Friday, 2007-06-29

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rejonjakin: is that XmpPtr set to NULL a bug upstream in exempi?00:19
jakinrejon, no, that was just me00:19
rejonok...maybe good though to send some patch for code documentation to exempi about00:20
jakinrejon, did tannewt mention the news with nautilus metadata embedding?00:22
jakinthat was going to be my next task to tackle, but it turns out that isn't possible with nautilus' api00:24
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rejonjakin: yes, we talked about...tannewt, can you catch jakin up?00:35
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tannewtrejon, I gave you two options with nautilus, 1) we bug them to open up their api or 2) we dont write a nautilus backend and integrate liblicense into a frontend00:38
jakini got the impression from the nautilus irc channel that there were some technical barriers to 1), relating to gnome-vfs00:40
rejonjakin: they are switching to gvfs00:40
tannewtyuck, thats even worse00:40
tannewtrejon, on what timeline?00:41
rejon6 month plan00:41
rejonI believe00:41
rejonjust ask in their channel00:41
rejonthat is the easiest00:41
rejonjust directly as the developers always00:41
rejonI don't know who is hacking on nautilus at present, but just need to ask and see how you can help them solve the problem00:42
rejonThat is better way to view than *bugging* them00:42
rejonplus, they are more likely to do what you want00:42
tannewtrejon, yeah, understood00:42
tannewta nautilus backend is not that important because sidecar files can be the catch-all license tag mechanism00:43
tannewtit'd just be nicer if the files were hidden00:43
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jakini just got a "probably gnome 2.22"00:43
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tannewtI'm out00:50
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gavinbakeranybody know of useful repositories for books published under cc?21:44
gavinbakernot a list, but a repository?21:44
gavinbakerfurthermore, how accurate/complete a list is ? and is there a better list? are there other good lists?21:47
gavinbakerskyfaller: ^^21:50
tvolgavinbaker: that list is neither accurate/complete, but we're trying to clean it up some and update....especially so eventually more people can contribute directly to it21:50
gavinbakertvol: is this the most definitive list of CC-licensed books that exists?21:50
tvola few more resources, but...not sure about a repository21:50
skyfallertvol: I think there would be some benefit to putting these into a database, rather than having it only in a wiki21:51
skyfallertvol: we're trying to build a search tool that would allow us to find open access textbooks, which would ideally include both public domain books and modern CC-licensed books21:52
skyfallerProject Gutenberg is good for public domain texts, but there doesn't seem to be a good database of modern open access books21:52
skyfallertvol: also, you should hang out in #freeculture more often ;-)21:53
tvolskyfaller: yes! i agree that it'd be great to have these in a more searchable database21:55
skyfallercameronparkins: you too!  why aren't you chilling in #freeculture with us? :)21:56
cameronparkinshaha - i just figured out how to use IRC  :P21:56
cameronparkinsthere we go21:57
cchelpbotNew news from Education <>22:08
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jakinrejon, ping22:24
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gavinbakertvol: thanks for the info!22:29
tvolgavinbaker no problem sorry i can't contribute more today--i'm a bit spaced out today with work and a cold but would like to help out more22:31
cchelpbotNew news from Media <>22:31
rejontvol and rrr are secretly at iphone launch22:40
rejonin loine22:40
rejonjakin: I'll get back to you and tannewt shortly...have to finish some dumb admin stuff22:41
cchelpbotNew news from Multiple Formats <>22:41
tvoli've got 522:41
tannewttvol, iPhones!?22:42
bovinitygot a good spot in line out front the apple store?22:44
cchelpbotNew news from Other content curators <> || Template:Subst <>22:54
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cameronparkinsrejon, are the CC videos under a by license or pd23:44
gavinbakercameronparkins: iirc, all of cc's content is licensed under by23:46
gavinbakerbut iancc23:46
bovinitycameronparkins, by23:46
rejoncameronparkins: check out the policies page on the cc site23:47
rejonthat is important to read wrt to what you are doing23:47
cameronparkinsrejon, k23:47
bovinitydoes load for anyone?23:48
cameronparkinsit does for me23:48

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