Thursday, 2007-06-28

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rejonjakin: you and tannewt need to autotool the liblicense code02:13
paulproteusrejon, and *you* need to look at
rejonpaulproteus: cool they made it public02:18
paulproteusWait, you already knew about this July 9 date?02:19
rejontis my job homie02:21
paulproteusI don't get it.02:22
paulproteusWhat does the OpenMoko actually have to do with CC?02:22
paulproteusI mean, I love it and all, don't get me wrong. CC's not bad, either.02:22
rejonI'm a dev. on openmoko, but working with them to release content on the device with cc license02:22
rejonthey have licensed the interface and nonsoftware components from openmoko under cc by-sa02:23
rejonand, did you see the licensor mockups?02:23
paulproteusI didn't see 'em.02:23
paulproteusThe wording and the defaults are going to be extremely important if we actually do this.02:25
rejonplease make suggestions on the cc-devel list02:37
rejonlow bandwidth tonite02:37
rejon(in the brain)02:37
paulproteuslow bandwidth in the membrane!02:38
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jakinrejon, yeah, i was complaining to tannewt about the build system earlier03:06
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jakinrejon, i can tackle that tomorrow (or maybe tonight)03:07
paulproteusOoh, terrible build systems?03:07
paulproteusI better do a checkout and try it before you replace it.03:08
paulproteusThose are always fun.03:08
jakini'd hardly call it a build system03:08
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tannewthi tvol17:23
tvolhey tannewt17:25
tannewttvol, hows the conference?17:25
tvoltannewt, just got here17:25
tannewttvol, fun17:28
tvolwe'll see hope things are going well in sf tannewt17:28
tannewtyeah, same old same old17:28
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rejon(11:27:28) rejon: who is on twitter?18:38
rejon(11:27:36) rejon: hook it up18:38
rejon(11:27:43) rejon:
rejon(11:27:46) rejon: lets be friends18:38
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cameronparkinsrejon, best practices = common standards for tagging?18:39
rejonok, so it seems no presentation will i give here18:42
rejonSo, what are the best practices for cc on video pages18:43
jakinrejon, you come up with some thing to keep me busy?18:45
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rejonhave you finished the embedders?18:47
rejonyou finished the autotooling I see18:47
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jakini committed something, now i'm waiting for someone else to try it out18:47
jakinit seems to work18:47
jakini wrote a module for writing sidecar xmp and for embedding licenses in the formats exempi supports18:48
jakini need to get vorbis and mp3 embedders...18:48
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rejonok, finish the embedders18:50
rejonthe next step is to get this embedding into nautilus first18:51
rejontannewt: are there other tasks that jakin can assist you with?18:51
tannewtrejon, yeah, sure18:51
rejonjakin: also, you and tannewt, please blog about status and also email the cc-devel list to get more people to see what you are doing...ask open ended questions so that developers know how to help18:52
rejonthat is great way to get others involved18:52
tannewtrejon, will do by the end of the week18:53
rejonyah, sooner the better18:53
rejonneed to get more eyes onto your guys' code18:53
rejonneed to get testing...18:54
rejonpaulproteus: could you test out tannewt and jakin's code18:54
tannewtrejon, right, but I'd like to have it at a point I'm comfortable with people scouring it18:54
rejonyes, that is important18:54
cameronparkinsrejon, what does de stand for18:57
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rejonan example of jurisdiction19:01
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cameronparkinsthats what i thought, was a bit confused though19:02
cameronparkinslike fr, for france19:02
rejonyah, should've explained19:02
cameronparkinsno no problem19:02
rejonshould use the jurisdiction/lang code we use on the can email and clarify19:02
cameronparkinsi'll just ask to make sure if i don't understand something19:02
kfogelThis is embarrassing, my apologies.  A few days ago, I was in here asking if anyone knew good Bay Area venues for Rick Falkvinge (founder of Sweden's Pirate Party) to talk at in early August, details at
kfogelSome people answered, and I forgot to save the window text, and lost some of the answers.19:03
kfogelD'oh.  So am asking again, but this time I'll save the window.19:03
rejonoh, look in the topic, there are logs19:03
kfogelrejon: !19:04
kfogelrejon: no logs mentioned there, but I'll check creativecommons.org19:04
*** rejon changes topic to "Creative Commons and Creative Commons Developer Community (CCDC) :: :: Patch First, Discuss Later :: Submit 1 good patch and then ask for full SVN commit access :: help us develop ccHost ( and code doc: and other cctools! :: logs ->"19:05
*** rejon changes topic to "Creative Commons and Creative Commons Developer Community (CCDC) :: :: Patch First, Discuss Later :: Submit 1 good patch and then ask for full SVN commit access :: help us develop ccHost ( and code doc: and other cctools! :: chat logs ->"19:05
kfogelrejon: heh19:05
jakinrejon, you have any links to nautilus' metadata handling?19:09
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jakinrejon, nautilus api doesn't seem to allow for reading/writing metadata from outside the gui20:32
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tannewtrejon, ???21:14
paulproteusBless you!21:15
bovinitythat can't be good21:15
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cchelpbotNew news from Liblicense <>21:45
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paulproteusI worry about the screaming.21:54
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jakinrejon, ping22:16
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