Thursday, 2007-06-21

luisvbut fun/interesting stuff00:00
luisvso can't complain too much00:00
luisvhow are things in the CC corner of the world?00:00
rejonI'm recouping from iSummit ( and prepping for guadec, etc00:01
rejonare you going this year?00:01
luisvno, sadly not00:01
luisvtrying to focus on being a lawyer instead of an open source celeb ;)00:01
rejontimothy and I are working with Jack Aboutboul and Greg from redhat on livecd00:01
luisvgreg mentioned that00:02
rejonyah, understand that00:02
luisvsounds awesome00:02
luisvlook forward to playing with it00:02
rejonits requiring some fun work to get to it:
luisvthat page has been around for a while00:03
luisvwould be awesome to see some of it move forward00:03
rejonlook at the mockups on there00:03
rejon(look closer)00:03
luisvoh, whoa00:03
rejoncode coming soon00:03
luisvvery sexy00:04
luisvhope openmoko actually materializes00:04
rejonit will00:04
rejonyah, I'm working with them behind the scenes00:06
luisvoh, cool00:06
rejoni will meet with in taiwan after wikimania00:06
luisvwhere is wikimania this year?00:06
luisvhuh, interesting00:08
luisvI wish I'd been able to make last year's00:08
luisv(it was the week after I moved out of boston)00:08
paulproteusrejon, Yeah, connectivity was sort of rare in Dubrovnik.00:08
rejonyah, i was there a few days before at siggraph....i couldn't take another second of discussion00:08
rejonor conferencing00:08
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rejonok, going idle00:10
paulproteusrejon, ttyl!00:10
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timothyhey cameronparkins00:11
cameronparkinshey tim00:11
cameronparkinswhats happening00:11
rejonhey sickboy00:11
paulproteusOh, hey!00:11
paulproteusAre you guys interns!?00:11
* paulproteus grins00:11
timothypaulproteus this is true00:11
paulproteusI'll be seeing you soon.00:11
timothythat's what scott says00:12
paulproteusWhich reminds me, I had better find myself a place to live lickety-split.00:12
paulproteusI hope he says good things about me!00:12
timothypaulproteus: where are you now?00:12
paulproteusRochester, NY00:12
paulproteusUntil Jul 4; then Vancouver until Jul 8; then SF.00:12
cameronparkinspardon my ignorance, but who is paulproteus?00:13
paulproteusAsheesh Laroia <>00:14
luisv<- intern, but not at CC00:15
paulproteusI'll soon be a Full-Time Software Engineer.00:16
paulproteusIt's so true that I already have business cards!00:16
tannewtooh, big wig00:16
cameronparkinssuch a hot shot00:16
cameronparkinsin all seriousness, thats real cool man00:17
cameronparkinsim excited to meet you00:17
cameronparkinshopefully ill have cured myself by then00:17
rejonlike some ham!00:17
rejonyah, its the truth...good interns leads to getting hired possibly :)00:17
rejonI'm not shy about that...00:18
paulproteusThere was very some delicious proscuitto (sp?) in Croatia.00:18
* luisv crosses fingers on that00:18
luisvrejon: someone asked me yesterday, and I had no clue- have you guys found a replacement for Mia yet?00:19
rejonwhy don't you apply?00:19
luisvrejon: would make for a hell of a cover letter00:19
rejoni'll get that app fast tracked00:19
luisvrejon: 'would love to work for you; please hold the job open for two years while I finish my degree'00:19
rejongoogle has gobbled up all the good lawyers/engineers00:20
rejonesp. in the bay00:20
paulproteusThat's very nice of you to say, rejon!00:20
luisvbut if you can hire someone and chase them away by fall 2009, I'll definitely apply next time around ;)00:20
rejon(that are out of school)00:20
rejonwell, the trend so far is on a 2-3 year cycle for cc employees...sooooo00:20
cameronparkinsgoogle is all about eating00:20
rejonluisv: would be good to have you intern here next summer...but I'm sure not near the $$$ as major company for legal interns00:21
rejonyou get paid tonsssss as legal interns at those companies00:21
rejonok, really, idling now00:21
rejonfinger cramps00:21
luisvmore so at the law firms00:21
luisvanyway, ttyl00:21
rejontimothy: can you stub out the 2nd paper too00:22
rejonthe conceptual livecontent...just stub content yet...but good to have to shuffle info back and forth00:22
rejonis rebecca in here?00:22
timothyrejon: yes00:23
rejonwhat is her handle?00:23
rejonrkelly double up is supreme cameronparkins btw00:23
timothyoh sorry yes to you about the paper...don't know hers00:23
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rejontannewt: can you ping her to get on in the first life00:24
cameronparkinsoh yeah man, it rules00:24
rejonI played some on an illegal radio broadcast at isummit in your honor00:24
cameronparkinsoh wow, that really touches my heart00:25
cameronparkinsi bet crotians dig kells00:25
rejonyah, plus lil wayne00:25
tannewtrejon, shes on aim00:27
rejoncameronparkins: could you login as the creativecommons account on and find other events we should go to and hit street team style00:27
rejonyah, tell her to get on here00:27
rejonwe should go check out some real events and get rowdy-rowdy00:27
timothywe could also string some tin cans together with some yarn and communicate that way00:28
cameronparkinsrejon, you want me to just click attending or try and post somethign about salons as well?00:28
timothyor just yell00:28
cameronparkinstimothy, i dig that aproach00:28
cameronparkinstree house style00:28
rejoneTreehouse style00:29
rejoncameronparkins: right...thinking would be good for us to hit up a few events while you guys are here00:29
rejonnormally I'm pretty burnt out on that, but with you all here, think we should check out sfbeta and some other nerd events00:30
cameronparkinsok cool00:30
cameronparkinsim having trouble accessing teamspace - am i the only one00:31
timothyyeah it's out right now00:35
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tannewthi rrrojer00:37
timothyhello rrrojer00:40
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paulproteusHello from far away.00:41
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bovinityrrrojer, heya!00:42
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rejoni think your im should be rrr rrojer00:43
rejonthat would be cool00:43
jakinhey rrrojer (everyone else is saying hi....)00:43
rejonthe pirate chant00:43
rejonI'm "kommoner with a k"00:43
paulproteusthe pirate client00:43
rejonyah, we gotta get #cc to rock out more now00:43
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*** rejon changes topic to "Creative Commons and Creative Commons Developer Community (CCDC) :: :: Patch First, Discuss Later :: Submit 1 good patch and then ask for full SVN commit access :: help us develop ccHost ( and code doc: and other cctools!"00:44
bovinityin soviet russia icommons nodes you?00:44
bovinitythis is the future alright, interacting with interns via irc.00:45
rejoninteracting with everyone via rc00:45
cameronparkinsi like ikommons a lot00:45
paulproteusIn Real Client00:45
cameronparkinsim going idle for a sec00:45
jakinrejon: are the other gsoc'ers making progress?00:46
rejongood question00:46
rejonno idea00:46
rejonyou are though!00:46
* tannewt laughs00:46
jakini was thinking they've been pretty quiet00:46
rejonjakin and tannewt should meet and discuss how your projects overlap00:46
jakinor maybe i'm loud00:46
paulproteusjakin, Which project are you working on?00:46
paulproteusI guess I should just go read the techblog?00:47
paulproteusErm, eek - ?00:47
jakinyeah, it's all there.  Indexing license metadata in Tracker00:47's mysql is currently screwed00:47
tannewtrejon, we don't need to talk, we have former roommate esp00:47
paulproteusbovinity, Is there a plan to have it be unscrewed too?00:48
bovinitypaulproteus, the nathans are working on it00:48
* paulproteus pictures the Nathans with screwdrivers poking around in a dark room and relaxes00:48
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raionowhat's developer.creative commons?02:43
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ttoineis there someone here ?14:18
luisvlots of west coast people may be just getting up14:19
kristallpirat16:23 here :P14:21
ttoinei am looking for the french version of the CC  logo "some right reserved", but in svg14:23
ttoinebecause i will release and press an audio cd under CC by/nc/sa, and i would like to have the logo on the cd14:23
ttoinebut i cannot use the png logo, i should use the svg versio14:24
ttoinedo you know where i can find it ?14:24
luisvI do not, I'm sorry14:24
kristallpiratmake one yourself?14:24
luisv<- not a cc person, just a friend14:24
ttoinekristallpirat: think that i can14:24
ttoinecan you tell me the name of the police to use ?14:25
ttoineof the font to use, sorry14:26
kristallpiratdoes that really matter, choose your own14:28
ttoinethe result should be like this one, actually14:29
ttoinebut ok if you think i can choose one14:29
kristallpiratttoine or convert the png14:32
ttoinekristallpirat: i use inkscape, so i can, yes14:33
ttoinewill see14:34
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paulproteusttoine, You should look for bovinity to come online, or email him at alex@creativecommons.14:56
paulproteusIf your issue isn't solved already, that is.14:56
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ttoinepaulproteus: thank you very much15:11
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kfogelRick Falkvinge (founder of Sweden's Pirate Party) is coming to the Bay Area in late July / early August to give talks.  Anyone here know of good venues?  See for details.20:17
aphidmaybe Other Cinema?20:17
kfogelaphid: (was that reply to me?)20:17
aphidit was, but it looks like they're done for the summer20:18
kfogelah, too bad, thanks anyway though.20:19
kfogelI thought maybe a CC salon in SF, but they are apparently not on the Wednesday he is here (August 1)20:19
kfogelWe've already got him booked at Google, OSCON, probably Stanford.  But the  Bay Area is, shall we say, a target-rich environment for this sort of thing... :-)20:19
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paulproteuskfogel, Bay Area Linux Users Group maybe?21:09
paulproteusHowdy tvol, btw.21:09
paulproteusIt would be a small venue compared to Google and OSCON for sure.21:09
poningrujust make sure he doesnt get arrested21:10
kfogelpaulproteus: how big are Bay Area LUG meetings?  I spoke at one once, years ago, it was actually a pretty big crowd IIRC.21:11
kfogelponingru: :-)21:12
paulproteuskfogel, Sure, just not as big as google!21:12
kfogelpaulproteus: Well, Google doesn't have a size, it depends who shows up for the talk.  When Linus Torvalds talks, they use the main auditorium, for example.  Other speakers... not so much.21:12
kfogelIt just depends.21:12
kfogelI think he'll pull a medium-sized crowd at Google, somewhere between 100-200 ?21:13
kfogelIt's during the workday.21:13
paulproteusBALUG meetings I went to in the past were 30-45 people I think.21:14
paulproteusThat was last summer; I think I went to a total of two.21:14
kfogelhmm, okay, thanks21:14
kfogelif 30-45, it's probably not worth it, unfortunately21:15
paulproteusI'm pretty sure that it would be bigger than that for a rock star like him, though.21:15
kfogelDo you know anyone there?  It's worth an inquiry...21:15
paulproteusYeah, Michael Paoli is probably the person to talk to.21:15
paulproteusHe's easily Google-able.21:15
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paulproteusBut you should go to the BALUG web site and see what their procedures are.21:15
paulproteusDon't do anything too out of the ordinary or else you'll get labeled as a spammer. (-;21:16
paulproteusFeel free to mention that I sent you.21:17
paulproteusHe's seen me at a fair number of Linuxy events, so hopefully that'll be worth some cred. (-;21:17
paulproteusOf course, founder of the Swedish Pirate Party is worth more probably!21:18
cameronparkinskfogel what are the dates he will be in the bay exactly?21:30
kfogelcameronparkins: Mon July 30 - Fri Aug 321:37
kfogelcameronparkins: see for details21:37
kfogelcameronparkins: actually, I guess the right "master link" to pass around about this is probably here:21:37
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cameronparkinskfogel, very cool thanks21:43
cameronparkinsits too bad he isn't around for much longer21:43
kfogelcameronparkins: yeah.  I'm sure we'll get him back for another visit sometime, but he could only do a week this time.21:45
kfogelHe does, after all, have to win votes in Sweden, not San Francisco :-).21:45
luisvI'd be very curious to talk to him.21:46
luisvthe whole idea of this being a serious political party is still something I have a hard time wrapping my head around.21:47
kfogelluisv: for some reason, Sweden has not been as subject to regulatory capture as the U.S.A. (if that's where you are)21:48
luisvI am in the US21:48
kfogelI think such a party would have a much harder time in the US (though in fact there is one, I don't know how they're doing).21:48
luisvbut my surprise has more to do with the (apparently) single-issue nature of the party, rather than the capture part of the problem21:49
luisvI guess I expect successful single-issue parties to work on higher-profile issues that at least appear to have broader ramifications- like the greens, or the neo-nazis21:50
luisvthe pirate party, from what little I've seen, seems much more focused- I would expect it to be a lobbying group or think tank, not a party, even in a multi-party state21:50
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rejonwhere's rrrojer22:03
paulproteus[17:15] * rrrojer has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))22:07
paulproteusrejon, ^^ - that's EDT22:07
aphidrejon: ping22:12
rejonaphid: what'up22:16
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aphidnot a lot, got your fw - we're gonna meet with jay next week22:18
aphidany idea if c-span has articulated their "cc-like" license since that press release? i haven't seen anything22:18
rejongone into a black hole22:18
rejonthat whole thing...22:19
rejonits between lessig and them right now22:19
kfogelrejon: look, we're in IRC at the same time.  It's a miracle :-).22:19
rejonkfogel: that is totally cool about the pirate party guy22:19
rejonI was just talking about him22:20
kfogelYeah.  He's thought a lot about this stuff, too, it's not just some reflexive "kids should be able to download" kind of thing22:20
rejonyes, agree22:21
rejonthat site they just launched shows that22:21
rejontannewt: you should post up your chart and let everyone here see what you are working on22:33
rejonjakin: so you are down the liblicense?22:34
luisv(site they just launched?)22:35
rejonluisv: ?22:38
luisv<rejon> yes, agree22:39
luisv that site they just launched shows that22:39
luisvwas curious what site22:39
rejonwhat url?22:39
bovinityluisv, bayimg.com22:39
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luisvI, uh22:41
luisv"We believe in freedom of speech... As long as your pictures are legal they will be hosted here..."22:41
luisvthere is a fair amount of dissonance in those statements (at least in practice)22:42
rejonman, I hate how mediawiki capitalizes the first letter of urls22:45
rejonyah, tannewt, would be great if you could add up some other info on that page about the pieces, what they do, hooks for others, etc...22:45
jakinrejon, yeah.  sounds cool22:45
rejonjakin: you see where your work comes in?22:46
rejonwould be great if you could download the chart and add on how your work connects up22:46
tannewthere is a clue... its pink22:46
rejonand/or make a similar block diagram explaining your work22:46
tannewthes seen the diagram22:46
jakinyeah, i got that22:46
rejonyah, this helps others get involved22:46
rejonits not just the code, but need to fill out the wiki pages on to get others on-board22:47
rejongood to email the cc-devel list about as well and ask the oracle (so to speak) if others have thoughts, to help us flush out things we missed22:47
tannewtrejon, I got no response to my first email or techblog post, but I'll try again22:48
cchelpbotNew news from Liblicense <> || Liblicense <>22:50
rejonyah, people need more concrete things/pictures and questions that they can answer22:50
rejonquestions = hooks22:51
tannewtI'm not sure how to do the module stuff in C22:52
jakindlopen() is the core of loading shared libraries22:54
* tannewt mans it22:54
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tannewthow is a file handle used?22:56
paulproteustannewt, They're what open() returns.22:57
jakin has an example22:57
paulproteusGenerally you prefer to use FILE* (file pointers) and fopen() instead.22:57
jakina module should have certain functions, and you can get a pointer to them with dlsym()22:58
tannewtpaulproteus, but we're dynamically loading libraries22:58
tannewtjakin, ok22:58
tannewtbut thats not limited to functions it could be variables too right?22:59
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tannewtrejon, what did you want me to add?23:05
tannewtor create?23:05
rejonShould be a portal page for anyone who wants to help with that project23:05
jakin'nm -D library-name' gives you all the symbols available in a library... might be handy later23:06
tannewtrejon, what do you want on it? I'm writing out the module requirements as I see it right now.23:07
rejonjust put relevant plans on their23:08
rejonbreak it down into chunks23:08
rejonbrain dump23:09
tannewtyeah I'm working on it23:09
tannewtnow checkout the wiki page23:11
rejontannewt: can you tell rebecca to get on irc23:11
tannewtrejon, done23:12
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rejonrrr tvol cameronparkins: please look over your teamspace page and add from memory what we added yesterday23:17
rejonall yesterday's data was lost...23:17
cameronparkinsrejon: i don't think we added anything for mine, unless you did23:18
rejonoh, yah, I did...but you might look at and see if anything we talked about from memory should be updated23:18
tannewtrejon, when do you  want to meet with tim and I?23:19
rejonah man23:20
rejontotal has been brain disabling23:20
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rejonyah, interns...please stay in here all the time23:20
rejonmakes things much easier23:20
rejonplus, add weight into this room23:20
rejonbtw, kfogel has hooked up the head of the pirate party to visit cc soon!23:21
cameronparkinsvery cool23:22
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rejonok, tvol and tannewt: lets meet at 4:30 pm23:22
rejonmassive disclaimer on my brain being fried23:22
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rejontvol: you get that?23:24
tvolrejon: affirmativo23:25
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paulproteusThat dastardly peer.23:29
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rejoncool jakin23:32
rejonits fun defining the future!23:32
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luisvoh, blah, openoffice23:51
luisvthe worldlabel hookup looks cool, though23:51
luisv(not hugely anti-openoffice, just that on a liveCD it takes up a ton of space)23:52
rejonyah, we'll see how much we get on there23:53

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