Saturday, 2007-06-30

johncoswellhi all00:03
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jakinsomebody forgot to 'svn add'.  tsk tsk01:17
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Jedi_01:40 -!- Topic for #cc: Creative Commons and Creative Commons Developer Community (CCDC) :: :: Patch First, Discuss Later :: Submit 1 good patch and then ask for full SVN commit access :: help us develop ccHost ( and code doc:17:39
Jedi_ and other cctools! :: chat logs ->17:39
Jedi_(quite long)17:39
andrew_where can i get basic help with cc in kubuntu17:39
Jedi_what do you actually want to do?17:40
andrew_make it change a file.S into assembly hex code17:41
Jedi_and CC?17:41
andrew_this may be the wrong forum17:41
Jedi_this is not for C progarmming language17:42
andrew_thanks, bye17:42
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* paulproteus chuckles18:01
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