Wednesday, 2007-06-27

rejoncameronparkins: also, plz join that xiph advocacy list00:01
cameronparkinsim on it00:01
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rejonrrr: heya, can you come into athena00:11
rrrrejon: sure be there in a sec00:12
cchelpbotNew news from Special:Log/move <> || Special:Log/delete <>00:15
cameronparkinsrejon, there is no money for flying people in for ccsalons correct - i just got an email from anthony from hype machine00:24
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cchelpbotNew news from Marking <>00:37
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rejonjakin: are you bored?00:50
rejonI'm going to give you more structure00:50
jakinrejon, yeah00:52
rejonping me later00:52
rejonyou shouldn't let the jamie/tracker hold-up stop you00:52
rejonjust keep plowing00:52
jakini don't know what i should go to next00:53
rejonok, sounds like a good time for me to jump in :)00:53
rejonok, I gtg, but will review tonite00:53
jakinalright, sounds good00:53
rejonask and ye shall receive00:54
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jakini've been poking around in scott's code.  i like to bug him00:54
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shomonhi - creative commons problem. Can I ask here, or is there a better place?08:48
shomonoh well, I'll ask in case someone knows: I have to put in a bid to some media types, including bbc and c4 in the UK. how do I mention CC in a way that doesn't scare them? Is there a more generic term like "open licensing?"08:49
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cchelpbotNew news from User:Angel992 <>11:33
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paulproteusshomon, You might find the cc-community list to be more helpful if you don't get a good answer out here.14:30
shomonah thanks paulproteus !14:30
paulproteus is the info page.14:30
shomonI will go there right away14:30
paulproteusThe archives might be some use, also.14:30
shomonI wish mailman archives were more easily searcheable... :) but thanks though!14:31
paulproteusshomon, You can search with Google, but that's about it for now.14:37
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cameronparkinsrejon, a package for "Jan Phillips" just arrived from Toronto - i put it on your desk17:24
cchelpbotNew news from Content curators <>17:29
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rejonsweet! that is pdwiki agreement signed!17:43
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cchelpbotNew news from CC Canada Podcasting Legal Guide <>18:09
cameronparkinswhat is the pdwiki?18:09
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paulproteuscameronparkins, I have no idea what pdwiki is.18:42
paulproteusHey bovinity, did you happen to look at that theme of ours?18:44
paulproteusI mean, the WordPress theme at
bovinityno, haven't had a chance yet.18:44
paulproteusCool, no worries.18:45
cchelpbotNew news from Flickr <>18:49
cchelpbotNew news from TestSMW <>19:09
rejoncameronparkins can you get rrr to get into IRC plz19:12
cchelpbotNew news from Template:Tablerow <> || Template:ContentCurator <>19:39
cchelpbotNew news from Template:Tablelongrow <>19:49
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cameronparkinsrejon, did you still want to work on the OLPC announcement today?20:06
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rejo1arg! recentchanges is broken on cc wiki20:54
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cchelpbotNew news from Liblicense <>21:09
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_rrr - Proxy Error21:26
_rrrThe proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.21:26
_rrrThe proxy server could not handle the request GET /license/by/3.0.21:26
_rrrReason: Error reading from remote server21:26
rejonits transient error21:27
bovinitytransient error. it continues to be worked on.21:27
_rrrbovinity: where can i find the color palette?21:42
bovinityit'll b e on the wiki soon21:42
bovinitydo you want an inkscape palette file?21:42
rejonping us with...I'll commit it to inkscape21:43
cchelpbotNew news from CC Salon SF on WED, July 11 from 7-9 PM: Jumpcut, OWL Music Search, and Powerpoint Karaoke! <>21:43
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paulproteusPowerpoint Karaoke!21:50
* paulproteus gives rejon a high five21:50
cchelpbotNew news from LiveContent <>22:10
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bovinityhmm, apparently the new is going wtih plone... interesting...22:21
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cameronparkins_rejon, did you wanna work on OLPC PR22:35
rejoncameronparkins_: i'm stuck working on pdwiki right now22:36
rejonlets touch base in a bit22:36
cameronparkins_rejon, sounds good - ill work on other stuff, just lemme know22:36
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cchelpbotNew news from Media <>23:14
tvolcameronparkins_ you working on wiki/Media?23:33
cameronparkins_i was for a bit23:33
cameronparkins_should i not?23:33
tvolno it's cool--we should consolidate some stuff prob though - check out
tvoltemplates are in the works23:35
cameronparkins_well the media page is going to be geared to consoldiating all of our related media23:36
cameronparkins_basically propaghanda page23:37
tvolyeah totally23:37
rejoncameronparkins: you have admin access now23:42

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