Friday, 2007-06-22

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themayorim here but going to sleep04:29
themayorthis is jack btw04:29
themayorsee you guys tomorrow04:29
themayorits 12:30am here04:29
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rejonthemayor: cool! when you see tvol and tannewt online (timothy vollmer) intro yourself...cheers!04:45
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Bovinityneat, cyrille is working on xmp support in krita16:22
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paulproteusWhoa, a capital Bovinity.16:44
rejontvol, themayor is jack from redhat16:45
tvolrejon thanks16:52
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tvolthemayor: do you know what the minimum size is for the most basic fedora package--we've been playing around with keeping things very tight for the cclivecd17:00
rejonwhere's tannewt?17:01
rejonis he in office?17:01
paulproteusPsst, tvol, why not Ubuntu? (-;17:01
luisvbecause their equivalent tools for creating liveCDs are closed-source?17:02
luisvbut hey, you can do it by (messy) hand17:02
luisv<- been there, done that17:02
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rejonpaulproteus: redhat is helping with...plain and simple17:03
rejonthey are being excellent friends of cc17:03
rejontannewt: themayor is jack from redhat17:03
tannewtooh, okay17:03
paulproteusluisv, Uh, at, we customized the Ubuntu Live CD and I don't think we had to use any closed source junk.17:03
paulproteusHaving said that, rejon, help is a great reason to pick one over the other. (-:17:03
luisvpaulproteus: like I said, you can do it by hand with open tools17:04
tannewtthemayor, we're having trouble with reducing the package payload size through revisor17:04
luisvgiven that most of the documentation on that process was written by yours truly, the documentation isn't very good ;)17:04
paulproteusHah, duly noted luisv!17:04
luisvtannewt: when you say package size, you mean the core iso? or individual rpms?17:05
rejonluisv: the redhat wiki and path to gain access to the system is weak17:05
rejonnot the whole wiki17:05
luisvrejon: you mean signing the CLA and such?17:05
luisv(SCA? whatever)17:05
tannewtluisv, its the number in megabytes given before building the iso17:05
rejontrying to get access, etc17:05
luisvrejon: yeah, simplifying that is one of my pet projects for the summer17:05
luisvrejon: I just have to talk my boss into actually assigning that to me ;)17:06
rejonor, just do it ;)17:07
rejontwis a wiki17:07
luisvoh, I mean the legal-procedural bits17:09
luisvI mean, I *could* just rewrite them17:09
luisvbut I'm guessing they'd get reverted ;)17:09
rejonthemayor: you alive? ;)17:10
luisvhe is in NYC17:13
luisvon a friday17:13
luisvhe's probably already drunk by now ;)17:13
rejonhe is an open source gangsta17:14
luisvhis open source honeys are probably there at the office17:24
luisvand he's sipping from the open source gin and juice17:24
luisvnone of this IRC stuff for our boy jack17:24
luisvhe has People for that17:24
rejonwhat ubuntu are you running?17:37
rejonclick through to that link17:40
rejonand follow the steps17:40
rejonI think is the defacto steps17:41
rejontvol: can you finish filling out the roadmap on
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rejonwhere's rrr18:09
tvolwe need an intercom....or some passenger pigeons18:14
rejonyah, or memory18:15
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rejonjakin: what is your phone number18:19
rejonI want to schedule a weekly call with you and scott18:19
rejontannewt I mean18:19
rejonpost todays meeting18:20
tannewtrejon, I'm working on a timeline18:20
tannewtfor myself18:20
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jakinrejon, 360-354-0770.  it's my parent's landline (where I'll be all summer)18:20
rejonjakin: I think if you get done with tracker stuff, then should aim canons at beagle + cc integration and then spotlight + cc integration and then microsoft search + cc integration18:24
tannewtlots to do18:24
rejonjakin: when is gsoc over?18:25
jakinsome time middle of august18:25
jakinlots of time18:25
rejonyes, need to get more out of your brain :)18:25
rejonplus, you will be a saint in open source18:26
rejonI love that your code is requiring patches all over the place18:26
rejonmake sure to add Creative Commons and Google copyright to your patches\18:26
tannewtrejon, he already is a saint thanks to krecipes18:26
jakintannewt, oh yeah, definitely18:26
rejonyah, forgot about that18:26
rejontannewt: you should be adding yours and creative commons to your code18:26
rejonjakin: i think add your copyright too18:27
tannewtjakin, hey, you keep open sources developers from starving18:27
tannewtrejon, okay18:27
rejonjakin: can you look up the definite gsoc enddate please18:27
jakintannewt, hehe.  there's always the microwave as a backup18:27
jakinrejon, august 2018:28
tannewtjakin, I know, I've been experiencing that phenomena18:28
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rejonyah, the apple and microsoft search is ugly18:31
rejonproblematic, so, need to work on the open source majors first18:31
tannewtrejon, I was hoping jakin could help write file license embedders18:32
* jakin realizes he should stop hacking and eat breakfast18:32
tannewtrejon, I updated the liblicense wiki page18:32
rejonyes, that is the next best priority18:32
rejonjakin: finish SoC task, write file license embedders, then focus on reusing this code for beagle and xesam on fd.o, then if time, focus on spotlight and microsoft and google search18:33
rejonjakin: what is your usernmae on ?18:34
rejonnm. found18:35
jakinrejon, alright will do.  atm, it's hard to guage my process in tracker until i talk with jamie18:38
rejonhe didn't respond to call info, soooooo....18:39
tannewtrejon, what about not responding?18:39
rejonok, need to break down tasks for rest of summer...I put this up, similar to what have for interns in the office18:39
rejontannewt: to the call in info for our afternoon meeting18:40
tannewtrejon, ah18:41
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rejonrrr: that is the best irc name of all time19:51
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rejonpirate party19:54
rejonfyi my event for any in SF:
rejon$5! films plus blevin blectum and more talking!19:57
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tannewtrejon, is there a google calendar for overlap?20:05
Bovinityarr, it be interns.20:08
rrrrejon: do you need an id?20:10
rejontannewt: only upcoming.org20:11
rejonrrr: come early20:11
cchelpbotNew news from Main Page <>20:34
rejontvol: maybe best to copy the main page to another page for forming it20:35
rejonthen copy and paste when done20:35
paulproteusrrr, Do you mean id like web login or id like drivers license?20:36
rrrpaulproteu: id like drivers license20:48
Bovinityyou also need a handle to get in20:48
Bovinityirc, or door. whichever takes your fancy.20:48
rrrrejon: did we ever figure out the icon thing for the mockups?20:49
rejonask bovinity:20:50
rrris bovinity alex?20:50
* paulproteus nods20:50
rrrooh hey!20:50
Bovinityi'll send you the svg i came up with20:50
paulproteusThough right he's bovine spongiform encephalopathy (i.e., mad cow disease).20:51
Bovinityquite mad.20:51
paulproteusrejon, Hmm?20:53
rejonyou are quite mad, nm, bad joke20:53
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jakinrejon, should I be calling in?21:01
rejoni'm calling you21:02
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paulproteusAfternoon nathany.21:19
nathanyhey paulproteus21:20
* poningru steals the olpc and openmoko from cc21:25
paulproteusWhoa, I'm being surrounded.21:26
paulproteuslol, RDF + Dublin Core in Vorbis Comments!21:27
paulproteusThat'd be SOLID.21:27
tvolhey does anyone know how many high-level domains cc media.creativecommons.......21:38
nathanytvol: i don't know, but i can look it up later21:42
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tannewtnathany, what is the CCPL?21:55
nathanyjust a blanket name for all of our licensees21:56
nathanylicenses, that is21:56
tannewtoh ok, are the licenses(CCPL) licensed under any defined license?21:58
* paulproteus drowns in a sea of meta21:58
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poningruI always wondered that21:59
poningruand have been too afaid to ask21:59
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nathanytannewt: wtf?21:59
tannewtnathany, lol21:59
paulproteuslol, poningru!22:00
tannewtnathany, you should know everything upon fixation is copyright22:00
tannewtnathany, they should be recursively licensed22:00
poningrupaulproteus: seriously though what license is the license gpl released under?22:00
tannewtponingru, I'd hate to get sued for modifying it and giving it away22:02
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paulproteusponingru, iirc GPL says what license it's under: verbatim distribution only is allowed.22:09
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tannewtpaulproteus, huh22:10
poningruhuh did not know that22:10
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paulproteustannewt, poningru: from "Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed."22:26
poningruso full copyright22:27
poningruhow isnt it?22:27
paulproteus(C) disallows distribution of verbatim copies.22:27
paulproteusIt approximates CC by-nd. (-:22:27
poningruoh true22:28
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tannewtrejon, jakin,
tannewtrejon, its a valid question22:31
tannewtalthough ridiculous22:32
paulproteustannewt, Well, go read the licenses.22:36
poningrurejon: are you trying to imply you are not a nerd?22:36
paulproteusI did that for GPL; what do the CCPLs (as nathany put it) say?22:36
rejonponingru and paulproteus: how can I give you guys some tasks to work on22:37
poningruyes yes22:37
paulproteusrejon, Hey, I'm still on pre-vacation or something.22:38
rejonyah, right22:38
poningrusend one to: 2841 SW 13th st Gainesville FL22:38
paulproteusrejon, Oh, we have
paulproteusIt's just we think it doesn't work in IE and none of us are really capable of fixing this.22:38
paulproteusBovinity, If you feel like looking at beta.fc.o, let me know what you think....22:38
Bovinityone of your peopel asked me to look, but didn't get back to me regarding accounts to WP or server22:38
Bovinityif you wanna give me a WP account, i'll tweak it as far as i can22:39
paulproteusBovinity, Sounds good to me!22:39
rejonjakin: are you in the #tracker channel22:39
Bovinityor tar up the theme adn email it over22:39
jakinrejon, yeah22:39
paulproteusBovinity, Oh, it's actually in svn.22:39
Bovinityoh super, send me the svn server url22:40
paulproteusBovinity, BTW there are no tags or branches really, and there are stale images in there but that shouldn't be a problem.22:42
Bovinityshouldn't be an issue22:42
paulproteusOne thing you should be aware of is that there is PHP that refers to our MySQL server.22:43
paulproteusgrep for and comment out the code that does the call; otherwise it'll hang for 30s before timing out I think.22:43
paulproteusSorry we're so lame. (-;22:43
paulproteusBut after that it should Just Work.22:44
paulproteusI think.22:44
paulproteusLet me know if you get it going or it explodes or something.22:45
paulproteusOr if you abandon the idea of trying it. (-:22:45
Bovinityi'll get back to you on that.22:45
paulproteusSounds good; as always, feel free to flame me as appropriate.22:46
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tannewtrejon, I think one think liblicense will be missing are license icons22:59
rejonyou mean from the rdf license files, or a way to associate license with icons?23:10
tannewtrejon, just an association, so apps have something non-text to display23:11
rejonhmmm...yah, not sure about that one23:11
rejonget creative :)23:11
* tannewt digs up ancient wiki article23:11
* tannewt points rejon to
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rejontannewt: can you pull relevant info from that and then redirect that entire page to liblicense23:18
rejonplease move any content on our wiki that refers to libcclicense to liblicense23:19
rejongood so we don't bring confusion upon the world23:19
rejon :)23:19
rejonjakin and tannewt: good work by the way!23:19
rejonmassive high fives23:19
tannewtI just stumbled upon it earlier today23:19
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rejonyah, mad wikifarming needed23:21
rejontvol: hows the front page of the wiki coming?23:22
tvolrejon: on hold momentarily23:23
tvolwriting up something for carrie from ala23:23
cchelpbotNew news from Libcclicense <>23:23
rejontvol: yah, she seems willing to do work on livecontent if given specific parameters23:24
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paulproteusMmm, wikifarming.23:43
rejonok, pce time!!!!!!!!!!!!!23:44
tannewtrejon, enjoy23:44
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