbotNew news from http://wiki.creativecommons.org/wiki/index.php?title=special:recentchanges&feed=rss: Main Page <http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Main_Page>18:34
paulproteusWhoa, hi everyone.18:37
paulproteusI only just signed onto IRC.18:37
paulproteustannewt, 'Sup?18:37
tannewtpaulproteus, nothing really18:38
paulproteusOh, you Gentoo freaks.18:38
paulproteustannewt, I don't know, but maybe I can find out. re: libdir, bindir18:38
paulproteusI don't know how you haven't been drooling all over this phone.18:38
paulproteusBut it's good; that way, it hasn't short-circuited.18:39
tannewtpaulproteus, it'd be nice.  I've moved on.  jakin is looking into it though18:39
tannewtwhich phone?18:39
paulproteusOpenCocoa or something18:39
tannewtpaulproteus, oh, openmoko?18:40
tannewtpaulproteus, jakin figured out th elibdir stuff18:41
paulproteustannewt, That's the one!18:41
tannewthehe, I have a phone that works :-)18:41
paulproteusSo do I.  Why would I want one of those? (-;18:42
cchelpbotNOTICE: SF.net SVN: cctools: [6176] liblicense/trunk/acinclude.m4: Revision: 6176 http://cctools.svn.sourceforge.net/cctools/?rev=6176&view=rev Author: jakin44 Date: 2007-07-10 11:39:07 -0700 (Tue, 10 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- Needed macro for setting system paths Modified Paths: -------------- liblicense/trunk/acinclude.m4 This was sent by the18:44
cchelpbotNOTICE: SourceForge.net collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.18:44
paulproteusHey tannewt, what have you guys been doing lunch-wise lately?18:44
tannewtpaulproteus, lots of people go and get lunch18:44
tannewtI bring it18:45
tannewtmost of the week at least18:45
paulproteusBring it on!18:45
paulproteusre: lunch18:45
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cchelpbotNew news from http://creativecommons.org/weblog/rss: Welcome Images Launches With CC Licences <http://creativecommons.org/weblog/entry/7565>18:50
rejoncameronparkins: its weLLcome18:51
rejonnot welcome18:51
rejontwo Ls18:51
cameronparkinsrejon: my bad - thought i caught htem all but forgot to look in the title18:52
cameronparkinsthen realized i missed another...18:52
cameronparkinsgot em now18:52
rejonall is wellllll18:55
paulproteusDoes Mike spend all day blogging these days?18:56
cchelpbotNew news from http://creativecommons.org/weblog/rss: Wellcome Images Launches With CC Licences <http://creativecommons.org/weblog/entry/7565>19:00
rejonpaulproteus: no, mike is busy coordinating as master puppeteer19:01
rejoncameronparkins is blogging tons now19:02
tannewtand its really hard to blog tons19:02
tannewtblog posts don't way that much you know19:02
rejontvol: on the back sticker, we need to simplify the text much on livecontent...19:02
rejontvol: on the What section as well, need to say that you can also install the software as well...we have that capability right?19:02
tannewtrejon, not at the moment19:03
rejontvol: oh, nm, it saysthis!19:03
tvolrejon: no prob but yes i'll take a look to streamline19:03
rejontvol: also, I'm curious if we need to make the sticker more specific for libraries...I think for this first blast, it is not library specific19:04
rejonfirst blast should be aimed at oscon and other open enthusiasts, I'm thinking19:04
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tannewtrejon, when is oscon?19:05
rejonJUN 25-27 in portland19:05
tannewtrejon, CDs not gonna be done then though19:05
rejonno, cds are for linuxworld debut AUG 819:06
tannewtrejon, okay, then the stickers  are not directly tied to the CD19:06
paulproteusCC is Debuting at LinuxWorld?19:06
tannewtpaulproteus, CD19:06
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paulproteusrejon, cameronparkins, have you noticed that the string "Welcome Images Launches With CC Licences" appears at http://creativecommons.org/weblog/entry/7565 ?19:08
cameronparkinsit shouldn't if you hit refresh - i think there is something funky with the way things cacce19:08
paulproteuscameronparkins, Oh, you're right.19:08
cameronparkinseric steuer was having a similar problem yesterday19:08
cameronparkinsi don't know why...19:09
paulproteusI guess the frontend proxy isn't being told by WordPress that the page had been updated.19:09
paulproteusOr maybe the frontend proxy isn't pushing that through to my web browser.19:09
cameronparkinspaulproteus: you know better than me19:09
paulproteusHuh, I guess I have credentials now.19:10
paulproteusHow strange.19:10
cameronparkinssuper credentials19:10
paulproteusLunch cred.19:11
BjornWhe cameronparkins how;s the theme for SOM going?19:21
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cameronparkinsBjornW: just started working on it today - plan is to have it completely ported by the end of the week19:21
paulproteusRemind me what SOM is?19:22
cameronparkinsmy hope is that we can have some blog posts up, a fancy looking blog, and the post about it on CC's blog on monday19:22
cameronparkinspaulproteus: spread open media19:22
paulproteusOh, right!19:22
BjornWcameronparkins: cool! I'll see what I can do with explaining open media. Did you get my html presentation from the iSummit?19:22
cameronparkinsi thought i did but i couldn't find it in my e-mail, care to send a link?19:23
BjornWcameronparkins: sure, I'll put it on the SOM server19:23
cameronparkinsBjornW: i just re-read your e-mail about FTP access - i tend to get lost on some of these things, but I can't seem to find the info I need to access som.org with an ftp client19:25
BjornWcameronparkins: I hope it will be useful to you: http://www.spreadopenmedia.com/tmp/presentation_iSummit.zip19:25
BjornWcameronparkins: np, just point your ftp client to spreadopenmedia.com and use the supplied credentials19:26
cameronparkinsperfect thanks19:26
BjornWcameronparkins: for changing your passwd and such use https://dischhosting.nl19:26
cameronparkinsok cool19:27
BjornWcameronparkins: It will also tell you the location of phpmyadmin in case you need it ;)19:27
BjornWcameronparkins: what timezone are you in?19:27
rejonGMT+2 right?19:28
cameronparkinsBjornW: perfect i'm all dialed in at SOM.com FTP19:28
BjornWcameronparkins: cool19:28
cameronparkinsshouldn't need access to phpmyadmin i dont think...hope not at least19:28
paulproteusI'm UTC-7 (due to daylight savings; normally UTC-8).19:28
cameronparkinsi'm on san fran time, so...UTC-719:29
BjornWcameronparkins: sure in case you need any help with the db let me know19:29
BjornWok, I'm at UTC +2 (due to daylight saving time)19:30
cameronparkinsBjornW: thanks will do19:30
BjornWcameronparkins: ok19:30
cameronparkinsok cool - so its 21:30 for you?19:30
BjornWhe jon19:30
BjornWcameronparkins: yep19:30
cameronparkinsok, i have to run to get a bite to eat...brain fading19:31
BjornWcameronparkins: ok, talk to you later19:31
gavinbakerhey cameronparkins19:31
gavinbakerwhen you're back from lunch, ping me19:32
BjornWping nathany19:32
paulproteusHe's afk until 30m-1h from now, I think.19:33
BjornWpaulproteus: thanks, I'll stay online and try to catch him later19:34
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cchelpbotNew news from http://wiki.creativecommons.org/wiki/index.php?title=special:recentchanges&feed=rss: LiveContent <http://wiki.creativecommons.org/LiveContent>19:48
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cameronparkinsgavinbarker: hey man - jsut got back20:13
cameronparkinssorry i didn't respond to your e-mail early20:13
paulproteuslol, gavinbarker!20:13
cameronparkinsi had a friend named gavin barker20:13
cameronparkinsgavinbaker: hey man - jut got back (and misspelled your name)20:14
cameronparkinssorry i didnt get back to you earlier, i was swamped with junk to do20:14
gavinbakerheh np20:14
gavinbakeryou'd be surprised how many times i've gotten "garvin barker" or something like that20:15
gavinbakeris garvin even a name?20:15
gavinbakeri mean, wth20:15
gavinbakeryeah, so cameronparkins, if you could drop me a reply to that email... ;)20:15
nathanyBjornW: just got back20:16
nathanywhat's up?20:16
BjornWhe nathan20:16
BjornWI was wondering about if you could tell me a bit more about the morePermission and attributionName20:18
nathanysure... anything in particular?20:18
nathanybtw, you wrote about support for those in the API, right?20:18
nathanyi think we should have support there later today20:18
BjornWAt the moment: it would be cool to set the attribution with the name of the rightsholder and the url for the one to contact for things like commercial rights20:19
nathanythat's exactly what those attributes (along with attributionUrl) are for20:20
BjornWnathany: yeah I did write about those on cc-devel20:20
BjornWnathany: I hoped so ;)20:20
rejondoes anyone know of open source text to speech app?20:21
BjornWnathany: so there getting implemented in the REST api? I plan on working next week on implementing a cc license chooser for within Symfony (www.symfony-project) which will be the framework for Simuze v220:21
nathanyyeah, support is already there, i just need to document it20:22
BjornWnathany: sorry for my typo's getting tired I guess20:22
paulproteusrejon, text-to-speech festival20:22
BjornWnathany: ok, I'd love to beta test it next week, if you don't mind me bugging you with questions if needed20:22
nathanynot at all20:22
BjornWnathany: ok, will you post it when you're ready on cc-devel?20:23
nathanyyup, will do20:24
BjornWnathany: cool, if all goes well, this should result in a Symfony cc plugin20:25
BjornWok, I'm off now...need some sleep. Nice talking to you all.20:26
paulproteusNight, BjornW!20:26
BjornWpaulproteus: cya20:26
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gavinbakerpaulproteus, let's organize a Text-to-Speech Festival.20:28
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bovinityi just isntalled festival20:30
bovinityit doesn't work20:30
paulproteusbovinity, it requires (iirc non-free-software) festival voice files.20:30
gavinbakeroh, that's too bad.20:32
gavinbakerit's funny-sounding, though. so that's good20:32
cchelpbotNOTICE: SF.net SVN: cctools: [6177] liblicense/trunk: Revision: 6177 http://cctools.svn.sourceforge.net/cctools/?rev=6177&view=rev Author: tannewt Date: 2007-07-10 13:36:14 -0700 (Tue, 10 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- Sets license and module paths based on configure. Modified Paths: -------------- liblicense/trunk/Makefile.am20:37
cchelpbotNOTICE: liblicense/trunk/bindings/python/liblicense.c liblicense/trunk/configure.ac liblicense/trunk/module_wrangler.c liblicense/trunk/module_wrangler.h liblicense/trunk/system_licenses.h liblicense/trunk/tests/test.c This was sent by the SourceForge.net collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.20:37
rejontvol themayor cameronparkins: i just thought of something obvious for livecontent/livecd20:50
rejonwe should plug spreadopenmedia.org as well20:51
rejonthat should be part of the press push as well20:51
paulproteusI wonder if that'll get crazy confusing.20:51
tvolrejon sounds great what do we need for it?20:51
rejonthis is a good question, will it get confusing20:52
rejonactually, i think it should just be anohter logo on the packaging20:52
rejonand line in the press release20:52
paulproteusWell, make one version of the press release without the SOM stuff, and one with, and compare.20:52
cameronparkinsyeah, it can just be symbiotic20:52
bovinitydo they have a small logo?20:52
paulproteusIt's hard to know before-hand.20:52
rejonyes, remember the ocal logo competition20:52
rejonits more of an endorsement/plug20:52
cchelpbotNew news from http://wiki.creativecommons.org/wiki/index.php?title=special:recentchanges&feed=rss: Flickr <http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Flickr> || Source Repository Information <http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Source_Repository_Information> || Template:Format <http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Template:Format>20:55
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cchelpbotNOTICE: SF.net SVN: cctools: [6178] liblicense/trunk: Revision: 6178 http://cctools.svn.sourceforge.net/cctools/?rev=6178&view=rev Author: jakin44 Date: 2007-07-10 14:13:13 -0700 (Tue, 10 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- Build system updates -- all modules, when available, work Modified Paths: -------------- liblicense/trunk/configure.ac21:15
cchelpbotNOTICE: liblicense/trunk/liblicense.h liblicense/trunk/module_wrangler.c liblicense/trunk/modules/io/Makefile.am This was sent by the SourceForge.net collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.21:15
rejoncameronparkins: http://spreadopenmedia.com/wp-admin/21:26
paulproteusnathany, For the Google account stuff, you said talk to Jen?21:29
nathanyno, i asked if she had taken care of it already; i'll ping her (i have a couple other questions about that too)21:29
paulproteusnathany, Okay, cool.21:29
paulproteusI'm looking forward to having a web-based calendar mention my planned two-hour lunch tomorrow.21:30
cchelpbotNew news from http://wiki.creativecommons.org/wiki/index.php?title=special:recentchanges&feed=rss: Magnatune <http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Magnatune>21:37
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cchelpbotNOTICE: SF.net SVN: cctools: [6179] liblicense/trunk: Revision: 6179 http://cctools.svn.sourceforge.net/cctools/?rev=6179&view=rev Author: jakin44 Date: 2007-07-10 14:53:52 -0700 (Tue, 10 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- Merge headers into liblicense.h and install it -- this makes using Liblicense as a library now possible (from c/c++) Modified Paths:21:57
cchelpbotNOTICE: -------------- liblicense/trunk/Makefile.am liblicense/trunk/bindings/python/liblicense.c liblicense/trunk/liblicense.h liblicense/trunk/module_wrangler.c liblicense/trunk/read_license.c liblicense/trunk/system_default.c liblicense/trunk/system_licenses.c liblicense/trunk/tests/default_test.c liblicense/trunk/tests/info_test.c21:57
cchelpbotNOTICE: liblicense/trunk/tests/list_test.c liblicense/trunk/tests/mw_test.c liblicense/trunk/tests/read_test.c liblicense/trunk/tests/test.c liblicense/trunk/tests/write_test.c liblicense/trunk/write_license.c Removed Paths: ------------- liblicense/trunk/module_wrangler.h liblicense/trunk/read_license.h liblicense/trunk/system_default.h21:57
cchelpbotNOTICE: liblicense/trunk/system_licenses.h liblicense/trunk/write_license.h This was sent by the SourceForge.net collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.21:57
cchelpbotNew news from http://wiki.creativecommons.org/wiki/index.php?title=special:recentchanges&feed=rss: Special:Log/move <http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Special:Log/move>21:57
rejontannewt and jakin: my brain is fried21:59
tannewtrejon, isn't it always during the meetings? :-P21:59
rejonI'm moving our regular meetings to wed @ 1pm PST22:00
rejonis that ok22:00
rejonI'm going to be useless...bad to try and do too many meetings22:00
rejonok, cool...done22:00
rejondeath to the brain22:01
rejondoes anyone else here need an account on openclipart.org/openfontlibrary.org server to help out?22:08
rejonI need your desired username, full name, email and ssh2 key (dsa)...22:08
rrrojerrejon: what kind of help?22:10
rejondevelopment :)22:12
rejonand helping with the project22:12
cchelpbotNOTICE: SF.net SVN: cctools: [6180] cc.license/trunk: Revision: 6180 http://cctools.svn.sourceforge.net/cctools/?rev=6180&view=rev Author: nyergler Date: 2007-07-10 15:14:39 -0700 (Tue, 10 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- Landing initial implementation of cc.license. Modified Paths: -------------- cc.license/trunk/cc/license/README.txt22:15
cchelpbotNOTICE: cc.license/trunk/cc/license/__init__.py cc.license/trunk/cc/license/interfaces.py cc.license/trunk/cc/license/tests.py cc.license/trunk/setup.py Added Paths: ----------- cc.license/trunk/cc/license/classes.py cc.license/trunk/cc/license/exceptions.py cc.license/trunk/cc/license/factory.py cc.license/trunk/cc/license/i18n.py22:15
cchelpbotNOTICE: cc.license/trunk/cc/license/license.py cc.license/trunk/cc/license/license_xsl.py This was sent by the SourceForge.net collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.22:15
rrrojerrejon: if there are ways i could help i'd like an account22:20
rejonsend me those things via email22:21
rejonattach ssh2 (dsa) key22:22
cchelpbotNOTICE: SF.net SVN: cctools: [6181] api/trunk/docs/readme_dev.rst: Revision: 6181 http://cctools.svn.sourceforge.net/cctools/?rev=6181&view=rev Author: nyergler Date: 2007-07-10 15:27:41 -0700 (Tue, 10 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- Added basic docs for extended metadata in the API. Modified Paths: -------------- api/trunk/docs/readme_dev.rst This was22:31
cchelpbotNOTICE: sent by the SourceForge.net collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.22:31
tannewtpaulproteus, did you get the openmoko working?22:33
paulproteustannewt, I got it booting.22:33
paulproteusTomorrow I'll look into upgrading the software and slapping my SIM card in.22:33
tannewtpaulproteus, nice22:33
paulproteusTurns out all it needed was a charge, although I did end up flashing the debug board's firmware to a more current (i.e., at all useful) revision.22:34
paulproteusThat'll only be important if there's hardware-based debugging to do, though.22:34
tannewtpaulproteus, hmm, neat22:36
tannewtpaulproteus, know what you'll be working on?22:37
paulproteusMy zeroth task is to get a useful working environment.  I just set myself up a CalDAV server, which eventually I'll sync parts of to the CC Google Calendar, and other stuff like that.22:38
paulproteusMy first task is to take Danny's changes to the Scuttle code that ccLearn is using and organize them up.22:38
paulproteusSecond task is a JS licensing widget.22:39
tannewtooh, nice22:39
paulproteushttp://wiki.creativecommons.org/JsWidget , to be precise.22:39
paulproteusI'm very pleased with the RSCDS CalDAV server.22:40
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cchelpbotNew news from http://wiki.creativecommons.org/wiki/index.php?title=special:recentchanges&feed=rss: Special:Log/upload <http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Special:Log/upload>23:09
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cchelpbotNOTICE: SF.net SVN: cctools: [6182] liblicense/trunk/Makefile.am: Revision: 6182 http://cctools.svn.sourceforge.net/cctools/?rev=6182&view=rev Author: jakin44 Date: 2007-07-10 16:38:54 -0700 (Tue, 10 Jul 2007) Log Message: ----------- Make this easier by installing the liblicense library in Modified Paths: -------------- liblicense/trunk/Makefile.am This23:41
cchelpbotNOTICE: was sent by the SourceForge.net collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.23:41
paulproteusNOTICE: That NOTICE is annoying.23:44
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jakini like committing every five minutes23:48
paulproteusI like quick commits too!23:51
paulproteusI just don't like SourceFrog's yelling.23:51
jakinit'd be better if SF were less verbose23:52
rejonbetter than nothing23:57
jakinit's cool... i just like to whine23:58
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rejonemsearcy: could one of your redirects have done this: http://openclipart.org/wiki/23:59
rejongetting an error23:59

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